예제 #1
def _minpoly_cos(ex, x):
    Returns the minimal polynomial of ``cos(ex)``
    see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrigonometryAngles.html
    from sympy import sqrt
    c, a = ex.args[0].as_coeff_Mul()
    if a is pi:
        if c.is_rational:
            if c.p == 1:
                if c.q == 7:
                    return 8*x**3 - 4*x**2 - 4*x + 1
                if c.q == 9:
                    return 8*x**3 - 6*x + 1
            elif c.p == 2:
                q = sympify(c.q)
                if q.is_prime:
                    s = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
                    return _mexpand(s.subs({x:sqrt((1 - x)/2)}))

            # for a = pi*p/q, cos(q*a) =T_q(cos(a)) = (-1)**p
            n = int(c.q)
            a = dup_chebyshevt(n, ZZ)
            a = [x**(n - i)*a[i] for i in range(n + 1)]
            r = Add(*a) - (-1)**c.p
            _, factors = factor_list(r)
            res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex)
            return res

    raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
예제 #2
def check_solutions(eq):
    Determines whether solutions returned by diophantine() satisfy the original
    equation. Hope to generalize this so we can remove functions like check_ternay_quadratic,
    check_solutions_normal, check_solutions()
    s = diophantine(eq)

    terms = factor_list(eq)[1]

    var = list(eq.free_symbols)

    okay = True

    while len(s) and okay:
        solution = s.pop()

        okay = False

        for term in terms:
            subeq = term[0]

            if simplify(_mexpand(Subs(subeq, var, solution).doit())) == 0:
                okay = True

    return okay
예제 #3
def is_pell_transformation_ok(eq):
    Test whether X*Y, X, or Y terms are present in the equation
    after transforming the equation using the transformation returned
    by transformation_to_pell(). If they are not present we are good.
    Moreover, coefficient of X**2 should be a divisor of coefficient of
    Y**2 and the constant term.
    A, B = transformation_to_DN(eq)
    u = (A * Matrix([X, Y]) + B)[0]
    v = (A * Matrix([X, Y]) + B)[1]
    simplified = _mexpand(Subs(eq, (x, y), (u, v)).doit())

    coeff = dict(
        [reversed(t.as_independent(*[X, Y])) for t in simplified.args])

    for term in [X * Y, X, Y]:
        if term in coeff.keys():
            return False

    for term in [X**2, Y**2, Integer(1)]:
        if term not in coeff.keys():
            coeff[term] = Integer(0)

    if coeff[X**2] != 0:
        return isinstance(S(coeff[Y**2]) / coeff[X**2],
                          Integer) and isinstance(
                              S(coeff[Integer(1)]) / coeff[X**2], Integer)

    return True
예제 #4
def check_solutions(eq):
    Determines whether solutions returned by diophantine() satisfy the original
    equation. Hope to generalize this so we can remove functions like check_ternay_quadratic,
    check_solutions_normal, check_solutions()
    s = diophantine(eq)

    terms = factor_list(eq)[1]

    var = list(eq.free_symbols)

    okay = True

    while len(s) and okay:
        solution = s.pop()

        okay = False

        for term in terms:
            subeq = term[0]

            if simplify(_mexpand(Subs(subeq, var, solution).doit())) == 0:
                okay = True

    return okay
예제 #5
def is_pell_transformation_ok(eq):
    Test whether X*Y, X, or Y terms are present in the equation
    after transforming the equation using the transformation returned
    by transformation_to_pell(). If they are not present we are good.
    Moreover, coefficient of X**2 should be a divisor of coefficient of
    Y**2 and the constant term.
    A, B = transformation_to_DN(eq)
    u = (A*Matrix([X, Y]) + B)[0]
    v = (A*Matrix([X, Y]) + B)[1]
    simplified = _mexpand(Subs(eq, (x, y), (u, v)).doit())

    coeff = dict([reversed(t.as_independent(*[X, Y])) for t in simplified.args])

