예제 #1
def symmetric_poly(n, *gens, **args):
    """Generates symmetric polynomial of order `n`. """
    gens = _analyze_gens(gens)

    if n < 0 or n > len(gens) or not gens:
        raise ValueError("can't generate symmetric polynomial of order %s for %s" % (n, gens))
    elif not n:
        poly = S.One
        poly = Add(*[ Mul(*s) for s in subsets(gens, int(n)) ])

    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return poly
        return Poly(poly, *gens)
예제 #2
def symmetric_poly(n, *gens, **args):
    """Generates symmetric polynomial of order `n`. """
    gens = _analyze_gens(gens)

    if n < 0 or n > len(gens) or not gens:
        raise ValueError("can't generate symmetric polynomial of order %s for %s" % (n, gens))
    elif not n:
        poly = S.One
        poly = Add(*[ Mul(*s) for s in subsets(gens, int(n)) ])

    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return poly
        return Poly(poly, *gens)
예제 #3
def symmetric_poly(n, *gens, **args):
    """Generates symmetric polynomial of order `n`.

    Returns a Poly object when ``polys=True``, otherwise
    (default) returns an expression.
    # TODO: use an explicit keyword argument when Python 2 support is dropped
    gens = _analyze_gens(gens)

    if n < 0 or n > len(gens) or not gens:
        raise ValueError("can't generate symmetric polynomial of order %s for %s" % (n, gens))
    elif not n:
        poly = S.One
        poly = Add(*[Mul(*s) for s in subsets(gens, int(n))])

    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return poly
        return Poly(poly, *gens)
예제 #4
def symmetric_poly(n, *gens, **args):
    """Generates symmetric polynomial of order `n`.

    Returns a Poly object when ``polys=True``, otherwise
    (default) returns an expression.
    # TODO: use an explicit keyword argument when Python 2 support is dropped
    gens = _analyze_gens(gens)

    if n < 0 or n > len(gens) or not gens:
        raise ValueError("can't generate symmetric polynomial of order %s for %s" % (n, gens))
    elif not n:
        poly = S.One
        poly = Add(*[ Mul(*s) for s in subsets(gens, int(n)) ])

    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return poly
        return Poly(poly, *gens)
예제 #5
파일: factortools.py 프로젝트: tuhina/sympy
def dup_zz_zassenhaus(f, K):
    """Factor primitive square-free polynomials in `Z[x]`. """
    n = dup_degree(f)

    if n == 1:
        return [f]

    A = dup_max_norm(f, K)
    b = dup_LC(f, K)
    B = int(abs(K.sqrt(K(n + 1)) * 2**n * A * b))
    C = int((n + 1)**(2 * n) * A**(2 * n - 1))
    gamma = int(_ceil(2 * _log(C, 2)))
    bound = int(2 * gamma * _log(gamma))

    for p in xrange(3, bound + 1):
        if not isprime(p) or b % p == 0:

        p = K.convert(p)

        F = gf_from_int_poly(f, p)

        if gf_sqf_p(F, p, K):

    l = int(_ceil(_log(2 * B + 1, p)))

    modular = []

    for ff in gf_factor_sqf(F, p, K)[1]:
        modular.append(gf_to_int_poly(ff, p))

    g = dup_zz_hensel_lift(p, f, modular, l, K)

    T = set(range(len(g)))
    factors, s = [], 1

    while 2 * s <= len(T):
        for S in subsets(T, s):
            G, H = [b], [b]

            S = set(S)

            for i in S:
                G = dup_mul(G, g[i], K)
            for i in T - S:
                H = dup_mul(H, g[i], K)

            G = dup_trunc(G, p**l, K)
            H = dup_trunc(H, p**l, K)

            G_norm = dup_l1_norm(G, K)
            H_norm = dup_l1_norm(H, K)

            if G_norm * H_norm <= B:
                T = T - S

                G = dup_primitive(G, K)[1]
                f = dup_primitive(H, K)[1]

                b = dup_LC(f, K)

            s += 1

    return factors + [f]
예제 #6
파일: sets.py 프로젝트: alphaitis/sympy
 def _eval_powerset(self):
     return self.func(*[self.func(*s) for s in subsets(self.args)])
예제 #7
def dup_zz_zassenhaus(f, K):
    """Factor primitive square-free polynomials in `Z[x]`. """
    n = dup_degree(f)

    if n == 1:
        return [f]

    fc = f[-1]
    A = dup_max_norm(f, K)
    b = dup_LC(f, K)
    B = int(abs(K.sqrt(K(n + 1)) * 2**n * A * b))
    C = int((n + 1)**(2 * n) * A**(2 * n - 1))
    gamma = int(_ceil(2 * _log(C, 2)))
    bound = int(2 * gamma * _log(gamma))
    a = []
    # choose a prime number `p` such that `f` be square free in Z_p
    # if there are many factors in Z_p, choose among a few different `p`
    # the one with fewer factors
    for px in xrange(3, bound + 1):
        if not isprime(px) or b % px == 0:

        px = K.convert(px)

        F = gf_from_int_poly(f, px)

        if not gf_sqf_p(F, px, K):
        fsqfx = gf_factor_sqf(F, px, K)[1]
        a.append((px, fsqfx))
        if len(fsqfx) < 15 or len(a) > 4:
    p, fsqf = min(a, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))

    l = int(_ceil(_log(2 * B + 1, p)))

    modular = [gf_to_int_poly(ff, p) for ff in fsqf]

    g = dup_zz_hensel_lift(p, f, modular, l, K)

    sorted_T = range(len(g))
    T = set(sorted_T)
    factors, s = [], 1
    pl = p**l

    while 2 * s <= len(T):
        for S in subsets(sorted_T, s):
            # lift the constant coefficient of the product `G` of the factors
            # in the subset `S`; if it is does not divide `fc`, `G` does
            # not divide the input polynomial

            if b == 1:
                q = 1
                for i in S:
                    q = q * g[i][-1]
                q = q % pl
                if not _test_pl(fc, q, pl):
                G = [b]
                for i in S:
                    G = dup_mul(G, g[i], K)
                G = dup_trunc(G, pl, K)
                G1 = dup_primitive(G, K)[1]
                q = G1[-1]
                if q and fc % q != 0:

