예제 #1
파일: fnodes.py 프로젝트: asmeurer/sympy
 def __new__(cls, *args):
     if len(args) == 2:
         low, high = args
         return Basic.__new__(cls, sympify(low), sympify(high))
     elif len(args) == 0 or (len(args) == 1 and args[0] in (':', None)):
         return Basic.__new__(cls)  # assumed shape
         raise ValueError("Expected 0 or 2 args (or one argument == None or ':')")
예제 #2
 def __new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set=S.UniversalSet):
     # nonlinsolve uses ConditionSet to return an unsolved system
     # of equations (see _return_conditionset in solveset) so until
     # that is changed we do minimal checking of the args
     if isinstance(sym, (Tuple, tuple)):  # unsolved eqns syntax
         sym = Tuple(*sym)
         condition = FiniteSet(*condition)
         return Basic.__new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set)
     condition = as_Boolean(condition)
     if isinstance(base_set, set):
         base_set = FiniteSet(*base_set)
     elif not isinstance(base_set, Set):
         raise TypeError('expecting set for base_set')
     if condition is S.false:
         return S.EmptySet
     if condition is S.true:
         return base_set
     if isinstance(base_set, EmptySet):
         return base_set
     know = None
     if isinstance(base_set, FiniteSet):
         sifted = sift(
             base_set, lambda _: fuzzy_bool(
                 condition.subs(sym, _)))
         if sifted[None]:
             know = FiniteSet(*sifted[True])
             base_set = FiniteSet(*sifted[None])
             return FiniteSet(*sifted[True])
     if isinstance(base_set, cls):
         s, c, base_set = base_set.args
         if sym == s:
             condition = And(condition, c)
         elif sym not in c.free_symbols:
             condition = And(condition, c.xreplace({s: sym}))
         elif s not in condition.free_symbols:
             condition = And(condition.xreplace({sym: s}), c)
             sym = s
             # user will have to use cls.sym to get symbol
             dum = Symbol('lambda')
             if dum in condition.free_symbols or \
                     dum in c.free_symbols:
                 dum = Dummy(str(dum))
             condition = And(
                 condition.xreplace({sym: dum}),
                 c.xreplace({s: dum}))
             sym = dum
     if not isinstance(sym, Symbol):
         s = Dummy('lambda')
         if s not in condition.xreplace({sym: s}).free_symbols:
             raise ValueError(
                 'non-symbol dummy not recognized in condition')
     rv = Basic.__new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set)
     return rv if know is None else Union(know, rv)
예제 #3
 def __new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set):
     if condition == S.false:
         return S.EmptySet
     if condition == S.true:
         return base_set
     if isinstance(base_set, EmptySet):
         return base_set
     if isinstance(base_set, FiniteSet):
         sifted = sift(base_set, lambda _: fuzzy_bool(condition.subs(sym, _)))
         if sifted[None]:
             return Union(FiniteSet(*sifted[True]),
                          Basic.__new__(cls, sym, condition, FiniteSet(*sifted[None])))
             return FiniteSet(*sifted[True])
     return Basic.__new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set)
예제 #4
파일: sets.py 프로젝트: alphaitis/sympy
    def __new__(cls, start, end, left_open=False, right_open=False):

        start = _sympify(start)
        end = _sympify(end)
        left_open = _sympify(left_open)
        right_open = _sympify(right_open)

        if not all(isinstance(a, (type(true), type(false))) for a in [left_open, right_open]):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "left_open and right_open can have only true/false values, "
                "got %s and %s" % (left_open, right_open))

        inftys = [S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity]
        # Only allow real intervals (use symbols with 'is_real=True').
        if not (start.is_real or start in inftys) or not (end.is_real or end in inftys):
            raise ValueError("Only real intervals are supported")

        # Make sure that the created interval will be valid.
        if end.is_comparable and start.is_comparable:
            if end < start:
                return S.EmptySet

        if end == start and (left_open or right_open):
            return S.EmptySet
        if end == start and not (left_open or right_open):
            return FiniteSet(end)

        # Make sure infinite interval end points are open.
        if start == S.NegativeInfinity:
            left_open = true
        if end == S.Infinity:
            right_open = true

        return Basic.__new__(cls, start, end, left_open, right_open)
예제 #5
    def __new__(cls, flambda, *sets):
        if not isinstance(flambda, Lambda):
            raise ValueError('First argument must be a Lambda')

        signature = flambda.signature

        if len(signature) != len(sets):
            raise ValueError('Incompatible signature')

        sets = [_sympify(s) for s in sets]

        if not all(isinstance(s, Set) for s in sets):
            raise TypeError("Set arguments to ImageSet should of type Set")

        if not all(cls._check_sig(sg, st) for sg, st in zip(signature, sets)):
            raise ValueError("Signature %s does not match sets %s" %
                             (signature, sets))

        if flambda is S.IdentityFunction and len(sets) == 1:
            return sets[0]

        if not set(flambda.variables) & flambda.expr.free_symbols:
            is_empty = fuzzy_or(s.is_empty for s in sets)
            if is_empty == True:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif is_empty == False:
                return FiniteSet(flambda.expr)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, flambda, *sets)
예제 #6
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        if len(args) > 4:
            raise ValueError(
                "Range is defined by (top), (start, stop) or (start, stop, step)"