    for term in [X*Y, X, Y]:
        if term in coeff.keys():
            return False

    for term in [X**2, Y**2, Integer(1)]:
        if term not in coeff.keys():
            coeff[term] = Integer(0)

    if coeff[X**2] != 0:
        return isinstance(S(coeff[Y**2])/coeff[X**2], Integer) and isinstance(S(coeff[Integer(1)])/coeff[X**2], Integer)

    return True
예제 #6
def _minpoly_cos(ex, x):
    Returns the minimal polynomial of ``cos(ex)``
    see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrigonometryAngles.html
    from sympy import sqrt
    c, a = ex.args[0].as_coeff_Mul()
    if a is pi:
        if c.is_rational:
            if c.p == 1:
                if c.q == 7:
                    return 8 * x**3 - 4 * x**2 - 4 * x + 1
                if c.q == 9:
                    return 8 * x**3 - 6 * x + 1
            elif c.p == 2:
                q = sympify(c.q)
                if q.is_prime:
                    s = _minpoly_sin(ex, x)
                    return _mexpand(s.subs({x: sqrt((1 - x) / 2)}))

            # for a = pi*p/q, cos(q*a) =T_q(cos(a)) = (-1)**p
            n = int(c.q)
            a = dup_chebyshevt(n, ZZ)
            a = [x**(n - i) * a[i] for i in range(n + 1)]
            r = Add(*a) - (-1)**c.p
            _, factors = factor_list(r)
            res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex)
            return res

    raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
예제 #7
def test_factor_nc():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    k = symbols('k', integer=True)
    n, m, o = symbols('n,m,o', commutative=False)

    # mul and multinomial expansion is needed
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    e = x * (1 + y)**2
    assert _mexpand(e) == x + x * 2 * y + x * y**2

    def factor_nc_test(e):
        ex = _mexpand(e)
        assert ex.is_Add
        f = factor_nc(ex)
        assert not f.is_Add and _mexpand(f) == ex

    factor_nc_test(x * (1 + y))
    factor_nc_test(n * (x + 1))
    factor_nc_test(n * (x + m))
    factor_nc_test((x + m) * n)
    factor_nc_test(n * m * (x * o + n * o * m) * n)
    s = Sum(x, (x, 1, 2))
    factor_nc_test(x * (1 + s))
    factor_nc_test(x * (1 + s) * s)
    factor_nc_test(x * (1 + sin(s)))
    factor_nc_test((1 + n)**2)

    factor_nc_test((x + n) * (x + m) * (x + y))
    factor_nc_test(x * (n * m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x * (n * m + x))
    factor_nc_test(x * (x * n * m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x * n * (x * m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x * (m * n + x * n * m))
    factor_nc_test(n * (1 - m) * n**2)

    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n - m) * (n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2 * (n - m))
    factor_nc_test((m - n) * (n + m)**2 * (n - m))

    assert factor_nc(n * (n + n * m)) == n**2 * (1 + m)
    assert factor_nc(m * (m * n + n * m * n**2)) == m * (m + n * m * n) * n
    eq = m * sin(n) - sin(n) * m
    assert factor_nc(eq) == eq

    # for coverage:
    from sympy.physics.secondquant import Commutator
    from sympy import factor
    eq = 1 + x * Commutator(m, n)
    assert factor_nc(eq) == eq
    eq = x * Commutator(m, n) + x * Commutator(m, o) * Commutator(m, n)
    assert factor(eq) == x * (1 + Commutator(m, o)) * Commutator(m, n)

    # issue 3435
    assert (2 * n + 2 * m).factor() == 2 * (n + m)

    # issue 3602
    assert factor_nc(n**k + n**(k + 1)) == n**k * (1 + n)
    assert factor_nc((m * n)**k + (m * n)**(k + 1)) == (1 + m * n) * (m * n)**k
예제 #8
def test_factor_nc():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    k = symbols('k', integer=True)
    n, m, o = symbols('n,m,o', commutative=False)

