예제 #1
    def test_lie_deriv(self):
        xx = st.symb_vector('x1:4')

        f = sp.Matrix([x1 + x3 * x2, 7 * exp(x1), cos(x2)])
        h1 = x1**2 + sin(x3) * x2
        res1 = st.lie_deriv(h1, f, xx)
        eres1 = 2 * x1**2 + 2 * x1 * x2 * x3 + 7 * exp(x1) * sin(
            x3) + x2 * cos(x2) * cos(x3)
        self.assertEqual(res1.expand(), eres1)

        res2a = st.lie_deriv(h1, f, xx, order=2).expand()
        res2b = st.lie_deriv(h1, f, xx, 2).expand()
        eres2 = st.lie_deriv(eres1, f, xx).expand()

        self.assertEqual(res2a, eres2)
        self.assertEqual(res2b, eres2)

        res2c = st.lie_deriv(h1, f, f, xx).expand()
        res2d = st.lie_deriv(h1, f, f, xx=xx).expand()
        self.assertEqual(res2c, eres2)
        self.assertEqual(res2d, eres2)

        F = f[:-1, :]
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
            # different lengths of vectorfields:
            res1 = st.lie_deriv(h1, F, f, xx)
예제 #2
    def test_lie_deriv_covf(self):
        xx = st.symb_vector('x1:4')

        # we test this by building the observability matrix with two different but equivalent approaches
        f = sp.Matrix([x1 + x3 * x2, 7 * exp(x1), cos(x2)])
        y = x1**2 + sin(x3) * x2
        ydot = st.lie_deriv(y, f, xx)
        yddot = st.lie_deriv(ydot, f, xx)

        cvf1 = st.gradient(y, xx)
        cvf2 = st.gradient(ydot, xx)
        cvf3 = st.gradient(yddot, xx)

        # these are the rows of the observability matrix

        # second approach
        dh0 = cvf1
        dh1 = st.lie_deriv_covf(dh0, f, xx)
        dh2a = st.lie_deriv_covf(dh1, f, xx)
        dh2b = st.lie_deriv_covf(dh0, f, xx, order=2)

        zero = dh0 * 0

        self.assertEqual((dh1 - cvf2).expand(), zero)
        self.assertEqual((dh2a - cvf3).expand(), zero)
        self.assertEqual((dh2b - cvf3).expand(), zero)
예제 #3
    def test_involutivity_test(self):
        x1, x2, x3 = xx = st.symb_vector('x1:4')

        # not involutive
        f1 = sp.Matrix([x2 * x3 + x1**2, 3 * x1, 4 + x2 * x3])
        f2 = sp.Matrix([x3 - 2 * x1 * x3, x2 - 5, 3 + x1 * x2])

        dist1 = st.col_stack(f1, f2)

        # involutive
        f3 = sp.Matrix([-x2, x1, 0])
        f4 = sp.Matrix([0, -x3, x2])

        dist2 = st.col_stack(f3, f4)

        res, fail = st.involutivity_test(dist1, xx)

        self.assertEqual(fail, (0, 1))

        res2, fail2 = st.involutivity_test(dist2, xx)

        self.assertEqual(fail2, [])
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, inverted=True, calc_coll_part_lin=True):

        self.inverted = inverted
        self.calc_coll_part_lin = calc_coll_part_lin
        # -----------------------------------------
        # Pendel-Wagen System mit hängendem Pendel
        # -----------------------------------------

        pp = st.symb_vector(("varphi", ))
        qq = st.symb_vector(("q", ))

        ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)

        params = sp.symbols('m1, m2, l, g, q_r, t, T')

        ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])
        ey = sp.Matrix([0, 1])

        # Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
        S1 = ex * q  # Schwerpunkt Wagen
        G2 = S1  # Pendel-Gelenk

        # Schwerpunkt des Pendels (Pendel zeigt für kleine Winkel nach oben)

        if inverted:
            S2 = G2 + mt.Rz(varphi) * ey * l

            S2 = G2 + mt.Rz(varphi) * -ey * l

        # Zeitableitungen der Schwerpunktskoordinaten
        S1d, S2d = st.col_split(st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2), ttheta))

        # Energie
        E_rot = 0  # (Punktmassenmodell)
        E_trans = (m1 * S1d.T * S1d + m2 * S2d.T * S2d) / 2

        E = E_rot + E_trans[0]

        V = m2 * g * S2[1]

