예제 #1
    def _visit_Call(self, stmt):

        args = []
        if stmt.args:
            args += self._visit(stmt.args)
        if stmt.keywords:
            args += self._visit(stmt.keywords)

        if len(args) == 0:
            args = ()

        func = self._visit(stmt.func)

        if isinstance(func, Symbol):
            f_name = func.name
            if str(f_name) == "print":
                func = PythonPrint(PythonTuple(*args))
                func = Function(f_name)(*args)
        elif isinstance(func, DottedVariable):
            f_name = func.rhs.name
            func_attr = Function(f_name)(*args)
            func = DottedVariable(func.lhs, func_attr)
            raise NotImplementedError(' Unknown function type {}'.format(

        return func
예제 #2
def test_Function():
    sT(Function("f")(x), "Function('f')(Symbol('x'))")
    # test unapplied Function
    sT(Function('f'), "Function('f')")

    sT(sin(x), "sin(Symbol('x'))")
    sT(sin, "sin")
예제 #3
def test_latex_printer():
    r = Function('r')('t')
    assert VectorLatexPrinter().doprint(r**2) == "r^{2}"
    r2 = Function('r^2')('t')
    assert VectorLatexPrinter().doprint(r2.diff()) == r'\dot{r^{2}}'
    ra = Function('r__a')('t')
    assert VectorLatexPrinter().doprint(ra.diff().diff()) == r'\ddot{r^{a}}'
예제 #4
def test_undef_fcn_float_issue_6938():
    f = Function('ceil')
    assert not f(0.3).is_number
    f = Function('sin')
    assert not f(0.3).is_number
    assert not f(pi).evalf().is_number
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert not f(x).evalf(subs={x:1.2}).is_number
예제 #5
def test_arg():
    assert arg(0) is nan
    assert arg(1) == 0
    assert arg(-1) == pi
    assert arg(I) == pi / 2
    assert arg(-I) == -pi / 2
    assert arg(1 + I) == pi / 4
    assert arg(-1 + I) == pi * Rational(3, 4)
    assert arg(1 - I) == -pi / 4
    assert arg(exp_polar(4 * pi * I)) == 4 * pi
    assert arg(exp_polar(-7 * pi * I)) == -7 * pi
    assert arg(exp_polar(5 - 3 * pi * I / 4)) == pi * Rational(-3, 4)
    f = Function('f')
    assert not arg(f(0) + I * f(1)).atoms(re)

    # check nesting
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert arg(arg(arg(x))) is not S.NaN
    assert arg(arg(arg(arg(x)))) is S.NaN
    r = Symbol('r', extended_real=True)
    assert arg(arg(r)) is not S.NaN
    assert arg(arg(arg(r))) is S.NaN

    p = Function('p', extended_positive=True)
    assert arg(p(x)) == 0
    assert arg((3 + I) * p(x)) == arg(3 + I)

    p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
    assert arg(p) == 0
    assert arg(p * I) == pi / 2

    n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
    assert arg(n) == pi
    assert arg(n * I) == -pi / 2

    x = Symbol('x')
    assert conjugate(arg(x)) == arg(x)

    e = p + I * p**2
    assert arg(e) == arg(1 + p * I)
    # make sure sign doesn't swap
    e = -2 * p + 4 * I * p**2
    assert arg(e) == arg(-1 + 2 * p * I)
    # make sure sign isn't lost
    x = symbols('x', real=True)  # could be zero
    e = x + I * x
    assert arg(e) == arg(x * (1 + I))
    assert arg(e / p) == arg(x * (1 + I))
    e = p * cos(p) + I * log(p) * exp(p)
    assert arg(e).args[0] == e
    # keep it simple -- let the user do more advanced cancellation
    e = (p + 1) + I * (p**2 - 1)
    assert arg(e).args[0] == e

    f = Function('f')
    e = 2 * x * (f(0) - 1) - 2 * x * f(0)
    assert arg(e) == arg(-2 * x)
    assert arg(f(0)).func == arg and arg(f(0)).args == (f(0), )
예제 #6
def cse(expr):
    """ symplify a complicated sympy expression 
        into a list of expression using the cse 
        sympy function
    ls = list(expr.atoms(Sum))
    if not ls:
        return [expr]
    ls += [expr]
    (ls, m) = sympy_cse(ls)