    # mul and multinomial expansion is needed
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    e = x*(1 + y)**2
    assert _mexpand(e) == x + x*2*y + x*y**2

    def factor_nc_test(e):
        ex = _mexpand(e)
        assert ex.is_Add
        f = factor_nc(ex)
        assert not f.is_Add and _mexpand(f) == ex

    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + y))
    factor_nc_test(n*(x + 1))
    factor_nc_test(n*(x + m))
    factor_nc_test((x + m)*n)
    factor_nc_test(n*m*(x*o + n*o*m)*n)
    s = Sum(x, (x, 1, 2))
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + s))
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + s)*s)
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + sin(s)))
    factor_nc_test((1 + n)**2)

    factor_nc_test((x + n)*(x + m)*(x + y))
    factor_nc_test(x*(n*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*(n*m + x))
    factor_nc_test(x*(x*n*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*n*(x*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*(m*n + x*n*m))
    factor_nc_test(n*(1 - m)*n**2)

    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n - m)*(n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2*(n - m))
    factor_nc_test((m - n)*(n + m)**2*(n - m))

    assert factor_nc(n*(n + n*m)) == n**2*(1 + m)
    assert factor_nc(m*(m*n + n*m*n**2)) == m*(m + n*m*n)*n
    eq = m*sin(n) - sin(n)*m
    assert factor_nc(eq) == eq

    # for coverage:
    from sympy.physics.secondquant import Commutator
    from sympy import factor
    eq = 1 + x*Commutator(m, n)
    assert factor_nc(eq) == eq
    eq = x*Commutator(m, n) + x*Commutator(m, o)*Commutator(m, n)
    assert factor(eq) == x*(1 + Commutator(m, o))*Commutator(m, n)

    # issue 3435
    assert (2*n + 2*m).factor() == 2*(n + m)

    # issue 3602
    assert factor_nc(n**k + n**(k + 1)) == n**k*(1 + n)
    assert factor_nc((m*n)**k + (m*n)**(k + 1)) == (1 + m*n)*(m*n)**k
예제 #9
def is_normal_transformation_ok(eq):

    A = transformation_to_normal(eq)
    X, Y, Z = A*Matrix([x, y, z])
    simplified = _mexpand(Subs(eq, (x, y, z), (X, Y, Z)).doit())

    coeff = dict([reversed(t.as_independent(*[X, Y, Z])) for t in simplified.args])
    for term in [X*Y, Y*Z, X*Z]:
        if term in coeff.keys():
            return False

    return True
예제 #10
def is_normal_transformation_ok(eq):

    A = transformation_to_normal(eq)
    X, Y, Z = A * Matrix([x, y, z])
    simplified = _mexpand(Subs(eq, (x, y, z), (X, Y, Z)).doit())

    coeff = dict(
        [reversed(t.as_independent(*[X, Y, Z])) for t in simplified.args])
    for term in [X * Y, Y * Z, X * Z]:
        if term in coeff.keys():
            return False

    return True
예제 #11
def _lambert(eq, x):
    Given an expression assumed to be in the form
        ``F(X, a..f) = a*log(b*X + c) + d*X + f = 0``
    where X = g(x) and x = g^-1(X), return the Lambert solution if possible:
        ``x = g^-1(-c/b + (a/d)*W(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a)))``.
    eq = _mexpand(expand_log(eq))
    mainlog = _mostfunc(eq, log, x)
    if not mainlog:
        return []  # violated assumptions
    other = eq.subs(mainlog, 0)
    if (-other).func is log:
        eq = (eq - other).subs(mainlog, mainlog.args[0])
        mainlog = mainlog.args[0]
        if mainlog.func is not log:
            return []  # violated assumptions
        other = -(-other).args[0]
        eq += other
    if not x in other.free_symbols:
        return []  # violated assumptions
    d, f, X2 = _linab(other, x)
    logterm = collect(eq - other, mainlog)
    a = logterm.as_coefficient(mainlog)
    if a is None or x in a.free_symbols:
        return []  # violated assumptions
    logarg = mainlog.args[0]
    b, c, X1 = _linab(logarg, x)
    if X1 != X2:
        return []  # violated assumptions

    u = Dummy('rhs')
    rhs = -c / b + (a / d) * LambertW(
        d / (a * b) * exp(c * d / a / b) * exp(-f / a))

