예제 #1
def _(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    newexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr.expr)
    shifts = list(
            [0] +
            [1 if i in removed else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]))
    new_diag_indices_map = {
        i: tuple(j for j in i if j not in removed)
        for i in expr.diagonal_indices
    for old_diag_tuple, new_diag_tuple in new_diag_indices_map.items():
        if len(new_diag_tuple) == 1:
            removed = [i for i in removed if i not in old_diag_tuple]
    new_diag_indices = [
        tuple(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in new_diag_indices_map.values()
    rank = get_rank(expr.expr)
    removed = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(expr.diagonal_indices, removed,
    removed = sorted({i for i in removed})
    # If there are single axes to diagonalize remaining, it means that their
    # corresponding dimension has been removed, they no longer need diagonalization:
    new_diag_indices = [i for i in new_diag_indices if len(i) > 0]
    if len(new_diag_indices) > 0:
        newexpr2 = _array_diagonal(newexpr,
        newexpr2 = newexpr
    if isinstance(newexpr2, ArrayDiagonal):
        newexpr3, removed2 = _remove_diagonalized_identity_matrices(newexpr2)
        removed = _combine_removed(-1, removed, removed2)
        return newexpr3, removed
        return newexpr2, removed
예제 #2
def _(expr: ArrayContraction):
    new_expr, removed0 = _array_contraction_to_diagonal_multiple_identity(expr)
    if new_expr != expr:
        new_expr2, removed1 = _remove_trivial_dims(_array2matrix(new_expr))
        removed = _combine_removed(-1, removed0, removed1)
        return new_expr2, removed
    rank1 = get_rank(expr)
    expr, removed1 = remove_identity_matrices(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction):
        expr2, removed2 = _remove_trivial_dims(expr)
        return expr2, _combine_removed(rank1, removed1, removed2)
    newexpr, removed2 = _remove_trivial_dims(expr.expr)
    shifts = list(
            [1 if i in removed2 else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]))
    new_contraction_indices = [
        tuple(j for j in i if j not in removed2)
        for i in expr.contraction_indices
    # Remove possible empty tuples "()":
    new_contraction_indices = [
        i for i in new_contraction_indices if len(i) > 0
    contraction_indices_flat = [j for i in expr.contraction_indices for j in i]
    removed2 = [i for i in removed2 if i not in contraction_indices_flat]
    new_contraction_indices = [
        tuple(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in new_contraction_indices
    # Shift removed2:
    removed2 = ArrayContraction._push_indices_up(expr.contraction_indices,
    removed = _combine_removed(rank1, removed1, removed2)
    return _array_contraction(newexpr, *new_contraction_indices), list(removed)
예제 #3
def _(expr: ElementwiseApplyFunction, x: Expr):
    assert get_rank(expr) == 2
    assert get_rank(x) == 2
    fdiff = expr._get_function_fdiff()
    dexpr = array_derive(expr.expr, x)
    tp = ArrayTensorProduct(ElementwiseApplyFunction(fdiff, expr.expr), dexpr)
    td = ArrayDiagonal(tp, (0, 4), (1, 5))
    return td
예제 #4
def _array_diag2contr_diagmatrix(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    if isinstance(expr.expr, ArrayTensorProduct):
        args = list(expr.expr.args)
        diag_indices = list(expr.diagonal_indices)
        mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(
            [_get_subrank(arg) for arg in args])
        tuple_links = [[mapping[j] for j in i] for i in diag_indices]
        contr_indices = []
        total_rank = get_rank(expr)
        replaced = [False for arg in args]
        for i, (abs_pos, rel_pos) in enumerate(zip(diag_indices, tuple_links)):
            if len(abs_pos) != 2:
            (pos1_outer, pos1_inner), (pos2_outer, pos2_inner) = rel_pos
            arg1 = args[pos1_outer]
            arg2 = args[pos2_outer]
            if get_rank(arg1) != 2 or get_rank(arg2) != 2:
                if replaced[pos1_outer]:
                    diag_indices[i] = None
                if replaced[pos2_outer]:
                    diag_indices[i] = None
            pos1_in2 = 1 - pos1_inner
            pos2_in2 = 1 - pos2_inner
            if arg1.shape[pos1_in2] == 1:
                if arg1.shape[pos1_inner] != 1:
                    darg1 = DiagMatrix(arg1)
                    darg1 = arg1
                    ((pos2_outer, pos2_inner), (len(args) - 1, pos1_inner)))
                total_rank += 1
                diag_indices[i] = None
                args[pos1_outer] = OneArray(arg1.shape[pos1_in2])
                replaced[pos1_outer] = True
            elif arg2.shape[pos2_in2] == 1:
                if arg2.shape[pos2_inner] != 1:
                    darg2 = DiagMatrix(arg2)
                    darg2 = arg2
                    ((pos1_outer, pos1_inner), (len(args) - 1, pos2_inner)))
                total_rank += 1
                diag_indices[i] = None
                args[pos2_outer] = OneArray(arg2.shape[pos2_in2])
                replaced[pos2_outer] = True
        diag_indices_new = [i for i in diag_indices if i is not None]
        cumul = list(accumulate([0] + [get_rank(arg) for arg in args]))
        contr_indices2 = [
