예제 #1
def xi(i):
    xi = xi(i)
    xi is a function that returns the independent basis for 
    Lie algebra su(2)\equiv su(2,\mathbb{C}) of Lie group SU(2) of 
    traceless anti-Hermitian matrices, based on msigma of sympy
    cf. http://docs.sympy.org/dev/_modules/sympy/physics/matrices.html#msigma
    if i not in [1,2,3]:
        raise IndexError("Invalid Pauli index")
    elif i==1:
        return I/Rat(2)*msigma(1)
    elif i==2:
        return -I/Rat(2)*msigma(2)
    elif i==3:
        return I/Rat(2)*msigma(3)
def test_Pauli():
    #this and the following test are testing both Pauli and Dirac matrices
    #and also that the general Matrix class works correctly in a real world
    sigma1 = msigma(1)
    sigma2 = msigma(2)
    sigma3 = msigma(3)

    assert sigma1 == sigma1
    assert sigma1 != sigma2

    # sigma*I -> I*sigma    (see #354)
    assert sigma1*sigma2 == sigma3*I
    assert sigma3*sigma1 == sigma2*I
    assert sigma2*sigma3 == sigma1*I

    assert sigma1*sigma1 == eye(2)
    assert sigma2*sigma2 == eye(2)
    assert sigma3*sigma3 == eye(2)

    assert sigma1*2*sigma1 == 2*eye(2)
    assert sigma1*sigma3*sigma1 == -sigma3
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, nY):
        self.H_0 = (C - float(4) * tD) * (I_2 | kron | I_2) + (
            M - float(4) * tB) * (I_2 | kron | msigma(3))

        self.V_0 = +(tD) * (I_2 | kron | I_2) + (tB) * (
            I_2 | kron | msigma(3)) - I * tA * (I_2 | kron | msigma(2))

        self.W_0d = +(tD) * (I_2 | kron | I_2) + (tB) * (I_2 | kron
                                                         | msigma(3))
        self.W_0off = -I * tA * (msigma(3) | kron | msigma(1))

        self.IdDown = Matrix(nY, nY, lambda i, j: int(i - j == 1))
        self.IdUp = Matrix(nY, nY, lambda i, j: int(i - j == -1))
        self.Id = Matrix(nY, nY, lambda i, j: int(i == j))
예제 #4
from sympy.physics.paulialgebra import Pauli, evaluate_pauli_product
from sympy.physics.matrices import mdft, mgamma, msigma, pat_matrix

mdft(4) # expression of discrete Fourier transform as a matrix multiplication
mgamma(2) # Dirac gamma matrix in the Dirac representation
msigma(2) #  Pauli matrix with (1,2,3)
pat_matrix(3, 1, 0, 0) #  computer Parallel Axis Theorem matrix to translate the inertia matrix a distance of dx, dy, dz for a body of mass m.

예제 #5
파일: vars.py 프로젝트: gurugurugum/Python
from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.quantum import Operator
from sympy.physics.matrices import Matrix, msigma
from sympy.functions.special.tensor_functions import LeviCivita

x_mu=Matrix([Symbol('x'+str(i)) for i in range(3)])



e_mlau=Matrix([[Function('e'+str(i)+str(j))(*x_mu) for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])
#e_almu=Matrix([[Function('ei'+str(i)+str(j))(*x_mu) for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])

epsilon_auauau=[[[LeviCivita(i,j,k) for k in range(3)] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]
epsilon_mumumu=[[[sum([sum([sum([e_almu[d1,i]*e_almu[d2,j]*e_almu[d3,k]*epsilon_auauau[d1][d2][d3] for d3 in range(3)]) for d2 in range(3)]) for d1 in range(3)]) for k in range(3)] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]
epsilon_mlmlml=[[[sum([sum([sum([e_mlau[i,d1]*e_mlau[j,d2]*e_mlau[k,d3]*epsilon_alalal[d1][d2][d3] for d3 in range(3)]) for d2 in range(3)]) for d1 in range(3)]) for k in range(3)] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]

gamma_mu=[MatAdd(*[e_almu[d,i]*gamma_au[d] for d in range(3)]).doit() for i in range(3)]
gamma_ml=[MatAdd(*[e_mlau[i,d]*gamma_al[d] for d in range(3)]).doit() for i in range(3)]


Chris_mumlml=[[[sum([Rational(1,2)*g_mumu[i,d]*(g_mlml[d,k].diff(x_mu[j]) + g_mlml[d,j].diff(x_mu[k]) - g_mlml[j,k].diff(x_mu[d])) for d in range(3)]) for k in range(3)] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]
from sympy.physics.paulialgebra import Pauli, evaluate_pauli_product
from sympy.physics.matrices import mdft, mgamma, msigma, pat_matrix

mdft(4)  # expression of discrete Fourier transform as a matrix multiplication
mgamma(2)  # Dirac gamma matrix in the Dirac representation
msigma(2)  #  Pauli matrix with (1,2,3)
    3, 1, 0, 0
)  #  computer Parallel Axis Theorem matrix to translate the inertia matrix a distance of dx, dy, dz for a body of mass m.