    (vars_old, stmts) = map(list, zip(*ls))
    vars_new = []
    free_gl = expr.free_symbols

    for i in range(len(stmts) - 1):
        free = stmts[i].free_symbols
        free = free.difference(free_gl)
        free = list(free)
        var = create_variable(stmts[i])
        if len(free) > 0:
            var = IndexedBase(var)[free]
    for i in range(len(stmts) - 1):
        stmts[i + 1] = stmts[i + 1].replace(vars_old[i], vars_new[i])
        stmts[-1] = stmts[-1].replace(stmts[i], vars_new[i])

    allocate = []
    for i in range(len(stmts) - 1):
        stmts[i] = Assign(vars_new[i], stmts[i])
        stmts[i] = pyccel_sum(stmts[i])
        if isinstance(vars_new[i], Indexed):
            ind = vars_new[i].indices
            tp = list(stmts[i + 1].atoms(Tuple))
            size = None
            size = [None] * len(ind)
            for (j, k) in enumerate(ind):
                for t in tp:
                    if k == t[0]:
                        size[j] = t[2] - t[1] + 1
            if not all(size):
                raise ValueError('Unable to find range of index')
            name = str(vars_new[i].base)
            var = Symbol(name)
            stmt = Assign(var, Function('empty')(size[0]))
            stmts[i] = For(ind[0],
                           Function('range')(size[0]), [stmts[i]],
    lhs = create_variable(expr)
    stmts[-1] = Assign(lhs, stmts[-1])
    imports = [Import('empty', 'numpy')]
    return imports + allocate + stmts
예제 #7
def test_rolling_disc():
    # Rolling Disc Example
    # Here the rolling disc is formed from the contact point up, removing the
    # need to introduce generalized speeds. Only 3 configuration and 3
    # speed variables are need to describe this system, along with the
    # disc's mass and radius, and the local gravity.
    q1, q2, q3 = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3')
    q1d, q2d, q3d = dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3', 1)
    r, m, g = symbols('r m g')

    # The kinematics are formed by a series of simple rotations. Each simple
    # rotation creates a new frame, and the next rotation is defined by the new
    # frame's basis vectors. This example uses a 3-1-2 series of rotations, or
    # Z, X, Y series of rotations. Angular velocity for this is defined using
    # the second frame's basis (the lean frame).
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    Y = N.orientnew('Y', 'Axis', [q1, N.z])
    L = Y.orientnew('L', 'Axis', [q2, Y.x])
    R = L.orientnew('R', 'Axis', [q3, L.y])

    # This is the translational kinematics. We create a point with no velocity
    # in N; this is the contact point between the disc and ground. Next we form
    # the position vector from the contact point to the disc's center of mass.
    # Finally we form the velocity and acceleration of the disc.
    C = Point('C')
    C.set_vel(N, 0)
    Dmc = C.locatenew('Dmc', r * L.z)
    Dmc.v2pt_theory(C, N, R)

    # Forming the inertia dyadic.
    I = inertia(L, m / 4 * r**2, m / 2 * r**2, m / 4 * r**2)
    BodyD = RigidBody('BodyD', Dmc, R, m, (I, Dmc))

    # Finally we form the equations of motion, using the same steps we did
    # before. Supply the Lagrangian, the generalized speeds.
    BodyD.potential_energy = -m * g * r * cos(q2)
    Lag = Lagrangian(N, BodyD)
    q = [q1, q2, q3]
    q1 = Function('q1')
    q2 = Function('q2')
    q3 = Function('q3')
    l = LagrangesMethod(Lag, q)
    RHS = l.rhs()
    t = symbols('t')