            tuple(cumul[a] + b for a, b in i) for i in contr_indices
        tc = _array_contraction(_array_tensor_product(*args), *contr_indices2)
        td = _array_diagonal(tc, *diag_indices_new)
        return td
    return expr
예제 #5
def _(expr: ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc, x: Expr):
    fdiff = expr._get_function_fdiff()
    subexpr = expr.expr
    dsubexpr = array_derive(subexpr, x)
    tp = _array_tensor_product(dsubexpr,
                               ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(fdiff, subexpr))
    b = get_rank(x)
    c = get_rank(expr)
    diag_indices = [(b + i, b + c + i) for i in range(c)]
    return _array_diagonal(tp, *diag_indices)
예제 #6
def _find_trivial_kronecker_products_broadcast(expr: ArrayTensorProduct):
    newargs: List[Basic] = []
    removed = []
    count_dims = 0
    for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args):
        count_dims += get_rank(arg)
        shape = get_shape(arg)
        current_range = [count_dims - i for i in range(len(shape), 0, -1)]
        if (shape == (1, 1) and len(newargs) > 0
                and 1 not in get_shape(newargs[-1])
                and isinstance(newargs[-1], MatrixExpr)
                and isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr)):
            # KroneckerProduct object allows the trick of broadcasting:
            newargs[-1] = KroneckerProduct(newargs[-1], arg)
        elif 1 not in shape and len(newargs) > 0 and get_shape(
                newargs[-1]) == (1, 1):
            # Broadcast:
            newargs[-1] = KroneckerProduct(newargs[-1], arg)
            prev_range = [
                i for i in range(min(current_range)) if i not in removed
    return _array_tensor_product(*newargs), removed
예제 #7
def _(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    newexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr.expr)
    shifts = list(
            [0] +
            [1 if i in removed else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]))
    new_diag_indices = [
        tuple(j for j in i if j not in removed) for i in expr.diagonal_indices
    new_diag_indices = [
        tuple(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in new_diag_indices
    rank = get_rank(expr.expr)
    removed = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(expr.diagonal_indices, removed,
    removed = sorted({i for i in removed})
    # If there are single axes to diagonalize remaining, it means that their
    # corresponding dimension has been removed, they no longer need diagonalization:
    new_diag_indices = [i for i in new_diag_indices if len(i) > 1]
    return ArrayDiagonal(newexpr, *new_diag_indices), removed
예제 #8
def _(expr: ArrayContraction):
    newexpr, removed = _remove_trivial_dims(expr.expr)
    shifts = list(
            [1 if i in removed else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]))
    new_contraction_indices = [
        tuple(j for j in i if j not in removed)
        for i in expr.contraction_indices
    # Remove possible empty tuples "()":
    new_contraction_indices = [
        i for i in new_contraction_indices if len(i) > 0
    contraction_indices_flat = [j for i in expr.contraction_indices for j in i]
    removed = [i for i in removed if i not in contraction_indices_flat]
    new_contraction_indices = [
        tuple(j - shifts[j] for j in i) for i in new_contraction_indices
    # Shift removed:
    removed = ArrayContraction._push_indices_up(expr.contraction_indices,
    return ArrayContraction(newexpr, *new_contraction_indices), list(removed)
예제 #9
def _remove_diagonalized_identity_matrices(expr: ArrayDiagonal):
    assert isinstance(expr, ArrayDiagonal)
    editor = _EditArrayContraction(expr)
    mapping = {
        i: {j
            for j in editor.args_with_ind if i in j.indices}
        for i in range(-1, -1 - editor.number_of_diagonal_indices, -1)
    removed = []
    counter: int = 0
    for i, arg_with_ind in enumerate(editor.args_with_ind):
        counter += len(arg_with_ind.indices)
        if isinstance(arg_with_ind.element, Identity):
            if None in arg_with_ind.indices and any(
                    i is not None and (i < 0) == True
                    for i in arg_with_ind.indices):
                diag_ind = [j for j in arg_with_ind.indices
                            if j is not None][0]
                other = [j for j in mapping[diag_ind] if j != arg_with_ind][0]
                if not isinstance(other.element, MatrixExpr):
                if 1 not in other.element.shape:
                if None not in other.indices:
                editor.args_with_ind[i].element = None
                none_index = other.indices.index(None)
                other.element = DiagMatrix(other.element)
                other_range = editor.get_absolute_range(other)
                removed.extend([other_range[0] + none_index])
    editor.args_with_ind = [
        i for i in editor.args_with_ind if i.element is not None
    removed = ArrayDiagonal._push_indices_up(expr.diagonal_indices, removed,
    return editor.to_array_contraction(), removed
예제 #10
def _find_trivial_matrices_rewrite(expr: ArrayTensorProduct):
    # If there are matrices of trivial shape in the tensor product (i.e. shape
    # (1, 1)), try to check if there is a suitable non-trivial MatMul where the
    # expression can be inserted.

