예제 #1
파일: model.py 프로젝트: HuaweiWang/opty
    def _generate_eoms(self):

        self.kane = me.KanesMethod(self.frames['inertial'],

        fr, frstar = self.kane.kanes_equations(self.loads.values(),

        sub = {self.specified['platform_speed'].diff(self.time):

        self.fr_plus_frstar = sy.trigsimp(fr + frstar).subs(sub)

        udots = sy.Matrix([s.diff(self.time) for s in self.speeds.values()])

        m1 = self.fr_plus_frstar.diff(udots[0])
        m2 = self.fr_plus_frstar.diff(udots[1])

        # M x' = F
        self.mass_matrix = -m1.row_join(m2)
        self.forcing_vector = sy.simplify(self.fr_plus_frstar +
                                          self.mass_matrix * udots)

        M_top_rows = sy.eye(2).row_join(sy.zeros(2))
        F_top_rows = sy.Matrix(self.speeds.values())

        tmp = sy.zeros(2).row_join(self.mass_matrix)
        self.mass_matrix_full = M_top_rows.col_join(tmp)
        self.forcing_vector_full = F_top_rows.col_join(self.forcing_vector)
예제 #2
def compute_lambda(robo, symo, j, antRj, antPj, lam):
    """Internal function. Computes the inertia parameters
    transformation matrix

    lam is the output paramete
    lamJJ_list = []
    lamJMS_list = []
    for e1 in xrange(3):
        for e2 in xrange(e1, 3):
            u = vec_mut_J(antRj[j][:, e1], antRj[j][:, e2])
            if e1 != e2:
                u += vec_mut_J(antRj[j][:, e2], antRj[j][:, e1])
    for e1 in xrange(3):
        v = vec_mut_MS(antRj[j][:, e1], antPj[j])
    lamJJ = Matrix(lamJJ_list).T  # , 'LamJ', j)
    lamJMS = symo.mat_replace(Matrix(lamJMS_list).T, 'LamMS', j)
    lamJM = symo.mat_replace(vec_mut_M(antPj[j]), 'LamM', j)
    lamJ = lamJJ.row_join(lamJMS).row_join(lamJM)
    lamMS = sympy.zeros(3, 6).row_join(antRj[j]).row_join(antPj[j])
    lamM = sympy.zeros(1, 10)
    lamM[9] = 1
    lam[j] = Matrix([lamJ, lamMS, lamM])
예제 #3
파일: test_models.py 프로젝트: 3nrique/pydy
def test_multi_mass_spring_damper_double():

    m0, m1, c0, c1, k0, k1, g = sm.symbols('m0, m1, c0, c1, k0, k1, g')
    x0, x1, v0, v1, f0, f1 = me.dynamicsymbols('x0, x1, v0, v1, f0, f1')

    sys = multi_mass_spring_damper(2, True, True)

    assert Counter(sys.constants_symbols) == \
        Counter([c1, m1, k0, c0, k1, g, m0])
    assert sys.specifieds_symbols == [f0, f1]
    assert sys.coordinates == [x0, x1]
    assert sys.speeds == [v0, v1]
    assert sys.states == [x0, x1, v0, v1]

    expected_mass_matrix_full = sm.Matrix([[1, 0,       0,  0],
                                           [0, 1,       0,  0],
                                           [0, 0, m0 + m1, m1],
                                           [0, 0,      m1, m1]])
    expected_forcing_full = sm.Matrix([[v0],
                                       [-c0 * v0 + g * m0 + g * m1 - k0 * x0 + f0 + f1],
                                       [-c1 * v1 + g * m1 - k1 * x1 + f1]])

    assert sm.simplify(sys.eom_method.mass_matrix_full -
                       expected_mass_matrix_full) == sm.zeros(4, 4)
    assert sm.simplify(sys.eom_method.forcing_full -
                       expected_forcing_full) == sm.zeros(4, 1)
예제 #4
파일: lab_2.py 프로젝트: Kirill96/mcha_labs
def met_zeyd(A, b):
    C, d = iteration_view(A, b)
    H = sympy.zeros(3)
    F = sympy.zeros(3)
    c = sympy.zeros(3,1)
    for i in xrange(3):
        c[i] = d[i]
        for j in xrange(3):
            if i > j:
                H[i, j] = C[i, j]
                F[i, j] = C[i, j]
    print "\nx = Cx + d\n"
    print "C = \n", C, "\n", "\nd = \n", d
    print "\nConvergence: ", convergence_mzeyd(C, d)
    if convergence_mzeyd(C, d):
        E = sympy.eye(3)
        x0 = sympy.ones(3, 1)
        x1 = (E-H).inv()*F*x0 + (E-H).inv()*c
        while ((x1-x0)[0] > 0.00001 or (x1-x0)[1] > 0.00001 or\
              (x1-x0)[2] > 0.00001 or (x0-x1)[0] > 0.00001 or\
              (x0-x1)[1] > 0.00001 or (x0-x1)[2] > 0.00001):
              x0 = x1
              x1 = (E-H).inv()*F*x0 + (E-H).inv()*c
        print "\nSolution:" 

    return [element for element in x1]
예제 #5
    def test_matrix_tensor_product():
        l1 = zeros(4)
        for i in range(16):
            l1[i] = 2**i
        l2 = zeros(4)
        for i in range(16):
            l2[i] = i
        l3 = zeros(2)
        for i in range(4):
            l3[i] = i
        vec = Matrix([1,2,3])

        #test for Matrix known 4x4 matricies
        numpyl1 = np.matrix(l1.tolist())
        numpyl2 = np.matrix(l2.tolist())
        numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl1,numpyl2)
        args = [l1, l2]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
        numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl2,numpyl1)
        args = [l2, l1]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()

        #test for other known matrix of different dimensions
        numpyl2 = np.matrix(l3.tolist())
        numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl1,numpyl2)
        args = [l1, l3]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
        numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl2,numpyl1)
        args = [l3, l1]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()

        #test for non square matrix
        numpyl2 = np.matrix(vec.tolist())
        numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl1,numpyl2)
        args = [l1, vec]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
        numpy_product = np.kron(numpyl2,numpyl1)
        args = [vec, l1]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()

        #test for random matrix with random values that are floats
        random_matrix1 = np.random.rand(np.random.rand()*5+1,np.random.rand()*5+1)
        random_matrix2 = np.random.rand(np.random.rand()*5+1,np.random.rand()*5+1)
        numpy_product = np.kron(random_matrix1,random_matrix2)
        args = [Matrix(random_matrix1.tolist()),Matrix(random_matrix2.tolist())]
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(*args)
        assert not (sympy_product - Matrix(numpy_product.tolist())).tolist() > \

        #test for three matrix kronecker
        sympy_product = matrix_tensor_product(l1,vec,l2)

        numpy_product = np.kron(l1,np.kron(vec,l2))
        assert numpy_product.tolist() == sympy_product.tolist()
예제 #6
def get_symbolic_vandermonde(p_order, x_vals=None):
    r"""Get symbolic Vandermonde matrix of evenly spaced points.

    :type p_order: int
    :param p_order: The degree of precision for the method.

    :type x_vals: list
    :param x_vals: (Optional) The list of :math:`x`-values to use. If not
                   given, defaults to ``p_order + 1`` evenly spaced points
                   on :math:`\left[0, 1\right]`.

    :rtype: tuple
    :returns: Pair of vector of powers of :math:`x` and Vandermonde matrix.
              Both are type
              :class:`sympy.Matrix <sympy.matrices.dense.MutableDenseMatrix>`,
              the ``x_vec`` is a row vector with ``p_order + 1`` columns and
              the Vandermonde matrix is square of dimension ``p_order + 1``.
    x_symb = sympy.Symbol('x')
    if x_vals is None:
        x_vals = sympy.Matrix(six.moves.xrange(p_order + 1)) / p_order
    vand_mat = sympy.zeros(p_order + 1, p_order + 1)
    x_vec = sympy.zeros(1, p_order + 1)
    for i in six.moves.xrange(p_order + 1):
        x_vec[i] = x_symb**i
        for j in six.moves.xrange(p_order + 1):
            vand_mat[i, j] = x_vals[i]**j
    return x_vec, vand_mat
def gen_XdX(atom_list,operator_table,operator_table_dagger,Hcomm,N_atoms_uc):
    """Operate commutation relations to put all the 2nd order term as ckd**ck, cmk**cmkd, cmk**ck and ckd**cmkd form"""
    print "gen_XdX"

    print N_atoms_uc
    N_int = max([max(atom_list[i].neighbors) for i in range(N_atoms_uc)])+1

    for i in range(2*N_atoms_uc):
        for j in range(2*N_atoms_uc):
            print Hcomm[i,j]
            print mycoeff
            print currcoeff1,currcoeff2
            if currcoeff1!=None and currcoeff2!=None:
            if i!=j:
                if i>=N_atoms_uc:
    print 'XdX done'
    return XdX,g
예제 #8
def rne_park_backward(rbtdef, geom, fw_results, ifunc=None):
    '''RNE backward pass.'''

    V, dV = fw_results

    if not ifunc:
        ifunc = identity

    # extend Tdh_inv so that Tdh_inv[dof] return identity
    Tdh_inv = geom.Tdh_inv + [eye(4)]

    F = list(range(rbtdef.dof + 1))
    F[rbtdef.dof] = zeros((6, 1))

    tau = zeros((rbtdef.dof, 1))

    fric = frictionforce(rbtdef)
    Idrive = driveinertiaterm(rbtdef)

    # Backward
    for i in range(rbtdef.dof - 1, -1, -1):

        Llm = (rbtdef.L[i].row_join(skew(rbtdef.l[i]))).col_join(
            (-skew(rbtdef.l[i])).row_join(eye(3) * rbtdef.m[i]))

        F[i] = Adjdual(Tdh_inv[i + 1], F[i + 1]) + \
            Llm * dV[i] - adjdual(V[i],  Llm * V[i])
        F[i] = ifunc(F[i])

        tau[i] = ifunc((geom.S[i].transpose() * F[i])[0] + fric[i] + Idrive[i])

    return tau
예제 #9
def get_linear_system(eqs):
    diff_eqs = eqs.substituted_expressions
    diff_eq_names = eqs.diff_eq_names
    symbols = [Symbol(name) for name in diff_eq_names]
    # Coefficients
    wildcards = [Wild('c_' + name, exclude=symbols) for name in diff_eq_names]
    #Additive constant
    constant_wildcard = Wild('c', exclude=symbols)
    pattern = reduce(operator.add, [c * s for c, s in zip(wildcards, symbols)])
    pattern += constant_wildcard
    coefficients = sp.zeros(len(diff_eq_names))
    constants = sp.zeros((len(diff_eq_names), 1))
    for row_idx, (name, expr) in enumerate(diff_eqs):
        s_expr = sympify(expr, locals=dict([(s.name, s) for s in symbols])).expand()
        #print s_expr.expand()
        pattern_matches = s_expr.match(pattern)
        if pattern_matches is None:
            raise ValueError(('The expression "%s", defining the variable %s, '
                             'could not be separated into linear components') %
                             (str(s_expr), name))
        for col_idx in xrange(len(diff_eq_names)):
            coefficients[row_idx, col_idx] = pattern_matches[wildcards[col_idx]]
        constants[row_idx] = pattern_matches[constant_wildcard]

    return (diff_eq_names, coefficients, constants)
예제 #10
파일: kane.py 프로젝트: mattpap/sympy
 def mass_matrix_full(self):
     # Returns the mass matrix from above, augmented by kin diff's k_kqdot
     if (self._frstar is None) & (self._fr is None):
         raise ValueError("Need to compute Fr, Fr* first.")
     o = len(self._u)
     n = len(self._q)
     return ((self._k_kqdot).row_join(zeros(n, o))).col_join((zeros(o, n)).row_join(self.mass_matrix))
예제 #11
def rne_park_forward(rbtdef, geom, ifunc=None):
    '''RNE forward pass.'''

