예제 #1
def test_DecrementLevel():
    DE = DifferentialExtension(x*log(exp(x) + 1), x)
    assert DE.level == -1
    assert DE.t == t1
    assert DE.d == Poly(t0/(t0 + 1), t1)
    assert DE.case == 'primitive'

    with DecrementLevel(DE):
        assert DE.level == -2
        assert DE.t == t0
        assert DE.d == Poly(t0, t0)
        assert DE.case == 'exp'

        with DecrementLevel(DE):
            assert DE.level == -3
            assert DE.t == x
            assert DE.d == Poly(1, x)
            assert DE.case == 'base'

        assert DE.level == -2
        assert DE.t == t0
        assert DE.d == Poly(t0, t0)
        assert DE.case == 'exp'

    assert DE.level == -1
    assert DE.t == t1
    assert DE.d == Poly(t0/(t0 + 1), t1)
    assert DE.case == 'primitive'

    # Test that __exit__ is called after an exception correctly
        with DecrementLevel(DE):
            raise _TestingException
    except _TestingException:
        raise AssertionError("Did not raise.")

    assert DE.level == -1
    assert DE.t == t1
    assert DE.d == Poly(t0/(t0 + 1), t1)
    assert DE.case == 'primitive'
예제 #2
def solve_poly_rde(b, cQ, n, DE, parametric=False):
    Solve a Polynomial Risch Differential Equation with degree bound n.

    This constitutes step 4 of the outline given in the rde.py docstring.

    For parametric=False, cQ is c, a Poly; for parametric=True, cQ is Q ==
    [q1, ..., qm], a list of Polys.
    from sympy.integrals.prde import (prde_no_cancel_b_large,

    # No cancellation
    if not b.is_zero and (DE.case == 'base'
                          or b.degree(DE.t) > max(0,
                                                  DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1)):

        if parametric:
            return prde_no_cancel_b_large(b, cQ, n, DE)
        return no_cancel_b_large(b, cQ, n, DE)

    elif (b.is_zero or b.degree(DE.t) < DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1) and \
            (DE.case == 'base' or DE.d.degree(DE.t) >= 2):

        if parametric:
            return prde_no_cancel_b_small(b, cQ, n, DE)

        R = no_cancel_b_small(b, cQ, n, DE)

        if isinstance(R, Poly):
            return R
            # XXX: Might k be a field? (pg. 209)
            h, b0, c0 = R
            with DecrementLevel(DE):
                b0, c0 = b0.as_poly(DE.t), c0.as_poly(DE.t)
                assert b0 is not None  # See above comment
                assert c0 is not None
                y = solve_poly_rde(b0, c0, n, DE).as_poly(DE.t)
            return h + y

    elif DE.d.degree(DE.t) >= 2 and b.degree(DE.t) == DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1 and \
            n > -b.as_poly(DE.t).LC()/DE.d.as_poly(DE.t).LC():

        # TODO: Is this check necessary, and if so, what should it do if it fails?
        # b comes from the first element returned from spde()
        assert b.as_poly(DE.t).LC().is_number

        if parametric:
            raise NotImplementedError("prde_no_cancel_b_equal() is not yet "

        R = no_cancel_equal(b, cQ, n, DE)

        if isinstance(R, Poly):
            return R
            h, m, C = R
            # XXX: Or should it be rischDE()?
            y = solve_poly_rde(b, C, m, DE)
            return h + y

        # Cancellation
        if b.is_zero:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Remaining cases for Poly (P)RDE are "
                "not yet implemented (is_deriv_in_field() required).")
            if DE.case == 'exp':
                if parametric:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Parametric RDE cancellation "
                        "hyperexponential case is not yet implemented.")
                return cancel_exp(b, cQ, n, DE)

            elif DE.case == 'primitive':
                if parametric:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Parametric RDE cancellation "
                        "primitive case is not yet implemented.")
                return cancel_primitive(b, cQ, n, DE)

                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Other Poly (P)RDE cancellation "
                    "cases are not yet implemented (%s)." % case)

        if parametric:
            raise NotImplementedError("Remaining cases for Poly PRDE not yet "
        raise NotImplementedError("Remaining cases for Poly RDE not yet "
예제 #3
        return (a, B, C, Poly(1, DE.t))
        raise ValueError("case must be one of {'exp', 'tan', 'primitive', "
                         "'base'}, not %s." % case)
    # assert a.div(p)[1]

    nb = order_at(ba, p, DE.t) - order_at(bd, p, DE.t)
    nc = order_at(ca, p, DE.t) - order_at(cd, p, DE.t)

    n = min(0, nc - min(0, nb))
    if not nb:
        # Possible cancellation.

        if case == 'exp':
            dcoeff = DE.d.quo(Poly(DE.t, DE.t))
            with DecrementLevel(DE):  # We are guaranteed to not have problems,
                # because case != 'base'.
                alphaa, alphad = frac_in(-ba.eval(0) / bd.eval(0) / a.eval(0),
                etaa, etad = frac_in(dcoeff, DE.t)
                A = parametric_log_deriv(alphaa, alphad, etaa, etad, DE)
                if A is not None:
                    a, m, z = A
                    if a == 1:
                        n = min(n, m)

        elif case == 'tan':
            dcoeff = DE.d.quo(Poly(DE.t**2 + 1, DE.t))
            with DecrementLevel(DE):  # We are guaranteed to not have problems,
                # because case != 'base'.
                alphaa, alphad = frac_in(
예제 #4
               residue_reduce_derivation(H, DE, z))

    p = p.as_poly(DE.t)
    if p is None:
        # f - Dg will be in k[t] if f is the logarithmic derivative of a k(t)-radical
        return None

    if p.degree(DE.t) >= max(1, DE.d.degree(DE.t)):
        return None

    if case == 'auto':
        case = DE.case

    if case == 'exp':
        wa, wd = derivation(DE.t, DE).cancel(Poly(DE.t, DE.t), include=True)
        with DecrementLevel(DE):
            pa, pd = frac_in(p, DE.t, cancel=True)
            wa, wd = frac_in((wa, wd), DE.t)
            A = parametric_log_deriv(pa, pd, wa, wd, DE)
        if A is None:
            return None
        n, e, u = A
        u *= DE.t**e
#        raise NotImplementedError("The hyperexponential case is "
#            "not yet completely implemented for is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field().")