    # For example, if "a" has shape (1, 1) and "b" has shape (k, 1), the
    # expressions "_array_tensor_product(a, b*b.T)" can be rewritten as
    # "b*a*b.T"

    trivial_matrices = []
    pos: Optional[int] = None
    first: Optional[MatrixExpr] = None
    second: Optional[MatrixExpr] = None
    removed: List[int] = []
    counter: int = 0
    args: List[Optional[Basic]] = [i for i in expr.args]
    for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args):
        if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr):
            if arg.shape == (1, 1):
                args[i] = None
                removed.extend([counter, counter + 1])
            elif pos is None and isinstance(arg, MatMul):
                margs = arg.args
                for j, e in enumerate(margs):
                    if isinstance(e, MatrixExpr) and e.shape[1] == 1:
                        pos = i
                        first = MatMul.fromiter(margs[:j + 1])
                        second = MatMul.fromiter(margs[j + 1:])
        counter += get_rank(arg)
    if pos is None:
        return expr, []
    args[pos] = (first * MatMul.fromiter(i for i in trivial_matrices) *
    return _array_tensor_product(*[i for i in args if i is not None]), removed
예제 #11
 def do_convert(self, expr, indices):
     if isinstance(expr, ArrayTensorProduct):
         cumul = list(accumulate([0] + [get_rank(arg) for arg in expr.args]))
         indices_grp = [indices[cumul[i]:cumul[i+1]] for i in range(len(expr.args))]
         return Mul.fromiter(self.do_convert(arg, ind) for arg, ind in zip(expr.args, indices_grp))
     if isinstance(expr, ArrayContraction):
         new_indices = [None for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]
         limits = []
         bottom_shape = get_shape(expr.expr)
         for contraction_index_grp in expr.contraction_indices:
             d = Dummy(f"d{self.count_dummies}")
             self.count_dummies += 1
             dim = bottom_shape[contraction_index_grp[0]]
             limits.append((d, 0, dim-1))
             for i in contraction_index_grp:
                 new_indices[i] = d
         j = 0
         for i in range(len(new_indices)):
             if new_indices[i] is None:
                 new_indices[i] = indices[j]
                 j += 1
         newexpr = self.do_convert(expr.expr, new_indices)
         return Sum(newexpr, *limits)
     if isinstance(expr, ArrayDiagonal):
         new_indices = [None for i in range(get_rank(expr.expr))]
         ind_pos = expr._push_indices_down(expr.diagonal_indices, list(range(len(indices))), get_rank(expr))
         for i, index in zip(ind_pos, indices):
             if isinstance(i, collections.abc.Iterable):
                 for j in i:
                     new_indices[j] = index
                 new_indices[i] = index
         newexpr = self.do_convert(expr.expr, new_indices)
         return newexpr
     if isinstance(expr, PermuteDims):
         permuted_indices = _apply_permutation_to_list(expr.permutation, indices)
         return self.do_convert(expr.expr, permuted_indices)
     if isinstance(expr, ArrayAdd):
         return Add.fromiter(self.do_convert(arg, indices) for arg in expr.args)
     if isinstance(expr, _ArrayExpr):
         return expr.__getitem__(tuple(indices))
     if isinstance(expr, ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc):
         return expr.function(self.do_convert(expr.expr, indices))
     if isinstance(expr, Reshape):
         shape_up = expr.shape
         shape_down = get_shape(expr.expr)
         cumul = list(accumulate([1] + list(reversed(shape_up)), operator.mul))
         one_index = Add.fromiter(i*s for i, s in zip(reversed(indices), cumul))
         dest_indices = [None for _ in shape_down]
         c = 1
         for i, e in enumerate(reversed(shape_down)):
             if c == 1:
                 if i == len(shape_down) - 1:
                     dest_indices[i] = one_index
                     dest_indices[i] = one_index % e
             elif i == len(shape_down) - 1:
                 dest_indices[i] = one_index // c
                 dest_indices[i] = one_index // c % e
             c *= e
         return self.do_convert(expr.expr, dest_indices)
     return _get_array_element_or_slice(expr, indices)
예제 #12
def _(expr: ArrayTensorProduct):
    # Recognize expressions like [x, y] with shape (k, 1, k, 1) as `x*y.T`.
    # The matrix expression has to be equivalent to the tensor product of the
    # matrices, with trivial dimensions (i.e. dim=1) dropped.
    # That is, add contractions over trivial dimensions:

    removed = []
    newargs = []
    cumul = list(accumulate([0] + [get_rank(arg) for arg in expr.args]))
    pending = None
    prev_i = None
    for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args):
        current_range = list(range(cumul[i], cumul[i + 1]))
        if isinstance(arg, OneArray):
        if not isinstance(arg, (MatrixExpr, MatrixCommon)):
            rarg, rem = _remove_trivial_dims(arg)
        elif getattr(arg, "is_Identity", False):
            if arg.shape == (1, 1):
                # Ignore identity matrices of shape (1, 1) - they are equivalent to scalar 1.
            k = arg.shape[0]
            if pending == k:
                # OK, there is already
            elif pending is None:
                pending = k
                prev_i = i
                pending = k
                prev_i = i
        elif arg.shape == (1, 1):
            arg, _ = _remove_trivial_dims(arg)
            # Matrix is equivalent to scalar:
            if len(newargs) == 0:
            elif 1 in get_shape(newargs[-1]):
                if newargs[-1].shape[1] == 1:
                    newargs[-1] = newargs[-1] * arg
                    newargs[-1] = arg * newargs[-1]
        elif 1 in arg.shape:
            k = [i for i in arg.shape if i != 1][0]
            if pending is None:
                pending = k
                prev_i = i
            elif pending == k:
                prev = newargs[-1]
                if prev.is_Identity:
                    removed.extend([cumul[prev_i], cumul[prev_i] + 1])
                    newargs[-1] = arg
                    prev_i = i
                if prev.shape[0] == 1:
                    d1 = cumul[prev_i]
                    prev = _a2m_transpose(prev)
                    d1 = cumul[prev_i] + 1
                if arg.shape[1] == 1:
                    d2 = cumul[i] + 1
                    arg = _a2m_transpose(arg)
                    d2 = cumul[i]
                newargs[-1] = prev * arg
                pending = None
                removed.extend([d1, d2])
                pending = k
                prev_i = i
            pending = None
    return _a2m_tensor_product(*newargs), sorted(removed)
예제 #13
def _(expr: ZeroArray):
    if get_rank(expr) == 2:
        return ZeroMatrix(*expr.shape)
        return expr
예제 #14
def remove_identity_matrices(expr: ArrayContraction):
    editor = _EditArrayContraction(expr)
    removed: List[int] = []