    if not ifunc:
        ifunc = identity

    V = list(range(0, rbtdef.dof + 1))
    dV = list(range(0, rbtdef.dof + 1))

    V[-1] = zeros((6, 1))
    dV[-1] = - zeros((3, 1)).col_join(rbtdef.gravityacc)

    # Forward
    for i in range(rbtdef.dof):

        V[i] = ifunc(Adj(geom.Tdh_inv[i], V[i - 1])) + \
            ifunc(geom.S[i] * rbtdef.dq[i])
        V[i] = ifunc(V[i])

        dV[i] = ifunc(geom.S[i] * rbtdef.ddq[i]) + \
            ifunc(Adj(geom.Tdh_inv[i], dV[i - 1])) + \
            ifunc(adj(ifunc(Adj(geom.Tdh_inv[i], V[i - 1])),
                  ifunc(geom.S[i] * rbtdef.dq[i])))
        dV[i] = ifunc(dV[i])

    return V, dV
예제 #12
def GetSymbolicMatrices(func,obsVariablesArray,unknownsArray,rowsForB):
    B=sp.zeros(rowsForB*len(func), len(obsVariablesArray)*rowsForB)
#     print B
    A=sp.zeros(rowsForB*len(func), len(unknownsArray))
    #increment by size of function array (ADDING MULTIPLE FUNCTION FUNCTIONALITY)
    #loop through fun array with counter, fill in diff/wrt for each funtion while count is less than length of function array
    #range loop doesnt work so making a variable to use for indexing correct row.. i will be as if func had only 1 funtion
    for i in Range(rowsForB):
        for j in Range(len(obsVariablesArray)):
            for level in Range(len(func)):
            t=symbols('v'+obsVariablesArray[j].name+str(i+1))              #not sure if must be row as well
    #             pprint (B)
    for i in Range(rowsForB):
        for j in Range(len(unknownsArray)):
            for level in Range(len(func)):
    return B,V,A,X
예제 #13
def test_form_2():
    symsystem2 = SymbolicSystem(

    assert symsystem2.coordinates == Matrix([x, y, lam])
    assert symsystem2.speeds == Matrix([u, v])
    assert symsystem2.states == Matrix([x, y, lam, u, v])

    assert symsystem2.alg_con == [4]

    inter = comb_implicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem2.comb_implicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)
    assert simplify(symsystem2.comb_implicit_mat - comb_implicit_mat) == zeros(5)

    assert set(symsystem2.dynamic_symbols()) == set([y, v, lam, u, x])
    assert type(symsystem2.dynamic_symbols()) == tuple
    assert set(symsystem2.constant_symbols()) == set([l, g, m])
    assert type(symsystem2.constant_symbols()) == tuple

    inter = comb_explicit_rhs
    assert simplify(symsystem2.comb_explicit_rhs - inter) == zeros(5, 1)

    assert symsystem2.output_eqns == out_eqns

    assert symsystem2.bodies == (Pa,)
    assert symsystem2.loads == ((P, g * m * N.x),)
예제 #14
def test_n_link_pendulum_on_cart_inputs():
    l0, m0 = symbols("l0 m0")
    m1 = symbols("m1")
    g = symbols("g")
    q0, q1, F, T1 = dynamicsymbols("q0 q1 F T1")
    u0, u1 = dynamicsymbols("u0 u1")

    kane1 = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(1)
    massmatrix1 = Matrix([[m0 + m1, -l0*m1*cos(q1)],
                          [-l0*m1*cos(q1), l0**2*m1]])
    forcing1 = Matrix([[-l0*m1*u1**2*sin(q1) + F], [g*l0*m1*sin(q1)]])
    assert simplify(massmatrix1 - kane1.mass_matrix) == zeros(2)
    assert simplify(forcing1 - kane1.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0])

    kane2 = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(1, False)
    massmatrix2 = Matrix([[m0 + m1, -l0*m1*cos(q1)],
                          [-l0*m1*cos(q1), l0**2*m1]])
    forcing2 = Matrix([[-l0*m1*u1**2*sin(q1)], [g*l0*m1*sin(q1)]])
    assert simplify(massmatrix2 - kane2.mass_matrix) == zeros(2)
    assert simplify(forcing2 - kane2.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0])

    kane3 = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(1, False, True)
    massmatrix3 = Matrix([[m0 + m1, -l0*m1*cos(q1)],
                          [-l0*m1*cos(q1), l0**2*m1]])
    forcing3 = Matrix([[-l0*m1*u1**2*sin(q1)], [g*l0*m1*sin(q1) + T1]])
    assert simplify(massmatrix3 - kane3.mass_matrix) == zeros(2)
    assert simplify(forcing3 - kane3.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0])

    kane4 = models.n_link_pendulum_on_cart(1, True, False)
    massmatrix4 = Matrix([[m0 + m1, -l0*m1*cos(q1)],
                          [-l0*m1*cos(q1), l0**2*m1]])
    forcing4 = Matrix([[-l0*m1*u1**2*sin(q1) + F], [g*l0*m1*sin(q1)]])
    assert simplify(massmatrix4 - kane4.mass_matrix) == zeros(2)
    assert simplify(forcing4 - kane4.forcing) == Matrix([0, 0])
예제 #15
파일: approx1D.py 프로젝트: hplgit/fem-book
def least_squares_non_verbose(f, psi, Omega, symbolic=True):
    Given a function f(x) on an interval Omega (2-list)
    return the best approximation to f(x) in the space V
    spanned by the functions in the list psi.
    N = len(psi) - 1
    A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    b = sym.zeros((N+1, 1))
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    for i in range(N+1):
        for j in range(i, N+1):
            integrand = psi[i]*psi[j]
            integrand = sym.lambdify([x], integrand)
            I = sym.mpmath.quad(integrand, [Omega[0], Omega[1]])
            A[i,j] = A[j,i] = I
        integrand = psi[i]*f
        integrand = sym.lambdify([x], integrand)
        I = sym.mpmath.quad(integrand, [Omega[0], Omega[1]])
        b[i,0] = I
    c = sym.mpmath.lu_solve(A, b)  # numerical solve
    c = [c[i,0] for i in range(c.rows)]

    u = sum(c[i]*psi[i] for i in range(len(psi)))
    return u, c
예제 #16
    def _form_coefficient_matrices(self):
        """Form the coefficient matrices C_0, C_1, and C_2."""

        # Extract dimension variables
        l, m, n, o, s, k = self._dims
        # Build up the coefficient matrices C_0, C_1, and C_2
        # If there are configuration constraints (l > 0), form C_0 as normal.
        # If not, C_0 is I_(nxn). Note that this works even if n=0
        if l > 0:
            f_c_jac_q = self.f_c.jacobian(self.q)
            self._C_0 = (eye(n) - self._Pqd * (f_c_jac_q *
                    self._Pqd).LUsolve(f_c_jac_q)) * self._Pqi
            self._C_0 = eye(n)
        # If there are motion constraints (m > 0), form C_1 and C_2 as normal.
        # If not, C_1 is 0, and C_2 is I_(oxo). Note that this works even if
        # o = 0.
        if m > 0:
            f_v_jac_u = self.f_v.jacobian(self.u)
            temp = f_v_jac_u * self._Pud
            if n != 0:
                f_v_jac_q = self.f_v.jacobian(self.q)
                self._C_1 = -self._Pud * temp.LUsolve(f_v_jac_q)
                self._C_1 = zeros(o, n)
            self._C_2 = (eye(o) - self._Pud *
                    temp.LUsolve(f_v_jac_u)) * self._Pui
            self._C_1 = zeros(o, n)
            self._C_2 = eye(o)
예제 #17
파일: approx1D.py 프로젝트: hplgit/fem-book
def interpolation(f, psi, points):
    Given a function f(x), return the approximation to
    f(x) in the space V, spanned by psi, that interpolates
    f at the given points. Must have len(points) = len(psi)
    N = len(psi) - 1
    A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    b = sym.zeros((N+1, 1))
    # Wrap psi and f in Python functions rather than expressions
    # so that we can evaluate psi at points[i] (alternative to subs?)
    psi_sym = psi # save symbolic expression
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    psi = [sym.lambdify([x], psi[i]) for i in range(N+1)]
    f = sym.lambdify([x], f)
    print '...evaluating matrix...'
    for i in range(N+1):
        for j in range(N+1):
            print '(%d,%d)' % (i, j)
            A[i,j] = psi[j](points[i])
        b[i,0] = f(points[i])
    print 'A:\n', A, '\nb:\n', b
    c = A.LUsolve(b)
    # c is a sympy Matrix object, turn to list
    c = [sym.simplify(c[i,0]) for i in range(c.shape[0])]
    print 'coeff:', c
#    u = sym.simplify(sum(c[i,0]*psi_sym[i] for i in range(N+1)))
    u = sym.simplify(sum(c[i]*psi_sym[i] for i in range(N+1)))
    print 'approximation:', u
    return u, c
예제 #18
파일: rne.py 프로젝트: neka-nat/SymPyBotics
def inertiamatrix(rbtdef, geom, ifunc=None):
    '''Generate mass matrix.'''

    if not ifunc:
        ifunc = identity

    M = zeros((rbtdef.dof, rbtdef.dof))

    rbtdeftmp = deepcopy(rbtdef)
    rbtdeftmp.gravityacc = zeros((3, 1))
    rbtdeftmp.frictionmodel = None
    rbtdeftmp.dq = zeros((rbtdeftmp.dof, 1))

    for i in range(M.rows):
        rbtdeftmp.ddq = zeros((rbtdeftmp.dof, 1))
        rbtdeftmp.ddq[i] = 1
        geomtmp = Geometry(rbtdeftmp)

        fw_results = rne_forward(rbtdeftmp, geomtmp, ifunc)
        Mcoli = rne_backward(rbtdeftmp, geomtmp, fw_results, ifunc=ifunc)

        # It's done like this since M is symmetric:
        M[:, i] = (M[i, :i].T) .col_join(Mcoli[i:, :])

    return M
예제 #19
파일: polynomial.py 프로젝트: vikramsg/PDE
    def krivodInterpolate(self, nodes, order, c_fac, x):
        Krivodnova interpolation matrix at a particular point 
        l_I = np.zeros((len(nodes)))
        r   = sympy.Symbol('r')
        van = self.vandermonde(order, nodes)
        phi = self.lagrange(nodes)

        Np  = order + 1
        P   = sympy.zeros(1, Np)

        # Leg from Lag
        for i in range(Np):
            for j in range(Np):
                P[i] = P[i] + van.T[i, j] * phi[j] # V^T . l

        P[Np - 1] = c_fac*P[Np - 1]