    assert (l.mass_matrix[3:6] == [0, 5 * m * r**2 / 4, 0])
    assert RHS[4].simplify() == (
        (-8 * g * sin(q2(t)) + r *
         (5 * sin(2 * q2(t)) * Derivative(q1(t), t) +
          12 * cos(q2(t)) * Derivative(q3(t), t)) * Derivative(q1(t), t)) /
        (10 * r))
    assert RHS[5] == (-5 * cos(q2(t)) * Derivative(q1(t), t) +
                      6 * tan(q2(t)) * Derivative(q3(t), t) +
                      4 * Derivative(q1(t), t) / cos(q2(t))) * Derivative(
                          q2(t), t)
예제 #8
def test_noncommutative_issue_15131():
    x = Symbol('x', commutative=False)
    t = Symbol('t', commutative=False)
    fx = Function('Fx', commutative=False)(x)
    ft = Function('Ft', commutative=False)(t)
    A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    eq = fx * A * ft
    eqdt = eq.diff(t)
    assert eqdt.args[-1] == ft.diff(t)
예제 #9
def test_process_return_type():
    from sympy.core.function import Function
    Int = Function("Int")
    ExpandToSum = Function("ExpandToSum")
    s = ('\n        q = Expon(Pq, x)\n        Pqq = Coeff(Pq, x, q)', 'With(List(Set(Pqq, Coeff(Pq, x, q))), Pqq*c**(n - q + S(-1))*(c*x)**(m - n + q + S(1))*(a*x**j + b*x**n)**(p + S(1))/(b*(m + n*p + q + S(1))) + Int((c*x)**m*(a*x**j + b*x**n)**p*ExpandToSum(Pq - Pqq*a*x**(-n + q)*(m - n + q + S(1))/(b*(m + n*p + q + S(1))) - Pqq*x**q, x), x))')
    result = process_return_type(s, [])
    expected = ('\n        Pqq = Coeff(Pq, x, q)',\
    Pqq*c**(n - q - 1)*(c*x)**(m - n + q + 1)*(a*x**j + b*x**n)**(p + 1)/(b*(m + n*p + q + 1)) + Int((c*x)**m*(a*x**j + b*x**n)**p*ExpandToSum(Pq - Pqq*a*x**(-n + q)*(m - n + q + 1)/(b*(m + n*p + q + 1)) - Pqq*x**q, x), x),\
    assert result == expected
예제 #10
def test_euler_henonheiles():
    x = Function('x')
    y = Function('y')
    t = Symbol('t')
    L = sum(D(z(t), t)**2 / 2 - z(t)**2 / 2 for z in [x, y])
    L += -x(t)**2 * y(t) + y(t)**3 / 3
    assert euler(L, [x(t), y(t)], t) == [
        Eq(-2 * x(t) * y(t) - x(t) - D(x(t), t, t), 0),
        Eq(-x(t)**2 + y(t)**2 - y(t) - D(y(t), t, t), 0)
예제 #11
def test_implemented_function_evalf():
    from sympy.utilities.lambdify import implemented_function
    f = Function('f')
    f = implemented_function(f, lambda x: x + 1)
    assert str(f(x)) == "f(x)"
    assert str(f(2)) == "f(2)"
    assert f(2).evalf() == 3
    assert f(x).evalf() == f(x)
    f = implemented_function(Function('sin'), lambda x: x + 1)
    assert f(2).evalf() != sin(2)
    del f._imp_  # XXX: due to caching _imp_ would influence all other tests
예제 #12
def test_issue_7687():
    from sympy.core.function import Function
    from sympy.abc import x
    f = Function('f')(x)
    ff = Function('f')(x)
    match_with_cache = ff.matches(f)
    assert isinstance(f, type(ff))
    ff = Function('f')(x)
    assert isinstance(f, type(ff))
    assert match_with_cache == ff.matches(f)
예제 #13
def test_subs_in_derivative():
    expr = sin(x*exp(y))
    u = Function('u')
    v = Function('v')
    assert Derivative(expr, y).subs(expr, y) == Derivative(y, y)
    assert Derivative(expr, y).subs(y, x).doit() == \
        Derivative(expr, y).doit().subs(y, x)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, x) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), y, x)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(x, y) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), x, y)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, g(x, y)) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), y, g(x, y)).doit()
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(x, g(x, y)) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y), x, g(x, y))
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), g(y)).subs(x, g(x, y)) == Derivative(f(g(x, y), y), g(y))
    assert Derivative(f(u(x), h(y)), h(y)).subs(h(y), g(x, y)) == \
        Subs(Derivative(f(u(x), h(y)), h(y)), h(y), g(x, y)).doit()
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, z) == Derivative(f(x, z), z)
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), y).subs(y, g(y)) == Derivative(f(x, g(y)), g(y))
    assert Derivative(f(g(x), h(y)), h(y)).subs(h(y), u(y)) == \
        Derivative(f(g(x), u(y)), u(y))
    assert Derivative(f(x, f(x, x)), f(x, x)).subs(
        f, Lambda((x, y), x + y)) == Subs(
        Derivative(z + x, z), z, 2*x)
    assert Subs(Derivative(f(f(x)), x), f, cos).doit() == sin(x)*sin(cos(x))
    assert Subs(Derivative(f(f(x)), f(x)), f, cos).doit() == -sin(cos(x))
    # Issue 13791. No comparison (it's a long formula) but this used to raise an exception.
    assert isinstance(v(x, y, u(x, y)).diff(y).diff(x).diff(y), Expr)
    # This is also related to issues 13791 and 13795; issue 15190
    F = Lambda((x, y), exp(2*x + 3*y))
    abstract = f(x, f(x, x)).diff(x, 2)
    concrete = F(x, F(x, x)).diff(x, 2)
    assert (abstract.subs(f, F).doit() - concrete).simplify() == 0
    # don't introduce a new symbol if not necessary
    assert x in f(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0).atoms()
    # case (4)
    assert Derivative(f(x,f(x,y)), x, y).subs(x, g(y)
        ) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, f(x, y)), x, y), x, g(y))