    permutation_map = {}

    free_indices = list(
        accumulate([0] + [
            sum([i is None for i in arg.indices])
            for arg in editor.args_with_ind
    free_map = {k: v for k, v in zip(editor.args_with_ind, free_indices[:-1])}

    update_pairs = {}

    for ind in range(editor.number_of_contraction_indices):
        args = editor.get_args_with_index(ind)
        identity_matrices = [
            i for i in args if isinstance(i.element, Identity)
        number_identity_matrices = len(identity_matrices)
        # If the contraction involves a non-identity matrix and multiple identity matrices:
        if number_identity_matrices != len(
                args) - 1 or number_identity_matrices == 0:
        # Get the non-identity element:
        non_identity = [
            i for i in args if not isinstance(i.element, Identity)
        # Check that all identity matrices have at least one free index
        # (otherwise they would be contractions to some other elements)
        if any([None not in i.indices for i in identity_matrices]):
        # Mark the identity matrices for removal:
        for i in identity_matrices:
            i.element = None
                      free_map[i] + len([j for j in i.indices if j is None])))
        last_removed = removed.pop(-1)
        update_pairs[last_removed, ind] = non_identity.indices[:]
        # Remove the indices from the non-identity matrix, as the contraction
        # no longer exists:
        non_identity.indices = [
            None if i == ind else i for i in non_identity.indices


    shifts = list(
        accumulate([1 if i in removed else 0 for i in range(get_rank(expr))]))
    for (last_removed, ind), non_identity_indices in update_pairs.items():
        pos = [
            free_map[non_identity] + i
            for i, e in enumerate(non_identity_indices) if e == ind
        assert len(pos) == 1
        for j in pos:
            permutation_map[j] = last_removed

    editor.args_with_ind = [
        i for i in editor.args_with_ind if i.element is not None
    ret_expr = editor.to_array_contraction()
    permutation = []
    counter = 0
    counter2 = 0
    for j in range(get_rank(expr)):
        if j in removed:
        if counter2 in permutation_map:
            target = permutation_map[counter2]
            permutation.append(target - shifts[target])
            counter2 += 1
            while counter in permutation_map.values():
                counter += 1
            counter += 1
            counter2 += 1
    ret_expr2 = _permute_dims(ret_expr, _af_invert(permutation))
    return ret_expr2, removed
예제 #15
def permutedims(expr, perm=None, index_order_old=None, index_order_new=None):
    Permutes the indices of an array.

    Parameter specifies the permutation of the indices.


    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z, t
    >>> from sympy import sin
    >>> from sympy import Array, permutedims
    >>> a = Array([[x, y, z], [t, sin(x), 0]])
    >>> a
    [[x, y, z], [t, sin(x), 0]]
    >>> permutedims(a, (1, 0))
    [[x, t], [y, sin(x)], [z, 0]]

    If the array is of second order, ``transpose`` can be used:

    >>> from sympy import transpose
    >>> transpose(a)
    [[x, t], [y, sin(x)], [z, 0]]

    Examples on higher dimensions:

    >>> b = Array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]])
    >>> permutedims(b, (2, 1, 0))
    [[[1, 5], [3, 7]], [[2, 6], [4, 8]]]
    >>> permutedims(b, (1, 2, 0))
    [[[1, 5], [2, 6]], [[3, 7], [4, 8]]]

    An alternative way to specify the same permutations as in the previous
    lines involves passing the *old* and *new* indices, either as a list or as
    a string:

    >>> permutedims(b, index_order_old="cba", index_order_new="abc")
    [[[1, 5], [3, 7]], [[2, 6], [4, 8]]]
    >>> permutedims(b, index_order_old="cab", index_order_new="abc")
    [[[1, 5], [2, 6]], [[3, 7], [4, 8]]]