        # Lag from Leg
        inv_vanT = np.linalg.inv(van.T)
        lag = sympy.zeros(1, Np)
        for i in range(Np):
            for j in range(Np):
                lag[i] = lag[i] + inv_vanT[i, j] * P[j] # (V^T)^-1 . P

        for i in range(len(nodes)):
            l_I[i] = lag[i].evalf(subs = {r: x})

        return l_I
예제 #20
파일: numericals.py 프로젝트: cvbrgava/ddp
	def __init__( self , name ):
		self.name = name
		self.linPJac = sympy.zeros( (order,order) )
		self.linPVal = sympy.zeros( (order, 1) )
		self.B = sympy.zeros ( (order , 1 * len( input_list ) ) ) #Changed for Model3
		self.inpVal = sympy.zeros( (len( input_list) , 1) )
		self.Bnew = numpy.concatenate( ( numpy.array(self.B), numpy.array(self.linPVal) ) , 1 )
def gen_XdX_old(atom_list,operator_table,operator_table_dagger,Hcomm,N_atoms_uc):
    """Operate commutation relations to put all the 2nd order term as ckd**ck, cmk**cmkd, cmk**ck and ckd**cmkd form"""
    print "gen_XdX"
    #Hcomm=Hcomm.expand(deep = False)
    for i in range(2*N_atoms_uc):
        for j in range(2*N_atoms_uc):
            print mycoeff
            if currcoeff!=None:
            if i!=j:
                if i>=N_atoms_uc:
    print 'XdX done'
    return XdX,g
예제 #22
def test_submatrix_assignment():
    m = zeros(4)
    m[2:4, 2:4] = eye(2)
    assert m == Matrix(((0,0,0,0),
    m[0:2, 0:2] = eye(2)
    assert m == eye(4)
    m[:,0] = Matrix(4,1,(1,2,3,4))
    assert m == Matrix(((1,0,0,0),
    m[:,:] = zeros(4)
    assert m == zeros(4)
    m[:,:] = ((1,2,3,4),(5,6,7,8),(9, 10, 11, 12),(13,14,15,16))
    assert m == Matrix(((1,2,3,4),
                        (9, 10, 11, 12),
    m[0:2, 0] = [0,0]
    assert m == Matrix(((0,2,3,4),
                        (9, 10, 11, 12),
def gen_XdX(atom_list,operator_table,operator_table_dagger,Hcomm,N_atoms_uc):
    """Operate commutation relations to put all the 2nd order term as ckd**ck, cmk**cmkd, cmk**ck and ckd**cmkd form"""


    for i in range(N_atoms_uc):
        for j in range(N_atoms_uc):
            if currcoeff!=None:
            if i!=j:
                if i>=N_atoms_uc:
    return XdX,g
예제 #24
def interpolation(f, phi, points):
    Given a function f(x), return the approximation to
    f(x) in the space V, spanned by phi, that interpolates
    f at the given points. Must have len(points) = len(phi)
    N = len(phi) - 1
    A = sm.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    b = sm.zeros((N+1, 1))
    # Wrap phi and f in Python functions rather than expressions
    # so that we can evaluate phi at points[i] (alternative to subs?)
    x = sm.Symbol('x')
    phi = [sm.lambdify([x], phi[i]) for i in range(N+1)]
    f = sm.lambdify([x], f)
    print '...evaluating matrix...'
    for i in range(N+1):
        for j in range(N+1):
            print '(%d,%d)' % (i, j)
            A[i,j] = phi[j](points[i])
        b[i,0] = f(points[i])
    print 'A:\n', A, '\nb:\n', b
    c = A.LUsolve(b)
    print 'coeff:', c
    u = 0
    for i in range(len(phi)):
        u += c[i,0]*phi[i](x)
    # Alternative:
    # u = sum(c[i,0]*phi[i] for i in range(len(phi)))
    print 'approximation:', u
    return u
예제 #25
def least_squares(f, psi, Omega, symbolic=True, print_latex=False):
    Given a function f(x,y) on a rectangular domain
    return the best approximation to f(x,y) in the space V
    spanned by the functions in the list psi.
    N = len(psi) - 1
    A = sym.zeros((N+1, N+1))
    b = sym.zeros((N+1, 1))
    x, y = sym.symbols('x y')
    print '...evaluating matrix...'
    for i in range(N+1):
        for j in range(i, N+1):
            print '(%d,%d)' % (i, j)

            integrand = psi[i]*psi[j]
            if symbolic:
                I = sym.integrate(integrand,
                                 (x, Omega[0][0], Omega[0][1]),
                                 (y, Omega[1][0], Omega[1][1]))
            if not symbolic or isinstance(I, sym.Integral):
                # Could not integrate symbolically, use numerical int.
                print 'numerical integration of', integrand
                integrand = sym.lambdify([x,y], integrand)
                I = sym.mpmath.quad(integrand,
                                   [Omega[0][0], Omega[0][1]],
                                   [Omega[1][0], Omega[1][1]])
            A[i,j] = A[j,i] = I
        integrand = psi[i]*f
        if symbolic:
            I = sym.integrate(integrand,
                             (x, Omega[0][0], Omega[0][1]),
                             (y, Omega[1][0], Omega[1][1]))
        if not symbolic or isinstance(I, sym.Integral):
            # Could not integrate symbolically, use numerical int.
            print 'numerical integration of', integrand
            integrand = sym.lambdify([x,y], integrand)
            I = sym.mpmath.quad(integrand,
                               [Omega[0][0], Omega[0][1]],
                               [Omega[1][0], Omega[1][1]])
        b[i,0] = I
    print 'A:\n', A, '\nb:\n', b
    if symbolic:
        c = A.LUsolve(b)  # symbolic solve
        # c is a sympy Matrix object, numbers are in c[i,0]
        c = [c[i,0] for i in range(c.shape[0])]
        c = sym.mpmath.lu_solve(A, b)  # numerical solve
    print 'coeff:', c

    u = sum(c[i]*psi[i] for i in range(len(psi)))
    print 'approximation:', u
    print 'f:', sym.expand(f)
    if print_latex:
        print sym.latex(A, mode='plain')
        print sym.latex(b, mode='plain')
        print sym.latex(c, mode='plain')
    return u, c
예제 #26
파일: linearize.py 프로젝트: Eskatrem/sympy
    def _form_permutation_matrices(self):
        """Form the permutation matrices Pq and Pu."""

        # Extract dimension variables
        l, m, n, o, s, k = self._dims
        # Compute permutation matrices
        if n != 0:
            self._Pq = permutation_matrix(self.q, Matrix([self.q_i, self.q_d]))
            if l > 0:
                self._Pqi = self._Pq[:, :-l]
                self._Pqd = self._Pq[:, -l:]
                self._Pqi = self._Pq
                self._Pqd = Matrix()
        if o != 0:
            self._Pu = permutation_matrix(self.u, Matrix([self.u_i, self.u_d]))
            if m > 0:
                self._Pui = self._Pu[:, :-m]
                self._Pud = self._Pu[:, -m:]
                self._Pui = self._Pu
                self._Pud = Matrix()
        # Compute combination permutation matrix for computing A and B
        P_col1 = Matrix([self._Pqi, zeros(o + k, n - l)])
        P_col2 = Matrix([zeros(n, o - m), self._Pui, zeros(k, o - m)])
        if P_col1:
            if P_col2:
                self.perm_mat = P_col1.row_join(P_col2)
                self.perm_mat = P_col1
            self.perm_mat = P_col2
예제 #27
    def _computeTransitionMeanVar(self):
        This is the mean and variance information that we need
        for the :math:`\tau`-Leap
        if self._transitionJacobian is None or self._hasNewTransition:

        F = self._transitionJacobian
        # holders
        mu = sympy.zeros(self._numTransition, 1)
        sigma2 = sympy.zeros(self._numTransition, 1)
        # we calculate the mean and variance
        for i in range(self._numTransition):
            for j, eqn in enumerate(self._transitionVector):
                mu[i] += F[i,j] * eqn
                sigma2[i] += F[i,j] * F[i,j] * eqn

        self._transitionMean = mu
        self._transitionVar = sigma2

        # now we are going to compile them
        if self._isDifficult:
            self._transitionMeanCompile = self._SC.compileExprAndFormat(self._sp,
            self._transitionVarCompile = self._SC.compileExprAndFormat(self._sp,
            self._transitionMeanCompile = self._SC.compileExprAndFormat(self._sp, self._transitionMean)
            self._transitionVarCompile = self._SC.compileExprAndFormat(self._sp, self._transitionVar)

        return None
예제 #28
def regular_completion(matrix):
    m,n = matrix.shape
    r = matrix.rank()
    #~ IPS()
    assert m!=n, "There is no regular completion of a square matrix."

    if m<n:
        assert r==m, "Matrix does not have full row rank."
        A, B, V_pi = reshape_matrix_columns(matrix)
        zeros = sp.zeros(n-m,m)
        ones = sp.eye(n-m)
        S = st.col_stack(zeros,ones)
        completion = S*V_pi.T
        regular_matrix = st.row_stack(matrix,completion)
        assert st.rnd_number_rank(regular_matrix)==n, "Regular completion seems to be wrong."

    elif n<m:
        assert r==n, "Matrix does not have full column rank."
        A, B, V_pi = reshape_matrix_columns(matrix.T)
        zeros = sp.zeros(m-n,n)
        ones = sp.eye(m-n)
        S = st.col_stack(zeros,ones)
        completion = V_pi*S.T
        regular_matrix = st.col_stack(completion,matrix)
        assert st.rnd_number_rank(regular_matrix)==m, "Regular completion seems to be wrong."

    return completion
예제 #29
 def __get_trace_facvar(self, polynomial):
     """Return dense vector representation of a polynomial. This function is
     nearly identical to __push_facvar_sparse, but instead of pushing
     sparse entries to the constraint matrices, it returns a dense
     facvar = [0] * (self.n_vars + 1)
     F = {}
     for i in range(self.matrix_var_dim):
         for j in range(self.matrix_var_dim):
             for key, value in \
                     polynomial[i, j].as_coefficients_dict().items():
                 skey = apply_substitutions(key, self.substitutions,
                     Fk = F[skey]
                 except KeyError:
                     Fk = zeros(self.matrix_var_dim, self.matrix_var_dim)
                 Fk[i, j] += value
                 F[skey] = Fk
     # This is the tracing part
     for key, Fk in F.items():
         if key == S.One:
             k = 1
             k = self.monomial_index[key]
         for i in range(self.matrix_var_dim):
             for j in range(self.matrix_var_dim):
                 sym_matrix = zeros(self.matrix_var_dim,
                 sym_matrix[i, j] = 1
                 facvar[k+i*self.matrix_var_dim+j] = (sym_matrix*Fk).trace()
     facvar = [float(f) for f in facvar]
     return facvar
예제 #30
파일: polynomial.py 프로젝트: vikramsg/PDE
    def getKrivodLeft(self, order, nodes, correcFac):
        Convert Lagrange poly to normalized Legendre
        r   = sympy.Symbol('r')
        van = self.vandermonde(order, nodes)

        phi = self.lagrange(nodes)

        Np  = order + 1
        P   = sympy.zeros(1, Np)

        # Leg from Lag
        for i in range(Np):
            for j in range(Np):
                P[i] = P[i] + van.T[i, j] * phi[j] # V^T . l

        P[Np - 1] = correcFac*P[Np - 1]

        # Lag from Leg
        inv_vanT = np.linalg.inv(van.T)
        lag = sympy.zeros(1, Np)
        for i in range(Np):
            for j in range(Np):
                lag[i] = lag[i] + inv_vanT[i, j] * P[j] # (V^T)^-1 . P
        k_l = np.zeros(Np)
        wts = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(Np)[1]
        for i in range(Np):
            k_l[i] = -1*lag[i].evalf(subs = {r: -1})/wts[i]
        return k_l
def main():
    sympy.var('xi, eta, lex, ley, rho')
    sympy.var('A11, A12, A16, A22, A26, A66')
    sympy.var('B11, B12, B16, B22, B26, B66')
    sympy.var('D11, D12, D16, D22, D26, D66')

    ONE = sympy.Integer(1)

