def generate(R, P, G, B): while R: h = normal(F[R.pop()], G | P) if h is not None: k, LM = h G0 = set(g for g in G if monomial_div(sdp_LM(F[g], u), LM)) P0 = set(p for p in P if monomial_div(sdp_LM(F[p], u), LM)) G, P, R = G - G0, P - P0 | set([k]), R | G0 | P0 for i, j in set(B): if i in G0 or j in G0: del B[(i, j)] G |= P for i in G: for j in P: if i == j: continue if i < j: k = (i, j) else: k = (j, i) if k not in B: B[k] = monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(F[i], u), sdp_LM(F[j], u)) G = set([ normal(F[g], G - set([g]))[0] for g in G ]) return R, P, G, B
def critical_pair(f, g, ring): """ Compute the critical pair corresponding to two labeled polynomials. A critical pair is a tuple (um, f, vm, g), where um and vm are terms such that um * f - vm * g is the S-polynomial of f and g (so, wlog assume um * f > vm * g). For performance sake, a critical pair is represented as a tuple (Sign(um * f), um, f, Sign(vm * g), vm, g), since um * f creates a new, relatively expensive object in memory, whereas Sign(um * f) and um are lightweight and f (in the tuple) is a reference to an already existing object in memory. """ domain = ring.domain ltf = Polyn(f).LT ltg = Polyn(g).LT lt = (monomial_lcm(ltf[0], ltg[0]), um = term_div(lt, ltf, domain) vm = term_div(lt, ltg, domain) # The full information is not needed (now), so only the product # with the leading term is considered: fr = lbp_mul_term(lbp(Sign(f), Polyn(f).leading_term, Num(f)), um) gr = lbp_mul_term(lbp(Sign(g), Polyn(g).leading_term, Num(g)), vm) # return in proper order, such that the S-polynomial is just # u_first * f_first - u_second * f_second: if lbp_cmp(fr, gr) == -1: return (Sign(gr), vm, g, Sign(fr), um, f) else: return (Sign(fr), um, f, Sign(gr), vm, g)
def select(P): # normal selection strategy # select the pair with minimum LCM(LM(f), LM(g)) pr = min(P, key=lambda pair: O(monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(f[pair[0]], u), sdp_LM(f[pair[1]], u)))) return pr
def generate(R, P, G, B): while R: h = normal(F[R.pop()], G | P) if h is not None: k, LM = h G0 = set(g for g in G if monomial_div(sdp_LM(F[g], u), LM)) P0 = set(p for p in P if monomial_div(sdp_LM(F[p], u), LM)) G, P, R = G - G0, P - P0 | set([k]), R | G0 | P0 for i, j in set(B): if i in G0 or j in G0: del B[(i, j)] G |= P for i in G: for j in P: if i == j: continue if i < j: k = (i, j) else: k = (j, i) if k not in B: B[k] = monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(F[i], u), sdp_LM(F[j], u)) G = set([normal(F[g], G - set([g]))[0] for g in G]) return R, P, G, B
def sdp_lcm(f, g, u, O, K): """ Computes LCM of two polynomials in `K[X]`. The LCM is computed as the unique generater of the intersection of the two ideals generated by `f` and `g`. The approach is to compute a Groebner basis with respect to lexicographic ordering of `t*f` and `(1 - t)*g`, where `t` is an unrelated variable and then filtering out the solution that doesn't contain `t`. References ========== 1. [Cox97]_ """ from sympy.polys.groebnertools import sdp_groebner if not f or not g: return [] if sdp_term_p(f) and sdp_term_p(g): monom = monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(f, u), sdp_LM(g, u)) fc, gc = sdp_LC(f, K), sdp_LC(g, K) if K.has_Field: coeff = else: coeff = K.lcm(fc, gc) return [(monom, coeff)] if not K.has_Field: lcm = else: fc, f = sdp_primitive(f, K) gc, g = sdp_primitive(g, K) lcm = K.lcm(fc, gc) f_terms = tuple( ((1,) + m, c) for m, c in f ) g_terms = tuple( ((0,) + m, c) for m, c in g ) \ + tuple( ((1,) + m, -c) for m, c in g ) F = sdp_sort(f_terms, lex) G = sdp_sort(g_terms, lex) basis = sdp_groebner([F, G], u, lex, K) H = [ h for h in basis if sdp_indep_p(h, 0, u) ] if K.is_one(lcm): h = [ (m[1:], c) for m, c in H[0] ] else: h = [ (m[1:], c * lcm) for m, c in H[0] ] return sdp_sort(h, O)
def sdp_lcm(f, g, u, O, K): """ Computes LCM of two polynomials in `K[X]`. The LCM is computed as the unique generater of the intersection of the two ideals generated by `f` and `g`. The approach is to compute a Groebner basis with respect to lexicographic ordering of `t*f` and `(1 - t)*g`, where `t` is an unrelated variable and then filtering out the solution that doesn't contain `t`. References ========== 1. [Cox97]_ """ from sympy.polys.groebnertools import sdp_groebner if not f or not g: return [] if sdp_term_p(f) and sdp_term_p(g): monom = monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(f, u), sdp_LM(g, u)) fc, gc = sdp_LC(f, K), sdp_LC(g, K) if K.has_Field: coeff = else: coeff = K.lcm(fc, gc) return [(monom, coeff)] if not K.has_Field: lcm = else: fc, f = sdp_primitive(f, K) gc, g = sdp_primitive(g, K) lcm = K.lcm(fc, gc) f_terms = tuple(((1, ) + m, c) for m, c in f) g_terms = tuple( ((0,) + m, c) for m, c in g ) \ + tuple( ((1,) + m, -c) for m, c in g ) F = sdp_sort(f_terms, lex) G = sdp_sort(g_terms, lex) basis = sdp_groebner([F, G], u, lex, K) H = [h for h in basis if sdp_indep_p(h, 0, u)] if K.is_one(lcm): h = [(m[1:], c) for m, c in H[0]] else: h = [(m[1:], c * lcm) for m, c in H[0]] return sdp_sort(h, O)
def groebner_lcm(f, g): """ Computes LCM of two polynomials using Groebner bases. The LCM is computed as the unique generater of the intersection of the two ideals generated by `f` and `g`. The approach is to compute a Groebner basis with respect to lexicographic ordering of `t*f` and `(1 - t)*g`, where `t` is an unrelated variable and then filtering out the solution that doesn't contain `t`. References ========== 1. [Cox97]_ """ assert f.ring == g.ring ring = f.ring domain = ring.domain if not f or not g: return if len(f) <= 1 and len(g) <= 1: monom = monomial_lcm(f.LM, g.LM) coeff = domain.lcm(f.LC, g.LC) return ring.term_new(monom, coeff) fc, f = f.primitive() gc, g = g.primitive() lcm = domain.lcm(fc, gc) f_terms = [ ((1,) + monom, coeff) for monom, coeff in f.terms() ] g_terms = [ ((0,) + monom, coeff) for monom, coeff in g.terms() ] \ + [ ((1,) + monom,-coeff) for monom, coeff in g.terms() ] t = Dummy("t") t_ring = ring.clone(symbols=(t,) + ring.symbols, order=lex) F = t_ring.from_terms(f_terms) G = t_ring.from_terms(g_terms) basis = groebner([F, G], t_ring) def is_independent(h, j): return all(not monom[j] for monom in h.monoms()) H = [ h for h in basis if is_independent(h, 0) ] h_terms = [ (monom[1:], coeff*lcm) for monom, coeff in H[0].terms() ] h = ring.from_terms(h_terms) return h