    assert Derivative(f(x, x), x).subs(x, 0
        ) == Subs(Derivative(f(x, x), x), x, 0)
    # issue 15194
    assert Derivative(f(y, g(x)), (x, z)).subs(z, x
        ) == Derivative(f(y, g(x)), (x, x))

    df = f(x).diff(x)
    assert df.subs(df, 1) is S.One
    assert df.diff(df) is S.One
    dxy = Derivative(f(x, y), x, y)
    dyx = Derivative(f(x, y), y, x)
    assert dxy.subs(Derivative(f(x, y), y, x), 1) is S.One
    assert dxy.diff(dyx) is S.One
    assert Derivative(f(x, y), x, 2, y, 3).subs(
        dyx, g(x, y)) == Derivative(g(x, y), x, 1, y, 2)
    assert Derivative(f(x, x - y), y).subs(x, x + y) == Subs(
        Derivative(f(x, x - y), y), x, x + y)
예제 #14
def test_as_finite_diff():
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')
    dx = Function('dx')

    _as_finite_diff(f(x).diff(x), [x - 2, x - 1, x, x + 1, x + 2])

    # Use of undefined functions in ``points``
    df_true = -f(x+dx(x)/2-dx(x+dx(x)/2)/2) / dx(x+dx(x)/2) \
              + f(x+dx(x)/2+dx(x+dx(x)/2)/2) / dx(x+dx(x)/2)
    df_test = diff(f(x), x).as_finite_difference(points=dx(x),
                                                 x0=x + dx(x) / 2)
    assert (df_test - df_true).simplify() == 0
예제 #15
def test_match_deriv_bug1():
    n = Function('n')
    l = Function('l')

    x = Symbol('x')
    p = Wild('p')

    e = diff(l(x), x)/x - diff(diff(n(x), x), x)/2 - \
        diff(n(x), x)**2/4 + diff(n(x), x)*diff(l(x), x)/4
    e = e.subs(n(x), -l(x)).doit()
    t = x*exp(-l(x))
    t2 = t.diff(x, x)/t
    assert e.match( (p*t2).expand() ) == {p: Rational(-1, 2)}
예제 #16
def test_undefined_function_eq():
    f = Function('f')
    f2 = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    f_real = Function('f', is_real=True)

    # This test may only be meaningful if the cache is turned off
    assert f == f2
    assert hash(f) == hash(f2)
    assert f == f

    assert f != g

    assert f != f_real
예제 #17
def test_Subs_subs():
    assert Subs(x * y, x, x).subs(x, y) == Subs(x * y, x, y)
    assert Subs(x*y, x, x + 1).subs(x, y) == \
        Subs(x*y, x, y + 1)
    assert Subs(x*y, y, x + 1).subs(x, y) == \
        Subs(y**2, y, y + 1)
    a = Subs(x * y * z, (y, x, z), (x + 1, x + z, x))
    b = Subs(x * y * z, (y, x, z), (x + 1, y + z, y))
    assert a.subs(x, y) == b and \
        a.doit().subs(x, y) == a.subs(x, y).doit()
    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    assert Subs(2 * f(x, y) + g(x), f(x, y),
                1).subs(y, 2) == Subs(2 * f(x, y) + g(x), (f(x, y), y), (1, 2))
예제 #18
def test_derivative_subs():
    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y) != 0
    # need xreplace to put the function back, see #13803
    assert Derivative(f(x), x).subs(f(x), y).xreplace({y: f(x)}) == \
        Derivative(f(x), x)
    # issues 5085, 5037
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x), x) + f(x))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    assert cse(Derivative(f(x, y), x) +
               Derivative(f(x, y), y))[1][0].has(Derivative)
    eq = Derivative(g(x), g(x))
    assert eq.subs(g, f) == Derivative(f(x), f(x))
    assert eq.subs(g(x), f(x)) == Derivative(f(x), f(x))
    assert eq.subs(g, cos) == Subs(Derivative(y, y), y, cos(x))
예제 #19
def test_vlatex():  # vlatex is broken #12078
    from sympy.physics.vector import vlatex

    x = symbols('x')
    J = symbols('J')

