예제 #1
파일: algebra.py 프로젝트: MaAiNong/Mathics
 def apply(self, expr, form, evaluation):
     'CoefficientList[expr_, form_]'
     vars = [form] if not form.has_form('List', None) else [v for v in form.leaves]
     # check form is not a variable
     for v in vars:
         if not(isinstance(v, Symbol)) and not(isinstance(v, Expression)):
             return evaluation.message('CoefficientList', 'ivar', v)
     # special cases for expr and form
     e_null = expr == Symbol('Null')
     f_null = form == Symbol('Null')
     if expr == Integer(0):
         return Expression('List')
     elif e_null and f_null:
         return Expression('List', Integer(0), Integer(0))
     elif e_null and not f_null:
         return Expression('List', Symbol('Null'))
     elif f_null:
         return Expression('List', expr)
     elif form.has_form('List', 0):
         return expr
     sympy_expr = expr.to_sympy()
     sympy_vars = [v.to_sympy() for v in vars]
     if not sympy_expr.is_polynomial(*[x for x in sympy_vars]):
         return evaluation.message('CoefficientList', 'poly', expr)
         sympy_poly, sympy_opt = sympy.poly_from_expr(sympy_expr, sympy_vars)
         dimensions = [sympy_poly.degree(x) if x in sympy_poly.gens else 0 for x in sympy_vars]
         # single & multiple variables cases
         if not form.has_form('List', None):
             return Expression('List', 
                 *[_coefficient(self.__class__.__name__,expr, form, Integer(n), evaluation)
                 for n in range(dimensions[0]+1)])
         elif form.has_form('List', 1):
             form = form.leaves[0]
             return Expression('List',
                 *[_coefficient(self.__class__.__name__, expr, form, Integer(n), evaluation)
                 for n in range(dimensions[0]+1)])
             def _nth(poly, dims, exponents):
                 if not dims:
                     return from_sympy(poly.nth(*[i for i in exponents]))
                 result = Expression('List')
                 first_dim = dims[0]
                 for i in range(first_dim+1):
                     subs = _nth(poly, dims[1:], exponents)
                 return result
             return _nth(sympy_poly, dimensions, [])
     except sympy.PolificationFailed:
         return evaluation.message('CoefficientList', 'poly', expr)
예제 #2
 def apply(self, expr, form, evaluation):
     'CoefficientList[expr_, form_]'
     vars = [form] if not form.has_form('List', None) else [v for v in form.leaves]
     # check form is not a variable
     for v in vars:
         if not(isinstance(v, Symbol)) and not(isinstance(v, Expression)):
             return evaluation.message('CoefficientList', 'ivar', v)
     # special cases for expr and form
     e_null = expr == Symbol('Null')
     f_null = form == Symbol('Null')
     if expr == Integer(0):
         return Expression('List')
     elif e_null and f_null:
         return Expression('List', Integer(0), Integer(0))
     elif e_null and not f_null:
         return Expression('List', Symbol('Null'))
     elif f_null:
         return Expression('List', expr)
     elif form.has_form('List', 0):
         return expr
     sympy_expr = expr.to_sympy()
     sympy_vars = [v.to_sympy() for v in vars]
     if not sympy_expr.is_polynomial(*[x for x in sympy_vars]):
         return evaluation.message('CoefficientList', 'poly', expr)
         sympy_poly, sympy_opt = sympy.poly_from_expr(sympy_expr, sympy_vars)
         dimensions = [sympy_poly.degree(x) if x in sympy_poly.gens else 0 for x in sympy_vars]
         # single & multiple variables cases
         if not form.has_form('List', None):
             return Expression('List', 
                 *[_coefficient(self.__class__.__name__,expr, form, Integer(n), evaluation)
                 for n in range(dimensions[0]+1)])
         elif form.has_form('List', 1):
             form = form.leaves[0]
             return Expression('List',
                 *[_coefficient(self.__class__.__name__, expr, form, Integer(n), evaluation)
                 for n in range(dimensions[0]+1)])
             def _nth(poly, dims, exponents):
                 if not dims:
                     return from_sympy(poly.nth(*[i for i in exponents]))
                 result = Expression('List')
                 first_dim = dims[0]
                 for i in range(first_dim+1):
                     subs = _nth(poly, dims[1:], exponents)
                 return result
             return _nth(sympy_poly, dimensions, [])
     except sympy.PolificationFailed:
         return evaluation.message('CoefficientList', 'poly', expr)
예제 #3
def get_Wilkinsons_coeffs():
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    W = 1
    for i in range(1, 21):
        W *= (x - i)