    # if W's arg is between -1/e and 0 there is a -1 branch solution, too.

    # Check here to see if exp(W(s)) appears and return s/W(s) instead?

    solns = solve(X1 - u, x)
    for i, tmp in enumerate(solns):
        solns[i] = tmp.subs(u, rhs)
    return solns
예제 #12
파일: bivariate.py 프로젝트: AALEKH/sympy
def _lambert(eq, x):
    Given an expression assumed to be in the form
        ``F(X, a..f) = a*log(b*X + c) + d*X + f = 0``
    where X = g(x) and x = g^-1(X), return the Lambert solution if possible:
        ``x = g^-1(-c/b + (a/d)*W(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a)))``.
    eq = _mexpand(expand_log(eq))
    mainlog = _mostfunc(eq, log, x)
    if not mainlog:
        return []  # violated assumptions
    other = eq.subs(mainlog, 0)
    if (-other).func is log:
        eq = (eq - other).subs(mainlog, mainlog.args[0])
        mainlog = mainlog.args[0]
        if mainlog.func is not log:
            return []  # violated assumptions
        other = -(-other).args[0]
        eq += other
    if not x in other.free_symbols:
        return [] # violated assumptions
    d, f, X2 = _linab(other, x)
    logterm = collect(eq - other, mainlog)
    a = logterm.as_coefficient(mainlog)
    if a is None or x in a.free_symbols:
        return []  # violated assumptions
    logarg = mainlog.args[0]
    b, c, X1 = _linab(logarg, x)
    if X1 != X2:
        return []  # violated assumptions

    u = Dummy('rhs')
    rhs = -c/b + (a/d)*LambertW(d/(a*b)*exp(c*d/a/b)*exp(-f/a))

    # if W's arg is between -1/e and 0 there is a -1 branch solution, too.

    # Check here to see if exp(W(s)) appears and return s/W(s) instead?

    solns = solve(X1 - u, x)
    for i, tmp in enumerate(solns):
        solns[i] = tmp.subs(u, rhs)
    return solns
예제 #13
def test_factor_nc():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    n, m, o = symbols('n,m,o', commutative=False)

    # mul and multinomial expansion is needed
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    e = x*(1 + y)**2
    assert _mexpand(e) == x + x*2*y + x*y**2

    def factor_nc_test(e):
        ex = _mexpand(e)
        assert ex.is_Add
        f = factor_nc(ex)
        assert not f.is_Add and _mexpand(f) == ex

    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + y))
    factor_nc_test(n*(x + 1))
    factor_nc_test(n*(x + m))
    factor_nc_test((x + m)*n)
    factor_nc_test(n*m*(x*o + n*o*m)*n)
    s = Sum(x, (x, 1, 2))
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + s))
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + s)*s)
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + sin(s)))
    factor_nc_test((1 + n)**2)

    factor_nc_test((x + n)*(x + m)*(x+y))
    factor_nc_test(x*(n*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*(n*m + x))
    factor_nc_test(x*(x*n*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*n*(x*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*(m*n + x*n*m))
    factor_nc_test(n*(1 - m)*n**2)

    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n - m)*(n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2*(n - m))
    factor_nc_test((m - n)*(n + m)**2*(n - m))

    assert factor_nc(n*(n + n*m)) == n**2*(1 + m)
    assert factor_nc(m*(m*n + n*m*n**2)) == m*(m + n*m*n)*n
예제 #14
def test_factor_nc():
    x, y = symbols('x,y')
    n, m, o = symbols('n,m,o', commutative=False)