evaluate_pauli_product(4 * x * Pauli(3) * Pauli(2))
예제 #7
from kwant.continuum._common import position_operators, momentum_operators
from kwant.continuum._common import make_commutative, sympify
from kwant.continuum._common import monomials
from kwant.continuum._common import lambdify

com_A, com_B, com_C = sympy.symbols('A B C')
fA, fB, fC = sympy.symbols('A B C', cls=sympy.Function)
x_op, y_op, z_op = position_operators
kx, ky, kz = momentum_operators

    'input_expr, output_expr',
    [('k_x * A(x) * k_x', kx * fA(x_op) * kx),
     ('[[k_x * A(x) * k_x]]', sympy.Matrix([kx * fA(x_op) * kx])),
     ('k_x * sigma_y + k_y * sigma_x', kx * msigma(2) + ky * msigma(1)),
     ('[[k_x*A(x)*k_x, B(x, y)*k_x], [k_x*B(x, y), C*k_y**2]]',
      sympy.Matrix([[kx * fA(x_op) * kx,
                     fB(x_op, y_op) * kx],
                    [kx * fB(x_op, y_op), com_C * ky**2]])),
     ('kron(sigma_x, sigma_y)', TensorProduct(msigma(1), msigma(2))),
     ('identity(2)', sympy.eye(2)), ('eye(2)', sympy.eye(2)),
     ('1 * sigma_x + 2 * sigma_y + 3 * sigma_z',
      msigma(1) + 2 * msigma(2) + 3 * msigma(3))])
def test_sympify(input_expr, output_expr):
    assert sympify(input_expr) == output_expr
    assert sympify(sympify(input_expr)) == output_expr

@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_expr, output_expr, subs', [
    ('k_x', kx + ky, {
예제 #8
        return I/Rat(2)*msigma(3)

## check anti-Hermitian property and commutation relations with xi 
# xi is indeed anti-Hermitian
xi(1) == -xi(1).adjoint() # True
xi(2) == -xi(2).adjoint() # True
xi(3) == -xi(3).adjoint() # True

# xi obeys the commutation relations

for i,j in product([1,2,3],repeat=2): print i,j

for i,j in product([1,2,3],repeat=2): print i,j, "\t Commutator: ", commute(xi(i),xi(j))

## check traceless Hermitian property and commutation relations with Pauli matrices
# Pauli matrices i.e. msigam is indeed traceless Hermitian

msigma(1) == msigma(1).adjoint() # True
msigma(2) == msigma(2).adjoint() # True
msigma(3) == msigma(3).adjoint() # True

msigma(1).trace() == 0 # True
msigma(2).trace() == 0 # True
msigma(3).trace() == 0 # True

# Pauli matrices obey commutation relation
print "For Pauli matrices, the commutation relations are :\n"
for i,j in product([1,2,3],repeat=2): print i,j, "\t Commutator: ", commute(msigma(i),msigma(j))

for i,j,k in permutations([1,2,3],3): print "Commute: ", i,j,k, msigma(i), msigma(j),  ": and is 2*i of ", msigma(k), commute(msigma(i),msigma(j)) == 2*I*msigma(k)*LeviCivita(i,j,k)
from kwant.continuum._common import position_operators, momentum_operators
from kwant.continuum._common import make_commutative, sympify
from kwant.continuum._common import monomials
from kwant.continuum._common import lambdify

com_A, com_B, com_C = sympy.symbols('A B C')
x_op, y_op, z_op = position_operators
kx, ky, kz = momentum_operators

@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_expr, output_expr', [
    ('k_x * A(x) * k_x', kx * com_A(x_op) * kx),
    ('[[k_x * A(x) * k_x]]', sympy.Matrix([kx * com_A(x_op) * kx])),
    ('k_x * sigma_y + k_y * sigma_x', kx * msigma(2) + ky * msigma(1)),
    ('[[k_x*A(x)*k_x, B(x, y)*k_x], [k_x*B(x, y), C*k_y**2]]',
     sympy.Matrix([[kx*com_A(x_op)*kx, com_B(x_op, y_op)*kx],
                   [kx*com_B(x_op, y_op), com_C*ky**2]])),
    ('kron(sigma_x, sigma_y)', TensorProduct(msigma(1), msigma(2))),
    ('identity(2)', sympy.eye(2)),
    ('eye(2)', sympy.eye(2)),
    ('1 * sigma_x + 2 * sigma_y + 3 * sigma_z',
     msigma(1) + 2 * msigma(2) + 3 * msigma(3))
def test_sympify(input_expr, output_expr):
    assert sympify(input_expr) == output_expr
    assert sympify(sympify(input_expr)) == output_expr

@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_expr, output_expr, subs', [