def header(self): # Returns a list of strings of C++11 code with expressions for # each real value that constitutes the Hermitian matrix # The regular expression replaces Pow(x,2) with x*x lines = [sympy.cxxcode(sympy.simplify(e)) for e in self.declarations()] return lines
def expressionToCode(expression, language): '''Converts a SymPy Expression to a line of code in the target language''' if (language == "python"): return sympy.pycode(expression) elif (language == "javascript" or language == "typescript"): return sympy.jscode(expression) elif (language == "c"): return sympy.ccode(expression) elif (language == "cpp"): return sympy.cxxcode(expression) elif (language == "r"): return sympy.rcode(expression) elif (language == "fortran"): return sympy.fcode(expression) elif (language == "mathematica"): return sympy.mathematica_code(expression) elif (language == "matlab" or language == "octave"): return sympy.octave_code(expression) elif (language == "rust"): return sympy.rust_code(expression)
def header_diagonals(self): lines = [sympy.cxxcode([i,i])) for i in range(self.size)] return lines
def code(self): # Returns a list of strings of C++11 code with expressions for # each real value that constitutes the Hermitian matrix lines = [sympy.cxxcode(sympy.simplify(e)) for e in self.expressions()] return lines
def generateEFGfunc(zstring, printfile, symmap=None): """ Given a string expression for z=f(x,y), the code in this module generates a function that will calculate the first fundamental form terms E, F, G. It returns a Numba Jitted function. Parameters: ----------- zstring: A string that can be evaluated as a function of x and y like '0.555*sin(pi*x)*cos(pi*y)'. It creates a file containing a function definition. printfile: name of the file to which the generated code should be written symmap: A mapping of the symbols used in zexpr to sympy's functions. e.g. symmap={'sin': sympy.sin} when zstring = sin(x) Returns: -------- getEFG: a function """ r, t = sympy.symbols('r t', real=True, positive=True) a, b = sympy.symbols('a b', real=True) x = a + r*sympy.cos(t) y = b + r*sympy.sin(t) # Copy the mappings from `symmap` into the local namespace if symmap is not None: locals().update(symmap) z = eval(zstring, None, locals()) p = sympy.Matrix([x, y, z]) pr = p.diff(r) pt = p.diff(t) E = F = G = # Find all free symbols funcargs = set() for expr in [E, F, G]: for s in expr.free_symbols: funcargs.add(s) # Remove the known free symbols from the set for sym in [r, t, a, b]: funcargs.remove(sym) # Create a string representing the remaining free symbols if len(funcargs) > 0: argstr = 'const scalar r, const scalar t, const scalar a, const scalar b, ' extraargs = ', const scalar '.join([" "] + [str(sym) for sym in funcargs]) extraargs = extraargs.lstrip(' ,') argstr += extraargs else: argstr = 'const scalar r, const scalar t, const scalar a, const scalar b' codestr = [ '#ifndef __GENERATEDEFG_CODE_H__', '#define __GENERATEDEFG_CODE_H__\n', '#include <tuple>', '#include "settings.h"\n', 'typedef std::tuple<scalar, scalar, scalar> tuple3;\n', 'struct EFGFunc{\n', ' tuple3 operator()({0}){{'.format(argstr), ' /* Function generated by `` */' '\n //############## Sub-expressions ##############'] # Now the codegeneration part, first eliminate common sub-expressions pow_2 = re.compile('std::pow\((\w+), 2\)') exprs = [E, F, G] assignto = ['E', 'F', 'G'] replacements, reduced_exprs = sympy.cse(exprs, optimizations='basic') for lhs, rhs in replacements: rhs_code = sympy.cxxcode(rhs) rhs_code = pow_2.sub('\g<1>*\g<1>', rhs_code) codestr.append(' scalar {} = {};'.format(lhs, rhs_code)) codestr.append('\n //############## Final Expressions ##############') for lhs, rhs in zip(assignto, reduced_exprs): rhs_code = sympy.cxxcode(rhs) rhs_code = pow_2.sub('\g<1>*\g<1>', rhs_code) codestr.append(' scalar {} = {};'.format(lhs, rhs_code)) codestr.append('\n return {E, F, G};') funccode = '\n'.join(codestr) + '\n }\n};\n#endif //__GENERATEDEFG_CODE_H__\n' funccode = funccode.replace('std::', 'math::') funccode = funccode.replace('math::tuple', 'std::tuple') funccode = funccode.replace('M_PI', 'PI') with open(printfile, 'w') as out: out.write(funccode) return funccode
code.append(fii + " -= error/" + str(args.N) + ";") code.append("}") code.append("") # make sure diagonals are positive for fii in fdlist: code.append("if(" + fii + "<-100.*parms->maxError) amrex::Abort();") code.append("if(" + fii + "<-parms->maxError) " + fii + "=0;") code.append("") # make sure the flavor vector length is what it would be with a 1 in only one diagonal length = sympy.symbols("length", real=True) length = f.SU_vector_magnitude() target_length = SU_vector_ideal_magnitude(args.N) code.append("length = " + sympy.cxxcode(sympy.simplify(length)) + ";") code.append("error = length-" + str(target_length) + ";") code.append( "if( std::abs(error) > 100.*parms->maxError) amrex::Abort();") code.append("if( std::abs(error) > parms->maxError) {") for fii in flist: code.append(fii + " /= length/" + str(target_length) + ";") code.append("}") code.append("") write_code( code, os.path.join(args.emu_home, "Source/generated_files", "FlavoredNeutrinoContainer.cpp_Renormalize_fill")) # Write code to output file, using a template if one is provided # write_code(code, "code.cpp", args.output_template)
def lambdify(sympy_inputs_str, sympy_expr): return sp.lambdify(sp.symbols(sympy_inputs_str), sympy_expr, modules=_lambdify_modules) _ufns = {'argmax': 'argmax'} #pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda _code_printers = { 'c': lambda expr, **kw: sp.ccode( expr, standard='c99', user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'cxx': lambda expr, **kw: sp.cxxcode(expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'rust': lambda expr, **kw: sp.rust_code(expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'fortran': lambda expr, **kw: sp.fcode(expr, standard=95, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'js': lambda expr, **kw: sp.jscode(expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'r': lambda expr, **kw: sp.rcode(expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'julia': lambda expr, **kw: sp.julia_code(expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'mathematica': lambda expr, assign_to=None, **kw: sp.mathematica_code( expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw), 'octave': lambda expr, **kw: sp.octave_code(expr, user_functions=_ufns, **kw),