    # shape functions
    # - from Reference:
    #     OCHOA, O. O.; REDDY, J. N. Finite Element Analysis of Composite Laminates. Dordrecht: Springer, 1992.
    # bi-linear
    Li = lambda xii, etai: ONE / 4. * (1 + xi * xii) * (1 + eta * etai)
    # cubic
    Hwi = lambda xii, etai: ONE / 16. * (xi + xii)**2 * (xi * xii - 2) * (
        eta + etai)**2 * (eta * etai - 2)
    Hwxi = lambda xii, etai: -lex / 32. * xii * (xi + xii)**2 * (
        xi * xii - 1) * (eta + etai)**2 * (eta * etai - 2)
    Hwyi = lambda xii, etai: -ley / 32. * (xi + xii)**2 * (
        xi * xii - 2) * etai * (eta + etai)**2 * (eta * etai - 1)
    Hwxyi = lambda xii, etai: lex * ley / 64. * xii * (xi + xii)**2 * (
        xi * xii - 1) * etai * (eta + etai)**2 * (eta * etai - 1)

    Nu = sympy.Matrix([[
        Li(-1, -1),
        Li(+1, -1),
        Li(+1, +1),
        Li(-1, +1),
    Nv = sympy.Matrix([[
        Li(-1, -1),
        Li(+1, -1),
        Li(+1, +1),
        Li(-1, +1),
    Nw = sympy.Matrix([[
        #u, v, w,     , dw/dx  , dw/dy,  d2w/(dxdy)
        Hwi(-1, -1),
        Hwxi(-1, -1),
        Hwyi(-1, -1),
        Hwxyi(-1, -1),  # node 1 (-1, -1)
        Hwi(+1, -1),
        Hwxi(+1, -1),
        Hwyi(+1, -1),
        Hwxyi(+1, -1),  # node 2 (+1, -1)
        Hwi(+1, +1),
        Hwxi(+1, +1),
        Hwyi(+1, +1),
        Hwxyi(+1, +1),  # node 3 (+1, +1)
        Hwi(-1, +1),
        Hwxi(-1, +1),
        Hwyi(-1, +1),
        Hwxyi(-1, +1),  # node 4 (-1, +1)
    A = sympy.Matrix([[A11, A12, A16], [A12, A22, A26], [A16, A26, A66]])
    B = sympy.Matrix([[B11, B12, B16], [B12, B22, B26], [B16, B26, B66]])
    D = sympy.Matrix([[D11, D12, D16], [D12, D22, D26], [D16, D26, D66]])

    # membrane
    Nu_x = (2 / lex) * Nu.diff(xi)
    Nu_y = (2 / ley) * Nu.diff(eta)
    Nv_x = (2 / lex) * Nv.diff(xi)
    Nv_y = (2 / ley) * Nv.diff(eta)
    Bm = sympy.Matrix([Nu_x, Nv_y + 1 / R * Nw, Nu_y + Nv_x])

    # bending
    Nphix = -(2 / lex) * Nw.diff(xi)
    Nphiy = -(2 / ley) * Nw.diff(eta)
    Nphix_x = (2 / lex) * Nphix.diff(xi)
    Nphix_y = (2 / ley) * Nphix.diff(eta)
    Nphiy_x = (2 / lex) * Nphiy.diff(xi)
    Nphiy_y = (2 / ley) * Nphiy.diff(eta)
    Bb = sympy.Matrix([Nphix_x, Nphiy_y, Nphix_y + Nphiy_x])

    for ind, val in np.ndenumerate(Bm):
        if val != 0:
            print(ind, val)
    for ind, val in np.ndenumerate(Bb):
        if val != 0:
            print(ind, val)

    # Geometric stiffness matrix using Donnell's type of geometric nonlinearity
    # (or van Karman shell nonlinear terms)
    sympy.var('Nxx, Nyy, Nxy')
    Nmatrix = sympy.Matrix([[Nxx, Nxy], [Nxy, Nyy]])
    G = sympy.Matrix([(2 / lex) * Nw.diff(xi), (2 / ley) * Nw.diff(eta)])
    Kge = sympy.zeros(4 * DOF, 4 * DOF)
    Kge[:, :] = (lex * ley) / 4. * G.T * Nmatrix * G

    print('Integrands for Kge')
    p = Pool(cpu_count)
    tmp = []
    for ind, integrand in np.ndenumerate(Kge):
    tmp = p.map(sympy.simplify, tmp)
    for i, (ind, integrand) in enumerate(np.ndenumerate(Kge)):
        Kge[ind] = tmp[i]
    Kg = Kge

    def name_ind(i):
        if i >= 0 and i < DOF:
            return 'c1'
        elif i >= DOF and i < 2 * DOF:
            return 'c2'
        elif i >= 2 * DOF and i < 3 * DOF:
            return 'c3'
        elif i >= 3 * DOF and i < 4 * DOF:
            return 'c4'

    print('printing for code')
    for ind, val in np.ndenumerate(Kg):
        i, j = ind
        si = name_ind(i)
        sj = name_ind(j)
        print('        Kg[%d+%s, %d+%s]' % (i % DOF, si, j % DOF, sj),
              '+= wi*(', Kg[ind], ')')
예제 #32
파일: hurwitz.py 프로젝트: John15321/TR
def Hurwitz_sp(Yk):
    Funkcja sprawdzajaca stabilnosc transmitancji
    INPUT: obiekt sp.Function
    OUTPUT: macierz Hurwitza transmitancji(tex syndax), 
            wektor skladajacy się z wartosci podwyznacznikow macierzy
    # Zainicjowanie symboli
    M = sp.Function('M')(s)
    L = sp.Function('L')(s)
    Y = sp.Function('Y')(s)
    Y = Yk
    L, M = sp.fraction(Y)  # podział na licznik i mianownik
    Ywspolczynniki = sp.Poly(M, s)
    Ywspolczynniki = Ywspolczynniki.all_coeffs()
    # Rozpoczynam algorytm kryterium Hurwitza
    Ystopien = len(Ywspolczynniki) - 1
    # Tworze wektory potrzebne do stworzenia macierzy Hurwitza
    pTabParz = sp.Matrix([[]])
    pTabNParz = sp.Matrix([[]])
    pm = 0
    pn = 0
    for x in range(Ystopien):
        pm = x * 2
        pn = x * 2 + 1
        if pm <= Ystopien:
            pTabParz = pTabParz.col_insert(x, sp.Matrix([Ywspolczynniki[pm]]))
            pTabParz = pTabParz.col_insert(x, sp.Matrix([0]))
        if pn <= Ystopien:
            pTabNParz = pTabNParz.col_insert(x,
            pTabNParz = pTabNParz.col_insert(x, sp.Matrix([0]))
    # Deklaruje macierz Hurwitza jako macierz zer
    macierzHurwitza = sp.zeros(Ystopien, Ystopien)
    # Algorytm zapusijacy macierz Hurwitza
    parzyste = False
    if Ystopien == 0:
        macierzHurwitza = (sp.ones(1, 1)) / Y
        for x in range(Ystopien):
            if (parzyste == False):
                macierzHurwitza = macierzHurwitza.row_insert(x, pTabNParz)
                pTabNParz = pTabNParz.col_insert(0, sp.Matrix([0]))
                parzyste = (not parzyste)
            elif (parzyste == True):
                macierzHurwitza = macierzHurwitza.row_insert(x, pTabParz)
                pTabParz = pTabParz.col_insert(0, sp.Matrix([0]))
                parzyste = (not parzyste)
    # Algorytm sprawdzajacy czy wszystkie podwyznaczniki sa dodatnie
    macierzHurwitzaPomocnicza = macierzHurwitza.copy()
    wyznacznikiHurwitza = []
    for x in range(Ystopien):
        if macierzHurwitzaPomocnicza.shape[0] > 0:
                macierzHurwitzaPomocnicza.shape[0] - 1)
                macierzHurwitzaPomocnicza.shape[0] - 1)
        # Jesli wszystkie podwyznaczniki sa dodatnie to zmienna stabilnoscHurwitza jest rowna 1,
        # w przeciwnym wypadku jest rowna 0
    return str(sp.latex(macierzHurwitza)), str(sp.latex(wyznacznikiHurwitza))
def createMatrix(eqs: list, symbols: list) -> sympy.Matrix:
    A = sympy.zeros(len(eqs), len(eqs))
    for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols, start=0):
        for j, eq in enumerate(eqs, start=0):
            A[i, j] = sympy.diff(eq, symbol)
    return A
linearize = [(sympy.sin(θ), 0), (sympy.cos(θ), 1), (θ.diff(t), 0),
             (θ.diff(t)**2, 0), (θ.diff(t, t), 0), (y.diff(t), 0),
             (y.diff(t, t), 0)]

A_lin = sympy.simplify(A.subs(linearize))

constants = {g: 9.81, l: 1.0, m_m: 2.0, m_cart: 2.0}

Jacobian = A_lin.subs(constants)

x_0 = sympy.Matrix([1.0, 0.5, 0.3, -0.02, 2.15, 0])

dt = 0.01

timeline = np.arange(0.0, 5, dt)
result = sympy.zeros(len(x_0), len(timeline))
resultA = sympy.zeros(len(x_0), len(timeline))

result[:, 0] = x_0
resultA[:, 0] = x_0

for i in range(len(timeline) - 1):
    linearize = [(θ.diff(t, t), resultA[5, i]), (θ.diff(t), resultA[4, i]),
                 (θ, resultA[3, i]), (x.diff(t, t), 0),
                 (x.diff(t), resultA[2, i]), (x, resultA[1, i]),
                 (y.diff(t, t), 0), (y.diff(t), 0)]

    result[:, i + 1] = Jacobian * result[:, i] * dt + result[:, i]
    resultA[:, i + 1] = A.subs(linearize).subs(constants) * \
        resultA[:, i] * dt + resultA[:, i]
예제 #35
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Sep 25 14:18:06 2020

@author: hanjiya

from sympy import Matrix, symbols, zeros

x, y = symbols('x,y')
A = Matrix([[1, 1], [2, -3], [0, 5]])
T = zeros(3, 2)
T = A @ Matrix([[x, y]]).T
예제 #36
    def calc_lbi_nf_state_eq(self, simplify=False):
        calc vectorfields fz, and gz of the Lagrange-Byrnes-Isidori-Normalform

        instead of the state xx

        n = len(self.tt)
        nq = len(self.tau)
        np = n - nq
        nx = 2 * n

        # make sure that the system has the desired structure
        B = self.eqns.jacobian(self.tau)
        cond1 = B[:np, :] == sp.zeros(np, nq)
        cond2 = B[np:, :] == -sp.eye(nq)
        if not cond1 and cond2:
            msg = "The jacobian of the equations of motion do not have the expected structure: %s"
            raise NotImplementedError(msg % str(B))

        pp = self.tt[:np, :]
        qq = self.tt[np:, :]
        uu = self.ttd[:np, :]
        vv = self.ttd[np:, :]
        ww = st.symb_vector('w1:{0}'.format(np + 1))
        assert len(vv) == nq

        # state w.r.t normal form
        self.zz = st.row_stack(qq, vv, pp, ww)
        self.ww = ww

        # set the actuated accelearations as new inputs
        self.aa = self.ttdd[-nq:, :]

        # input vectorfield
        self.gz = sp.zeros(nx, nq)
        self.gz[nq:2 * nq, :] = sp.eye(
            nq)  # identity matrix for the active coordinates

        # drift vectorfield (will be completed below)
        self.fz = sp.zeros(nx, 1)
        self.fz[:nq, :] = vv

        if simplify:
        M11 = self.M[:np, :np]
        M12 = self.M[:np, np:]

        d = M11.berkowitz_det()
        adj = M11.adjugate()
        if simplify:
            d = d.simplify()
        M11inv = adj / d

        # defining equation for ww: ww := uu + M11inv*M12*vv
        uu_expr = ww - M11inv * M12 * vv

        # setting input tau and acceleration to 0 in the equations of motion
        C1K1 = self.eqns[:np, :].subs(st.zip0(self.ttdd, self.tau))