        # Partiell linearisiertes Model
        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(E, V, ttheta, [0, sp.Symbol("u")])

        self.mod = mod
예제 #5
    def test_lie_bracket(self):
        xx = st.symb_vector('x1:4')
        fx = sp.Matrix([[(x2 - 1)**2 + 1 / x3], [x1 + 7], [-x3**2 * (x2 - 1)]])
        v = sp.Matrix([[0], [0], [-x3**2]])

        dist = st.col_stack(v, st.lie_bracket(-fx, v, xx),
                            st.lie_bracket(-fx, v, xx, order=2))

        v0, v1, v2 = st.col_split(dist)

        self.assertEqual(v1, sp.Matrix([1, 0, 0]))
        self.assertEqual(v2, sp.Matrix([0, 1, 0]))

        self.assertEqual(st.lie_bracket(fx, fx, xx), sp.Matrix([0, 0, 0]))
예제 #6
    def test_make_global(self):

        aa = tuple(st.symb_vector('a1:4'))
        xx = st.symb_vector('x1:4')
        yy = st.symb_vector('y1:4')
        zz = st.symb_vector('z1:11').reshape(2, 5)

        # tollerate if there are numbers in the sequences:
        zz[0] = 0
        zz[1] = 10

        st.make_global(xx, yy, zz, aa)

        res = a1 + x2 + y3 + z4 + z7 + z10
        res2 = aa[0] + xx[1] + yy[2] + zz[3] + zz[6] + zz[9]

        self.assertEqual(res, res2)
예제 #7
파일: core.py 프로젝트: cknoll/pycartan
def setup_objects(n):
    convenience function
    creates a coordinate basis, and a set of canonical one-forms and
    inserts both in the global name space

    if isinstance(n, int):
        xx = sp.symbols("x1:%i" % (n + 1))
    elif isinstance(n, string_types):
        xx = sp.symbols(n)

    # now assume n is a sequence of symbols
    elif all([x.is_Symbol for x in n]):
        xx = n
        raise TypeError("unexpected argument-type: " + str(type(n)))

    bf = basis_1forms(xx)

    st.make_global(xx, upcount=2)
    st.make_global(bf, upcount=2)

    return xx, bf
예제 #8
    def _test_make_global(self):

        xx = st.symb_vector('x1:4')
        yy = st.symb_vector('y1:4')

        self.assertEqual(x1 + x2, xx[0] + xx[1])

        # test if set is accepted
        self.assertEqual(y1 + y2, yy[0] + yy[1])

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
예제 #9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# enable true divison
from __future__ import division
import sympy as sp
import symbtools as st

vec_x = st.symb_vector('x1:6')
vec_xdot = st.time_deriv(vec_x, vec_x)

st.make_global(vec_x, 1)
st.make_global(vec_xdot, 1)

F_eq = sp.Matrix([
        [-x3*x4 + xdot1],
        [-x4 + xdot2],
        [-x5 + xdot3]])
예제 #10
    def test_four_bar_constraints(self):

        # 2 passive Gelenke
        np = 2
        nq = 1
        p1, p2 = pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(np + 1))
        q1, = qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(nq + 1))

        ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
        pdot1, pdot2, qdot1 = tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
        tthetadd = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)
        st.make_global(ttheta, tthetad, tthetadd)

        params = sp.symbols(
            's1, s2, s3, m1, m2, m3, J1, J2, J3, l1, l2, l3, kappa1, kappa2, g'
        s1, s2, s3, m1, m2, m3, J1, J2, J3, l1, l2, l3, kappa1, kappa2, g = params

        parameter_values = dict(s1=1 / 2,
                                s2=1 / 2,
                                s3=1 / 2,
                                J1=1 / 12,
                                J2=1 / 12,
                                J3=1 / 12,
                                kappa1=3 / 2,

        # ttau = sp.symbols('tau')
        tau1, tau2 = st.symb_vector("tau1, tau2")

        # unit vectors
        ex = sp.Matrix([1, 0])

        # Basis 1 and 2
        # B1 = sp.Matrix([0, 0])
        B2 = sp.Matrix([2 * l1, 0])

        # Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
        S1 = Rz(q1) * ex * s1
        G1 = Rz(q1) * ex * l1
        S2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * s2
        G2 = G1 + Rz(q1 + p1) * ex * l2

        # one link manioulator
        G2b = B2 + Rz(p2) * ex * l3
        S3 = B2 + Rz(p2) * ex * s3

        # timederivatives of centers of masses
        Sd1, Sd2, Sd3 = st.col_split(
            st.time_deriv(st.col_stack(S1, S2, S3), ttheta))

        # kinetic energy

        T_rot = (J1 * qdot1**2 + J2 * (qdot1 + pdot1)**2 + J3 * (pdot2)**2) / 2
        T_trans = (m1 * Sd1.T * Sd1 + m2 * Sd2.T * Sd2 + m3 * Sd3.T * Sd3) / 2

        T = T_rot + T_trans[0]

        # potential energy
        V = m1 * g * S1[1] + m2 * g * S2[1] + m3 * g * S3[1]

        # # Kinetische Energie mit Platzhaltersymbolen einführen (jetzt nicht):
        # M1, M2, M3 = MM = st.symb_vector('M1:4')
        # MM_subs = [(J1 + m1*s1 ** 2 + m2*l1 ** 2, M1), (J2 + m2*s2 ** 2, M2), (m2*l1*s2, M3)]
        # # MM_rplm = st.rev_tuple(MM_subs)  # Umkehrung der inneren Tupel -> [(M1, J1+... ), ...]