        # for a in args:
        #     print(type(a))
        #     if not isinstance(a, (int, Symbol, Add)):
        #         raise TypeError("args in Range must be integer or SymPy Idx")

        # expand range
        label = args[0]

        slc = slice(*args[1:])

        if slc.step == 0:
            raise ValueError("step cannot be 0")

        start, stop, step = slc.start or 0, slc.stop, slc.step or 1

        start = sympify(start)
        stop = sympify(stop)
        step = sympify(step)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, label, start, stop, step)
예제 #7
def matrixify(expr):
    Recursively walks down an expression tree changing Expr's to MatExpr's
    i.e. Add -> MatAdd
         Mul -> MatMul

    Only changes those Exprs which contain MatrixSymbols

    This function is useful when traditional SymPy functions which use Mul and
    Add are called on MatrixExpressions. Examples flatten, expand, simplify...

    Calling matrixify after calling these functions will reset classes back to
    their matrix equivalents
    class_dict = {
        Mul: MatMul,
        Add: MatAdd,
        MatMul: MatMul,
        MatAdd: MatAdd,
        Pow: MatPow,
        MatPow: MatPow

    if expr.__class__ not in class_dict:
        return expr

    args = map(matrixify, expr.args)  # Recursively call down the tree

    if not any(arg.is_Matrix for arg in args):
        return expr
        return Basic.__new__(class_dict[expr.__class__], *args)
예제 #8
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        # flatten inputs
        args = list(args)

        # adapted from sympy.sets.sets.Union
        def _flatten(arg):
            if isinstance(arg, SeqBase):
                if isinstance(arg, SeqMul):
                    return sum(map(_flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            elif iterable(arg):
                return sum(map(_flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sequences or "
                            " iterables of Sequences")
        args = _flatten(args)

        # Multiplication of no sequences is EmptySequence
        if not args:
            return S.EmptySequence

        if Intersection(*(a.interval for a in args)) is S.EmptySet:
            return S.EmptySequence

        # reduce using known rules
        if evaluate:
            return SeqMul.reduce(args)

        args = list(ordered(args, SeqBase._start_key))

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #9
파일: boolalg.py 프로젝트: vperic/sympy
    def eval(cls, *args):
        Equivalence relation.

        Returns True if all of the arguments are logically equivalent.
        Returns False otherwise.


        >>> from sympy.logic.boolalg import Equivalent, And
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> Equivalent(False, False, False)
        >>> Equivalent(True, False, False)
        >>> Equivalent(x, And(x, True))


        argset = set(args)
        if len(argset) <= 1:
            return True
        if True in argset:
            return And(*argset)
        if False in argset:
            return Nor(*argset)
        return Basic.__new__(cls, *set(args))
예제 #10
파일: boolalg.py 프로젝트: vperic/sympy
    def eval(cls, *args):
        Logical implication.

        Accepts two Boolean arguments; A and B.
        Returns False if A is True and B is False
        Returns True otherwise.


        >>> from sympy.logic.boolalg import Implies
        >>> Implies(True, False)
        >>> Implies(False, False)
        >>> Implies(True, True)
        >>> Implies(False, True)
            A, B = args
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "%d operand(s) used for an Implies (pairs are required): %s" %
                (len(args), str(args)))
        if A is True or A is False or B is True or B is False:
            return Or(Not(A), B)
            return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #11
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', True)

        # flatten inputs to merge intersections and iterables
        args = list(args)

        def flatten(arg):
            if isinstance(arg, Set):
                if arg.is_Intersection:
                    return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            if iterable(arg):  # and not isinstance(arg, Set) (implicit)
                return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")

        args = flatten(args)

        # Intersection of no sets is everything
        if len(args) == 0:
            return S.UniversalSet

        args = sorted(args, key=default_sort_key)

        # Reduce sets using known rules
        if evaluate:
            return Intersection.reduce(args)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #12
    def __new__(cls, start, end, left_open=False, right_open=False):

        start = _sympify(start)
        end = _sympify(end)

        inftys = [S.Infinity, S.NegativeInfinity]
        # Only allow real intervals (use symbols with 'is_real=True').
        if not (start.is_real or start in inftys) or not (end.is_real
                                                          or end in inftys):
            raise ValueError("Only real intervals are supported")

