예제 #1
def test_derivatives_2d_with_mapping():

    rdim = 2

    O = Domain('Omega', dim=rdim)
    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', O)
    u = element_of(V, 'u')

    M = Mapping('M', rdim)
    det_jac = DetJacobian(M)
    J = Symbol('J')

    expr = M
    assert SymbolicExpr(expr) == Symbol('M')

    expr = M[0]
    assert SymbolicExpr(expr) == Symbol('x')

    expr = M[1]
    assert SymbolicExpr(expr) == Symbol('y')

    expr = dx2(M[0])
    assert SymbolicExpr(expr) == Symbol('x_x2')

    expr = dx1(M[1])
    assert SymbolicExpr(expr) == Symbol('y_x1')

    expr       = LogicalExpr(M, dx(u)).subs(det_jac, J)
    expected   = '(u_x1 * y_x2 - u_x2 * y_x1)/J'
    difference = SymbolicExpr(expr) - sympify(expected)
    assert difference.simplify() == 0
예제 #2
def test_logical_expr_2d_1():
    rdim = 2

    M = Mapping('M', rdim)
    domain = Domain('Omega', dim=rdim)

    alpha = Constant('alpha')

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain)
    W = VectorFunctionSpace('V', domain)

    u, v = [element_of(V, name=i) for i in ['u', 'v']]
    w = element_of(W, name='w')

    det_M = DetJacobian(M)
    #print('det = ', det_M)
    det = Symbol('det')

    # ...
    expr = 2 * u + alpha * v
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(u)
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    #print(expr.subs(det_M, det))
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dy(u)
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    #print(expr.subs(det_M, det))
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(det_M)
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = expr.subs(det_M, det)
    expr = expand(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(dx(u))
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    #print(expr.subs(det_M, det))
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(w[0])
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
예제 #3
def test_symbolic_expr_1d_1():
    rdim = 1

    M = Mapping('M', rdim)
    domain = Domain('Omega', dim=rdim)

    alpha = Constant('alpha')

    V = ScalarFunctionSpace('V', domain)

    u = element_of(V, name='u')

    det_M = DetJacobian(M)
    det_M = SymbolicExpr(det_M)
    #print('>>> ', det_M)
    det = Symbol('det')

    # ...
    expr = u
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx1(u)
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx1(M[0])
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(u)
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    expr = expr.subs(det_M, det)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(DetJacobian(M))
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    expr = expr.subs(det_M, det)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(dx(u))
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    expr = expr.subs(det_M, det)
    # ...

    # ...
    expr = dx(dx(dx(u)))
    expr = LogicalExpr(M, expr)
    expr = SymbolicExpr(expr)
    expr = expr.subs(det_M, det)
예제 #4
    def eval(cls, *_args, **kwargs):

        if not _args:

        if not len(_args) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Expecting one argument')

        expr = _args[0]
        d_atoms = kwargs.pop('d_atoms', {})
        mapping = kwargs.pop('mapping', None)

        if isinstance(expr, Add):
            args = [
                cls.eval(a, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
                for a in expr.args
            return Add(*args)

        elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
            coeffs = [a for a in expr.args if isinstance(a, _coeffs_registery)]
            stests = [
                a for a in expr.args
                if not (a in coeffs) and a.atoms(ScalarTestFunction)
            vtests = [
                a for a in expr.args
                if not (a in coeffs) and a.atoms(VectorTestFunction)
            vectors = [
                a for a in expr.args if
                (not (a in coeffs) and not (a in stests) and not (a in vtests))

            a = S.One
            if coeffs:
                a = Mul(*coeffs)

            b = S.One
            if vectors:

                args = [cls(i, evaluate=False) for i in vectors]
                b = Mul(*args)

            sb = S.One
            if stests:
                args = [
                    cls.eval(i, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
                    for i in stests
                sb = Mul(*args)

            vb = S.One
            if vtests:
                args = [
                    cls.eval(i, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
                    for i in vtests
                vb = Mul(*args)

            return Mul(a, b, sb, vb)

        elif isinstance(expr, _coeffs_registery):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
            b = expr.base
            e = expr.exp
            return Pow(cls.eval(b), e)

        elif isinstance(expr, (Matrix, ImmutableDenseMatrix)):

            n_rows, n_cols = expr.shape

            lines = []
            for i_row in range(0, n_rows):
                line = []
                for i_col in range(0, n_cols):
                        cls.eval(expr[i_row, i_col],


            return Matrix(lines)

        elif isinstance(expr, DomainExpression):
            # TODO to be removed
            target = expr.target
            expr = expr.expr
            return cls.eval(expr, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)

        elif isinstance(expr, BilinearForm):
            trials = list(expr.variables[0])
            tests = list(expr.variables[1])

            # ... # TODO improve
            terminal_expr = TerminalExpr(expr)[0]
            # ...

            # ...
            variables = list(terminal_expr.atoms(ScalarTestFunction))
            variables += list(terminal_expr.atoms(IndexedTestTrial))

            d_atoms = {}
            for a in variables:
                new = _split_test_function(a)
                d_atoms[a] = new
            # ...

            # ...
            logical = False
            if not (mapping is None):
                logical = True
                terminal_expr = LogicalExpr(mapping, terminal_expr.expr)

                det_M = DetJacobian(mapping)
                det = SymbolicDeterminant(mapping)
                terminal_expr = terminal_expr.subs(det_M, det)
                terminal_expr = expand(terminal_expr)
            # ...

            # ...
            expr = cls.eval(terminal_expr, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
            # ...

            # ...
            trials = [
                a for a in variables
                if ((isinstance(a, ScalarTestFunction) and a in trials) or (
                    isinstance(a, IndexedTestTrial) and a.base in trials))

            tests = [
                a for a in variables
                if ((isinstance(a, ScalarTestFunction) and a in tests) or (
                    isinstance(a, IndexedTestTrial) and a.base in tests))
            # ...

            expr = _replace_atomic_expr(expr,

            return expr

        if expr.atoms(ScalarTestFunction) or expr.atoms(IndexedTestTrial):
            return _tensorize_atomic_expr(expr, d_atoms)

        return cls(expr, evaluate=False)