def testExactMatch3(self): pkt = Null() + IPv4( src='', dst='', protocol=IPProtocol.UDP) + UDP( src=65535, dst=10000) + b'Hello stack' matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(UDP, 'src')], exact=True) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, exact=False, wildcards=(UDP, 'src')) matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, exact=False, wildcards=[(UDP, 'src')]) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt))
def testPredicateMatch6(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() with self.assertRaises(Exception): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, 'not a function', exact=False) with self.assertRaises(Exception): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, predicates='xstr', exact=False) with self.assertRaises(Exception): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, predicates=[123], exact=False) with self.assertRaises(Exception): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, predicates=[''' def x(): '''], exact=False)
def testWildcardMatch0(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(Ethernet, 'src')], exact=True) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt[1].ipid = 100 # ipid is still checked: exact=True self.assertFalse(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt[1].ipid = 0 # change it back pkt[0].src = '01:02:03:04:05:06' self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt[0].dst = '01:02:03:04:05:06' self.assertFalse(matcher.match(pkt)) self.assertIn("dst is wrong", matcher.fail_reason(pkt)) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(str, 'hello')])
def testWildcarding2(self): pkt = create_ip_arp_request('11:22:33:44:55:66', '', '') xcopy = copy.deepcopy(pkt) pkt[1].targethwaddr = '00:ff:00:ff:00:ff' matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(Arp, 'targethwaddr')], exact=False) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(xcopy)) pkt[1].senderhwaddr = '00:ff:00:ff:00:ff' matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(Arp, 'targethwaddr')], exact=False) rv = matcher.match(xcopy) self.assertFalse(rv)
def testPredicateMatch2(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() matcher = PacketMatcher( pkt, predicates=['''lambda pkt: pkt[0].src == '00:00:00:00:00:01' '''], exact=False) rv = matcher.match(pkt) self.assertFalse(rv) self.assertIn("(lambda pkt: pkt[0].src == '00:00:00:00:00:01' )", matcher.fail_reason(pkt))
def testPredicateMatch4(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() matcher = PacketMatcher( pkt, predicates=[ '''lambda pkt: pkt[0].src == '00:00:00:00:00:00' ''', '''lambda pkt: isinstance(pkt[1], IPv4) and pkt[1].ttl == 0''' ], exact=False) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt))
def testWildcarding(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() pkt[1].src = IPAddr("") pkt[1].dst = IPAddr("") pkt[1].ttl = 64 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=['dl_dst', 'nw_dst'], exact=False) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(Ethernet, 'dstaddr')], exact=False) matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, wildcards=[(Ethernet, 'dst'), (IPv4, 'dst')], exact=False) pkt[0].dst = "11:11:11:11:11:11" pkt[1].dst = "" self.assertTrue(matcher.match(copy.deepcopy(pkt)))
def testWildcardOutput2(self): p = Ethernet() + \ IPv4(protocol=IPProtocol.UDP,src="",dst="") + \ UDP(src=9999, dst=4444) xcopy = copy.copy(p) xcopy[2].src = 2345 wm = PacketMatcher(p, wildcards=[(UDP, 'src'), (IPv4, 'dst'), (Ethernet, 'src')]) self.assertTrue(wm.match(xcopy)) x = wm.fail_reason(xcopy) self.assertIn( "Ethernet **:**:**:**:**:**->00:00:00:00:00:00 IP | IPv4>*.*.*.* UDP | UDP *->4444", x) wm = PacketMatcher(p, wildcards=[(UDP, 'src'), (Ethernet, 'src')]) self.assertTrue(wm.match(xcopy)) x = wm.fail_reason(xcopy) self.assertIn( "Ethernet **:**:**:**:**:**->00:00:00:00:00:00 IP | IPv4> UDP | UDP *->4444", x) wm = PacketMatcher(p, wildcards=[(UDP, 'src')]) self.assertTrue(wm.match(xcopy)) x = wm.fail_reason(xcopy) self.assertIn( "Ethernet 00:00:00:00:00:00->00:00:00:00:00:00 IP | IPv4> UDP | UDP *->4444", x) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # subtle: missing comma to make tuple wm = PacketMatcher(p, wildcards=('tp_src')) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # subtle: missing comma to make tuple wm = PacketMatcher(p, wildcards=[('tp_src')])
def testWildcardMatch1(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, exact=False) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt[IPv4].ipid = 4500 pkt[IPv4].tos = 10 self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt[Ethernet].ethertype = EtherType.IPv6 self.assertFalse(matcher.match(pkt)) self.assertIn("ethertype is wrong", matcher.fail_reason(pkt)) pkt = Packet() pkt += Ethernet() self.assertFalse(matcher.match(pkt)) self.assertIn("Missing headers in your packet: IPv4", matcher.fail_reason(pkt))
def testPredicateMatch1(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() matcher = PacketMatcher( pkt, predicates=['''lambda pkt: pkt[0].src == '00:00:00:00:00:00' '''], exact=False) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4(ttl=32) + ICMP() matcher = PacketOutputEvent( 'en1', pkt, exact=False, predicate= '''lambda p: p.has_header(IPv4) and 32 <= p[IPv4].ttl <= 34''') rv = matcher.match(SwitchyardTestEvent.EVENT_OUTPUT, device='en1', packet=pkt) self.assertTrue(rv)
def testMatcherSyntax(self): p = Ethernet() + \ IPv4(protocol=IPProtocol.UDP,src="",dst="") + \ UDP(src=9999, dst=4444) xcopy = copy.copy(p) xcopy[2].src = 2345 wm = PacketMatcher(p, wildcards=[(UDP, 'src'), (IPv4, 'dst'), (Ethernet, 'src')]) self.assertTrue(wm.match(xcopy)) x = wm.fail_reason(xcopy) self.assertIn( "Ethernet **:**:**:**:**:**->00:00:00:00:00:00 IP | IPv4>*.*.*.* UDP | UDP *->4444", x) xcopy[1].dst = "" self.assertTrue(wm.match(xcopy)) xcopy[1].src = "" self.assertFalse(wm.match(xcopy)) xcopy[1].src = "" xcopy[0].src = "00:11:22:33:44:55" self.assertTrue(wm.match(xcopy)) xcopy[0].dst = "00:11:22:33:44:55" self.assertFalse(wm.match(xcopy))
def testExactMatch2(self): pkt = Ethernet() + IPv4() + ICMP() matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, exact=True) pkt[0].ethertype = EtherType.ARP rv = matcher.match(pkt) self.assertFalse(rv)
def testExactMatch1(self): pkt = Ethernet() + Arp() matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt, exact=True) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt))
def testExactMatch0(self): pkt = Ethernet() + Arp() matcher = PacketMatcher(pkt) self.assertTrue(matcher.match(pkt)) pkt[0].src = '00:00:00:00:01:01' self.assertFalse(matcher.match(pkt))