예제 #1
파일: kane.py 프로젝트: royels/sympy
    def _form_fr(self, fl):
        """Form the generalized active force."""

        if not iterable(fl):
            raise TypeError('Force pairs must be supplied in an iterable.')

        N = self._inertial
        # pull out relevant velocities for constructing partial velocities
        vel_list, f_list = _f_list_parser(fl, N)
        vel_list = [i.subs(self._qdot_u_map) for i in vel_list]

        # Fill Fr with dot product of partial velocities and forces
        o = len(self._u)
        b = len(f_list)
        FR = zeros(o, 1)
        partials = partial_velocity(vel_list, self._u, N)
        for i in range(o):
            FR[i] = sum(partials[j][i] & f_list[j] for j in range(b))

        # In case there are dependent speeds
        if self._udep:
            p = o - len(self._udep)
            FRtilde = FR[:p, 0]
            FRold = FR[p:o, 0]
            FRtilde += self._Ars.T * FRold
            FR = FRtilde

        self._fr = FR
        return FR
예제 #2
파일: kane.py 프로젝트: Lenqth/sympy
    def _form_fr(self, fl):
        """Form the generalized active force."""
        if fl != None and (len(fl) == 0 or not iterable(fl)):
            raise ValueError('Force pairs must be supplied in an '
                'non-empty iterable or None.')

        N = self._inertial
        # pull out relevant velocities for constructing partial velocities
        vel_list, f_list = _f_list_parser(fl, N)
        vel_list = [msubs(i, self._qdot_u_map) for i in vel_list]

        # Fill Fr with dot product of partial velocities and forces
        o = len(self.u)
        b = len(f_list)
        FR = zeros(o, 1)
        partials = partial_velocity(vel_list, self.u, N)
        for i in range(o):
            FR[i] = sum(partials[j][i] & f_list[j] for j in range(b))

        # In case there are dependent speeds
        if self._udep:
            p = o - len(self._udep)
            FRtilde = FR[:p, 0]
            FRold = FR[p:o, 0]
            FRtilde += self._Ars.T * FRold
            FR = FRtilde

        self._forcelist = fl
        self._fr = FR
        return FR
예제 #3
    def form_lagranges_equations(self):
        """Method to form Lagrange's equations of motion.

        Returns a vector of equations of motion using Lagrange's equations of
        the second kind.

        qds = self._qdots
        qdd_zero = dict((i, 0) for i in self._qdoubledots)
        n = len(self.q)

        # Internally we represent the EOM as four terms:
        # EOM = term1 - term2 - term3 - term4 = 0

        # First term
        self._term1 = self._L.jacobian(qds)
        self._term1 = self._term1.diff(dynamicsymbols._t).T

        # Second term
        self._term2 = self._L.jacobian(self.q).T

        # Third term
        if self.coneqs:
            coneqs = self.coneqs
            m = len(coneqs)
            # Creating the multipliers
            self.lam_vec = Matrix(dynamicsymbols('lam1:' + str(m + 1)))
            self.lam_coeffs = -coneqs.jacobian(qds)
            self._term3 = self.lam_coeffs.T * self.lam_vec
            # Extracting the coeffecients of the qdds from the diff coneqs
            diffconeqs = coneqs.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
            self._m_cd = diffconeqs.jacobian(self._qdoubledots)
            # The remaining terms i.e. the 'forcing' terms in diff coneqs
            self._f_cd = -diffconeqs.subs(qdd_zero)
            self._term3 = zeros(n, 1)

        # Fourth term
        if self.forcelist:
            N = self.inertial
            self._term4 = zeros(n, 1)
            flist = zip(*_f_list_parser(self.forcelist, N))
            for i, qd in enumerate(qds):
                for obj, force in self.forcelist:
                    self._term4[i] = sum(v.diff(qd, N) & f for (v, f) in flist)
            self._term4 = zeros(n, 1)

        # Form the dynamic mass and forcing matrices
        without_lam = self._term1 - self._term2 - self._term4
        self._m_d = without_lam.jacobian(self._qdoubledots)
        self._f_d = -without_lam.subs(qdd_zero)

        # Form the EOM
        self.eom = without_lam - self._term3
        return self.eom
예제 #4
    def form_lagranges_equations(self):
        """Method to form Lagrange's equations of motion.

        Returns a vector of equations of motion using Lagrange's equations of
        the second kind.

        qds = self._qdots
        qdd_zero = dict((i, 0) for i in self._qdoubledots)
        n = len(self.q)

        # Internally we represent the EOM as four terms:
        # EOM = term1 - term2 - term3 - term4 = 0

        # First term
        self._term1 = self._L.jacobian(qds)
        self._term1 = self._term1.diff(dynamicsymbols._t).T

        # Second term
        self._term2 = self._L.jacobian(self.q).T

        # Third term
        if self.coneqs:
            coneqs = self.coneqs
            m = len(coneqs)
            # Creating the multipliers
            self.lam_vec = Matrix(dynamicsymbols('lam1:' + str(m + 1)))
            self.lam_coeffs = -coneqs.jacobian(qds)
            self._term3 = self.lam_coeffs.T * self.lam_vec
            # Extracting the coeffecients of the qdds from the diff coneqs
            diffconeqs = coneqs.diff(dynamicsymbols._t)
            self._m_cd = diffconeqs.jacobian(self._qdoubledots)
            # The remaining terms i.e. the 'forcing' terms in diff coneqs
            self._f_cd = -diffconeqs.subs(qdd_zero)
            self._term3 = zeros(n, 1)

        # Fourth term
        if self.forcelist:
            N = self.inertial
            self._term4 = zeros(n, 1)
            flist = zip(*_f_list_parser(self.forcelist, N))
            for i, qd in enumerate(qds):
                for obj, force in self.forcelist:
                    self._term4[i] = sum(v.diff(qd, N) & f for (v, f) in flist)
            self._term4 = zeros(n, 1)

        # Form the dynamic mass and forcing matrices
        without_lam = self._term1 - self._term2 - self._term4
        self._m_d = without_lam.jacobian(self._qdoubledots)
        self._f_d = -without_lam.subs(qdd_zero)

        # Form the EOM
        self.eom = without_lam - self._term3
        return self.eom