    P, d = sym.poly_from_expr(W.expand())
    return np.array(P.all_coeffs())
예제 #4
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: qbit-/gristmill
def _get_leading(cost):
    """Get the leading terms in a cost polynomial."""

    symbs = tuple(cost.atoms(Symbol))
    poly, _ = poly_from_expr(cost, *symbs)
    terms = poly.terms()

    leading_deg = max(sum(i) for i, _ in terms)
    leading_cost = sum(coeff * prod_(i**j for i, j in zip(symbs, degs))
                       for degs, coeff in terms if sum(degs) == leading_deg)

    return leading_cost
예제 #5
def prob2():
    """Randomly perturb the coefficients of the Wilkinson polynomial by
    replacing each coefficient c_i with c_i*r_i, where r_i is drawn from a
    normal distribution centered at 1 with standard deviation 1e-10.
    Plot the roots of 100 such experiments in a single figure, along with the
    roots of the unperturbed polynomial w(x).

        (float) The average absolute condition number.
        (float) The average relative condition number.
    #initialize standard roots
    w_roots = np.arange(1, 21)

    # Get the exact Wilkinson polynomial coefficients using SymPy.
    x, i = sy.symbols('x i')
    w = sy.poly_from_expr(sy.product(x - i, (i, 1, 20)))[0]
    w_coeffs = np.array(w.all_coeffs())
    new_roots = []
    perturbations = []

    #run 100 pertubations checking roots at each step
    for _ in range(100):
        p = np.random.normal(1, 1e-10, len(w_coeffs))
        new_coeffs = w_coeffs * p
        # Use NumPy to compute the roots of the perturbed polynomial.

    plt.title("True wilkinson polynomial roots and slightly perturbed roots")
    #Calculate the conditioning numbers with inf norm
    k = la.norm(new_roots - w_roots, np.inf) / la.norm(perturbations, np.inf)
    return k, k * la.norm(w_coeffs, np.inf) / la.norm(w_roots, np.inf)
def prob2():
    """Randomly perturb the coefficients of the Wilkinson polynomial by
    replacing each coefficient c_i with c_i*r_i, where r_i is drawn from a
    normal distribution centered at 1 with standard deviation 1e-10.
    Plot the roots of 100 such experiments in a single figure, along with the
    roots of the unperturbed polynomial w(x).

        (float) The average absolute condition number.
        (float) The average relative condition number.
    w_roots = np.arange(1, 21)

    # Get the exact Wilkinson polynomial coefficients using SymPy.
    x, i = sy.symbols('x i')
    w = sy.poly_from_expr(sy.product(x-i, (i, 1, 20)))[0]
    w_coeffs = np.array(w.all_coeffs())
    new_r = np.array([])
    #the absolute condition number
    b = []
    #the relative condition number
    c = []
    for j in range(100):
        r = np.random.normal(1,1e-10, size =21)
        new_coeffs = w_coeffs*r
        new_roots = np.roots(np.poly1d(new_coeffs))
        new_r = np.concatenate([new_r,new_roots])

        # Sort the roots to ensure that they are in the same order.
        w_roots = np.sort(w_roots)
        new_roots = np.sort(new_roots)
        # Estimate the absolute condition number in the infinity norm.
        k = la.norm(new_roots - w_roots, np.inf) / la.norm(r, np.inf)
        # Estimate the relative condition number in the infinity norm.
        c.append(k * la.norm(w_coeffs, np.inf) / la.norm(w_roots, np.inf))

    plt.plot(new_r.real, new_r.imag, '.', markersize = 1, label = "Perturbed")
    plt.plot(w_roots.real, w_roots.imag, 'b.', markersize = 10, label = "Original")
    plt.xlabel("Real Axis")
    plt.ylabel("Imaginary Axis")
    plt.title("Wilkinson polynomial")
    return np.mean(b), np.mean(c)
예제 #7
def prob2():
    """Randomly perturb the coefficients of the Wilkinson polynomial by
    replacing each coefficient c_i with c_i*r_i, where r_i is drawn from a
    normal distribution centered at 1 with standard deviation 1e-10.
    Plot the roots of 100 such experiments in a single figure, along with the
    roots of the unperturbed polynomial w(x).