        N = st.time_deriv(M11inv * M12, self.tt)
        ww_dot = -M11inv * C1K1.subs(lzip(uu, uu_expr)) + N.subs(
            lzip(uu, uu_expr)) * vv

        self.fz[2 * nq:2 * nq + np, :] = uu_expr
        self.fz[2 * nq + np:, :] = ww_dot

        # how the new coordinates are defined:
        self.ww_def = uu + M11inv * M12 * vv

        if simplify:
def genFDStencil(template, diff, order, boundary_diff=None):
    This function generates a finite difference stencil from a template matrix
    which consists of 1's at gridpoints that you might need to sample during
    the finite difference scheme, a -1 at the point at which you are trying to
    caluclate the given derivative and 0's everywhere else. It returns a 
    stencil matrix. Specify the particular differential you want to calculate 
    with `diff` (x_partial, y_partial) and specify the order you want to 
    calculate it to with `order`. If you have Neumann boundary conditions, 
    specify which derivative is fixed with the boundary_diff parameter.

    template : sympy Matrix
        nxn sympy Matrix where n is odd. Represents a template of gridpoints
        that you may need to sample to approximate the derivative. Should have
        1 at gridpoints you might need to sample, -1 at the point where you are
        approximating the derivative, and 0 everywhere else.
    diff : tuple of ints
        2-element tuple representing the x-degree and y-degree of the 
        derivative you are approximating.
    order : int
        The order to which the derivative approximation should be made.
    boundary_diff : tuple of ints, optional
        Tuple of ints representing which derivative is known at the boundary if
        Neumann boundary conditions are being considered. If `None` then it is
        assumed there are no boundary conditions necessary. 
        The default is None.

    stencil : sympy Matrix
        Stencil corresponding to the finite difference scheme.
    boundary_val : number
        Coefficient in front of the fixed boundary value that you need to
        subtract from the finite difference scheme. 
    >>> import FiniteDifference as fd
    >>> import sympy as sy
    >>> sy.init_printing(pretty_print=False)
    >>> template = sy.Matrix([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                       [1, 1, -1, 1, 1],
    ...                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    ...                       [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]])
    >>> diff = (3, 1)
    >>> order = 2
    >>> stencil, boundary_val = fd.genFDStencil(template, diff, order)
    >>> stencil
    [-1/10,   1/5, 0,  -1/5,  1/10],
    [-1/20,  1/10, 0, -1/10,  1/20],
    [    0,     0, 0,     0,     0],
    [ 1/20, -1/10, 0,  1/10, -1/20],
    [ 1/10,  -1/5, 0,   1/5, -1/10]])
    >>> boundary_val
    `genFDStencil` can also deal with Neumann boundary conditions -- here you
    need to stipulate which derivative is normal to the boundary using the
    optional `boundary_diff` parameter.
    >>> import FiniteDifference as fd
    >>> import sympy as sy
    >>> sy.init_printing(pretty_print=False)
    >>> template = sy.Matrix([[0, 0, 0],
    ...                       [-1, 1, 1],
    ...                       [0, 0, 0]])
    >>> diff = (2, 0)
    >>> order = 2
    >>> boundary_diff = (1, 0)
    >>> stencil, boundary_val = fd.genFDStencil(template, diff, 
    ...                                         order, boundary_diff)
    >>> stencil
    [   0, 0,    0],
    [-7/2, 4, -1/2],
    [   0, 0,    0]])
    >>> boundary_val

    diff_degree = diff[0] + diff[1]
    m, n = template.shape
    k = diff_degree + order  # total expansion degree
    x, y = sy.symbols('x y')

    # Find center of template, marked by -1
    center = None
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            if template[i, j] == -1:
                center = (i, j)
    if not center:
        raise ValueError("Did not set center of template")

    # Make list of gridpoints measured from center in the template
    # Note that it's in ij index convention
    gridpoints = []
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            if template[i, j] == 1:
                gridpoints.append((j - center[1], center[0] - i))

    # Generate standard series to degree k to compare other expansions against
    f = sy.exp(x) * sy.exp(y)
    q = sy.expand(f.series(x, 0, k).removeO().series(y, 0, k).removeO())
    q = sum(term for term in q.args
            if sy.degree(term, x) + sy.degree(term, y) < k
            and sy.degree(term, x) + sy.degree(term, y) > 0)
    q = sy.poly(q, x, y)

    # Find place of desired differential, and terms excluded by b.c.
    diff_place = q.monoms(order='grlex').index(diff)
    if boundary_diff:
        excluded_place = q.monoms(order='grlex').index(boundary_diff)
        excluded_place = None

    # Populate linear system matrix and inhomogeneous vector w/expansion terms
    M = sy.zeros(len(gridpoints), q.length())
    boundary_diff_vec = sy.zeros(len(gridpoints), 1)
    gridpoint_idx = 0
    for (i, j) in gridpoints:
        f = sy.exp(i * x) * sy.exp(j * y)
        p = sy.expand(f.series(x, 0, k).removeO().series(y, 0, k).removeO())
        p = sum(term for term in p.args
                if sy.degree(term, x) + sy.degree(term, y) < k
                and sy.degree(term, x) + sy.degree(term, y) > 0)
        p = sy.poly(p, x, y)

        taylor_term_idx = 0
        for deg in q.monoms(order='grlex'):
            if taylor_term_idx == excluded_place:
                M[gridpoint_idx, taylor_term_idx] = 0
                boundary_diff_vec[gridpoint_idx] = -p.coeff_monomial(deg)
                M[gridpoint_idx, taylor_term_idx] = p.coeff_monomial(deg)
            taylor_term_idx += 1
        gridpoint_idx += 1

    # Calc pseudoinverse, check that it inverts desired vector calc stencil
    M_inv = M.pinv()
    diff_vec = sy.zeros(q.length(), 1)
    diff_vec[diff_place] = 1
    if M_inv * M * diff_vec == diff_vec:
        stencil = template
        gridpoint_idx = 0
        centerpoint_val = 0
        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                if template[i, j] == 1:
                    stencil[i, j] = M_inv[diff_place, gridpoint_idx]
                    centerpoint_val += M_inv[diff_place, gridpoint_idx]
                    gridpoint_idx += 1
        stencil[center[0], center[1]] = -centerpoint_val
        boundary_val = (M_inv * boundary_diff_vec)[diff_place]
        print("Could not make a stencil")
        stencil = None
        boundary_val = None

    return stencil, boundary_val
예제 #38
    def _form_frstar(self, bl):
        """Form the generalized inertia force.

        Computes the vector of the generalized inertia force vector.
        Used to compute E.o.M. in the form Fr + Fr* = 0.


        bl : list
            A list of all RigidBody's and Particle's in the system.


        if not hasattr(bl, '__iter__'):
            raise TypeError('Bodies must be supplied in an iterable.')
        t = dynamicsymbols._t
        N = self._inertial
        self._bodylist = bl
        u = self._u  # all speeds
        udep = self._udep  # dependent speeds
        o = len(u)
        m = len(udep)
        p = o - m
        udot = self._udot
        udotzero = dict(zip(udot, [0] * o))
        # auxiliary speeds
        uaux = self._uaux
        uauxdot = [diff(i, t) for i in uaux]
        # dictionary of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uaz = dict(zip(uaux, [0] * len(uaux)))
        uadz = dict(zip(uauxdot, [0] * len(uauxdot)))
        # dictionary of qdot's to u's
        qdots = dict(zip(self._qdot_u_map.keys(),
        for k, v in qdots.items():
            qdots[k.diff(t)] = v.diff(t)

        MM = zeros(o, o)
        nonMM = zeros(o, 1)
        partials = []
        # Fill up the list of partials: format is a list with no. elements
        # equal to number of entries in body list. Each of these elements is a
        # list - either of length 1 for the translational components of
        # particles or of length 2 for the translational and rotational
        # components of rigid bodies. The inner most list is the list of
        # partial velocities.
        for v in bl:
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                partials += [self._partial_velocity([v.masscenter.vel(N),
                                                    u, N)]
            elif isinstance(v, Particle):
                partials += [self._partial_velocity([v.point.vel(N)], u, N)]
                raise TypeError('The body list needs RigidBody or '
                                'Particle as list elements.')

        # This section does 2 things - computes the parts of Fr* that are
        # associated with the udots, and the parts that are not associated with
        # the udots. This happens for RigidBody and Particle a little
        # differently, but similar process overall.
        for i, v in enumerate(bl):
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                M = v.mass.subs(uaz).doit()
                I = v.central_inertia.subs(uaz).doit()
                for j in range(o):
                    for k in range(o):
                        # translational
                        MM[j, k] += M * (partials[i][0][j].subs(uaz).doit() &
                        # rotational
                        temp = (I & partials[i][1][j].subs(uaz).doit())
                        MM[j, k] += (temp &
                    # translational components
                    nonMM[j] += ( (M.diff(t) *
                                   v.masscenter.vel(N)).subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += (M *
                            & partials[i][0][j])
                    # rotational components
                    omega = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N).subs(uaz).doit()
                    nonMM[j] += ((I.dt(v.frame) & omega).subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += ((I &
                        & partials[i][1][j])
                    nonMM[j] += ((omega ^ (I & omega)).subs(uaz).doit() &

            if isinstance(v, Particle):
                M = v.mass.subs(uaz).doit()
                for j in range(o):
                    for k in range(o):
                        MM[j, k] += M * (partials[i][0][j].subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += M.diff(t) * (v.point.vel(N).subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += (M *
                            v.point.acc(N).subs(udotzero).subs(uaz).doit() &
        # Negate FRSTAR since Kane defines the inertia forces/torques
        # to be negative and we didn't do so above.
        MM = MM.subs(qdots).subs(uaz).doit()
        nonMM = nonMM.subs(qdots).subs(udotzero).subs(uadz).subs(uaz).doit()
        FRSTAR = -(MM * Matrix(udot).subs(uadz) + nonMM)

        # For motion constraints, m is the number of constraints
        # Really, one should just look at Kane's book for descriptions of this
        # process
        if m != 0:
            FRSTARtilde = FRSTAR[:p, 0]
            FRSTARold = FRSTAR[p:o, 0]
            FRSTARtilde += self._Ars.T * FRSTARold
            FRSTAR = FRSTARtilde

            MMi = MM[:p, :]
            MMd = MM[p:o, :]
            MM = MMi + self._Ars.T * MMd
        self._frstar = FRSTAR

        zeroeq = -(self._fr + self._frstar)
        zeroeq = zeroeq.subs(udotzero)

        self._k_d = MM
        self._f_d = zeroeq
        return FRSTAR
예제 #39
    def __init__(self, label=None):
        Constructor for the Core Port-Hamiltonian structure object of pyphs.


        label: None or string
            An optional label string used e.g. for plots (default is None).


        core : Core
            A Core Port-Hamiltonian structure object.

