예제 #1
파일: test_rings.py 프로젝트: atreyv/sympy
def test_PolyElement_cancel():
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    f = 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + 2*x
    g = 3*x**2 + 3*x
    F = 2*x + 2
    G = 3

    assert f.cancel(g) == (F, G)

    assert (-f).cancel(g) == (-F, G)
    assert f.cancel(-g) == (-F, G)

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)

    f = QQ(1,2)*x**3 + x**2 + QQ(1,2)*x
    g = QQ(1,3)*x**2 + QQ(1,3)*x
    F = 3*x + 3
    G = 2

    assert f.cancel(g) == (F, G)

    assert (-f).cancel(g) == (-F, G)
    assert f.cancel(-g) == (-F, G)

    Fx, x = field("x", ZZ)
    Rt, t = ring("t", Fx)

    f = (-x**2 - 4)/4*t
    g = t**2 + (x**2 + 2)/2

    assert f.cancel(g) == ((-x**2 - 4)*t, 4*t**2 + 2*x**2 + 4)
예제 #2
def test_Modules():
    from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
    from sympy.polys.agca import homomorphism

    R = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y)
    F = R.free_module(2)
    M = F.submodule([x, y], [1, x ** 2])

    assert latex(F) == r"{\mathbb{Q}\left[x, y\right]}^{2}"
    assert latex(M) == r"\left< {\left[ {x},{y} \right]},{\left[ {1},{x^{2}} \right]} \right>"

    I = R.ideal(x ** 2, y)
    assert latex(I) == r"\left< {x^{2}},{y} \right>"

    Q = F / M
    assert (
        == r"\frac{{\mathbb{Q}\left[x, y\right]}^{2}}{\left< {\left[ {x},{y} \right]},{\left[ {1},{x^{2}} \right]} \right>}"
    assert (
        latex(Q.submodule([1, x ** 3 / 2], [2, y]))
        == r"\left< {{\left[ {1},{\frac{x^{3}}{2}} \right]} + {\left< {\left[ {x},{y} \right]},{\left[ {1},{x^{2}} \right]} \right>}},{{\left[ {2},{y} \right]} + {\left< {\left[ {x},{y} \right]},{\left[ {1},{x^{2}} \right]} \right>}} \right>"

    h = homomorphism(QQ.old_poly_ring(x).free_module(2), QQ.old_poly_ring(x).free_module(2), [0, 0])

    assert (
        == r"{\left[\begin{matrix}0 & 0\\0 & 0\end{matrix}\right]} : {{\mathbb{Q}\left[x\right]}^{2}} \to {{\mathbb{Q}\left[x\right]}^{2}}"
예제 #3
def test_globalring():
    Qxy = QQ.old_frac_field(x, y)
    R = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y)
    X = R.convert(x)
    Y = R.convert(y)

    assert x in R
    assert 1/x not in R
    assert 1/(1 + x) not in R
    assert Y in R
    assert X.ring == R
    assert X * (Y**2 + 1) == R.convert(x * (y**2 + 1))
    assert X * y == X * Y == R.convert(x * y) == x * Y
    assert X + y == X + Y == R.convert(x + y) == x + Y
    assert X - y == X - Y == R.convert(x - y) == x - Y
    assert X + 1 == R.convert(x + 1)
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: X/Y)
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: x/Y)
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: X/y)
    assert X**2 / X == X

    assert R.from_GlobalPolynomialRing(ZZ.old_poly_ring(x, y).convert(x), ZZ.old_poly_ring(x, y)) == X
    assert R.from_FractionField(Qxy.convert(x), Qxy) == X
    assert R.from_FractionField(Qxy.convert(x)/y, Qxy) is None

    assert R._sdm_to_vector(R._vector_to_sdm([X, Y], R.order), 2) == [X, Y]
예제 #4
def test_localring():
    Qxy = QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    R   = QQ.poly_ring(x, y, order="ilex")
    X = R.convert(x)
    Y = R.convert(y)

    assert x in R
    assert 1/x not in R
    assert 1/(1 + x) in R
    assert Y in R
    assert X.ring == R
    assert X*(Y**2+1)/(1 + X) == R.convert(x*(y**2 + 1)/(1 + x))
    assert X*y == X*Y
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: X/Y)
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: x/Y)
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: X/y)
    assert X + y == X + Y == R.convert(x + y) == x + Y
    assert X - y == X - Y == R.convert(x - y) == x - Y
    assert X + 1 == R.convert(x + 1)
    assert X**2 / X == X

    assert R.from_GlobalPolynomialRing(ZZ[x, y].convert(x), ZZ[x, y]) == X
    assert R.from_FractionField(Qxy.convert(x), Qxy) == X
    raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: R.from_FractionField(Qxy.convert(x)/y, Qxy))
    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: X/Y)
    raises(NotReversible, lambda: X.invert())

    assert R._sdm_to_vector(R._vector_to_sdm([X/(X + 1), Y/(1 + X*Y)], R.order),
                                             2) == \
        [X*(1 + X*Y), Y*(1 + X)]
예제 #5
def test_conversion():
    L = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y, order="ilex")
    G = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, y)

    assert L.convert(x) == L.convert(G.convert(x), G)
    assert G.convert(x) == G.convert(L.convert(x), L)
    raises(CoercionFailed, lambda: G.convert(L.convert(1/(1 + x)), L))
예제 #6
def test_Domain_get_ring():
    assert ZZ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ[x].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ[x].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ[x, y].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ[x, y].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True

    assert EX.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert RR.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert ALG.has_assoc_Ring is False

    assert ZZ.get_ring() == ZZ
    assert QQ.get_ring() == ZZ
    assert ZZ[x].get_ring() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ[x].get_ring() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ[x, y].get_ring() == ZZ[x, y]
    assert QQ[x, y].get_ring() == QQ[x, y]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).get_ring() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).get_ring() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).get_ring() == ZZ[x, y]
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).get_ring() == QQ[x, y]

    assert EX.get_ring() == EX

    assert RR.get_ring() == RR
    # XXX: This should also be like RR
    raises(DomainError, lambda: ALG.get_ring())
예제 #7
def test_Domain_get_ring():
    assert ZZ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ[x].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ[x].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ[x, y].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ[x, y].has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).has_assoc_Ring is True

    assert EX.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert RR.has_assoc_Ring is False
    assert ALG.has_assoc_Ring is False

    assert ZZ.get_ring() == ZZ
    assert QQ.get_ring() == ZZ
    assert ZZ[x].get_ring() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ[x].get_ring() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ[x, y].get_ring() == ZZ[x, y]
    assert QQ[x, y].get_ring() == QQ[x, y]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).get_ring() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).get_ring() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x, y).get_ring() == ZZ[x, y]
    assert QQ.frac_field(x, y).get_ring() == QQ[x, y]

    assert EX.get_ring() == EX

    raises(DomainError, lambda: RR.get_ring())
    raises(DomainError, lambda: ALG.get_ring())
예제 #8
파일: test_rings.py 프로젝트: atreyv/sympy
def test_PolyElement_gcd():
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ)