def sdp_spoly(p1, p2, u, O, K): """ Compute LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p1)*p1 - LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p2)*p2 """ LM1 = sdp_LM(p1, u) LM2 = sdp_LM(p2, u) LCM12 = monomial_lcm(LM1, LM2) m1 = monomial_div(LCM12, LM1) m2 = monomial_div(LCM12, LM2) s1 = sdp_mul_term(p1, (m1,, u, O, K) s2 = sdp_mul_term(p2, (m2,, u, O, K) s = sdp_sub(s1, s2, u, O, K) return s
def sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K, phantom=None): """ Compute the generalized s-polynomial of ``f`` and ``g``. The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according to ``O``. This is invalid if either of ``f`` or ``g`` is zero. If the leading terms of `f` and `g` involve different basis elements of `F`, their s-poly is defined to be zero. Otherwise it is a certain linear combination of `f` and `g` in which the leading terms cancel. See [SCA, defn 2.3.6] for details. If ``phantom`` is not ``None``, it should be a pair of module elements on which to perform the same operation(s) as on ``f`` and ``g``. The in this case both results are returned. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.distributedmodules import sdm_spoly >>> from sympy.polys import QQ, lex >>> f = [((2, 1, 1), QQ(1)), ((1, 0, 1), QQ(1))] >>> g = [((2, 3, 0), QQ(1))] >>> h = [((1, 2, 3), QQ(1))] >>> sdm_spoly(f, h, lex, QQ) [] >>> sdm_spoly(f, g, lex, QQ) [((1, 2, 1), 1/1)] """ if not f or not g: return sdm_zero() LM1 = sdm_LM(f) LM2 = sdm_LM(g) if LM1[0] != LM2[0]: return sdm_zero() LM1 = LM1[1:] LM2 = LM2[1:] lcm = monomial_lcm(LM1, LM2) m1 = monomial_div(lcm, LM1) m2 = monomial_div(lcm, LM2) c = K.quo(-sdm_LC(f, K), sdm_LC(g, K)) r1 = sdm_add(sdm_mul_term(f, (m1,, O, K), sdm_mul_term(g, (m2, c), O, K), O, K) if phantom is None: return r1 r2 = sdm_add(sdm_mul_term(phantom[0], (m1,, O, K), sdm_mul_term(phantom[1], (m2, c), O, K), O, K) return r1, r2
def spoly(p1, p2): """ Compute LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p1)*p1 - LCM(LM(p1), LM(p2))/LM(p2)*p2 This is the S-poly provided p1 and p2 are monic """ LM1 = p1.LM LM2 = p2.LM LCM12 = monomial_lcm(LM1, LM2) m1 = monomial_div(LCM12, LM1) m2 = monomial_div(LCM12, LM2) s1 = p1.mul_monom(m1) s2 = p2.mul_monom(m2) s = s1 - s2 return s
def sdm_monomial_lcm(A, B): """ Return the "least common multiple" of ``A`` and ``B``. IF `A = M e_j` and `B = N e_j`, where `M` and `N` are polynomial monomials, this returns `\lcm(M, N) e_j`. Note that ``A`` and ``B`` involve distinct monomials. Otherwise the result is undefined. >>> from sympy.polys.distributedmodules import sdm_monomial_lcm >>> sdm_monomial_lcm((1, 2, 3), (1, 0, 5)) (1, 2, 5) """ return (A[0],) + monomial_lcm(A[1:], B[1:])
def S_poly(tp1, tp2): """expv1,p1 = tp1 with expv1 = p1.leading_expv(), p1 monic; similarly for tp2. Compute LCM(LM(p1),LM(p2))/LM(p1)*p1 - LCM(LM(p1),LM(p2))/LM(p2)*p2 Throw LPolyOverflowError if bits_exp is too small for the result. """ expv1, p1 = tp1 expv2, p2 = tp2 lp = p1.lp lcm12 = monomial_lcm(expv1, expv2) m1 = monomial_div(lcm12, expv1) m2 = monomial_div(lcm12, expv2) # TODO oprimize res = Poly(lp) res.iadd_m_mul_q(p1, (m1, 1)) res.iadd_m_mul_q(p2, (m2, -1)) return res
