def generate_label_views(kzip_path, ssd_version, gt_type, n_voting=40, nb_views=2, ws=(256, 128), comp_window=8e3, out_path=None, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- kzip_path : str gt_type : str ssd_version : str n_voting : int Number of collected nodes during BFS for majority vote (label smoothing) nb_views : int ws: Tuple[int] comp_window : float initial_run : bool if True, will copy SSV from default SSD to SSD with version=gt_type out_path : str If given, export mesh colored accoring to GT labels verbose : bool Print additional information Returns ------- Tuple[np.array] raw, label and index views """ assert gt_type in ["axgt", "spgt"], "Currently only spine and axon GT is supported" n_labels = 5 if gt_type == "axgt" else 4 palette = generate_palette(n_labels) sso_id = int(re.findall("/(\d+).", kzip_path)[0]) sso = SuperSegmentationObject(sso_id, version=ssd_version) if initial_run: # use default SSD version orig_sso = SuperSegmentationObject(sso_id) orig_sso.copy2dir(dest_dir=sso.ssv_dir, safe=False) if not sso.attr_dict_exists: msg = 'Attribute dict of original SSV was not copied successfully ' \ 'to target SSD.' raise ValueError(msg) sso.load_attr_dict() indices, vertices, normals = sso.mesh # # Load mesh vertices = vertices.reshape((-1, 3)) # load skeleton skel = load_skeleton(kzip_path) if len(skel) == 1: skel = list(skel.values())[0] else: skel = skel["skeleton"] skel_nodes = list(skel.getNodes()) node_coords = np.array( [n.getCoordinate() * sso.scaling for n in skel_nodes]) node_labels = np.array( [str2intconverter(n.getComment(), gt_type) for n in skel_nodes], node_coords = node_coords[(node_labels != -1)] node_labels = node_labels[(node_labels != -1)] # create KD tree from skeleton node coordinates tree = KDTree(node_coords) # transfer labels from skeleton to mesh dist, ind = tree.query(vertices, k=1) vertex_labels = node_labels[ind] # retrieving labels of vertices if n_voting > 0: vertex_labels = bfs_smoothing(vertices, vertex_labels, n_voting=n_voting) color_array = palette[vertex_labels].astype(np.float32) / 255. if out_path is not None: if gt_type == 'spgt': # colors = [[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.05, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1]] else: # dendrite, axon, soma, bouton, terminal, background colors = [[0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 1], [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.05, 0.6, 0.6, 1], [0.6, 0.05, 0.05, 1], [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1]] colors = (np.array(colors) * 255).astype(np.uint8) color_array_mesh = colors[ vertex_labels][:, 0] # TODO: check why only first element, maybe colors introduces an additional axis write_mesh2kzip("{}/sso_{}".format(out_path,, sso.mesh[0], sso.mesh[1], sso.mesh[2], color_array_mesh, ply_fname="gtlabels.ply") # Initializing mesh object with ground truth coloring mo = MeshObject("neuron", indices, vertices, color=color_array) # use downsampled locations for view locations, only if they are close to a # labeled skeleton node locs = generate_rendering_locs(vertices, comp_window / 6) # 6 rendering locations per comp. # window dist, ind = tree.query(locs) locs = locs[dist[:, 0] < 2000] #[::3][:5] # TODO add as parameter # # # To get view locations # dest_folder = os.path.expanduser("~") + \ # "/spiness_skels/{}/view_imgs_{}/".format(sso_id, n_voting) # if not os.path.isdir(dest_folder): # os.makedirs(dest_folder) # loc_text = '' # for i, c in enumerate(locs): # loc_text += str(i) + "\t" + str((c / np.array([10, 10, 20])).astype( +'\n' #rescalling to the voxel grid # with open("{}/viewcoords.txt".format(dest_folder), "w") as f: # f.write(loc_text) # # # DEBUG PART END label_views, rot_mat = _render_mesh_coords(locs, mo, depth_map=False, return_rot_matrices=True, ws=ws, smooth_shade=False, nb_views=nb_views, comp_window=comp_window, verbose=verbose) label_views = remap_rgb_labelviews(label_views[..., :3], palette)[:, None] # TODO: the 3 neglects the alpha channel, i.e. remapping labels bigger than 256**3 becomes # invalid index_views = render_sso_coords_index_views(sso, locs, rot_mat=rot_mat, verbose=verbose, nb_views=nb_views, ws=ws, comp_window=comp_window) raw_views = render_sso_coords(sso, locs, nb_views=nb_views, ws=ws, comp_window=comp_window, verbose=verbose, rot_mat=rot_mat) return raw_views, label_views, index_views
args.append(pkl.load(f)) except EOFError: break scaling = global_params.config['scaling'] # TODO: This coulb be cunked by loading `mesh_bb` and glia prob. prediction cache arrays # (might have to be create via `dataset_analysis`) for cc in args: svixs = list(cc.nodes()) cc_ix = np.min(svixs) sso = SuperSegmentationObject(cc_ix, version="gliaremoval", nb_cpus=1, working_dir=global_params.config.working_dir, create=True, scaling=scaling, sv_ids=svixs) so_cc = nx.Graph() for e in cc.edges(): so_cc.add_edge(sso.get_seg_obj("sv", e[0]), sso.get_seg_obj("sv", e[1])) sso._rag = so_cc sd = sos_dict_fact(svixs) sos = init_sos(sd) sso._objects["sv"] = sos sso.load_attr_dict() sso.gliasplit(verbose=False, recompute=False) with open(path_out_file, "wb") as f: pkl.dump("0", f)