        # Init label
        if label is None:
            label = 'phs'
        self.label = label

        # =====================================================================

        # assertions for sympy symbols
        self.assertions = {'real': True}

        # Ordered list of variables considered as the systems's arguments
        self.args_names = ('x', 'dx', 'w', 'u', 'p', 'o')

        self.attrstocopy = {('dims', '_xl'), ('dims', '_wl'), 'connectors',
                            'force_wnl', 'subs', 'M', '_dxH', 'symbs_names',
                            'exprs_names', 'observers'}

        # Names for matrix structures
        self.struc_names = ['M', 'J', 'R']

        # =====================================================================

        # Returned by core.dxH(). If None, returns gradient(core.H, core.x).
        self._dxH = None

        # names for lists of symbols (x, w, ...)
        self.symbs_names = set()

        # Expressions names
        self.exprs_names = set()

        # Init structure
        self.M = types.matrix_types[0](sympy.zeros(0))

        # List of connectors
        self.connectors = list()

        # UNORDERED Dictionary of substitution {symbol: value}
        self.subs = OrderedDict()

        # ORDERED Dictionary of observers {symbol: expr}
        self.observers = OrderedDict()

        # List of dissipative variable symbols to be ignored in self.reduce_z
        self.force_wnl = list()

        # =====================================================================

        # init tools
        self.dims = Dimensions(self)
        self.inds = Indices(self)

        # init lists of symbols

        for name in {'x', 'w', 'u', 'y', 'cu', 'cy', 'p'}:
            self.setsymb(name, types.vector_types[0]())

        # init functions
        self.setexpr('H', sympify(0))
        self.setexpr('z', types.vector_types[0]())

        # Coefficient matrices for linear parts
        self.setexpr('Q', types.matrix_types[0](sympy.zeros(0, 0)))
        self.setexpr('Zl', types.matrix_types[0](sympy.zeros(0, 0)))

        # init tools
        self.dims = Dimensions(self)
        self.inds = Indices(self)

        # get() and set() for structure matrices
        names = ('x', 'w', 'y', 'cy', 'xl', 'xnl', 'wl', 'wnl')

        # build accessors for nonlinear and linear parts
        for name in {'x', 'dx', 'dxH'}:
            lnl_accessors = self._gen_lnl_accessors(name, 'x')
            setattr(self, name + 'l', lnl_accessors[0])
            setattr(self, name + 'nl', lnl_accessors[1])
        for name in {'w', 'z'}:
            lnl_accessors = self._gen_lnl_accessors(name, 'w')
            setattr(self, name + 'l', lnl_accessors[0])
            setattr(self, name + 'nl', lnl_accessors[1])
예제 #40
    tmplist = line.split()  # split a row into a list
    # print(tmplist)
    if tmplist == []:  # skip empty rows
    if tmplist[0][0] == '#':  # skip comment rows
    if tmplist[0][0:6] == "STAGES":  # number of RC stages
        stages = int(tmplist[1])
        print("stages = " + str(stages))
    # start reading actual data
    # (1st column is stage number)
    c_list.append(tmplist[1])  # Cth on the 2nd column
    r_list.append(tmplist[2])  # Rth on the 3rd column

FosterMat = sympy.zeros(stages, 3)  # Final results will be stored here.

CauerMat = sympy.zeros(stages, 3)  # Input data will be stored here

for i in range(stages):
    CauerMat[i, 0] = sympy.Rational(c_list[i])

    # By default, reduced the accuracy level by not Rationalizing Rth.
    CauerMat[i, 1] = sympy.Rational(r_list[i]) if rational_rth else r_list[i]

    CauerMat[i, 2] = CauerMat[i, 0] * CauerMat[i, 1]

# ### As shown in the FosterMatSample3x3, variables line up in ascending order.
# Cf1 and Rf1 pair represents the first stage of the Foster model.
# They are next to Junction.
# So as the Cc1 and Rc1 of the Cauer model.
예제 #41
def test_Metric_einstein():
    (coords, t, r, th, ph, schw, g, mu, nu) = _generate_schwarzschild()
    G = g.einstein
    assert zeros(4).equals(G.as_array())
예제 #42
def test_Metric_ricci_tensor():
    (coords, t, r, th, ph, schw, g, mu, nu) = _generate_schwarzschild()
    R = g.ricci_tensor
    assert zeros(4).equals(R.as_array())
 def external_inputs(self):
     """SymPy dx1-matrix: Return the vector of external inputs."""
     u = zeros(self.nr_pools, 1)
     for k, val in self.input_fluxes.items():
         u[k] = val
     return u
예제 #44
def test_u1():
    lambd = symbols("lambd")

    actual_1 = Circuit().u1(lambd)[0].run(backend="sympy_unitary")
    expected_1 = Circuit().rz(lambd)[0].run_with_sympy_unitary()
    assert simplify(actual_1 - expected_1) == zeros(2)
 def external_outputs(self):
     """SymPy dx1-matrix: Return the vector of external outputs."""
     o = zeros(self.nr_pools, 1)
     for k, val in self.output_fluxes.items():
         o[k] = val
     return o
예제 #46
    print "\n\nTesting unknown(symbol) (one-arg form)"
    print "Unknown a: ",   ua.symbol
    fs = ' unknown object element "solved" FAIL'
    assert(ua.solved == False), fs
    print "a is solved: ", ua.solved , ' (Expect False)'
    print "Unknown b: ",   ub.symbol
    ub.solved = True
    print "b is solved: ", ub.solved, ' (Expect True)'
    assert(ub.solved == True), fs

      ##Test matrix_equation class

    print "\n\nTesting matrix_equation(T1,T2) class"
    T1 = ik_lhs()
    T2 = sp.zeros(5)
    T2[1,1] = a   # note: a = atan2(b,c) above
    T2[1,2] = a+b
    T2[2,2] = sp.sin(c)
    T2[2,3] = l_1*sp.sin(d) + 2*l_2*sp.cos(d)
    T2[3,1] = c+sp.cos(c)*l_1


    tme = kc.matrix_equation(T1,T2)
    print ''
    print "Mat eqn 1,2: ", tme.Td[1,2], " '=' ", tme.Ts[1,2], "(not a kequation type!)"
    print ''

    sp.var('e22 ')
예제 #47
def timeit_Matrix_zeronm():
    zeros(100, 100)
def test_subs_Matrix():
    z = zeros(2)
    assert (x * y).subs({x: z, y: 0}) == z
    assert (x * y).subs({y: z, x: 0}) == 0
    assert (x * y).subs({y: z, x: 0}, simultaneous=True) == z
    assert (x + y).subs({x: z, y: z}) == z
예제 #49
    def _form_frstar(self, bl):
        """Form the generalized inertia force.

        Computes the vector of the generalized inertia force vector.
        Used to compute E.o.M. in the form Fr + Fr* = 0.


        bl : list
            A list of all RigidBody's and Particle's in the system.


        if not isinstance(bl, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Bodies must be supplied in a list.')
        if self._fr == None:
            raise ValueError('Calculate Fr first, please.')
        t = dynamicsymbols._t
        N = self._inertial
        self._bodylist = bl
        u = self._u  # all speeds
        udep = self._udep  # dependent speeds
        o = len(u)
        p = o - len(udep)
        udot = self._udot
        udotzero = dict(zip(udot, [0] * len(udot)))
        uaux = self._uaux
        uauxdot = [diff(i, t) for i in uaux]
        # dictionary of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uaz = dict(zip(uaux, [0] * len(uaux)))
        # dictionary of derivatives of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uadz = dict(zip(uauxdot, [0] * len(uauxdot)))

        # Form R*, T* for each body or particle in the list
        # This is stored as a list of tuples [(r*, t*),...]
        # Each tuple is for a body or particle
        # Within each rs is a tuple and ts is a tuple
        # These have the same structure: ([list], value)
        # The list is the coefficients of rs/ts wrt udots, value is everything
        # else in the expression
        # Partial velocities are stored as a list of tuple; a tuple for each
        # body
        # Each tuple has two elements, lists which represent the partial
        # velocity for each ur; The first list is translational partial
        # velocities, the second list is rotational translational velocities
        MM = zeros(o, o)
        nonMM = zeros(o, 1)
        rsts = []
        partials = []
        for i, v in enumerate(bl):  # go through list of bodies, particles
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                om = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)  # ang velocity
                omp = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N)  # ang velocity, for partials
                alp = v.frame.ang_acc_in(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)  # ang acc
                ve = v.masscenter.vel(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)  # velocity
                vep = v.masscenter.vel(N)  # velocity, for partials
                acc = v.masscenter.acc(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)  # acceleration
                m = (v.mass).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                I, P = v.inertia
                I = I.subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                if P != v.masscenter:
                    # redefine I about the center of mass
                    # have I S/O, want I S/S*
                    # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
                    f = v.frame
                    d = v.masscenter.pos_from(P)
                    I -= inertia_of_point_mass(m, d, f)
                templist = []
                # One could think of r star as a collection of coefficients of
                # the udots plus another term. What we do here is get all of
                # these coefficients and store them in a list, then we get the
                # "other" term and put the list and other term in a tuple, for
                # each body/particle. The same is done for t star. The reason
                # for this is to not let the expressions get too large; so we
                # keep them seperate for as long a possible
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-m * acc.diff(w, N))
                other = -m.diff(t) * ve - m * acc.subs(udotzero)
                rs = (templist, other)
                templist = []
                # see above note
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-I & alp.diff(w, N))
                other = -((I.dt(v.frame) & om) + (I & alp.subs(udotzero)) +
                          (om ^ (I & om)))
                ts = (templist, other)
                tl1 = []
                tl2 = []
                # calculates the partials only once and stores them for later
                for j, w in enumerate(u):
                    tl1.append(vep.diff(w, N))
                    tl2.append(omp.diff(w, N))
                partials.append((tl1, tl2))

            elif isinstance(v, Particle):
                ve = v.point.vel(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                vep = v.point.vel(N)
                acc = v.point.acc(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                m = v.mass.subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                templist = []
                # see above note
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-m * acc.diff(w, N))
                other = -m.diff(t) * ve - m * acc.subs(udotzero)
                rs = (templist, other)
                # We make an empty t star here so that way the later code
                # doesn't care whether its operating on a body or particle
                ts = ([0] * len(u), 0)
                tl1 = []
                tl2 = []
                # calculates the partials only once, makes 0's for angular
                # partials so the later code is body/particle indepedent
                for j, w in enumerate(u):
                    tl1.append(vep.diff(w, N))
                partials.append((tl1, tl2))
                raise TypeError('The body list needs RigidBody or '
                                'Particle as list elements.')
            rsts.append((rs, ts))

        # Use R*, T* and partial velocities to form FR*
        FRSTAR = zeros(o, 1)
        # does this for each body in the list
        for i, v in enumerate(rsts):
            rs, ts = v  # unpact r*, t*
            vps, ops = partials[i]  # unpack vel. partials, ang. vel. partials
            # Computes the mass matrix entries from r*, there are from the list
            # in the rstar tuple
            ii = 0
            for x in vps:
                for w in rs[0]:
                    MM[ii] += w & x
                    ii += 1
            # Computes the mass matrix entries from t*, there are from the list
            # in the tstar tuple
            ii = 0
            for x in ops:
                for w in ts[0]:
                    MM[ii] += w & x
                    ii += 1
            # Non mass matrix entries from rstar, from the other in the rstar
            # tuple
            for j, w in enumerate(vps):
                nonMM[j] += w & rs[1]
            # Non mass matrix entries from tstar, from the other in the tstar
            # tuple
            for j, w in enumerate(ops):
                nonMM[j] += w & ts[1]
        FRSTAR = MM * Matrix(udot) + nonMM

        # For motion constraints, m is the number of constraints
        # Really, one should just look at Kane's book for descriptions of this
        # process
        if len(self._udep) != 0:
            FRSTARtilde = FRSTAR.extract(range(p), [0])
            FRSTARold = FRSTAR.extract(range(p, o), [0])
            FRSTARtilde += self._Ars.T * FRSTARold
            FRSTAR = FRSTARtilde

