예제 #1
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode():
    x = sp.Symbol("x", real=True)
    expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x)

    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    compile_kw = dict(std="c99")
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
                    ("#include <math.h>\n"
                     "#include <stdio.h>\n") + ccode(func),
                    ("#cython: language_level={}\n".format("3") +
                     "cdef extern double newton(double)\n"
                     "def py_newton(x):\n"
                     "    return newton(x)\n"),
        assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
예제 #2
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode_parameters():
    args = x, A, k, p = sp.symbols("x A k p")
    expr = A * sp.cos(k * x) - p * x**3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: newtons_method_function(expr, x))
    use_wurlitzer = wurlitzer

    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, args, debug=use_wurlitzer)

    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")

    compile_kw = dict(std="c99")
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
                    ("#include <math.h>\n"
                     "#include <stdio.h>\n") + ccode(func),
                    ("#cython: language_level={}\n".format("3") +
                     "cdef extern double newton(double, double, double, double)\n"
                     "def py_newton(x, A=1, k=1, p=1):\n"
                     "    return newton(x, A, k, p)\n"),

        if use_wurlitzer:
            with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err):
                result = mod.py_newton(0.5)
            result = mod.py_newton(0.5)

        assert abs(result - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12

        if not use_wurlitzer:
                "C-level output only tested when package 'wurlitzer' is available."

        out, err = out.read(), err.read()
        assert err == ""
        assert (out == """\
x=         0.5 d_x=     0.61214
x=      1.1121 d_x=    -0.20247
x=     0.90967 d_x=   -0.042409
x=     0.86726 d_x=  -0.0017867
x=     0.86548 d_x= -3.1022e-06
x=     0.86547 d_x= -9.3421e-12
x=     0.86547 d_x=  3.6902e-17
""")  # try to run tests with LC_ALL=C if this assertion fails
예제 #3
def test_compiled_ccode_with_rewriting():
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    x = Symbol('x')
    about_two = 2**(58 / S(117)) * 3**(97 / S(117)) * 5**(4 / S(39)) * 7**(
        92 / S(117)) / S(30) * pi
    # about_two: 1.999999999999581826
    unchanged = 2 * exp(x) - about_two
    xval = S(10)**-11
    ref = unchanged.subs(x, xval).n(19)  # 2.0418173913673213e-11

    rewritten = optimize(2 * exp(x) - about_two, [expm1_opt])

    # Unfortunately, we need to call ``.n()`` on our expressions before we hand them
    # to ``ccode``, and we need to request a large number of significant digits.
    # In this test, results converged for double precision when the following number
    # of significant digits were chosen:
    NUMBER_OF_DIGITS = 25  # TODO: this should ideally be automatically handled.

    func_c = '''
#include <math.h>

double func_unchanged(double x) {
    return %(unchanged)s;
double func_rewritten(double x) {
    return %(rewritten)s;
''' % dict(unchanged=ccode(unchanged.n(NUMBER_OF_DIGITS)),

    func_pyx = '''
#cython: language_level=3
cdef extern double func_unchanged(double)
cdef extern double func_rewritten(double)
def py_unchanged(x):
    return func_unchanged(x)
def py_rewritten(x):
    return func_rewritten(x)
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([('func.c', func_c),
                                                 ('_func.pyx', func_pyx)],
        err_rewritten = abs(mod.py_rewritten(1e-11) - ref)
        err_unchanged = abs(mod.py_unchanged(1e-11) - ref)
        assert 1e-27 < err_rewritten < 1e-25  # highly accurate.
        assert 1e-19 < err_unchanged < 1e-16  # quite poor.
def test_copying_function():
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("Cython not found.")

    info = None
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = _render_compile_import(_mk_func1(), build_dir=folder)
        inp = np.arange(10.0)
        out = np.empty_like(inp)
        mod._our_test_function(inp, out)
        assert np.allclose(inp, out)
예제 #5
def test_copying_function():
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("Cython not found.")