    f = QQ(1,2)*x**2 + x + QQ(1,2)
    g = QQ(1,2)*x + QQ(1,2)

    assert f.gcd(g) == x + 1
예제 #9
def test_Domain_get_ring():
    assert ZZ.has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert QQ.has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert ZZ[x].has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert QQ[x].has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert ZZ[x,y].has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert QQ[x,y].has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x,y).has_assoc_Ring == True
    assert QQ.frac_field(x,y).has_assoc_Ring == True

    assert EX.has_assoc_Ring == False
    assert RR.has_assoc_Ring == False
    assert ALG.has_assoc_Ring == False

    assert ZZ.get_ring() == ZZ
    assert QQ.get_ring() == ZZ
    assert ZZ[x].get_ring() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ[x].get_ring() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ[x,y].get_ring() == ZZ[x,y]
    assert QQ[x,y].get_ring() == QQ[x,y]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).get_ring() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).get_ring() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x,y).get_ring() == ZZ[x,y]
    assert QQ.frac_field(x,y).get_ring() == QQ[x,y]

    raises(DomainError, "EX.get_ring()")
    raises(DomainError, "RR.get_ring()")
    raises(DomainError, "ALG.get_ring()")
예제 #10
파일: test_rings.py 프로젝트: atreyv/sympy
def test_PolyElement_diff():
    R, X = xring("x:11", QQ)

    f = QQ(288,5)*X[0]**8*X[1]**6*X[4]**3*X[10]**2 + 8*X[0]**2*X[2]**3*X[4]**3 +2*X[0]**2 - 2*X[1]**2

    assert f.diff(X[0]) == QQ(2304,5)*X[0]**7*X[1]**6*X[4]**3*X[10]**2 + 16*X[0]*X[2]**3*X[4]**3 + 4*X[0]
    assert f.diff(X[4]) == QQ(864,5)*X[0]**8*X[1]**6*X[4]**2*X[10]**2 + 24*X[0]**2*X[2]**3*X[4]**2
    assert f.diff(X[10]) == QQ(576,5)*X[0]**8*X[1]**6*X[4]**3*X[10]
예제 #11
def test_dup_euclidean_prs():
    f = QQ.map([1, 0, 1, 0, -3, -3, 8, 2, -5])
    g = QQ.map([3, 0, 5, 0, -4, -9, 21])

    assert dup_euclidean_prs(f, g, QQ) == [f, g,
        [-QQ(5,9), QQ(0,1), QQ(1,9), QQ(0,1), -QQ(1,3)],
        [-QQ(117,25), -QQ(9,1), QQ(441,25)],
        [QQ(233150,19773), -QQ(102500,6591)],
예제 #12
def test_minpoly_domain():
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))) == \
        x - sqrt(2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(8), x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))) == \
        x - 2*sqrt(2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(Rational(3,2)), x,
        domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))) == 2*x**2 - 3

    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(y, x, domain=QQ))
예제 #13
파일: test_rings.py 프로젝트: atreyv/sympy
def test_PolyElement_sqf_norm():
    R, x = ring("x", QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(3)))
    X = R.to_ground().x

    assert (x**2 - 2).sqf_norm() == (1, x**2 - 2*sqrt(3)*x + 1, X**4 - 10*X**2 + 1)

    R, x = ring("x", QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)))
    X = R.to_ground().x

    assert (x**2 - 3).sqf_norm() == (1, x**2 - 2*sqrt(2)*x - 1, X**4 - 10*X**2 + 1)
예제 #14
def test_Domain___eq__():
    assert (ZZ[x,y] == ZZ[x,y]) == True
    assert (QQ[x,y] == QQ[x,y]) == True

    assert (ZZ[x,y] == QQ[x,y]) == False
    assert (QQ[x,y] == ZZ[x,y]) == False

    assert (ZZ.frac_field(x,y) == ZZ.frac_field(x,y)) == True
    assert (QQ.frac_field(x,y) == QQ.frac_field(x,y)) == True

    assert (ZZ.frac_field(x,y) == QQ.frac_field(x,y)) == False
    assert (QQ.frac_field(x,y) == ZZ.frac_field(x,y)) == False
예제 #15
def test_Domain___eq__():
    assert (ZZ[x, y] == ZZ[x, y]) is True
    assert (QQ[x, y] == QQ[x, y]) is True

    assert (ZZ[x, y] == QQ[x, y]) is False
    assert (QQ[x, y] == ZZ[x, y]) is False

    assert (ZZ.frac_field(x, y) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) is True
    assert (QQ.frac_field(x, y) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)) is True

    assert (ZZ.frac_field(x, y) == QQ.frac_field(x, y)) is False
    assert (QQ.frac_field(x, y) == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)) is False

    assert RealField()[x] == RR[x]
예제 #16
def test_Domain_get_exact():
    assert EX.get_exact() == EX
    assert ZZ.get_exact() == ZZ
    assert QQ.get_exact() == QQ
    assert RR.get_exact() == QQ
    assert ALG.get_exact() == ALG
    assert ZZ[x].get_exact() == ZZ[x]
    assert QQ[x].get_exact() == QQ[x]
    assert ZZ[x,y].get_exact() == ZZ[x,y]
    assert QQ[x,y].get_exact() == QQ[x,y]
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x).get_exact() == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x).get_exact() == QQ.frac_field(x)
    assert ZZ.frac_field(x,y).get_exact() == ZZ.frac_field(x,y)
    assert QQ.frac_field(x,y).get_exact() == QQ.frac_field(x,y)
예제 #17
def test_conversion():
    L = QQ.poly_ring(x, y, order="ilex")
    G = QQ[x, y]

    assert L.convert(x) == L.convert(G.convert(x), G)
    assert G.convert(x) == G.convert(L.convert(x), L)
    raises(CoercionFailed, 'G.convert(L.convert(1/(1+x)), L)')
예제 #18
def test_QuotientRing():
    from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
    R = QQ.old_poly_ring(x)/[x**2 + 1]

    assert latex(
        R) == r"\frac{\mathbb{Q}\left[x\right]}{\left< {x^{2} + 1} \right>}"
    assert latex(R.one) == r"{1} + {\left< {x^{2} + 1} \right>}"
예제 #19
def test_dmp_lift():
    q = [QQ(1, 1), QQ(0, 1), QQ(1, 1)]

    f = [
        ANP([QQ(1, 1)], q, QQ),
        ANP([], q, QQ),
        ANP([], q, QQ),
        ANP([QQ(1, 1), QQ(0, 1)], q, QQ),
        ANP([QQ(17, 1), QQ(0, 1)], q, QQ),

    assert dmp_lift(f, 0, QQ.algebraic_field(I)) == [

    raises(DomainError, "dmp_lift([EX(1), EX(2)], 0, EX)")
예제 #20
def test_dmp_ext_factor():
    R, x,y = ring("x,y", QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2)))
    def anp(x):
        return ANP(x, [QQ(1), QQ(0), QQ(-2)], QQ)