    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    h = Function('h')

    expected = r'J \left(\frac{d}{d x} g{\left(x \right)} - \frac{d}{d x} h{\left(x \right)}\right)'

    expr = J * f(x).diff(x).subs(f(x), g(x) - h(x))

    assert vlatex(expr) == expected
예제 #20
def test_find_simple_recurrence():
    a = Function('a')
    n = Symbol('n')
    assert find_simple_recurrence([fibonacci(k) for k in range(12)
                                   ]) == (-a(n) - a(n + 1) + a(n + 2))

    f = Function('a')
    i = Symbol('n')
    a = [1, 1, 1]
    for k in range(15):
        a.append(5 * a[-1] - 3 * a[-2] + 8 * a[-3])
    assert find_simple_recurrence(a, A=f, N=i) == (-8 * f(i) + 3 * f(i + 1) -
                                                   5 * f(i + 2) + f(i + 3))
    assert find_simple_recurrence([0, 2, 15, 74, 12, 3, 0, 1, 2, 85, 4, 5,
                                   63]) == 0
예제 #21
def test_literal_evalf_is_number_is_zero_is_comparable():
    from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
    from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
    from sympy.core.function import Function
    from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import cos, sin
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')

    # issue 5033
    assert f.is_number is False
    # issue 6646
    assert f(1).is_number is False
    i = Integral(0, (x, x, x))
    # expressions that are symbolically 0 can be difficult to prove
    # so in case there is some easy way to know if something is 0
    # it should appear in the is_zero property for that object;
    # if is_zero is true evalf should always be able to compute that
    # zero
    assert i.n() == 0
    assert i.is_zero
    assert i.is_number is False
    assert i.evalf(2, strict=False) == 0

    # issue 10268
    n = sin(1)**2 + cos(1)**2 - 1
    assert n.is_comparable is False
    assert n.n(2).is_comparable is False
    assert n.n(2).n(2).is_comparable
예제 #22
def test_collect_D_0():
    D = Derivative
    f = Function('f')
    x, a, b = symbols('x,a,b')
    fxx = D(f(x), x, x)

    assert collect(a * fxx + b * fxx, fxx) == (a + b) * fxx
예제 #23
def test_literal_evalf_is_number_is_zero_is_comparable():
    from sympy.integrals.integrals import Integral
    from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
    from sympy.core.function import Function
    from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import cos, sin
    x = symbols('x')
    f = Function('f')

    # the following should not be changed without a lot of dicussion
    # `foo.is_number` should be equivalent to `not foo.free_symbols`
    # it should not attempt anything fancy; see is_zero, is_constant
    # and equals for more rigorous tests.
    assert f(1).is_number is True
    i = Integral(0, (x, x, x))
    # expressions that are symbolically 0 can be difficult to prove
    # so in case there is some easy way to know if something is 0
    # it should appear in the is_zero property for that object;
    # if is_zero is true evalf should always be able to compute that
    # zero
    assert i.n() == 0
    assert i.is_zero
    assert i.is_number is False
    assert i.evalf(2, strict=False) == 0

    # issue 10268
    n = sin(1)**2 + cos(1)**2 - 1
    assert n.is_comparable is False
    assert n.n(2).is_comparable is False
    assert n.n(2).n(2).is_comparable
예제 #24
def test_complicated_derivative_with_Indexed():
    x, y = symbols("x,y", cls=IndexedBase)
    sigma = symbols("sigma")
    i, j, k = symbols("i,j,k")
    m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5 = symbols("m0:6")
    f = Function("f")