def prune(P, S, h): """ Prune the pair-set by applying the chain criterion [SCA, remark 2.5.11]. """ remove = set() for (a, b, c) in permutations(S, 3): A = sdm_LM(a) B = sdm_LM(b) C = sdm_LM(c) if len(set([A[0], B[0], C[0]])) != 1 or not h in [a, b, c]: continue if monomial_divides(B[1:], monomial_lcm(A[1:], C[1:])): remove.add((tuple(a), tuple(c))) return [(f, g) for (f, g) in P if (h not in [f, g]) or \ ((tuple(f), tuple(g)) not in remove and \ (tuple(g), tuple(f)) not in remove)]
def prune(P, S, h): """ Prune the pair-set by applying the chain criterion [SCA, remark 2.5.11]. """ remove = set() retain = set() for (a, b, c) in permutations(S, 3): A = sdm_LM(a) B = sdm_LM(b) C = sdm_LM(c) if len(set([A[0], B[0], C[0]])) != 1 or not h in [a, b, c] or \ any(tuple(x) in retain for x in [a, b, c]): continue if monomial_divides(B[1:], monomial_lcm(A[1:], C[1:])): remove.add((tuple(a), tuple(c))) retain.update([tuple(b), tuple(c), tuple(a)]) return [(f, g) for (f, g) in P if (h not in [f, g]) or \ ((tuple(f), tuple(g)) not in remove and \ (tuple(g), tuple(f)) not in remove)]
def sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K): """ Compute the generalized s-polynomial of ``f`` and ``g``. The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according to ``O``. This is invalid if either of ``f`` or ``g`` is zero. If the leading terms of `f` and `g` involve different basis elements of `F`, their s-poly is defined to be zero. Otherwise it is a certain linear combination of `f` and `g` in which the leading terms cancel. See [SCA, defn 2.3.6] for details. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.distributedmodules import sdm_spoly >>> from sympy.polys import QQ, lex >>> f = [((2, 1, 1), QQ(1)), ((1, 0, 1), QQ(1))] >>> g = [((2, 3, 0), QQ(1))] >>> h = [((1, 2, 3), QQ(1))] >>> sdm_spoly(f, h, lex, QQ) [] >>> sdm_spoly(f, g, lex, QQ) [((1, 2, 1), 1/1)] """ if not f or not g: return sdm_zero() LM1 = sdm_LM(f) LM2 = sdm_LM(g) if LM1[0] != LM2[0]: return sdm_zero() LM1 = LM1[1:] LM2 = LM2[1:] lcm = monomial_lcm(LM1, LM2) return sdm_add( sdm_mul_term(f, (monomial_div(lcm, LM1),, O, K), sdm_mul_term( g, (monomial_div(lcm, LM2), K.quo(-sdm_LC(f, K), sdm_LC(g, K))), O, K), O, K)
def sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K): """ Compute the generalized s-polynomial of ``f`` and ``g``. The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according to ``O``. This is invalid if either of ``f`` or ``g`` is zero. If the leading terms of `f` and `g` involve different basis elements of `F`, their s-poly is defined to be zero. Otherwise it is a certain linear combination of `f` and `g` in which the leading terms cancel. See [SCA, defn 2.3.6] for details. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.polys.distributedmodules import sdm_spoly >>> from sympy.polys import QQ, lex >>> f = [((2, 1, 1), QQ(1)), ((1, 0, 1), QQ(1))] >>> g = [((2, 3, 0), QQ(1))] >>> h = [((1, 2, 3), QQ(1))] >>> sdm_spoly(f, h, lex, QQ) [] >>> sdm_spoly(f, g, lex, QQ) [((1, 2, 1), 1/1)] """ if not f or not g: return sdm_zero() LM1 = sdm_LM(f) LM2 = sdm_LM(g) if LM1[0] != LM2[0]: return sdm_zero() LM1 = LM1[1:] LM2 = LM2[1:] lcm = monomial_lcm(LM1, LM2) return sdm_add(sdm_mul_term(f, (monomial_div(lcm, LM1),, O, K), sdm_mul_term(g, (monomial_div(lcm, LM2), K.quo(-sdm_LC(f, K), sdm_LC(g, K))), O, K), O, K)
