예제 #1
def test_derivative_by_array():
    from sympy.abc import a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z

    bexpr = x*y**2*exp(z)*log(t)
    sexpr = sin(bexpr)
    cexpr = cos(bexpr)

    a = Array([sexpr])

    assert derive_by_array(sexpr, t) == x*y**2*exp(z)*cos(x*y**2*exp(z)*log(t))/t
    assert derive_by_array(sexpr, [x, y, z]) == Array([bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr, bexpr*cexpr])
    assert derive_by_array(a, [x, y, z]) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr]])

    assert derive_by_array(sexpr, [[x, y], [z, t]]) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr, bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]])
    assert derive_by_array(a, [[x, y], [z, t]]) == Array([[[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr]], [[bexpr*cexpr], [bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]]])
    assert derive_by_array([[x, y], [z, t]], [x, y]) == Array([[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]])
    assert derive_by_array([[x, y], [z, t]], [[x, y], [z, t]]) == Array([[[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]],
                                                                         [[[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 1]]]])

    assert diff(sexpr, t) == x*y**2*exp(z)*cos(x*y**2*exp(z)*log(t))/t
    assert diff(sexpr, Array([x, y, z])) == Array([bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr, bexpr*cexpr])
    assert diff(a, Array([x, y, z])) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr]])

    assert diff(sexpr, Array([[x, y], [z, t]])) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr, bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]])
    assert diff(a, Array([[x, y], [z, t]])) == Array([[[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr]], [[bexpr*cexpr], [bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]]])
    assert diff(Array([[x, y], [z, t]]), Array([x, y])) == Array([[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]])
    assert diff(Array([[x, y], [z, t]]), Array([[x, y], [z, t]])) == Array([[[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]],
                                                                         [[[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 1]]]])

    # test for large scale sparse array
    for SparseArrayType in [ImmutableSparseNDimArray, MutableSparseNDimArray]:
        b = MutableSparseNDimArray({0:i, 1:j}, (10000, 20000))
        assert derive_by_array(b, i) == ImmutableSparseNDimArray({0: 1}, (10000, 20000))
        assert derive_by_array(b, (i, j)) == ImmutableSparseNDimArray({0: 1, 200000001: 1}, (2, 10000, 20000))
예제 #2
    def _solve(self, x):

        # substitute variables with binding positivitiy constraints
        cpos = self.constraints.tolist(('col', ''),
        subs_zero = {cstr.expr_0: sp.Integer(0) for col, cstr
                     in cpos if x[cstr.col]}

        mat = derive_by_array(x.lagrange, x.variabs_multips)
        mat = sp.Matrix(mat).expand()
        mat = mat.subs(subs_zero)

        variabs_multips_slct = list(OrderedSet(x.variabs_multips) - OrderedSet(subs_zero))

        A, b = linear_eq_to_matrix(mat, variabs_multips_slct)

        solution_0 = sp.linsolve((A, b), variabs_multips_slct)

        if isinstance(solution_0, sp.sets.EmptySet):
            return None


            # init with zeros
            solution_dict = dict.fromkeys(x.variabs_multips, sp.Integer(0))
            # update with solutions
            solution = tuple(solution_dict.values())

            return solution
예제 #3
 def generate_grad(self, symb_fun, vars_, init, poly):
     args = init + poly
     return sym.lambdify(
         (vars_, *args),
         derive_by_array(symb_fun, vars_+args)[:len(vars_)],
예제 #4
def test_derivative_by_array():
    from sympy.abc import a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z

    bexpr = x*y**2*exp(z)*log(t)
    sexpr = sin(bexpr)
    cexpr = cos(bexpr)

    a = Array([sexpr])

    assert derive_by_array(sexpr, t) == x*y**2*exp(z)*cos(x*y**2*exp(z)*log(t))/t
    assert derive_by_array(sexpr, [x, y, z]) == Array([bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr, bexpr*cexpr])
    assert derive_by_array(a, [x, y, z]) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr]])

    assert derive_by_array(sexpr, [[x, y], [z, t]]) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr, bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]])
    assert derive_by_array(a, [[x, y], [z, t]]) == Array([[[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr]], [[bexpr*cexpr], [bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]]])
    assert derive_by_array([[x, y], [z, t]], [x, y]) == Array([[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]])
    assert derive_by_array([[x, y], [z, t]], [[x, y], [z, t]]) == Array([[[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]],
                                                                         [[[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 1]]]])

    assert diff(sexpr, t) == x*y**2*exp(z)*cos(x*y**2*exp(z)*log(t))/t
    assert diff(sexpr, Array([x, y, z])) == Array([bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr, bexpr*cexpr])
    assert diff(a, Array([x, y, z])) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr]])