        # Make sure that the created interval will be valid.
        if end.is_comparable and start.is_comparable:
            if end < start:
                return S.EmptySet

        if end == start and (left_open or right_open):
            return S.EmptySet
        if end == start and not (left_open or right_open):
            return FiniteSet(end)

        # Make sure infinite interval end points are open.
        if start == S.NegativeInfinity:
            left_open = True
        if end == S.Infinity:
            right_open = True

        return Basic.__new__(cls, start, end, left_open, right_open)
예제 #13
    def __new__(cls,
        if time_period is not None:
            time_period = _sympify(time_period)
            _frequency = S.One / time_period
        if frequency is not None:
            frequency = _sympify(frequency)
            _time_period = S.One / frequency
            if time_period is not None:
                if frequency != S.One / time_period:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "frequency and time_period should be consistent.")
        if frequency is None and time_period is None:
            raise ValueError("Either frequency or time period is needed.")
        if frequency is None:
            frequency = _frequency
        if time_period is None:
            time_period = _time_period

        amplitude = _sympify(amplitude)
        phase = _sympify(phase)
        n = sympify(n)
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, amplitude, frequency, phase, time_period, n)
        return obj
예제 #14
파일: sets.py 프로젝트: alphaitis/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get('evaluate', global_evaluate[0])

        # flatten inputs to merge intersections and iterables
        args = list(args)

        def flatten(arg):
            if isinstance(arg, Set):
                if arg.is_Intersection:
                    return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            if iterable(arg):  # and not isinstance(arg, Set) (implicit)
                return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")
        args = flatten(args)

        if len(args) == 0:
            raise TypeError("Intersection expected at least one argument")

        # Reduce sets using known rules
        if evaluate:
            return Intersection.reduce(args)

        args = list(ordered(args, Set._infimum_key))

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #15
파일: sets.py 프로젝트: piyushbansal/sympy
    def __new__(cls, start, end, left_open=False, right_open=False):

        start = _sympify(start)
        end = _sympify(end)

        # Only allow real intervals (use symbols with 'is_real=True').
        if not start.is_real or not end.is_real:
            raise ValueError("Only real intervals are supported")

        # Make sure that the created interval will be valid.
        if end.is_comparable and start.is_comparable:
            if end < start:
                return S.EmptySet

        if end == start and (left_open or right_open):
            return S.EmptySet
        if end == start and not (left_open or right_open):
            return FiniteSet(end)

        # Make sure infinite interval end points are open.
        if start == S.NegativeInfinity:
            left_open = True
        if end == S.Infinity:
            right_open = True

        return Basic.__new__(cls, start, end, left_open, right_open)
예제 #16
    def __new__(cls, expr, x, xlim, direction='<', **assumptions):
        expr = Basic.sympify(expr)
        x = Basic.sympify(x)
        xlim = Basic.sympify(xlim)
        if not isinstance(x, Basic.Symbol):
            raise ValueError("Limit 2nd argument must be Symbol instance (got %s)" % (x))
        assert isinstance(x, Basic.Symbol),`x`

        if not expr.has(x):
            return expr

        if isinstance(xlim, Basic.NegativeInfinity):
            xoo = InfLimit.limit_process_symbol()
            if expr.has(xoo): 
                xoo = Basic.Symbol(x.name + '_oo',dummy=True,positive=True,unbounded=True)
            return InfLimit(expr.subs(x,-xoo), xoo)
        if isinstance(xlim, Basic.Infinity):
            return InfLimit(expr, x)
            xoo = InfLimit.limit_process_symbol()
            if expr.has(xoo): 
                xoo = Basic.Symbol(x.name + '_oo',dummy=True,positive=True,unbounded=True)
            if direction=='<':
                return InfLimit(expr.subs(x, xlim+1/xoo), xoo)
            elif direction=='>':
                return InfLimit(expr.subs(x, xlim-1/xoo), xoo)
                raise ValueError("Limit direction must be < or > (got %s)" % (direction))

        # XXX This code is currently unreachable
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, expr, x, xlim, **assumptions)
        obj.direction = direction
        return obj
예제 #17
파일: array_utils.py 프로젝트: cklb/sympy
    def __new__(cls, expr, *contraction_indices, **kwargs):
        contraction_indices = _sort_contraction_indices(contraction_indices)
        expr = _sympify(expr)

        if len(contraction_indices) == 0:
            return expr

        if isinstance(expr, CodegenArrayContraction):
            return cls._flatten(expr, *contraction_indices)