    info = None
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = _render_compile_import(_mk_func1(), build_dir=folder)
        inp = np.arange(10.0)
        out = np.empty_like(inp)
        mod._our_test_function(inp, out)
        assert np.allclose(inp, out)
예제 #6
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode_parameters():
    args = x, A, k, p = sp.symbols('x A k p')
    expr = A * sp.cos(k * x) - p * x**3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: newtons_method_function(expr, x))
    use_wurlitzer = wurlitzer

    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, args, debug=use_wurlitzer)

    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")

    compile_kw = dict(std='c99')
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
            [('newton_par.c', ('#include <math.h>\n'
                               '#include <stdio.h>\n') + ccode(func)),
              ("#cython: language_level={}\n".format("3") +
               "cdef extern double newton(double, double, double, double)\n"
               "def py_newton(x, A=1, k=1, p=1):\n"
               "    return newton(x, A, k, p)\n"))],

        if use_wurlitzer:
            with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err):
                result = mod.py_newton(0.5)
            result = mod.py_newton(0.5)

        assert abs(result - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12

        if not use_wurlitzer:
                "C-level output only tested when package 'wurlitzer' is available."

        out, err = out.read(), err.read()
        assert err == ''
        assert out == """\
예제 #7
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode():
    x = sp.Symbol('x', real=True)
    expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x)

    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    compile_kw = dict(std='c99')
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([
            ('newton.c', ('#include <math.h>\n'
                          '#include <stdio.h>\n') + ccode(func)),
            ('_newton.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double)\n"
                             "def py_newton(x):\n"
                             "    return newton(x)\n"))
        ], build_dir=folder, compile_kwargs=compile_kw)
        assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
예제 #8
def test_compile_link_import_strings():
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")

    from sympy.utilities._compilation import has_c
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    compile_kw = dict(std='c99', include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()])
    info = None
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(_sources1, compile_kwargs=compile_kw)
        data = numpy.random.random(1024*1024*8)  # 64 MB of RAM needed..
        res_mod = mod.sigmoid(data)
        res_npy = npy(data)
        assert numpy.allclose(res_mod, res_npy)
        if info and info['build_dir']:
예제 #9
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode():
    x = sp.Symbol('x', real=True)
    expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x)

    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    compile_kw = dict(std='c99')
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
            [('newton.c', ('#include <math.h>\n'
                           '#include <stdio.h>\n') + ccode(func)),
             ('_newton.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double)\n"
                              "def py_newton(x):\n"
                              "    return newton(x)\n"))],
        assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
예제 #10
def test_compile_link_import_strings():
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")

    from sympy.utilities._compilation import has_c
    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")

    compile_kw = dict(std='c99', include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()])
    info = None
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(_sources1, compile_kwargs=compile_kw)
        data = numpy.random.random(1024*1024*8)  # 64 MB of RAM needed..
        res_mod = mod.sigmoid(data)
        res_npy = npy(data)
        assert numpy.allclose(res_mod, res_npy)
        if info and info['build_dir']:
예제 #11
def test_newtons_method_function__ccode_parameters():
    args = x, A, k, p = sp.symbols('x A k p')
    expr = A*sp.cos(k*x) - p*x**3
    raises(ValueError, lambda: newtons_method_function(expr, x))
    use_wurlitzer = wurlitzer

    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, args, debug=use_wurlitzer)

    if not has_c():
        skip("No C compiler found.")
    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")

    compile_kw = dict(std='c99')
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([
            ('newton_par.c', ('#include <math.h>\n'
                          '#include <stdio.h>\n') + ccode(func)),
            ('_newton_par.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double, double, double, double)\n"
                             "def py_newton(x, A=1, k=1, p=1):\n"
                             "    return newton(x, A, k, p)\n"))
        ], compile_kwargs=compile_kw, build_dir=folder)

        if use_wurlitzer:
            with wurlitzer.pipes() as (out, err):
                result = mod.py_newton(0.5)
            result = mod.py_newton(0.5)

        assert abs(result - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12

        if not use_wurlitzer:
            skip("C-level output only tested when package 'wurlitzer' is available.")

        out, err = out.read(), err.read()
        assert err == ''
        assert out == """\