    assert R.dmp_ext_factor(0) == (anp([]), [])

    f = anp([QQ(1)])*x + anp([QQ(1)])

    assert R.dmp_ext_factor(f) == (anp([QQ(1)]), [(f, 1)])

    g = anp([QQ(2)])*x + anp([QQ(2)])

    assert R.dmp_ext_factor(g) == (anp([QQ(2)]), [(f, 1)])

    f = anp([QQ(1)])*x**2 + anp([QQ(-2)])*y**2

    assert R.dmp_ext_factor(f) == \
        (anp([QQ(1)]), [(anp([QQ(1)])*x + anp([QQ(-1), QQ(0)])*y, 1),
                        (anp([QQ(1)])*x + anp([QQ( 1), QQ(0)])*y, 1)])

    f = anp([QQ(2)])*x**2 + anp([QQ(-4)])*y**2

    assert R.dmp_ext_factor(f) == \
        (anp([QQ(2)]), [(anp([QQ(1)])*x + anp([QQ(-1), QQ(0)])*y, 1),
                        (anp([QQ(1)])*x + anp([QQ( 1), QQ(0)])*y, 1)])
예제 #21
def test_PrettyPoly():
    from sympy.polys.domains import QQ
    F = QQ.frac_field(x, y)
    R = QQ[x, y]

    assert latex(F.convert(x/(x + y))) == latex(x/(x + y))
    assert latex(R.convert(x + y)) == latex(x + y)
예제 #22
def test_dmp_ext_factor():
    h = [QQ(1),QQ(0),QQ(-2)]
    K = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))

    assert dmp_ext_factor([], 0, K) == (ANP([], h, QQ), [])
    assert dmp_ext_factor([[]], 1, K) == (ANP([], h, QQ), [])

    f = [[ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)], [ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)]]

    assert dmp_ext_factor(f, 1, K) == (ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ), [(f, 1)])

    g = [[ANP([QQ(2)], h, QQ)], [ANP([QQ(2)], h, QQ)]]

    assert dmp_ext_factor(g, 1, K) == (ANP([QQ(2)], h, QQ), [(f, 1)])

    f = [[ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)], [], [ANP([QQ(-2)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]]

    assert dmp_ext_factor(f, 1, K) == \
        (ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ), [
            ([[ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)], [ANP([QQ(-1),QQ(0)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]], 1),
            ([[ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)], [ANP([QQ( 1),QQ(0)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]], 1),

    f = [[ANP([QQ(2)], h, QQ)], [], [ANP([QQ(-4)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]]

    assert dmp_ext_factor(f, 1, K) == \
        (ANP([QQ(2)], h, QQ), [
            ([[ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)], [ANP([QQ(-1),QQ(0)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]], 1),
            ([[ANP([QQ(1)], h, QQ)], [ANP([QQ( 1),QQ(0)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]], 1),
예제 #23
def test_sring():
    x, y, z, t = symbols("x,y,z,t")

    R = PolyRing("x,y,z", ZZ, lex)
    assert sring(x + 2*y + 3*z) == (R, R.x + 2*R.y + 3*R.z)

    R = PolyRing("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    assert sring(x + 2*y + z/3) == (R, R.x + 2*R.y + R.z/3)
    assert sring([x, 2*y, z/3]) == (R, [R.x, 2*R.y, R.z/3])

    Rt = PolyRing("t", ZZ, lex)
    R = PolyRing("x,y,z", Rt, lex)
    assert sring(x + 2*t*y + 3*t**2*z, x, y, z) == (R, R.x + 2*Rt.t*R.y + 3*Rt.t**2*R.z)

    Rt = PolyRing("t", QQ, lex)
    R = PolyRing("x,y,z", Rt, lex)
    assert sring(x + t*y/2 + t**2*z/3, x, y, z) == (R, R.x + Rt.t*R.y/2 + Rt.t**2*R.z/3)

    Rt = FracField("t", ZZ, lex)
    R = PolyRing("x,y,z", Rt, lex)
    assert sring(x + 2*y/t + t**2*z/3, x, y, z) == (R, R.x + 2*R.y/Rt.t + Rt.t**2*R.z/3)

    r = sqrt(2) - sqrt(3)
    R, a = sring(r, extension=True)
    assert R.domain == QQ.algebraic_field(r)
    assert R.gens == ()
    assert a == R.domain.from_sympy(r)
예제 #24
def test_dup_factor_list():
    assert dup_factor_list([], ZZ) == (ZZ(0), [])
    assert dup_factor_list([], QQ) == (QQ(0), [])
    assert dup_factor_list([], ZZ['y']) == (DMP([],ZZ), [])
    assert dup_factor_list([], QQ['y']) == (DMP([],QQ), [])

    assert dup_factor_list_include([], ZZ) == [([], 1)]

    assert dup_factor_list([ZZ(7)], ZZ) == (ZZ(7), [])
    assert dup_factor_list([QQ(1,7)], QQ) == (QQ(1,7), [])
    assert dup_factor_list([DMP([ZZ(7)],ZZ)], ZZ['y']) == (DMP([ZZ(7)],ZZ), [])
    assert dup_factor_list([DMP([QQ(1,7)],QQ)], QQ['y']) == (DMP([QQ(1,7)],QQ), [])

    assert dup_factor_list_include([ZZ(7)], ZZ) == [([ZZ(7)], 1)]

    assert dup_factor_list([ZZ(1),ZZ(2),ZZ(1)], ZZ) == \
        (ZZ(1), [([ZZ(1), ZZ(1)], 2)])
    assert dup_factor_list([QQ(1,2),QQ(1),QQ(1,2)], QQ) == \
        (QQ(1,2), [([QQ(1),QQ(1)], 2)])

    assert dup_factor_list_include([ZZ(1),ZZ(2),ZZ(1)], ZZ) == \
        [([ZZ(1), ZZ(1)], 2)]

    K = FF(2)

    assert dup_factor_list([K(1),K(0),K(1)], K) == \
        (K(1), [([K(1), K(1)], 2)])

    assert dup_factor_list([RR(1.0),RR(2.0),RR(1.0)], RR) == \
        (RR(1.0), [([RR(1.0),RR(1.0)], 2)])
    assert dup_factor_list([RR(2.0),RR(4.0),RR(2.0)], RR) == \
        (RR(2.0), [([RR(1.0),RR(1.0)], 2)])

    f = [DMP([ZZ(4),ZZ(0)],ZZ),DMP([ZZ(4),ZZ(0),ZZ(0)],ZZ),DMP([],ZZ)]

    assert dup_factor_list(f, ZZ['y']) == \
        (DMP([ZZ(4)],ZZ), [([DMP([ZZ(1),ZZ(0)],ZZ)], 1),
                           ([DMP([ZZ(1)],ZZ),DMP([],ZZ)], 1),
                           ([DMP([ZZ(1)],ZZ),DMP([ZZ(1),ZZ(0)],ZZ)], 1)])

    f = [DMP([QQ(1,2),QQ(0)],ZZ),DMP([QQ(1,2),QQ(0),QQ(0)],ZZ),DMP([],ZZ)]

    assert dup_factor_list(f, QQ['y']) == \
        (DMP([QQ(1,2)],QQ), [([DMP([QQ(1),QQ(0)],QQ)], 1),
                             ([DMP([QQ(1)],QQ),DMP([],QQ)], 1),
                             ([DMP([QQ(1)],QQ),DMP([QQ(1),QQ(0)],QQ)], 1)])