            MMi = MM.extract(range(p), range(o))
            MMd = MM.extract(range(p, o), range(o))
            MM = MMi + self._Ars.T * MMd
        self._frstar = FRSTAR

        zeroeq = self._fr + self._frstar
        zeroeq = zeroeq.subs(udotzero)

        self._k_d = MM
        self._f_d = zeroeq
        return FRSTAR
예제 #50
   def tick(self, tick):
    test_number = tick.blackboard.get('test_number')
    assert(test_number in [1, 2]), ' BAD TEST NUMBER'
    if(test_number == 1):
        # set up bb data for testing  
        Td = ik_lhs()      # basic LHS template for TEST
        Ts = sp.zeros(4)
        Td[0,3] =  sp.cos(th_1)*Px + sp.sin(th_1)*Py
        Ts[0,3] =  a_3*sp.cos(th_23) - d_4*sp.sin(th_23) + a_2 * sp.cos(th_2)

        Td[2,3] =  -Pz
        Ts[2,3] =  a_3*sp.sin(th_23) + d_4*sp.cos(th_23) + a_2 * sp.sin(th_2)
        testm = matrix_equation(Td,Ts)        
        R = Robot()
        R.mequation_list = [testm]
        ud1  = unknown(th_1)
        uth2 = unknown(th_2)
        uth3 = unknown(th_3)
        uth23 = unknown(th_23)
        uth4 = unknown(th_4)
        uth5 = unknown(th_5)
        variables = [ud1, uth2, uth23, uth3, uth4, uth5]
        R.generate_solution_nodes(variables)        #for the solution graph
        ud1.nsolutions = 1
        ud1.set_solved(R,variables)  # needed for this test
        #uth23.set_solved(R,variables)  # needed for this test
        R.sum_of_angles_transform(variables)        # should add th_23=th_2+th_3 to list
        [L1, L2, L3p] = R.scan_for_equations(variables)  # lists of 1unk and 2unk equations
        tick.blackboard.set('eqns_1u', L1)
        tick.blackboard.set('eqns_2u', L2)
        tick.blackboard.set('eqns_3pu', L3p)
        return b3.SUCCESS
    if(test_number == 2):              
        #   The famous Puma 560  (solved in Craig)
        robot = 'Puma'
        [dh_Puma560, vv_Puma,  params_puma, unk_Puma] = robot_params('Puma') 
        dh = dh_Puma560
        vv = vv_Puma
        variables = unk_Puma

        ################## (all robots) ######################
        ##  make sure each unknown knows its position (index)
        i = 0
        for u in variables :
            u.n = i

        print 'Testing x2z2solver with Puma Kinematics'
        # read kinematic model from pickle file / or compute it from scratch
        [M, R, variables ] = kinematics_pickle(robot, dh, params_puma, vv, variables )
        ##   check the pickle in case DH params were changed in robot_params making the 
        #       pickle obsolete.
        check_the_pickle(dh_Puma560, M.DH) 
        R.name = 'Puma x2z2 Test Robot' 
        # set th_1 to solved 
        variables [0].solutions.append(a_3)
        variables [0].nsolutions = 1
        variables [0].set_solved(R,variables )  # needed for this test
        R.sum_of_angles_transform(variables )        # should add th_23=th_2+th_3 to list
        [L1, L2, L3p] = R.scan_for_equations(variables )  # lists of 1unk and 2unk equations
        tick.blackboard.set('eqns_1u', L1)
        tick.blackboard.set('eqns_2u', L2)
        tick.blackboard.set('eqns_3pu', L3p)
        tick.blackboard.set('unknowns', variables )
        tick.blackboard.set('Robot', R)
        return b3.SUCCESS
예제 #51
import sympy as sp

T, tau = sp.symbols('T, tau')
sigma_a, sigma_b = sp.symbols('sigma_a, sigma_b')
shape = 4

A = sp.MatrixSymbol('A', shape, shape)
A = sp.Matrix([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
zeros = sp.zeros(shape, shape)
G = sp.MatrixSymbol('G', shape, shape)
G = sp.Matrix([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]])

D = sp.diag(*[sigma_a, sigma_b])

myvar = sp.exp((T - tau) * A) * G * D * G.T * sp.exp((T - tau) * A.T)
Q = sp.simplify(sp.integrate(myvar, (tau, 0, T)))

vanloan = sp.BlockMatrix([[-A, G * D * G.T], [zeros, A.T]]) * T
vanloan_exp = sp.exp(sp.Matrix(vanloan))
Q2 = vanloan_exp[shape:, shape:].T * vanloan_exp[:shape, shape:]
예제 #52
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(Config, self).__init__(N_JOINTS=1,

        self._T = {}  # dictionary for storing calculated transforms

        self.JOINT_NAMES = ['joint0']
        self.REST_ANGLES = np.array([np.pi / 2.0])

        # create the inertia matrices for each link
        self._M_LINKS.append(np.diag([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02,
                                      0.02]))  # link0

        # the joints don't weigh anything
        self._M_JOINTS = [sp.zeros(6, 6) for ii in range(self.N_JOINTS)]

        # segment lengths associated with each joint
        self.L = np.array([
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.05],  # from origin to l0 COM
            [0.0, 0.0, 0.05],  # from l0 COM to j0
            [0.22, 0.0, 0.0],  # from j0 to l1 COM
            [0.0, 0.0, .15]
        ])  # from l1 COM to EE

        # ---- Transform Matrices ----

        # Transform matrix : origin -> link 0
        # account for axes change and offsets
        self.Torgl0 = sp.Matrix([[1, 0, 0, self.L[0, 0]],
                                 [0, 1, 0, self.L[0, 1]],
                                 [0, 0, 1, self.L[0, 2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        # Transform matrix : link 0 -> joint 0
        # account for axes change and offsets
        self.Tl0j0 = sp.Matrix([[1, 0, 0, self.L[1, 0]],
                                [0, 0, -1, self.L[1, 1]],
                                [0, 1, 0, self.L[1, 2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        # Transform matrix : joint 0 -> link 1
        # account for rotation due to q
        self.Tj0l1a = sp.Matrix([[sp.cos(self.q[0]), -sp.sin(self.q[0]), 0, 0],
                                  sp.cos(self.q[0]), 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                                 [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        # account for change of axes and offsets
        self.Tj0l1b = sp.Matrix([[0, 0, 1, self.L[2, 0]],
                                 [0, 1, 0, self.L[2, 1]],
                                 [-1, 0, 0, self.L[2, 2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
        self.Tj0l1 = self.Tj0l1a * self.Tj0l1b

        # Transform matrix : link 1 -> end-effector
        self.Tl1ee = sp.Matrix([[1, 0, 0, self.L[3,
                                                 0]], [0, 1, 0, self.L[3, 1]],
                                [0, 0, 1, self.L[3, 2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        # orientation part of the Jacobian (compensating for angular velocity)
        self.J_orientation = [self._calc_T('joint0')[:3, :3] * self._KZ
                              ]  # joint 0 orientation
예제 #53
print 'Qb: ',Qb
QsT = Matrix([B.transpose(),\
Qs = QsT.transpose()
print 'Qs: ',Qs
print 'A: ',A
print 'B: ',B
print 'C: ',C

Nachweis der Steuerbarkeit des erweiterten Zustandsraummodells
Aquer = A.col_join(C).row_join(sp.zeros(5,1))
Bquer = B.col_join(sp.zeros(1,1))
Cquer = C.row_join(sp.zeros(1,1))

Übertragungsfunktion des Linearisierten Systems
G = C*(sp.eye(4)*s - A)**-1*B

# Steuerbarkeitsmatrix berechnen
n = 5
Qsquer = sp.Matrix()
for i in range(5):
    q = (Aquer**i)*Bquer
    if len(Qsquer) == 0:
예제 #54
    def __init__(self, scheme):
        # TODO: add source terms

        t, x, y, z = sp.symbols("t x y z", type='real')
        consm = list(scheme.consm.keys())
        nconsm = len(scheme.consm)

        self.consm = sp.Matrix(consm)
        self.dim = scheme.dim

        space = [x, y, z]

        LA = scheme.symb_la
        if not LA:
            LA = scheme.la

        func = []
        for i in range(nconsm):
            func.append(sp.Function('f{}'.format(i))(t, x, y, z))  #pylint: disable=not-callable
        func = sp.Matrix(func)

        sublist = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(consm, func)]
        sublist_inv = [(j, i) for i, j in zip(consm, func)]

        eq_func = sp.Matrix(scheme.EQ[nconsm:]).subs(sublist)
        s = sp.Matrix(scheme.s[nconsm:])

        all_vel = scheme.stencil.get_all_velocities()

        Lambda = []
        for i in range(all_vel.shape[1]):
            vd = LA * sp.diag(*all_vel[:, i])
            Lambda.append(scheme.M * vd * scheme.invM)

        phi1 = sp.zeros(s.shape[0], 1)  #pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
        sigma = sp.diag(*s).inv() - sp.eye(len(s)) / 2
        gamma_1 = sp.zeros(nconsm, 1)

        self.coeff_order1 = []
        for dim, lambda_ in enumerate(Lambda):
            A, B = sp.Matrix([lambda_[:nconsm, :nconsm]
                              ]), sp.Matrix([lambda_[:nconsm, nconsm:]])
            C, D = sp.Matrix([lambda_[nconsm:, :nconsm]
                              ]), sp.Matrix([lambda_[nconsm:, nconsm:]])

            self.coeff_order1.append(A * func + B * eq_func)
            alltogether(self.coeff_order1[-1], nsimplify=True)
            for i in range(nconsm):
                gamma_1[i] += sp.Derivative(self.coeff_order1[-1][i],

            dummy = -C * func - D * eq_func
            alltogether(dummy, nsimplify=True)
            for i in range(dummy.shape[0]):
                phi1[i] += sp.Derivative(dummy[i], space[dim])

        self.coeff_order2 = [[sp.zeros(nconsm) for _ in range(scheme.dim)]
                             for _ in range(scheme.dim)]

        for dim, lambda_ in enumerate(Lambda):
            A, B = sp.Matrix([lambda_[:nconsm, :nconsm]
                              ]), sp.Matrix([lambda_[:nconsm, nconsm:]])

            meq = sp.Matrix(scheme.EQ[nconsm:])
            jac = meq.jacobian(consm)
            jac = jac.subs(sublist)
            delta1 = jac * gamma_1

            phi1_ = phi1 + delta1
            sphi1 = B * sigma * phi1_
            sphi1 = sphi1.doit()
            alltogether(sphi1, nsimplify=True)

            for i in range(scheme.dim):
                for jc in range(nconsm):
                    for ic in range(nconsm):
                            ic, jc] += sphi1[ic].expand().coeff(
                                sp.Derivative(func[jc], space[i]))

        for ic, c in enumerate(self.coeff_order1):
            self.coeff_order1[ic] = c.subs(sublist_inv).doit()

        for ic, c in enumerate(self.coeff_order2):
            for jc, cc in enumerate(c):
                self.coeff_order2[ic][jc] = cc.subs(sublist_inv).doit()
예제 #55
def generate_symbolic_model(T, U, tt, F, simplify=True, **kwargs):
    T:          kinetic energy
    U:          potential energy
    tt:         sequence of independent deflection variables ("theta")
    F:          external forces
    simplify:   determines whether the equations of motion should be simplified

    kwargs: optional assumptions like 'real=True'
    n = len(tt)

    for theta_i in tt:
        assert isinstance(theta_i, sp.Symbol)

    F = sp.Matrix(F)

    if F.shape[0] == 1:
        # convert to column vector
        F = F.T
    if not F.shape == (n, 1):
        msg = "Vector of external forces has the wrong length. Should be " + \
        str(n) + " but is %i!"  % F.shape[0]
        raise ValueError(msg)

    # introducing symbols for the derivatives
    tt = sp.Matrix(tt)
    ttd = st.time_deriv(tt, tt, **kwargs)
    ttdd = st.time_deriv(tt, tt, order=2, **kwargs)

    #Lagrange function
    L = T - U

    if not T.atoms().intersection(ttd) == set(ttd):
        raise ValueError('Not all velocity symbols do occur in T')