    # mul and multinomial expansion is needed
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    e = x*(1 + y)**2
    assert _mexpand(e) == x + x*2*y + x*y**2

    def factor_nc_test(e):
        ex = _mexpand(e)
        assert ex.is_Add
        f = factor_nc(ex)
        assert not f.is_Add and _mexpand(f) == ex

    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + y))
    factor_nc_test(n*(x + 1))
    factor_nc_test(n*(x + m))
    factor_nc_test((x + m)*n)
    factor_nc_test(n*m*(x*o + n*o*m)*n)
    s = Sum(x, (x, 1, 2))
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + s))
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + s)*s)
    factor_nc_test(x*(1 + sin(s)))
    factor_nc_test((1 + n)**2)

    factor_nc_test((x + n)*(x + m)*(x+y))
    factor_nc_test(x*(n*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*(n*m + x))
    factor_nc_test(x*(x*n*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*n*(x*m + 1))
    factor_nc_test(x*(m*n + x*n*m))
    factor_nc_test(n*(1 - m)*n**2)

    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n - m)*(n + m)**2)
    factor_nc_test((n + m)**2*(n - m))
    factor_nc_test((m - n)*(n + m)**2*(n - m))

    assert factor_nc(n*(n + n*m)) == n**2*(1 + m)
    assert factor_nc(m*(m*n + n*m*n**2)) == m*(m + n*m*n)*n
예제 #15
파일: exprtools.py 프로젝트: skolwind/sympy
def factor_nc(expr):
    """Return the factored form of ``expr`` while handling non-commutative

    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_nc
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_nc((x**2 + 2*A*x + A**2).expand())
    (x + A)**2
    >>> factor_nc(((x + A)*(x + B)).expand())
    (x + A)*(x + B)
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    from sympy.polys import gcd, factor

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr) or not expr.args:
        return expr
    if not expr.is_Add:
        return expr.func(*[factor_nc(a) for a in expr.args])

    expr, rep, nc_symbols = _mask_nc(expr)
    if rep:
        return factor(expr).subs(rep)
        args = [a.args_cnc() for a in Add.make_args(expr)]
        c = g = l = r = S.One
        hit = False
        # find any commutative gcd term
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                c = Mul._from_args(a[0])
            elif a[0]:
                c = gcd(c, Mul._from_args(a[0]))
                c = S.One
        if c is not S.One:
            hit = True
            c, g = c.as_coeff_Mul()
            if g is not S.One:
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc = list(Mul.make_args(Mul._from_args(list(cc))/g))
                    args[i][0] = cc
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc[0] = cc[0]/c
                    args[i][0] = cc
        # find any noncommutative common prefix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_prefix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][0].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][0].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        l = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][0] = il*args[i][1][0]
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            l = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = args[i][1][lenn:]
        # find any noncommutative common suffix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_suffix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][-1].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][-1].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        r = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][-1] = args[i][1][-1]*il
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            r = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = a[1][:len(a[1]) - lenn]
        if hit:
            mid = Add(*[Mul(*cc)*Mul(*nc) for cc, nc in args])
            mid = expr

        # sort the symbols so the Dummys would appear in the same
        # order as the original symbols, otherwise you may introduce
        # a factor of -1, e.g. A**2 - B**2) -- {A:y, B:x} --> y**2 - x**2
        # and the former factors into two terms, (A - B)*(A + B) while the
        # latter factors into 3 terms, (-1)*(x - y)*(x + y)
        rep1 = [(n, Dummy()) for n in sorted(nc_symbols, key=default_sort_key)]
        unrep1 = [(v, k) for k, v in rep1]
        new_mid, r2, _ = _mask_nc(mid.subs(rep1))
        new_mid = factor(new_mid)

        new_mid = new_mid.subs(r2).subs(unrep1)

        if new_mid.is_Pow:
            return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*new_mid*r)

        if new_mid.is_Mul:
            # XXX TODO there should be a way to inspect what order the terms
            # must be in and just select the plausible ordering without
            # checking permutations
            cfac = []
            ncfac = []
            for f in new_mid.args:
                if f.is_commutative:
                    b, e = f.as_base_exp()
                    assert e.is_Integer
            pre_mid = g*Mul(*cfac)*l
            target = _mexpand(expr/c)
            for s in variations(ncfac, len(ncfac)):
                ok = pre_mid*Mul(*s)*r
                if _mexpand(ok) == target:
                    return _keep_coeff(c, ok)