def test_monomial_lcm(): assert monomial_lcm((3,4,1), (1,2,0)) == (3,4,1)
def lcm_divides(ip): # LCM(LM(h), LM(p)) divides LCM(LM(h), LM(g)) m = monomial_lcm(mh, sdp_LM(f[ip], u)) return monomial_div(LCMhg, m)
def update(G, B, ih): # update G using the set of critical pairs B and h # [BW] page 230 h = f[ih] mh = sdp_LM(h, u) # filter new pairs (h, g), g in G C = G.copy() D = set() while C: # select a pair (h, g) by popping an element from C ig = C.pop() g = f[ig] mg = sdp_LM(g, u) LCMhg = monomial_lcm(mh, mg) def lcm_divides(ip): # LCM(LM(h), LM(p)) divides LCM(LM(h), LM(g)) m = monomial_lcm(mh, sdp_LM(f[ip], u)) return monomial_div(LCMhg, m) # HT(h) and HT(g) disjoint: mh*mg == LCMhg if monomial_mul(mh, mg) == LCMhg or ( not any(lcm_divides(ipx) for ipx in C) and not any(lcm_divides(pr[1]) for pr in D) ): D.add((ih, ig)) E = set() while D: # select h, g from D (h the same as above) ih, ig = D.pop() mg = sdp_LM(f[ig], u) LCMhg = monomial_lcm(mh, mg) if not monomial_mul(mh, mg) == LCMhg: E.add((ih, ig)) # filter old pairs B_new = set() while B: # select g1, g2 from B (-> CP) ig1, ig2 = B.pop() mg1 = sdp_LM(f[ig1], u) mg2 = sdp_LM(f[ig2], u) LCM12 = monomial_lcm(mg1, mg2) # if HT(h) does not divide lcm(HT(g1), HT(g2)) if not monomial_div(LCM12, mh) or monomial_lcm(mg1, mh) == LCM12 or monomial_lcm(mg2, mh) == LCM12: B_new.add((ig1, ig2)) B_new |= E # filter polynomials G_new = set() while G: ig = G.pop() mg = sdp_LM(f[ig], u) if not monomial_div(mg, mh): G_new.add(ig) G_new.add(ih) return G_new, B_new
def sdm_groebner(G, NF, O, K): """ Compute a minimal standard basis of ``G`` with respect to order ``O``. The algorithm uses a normal form ``NF``, for example ``sdm_nf_mora``. The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according to ``O``. Let `N` denote the submodule generated by elements of `G`. A standard basis for `N` is a subset `S` of `N`, such that `in(S) = in(N)`, where for any subset `X` of `F`, `in(X)` denotes the submodule generated by the initial forms of elements of `X`. [SCA, defn 2.3.2] A standard basis is called minimal if no subset of it is a standard basis. One may show that standard bases are always generating sets. Minimal standard bases are not unique. This algorithm computes a deterministic result, depending on the particular order of `G`. See [SCA, algorithm 2.3.8, and remark 1.6.3]. """ # First compute a standard basis S = [f for f in G if f] P = list(combinations(S, 2)) def prune(P, S, h): """ Prune the pair-set by applying the chain criterion [SCA, remark 2.5.11]. """ remove = set() retain = set() for (a, b, c) in permutations(S, 3): A = sdm_LM(a) B = sdm_LM(b) C = sdm_LM(c) if len(set([A[0], B[0], C[0]])) != 1 or not h in [a, b, c] or \ any(tuple(x) in