    K = QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    h = [QQ(1,1), QQ(0,1), QQ(1,1)]

    f = [ANP([QQ(1,1)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ), ANP([QQ(2,1)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)]

    assert dup_factor_list(f, K) == \
        (ANP([QQ(1,1)], h, QQ), [([ANP([QQ(1,1)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ)], 2),
                                 ([ANP([QQ(1,1)], h, QQ), ANP([], h, QQ), ANP([QQ(2,1)], h, QQ)], 1)])

    raises(DomainError, "dup_factor_list([EX(sin(1))], EX)")
예제 #25
파일: test_domains.py 프로젝트: latot/sympy
def test_Domain_convert():
    assert QQ.convert(10e-52) == QQ(
        1684996666696915, 1684996666696914987166688442938726917102321526408785780068975640576

    R, x = ring("x", ZZ)
    assert ZZ.convert(x - x) == 0
    assert ZZ.convert(x - x, R.to_domain()) == 0
예제 #26
def test_dup_sturm():
    assert dup_sturm([QQ(5)], QQ) == [[QQ(1)]]
    assert dup_sturm([QQ(1),QQ(0)], QQ) == [[QQ(1),QQ(0)], [QQ(1)]]

    f = QQ.map([1,-2,3,-5])

    assert dup_sturm(f, QQ) == \
        [f, [QQ(3),QQ(-4),QQ(3)], [QQ(-10,9),QQ(13,3)], [QQ(-3303,100)]]
예제 #27
def test_units():
    R = QQ.old_poly_ring(x)
    assert R.is_unit(R.convert(1))
    assert R.is_unit(R.convert(2))
    assert not R.is_unit(R.convert(x))
    assert not R.is_unit(R.convert(1 + x))

    R = QQ.old_poly_ring(x, order='ilex')
    assert R.is_unit(R.convert(1))
    assert R.is_unit(R.convert(2))
    assert not R.is_unit(R.convert(x))
    assert R.is_unit(R.convert(1 + x))

    R = ZZ.old_poly_ring(x)
    assert R.is_unit(R.convert(1))
    assert not R.is_unit(R.convert(2))
    assert not R.is_unit(R.convert(x))
    assert not R.is_unit(R.convert(1 + x))
예제 #28
def test_Domain_unify_algebraic():
    sqrt5 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(5))
    sqrt7 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(7))
    sqrt57 = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(5), sqrt(7))

    assert sqrt5.unify(sqrt7) == sqrt57

    assert sqrt5.unify(sqrt5[x, y]) == sqrt5[x, y]
    assert sqrt5[x, y].unify(sqrt5) == sqrt5[x, y]

    assert sqrt5.unify(sqrt5.frac_field(x, y)) == sqrt5.frac_field(x, y)
    assert sqrt5.frac_field(x, y).unify(sqrt5) == sqrt5.frac_field(x, y)

    assert sqrt5.unify(sqrt7[x, y]) == sqrt57[x, y]
    assert sqrt5[x, y].unify(sqrt7) == sqrt57[x, y]

    assert sqrt5.unify(sqrt7.frac_field(x, y)) == sqrt57.frac_field(x, y)
    assert sqrt5.frac_field(x, y).unify(sqrt7) == sqrt57.frac_field(x, y)
예제 #29
def test_Gaussian_postprocess():
    opt = {'gaussian': True}

    assert opt == {
        'gaussian': True,
        'extension': set([I]),
        'domain': QQ.algebraic_field(I),
예제 #30
def test_Domain_preprocess():
    assert Domain.preprocess(ZZ) == ZZ
    assert Domain.preprocess(QQ) == QQ
    assert Domain.preprocess(EX) == EX
    assert Domain.preprocess(FF(2)) == FF(2)
    assert Domain.preprocess(ZZ[x, y]) == ZZ[x, y]

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z') == ZZ
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q') == QQ

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ') == ZZ
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ') == QQ

    assert Domain.preprocess('EX') == EX

    assert Domain.preprocess('FF(23)') == FF(23)
    assert Domain.preprocess('GF(23)') == GF(23)

    raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess('Z[]'))

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z[x]') == ZZ[x]
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q[x]') == QQ[x]

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ[x]') == ZZ[x]
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ[x]') == QQ[x]

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z[x,y]') == ZZ[x, y]
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q[x,y]') == QQ[x, y]

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ[x,y]') == ZZ[x, y]
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ[x,y]') == QQ[x, y]

    raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess('Z()'))

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z(x)') == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q(x)') == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ(x)') == ZZ.frac_field(x)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ(x)') == QQ.frac_field(x)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Z(x,y)') == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert Domain.preprocess('Q(x,y)') == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert Domain.preprocess('ZZ(x,y)') == ZZ.frac_field(x, y)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ(x,y)') == QQ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Q<I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(I)
    assert Domain.preprocess('QQ<I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(I)

    assert Domain.preprocess('Q<sqrt(2), I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2), I)
    assert Domain.preprocess(
        'QQ<sqrt(2), I>') == QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2), I)

    raises(OptionError, lambda: Domain.preprocess('abc'))
예제 #31
def test_eqs_to_matrix():
    domain, x1,x2 = ring("x1,x2", QQ)
    eqs_coeff = [{x1: QQ(1), x2: QQ(1)}, {x1: QQ(2), x2: QQ(-1)}]
    eqs_rhs = [QQ(-5), QQ(0)]
    M = eqs_to_matrix(eqs_coeff, eqs_rhs, [x1, x2], QQ)
    assert M.to_Matrix() == Matrix([[1, 1, 5], [2, -1, 0]])
예제 #32
def test_PythonRational__sub__():
    assert QQ(-1, 2) - QQ(1, 2) == QQ(-1)
    assert QQ(1, 2) - QQ(-1, 2) == QQ(1)

    assert QQ(1, 2) - QQ(1, 2) == QQ(0)
    assert QQ(1, 2) - QQ(3, 2) == QQ(-1)
    assert QQ(3, 2) - QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1)
    assert QQ(3, 2) - QQ(3, 2) == QQ(0)