        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, expr, *contraction_indices)
        obj._subranks = _get_subranks(expr)
        obj._mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(obj._subranks)

        free_indices_to_position = {i: i for i in range(sum(obj._subranks)) if all([i not in cind for cind in contraction_indices])}
        obj._free_indices_to_position = free_indices_to_position

        shape = expr.shape
        if shape:
            # Check that no contraction happens when the shape is mismatched:
            for i in contraction_indices:
                if len(set(shape[j] for j in i)) != 1:
                    raise ValueError("contracting indices of different dimensions")
            shape = tuple(shp for i, shp in enumerate(shape) if not any(i in j for j in contraction_indices))
        obj._shape = shape
        return obj
예제 #18
파일: array_utils.py 프로젝트: cklb/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        args = [_sympify(arg) for arg in args]
        args = cls._flatten(args)
        ranks = [get_rank(arg) for arg in args]

        if len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]

        # If there are contraction objects inside, transform the whole
        # expression into `CodegenArrayContraction`:
        contractions = {i: arg for i, arg in enumerate(args) if isinstance(arg, CodegenArrayContraction)}
        if contractions:
            cumulative_ranks = list(accumulate([0] + ranks))[:-1]
            tp = cls(*[arg.expr if isinstance(arg, CodegenArrayContraction) else arg for arg in args])
            contraction_indices = [tuple(cumulative_ranks[i] + k for k in j) for i, arg in contractions.items() for j in arg.contraction_indices]
            return CodegenArrayContraction(tp, *contraction_indices)

        #newargs = [i for i in args if hasattr(i, "shape")]
        #coeff = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, [i for i in args if not hasattr(i, "shape")], S.One)
        #newargs[0] *= coeff

        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
        obj._subranks = ranks
        shapes = [get_shape(i) for i in args]

        if any(i is None for i in shapes):
            obj._shape = None
            obj._shape = tuple(j for i in shapes for j in i)
        return obj
예제 #19
 def __new__(cls, name, abbrev, **assumptions):
     obj = Basic.__new__(cls, **assumptions)
     assert isinstance(name, str),`type(name)`
     assert isinstance(abbrev, str),`type(abbrev)`
     obj.name = name
     obj.abbrev = abbrev
     return obj
예제 #20
    def __new__(cls, periodical, limits=None):
        x, start, stop = None, None, None
        if limits is None:
            x, start, stop = Dummy("k"), 0, S.Infinity
        if is_sequence(limits, Tuple):
            if len(limits) == 3:
                x, start, stop = limits
            elif len(limits) == 2:
                x = Dummy("k")
                start, stop = limits

        if not isinstance(x, Symbol) or start is None or stop is None:
            raise ValueError("Invalid limits given: %s" % str(limits))

        if start is S.NegativeInfinity and stop is S.Infinity:
            raise ValueError("Both the start and end value" " cannot be unbounded")

        limits = sympify((x, start, stop))

        if is_sequence(periodical, Tuple):
            periodical = sympify(tuple(flatten(periodical)))
            raise ValueError("invalid period %s should be something " "like e.g (1, 2) " % periodical)

        if Interval(limits[1], limits[2]) is S.EmptySet:
            return S.EmptySequence

        return Basic.__new__(cls, periodical, limits)
예제 #21
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get("evaluate", global_evaluate[0])

        # flatten inputs
        args = list(args)

        # adapted from sympy.sets.sets.Union
        def _flatten(arg):
            if isinstance(arg, SeqBase):
                if isinstance(arg, SeqMul):
                    return sum(map(_flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            elif iterable(arg):
                return sum(map(_flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sequences or " " iterables of Sequences")

        args = _flatten(args)

        # Multiplication of no sequences is EmptySequence
        if not args:
            return S.EmptySequence

        if Intersection(a.interval for a in args) is S.EmptySet:
            return S.EmptySequence

        # reduce using known rules
        if evaluate:
            return SeqMul.reduce(args)

        args = list(ordered(args, SeqBase._start_key))

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #22
 def __new__(cls, symbol, attrs=FiniteSet(), type_=None):
     args = (_sympify(symbol), attrs if isinstance(attrs, FiniteSet) else FiniteSet(*attrs))
     if type_ is not None:
         if not isinstance(type_, Type):
             raise TypeError("type_ argument should be an instance of Type")
         args += (type_,)
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #23
파일: sets.py 프로젝트: piyushbansal/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get("evaluate", True)

        # flatten inputs to merge intersections and iterables
        args = list(args)

        def flatten(arg):
            if isinstance(arg, Set):
                if arg.is_Intersection:
                    return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            if iterable(arg):  # and not isinstance(arg, Set) (implicit)
                return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")

        args = flatten(args)

        # Intersection of no sets is everything
        if len(args) == 0:
            return S.UniversalSet

        args = sorted(args, key=set_sort_fn)

        # Reduce sets using known rules
        if evaluate:
            return Intersection.reduce(args)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #24
def matrixify(expr):
    Recursively walks down an expression tree changing Expr's to MatExpr's
    i.e. Add -> MatAdd
         Mul -> MatMul

    Only changes those Exprs which contain MatrixSymbols

    This function is useful when traditional SymPy functions which use Mul and
    Add are called on MatrixExpressions. Examples flatten, expand, simplify...