        external_forces = [0, 0, tau1]

        mod = mt.generate_symbolic_model(T,
                                         constraints=[G2 - G2b])

        self.assertEqual(mod.llmd.shape, (2, 1))
        self.assertEqual(mod.constraints.shape, (2, 1))

        dae = mod.calc_dae_eq(parameter_values=parameter_values)

        nc = len(mod.llmd)
        self.assertEqual(dae.eqns[-nc:, :], mod.constraints)

        # qdot1 = 0
        ttheta_1, ttheta_d_1 = dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q1=npy.pi / 4,

        eres_c = npy.array([-0.2285526, 1.58379902, 0.78539816])
        eres_v = npy.array([0, 0, 0])

        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_1, eres_c))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_d_1, eres_v))

        # in that situation there is no force
        acc_1, llmd_1 = dae.calc_consistent_accel_lmd((ttheta_1, ttheta_d_1))
        # these values seem reasonable but have yet not been checked analytically
            npy.allclose(acc_1, [13.63475466, -1.54473017, -8.75145644]))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(llmd_1, [-0.99339947, 0.58291489]))

        # qdot1 ≠ 0
        ttheta_2, ttheta_d_2 = dae.calc_consistent_conf_vel(q1=npy.pi / 8 * 7,

        eres_c = npy.array([-0.85754267, 0.89969149, 0.875]) * npy.pi
        eres_v = npy.array([-3.42862311, 2.39360715, 3.])

        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_2, eres_c))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(ttheta_d_2, eres_v))

        yy_1, yyd_1 = dae.calc_consistent_init_vals(q1=12.7, qdot1=100)

        res = dae.model_func(0, yy_1, yyd_1)

        self.assertEqual(res.shape, (dae.ntt * 2 + dae.nll, ))
        self.assertTrue(npy.allclose(res, 0))
예제 #11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# enable true divison

import sympy as sp
import symbtools as st

vec_x = st.symb_vector('x1:6')
vec_xdot = st.time_deriv(vec_x, vec_x)


F_eq = sp.Matrix([[-x3 * x4 + xdot1], [-x4 + xdot2], [-x5 + xdot3]])
예제 #12
import sympy as sp
import symbtools as st
import symbtools.modeltools as mt
from joblib import dump

Np = 3
Nq = 1
n = Np + Nq
pp = st.symb_vector("p1:{0}".format(Np+1))
qq = st.symb_vector("q1:{0}".format(Nq+1))

ttheta = st.row_stack(pp, qq)
tthetad = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta)
tthetadd = st.time_deriv(ttheta, ttheta, order=2)
st.make_global(ttheta, tthetad, tthetadd)

params = sp.symbols('l1, l2, l3, s1, s2, s3, m1, m2, m3, J1, J2, J3, m0, g')

tau1 = sp.Symbol("tau1")


ex = sp.Matrix([1,0])
ey = sp.Matrix([0,1])

# Koordinaten der Schwerpunkte und Gelenke
S0 = ex*q1 # Schwerpunkt Wagen
G0 = S0 # Gelenk zwischen Wagen und Pendel 1
G1 = G0 + mt.Rz(p1)*ey*l1 # Gelenk zwischen Pendel 1 und 2
예제 #13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sympy as sp
import symbtools as st
from sympy import sin, cos, tan

# Number of state variables
n = 6

vec_x = st.symb_vector('x1:%i' % (n + 1))
vec_xdot = st.time_deriv(vec_x, vec_x)
st.make_global(vec_x, 1)
st.make_global(vec_xdot, 1)

# Additional symbols
g, l = sp.symbols("g, l")

# Time-dependent symbols
diff_symbols = sp.Matrix([l])

# Nonlinear system in state space representation 0 = F_eq(vec_x, vec_xdot)
F_eq = sp.Matrix([[xdot1 - x4], [xdot2 - x5], [xdot3 - x6],
                  [g * sin(x1) + xdot4 * x3 + 2 * x4 * x6 + xdot5 * cos(x1)]])
예제 #14
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sympy as sp
import symbtools as st
from sympy import sin, cos, tan

vec_x = st.symb_vector('x1:7')
vec_xdot = st.time_deriv(vec_x, vec_x)

g = sp.symbols("g")

diff_symbols = sp.Matrix([])

F_eq = sp.Matrix([
        [ xdot1 - x4 ],
        [ xdot2 - x5 ],
        [ xdot3 - x6 ],
        [ g*sin(x1) + xdot4*x3 + 2*x4*x6 + xdot5*cos(x1)  ]])