    assert 1 - QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1, 2)
    assert QQ(1, 2) - 1 == QQ(-1, 2)
def test_sdp_LC():
    assert sdp_LC([], QQ) == QQ(0)
    assert sdp_LC([((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))], QQ) == QQ(1, 2)
    assert sdp_LC([((1, 1), QQ(1, 4)), ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))], QQ) == QQ(1, 4)
def test_sdp_monoms():
    assert sdp_monoms([]) == []
    assert sdp_monoms([((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]) == [(1, 0)]
    assert sdp_monoms([((1, 1), QQ(1, 4)), ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]) == [(1, 1),
                                                                    (1, 0)]
def test_sdp_LM():
    assert sdp_LM([], 1) == (0, 0)
    assert sdp_LM([((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))], 1) == (1, 0)
    assert sdp_LM([((1, 1), QQ(1, 4)), ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))], 1) == (1, 1)
예제 #36
def test_PythonRational__neg__():
    assert -QQ(-1, 2) == QQ(1, 2)
    assert -QQ(1, 2) == QQ(-1, 2)
예제 #37
def test_PythonRational__init__():
    assert QQ(0).numerator == 0
    assert QQ(0).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(0, 1).numerator == 0
    assert QQ(0, 1).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(0, -1).numerator == 0
    assert QQ(0, -1).denominator == 1

    assert QQ(1).numerator == 1
    assert QQ(1).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(1, 1).numerator == 1
    assert QQ(1, 1).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(-1, -1).numerator == 1
    assert QQ(-1, -1).denominator == 1

    assert QQ(-1).numerator == -1
    assert QQ(-1).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(-1, 1).numerator == -1
    assert QQ(-1, 1).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(1, -1).numerator == -1
    assert QQ(1, -1).denominator == 1

    assert QQ(1, 2).numerator == 1
    assert QQ(1, 2).denominator == 2
    assert QQ(3, 4).numerator == 3
    assert QQ(3, 4).denominator == 4

    assert QQ(2, 2).numerator == 1
    assert QQ(2, 2).denominator == 1
    assert QQ(2, 4).numerator == 1
    assert QQ(2, 4).denominator == 2
예제 #38

from sympy.polys.polyerrors import (
    ExactQuotientFailed, )

from sympy.polys.specialpolys import f_polys
from sympy.polys.domains import FF, ZZ, QQ

from sympy.utilities.pytest import raises

f_0, f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4, f_5, f_6 = [f.to_dense() for f in f_polys()]
F_0 = dmp_mul_ground(dmp_normal(f_0, 2, QQ), QQ(1, 7), 2, QQ)

def test_dup_add_term():
    f = dup_normal([], ZZ)

    assert dup_add_term(f, ZZ(0), 0, ZZ) == dup_normal([], ZZ)

    assert dup_add_term(f, ZZ(1), 0, ZZ) == dup_normal([1], ZZ)
    assert dup_add_term(f, ZZ(1), 1, ZZ) == dup_normal([1, 0], ZZ)
    assert dup_add_term(f, ZZ(1), 2, ZZ) == dup_normal([1, 0, 0], ZZ)

    f = dup_normal([1, 1, 1], ZZ)

    assert dup_add_term(f, ZZ(1), 0, ZZ) == dup_normal([1, 1, 2], ZZ)
    assert dup_add_term(f, ZZ(1), 1, ZZ) == dup_normal([1, 2, 1], ZZ)
예제 #39
def test_dmp_mul_ground():
    assert dmp_mul_ground(f_0, ZZ(2), 2, ZZ) == [[[ZZ(2), ZZ(4),
                                                   ZZ(6)], [ZZ(4)]], [[ZZ(6)]],
                                                  [ZZ(2), ZZ(4),
                                                   ZZ(2)], [ZZ(2)]]]

    assert dmp_mul_ground(F_0, QQ(1, 2), 2,
                          QQ) == [[[QQ(1, 14), QQ(2, 14),
                                    QQ(3, 14)], [QQ(2, 14)]], [[QQ(3, 14)]],
                                  [[QQ(4, 14), QQ(5, 14),
                                    QQ(6, 14)],
                                   [QQ(1, 14), QQ(2, 14),
                                    QQ(1, 14)], [QQ(1, 14)]]]
def test_sdp_groebner():
    f = sdp_from_dict({(1, 2): QQ(2, ), (2, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 3): QQ(2), (1, 1): QQ(1), (0, 0): QQ(-1)}, O_lex)

    a = sdp_from_dict({(1, 0): QQ(1, 1)}, O_lex)
    b = sdp_from_dict({(0, 3): QQ(1, 1), (0, 0): QQ(-1, 2)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 1, O_lex, QQ) == [a, b]

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 1): QQ(2, ), (0, 2): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0): QQ(2), (1, 1): QQ(1), (0, 0): QQ(-1)}, O_lex)

    a = sdp_from_dict({(0, 1): QQ(1, 1)}, O_lex)
    b = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0): QQ(1, 1), (0, 0): QQ(-1, 2)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 1, O_lex, QQ) == [b, a]

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 2): QQ(-1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 3): QQ(-1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 1, O_lex, QQ) == [f, g]

    f = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0): QQ(1), (1, 1): QQ(-2)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(2, 1): QQ(1), (0, 2): QQ(-2), (1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    a = sdp_from_dict({(2, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    b = sdp_from_dict({(1, 1): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    c = sdp_from_dict({(0, 2): QQ(1), (1, 0): QQ(-1, 2)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 1, O_grlex, QQ) == [a, b, c]

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_lex, QQ) == [
            (2, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (1, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (1, 0, 1): QQ(1),
            (0, 2, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (0, 3, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_grlex, QQ) == [
            (0, 3, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (2, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 0, 1): QQ(1),
            (0, 2, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_lex, QQ) == [
            (2, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (1, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (1, 0, 1): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (0, 2, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 3): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(3, 0, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_grlex, QQ) == [
            (0, 0, 3): QQ(1),
            (0, 2, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (2, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 0, 1): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 2, 0): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 3, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_lex, QQ) == [
            (1, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 2, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (0, 3, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 2, 0): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 3, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_grlex, QQ) == [
            (2, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 2, 0): QQ(1),
            (1, 0, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 2): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 3): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_lex, QQ) == [
            (1, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (0, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 3): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 2): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 3): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_grlex, QQ) == [
            (2, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 0, 1): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 0, 2): QQ(1),
            (1, 0, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 2, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 3, 0): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_lex, QQ) == [
            (1, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (0, 2, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 2, 0): -QQ(1), (0, 0, 1): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 3, 0): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_grlex, QQ) == [
            (0, 0, 3): QQ(1),
            (2, 0, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 2, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 1): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 1, 1): QQ(1),
            (1, 0, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 2): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 3): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_lex, QQ) == [
            (1, 0, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 3): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),
            (0, 1, 0): QQ(1),
            (0, 0, 2): -QQ(1)
        }, O_lex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 2): -QQ(1), (0, 1, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0, 3): -QQ(1), (1, 0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 2, O_grlex, QQ) == [
            (0, 3, 0): QQ(1),
            (2, 0, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 0, 1): QQ(1),
            (0, 2, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 1, 1): QQ(1),
            (1, 0, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 0, 2): QQ(1),
            (0, 1, 0): -QQ(1)
        }, O_grlex),

