def apply_measurement(self, op, input_register, moutputs):
        # Find the operator of the measurement instance we're running
        measurement = self.find_measurement(op['operator_id'])

        # Using the same principle as in apply_gate, obtain a matrix we can
        # run on all lines
        before = op['lines'][0]
        after = self.register_size - op['lines'][-1] - 1
        matrix = TensorProduct(eye(2**before), measurement.matrix,

        # To contain the possible states the system could fall into after the
        # measurement
        states = []
        # For each triple in the eigensystem
        # Eigenvalue, duplicity (not needed here), eigenvectors
        for val, dup, vecs in matrix.eigenvects():
            # For each vector in the eigenvector basis
            for vec in vecs:
                # Obtain a projection operator P = x*x^T
                p = vec * vec.H

                # Probability of this outcome Pr = |phi>^T * P * |phi>
                # [0] because we want the value of a 1x1 matrix
                probability = (input_register.H * p * input_register)[0]
                # Don't need to consider this outcome anymore if it
                # won't happen
                if probability == 0: continue

                # Calculate the new register |phi'> = P*|phi> / sqrt(Pr)
                register = p * input_register / sqrt(probability)

                # Copy the measurement outputs as we're branching so don't
                # want to affect other branches
                moutputs = dict(moutputs)
                # Store the outcome that's just happened in the measurement
                # outputs
                moutputs[op['oid']] = val

                # Add the state tuple into states
                state = (register, probability, moutputs)

        return states
    def apply_measurement(self, op, input_register, moutputs):
        # Find the operator of the measurement instance we're running
        measurement = self.find_measurement(op['operator_id'])

        # Using the same principle as in apply_gate, obtain a matrix we can
        # run on all lines
        before = op['lines'][0]
        after = self.register_size - op['lines'][-1] - 1
        matrix = TensorProduct(eye(2**before), measurement.matrix, eye(2**after))

        # To contain the possible states the system could fall into after the
        # measurement
        states = []
        # For each triple in the eigensystem
        # Eigenvalue, duplicity (not needed here), eigenvectors
        for val, dup, vecs in matrix.eigenvects():
            # For each vector in the eigenvector basis
            for vec in vecs:
                # Obtain a projection operator P = x*x^T
                p = vec * vec.H

                # Probability of this outcome Pr = |phi>^T * P * |phi>
                # [0] because we want the value of a 1x1 matrix
                probability = (input_register.H * p * input_register)[0]
                # Don't need to consider this outcome anymore if it
                # won't happen
                if probability == 0: continue

                # Calculate the new register |phi'> = P*|phi> / sqrt(Pr)
                register = p * input_register / sqrt(probability)

                # Copy the measurement outputs as we're branching so don't
                # want to affect other branches
                moutputs = dict(moutputs)
                # Store the outcome that's just happened in the measurement
                # outputs
                moutputs[op['oid']] = val

                # Add the state tuple into states
                state = (register, probability, moutputs)

        return states
예제 #3
파일: 프로젝트: gderosa/timeq
Omega_T_d = (pi / ((pi / (2 * omega))**2)) * F * T_d * F.adjoint()

# %%

# %%
Hs = I * hbar * omega * Matrix([[0, 1], [-1, 0]])

# %%
J = TensorProduct(hbar * Omega_T_d, eye(2)) + TensorProduct(eye(2), Hs)

# %%

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# ## Ordinary quantum theory

# %%
t = Symbol('t')
t0 = Symbol('t_0')

# %%
exp(-I * Hs * (t - t0) / hbar)

# %%
exp(-I * Hs * (t - t0) / hbar) * Matrix([0, -I])

# %%