예제 #1
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')
    dx = Function('dx')

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x-2, x-1, x, x+1, x+2])

    # Use of undefined functions in ``points``
    df_true = -f(x+dx(x)/2-dx(x+dx(x)/2)/2) / dx(x+dx(x)/2) \
              + f(x+dx(x)/2+dx(x+dx(x)/2)/2) / dx(x+dx(x)/2)
    df_test = diff(f(x), x).as_finite_difference(points=dx(x), x0=x+dx(x)/2)
    assert (df_test - df_true).simplify() == 0
예제 #2
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x, h = symbols('x h')
    f = Function('f')

    # Central 1st derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x-2, x-1, x, x+1, x+2]) -
            (S(1)/12*(f(x-2)-f(x+2)) + S(2)/3*(f(x+1)-f(x-1)))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 1st derivative "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x)) -
            (f(x + S(1)/2)-f(x - S(1)/2))).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), h) -
            (f(x + h/S(2))-f(x - h/S(2)))/h).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - 3*h, x-h, x+h, x + 3*h]) -
            (S(9)/(8*2*h)*(f(x+h) - f(x-h)) +
             S(1)/(24*2*h)*(f(x - 3*h) - f(x + 3*h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 1st derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [0, 1, 2], 0) -
            (-S(3)/2*f(0) + 2*f(1) - f(2)/2)).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x, x+h], x) -
            (f(x+h) - f(x))/h).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x-h, x, x+h], x-h) -
            (-S(3)/(2*h)*f(x-h) + 2/h*f(x) -
             S(1)/(2*h)*f(x+h))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 1st derivative "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x-h, x+h, x + 3*h, x + 5*h, x + 7*h])
            - 1/(2*h)*(-S(11)/(12)*f(x-h) + S(17)/(24)*f(x+h)
                       + S(3)/8*f(x + 3*h) - S(5)/24*f(x + 5*h)
                       + S(1)/24*f(x + 7*h))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 2nd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x-h, x, x+h]) -
            h**-2 * (f(x-h) + f(x+h) - 2*f(x))).simplify() == 0

    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x - 2*h, x-h, x, x+h, x + 2*h]) -
            h**-2 * (-S(1)/12*(f(x - 2*h) + f(x + 2*h)) +
                     S(4)/3*(f(x+h) + f(x-h)) - S(5)/2*f(x))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 2nd derivative "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x - 3*h, x-h, x+h, x + 3*h]) -
            (2*h)**-2 * (S(1)/2*(f(x - 3*h) + f(x + 3*h)) -
                         S(1)/2*(f(x+h) + f(x-h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 2nd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x, x+h, x + 2*h, x + 3*h]) -
            h**-2 * (2*f(x) - 5*f(x+h) +
                     4*f(x+2*h) - f(x+3*h))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 2nd derivative at "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x-h, x+h, x + 3*h, x + 5*h]) -
            (2*h)**-2 * (S(3)/2*f(x-h) - S(7)/2*f(x+h) + S(5)/2*f(x + 3*h) -
                         S(1)/2*f(x + 5*h))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 3rd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3)) -
            (-f(x - 3/S(2)) + 3*f(x - 1/S(2)) -
             3*f(x + 1/S(2)) + f(x + 3/S(2)))).simplify() == 0

    assert (as_finite_diff(
        f(x).diff(x, 3), [x - 3*h, x - 2*h, x-h, x, x+h, x + 2*h, x + 3*h]) -
        h**-3 * (S(1)/8*(f(x - 3*h) - f(x + 3*h)) - f(x - 2*h) +
                 f(x + 2*h) + S(13)/8*(f(x-h) - f(x+h)))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 3rd derivative at "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3), [x - 3*h, x-h, x+h, x + 3*h]) -
            (2*h)**-3 * (f(x + 3*h)-f(x - 3*h) +
                         3*(f(x-h)-f(x+h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 3rd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3), [x, x+h, x + 2*h, x + 3*h]) -
            h**-3 * (f(x + 3*h)-f(x) + 3*(f(x+h)-f(x + 2*h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 3rd derivative at "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3), [x-h, x+h, x + 3*h, x + 5*h]) -
            (2*h)**-3 * (f(x + 5*h)-f(x-h) +
                         3*(f(x+h)-f(x + 3*h)))).simplify() == 0
예제 #3
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')

    with raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning):
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - 2, x - 1, x, x + 1, x + 2])
예제 #4
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x, h = symbols('x h')
    f = Function('f')