    expr = f((x[i] - y[i])**2 / sigma)
    _xi_1 = symbols("xi_1", cls=Dummy)
    assert expr.diff(x[m0]).dummy_eq(
        (x[i] - y[i])*KroneckerDelta(i, m0)*\
            Derivative(f(_xi_1), _xi_1),
            ((x[i] - y[i])**2/sigma,)
    assert expr.diff(x[m0]).diff(x[m1]).dummy_eq(
        2*KroneckerDelta(i, m0)*\
        KroneckerDelta(i, m1)*Subs(
            Derivative(f(_xi_1), _xi_1),
            ((x[i] - y[i])**2/sigma,)
         )/sigma + \
        4*(x[i] - y[i])**2*KroneckerDelta(i, m0)*KroneckerDelta(i, m1)*\
            Derivative(f(_xi_1), _xi_1, _xi_1),
            ((x[i] - y[i])**2/sigma,)
예제 #25
def test__sympify():
    x = Symbol('x')
    f = Function('f')

    # positive _sympify
    assert _sympify(x) is x
    assert _sympify(1) == Integer(1)
    assert _sympify(0.5) == Float("0.5")
    assert _sympify(1 + 1j) == 1.0 + I * 1.0

    # Function f is not Basic and can't sympify to Basic. We allow it to pass
    # with sympify but not with _sympify.
    # https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/20124
    assert sympify(f) is f
    raises(SympifyError, lambda: _sympify(f))

    class A:
        def _sympy_(self):
            return Integer(5)

    a = A()
    assert _sympify(a) == Integer(5)

    # negative _sympify
    raises(SympifyError, lambda: _sympify('1'))
    raises(SympifyError, lambda: _sympify([1, 2, 3]))
예제 #26
def test_iterargs():
    f = Function('f')
    x = symbols('x')
    assert list(iterfreeargs(Integral(f(x), (f(x), 1)))) == [
        Integral(f(x), (f(x), 1)), 1]
    assert list(iterargs(Integral(f(x), (f(x), 1)))) == [
        Integral(f(x), (f(x), 1)), f(x), (f(x), 1), x, f(x), 1, x]
예제 #27
def test_issue_4855():
    assert 1 / O(1) != O(1)
    assert 1 / O(x) != O(1 / x)
    assert 1 / O(x, (x, oo)) != O(1 / x, (x, oo))

    f = Function('f')
    assert 1 / O(f(x)) != O(1 / x)
예제 #28
def test_Function():
    f = Function('f')
    fx = f(x)
    w = WildFunction('w')
    assert str(f) == "f"
    assert str(fx) == "f(x)"
    assert str(w) == "w_"
예제 #29
def test_Derivative_bug1():
    f = Function("f")
    x = abc.x
    a = Wild("a", exclude=[f(x)])
    b = Wild("b", exclude=[f(x)])
    eq = f(x).diff(x)
    assert eq.match(a*Derivative(f(x), x) + b) == {a: 1, b: 0}
예제 #30
def test_ideal_soliton():
    raises(ValueError, lambda: IdealSoliton('sol', -12))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: IdealSoliton('sol', 13.2))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: IdealSoliton('sol', 0))
    f = Function('f')
    raises(ValueError, lambda: density(IdealSoliton('sol', 10)).pmf(f))

    k = Symbol('k', integer=True, positive=True)
    x = Symbol('x', integer=True, positive=True)
    t = Symbol('t')
    sol = IdealSoliton('sol', k)
    assert density(sol).low == S.One
    assert density(sol).high == k
    assert density(sol).dict == Density(density(sol))
    assert density(sol).pmf(x) == Piecewise(
        (1 / k, Eq(x, 1)), (1 / (x * (x - 1)), k >= x), (0, True))

    k_vals = [5, 20, 50, 100, 1000]
    for i in k_vals:
        assert E(sol.subs(k, i)) == harmonic(i) == moment(sol.subs(k, i), 1)
        assert variance(sol.subs(
            k, i)) == (i - 1) + harmonic(i) - harmonic(i)**2 == cmoment(
                sol.subs(k, i), 2)
        assert skewness(sol.subs(k, i)) == smoment(sol.subs(k, i), 3)
        assert kurtosis(sol.subs(k, i)) == smoment(sol.subs(k, i), 4)

    assert exp(I * t) / 10 + Sum(exp(I * t * x) / (x * x - x), (x, 2, k)).subs(
        k, 10).doit() == characteristic_function(sol.subs(k, 10))(t)
    assert exp(t) / 10 + Sum(exp(t * x) / (x * x - x), (x, 2, k)).subs(
        k, 10).doit() == moment_generating_function(sol.subs(k, 10))(t)