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 2): QQ(4), (1, 1): QQ(4), (0, 0): QQ(1)}, O_lex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(2, 0): QQ(1), (0, 2): QQ(1), (0, 0): -QQ(1)}, O_lex)

    assert sdp_groebner((f, g), 1, O_lex, QQ) == [
                (1, 0): QQ(1, 1),
                (0, 7): QQ(-4, 1),
                (0, 5): QQ(8, 1),
                (0, 3): QQ(-7, 1),
                (0, 1): QQ(3, 1)
            }, O_lex),
                (0, 8): QQ(1, 1),
                (0, 6): QQ(-2, 1),
                (0, 4): QQ(3, 2),
                (0, 2): QQ(-1, 2),
                (0, 0): QQ(1, 16)
            }, O_lex),

    raises(DomainError, "sdp_groebner([], 1, O_lex, ZZ)")
예제 #41
def test_construct_domain():

    assert construct_domain([1, 2, 3]) == (ZZ, [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)])
    assert construct_domain([1, 2, 3],
                            field=True) == (QQ, [QQ(1), QQ(2),

    assert construct_domain([S.One, S(2), S(3)]) == (ZZ, [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)])
    assert construct_domain([S.One, S(2), S(3)],
                            field=True) == (QQ, [QQ(1), QQ(2),

    assert construct_domain([S.Half, S(2)]) == (QQ, [QQ(1, 2), QQ(2)])
    result = construct_domain([3.14, 1, S.Half])
    assert isinstance(result[0], RealField)
    assert result[1] == [RR(3.14), RR(1.0), RR(0.5)]

    result = construct_domain([3.14, I, S.Half])
    assert isinstance(result[0], ComplexField)
    assert result[1] == [CC(3.14), CC(1.0j), CC(0.5)]

    assert construct_domain([1.0 + I]) == (CC, [CC(1.0, 1.0)])
    assert construct_domain([2.0 + 3.0 * I]) == (CC, [CC(2.0, 3.0)])

    assert construct_domain([1, I]) == (ZZ_I, [ZZ_I(1, 0), ZZ_I(0, 1)])
    assert construct_domain([1,
                             I / 2]) == (QQ_I, [QQ_I(1, 0),
                                                QQ_I(0, S.Half)])

    assert construct_domain([3.14, sqrt(2)],
                            extension=None) == (EX, [EX(3.14),
    assert construct_domain([3.14, sqrt(2)],
                            extension=True) == (EX, [EX(3.14),

    assert construct_domain([1, sqrt(2)],
                            extension=None) == (EX, [EX(1), EX(sqrt(2))])

    assert construct_domain([x, sqrt(x)]) == (EX, [EX(x), EX(sqrt(x))])
    assert construct_domain([x, sqrt(x), sqrt(y)
                             ]) == (EX, [EX(x),

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))

    assert construct_domain([7, S.Half, sqrt(2)], extension=True) == \
        (alg, [alg.convert(7), alg.convert(S.Half), alg.convert(sqrt(2))])

    alg = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))

    assert construct_domain([7, sqrt(2), sqrt(3)], extension=True) == \
        (alg, [alg.convert(7), alg.convert(sqrt(2)), alg.convert(sqrt(3))])

    dom = ZZ[x]

    assert construct_domain([2*x, 3]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2*x), dom.convert(3)])

    dom = ZZ[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([2*x, 3*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2*x), dom.convert(3*y)])

    dom = QQ[x]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(3)])

    dom = QQ[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(3*y)])

    dom = ZZ_I[x]

    assert construct_domain([2*x, I]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2*x), dom.convert(I)])

    dom = ZZ_I[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([2*x, I*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2*x), dom.convert(I*y)])

    dom = QQ_I[x]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, I]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(I)])

    dom = QQ_I[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, I*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(I*y)])

    dom = RR[x]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3.5]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(3.5)])

    dom = RR[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, 3.5*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(3.5*y)])

    dom = CC[x]

    assert construct_domain([I*x/2, 3.5]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(I*x/2), dom.convert(3.5)])

    dom = CC[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([I*x/2, 3.5*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(I*x/2), dom.convert(3.5*y)])

    dom = CC[x]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, I*3.5]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(I*3.5)])

    dom = CC[x, y]

    assert construct_domain([x/2, I*3.5*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(x/2), dom.convert(I*3.5*y)])

    dom = ZZ.frac_field(x)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2/x), dom.convert(3)])

    dom = ZZ.frac_field(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2/x), dom.convert(3*y)])

    dom = RR.frac_field(x)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3.5]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2/x), dom.convert(3.5)])

    dom = RR.frac_field(x, y)

    assert construct_domain([2/x, 3.5*y]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(2/x), dom.convert(3.5*y)])

    dom = RealField(prec=336)[x]

    assert construct_domain([pi.evalf(100)*x]) == \
        (dom, [dom.convert(pi.evalf(100)*x)])

    assert construct_domain(2) == (ZZ, ZZ(2))
    assert construct_domain(S(2) / 3) == (QQ, QQ(2, 3))
    assert construct_domain(Rational(2, 3)) == (QQ, QQ(2, 3))

    assert construct_domain({}) == (ZZ, {})
예제 #42
def _do_test_benchmark_minpoly():
    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)

    F = [x**3 + x + 1, y**2 + y + 1, (x + y) * z - (x**2 + y)]
    G = [
        x + QQ(155, 2067) * z**5 - QQ(355, 689) * z**4 +
        QQ(6062, 2067) * z**3 - QQ(3687, 689) * z**2 + QQ(6878, 2067) * z -
        QQ(25, 53),
        y + QQ(4, 53) * z**5 - QQ(91, 159) * z**4 + QQ(523, 159) * z**3 -
        QQ(387, 53) * z**2 + QQ(1043, 159) * z - QQ(308, 159),
        z**6 - 7 * z**5 + 41 * z**4 - 82 * z**3 + 89 * z**2 - 46 * z + 13

    assert groebner(F, R) == G
예제 #43
def test_PythonRational__lt_le_gt_ge__():
    assert (QQ(1, 2) < QQ(1, 4)) is False
    assert (QQ(1, 2) <= QQ(1, 4)) is False
    assert (QQ(1, 2) > QQ(1, 4)) is True
    assert (QQ(1, 2) >= QQ(1, 4)) is True

    assert (QQ(1, 4) < QQ(1, 2)) is True
    assert (QQ(1, 4) <= QQ(1, 2)) is True
    assert (QQ(1, 4) > QQ(1, 2)) is False
    assert (QQ(1, 4) >= QQ(1, 2)) is False
예제 #44
def _do_test_groebner():
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ, lex)
    f = x**2 + 2 * x * y**2
    g = x * y + 2 * y**3 - 1

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x, y**3 - QQ(1, 2)]