    # Central 1st derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - 2, x - 1, x, x + 1, x + 2]) -
            (S(1) / 12 * (f(x - 2) - f(x + 2)) + S(2) / 3 *
             (f(x + 1) - f(x - 1)))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 1st derivative "half-way"
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x)) -
            (f(x + S(1) / 2) - f(x - S(1) / 2))).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), h) -
            (f(x + h / S(2)) - f(x - h / S(2))) / h).simplify() == 0
    assert (
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - 3 * h, x - h, x + h, x + 3 * h]) -
        (S(9) / (8 * 2 * h) * (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) + S(1) / (24 * 2 * h) *
         (f(x - 3 * h) - f(x + 3 * h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 1st derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [0, 1, 2], 0) -
            (-S(3) / 2 * f(0) + 2 * f(1) - f(2) / 2)).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x, x + h], x) -
            (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h).simplify() == 0
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - h, x, x + h], x - h) -
            (-S(3) / (2 * h) * f(x - h) + 2 / h * f(x) - S(1) /
             (2 * h) * f(x + h))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 1st derivative "half-way"
    assert (
            f(x).diff(x), [x - h, x + h, x + 3 * h, x + 5 * h, x + 7 * h]) -
        1 / (2 * h) *
        (-S(11) / (12) * f(x - h) + S(17) /
         (24) * f(x + h) + S(3) / 8 * f(x + 3 * h) - S(5) / 24 * f(x + 5 * h) +
         S(1) / 24 * f(x + 7 * h))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 2nd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x - h, x, x + h]) - h**-2 *
            (f(x - h) + f(x + h) - 2 * f(x))).simplify() == 0

    assert (as_finite_diff(
        f(x).diff(x, 2), [x - 2 * h, x - h, x, x + h, x + 2 * h]) - h**-2 *
            (-S(1) / 12 * (f(x - 2 * h) + f(x + 2 * h)) + S(4) / 3 *
             (f(x + h) + f(x - h)) - S(5) / 2 * f(x))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 2nd derivative "half-way"
    assert (
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x - 3 * h, x - h, x + h, x + 3 * h]) -
        (2 * h)**-2 * (S(1) / 2 * (f(x - 3 * h) + f(x + 3 * h)) - S(1) / 2 *
                       (f(x + h) + f(x - h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 2nd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x, x + h, x + 2 * h, x + 3 * h]) -
            h**-2 * (2 * f(x) - 5 * f(x + h) + 4 * f(x + 2 * h) - f(x + 3 * h))
            ).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 2nd derivative at "half-way"
    assert (
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 2), [x - h, x + h, x + 3 * h, x + 5 * h]) -
        (2 * h)**-2 *
        (S(3) / 2 * f(x - h) - S(7) / 2 * f(x + h) + S(5) / 2 * f(x + 3 * h) -
         S(1) / 2 * f(x + 5 * h))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 3rd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3)) -
            (-f(x - 3 / S(2)) + 3 * f(x - 1 / S(2)) - 3 * f(x + 1 / S(2)) +
             f(x + 3 / S(2)))).simplify() == 0

    assert (as_finite_diff(
        f(x).diff(x, 3),
        [x - 3 * h, x - 2 * h, x - h, x, x + h, x + 2 * h, x + 3 * h]) -
            h**-3 * (S(1) / 8 * (f(x - 3 * h) - f(x + 3 * h)) - f(x - 2 * h) +
                     f(x + 2 * h) + S(13) / 8 *
                     (f(x - h) - f(x + h)))).simplify() == 0

    # Central 3rd derivative at "half-way"
    assert (
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3), [x - 3 * h, x - h, x + h, x + 3 * h]) -
        (2 * h)**-3 * (f(x + 3 * h) - f(x - 3 * h) + 3 *
                       (f(x - h) - f(x + h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 3rd derivative at gridpoint
    assert (as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3), [x, x + h, x + 2 * h, x + 3 * h]) -
            h**-3 * (f(x + 3 * h) - f(x) + 3 *
                     (f(x + h) - f(x + 2 * h)))).simplify() == 0

    # One sided 3rd derivative at "half-way"
    assert (
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x, 3), [x - h, x + h, x + 3 * h, x + 5 * h]) -
        (2 * h)**-3 * (f(x + 5 * h) - f(x - h) + 3 *
                       (f(x + h) - f(x + 3 * h)))).simplify() == 0
예제 #5
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')

    with raises(SymPyDeprecationWarning):
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x-2, x-1, x, x+1, x+2])
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')

    with warns_deprecated_sympy():
        as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - 2, x - 1, x, x + 1, x + 2])