retain for x in [a, b, c]): continue if monomial_divides(B[1:], monomial_lcm(A[1:], C[1:])): remove.add((tuple(a), tuple(c))) retain.update([tuple(b), tuple(c), tuple(a)]) return [(f, g) for (f, g) in P if (h not in [f, g]) or \ ((tuple(f), tuple(g)) not in remove and \ (tuple(g), tuple(f)) not in remove)] while P: # TODO better data structures!!! #print len(P), len(S) # Use the "normal selection strategy" lcms = [(i, sdm_LM(f)[:1] + monomial_lcm(sdm_LM(f)[1:], sdm_LM(g)[1:])) for \ i, (f, g) in enumerate(P)] i = min(lcms, key=lambda x: O(x[1]))[0] f, g = P.pop(i) h = NF(sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K), S, O, K) if h: S.append(h) P.extend((h, f) for f in S if sdm_LM(h)[0] == sdm_LM(f)[0]) P = prune(P, S, h) # Now interreduce it. (TODO again, better data structures) S = set(tuple(f) for f in S) for a, b in permutations(S, 2): A = sdm_LM(list(a)) B = sdm_LM(list(b)) if sdm_monomial_divides(A, B) and b in S and a in S: S.remove(b) return sorted((list(f) for f in S), key=lambda f: O(sdm_LM(f)), reverse=True)
def update(G, B, ih): # update G using the set of critical pairs B and h # [BW] page 230 h = f[ih] mh = sdp_LM(h, u) # filter new pairs (h, g), g in G C = G.copy() D = set() while C: # select a pair (h, g) by popping an element from C ig = C.pop() g = f[ig] mg = sdp_LM(g, u) LCMhg = monomial_lcm(mh, mg) def lcm_divides(ip): # LCM(LM(h), LM(p)) divides LCM(LM(h), LM(g)) m = monomial_lcm(mh, sdp_LM(f[ip], u)) return monomial_div(LCMhg, m) # HT(h) and HT(g) disjoint: mh*mg == LCMhg if monomial_mul(mh, mg) == LCMhg or (not any( lcm_divides(ipx) for ipx in C) and not any(lcm_divides(pr[1]) for pr in D)): D.add((ih, ig)) E = set() while D: # select h, g from D (h the same as above) ih, ig = D.pop() mg = sdp_LM(f[ig], u) LCMhg = monomial_lcm(mh, mg) if not monomial_mul(mh, mg) == LCMhg: E.add((ih, ig)) # filter old pairs B_new = set() while B: # select g1, g2 from B (-> CP) ig1, ig2 = B.pop() mg1 = sdp_LM(f[ig1], u) mg2 = sdp_LM(f[ig2], u) LCM12 = monomial_lcm(mg1, mg2) # if HT(h) does not divide lcm(HT(g1), HT(g2)) if not monomial_div(LCM12, mh) or \ monomial_lcm(mg1, mh) == LCM12 or \ monomial_lcm(mg2, mh) == LCM12: B_new.add((ig1, ig2)) B_new |= E # filter polynomials G_new = set() while G: ig = G.pop() mg = sdp_LM(f[ig], u) if not monomial_div(mg, mh): G_new.add(ig) G_new.add(ih) return G_new, B_new
def lcm_divides(ip): # LCM(LM(h), LM(p)) divides LCM(LM(h), LM(g)) m = monomial_lcm(mh, f[ip].LM) return monomial_div(LCMhg, m)
def test_monomial_lcm(): assert monomial_lcm((3, 4, 1), (1, 2, 0)) == (3, 4, 1)
def select(P): # normal selection strategy # select the pair with minimum LCM(LM(f), LM(g)) pr = min(P, key=lambda pair: order(monomial_lcm(f[pair[0]].LM, f[pair[1]].LM))) return pr
def select(P): # normal selection strategy # select the pair with minimum LCM(LM(f), LM(g)) pr = minkey(P, key=lambda (i, j): O(monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(f[i], u), sdp_LM(f[j], u)))) return pr
def select(P): # select the pair with minimum LCM(LM(f), LM(g)) pr = min(P, key=lambda (i, j): O(monomial_lcm(sdp_LM(f[i], u), sdp_LM(f[j], u)))) return pr