    Calling matrixify after calling these functions will reset classes back to
    their matrix equivalents
    class_dict = {Mul:MatMul, Add:MatAdd, MatMul:MatMul, MatAdd:MatAdd,
            Pow:MatPow, MatPow:MatPow}

    if expr.__class__ not in class_dict:
        return expr

    args = map(matrixify, expr.args) # Recursively call down the tree

    if not any(arg.is_Matrix for arg in args):
        return expr
        return Basic.__new__(class_dict[expr.__class__], *args)
예제 #25
파일: boolalg.py 프로젝트: ashuven63/sympy
    def eval(cls, *args):
        Equivalence relation.

        Returns True if all of the arguments are logically equivalent.
        Returns False otherwise.


        >>> from sympy.logic.boolalg import Equivalent, And
        >>> from sympy.abc import x
        >>> Equivalent(False, False, False)
        >>> Equivalent(True, False, False)
        >>> Equivalent(x, And(x, True))


        argset = set(args)
        if len(argset) <= 1:
            return True
        if True in argset:
            return And(*argset)
        if False in argset:
            return Nor(*argset)
        return Basic.__new__(cls, *set(args))
예제 #26
파일: fancysets.py 프로젝트: atsao72/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import ceiling
        # expand range
        slc = slice(*args)
        start, stop, step = slc.start or 0, slc.stop, slc.step or 1
            start, stop, step = [w if w in [S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity] else S(as_int(w))
                                 for w in (start, stop, step)]
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("Inputs to Range must be Integer Valued\n" +
                    "Use ImageSets of Ranges for other cases")

        if not step.is_finite:
            raise ValueError("Infinite step is not allowed")
        if start == stop:
            return S.EmptySet

        n = ceiling((stop - start)/step)
        if n <= 0:
            return S.EmptySet

        # normalize args: regardless of how they are entered they will show
        # canonically as Range(inf, sup, step) with step > 0
        if n.is_finite:
            start, stop = sorted((start, start + (n - 1)*step))
            start, stop = sorted((start, stop - step))

        step = abs(step)
        if (start, stop) == (S.NegativeInfinity, S.Infinity):
            raise ValueError("Both the start and end value of "
                             "Range cannot be unbounded")
            return Basic.__new__(cls, start, stop + step, step)
예제 #27
파일: boolalg.py 프로젝트: ashuven63/sympy
    def eval(cls, *args):
        Logical implication.

        Accepts two Boolean arguments; A and B.
        Returns False if A is True and B is False
        Returns True otherwise.


        >>> from sympy.logic.boolalg import Implies
        >>> Implies(True, False)
        >>> Implies(False, False)
        >>> Implies(True, True)
        >>> Implies(False, True)
            A, B = args
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "%d operand(s) used for an Implies "
                "(pairs are required): %s" % (len(args), str(args)))
        if A is True or A is False or B is True or B is False:
            return Or(Not(A), B)
            return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #28
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate = kwargs.get("evaluate", global_evaluate[0])

        # flatten inputs to merge intersections and iterables
        args = list(args)

        def flatten(arg):
            if isinstance(arg, Set):
                if arg.is_Union:
                    return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            if iterable(arg):  # and not isinstance(arg, Set) (implicit)
                return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")

        args = flatten(args)

        # Union of no sets is EmptySet
        if len(args) == 0:
            return S.EmptySet

        args = sorted(args, key=default_sort_key)

        # Reduce sets using known rules
        if evaluate:
            return Union.reduce(args)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #29
파일: ast.py 프로젝트: jcrist/symcc
 def __new__(cls, lhs, op, rhs):
     lhs = _sympify(lhs)
     rhs = _sympify(rhs)
     # Tuple of things that can be on the lhs of an assignment
     assignable = (Symbol, MatrixSymbol, MatrixElement, Indexed)
     if not isinstance(lhs, assignable):
         raise TypeError("Cannot assign to lhs of type %s." % type(lhs))
     # Indexed types implement shape, but don't define it until later. This
     # causes issues in assignment validation. For now, matrices are defined
     # as anything with a shape that is not an Indexed
     lhs_is_mat = hasattr(lhs, 'shape') and not isinstance(lhs, Indexed)
     rhs_is_mat = hasattr(rhs, 'shape') and not isinstance(rhs, Indexed)
     # If lhs and rhs have same structure, then this assignment is ok
     if lhs_is_mat:
         if not rhs_is_mat:
             raise ValueError("Cannot assign a scalar to a matrix.")
         elif lhs.shape != rhs.shape:
             raise ValueError("Dimensions of lhs and rhs don't align.")
     elif rhs_is_mat and not lhs_is_mat:
         raise ValueError("Cannot assign a matrix to a scalar.")
     if isinstance(op, str):
         op = operator(op)
     elif op not in op_registry.values():
         raise TypeError("Unrecognized Operator")
     return Basic.__new__(cls, lhs, op, rhs)
예제 #30
 def __new__(cls, sym, process, distribution=None):
     sym = _symbol_converter(sym)
     from sympy.stats.stochastic_process_types import StochasticProcess
     if not isinstance(process, StochasticProcess):
         raise TypeError("`process` must be an instance of StochasticProcess.")
     if distribution is None:
         distribution = Distribution()
     return Basic.__new__(cls, sym, process, distribution)
예제 #31
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args)