        # mid was an Add that didn't factor successfully
        return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*mid*r)
예제 #16
def _separate_sq(p):
    helper function for ``_minimal_polynomial_sq``

    It selects a rational ``g`` such that the polynomial ``p``
    consists of a sum of terms whose surds squared have gcd equal to ``g``
    and a sum of terms with surds squared prime with ``g``;
    then it takes the field norm to eliminate ``sqrt(g)``

    See simplify.simplify.split_surds and polytools.sqf_norm.


    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields import _separate_sq
    >>> p= -x + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7)
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**2 + 2*sqrt(3)*x + 2*sqrt(7)*x - 2*sqrt(21) - 8
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**4 + 4*sqrt(7)*x**3 - 32*x**2 + 8*sqrt(7)*x + 20
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**8 + 48*x**6 - 536*x**4 + 1728*x**2 - 400

    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _split_gcd, _mexpand
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import sift
    def is_sqrt(expr):
        return expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half
    # p = c1*sqrt(q1) + ... + cn*sqrt(qn) -> a = [(c1, q1), .., (cn, qn)]
    a = []
    for y in p.args:
        if not y.is_Mul:
            if is_sqrt(y):
                a.append((S.One, y**2))
            elif y.is_Atom:
                a.append((y, S.One))
            elif y.is_Pow and y.exp.is_integer:
                a.append((y, S.One))
                raise NotImplementedError
        sifted = sift(y.args, is_sqrt)
        a.append((Mul(*sifted[False]), Mul(*sifted[True])**2))
    a.sort(key=lambda z: z[1])
    if a[-1][1] is S.One:
        # there are no surds
        return p
    surds = [z for y, z in a]
    for i in range(len(surds)):
        if surds[i] != 1:
    g, b1, b2 = _split_gcd(*surds[i:])
    a1 = []
    a2 = []
    for y, z in a:
        if z in b1:
    p1 = Add(*a1)
    p2 = Add(*a2)
    p = _mexpand(p1**2) - _mexpand(p2**2)
    return p
예제 #17
def bivariate_type(f, x, y, **kwargs):
    """Given an expression, f, 3 tests will be done to see what type
    of composite bivariate it might be, options for u(x, y) are::


    If it matches one of these types, ``u(x, y)``, ``P(u)`` and dummy
    variable ``u`` will be returned. Solving ``P(u)`` for ``u`` and
    equating the solutions to ``u(x, y)`` and then solving for ``x`` or
    ``y`` is equivalent to solving the original expression for ``x`` or
    ``y``. If ``x`` and ``y`` represent two functions in the same
    variable, e.g. ``x = g(t)`` and ``y = h(t)``, then if ``u(x, y) - p``
    can be solved for ``t`` then these represent the solutions to
    ``P(u) = 0`` when ``p`` are the solutions of ``P(u) = 0``.

    Only positive values of ``u`` are considered.


    >>> from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve
    >>> from sympy.solvers.bivariate import bivariate_type
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> eq = (x**2 - 3).subs(x, x + y)
    >>> bivariate_type(eq, x, y)
    (x + y, _u**2 - 3, _u)
    >>> uxy, pu, u = _
    >>> usol = solve(pu, u); usol
    >>> [solve(uxy - s) for s in solve(pu, u)]
    [[{x: -y + sqrt(3)}]]
    >>> all(eq.subs(s).equals(0) for sol in _ for s in sol)


    u = Dummy('u', positive=True)

    if kwargs.pop('first', True):
        p = Poly(f, x, y)
        f = p.as_expr()
        _x = Dummy()
        _y = Dummy()
        rv = bivariate_type(Poly(f.subs({x: _x, y: _y}), _x, _y), _x, _y, first=False)
        if rv:
            reps = {_x: x, _y: y}
            return rv[0].xreplace(reps), rv[1].xreplace(reps), rv[2]

    p = f
    f = p.as_expr()

