예제 #1
    def forward(
        ctx: Dict[str, Any], x: MPCTensor, start: int = 0, end: int = -1
    ) -> MPCTensor:
        """Perform the feedforward and compute the result for the multiplication operation.

            ctx (Dict[str, Any]): Context used to save information needed in the backward pass
            x (MPCTensor): 1st operand for the multiplication operation
            start (int): Start dimension for the flatten operation
            end (int): Final dimension for the flatten operation

            res (MPCTensor): The result of the flatten operation
        ctx["x_shape"] = x.shape
        return x.flatten(start_dim=start, end_dim=end)
예제 #2
def helper_argmax(
    x: MPCTensor,
    dim: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int]]] = None,
    keepdim: bool = False,
    one_hot: bool = False,
) -> MPCTensor:
    """Compute argmax using pairwise comparisons. Makes the number of rounds fixed, here it is 2.

    This is inspired from CrypTen.

        x (MPCTensor): the MPCTensor on which to compute helper_argmax on
        dim (Union[int, Tuple[int]): compute argmax over a specific dimension(s)
        keepdim (bool): when one_hot is true, keep all the dimensions of the tensor
        one_hot (bool): return the argmax as a one hot vector

        Given the args, it returns a one hot encoding (as an MPCTensor) or the index
        of the maximum value

        ValueError: In case more max values are found and we need to return the index
    # for each share in MPCTensor
    #   do the algorithm portrayed in paper (helper_argmax_pairwise)
    #   results in creating two matrices and subtraction them
    session = x.session

    prep_x = x.flatten() if dim is None else x
    args = [[str(uuid), share_ptr_tensor,
             dim] for uuid, share_ptr_tensor in zip(
                 session.rank_to_uuid.values(), prep_x.share_ptrs)]
    shares = parallel_execution(helper_argmax_pairwise, session.parties)(args)

    res_shape = shares[0].shape.get()
    x_pairwise = MPCTensor(shares=shares, session=x.session, shape=res_shape)

    # with the MPCTensor tensor we check what entries are positive
    # then we check what columns of M matrix have m-1 non-zero entries after comparison
    # (by summing over cols)
    pairwise_comparisons = x_pairwise >= 0

    # re-compute row_length
    _dim = -1 if dim is None else dim
    row_length = x.shape[_dim] if x.shape[_dim] > 1 else 2

    result = pairwise_comparisons.sum(0)
    result = result >= (row_length - 1)
    res_shape = res_shape[1:]  # Remove the leading dimension because of sum(0)

    if not one_hot:
        if dim is None:
            check = result * torch.Tensor(
                [i for i in range(np.prod(res_shape))])
            size = [1 for _ in range(len(res_shape))]
            size[dim] = res_shape[dim]
            check = result * torch.Tensor([i for i in range(res_shape[_dim])

        if dim is not None:
            argmax = check.sum(dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim)
            argmax = check.sum()
            if (argmax >= row_length).reconstruct():
                # In case we have 2 max values, rather then returning an invalid index
                # we raise an exception
                raise ValueError("There are multiple argmax values")

        result = argmax

    return result