            H = [b]
            S = set(S)
            T_S = T - S

            if b == 1:
                G = [b]
                for i in S:
                    G = dup_mul(G, g[i], K)
                G = dup_trunc(G, pl, K)

            for i in T_S:
                H = dup_mul(H, g[i], K)

            H = dup_trunc(H, pl, K)

            G_norm = dup_l1_norm(G, K)
            H_norm = dup_l1_norm(H, K)

            if G_norm * H_norm <= B:
                T = T_S
                sorted_T = [i for i in sorted_T if i not in S]

                G = dup_primitive(G, K)[1]
                f = dup_primitive(H, K)[1]

                b = dup_LC(f, K)

            s += 1

    return factors + [f]
예제 #8
 def _eval_powerset(self):
     return self.func(*[self.func(*s) for s in subsets(self.args)])
예제 #9
def dup_zz_zassenhaus(f, K):
    """Factor primitive square-free polynomials in `Z[x]`. """
    n = dup_degree(f)

    if n == 1:
        return [f]

    A = dup_max_norm(f, K)
    b = dup_LC(f, K)
    B = int(abs(K.sqrt(K(n+1))*2**n*A*b))
    C = int((n+1)**(2*n)*A**(2*n-1))
    gamma = int(ceil(2*log(C, 2)))
    bound = int(2*gamma*log(gamma))

    for p in xrange(3, bound+1):
        if not isprime(p) or b % p == 0:

        p = K.convert(p)

        F = gf_from_int_poly(f, p)

        if gf_sqf_p(F, p, K):

    l = int(ceil(log(2*B + 1, p)))

    modular = []

    for ff in gf_factor_sqf(F, p, K)[1]:
        modular.append(gf_to_int_poly(ff, p))

    g = dup_zz_hensel_lift(p, f, modular, l, K)

    T = set(range(len(g)))
    factors, s = [], 1

    while 2*s <= len(T):
        for S in subsets(T, s):
            G, H = [b], [b]

            S = set(S)

            for i in S:
                G = dup_mul(G, g[i], K)
            for i in T-S:
                H = dup_mul(H, g[i], K)

            G = dup_trunc(G, p**l, K)
            H = dup_trunc(H, p**l, K)

            G_norm = dup_l1_norm(G, K)
            H_norm = dup_l1_norm(H, K)

            if G_norm*H_norm <= B:
                T = T - S

                G = dup_primitive(G, K)[1]
                f = dup_primitive(H, K)[1]

                b = dup_LC(f, K)

            s += 1

    return factors + [f]
예제 #10
def dup_zz_zassenhaus(f, K):
    """Factor primitive square-free polynomials in `Z[x]`. """
    n = dup_degree(f)

    if n == 1:
        return [f]

    fc = f[-1]
    A = dup_max_norm(f, K)
    b = dup_LC(f, K)
    B = int(abs(K.sqrt(K(n + 1))*2**n*A*b))
    C = int((n + 1)**(2*n)*A**(2*n - 1))
    gamma = int(_ceil(2*_log(C, 2)))
    bound = int(2*gamma*_log(gamma))
    a = []
    # choose a prime number `p` such that `f` be square free in Z_p
    # if there are many factors in Z_p, choose among a few different `p`
    # the one with fewer factors
    for px in range(3, bound + 1):
        if not isprime(px) or b % px == 0:

        px = K.convert(px)

        F = gf_from_int_poly(f, px)

        if not gf_sqf_p(F, px, K):
        fsqfx = gf_factor_sqf(F, px, K)[1]
        a.append((px, fsqfx))
        if len(fsqfx) < 15 or len(a) > 4:
    p, fsqf = min(a, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))

    l = int(_ceil(_log(2*B + 1, p)))

    modular = [gf_to_int_poly(ff, p) for ff in fsqf]

    g = dup_zz_hensel_lift(p, f, modular, l, K)

    sorted_T = range(len(g))
    T = set(sorted_T)
    factors, s = [], 1
    pl = p**l

    while 2*s <= len(T):
        for S in subsets(sorted_T, s):
            # lift the constant coefficient of the product `G` of the factors
            # in the subset `S`; if it is does not divide `fc`, `G` does
            # not divide the input polynomial

            if b == 1:
                q = 1
                for i in S:
                    q = q*g[i][-1]
                q = q % pl
                if not _test_pl(fc, q, pl):
                G = [b]
                for i in S:
                    G = dup_mul(G, g[i], K)
                G = dup_trunc(G, pl, K)
                G = dup_primitive(G, K)[1]
                q = G[-1]
                if q and fc % q != 0:

            H = [b]
            S = set(S)
            T_S = T - S

            if b == 1:
                G = [b]
                for i in S:
                    G = dup_mul(G, g[i], K)
                G = dup_trunc(G, pl, K)

            for i in T_S:
                H = dup_mul(H, g[i], K)

            H = dup_trunc(H, pl, K)

            G_norm = dup_l1_norm(G, K)
            H_norm = dup_l1_norm(H, K)

            if G_norm*H_norm <= B:
                T = T_S
                sorted_T = [i for i in sorted_T if i not in S]

                G = dup_primitive(G, K)[1]
                f = dup_primitive(H, K)[1]

                b = dup_LC(f, K)

            s += 1

    return factors + [f]