    R, y, x = ring("y,x", QQ, lex)
    f = 2 * x**2 * y + y**2
    g = 2 * x**3 + x * y - 1

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [y, x**3 - QQ(1, 2)]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = x - z**2
    g = y - z**3

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [f, g]

    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ, grlex)
    f = x**3 - 2 * x * y
    g = x**2 * y + x - 2 * y**2

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x**2, x * y, -QQ(1, 2) * x + y**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = -x**2 + y
    g = -x**3 + z

    assert groebner([f, g],
                    R) == [x**2 - y, x * y - z, x * z - y**2, y**3 - z**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, grlex)
    f = -x**2 + y
    g = -x**3 + z

    assert groebner([f, g],
                    R) == [y**3 - z**2, x**2 - y, x * y - z, x * z - y**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = -x**2 + z
    g = -x**3 + y

    assert groebner([f, g],
                    R) == [x**2 - z, x * y - z**2, x * z - y, y**2 - z**3]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, grlex)
    f = -x**2 + z
    g = -x**3 + y

    assert groebner([f, g],
                    R) == [-y**2 + z**3, x**2 - z, x * y - z**2, x * z - y]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = x - y**2
    g = -y**3 + z

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x - y**2, y**3 - z]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, grlex)
    f = x - y**2
    g = -y**3 + z

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x**2 - y * z, x * y - z, -x + y**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = x - z**2
    g = y - z**3

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x - z**2, y - z**3]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, grlex)
    f = x - z**2
    g = y - z**3

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x**2 - y * z, x * z - y, -x + z**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = -y**2 + z
    g = x - y**3

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x - y * z, y**2 - z]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, grlex)
    f = -y**2 + z
    g = x - y**3

    assert groebner([f, g],
                    R) == [-x**2 + z**3, x * y - z**2, y**2 - z, -x + y * z]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = y - z**2
    g = x - z**3

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [x - z**3, y - z**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, grlex)
    f = y - z**2
    g = x - z**3

    assert groebner([f, g],
                    R) == [-x**2 + y**3, x * z - y**2, -x + y * z, -y + z**2]

    R, x, y, z = ring("x,y,z", QQ, lex)
    f = 4 * x**2 * y**2 + 4 * x * y + 1
    g = x**2 + y**2 - 1

    assert groebner([f, g], R) == [
        x - 4 * y**7 + 8 * y**5 - 7 * y**3 + 3 * y,
        y**8 - 2 * y**6 + QQ(3, 2) * y**4 - QQ(1, 2) * y**2 + QQ(1, 16),
def test_sdp_div():
    f = sdp_from_dict({
        (2, 1): 4,
        (1, 1): -2,
        (1, 0): 4,
        (0, 1): -2,
        (0, 0): 8
    }, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, [sdp_from_dict({(0,0): 2}, O_grlex)], 1, O_grlex, ZZ) == \
        ([sdp_from_dict({(2,1): 2, (1,1): -1, (1,0): 2, (0,1): -1, (0,0): 4}, O_grlex)], [])

    assert sdp_div(f, [sdp_from_dict({(0,1): 2}, O_grlex)], 1, O_grlex, ZZ) == \
        ([sdp_from_dict({(2,0): 2, (1,0): -1, (0,0): -1}, O_grlex)],
          sdp_from_dict({(1,0): 4, (0,0): 8}, O_grlex))

    f = sdp_from_dict({(1, 0): 1, (0, 0): -1}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, 1): 1, (0, 0): -1}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, [g], 1, O_grlex, ZZ) == ([[]], f)

    f = sdp_from_dict({(3, ): 1, (2, ): -12, (0, ): -42}, O_grlex)
    g = sdp_from_dict({(1, ): 1, (0, ): -3}, O_grlex)

    q = sdp_from_dict({(2, ): 1, (1, ): -9, (0, ): -27}, O_grlex)
    r = sdp_from_dict({(0, ): -123}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, [g], 0, O_grlex, ZZ) == ([q], r)

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, ): QQ(1), (1, ): QQ(2), (0, ): QQ(2)}, O_grlex)

    g = sdp_from_dict({(0, ): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)
    h = sdp_from_dict({(0, ): QQ(2)}, O_grlex)

    q = sdp_from_dict({(2, ): QQ(1, 2), (1, ): QQ(1), (0, ): QQ(1)}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, [g], 0, O_grlex, QQ) == ([f], [])
    assert sdp_div(f, [h], 0, O_grlex, QQ) == ([q], [])

    f = sdp_from_dict({(1, 2): 1, (0, 0): 1}, O_grlex)
    G = [
            (1, 1): 1,
            (0, 0): 1
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 1): 1,
            (0, 0): 1
        }, O_grlex)

    Q = [
        sdp_from_dict({(0, 1): 1}, O_grlex),
        sdp_from_dict({(0, 0): -1}, O_grlex)
    r = sdp_from_dict({(0, 0): 2}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, G, 1, O_grlex, ZZ) == (Q, r)

    f = sdp_from_dict({(2, 1): 1, (1, 2): 1, (0, 2): 1}, O_grlex)

    G = [
            (1, 1): 1,
            (0, 0): -1
        }, O_grlex),
            (0, 2): 1,
            (0, 0): -1
        }, O_grlex)

    Q = [
            (1, 0): 1,
            (0, 1): 1
        }, O_grlex),
        sdp_from_dict({(0, 0): 1}, O_grlex)
    r = sdp_from_dict({(1, 0): 1, (0, 1): 1, (0, 0): 1}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, G, 1, O_grlex, ZZ) == (Q, r)

    G = [
            (0, 2): 1,
            (0, 0): -1
        }, O_grlex),
            (1, 1): 1,
            (0, 0): -1
        }, O_grlex)

    Q = [
            (1, 0): 1,
            (0, 0): 1
        }, O_grlex),
        sdp_from_dict({(1, 0): 1}, O_grlex)
    r = sdp_from_dict({(1, 0): 2, (0, 0): 1}, O_grlex)

    assert sdp_div(f, G, 1, O_grlex, ZZ) == (Q, r)
예제 #46
def test_PythonRational__float__():
    assert float(QQ(-1, 2)) == -0.5
    assert float(QQ(1, 2)) == 0.5
예제 #47
def test_PythonRational__hash__():
    assert hash(QQ(0)) == hash(0)
    assert hash(QQ(1)) == hash(1)
    assert hash(QQ(117)) == hash(117)
예제 #48
def test_representing_matrices():
    R, x, y = ring("x,y", QQ, grlex)

    basis = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]
    F = [x**2 - x - 3 * y + 1, -2 * x + y**2 + y - 1]