    # partial derivatives of L
    L_diff_tt = st.jac(L, tt)
    L_diff_ttd = st.jac(L, ttd)

    #prov_deriv_symbols = [ttd, ttdd]

    # time-depended_symbols
    tds = list(tt) + list(ttd)
    L_diff_ttd_dt = st.time_deriv(L_diff_ttd, tds, **kwargs)

    #lagrange equation 2nd kind
    model_eq = sp.zeros(n, 1)
    for i in range(n):
        model_eq[i] = L_diff_ttd_dt[i] - L_diff_tt[i] - F[i]

    # create object of model
    mod = SymbolicModel()  # model_eq, qs, f, D)
    mod.eqns = model_eq

    mod.extforce_list = F
    reduced_F = sp.Matrix([s for s in F if st.is_symbol(s)])
    mod.F = reduced_F
    mod.tau = reduced_F

    # coordinates velocities and accelerations
    mod.tt = tt
    mod.ttd = ttd
    mod.ttdd = ttdd

    mod.qs = tt
    mod.qds = ttd
    mod.qdds = ttdd

    # also store kinetic and potential energy
    mod.T = T
    mod.U = U

    if simplify:

    return mod
예제 #56
def python_string_to_sympy(string_expression: tuple_of(str), x_symb: (Matrix, MatrixSymbol, None), mu_symb: (Matrix, MatrixSymbol, None)):
    sympy_expression = zeros(len(string_expression), 1)
    for (i, si) in enumerate(string_expression):
        sympy_expression[i] = sympify(si, locals={"x": x_symb, "mu": mu_symb})
    return ImmutableMatrix(sympy_expression)
예제 #57
def mat_zeros(dim):
    return zeros(dim)
예제 #58
            U[:, i], X[:, i] = u0[0:nu].transpose(), x0.transpose()
            u = self.optimise(
            u0 = u
            u = u[0:nu].reshape(nu, -1)
            x0 = x0.reshape(len(x0), -1)
            x0 = self.A @ x0 + self.B @ u
        return X, U

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mpc = mpc_opt()
    pos = sp.zeros(3, len(mpc.t))
    x0, u0, = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0]]), np.array([[0.4], [0.2]])

    cg = mpc.cost_gradient(np.tile(u0, (mpc.N, 1)), x0, 1)
    cons = mpc.constraints(np.tile(u0, (mpc.N, 1)), x0, 1)

    X, U = mpc.get_state_and_input(u0, x0)

    plt.plot(X[0, :], '--r')
    plt.plot(X[1, :], '--b')
    plt.plot(X[2, :], '--g')
    # plt.ylim(-2, 2)
예제 #59
                NormalSlave = custom_sympy_fe_utilities.DefineDofDependencyMatrix(
                    NormalSlave, u1_var)
            DOperator = custom_sympy_fe_utilities.DefineDofDependencyMatrix(
                DOperator, u12_var)
            MOperator = custom_sympy_fe_utilities.DefineDofDependencyMatrix(
                MOperator, u12_var)

            # Defining the normal NormalGap
            Dx1Mx2 = DOperator * x1 - MOperator * x2
            Dw1Mw2 = DOperator * w1 - MOperator * w2

            for node in range(nnodes):
                NormalGap[node] = -Dx1Mx2.row(node).dot(NormalSlave.row(node))

            # Define dofs & test function vector
            dofs = sympy.Matrix(sympy.zeros(number_dof, 1))
            testfunc = sympy.Matrix(sympy.zeros(number_dof, 1))
            count = 0
            for i in range(0, nnodes_master):
                for k in range(0, dim):
                    dofs[count] = u2[i, k]
                    testfunc[count] = w2[i, k]
                    count += 1
            for i in range(0, nnodes):
                for k in range(0, dim):
                    dofs[count] = u1[i, k]
                    testfunc[count] = w1[i, k]
                    count += 1
            for i in range(0, nnodes):
                dofs[count] = LMNormal[i]
                testfunc[count] = wLMNormal[i]
예제 #60
def parse_dynare_text(txt, add_model=True, full_output=False, debug=False):
    Imports the content of a modfile into the current interpreter scope
    # here we call "instruction group", a string finishing by a semicolon
    # an "instruction group" can have several lines
    # a line can be
    # - a comment //...
    # - an old-style tag //$...
    # - a new-style tag [key1='value1',..]
    # - macro-instruction @#...
    # A Modfile contains several blocks (in this order) :
    # - an initblock defining variables, exovariables, parameters, initialization
    #   inside the initblock the order of declaration doesn't matter
    # - a model block with two special lines (model; end;)
    # - optional blocks (like endval, shocks)
    #    seperated by free matlab instructions in any order;
    # - all other instructions are ignored

    otxt = txt
    otxt = otxt.replace("\r\n", "\n")
    otxt = otxt.replace("^", "**")

    # first, we remove end-of-line comments : they are definitely lost
    regex = re.compile("(.+)//[^#](.*)")

    def remove_end_comment(line):
        res = regex.search(line)
        if res:
            l = res.groups(1)[0]
            return (l)
            return line

    txt = str.join("\n", map(remove_end_comment, otxt.split("\n")))

    name_regex = re.compile("//\s*fname\s*=\s*'(.*)'")
    m = name_regex.search(txt)
    if m:
        fname = m.group(1)
        fname = None

    instruction_groups = [Instruction_group(s) for s in txt.split(";")]

    instructions = [ig.instruction for ig in instruction_groups]

    if debug:
        print('Elementary instructions')
        for i in instruction_groups:

        imodel = [
            re.compile('model(\(.*\)|)').match(e) is not None
            for e in instructions
        imodel = imodel.index(True)
        #imodel = instructions.index("model") #this doesn't work for "MODEL"
        iend = instructions.index("end")
        model_block = instruction_groups[imodel:(iend + 1)]
        init_block = instruction_groups[0:imodel]
        raise Exception('Model block could not be found.')

    next_instructions = instructions[(iend + 1):]
    next_instruction_groups = instruction_groups[(iend + 1):]

    if 'initval' in next_instructions:
        iinitval = next_instructions.index('initval')
        iend = next_instructions.index('end', iinitval)
        matlab_block_1 = next_instruction_groups[0:iinitval]
        initval_block = next_instruction_groups[iinitval:(iend + 1)]
        next_instruction_groups = next_instruction_groups[(iend + 1):]
        next_instructions = next_instructions[(iend + 1):]
        initval_block = None
        matlab_block_1 = None

    if 'endval' in next_instructions:
        iendval = next_instructions.index('endval')
        iend = next_instructions.index('end', iendval)
        matlab_block_2 = next_instruction_groups[0:iendval]
        endval_block = next_instruction_groups[iendval:(iend + 1)]
        next_instruction_groups = next_instruction_groups[(iend + 1):]
        next_instructions = next_instructions[(iend + 1):]
        endval_block = None
        matlab_block_2 = None

    # TODO : currently shocks block needs to follow initval, this restriction should be removed
    if 'shocks' in next_instructions:
        ishocks = next_instructions.index('shocks')
        iend = next_instructions.index('end', ishocks)
        matlab_block_3 = next_instruction_groups[0:ishocks]
        shocks_block = next_instruction_groups[ishocks:(iend + 1)]
        next_instruction_groups = next_instruction_groups[(iend + 1):]
        next_instructions = next_instructions[(iend + 1):]
        shocks_block = None
        matlab_block_3 = None

        init_regex = re.compile("(parameters |var |varexo |)(.*)")
        var_names = []
        varexo_names = []
        parameters_names = []
        declarations = {}
        for ig in init_block:
            if ig.instruction != '':
                m = init_regex.match(ig.instruction)
                if not m:
                    raise Exception("Unexpected instruction in init block : " +
                if m.group(1) == '':
                    [lhs, rhs] = m.group(2).split("=")
                    lhs = lhs.strip()
                    rhs = rhs.strip()
                    declarations[lhs] = rhs
                    arg = m.group(2).replace(",", " ")
                    names = [vn.strip() for vn in arg.split()]
                    if m.group(1).strip() == 'var':
                        dest = var_names
                    elif m.group(1).strip() == 'varexo':
                        dest = varexo_names
                    elif m.group(1).strip() == 'parameters':
                        dest = parameters_names
                    for n in names:
                        if not n in dest:
                            raise Exception(
                                "symbol %s has already been defined".format(n))
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception('Init block could not be read : ' + str(e))
    # the following instruction set the variables "variables","shocks","parameters"

    variables = []
    for vn in var_names:
        v = Variable(vn)

    shocks = []
    for vn in varexo_names:
        s = Shock(vn)

    parameters = []
    for vn in parameters_names:
        p = Parameter(vn)

    parse_dict = dict()
    for v in variables + shocks + parameters:
        parse_dict[v.name] = v

    special_symbols = [
        sympy.exp, sympy.log, sympy.sin, sympy.cos, sympy.atan, sympy.tan
    for s in special_symbols:
        parse_dict[str(s)] = s
    parse_dict['sqrt'] = sympy.sqrt

    # Read parameters values
    parameters_values = {}
    for p in declarations:
            rhs = eval(declarations[p], parse_dict)
        except Exception as e:
            Exception("Impossible to evaluate parameter value : " + str(e))
            lhs = eval(p, parse_dict)
        except Exception as e:
            # here we could declare p
            raise e
        parameters_values[lhs] = rhs

    # Now we read the model block
    model_tags = model_block[0].tags
    equations = []
    for ig in model_block[1:-1]:
        if ig.instruction != '':
            teq = ig.instruction.replace('^', "**")
            if '=' in teq:
                teqlhs, teqrhs = teq.split("=")
                teqlhs = teq
                teqrhs = '0'
            eqlhs = eval(teqlhs, parse_dict)
            eqrhs = eval(teqrhs, parse_dict)
            eq = Equation(eqlhs, eqrhs)
            #        if eq.tags.has_key('name'):
            #            eq.tags[] = ig.tags['name']

    # Now we read the initval block
    init_values = {}
    if initval_block != None:
        for ig in initval_block[1:-1]:
            if len(ig.instruction.strip()) > 0:
                    [lhs, rhs] = ig.instruction.split("=")
                except Exception as e:
                    raise e
                init_values[eval(lhs, parse_dict)] = eval(rhs, parse_dict)

    # Now we read the endval block
    # I don't really care about the endval block !

    end_values = {}
    if endval_block != None:
        for ig in endval_block[1:-1]:
            [lhs, rhs] = ig.instruction.split("=")
            end_values[eval(lhs)] = eval(rhs)

    # Now we read the shocks block
    covariances = None
    if shocks_block != None:
        covariances = sympy.zeros(len(shocks))
        regex1 = re.compile("var (.*?),(.*?)=(.*)|var (.*?)=(.*)")
        for ig in shocks_block[1:-1]:
            m = regex1.match(ig.instruction)
            if not m:
                raise Exception("unrecognized instruction in block shocks : " +
            if m.group(1) != None:
                varname1 = m.group(1).strip()
                varname2 = m.group(2).strip()
                value = m.group(3).strip().replace("^", "**")
            elif m.group(4) != None:
                varname1 = m.group(4).strip()
                varname2 = varname1
                value = m.group(5).strip().replace("^", "**")
            i = varexo_names.index(varname1)
            j = varexo_names.index(varname2)
            covariances[i, j] = eval(value, parse_dict)
            covariances[j, i] = eval(value, parse_dict)

    calibration = {}
    symbols = {
        'variables': variables,
        'shocks': shocks,
        'parameters': parameters

    from trash.dolo.symbolic.model import SModel
    model = SModel({'dynare_block': equations}, symbols, calibration,
    return model