    ``Permutation`` objects are also allowed:

    >>> from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation
    >>> permutedims(b, Permutation([1, 2, 0]))
    [[[1, 5], [2, 6]], [[3, 7], [4, 8]]]

    from sympy.tensor.array import SparseNDimArray

    from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.array_expressions import _ArrayExpr
    from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.array_expressions import _CodegenArrayAbstract
    from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.array_expressions import _permute_dims
    from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixSymbol
    from sympy.tensor.array.expressions import PermuteDims
    from sympy.tensor.array.expressions.array_expressions import get_rank
    perm = PermuteDims._get_permutation_from_arguments(perm, index_order_old,
    if isinstance(expr, (_ArrayExpr, _CodegenArrayAbstract, MatrixSymbol)):
        return _permute_dims(expr, perm)

    if not isinstance(expr, NDimArray):
        expr = ImmutableDenseNDimArray(expr)

    from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation
    if not isinstance(perm, Permutation):
        perm = Permutation(list(perm))

    if perm.size != expr.rank():
        raise ValueError("wrong permutation size")

    # Get the inverse permutation:
    iperm = ~perm
    new_shape = perm(expr.shape)

    if isinstance(expr, SparseNDimArray):
        return type(expr)({
            tuple(perm(expr._get_tuple_index(k))): v
            for k, v in expr._sparse_array.items()
        }, new_shape)

    indices_span = perm([range(i) for i in expr.shape])

    new_array = [None] * len(expr)
    for i, idx in enumerate(itertools.product(*indices_span)):
        t = iperm(idx)
        new_array[i] = expr[t]

    return type(expr)(new_array, new_shape)
예제 #16
def _support_function_tp1_recognize(contraction_indices, args):
    subranks = [get_rank(i) for i in args]
    coeff = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y,
                   [arg for arg, srank in zip(args, subranks) if srank == 0],
    mapping = _get_mapping_from_subranks(subranks)
    new_contraction_indices = list(contraction_indices)
    newargs = args[:]  # make a copy of the list
    removed = [None for i in newargs]
    cumul = list(accumulate([0] + [get_rank(arg) for arg in args]))
    new_perms = [
        list(range(cumul[i], cumul[i + 1])) for i, arg in enumerate(args)
    for pi, contraction_pair in enumerate(contraction_indices):
        if len(contraction_pair) != 2:
        i1, i2 = contraction_pair
        a1, e1 = mapping[i1]
        a2, e2 = mapping[i2]
        while removed[a1] is not None:
            a1, e1 = removed[a1]
        while removed[a2] is not None:
            a2, e2 = removed[a2]
        if a1 == a2:
            trace_arg = newargs[a1]
            newargs[a1] = Trace(trace_arg)._normalize()
            new_contraction_indices[pi] = None
        if not isinstance(newargs[a1], MatrixExpr) or not isinstance(
                newargs[a2], MatrixExpr):
        arg1 = newargs[a1]
        arg2 = newargs[a2]
        if (e1 == 1 and e2 == 1) or (e1 == 0 and e2 == 0):
            arg2 = Transpose(arg2)
        if e1 == 1:
            argnew = arg1 * arg2
            argnew = arg2 * arg1
        removed[a2] = a1, e1
        new_perms[a1][e1] = new_perms[a2][1 - e2]
        new_perms[a2] = None
        newargs[a1] = argnew
        newargs[a2] = None
        new_contraction_indices[pi] = None
    new_contraction_indices = [
        i for i in new_contraction_indices if i is not None
    newargs2 = [arg for arg in newargs if arg is not None]
    if len(newargs2) == 0:
        return coeff
    tp = _a2m_tensor_product(*newargs2)
    tc = ArrayContraction(tp, *new_contraction_indices)
    new_perms2 = ArrayContraction._push_indices_up(
        contraction_indices, [i for i in new_perms if i is not None])
    permutation = _af_invert(
        [j for i in new_perms2 for j in i if j is not None])
    if permutation == [1, 0] and len(newargs2) == 1:
        return Transpose(newargs2[0]).doit()
    tperm = PermuteDims(tc, permutation)
    return tperm