    assert diff(sexpr, Array([[x, y], [z, t]])) == Array([[bexpr/x*cexpr, 2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr], [bexpr*cexpr, bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]])
    assert diff(a, Array([[x, y], [z, t]])) == Array([[[bexpr/x*cexpr], [2*y*bexpr/y**2*cexpr]], [[bexpr*cexpr], [bexpr/log(t)/t*cexpr]]])
    assert diff(Array([[x, y], [z, t]]), Array([x, y])) == Array([[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]])
    assert diff(Array([[x, y], [z, t]]), Array([[x, y], [z, t]])) == Array([[[[1, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, 1], [0, 0]]],
                                                                         [[[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 1]]]])
예제 #5
def test_issue_22726():
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed")

    x1, x2 = symbols('x1 x2')
    f = Max(S.Zero, Min(x1, x2))
    g = derive_by_array(f, (x1, x2))
    G = lambdify((x1, x2), g, modules='numpy')
    point = {x1: 1, x2: 2}
    assert (abs(g.subs(point) - G(*point.values())) <= 1e-10).all()
예제 #6
    def model(self, u, var, returnlatex=False):
        from sympy.tensor.array import derive_by_array, tensorproduct
        m = len(var)
        gradient = Matrix(derive_by_array(u, var))
        length = sqrt(trace(Matrix(tensorproduct(gradient, gradient)).reshape(m, m)))
        n = gradient/length
        div = Matrix(derive_by_array(n, var)).reshape(m, m)
        div_n = trace(div)
#        div_n = sym.simplify(div_n)
        hessian = Matrix(derive_by_array(gradient, var)).reshape(m, m)
        laplace = trace(hessian)
        laplace = sym.simplify(laplace)
        val = {'grad': gradient, 'Hessian': hessian, 'Laplace': laplace,
                'unit_normal':n, 'div_unit_normal':div_n}
        if returnlatex is False:
            return val
            print('grad:\n', printing.latex(val['grad']))
            print('Hessian:\n', printing.latex(val['Hessian']))
            print('Laplace:\n', printing.latex(val['Laplace']))
            print('unit_normal:\n', printing.latex(val['unit_normal']))
            print('div_unit_normal:\n', printing.latex(val['div_unit_normal']))
예제 #7
    def show_pde(self):

        u = self.u
        phi = self.phi

        gu = derive_by_array(u, (x, y, z))
        hu = derive_by_array(gu, (x, y, z)).tomatrix()
        lu = tensorcontraction(hu, (0, 1))

        n = derive_by_array(phi, (x, y, z))
        n /= sqrt(n[0]**2 + n[1]**2 + n[2]**2)
        hn = derive_by_array(n, (x, y, z)).tomatrix()
        dn = tensorcontraction(hn, (0, 1))

        gu = Matrix(gu)
        n = Matrix(n)

        t0 = lu - (gu.transpose() * n)[0, 0] * dn
        t1 = n.transpose() * hu * n
        f = -t0 + t1[0, 0]

        gu -= (gu.T * n)[0, 0] * n

        return u, gu, f.simplify()
예제 #8
    def _eval_derivative(self, wrt):
        from sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array import NDimArray

        if isinstance(wrt, Indexed) and wrt.base == self.base:
            if len(self.indices) != len(wrt.indices):
                msg = "Different # of indices: d({!s})/d({!s})".format(self,
                raise IndexException(msg)
            result = S.One
            for index1, index2 in zip(self.indices, wrt.indices):
                result *= KroneckerDelta(index1, index2)
            return result
        elif isinstance(self.base, NDimArray):
            from sympy.tensor.array import derive_by_array
            return Indexed(derive_by_array(self.base, wrt), *self.args[1:])
            return S.Zero
예제 #9
 def bond_hessian(j, z1, z2, z3, tau=3.0):
     # f1 = spot_rate(j,z1, z2, z3)
     bond_price = 1 / (1 + allfunctions.spot_rate(j, z1, z2, z3, tau))**j
     hessian = derive_by_array(derive_by_array(bond_price, (z1, z2, z3)),
                               (z1, z2, z3))
     return hessian
예제 #10
 def bond_grad(j, z1, z2, z3, tau=3.0):
     bond_price = 1 / (1 + allfunctions.spot_rate(j, z1, z2, z3, tau))**j
     grad = derive_by_array(bond_price, (z1, z2, z3))
     return grad
예제 #11
 def gradient(self):
     """ returns the gradient of phi as a sympy Matrix (col vector) """
     phi = Array([self.phi])
     gradphi = derive_by_array(phi, self.basis)
     return gradphi.tomatrix()
예제 #12
from sympy import MatrixSymbol, Matrix, symbols, exp, pprint, log, hessian
from sympy.tensor.array import derive_by_array
import numpy as np

x = symbols('x')
y = symbols('y')
THETA = MatrixSymbol('THETA', 2, 1)
f = x**4 + 3 * y**4 + x**2 + x**2 * y**2 + x + 2 + y**2 + y**3 + y

gradP = Matrix(derive_by_array(f, [x, y]))
hessenP = Matrix(hessian(f, [x, y]))
thetaResult = Matrix([[1], [1]])
xyMap = {x: 1, y: 1}