        assumptions = {'integer': True}
        ass_copy = assumptions.copy()
        obj._assumptions = StdFactKB(assumptions)
        obj._assumptions._generator = ass_copy
        return obj
 def __new__(cls, symbol, attrs=FiniteSet(), type_=None):
     args = (_sympify(symbol),
             attrs if isinstance(attrs, FiniteSet) else FiniteSet(*attrs))
     if type_ is not None:
         if not isinstance(type_, Type):
             raise TypeError("type_ argument should be an instance of Type")
         args += (type_, )
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], cls):
         return args[0]
     args = args + tuple([kwargs[k] for k in cls.__slots__[len(args):]])
     obj = Basic.__new__(cls)
     for attr, arg in zip(cls.__slots__, args):
         setattr(obj, attr, arg)
     return obj
예제 #34
파일: frv.py 프로젝트: vishalbelsare/sympy
 def __new__(cls, domain, condition):
     Create a new instance of ConditionalFiniteDomain class
     if condition is True:
         return domain
     cond = rv_subs(condition)
     return Basic.__new__(cls, domain, cond)
예제 #35
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        # args should be a tuple - a variable length argument list
        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
        obj._circuit = Mul(*args)
        obj._rules = generate_gate_rules(args)
        obj._eq_ids = generate_equivalent_ids(args)

        return obj
예제 #36
파일: ast.py 프로젝트: gitter-badger/symcc
 def __new__(cls, name, dtype):
     if not isinstance(name, (Symbol, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise TypeError("Only Symbols and MatrixSymbols can be Variables.")
     if isinstance(dtype, str):
         dtype = datatype(dtype)
     elif not isinstance(dtype, DataType):
         raise TypeError("datatype must be an instance of DataType.")
     return Basic.__new__(cls, name, dtype)
예제 #37
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], cls):
         return args[0]
     args = args + tuple([kwargs[k] for k in cls.__slots__[len(args):]])
     obj = Basic.__new__(cls)
     for attr, arg in zip(cls.__slots__, args):
         setattr(obj, attr, arg)
     return obj
예제 #38
파일: sets.py 프로젝트: ENuge/sympy
    def __new__(cls, *args):
        # Flatten out Iterators and Unions to form one list of sets
        args = list(args)
        def flatten(arg):
            if arg == S.EmptySet:
                return []
            if isinstance(arg, Set):
                if arg.is_Union:
                    return sum(map(flatten, arg.args), [])
                    return [arg]
            if is_flattenable(arg): # and not isinstance(arg, Set) (implicit)
                return sum(map(flatten, arg), [])
            raise TypeError("Input must be Sets or iterables of Sets")
        args = flatten(args)
        if len(args) == 0:
            return S.EmptySet

        # Only real parts? Return a RealUnion
        if all(arg.is_real for arg in args):
            return RealUnion(args)

        # Lets find and merge real elements if we have them
        # Separate into finite, real and other sets

        finite_set = sum([s for s in args if s.is_FiniteSet], S.EmptySet)
        real_sets = [s for s in args if s.is_real]
        other_sets = [s for s in args if not s.is_FiniteSet and not s.is_real]

        # Separate finite_set into real and other part
        real_finite = RealFiniteSet(i for i in finite_set if i.is_real)
        other_finite = FiniteSet(i for i in finite_set if not i.is_real)

        # Merge real part of set
        real_union = RealUnion(real_sets+[real_finite])

        if not real_union: # Real part was empty
            sets = other_sets + [other_finite]
        elif real_union.is_FiniteSet: # Real part was just a FiniteSet
            sets = other_sets + [real_union+other_finite]
        elif real_union.is_Interval: # Real part was just an Interval
            sets = [real_union] + other_sets + [other_finite]
        # If is_RealUnion then separate
        elif real_union.is_Union and real_union.is_real:
            intervals = [s for s in real_union.args if s.is_Interval]
            finite_set = sum([s for s in real_union.args if s.is_FiniteSet] +
                [other_finite], S.EmptySet) # Join FiniteSet back together
            sets = intervals + [finite_set] + other_sets