    assert _representing_matrices(
        basis, F, R) == [[[QQ(0, 1), QQ(0, 1), -QQ(1, 1),
                           QQ(3, 1)],
                          [QQ(0, 1), QQ(0, 1),
                           QQ(3, 1), -QQ(4, 1)],
                          [QQ(1, 1), QQ(0, 1),
                           QQ(1, 1), QQ(6, 1)],
                          [QQ(0, 1), QQ(1, 1),
                           QQ(0, 1), QQ(1, 1)]],
                         [[QQ(0, 1), QQ(1, 1),
                           QQ(0, 1), -QQ(2, 1)],
                          [QQ(1, 1), -QQ(1, 1),
                           QQ(0, 1), QQ(6, 1)],
                          [QQ(0, 1), QQ(2, 1),
                           QQ(0, 1), QQ(3, 1)],
                          [QQ(0, 1), QQ(0, 1),
                           QQ(1, 1), -QQ(1, 1)]]]
예제 #49
def test_PythonRational__add__():
    assert QQ(-1, 2) + QQ(1, 2) == QQ(0)
    assert QQ(1, 2) + QQ(-1, 2) == QQ(0)

    assert QQ(1, 2) + QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1)
    assert QQ(1, 2) + QQ(3, 2) == QQ(2)
    assert QQ(3, 2) + QQ(1, 2) == QQ(2)
    assert QQ(3, 2) + QQ(3, 2) == QQ(3)

    assert 1 + QQ(1, 2) == QQ(3, 2)
    assert QQ(1, 2) + 1 == QQ(3, 2)
def test_sdp_del_LT():
    assert sdp_del_LT([]) == []
    assert sdp_del_LT([((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]) == []
    assert sdp_del_LT([((1, 1), QQ(1, 4)),
                       ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]) == [((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]
예제 #51
def test_PythonRational__pos__():
    assert +QQ(-1, 2) == QQ(-1, 2)
    assert +QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1, 2)
def test_sdp_LT():
    assert sdp_LT([], 1, QQ) == ((0, 0), QQ(0))
    assert sdp_LT([((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))], 1, QQ) == ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))
    assert sdp_LT([((1, 1), QQ(1, 4)), ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))], 1,
                  QQ) == ((1, 1), QQ(1, 4))
예제 #53
def test_PythonRational__abs__():
    assert abs(QQ(-1, 2)) == QQ(1, 2)
    assert abs(QQ(1, 2)) == QQ(1, 2)
def test_sdp_coeffs():
    assert sdp_coeffs([]) == []
    assert sdp_coeffs([((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]) == [QQ(1, 2)]
    assert sdp_coeffs([((1, 1), QQ(1, 4)),
                       ((1, 0), QQ(1, 2))]) == [QQ(1, 4), QQ(1, 2)]
예제 #55
def test_PythonRational__int__():
    assert int(QQ(-1, 4)) == 0
    assert int(QQ(1, 4)) == 0
    assert int(QQ(-5, 4)) == -1
    assert int(QQ(5, 4)) == 1
예제 #56
def test_PythonRational__mul__():
    assert QQ(-1, 2) * QQ(1, 2) == QQ(-1, 4)
    assert QQ(1, 2) * QQ(-1, 2) == QQ(-1, 4)

    assert QQ(1, 2) * QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1, 4)
    assert QQ(1, 2) * QQ(3, 2) == QQ(3, 4)
    assert QQ(3, 2) * QQ(1, 2) == QQ(3, 4)
    assert QQ(3, 2) * QQ(3, 2) == QQ(9, 4)

    assert 2 * QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1)
    assert QQ(1, 2) * 2 == QQ(1)
예제 #57
def test_PythonRational__pow__():
    assert QQ(1)**10 == QQ(1)
    assert QQ(2)**10 == QQ(1024)

    assert QQ(1)**(-10) == QQ(1)
    assert QQ(2)**(-10) == QQ(1, 1024)
예제 #58
def test_is_rewritable_or_comparable():
    # from katsura4 with grlex
    R, x, y, z, t = ring("x,y,z,t", QQ, grlex)

    p = lbp(sig((0, 0, 2, 1), 2), R.zero, 2)
    B = [
            sig((0, 0, 0, 1), 2),
            QQ(2, 45) * y**2 + QQ(1, 5) * y * z + QQ(5, 63) * y * t +
            z**2 * t + QQ(4, 45) * z**2 + QQ(76, 35) * z * t**2 -
            QQ(32, 105) * z * t + QQ(13, 7) * t**3 - QQ(13, 21) * t**2, 6)

    # rewritable:
    assert is_rewritable_or_comparable(Sign(p), Num(p), B) is True

    p = lbp(sig((0, 1, 1, 0), 2), R.zero, 7)
    B = [
            sig((0, 0, 0, 0), 3),
            QQ(10, 3) * y * z + QQ(4, 3) * y * t - QQ(1, 3) * y + 4 * z**2 +
            QQ(22, 3) * z * t - QQ(4, 3) * z + 4 * t**2 - QQ(4, 3) * t, 3)

    # comparable:
    assert is_rewritable_or_comparable(Sign(p), Num(p), B) is True
예제 #59
def test_dup_add():
    assert dup_add([], [], ZZ) == []
    assert dup_add([ZZ(1)], [], ZZ) == [ZZ(1)]
    assert dup_add([], [ZZ(1)], ZZ) == [ZZ(1)]
    assert dup_add([ZZ(1)], [ZZ(1)], ZZ) == [ZZ(2)]
    assert dup_add([ZZ(1)], [ZZ(2)], ZZ) == [ZZ(3)]

    assert dup_add([ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(1)], ZZ) == [ZZ(1), ZZ(3)]
    assert dup_add([ZZ(1)], [ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], ZZ) == [ZZ(1), ZZ(3)]

    assert dup_add([ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)], [ZZ(8), ZZ(9), ZZ(10)],
                   ZZ) == [ZZ(9), ZZ(11), ZZ(13)]

    assert dup_add([], [], QQ) == []
    assert dup_add([QQ(1, 2)], [], QQ) == [QQ(1, 2)]
    assert dup_add([], [QQ(1, 2)], QQ) == [QQ(1, 2)]
    assert dup_add([QQ(1, 4)], [QQ(1, 4)], QQ) == [QQ(1, 2)]
    assert dup_add([QQ(1, 4)], [QQ(1, 2)], QQ) == [QQ(3, 4)]

    assert dup_add([QQ(1, 2), QQ(2, 3)], [QQ(1)], QQ) == [QQ(1, 2), QQ(5, 3)]
    assert dup_add([QQ(1)], [QQ(1, 2), QQ(2, 3)], QQ) == [QQ(1, 2), QQ(5, 3)]

    assert dup_add([QQ(1, 7), QQ(2, 7), QQ(3, 7)],
                   [QQ(8, 7), QQ(9, 7), QQ(10, 7)],
                   QQ) == [QQ(9, 7), QQ(11, 7), QQ(13, 7)]
예제 #60
def test_PythonRational__eq__():
    assert (QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1, 2)) is True
    assert (QQ(1, 2) != QQ(1, 2)) is False

    assert (QQ(1, 2) == QQ(1, 3)) is False
    assert (QQ(1, 2) != QQ(1, 3)) is True