while True:
    xOld = xyMap[x]
    yOld = xyMap[y]
    gradPTemp = gradP.subs(xyMap).evalf()
    hessenPTemp = hessenP.subs(xyMap).evalf()
    diff = hessenPTemp.inv() * gradPTemp
    xyMap[x] = xyMap[x] - Matrix(diff).tolist()[0][0]
    xyMap[y] = xyMap[y] - Matrix(diff).tolist()[1][0]

    xDelta = xOld - xyMap[x]
    yDelta = yOld - xyMap[y]
    temp = xDelta * xDelta + yDelta * yDelta
    if (temp < 0.00000000001):
예제 #13
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39558515/how-to-get-the-gradient-and-hessian-sympy

from sympy import Function, Matrix, Symbol, simplify, symbols
from sympy.tensor.array import derive_by_array

eta, xi, sigma = symbols("eta xi sigma")

x = Matrix([[xi], [eta]])

h = [Function("h_" + str(i + 1))(x[0], x[1]) for i in range(3)]
z = [Symbol("z_" + str(i + 1)) for i in range(3)]

lamb = 0
for i in range(3):
    lamb += 1 / (2 * sigma**2) * (z[i] - h[i])**2
lamb = simplify(lamb)

gradient = derive_by_array(lamb, (eta, xi))

hessian = derive_by_array(gradient, (eta, xi))
예제 #14
 def show_surface(self):
     phi = self.phi
     n0 = derive_by_array(phi, (x, y, z))
     n /= sqrt(n[0]**2 + n[1]**2 + n[2]**2)
     hn = derive_by_array(n, (x, y, z)).tomatrix()
     dn = tensorcontraction(hn, (0, 1))
예제 #15
def grad(f, *args):
    gradient = Matrix(derive_by_array(f, args))
    return gradient
예제 #16
def hessian(f, *args):
    n = len(args)
    gradient = Matrix(derive_by_array(f, args))
    hessian = Matrix(derive_by_array(gradient, args)).reshape(n, n)
    return hessian
예제 #17
def main():
    """Run main."""
    print('Starting program...')

    # Definition of variables
    Csa = Symbol('Csa')
    Csv = Symbol('Csv')
    Cpa = Symbol('Cpa')
    Cpv = Symbol('Cpv')

    # Definition of equations
    Tsa = Csa/Kr + Csa*Rs
    Tsv = Csv/Kr
    Tpa = Cpa/Kl + Cpa*Rp
    Tpv = Cpv/Kl

    Tsum = Tsa+Tsv+Tpa+Tpv

    # Volumes
    Vsa = Tsa*V/Tsum
    Vsv = Tsv*V/Tsum
    Vpa = Tpa*V/Tsum
    Vpv = Tpv*V/Tsum
    Vsum = Vsa + Vsv + Vpa + Vpv
    Vtot = lambdify((Csa, Csv, Cpa, Cpv), Vsum)

    # Pressures
    Psa = Tsa*V/(Csa*Tsum)
    Psv = Tsv*V/(Csv*Tsum)
    Ppa = Tpa*V/(Cpa*Tsum)
    Ppv = Tpv*V/(Cpv*Tsum)

    # Objective Function
    f_obj = V/(Tsum)
    f = lambdify((Csa, Csv, Cpa, Cpv), f_obj)

    # Partial derivatives of objective function
    partial = derive_by_array(f_obj, (Csa, Csv, Cpa, Cpv))
    grad = lambdify((Csa, Csv, Cpa, Cpv), partial)

    # Tolerance - num iterations
    # tol = 0.001
    n = 10000

    # Start seed for the random function
    # np.random.seed(1)

    # Generate random values for init Cpa, Cpv, Csa, Csv
    x = np.random.rand(4)

    min_val = 5000000
    min_x = x

    while(n > 0):
        # Check all x are positive
        for val in x:
            if val < 0:
                val = abs(val)
        # Check the volume restriction
        act_v = Vtot(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])

        if act_v != V:
            y = V*np.ones(4)
            diff = np.abs(np.subtract(x, y))
            val, idx = min((val, idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(diff))
            x[idx] = val

        # Calculate gradient given the points
        g = grad(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])

        # Calculate the value of the objective function
        act = f(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3])

        if(act < min_val):
            min_val = act
            min_x = x

        # Modify the actual value depending the gradient
        val, idx = max((val, idx) for (idx, val) in enumerate(g))
        x[idx] = abs(x[idx] + val)
        n = n - 1

    print(' Csa: {} \n Csv: {} \n Cpa: {} \n Cpv: {} \n'.format(
          min_x[0], min_x[1], min_x[2], min_x[3]))
예제 #18
 def gradient(self):
     """ returns a sympy matrix containing Dij = dvj/dxi (vj by col, d/dxi by row) """
     v = Array(self.v)
     gradv = derive_by_array(v, self.basis)
     return gradv.tomatrix()