    # f(x*y)
    args = Add.make_args(p.as_expr())
    new = []
    for a in args:
        a = _mexpand(a.subs(x, u/y))
        free = a.free_symbols
        if x in free or y in free:
        return x*y, Add(*new), u

    def ok(f, v, c):
        new = _mexpand(f.subs(v, c))
        free = new.free_symbols
        return None if (x in free or y in free) else new

    # f(a*x + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d), d)
        b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
        new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a)
        if new is not None:
            return a*x + b*y, new, u

    # f(a*x*y + b*y)
    new = []
    d = p.degree(x)
    if p.degree(y) == d:
        for itry in range(2):
            a = root(p.coeff_monomial(x**d*y**d), d)
            b = root(p.coeff_monomial(y**d), d)
            new = ok(f, x, (u - b*y)/a/y)
            if new is not None:
                return a*x*y + b*y, new, u
            x, y = y, x
예제 #18
 def factor_nc_test(e):
     ex = _mexpand(e)
     assert ex.is_Add
     f = factor_nc(ex)
     assert not f.is_Add and _mexpand(f) == ex
예제 #19
 def factor_nc_test(e):
     ex = _mexpand(e)
     assert ex.is_Add
     f = factor_nc(ex)
     assert not f.is_Add and _mexpand(f) == ex
예제 #20
 def ok(f, v, c):
     new = _mexpand(f.subs(v, c))
     free = new.free_symbols
     return None if (x in free or y in free) else new
예제 #21
def _separate_sq(p):
    helper function for ``_minimal_polynomial_sq``

    It selects a rational ``g`` such that the polynomial ``p``
    consists of a sum of terms whose surds squared have gcd equal to ``g``
    and a sum of terms with surds squared prime with ``g``;
    then it takes the field norm to eliminate ``sqrt(g)``

    See simplify.simplify.split_surds and polytools.sqf_norm.


    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> from sympy.polys.numberfields import _separate_sq
    >>> p= -x + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + sqrt(7)
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**2 + 2*sqrt(3)*x + 2*sqrt(7)*x - 2*sqrt(21) - 8
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**4 + 4*sqrt(7)*x**3 - 32*x**2 + 8*sqrt(7)*x + 20
    >>> p = _separate_sq(p); p
    -x**8 + 48*x**6 - 536*x**4 + 1728*x**2 - 400

    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _split_gcd, _mexpand
    from sympy.utilities.iterables import sift

    def is_sqrt(expr):
        return expr.is_Pow and expr.exp is S.Half

    # p = c1*sqrt(q1) + ... + cn*sqrt(qn) -> a = [(c1, q1), .., (cn, qn)]
    a = []
    for y in p.args:
        if not y.is_Mul:
            if is_sqrt(y):
                a.append((S.One, y**2))
            elif y.is_Atom:
                a.append((y, S.One))
            elif y.is_Pow and y.exp.is_integer:
                a.append((y, S.One))
                raise NotImplementedError
        sifted = sift(y.args, is_sqrt)
        a.append((Mul(*sifted[False]), Mul(*sifted[True])**2))
    a.sort(key=lambda z: z[1])
    if a[-1][1] is S.One:
        # there are no surds
        return p
    surds = [z for y, z in a]
    for i in range(len(surds)):
        if surds[i] != 1:
    g, b1, b2 = _split_gcd(*surds[i:])
    a1 = []
    a2 = []
    for y, z in a:
        if z in b1:
            a1.append(y * z**S.Half)
            a2.append(y * z**S.Half)
    p1 = Add(*a1)
    p2 = Add(*a2)
    p = _mexpand(p1**2) - _mexpand(p2**2)
    return p