        (float) The average absolute condition number.
        (float) The average relative condition number.
    w_roots = np.arange(1, 21)

    # Get the exact Wilkinson polynomial coefficients using SymPy.
    x, i = sy.symbols('x i')
    w = sy.poly_from_expr(sy.product(x - i, (i, 1, 20)))[0]
    w_coeffs = np.array(w.all_coeffs())

    raise NotImplementedError("Problem 2 Incomplete")
예제 #8
def prob2():
    """Randomly perturb the coefficients of the Wilkinson polynomial by
    replacing each coefficient c_i with c_i*r_i, where r_i is drawn from a
    normal distribution centered at 1 with standard deviation 1e-10.
    Plot the roots of 100 such experiments in a single figure, along with the
    roots of the unperturbed polynomial w(x).

        (float) The average absolute condition number.
        (float) The average relative condition number.
    w_roots = np.arange(1, 21)

    # Get the exact Wilkinson polynomial coefficients using SymPy.
    x, i = sy.symbols('x i')
    w = sy.poly_from_expr(sy.product(x-i, (i, 1, 20)))[0]
    w_coeffs = np.array(w.all_coeffs())
    abs_cond = []
    rel_cond = []
    # First, plot the Wilkinson roots.
    plt.scatter(np.real(w_roots), np.imag(w_roots), label="Original")
    for i in range(100):
        # Perturb each of the coefficients
        r = np.random.normal(1, 1e-10, len(w_coeffs))
        new_coeffs = w_coeffs * r
        new_roots = np.sort(np.roots(np.poly1d(new_coeffs)))
        # Plot each of the perturbed results
        if i == 0:
            plt.plot(np.real(new_roots), np.imag(new_roots), ',', c='k', label="Perturbed")
            plt.plot(np.real(new_roots), np.imag(new_roots), ',', c='k')
        # Store the absolute and relative condition numbers
        k = la.norm(new_roots - w_roots, np.inf) / la.norm(r, np.inf)
        rel_k = k * la.norm(w_coeffs, np.inf) / la.norm(w_roots, np.inf)
    plt.xlabel("Real Axis")
    plt.ylabel("Imaginary Axis")
    # Return the average of the condition numbers
    return np.mean(abs_cond), np.mean(rel_cond)
예제 #9
def c2(n):
    roots = np.arange(1, n)
    x, i = symbols("x i")
    w = poly_from_expr(product(x - i, (i, 1, n - 1)))[0]
    coeffs = np.array(w.all_coeffs())
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))
    plt.plot(roots, np.zeros(n - 1), "o", label="Original")
    for i in range(100):
        r = np.random.normal(loc=1, scale=1e-10, size=n)
        coeffs1 = coeffs * r
        roots1 = np.roots(np.poly1d(coeffs1))
        roots = np.sort(roots)
        roots1 = np.sort(roots1)
        plt.scatter(roots1.real, roots1.imag, marker=".", c="k", s=2)
        f"The absolute condition number in the infinity norm is {norm(roots1 - roots, np.inf) / norm(r):.2f}"
        f"The relative condition number in the infinity norm is {norm(roots, np.inf) / norm(roots1, np.inf):.2f}"
    plt.legend(["Original", "Perturbed"], loc="upper left")
예제 #10

A = np.random.rand(6, 6)

print("\nmy function:", pb1(A), "\n")
print("numpy:", np.linalg.cond(A))

###### EX 2 ################

import sympy as sy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

w_roots = np.arange(1, 21)

x, i = sy.symbols('x i')
w = sy.poly_from_expr(sy.product(x - i, (i, 1, 20)))[0]
w_coeffs = np.array(w.all_coeffs())

h = np.random.normal(1, 1e-10, 21)

new_coeffs = w_coeffs * h
new_roots = np.roots(np.poly1d(new_coeffs))

plt.scatter(np.real(w_roots), np.imag(w_roots))
plt.scatter(np.real(new_roots), np.imag(new_roots))

#### EX 3 ######################

def pb3(A):
    lamb = scipy.linalg.eigvals(A)