        # Clear out Empty Sets
        sets = [set for set in sets if set != S.EmptySet]

        # If a single set is left over, don't create a new Union object but
        # rather return the single set.
        if len(sets) == 1:
            return sets[0]

        return Basic.__new__(cls, *sets)
예제 #39
    def __new__(cls, shape, *args):

        args = list(args)
        args_ = {'dtype': 'real', 'order': 'C'}
        prec = 0
        val_args = []

        for i in range(len(args)):
            if isinstance(args[i], ValuedArgument):
                val_args = args[i:]
                args[i:] = []

        if len(args) == 1:
            args_['dtype'] = str(args[0])
        elif len(args) == 2:
            args_['dtype'] = str(args[0])
            args_['order'] = str(args[1])

        for i in val_args:
            val = str(i.value).replace('\'', '')
            args_[str(i.argument.name)] = val

        dtype = args_['dtype']
        order = args_['order']

        if isinstance(shape, Tuple):
            shape = list(shape)

        if isinstance(shape, list):
            if order == 'C':

            # this is a correction. otherwise it is not working on LRZ
            if isinstance(shape[0], list):
                shape = Tuple(*(sympify(i, locals=local_sympify)
                                for i in shape[0]))
                shape = Tuple(*(sympify(i, locals=local_sympify)
                                for i in shape))

        elif isinstance(shape, (int, sp_Integer, Symbol)):
            shape = Tuple(sympify(shape, locals=local_sympify))
            shape = shape

        if isinstance(dtype, str):
            dtype = dtype.replace('\'', '')
            dtype, prec = dtype_registry[dtype]
            dtype = datatype('ndarray' + dtype)
        elif not isinstance(dtype, DataType):
            raise TypeError('datatype must be an instance of DataType.')

        if not prec:
            prec = default_precision[str(dtype)]

        return Basic.__new__(cls, shape, dtype, order, prec)
예제 #40
파일: ast.py 프로젝트: jcrist/symcc
 def __new__(cls, target, iter, body):
     target = _sympify(target)
     if not iterable(iter):
         raise TypeError("iter must be an iterable")
     iter = _sympify(iter)
     if not iterable(body):
         raise TypeError("body must be an iterable")
     body = Tuple(*(_sympify(i) for i in body))
     return Basic.__new__(cls, target, iter, body)
예제 #41
파일: ast.py 프로젝트: gitter-badger/symcc
 def __new__(cls, name, body):
     if not isinstance(name, str):
         raise TypeError("Module name must be string")
     name = Symbol(name)
     # body
     if not iterable(body):
         raise TypeError("body must be an iterable")
     body = Tuple(*body)
     return Basic.__new__(cls, name, body)
예제 #42
파일: fancysets.py 프로젝트: pkgodara/sympy
    def __new__(cls, lamda, base_set):
        if not isinstance(lamda, Lambda):
            raise ValueError('first argument must be a Lambda')
        if lamda is S.IdentityFunction:
            return base_set
        if not lamda.expr.free_symbols or not lamda.expr.args:
            return FiniteSet(lamda.expr)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, lamda, base_set)
예제 #43
파일: boolalg.py 프로젝트: mackaka/sympy
 def eval(cls, *args):
         A, B = args
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("%d operand(s) used for an Implies (pairs are required): %s" % (len(args), str(args)))
     if A is True or A is False or B is True or B is False:
         return Or(Not(A), B)
         return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #44
 def __new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set):
     if condition == S.false:
         return S.EmptySet
     if condition == S.true:
         return base_set
     if isinstance(base_set, EmptySet):
         return base_set
     if isinstance(base_set, FiniteSet):
         sifted = sift(base_set,
                       lambda _: fuzzy_bool(condition.subs(sym, _)))
         if sifted[None]:
             return Union(
                 Basic.__new__(cls, sym, condition,
             return FiniteSet(*sifted[True])
     return Basic.__new__(cls, sym, condition, base_set)
예제 #45
    def __new__(cls, flambda, *sets):
        if not isinstance(flambda, Lambda):
            raise ValueError('first argument must be a Lambda')
        if flambda is S.IdentityFunction and len(sets) == 1:
            return sets[0]
        if not flambda.expr.free_symbols or not flambda.expr.args:
            return FiniteSet(flambda.expr)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, flambda, *sets)
예제 #46
 def eval(cls, *args):
         A, B = args
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError("%d operand(s) used for an Implies (pairs are required): %s" % (len(args), str(args)))
     if A is True or A is False or B is True or B is False:
         return Or(Not(A), B)
         return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #47
    def __new__(cls, arg, index=None):
        if not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, Tuple, List, Array, Variable,
                                IndexedElement, IndexedBase)):
            raise TypeError('Uknown type of  %s.' % type(arg))