    elif case == 'primitive':
        with DecrementLevel(DE):
            pa, pd = frac_in(p, DE.t)
            A = is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field(pa, pd, DE, case='auto')
        if A is None:
예제 #5
파일: prde.py 프로젝트: yuyumaz/sympy
def prde_no_cancel_b_small(b, Q, n, DE):
    Parametric Poly Risch Differential Equation - No cancellation: deg(b) small enough.

    Given a derivation D on k[t], n in ZZ, and b, q1, ..., qm in k[t] with
    deg(b) < deg(D) - 1 and either D == d/dt or deg(D) >= 2, returns
    h1, ..., hr in k[t] and a matrix A with coefficients in Const(k) such that
    if c1, ..., cm in Const(k) and q in k[t] satisfy deg(q) <= n and
    Dq + b*q == Sum(ci*qi, (i, 1, m)) then q = Sum(dj*hj, (j, 1, r)) where
    d1, ..., dr in Const(k) and A*Matrix([[c1, ..., cm, d1, ..., dr]]).T == 0.
    m = len(Q)
    H = [Poly(0, DE.t)]*m

    for N in range(n, 0, -1):  # [n, ..., 1]
        for i in range(m):
            si = Q[i].nth(N + DE.d.degree(DE.t) - 1)/(N*DE.d.LC())
            sitn = Poly(si*DE.t**N, DE.t)
            H[i] = H[i] + sitn
            Q[i] = Q[i] - derivation(sitn, DE) - b*sitn

    if b.degree(DE.t) > 0:
        for i in range(m):
            si = Poly(Q[i].nth(b.degree(DE.t))/b.LC(), DE.t)
            H[i] = H[i] + si
            Q[i] = Q[i] - derivation(si, DE) - b*si
        if all(qi.is_zero for qi in Q):
            dc = -1
            M = Matrix()
            dc = max([qi.degree(DE.t) for qi in Q])
            M = Matrix(dc + 1, m, lambda i, j: Q[j].nth(i))
        A, u = constant_system(M, zeros(dc + 1, 1), DE)
        c = eye(m)
        A = A.row_join(zeros(A.rows, m)).col_join(c.row_join(-c))
        return (H, A)

    # else: b is in k, deg(qi) < deg(Dt)

    t = DE.t
    if DE.case != 'base':
        with DecrementLevel(DE):
            t0 = DE.t  # k = k0(t0)
            ba, bd = frac_in(b, t0, field=True)
            Q0 = [frac_in(qi.TC(), t0, field=True) for qi in Q]
            f, B = param_rischDE(ba, bd, Q0, DE)

            # f = [f1, ..., fr] in k^r and B is a matrix with
            # m + r columns and entries in Const(k) = Const(k0)
            # such that Dy0 + b*y0 = Sum(ci*qi, (i, 1, m)) has
            # a solution y0 in k with c1, ..., cm in Const(k)
            # if and only y0 = Sum(dj*fj, (j, 1, r)) where
            # d1, ..., dr ar in Const(k) and
            # B*Matrix([c1, ..., cm, d1, ..., dr]) == 0.

        # Transform fractions (fa, fd) in f into constant
        # polynomials fa/fd in k[t].
        # (Is there a better way?)
        f = [Poly(fa.as_expr()/fd.as_expr(), t, field=True)
             for fa, fd in f]
        # Base case. Dy == 0 for all y in k and b == 0.
        # Dy + b*y = Sum(ci*qi) is solvable if and only if
        # Sum(ci*qi) == 0 in which case the solutions are
        # y = d1*f1 for f1 = 1 and any d1 in Const(k) = k.

        f = [Poly(1, t, field=True)]  # r = 1
        B = Matrix([[qi.TC() for qi in Q] + [S(0)]])
        # The condition for solvability is
        # B*Matrix([c1, ..., cm, d1]) == 0
        # There are no constraints on d1.

    # Coefficients of t^j (j > 0) in Sum(ci*qi) must be zero.
    d = max([qi.degree(DE.t) for qi in Q])
    if d > 0:
        M = Matrix(d, m, lambda i, j: Q[j].nth(i + 1))
        A, _ = constant_system(M, zeros(d, 1), DE)
        # No constraints on the hj.
        A = Matrix(0, m, [])

    # Solutions of the original equation are
    #    y = Sum(dj*fj, (j, 1, r) + Sum(ei*hi, (i, 1, m)),
    # where  ei == ci  (i = 1, ..., m),  when
    # A*Matrix([c1, ..., cm]) == 0 and
    # B*Matrix([c1, ..., cm, d1, ..., dr]) == 0

    # Build combined constraint matrix with m + r + m columns.

    r = len(f)
    I = eye(m)
    A = A.row_join(zeros(A.rows, r + m))
    B = B.row_join(zeros(B.rows, m))
    C = I.row_join(zeros(m, r)).row_join(-I)

    return f + H, A.col_join(B).col_join(C)