        # TODO add check on index: must be Integer or Variable with dtype=int
        # TODO [YG, 09.10.2018]: Verify why index should be passed at all (not in Numpy!)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, arg, index)
예제 #48
    def __new__(cls, lamda, base_set):
        if not isinstance(lamda, Lambda):
            raise ValueError('first argument must be a Lambda')
        if lamda is S.IdentityFunction:
            return base_set
        if not lamda.expr.free_symbols or not lamda.expr.args:
            return FiniteSet(lamda.expr)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, lamda, base_set)
예제 #49
    def __new__(cls, flambda, *sets):
        if not isinstance(flambda, Lambda):
            raise ValueError('first argument must be a Lambda')
        if flambda is S.IdentityFunction and len(sets) == 1:
            return sets[0]
        if not flambda.expr.free_symbols or not flambda.expr.args:
            return FiniteSet(flambda.expr)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, flambda, *sets)
예제 #50
    def __new__(cls, f, x=None):
        if not isinstance(f, Poly):
            f = Poly(f, x)
        elif x is not None:
            raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise MultivariatePolyError(f)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, f)
예제 #51
파일: f2py.py 프로젝트: toddrme2178/pyccel
    def __new__(cls, module, parents):
        if not isinstance(module, Module):
            raise TypeError('Expecting a Module')

        if not isinstance(parents, dict):
            raise TypeError('Expecting a dict')

        obj = Basic.__new__(cls, module)
        obj._parents = parents
        return obj
예제 #52
파일: ast.py 프로젝트: ratnania/symcc
 def __new__(cls, dtype, name):
     if isinstance(dtype, str):
         dtype = datatype(dtype)
     elif not isinstance(dtype, DataType):
         raise TypeError("datatype must be an instance of DataType.")
     if isinstance(name, str):
         name = Symbol(name)
     elif not isinstance(name, (Symbol, MatrixSymbol)):
         raise TypeError("Only Symbols and MatrixSymbols can be Variables.")
     return Basic.__new__(cls, dtype, name)
예제 #53
 def __new__(cls, *args, **assumptions):
     if isinstance(args[0], cls):
         expr = args[0].expr
         cond = args[0].cond
     elif len(args) == 2:
         expr = sympify(args[0])
         cond = sympify(args[1])
         raise TypeError("args must be a (expr, cond) pair")
     return Basic.__new__(cls, expr, cond, **assumptions)
예제 #54
    def __new__(cls, mat):
        mat = sympify(mat)

        if not mat.is_Matrix:
            raise TypeError("input to Trace, %s, is not a matrix" % str(mat))

        if not mat.is_square:
            raise NonSquareMatrixError("Trace of a non-square matrix")

        return Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
예제 #55
 def __new__(cls,
     if type_ is None:
         type_ = _type_from_expr(symbol)
     return Basic.__new__(cls, symbol, type_, value_const, pointer_const,
 def __new__(cls, var, val=None, cast=False):
     if not isinstance(var, Variable):
         raise TypeError("var argument should be an instance of Variable")
     args = var,
     if val is not None:
         if cast:
             args += (var.type.cast_check(val), )
             args += (_sympify(val), )
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)
예제 #57
 def __new__(cls, dist):
     if not isinstance(dist,
                       (ContinuousDistribution, SingleFiniteDistribution,
         message = "Compound Distribution for %s is not implemeted yet" % str(
         raise NotImplementedError(message)
     if not cls._compound_check(dist):
         return dist
     return Basic.__new__(cls, dist)
예제 #58
    def __new__(cls, f, x=None):
        if not isinstance(f, Poly):
            f = Poly(f, x)
        elif x is not None:
            raise SymbolsError("Redundant symbols were given")

        if f.is_multivariate:
            raise MultivariatePolyError(f)

        return Basic.__new__(cls, f)
예제 #59
    def __new__(cls, mat):
        mat = sympify(mat)
        if not mat.is_Matrix:
            raise TypeError("Input to Determinant, %s, not a matrix" %

        if not mat.is_square:
            raise NonSquareMatrixError("Det of a non-square matrix")

        return Basic.__new__(cls, mat)
예제 #60
 def __new__(cls, var, val=None, cast=False):
     if not isinstance(var, Variable):
         raise TypeError("var argument should be an instance of Variable")
     args = var,
     if val is not None:
         if cast:
             args += (var.type.cast_check(val),)
             args += (_sympify(val),)
     return Basic.__new__(cls, *args)