예제 #1
    def __init__(self,
                 n: int,
                 r: Callable,
                 obstacle: Union[np.ndarray, Callable] = None,
                 need_hessian: bool = True) -> None:
        super().__init__(n, r, obstacle)

        _, grad_expression, hessian_expression = get_symbolic_exp(
            get_aim_func(self.n, self.get_height,
                         get_cal_area_func(sympy_sqrt)), self.dim,

        print('Start evaling the gradient expression...')
        start = time.time()
        grad_strs = str(Array(grad_expression)[0])
        self._cal_gradient = eval('lambda x:' + grad_strs)
        end = time.time()
        end_sep = '' if need_hessian else '\n'
            f'time cost in evaling gradient: {round(end - start, 3)} second(s){end_sep}'

        if need_hessian:
            print('Start evaling hessian expression...')
            start = time.time()
            hessian_strs = str(Array(hessian_expression))
            self._cal_hessian = eval('lambda x:' + hessian_strs)
            end = time.time()
                f'time cost in evaling hessian: {round(end - start, 3)} second(s)\n'
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, syms_arr, exprs_arr, syms=None, exprs=None):
        for sym_arr in syms_arr:
            assert (isinstance(sym_arr, _np.array))
            assert (sym_arr.ndim == 1)
        for expr_arr in exprs_arr:
            assert (isinstance(expr_arr, _np.array))
            assert (expr_arr.shape == tuple(sym_arr.size
                                            for sym_arr in syms_arr))
        self._syms_arr = list(syms_arr)
        self._exprs_arr = list(exprs_arr)

        from sympy import Array, oo
        if exprs is not None:
            if not isinstance(exprs, list) and not isinstance(exprs, Array):
                raise ValueError(
                    "The ctor arg of GeometryMap -- exprs -- should be a list of sympy expressions."
            self._exprs = Array(exprs)
            self._exprs = Array([None] * len(exprs_arr))

        # if not isinstance(syms, list):
        #     raise ValueError("The ctor arg of GeometryMap -- syms -- should be a list of sympy variables, or a list of (sympy.Symbol, inf, sup)")
        self._syms = []
        for sym in syms:
            if isinstance(sym, tuple):
                assert (len(sym) == 3)
                self._syms.append((sym, -oo, +oo))
예제 #3
def test_TransformationMatrix_classmethod_new2old(cart2sph_matrix):
    obj = cart2sph_matrix

    cmp_array = Array([[1 / cos(q), 1 / sin(q)], [-1 / (p * sin(q)), 1 / (p * cos(q))]])
    zero_array = Array(np.zeros(shape=cmp_array.shape, dtype=int))

    assert simplify_sympy_array(cmp_array - obj) == zero_array
예제 #4
def geodesic_ncurve(surface: ParametricSurface, ic_uv, ic_uv_t, t1=5, dt=0.05):
    from sympy import lambdify
    from scipy.integrate import ode as sciode
    import numpy as np
    from sympy import symbols, Function, Array, tensorproduct, tensorcontraction
    t = symbols('t', real=True)
    u = Function(surface.sym(0), real=True)(t)
    v = Function(surface.sym(1), real=True)(t)

    second_term_tensor = tensorproduct(
            {surface.sym(0):u, surface.sym(1):v}),
        Array([u, v]).diff(t), 
        Array([u, v]).diff(t))
    second_term_tensor = tensorcontraction(second_term_tensor, (1, 3), (2, 4))

    u_t = Function(str(u)+'^{\prime}', real=True)(t)
    v_t = Function(str(v)+'^{\prime}', real=True)(t)
    lambdify_sympy = lambdify((u, u_t, v, v_t), [
        -second_term_tensor[0].subs({u.diff(t):u_t, v.diff(t):v_t}), 
        -second_term_tensor[1].subs({u.diff(t):u_t, v.diff(t):v_t})])
    x0, t0 = [ic_uv[0], ic_uv_t[0], ic_uv[1], ic_uv_t[1]], 0.0
    scioder = sciode(lambda t,X: lambdify_sympy(*X)).set_integrator('vode', method='bdf')
    scioder.set_initial_value(x0, t0)
    num_of_t = int(t1 / dt); # num_of_t
    u_arr = np.empty((num_of_t, 4)); u_arr[0] = x0
    t_arr = np.arange(num_of_t) * dt
    i = 0
    while scioder.successful() and i < num_of_t-1:
        i += 1
        u_arr[i] = scioder.integrate(scioder.t+dt)
    return t_arr, (u_arr[:, 0], u_arr[:, 2])
예제 #5
def test_array_expr_reshape():

    A = MatrixSymbol("A", 2, 2)
    B = ArraySymbol("B", (2, 2, 2))
    C = Array([1, 2, 3, 4])

    expr = Reshape(A, (4,))
    assert expr.expr == A
    assert expr.shape == (4,)
    assert expr.as_explicit() == Array([A[0, 0], A[0, 1], A[1, 0], A[1, 1]])

    expr = Reshape(B, (2, 4))
    assert expr.expr == B
    assert expr.shape == (2, 4)
    ee = expr.as_explicit()
    assert isinstance(ee, ImmutableDenseNDimArray)
    assert ee.shape == (2, 4)
    assert ee == Array([[B[0, 0, 0], B[0, 0, 1], B[0, 1, 0], B[0, 1, 1]], [B[1, 0, 0], B[1, 0, 1], B[1, 1, 0], B[1, 1, 1]]])

    expr = Reshape(A, (k, 2))
    assert expr.shape == (k, 2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Reshape(A, (2, 3)))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: Reshape(A, (3,)))

    expr = Reshape(C, (2, 2))
    assert expr.expr == C
    assert expr.shape == (2, 2)
    assert expr.doit() == Array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
예제 #6
def laplace0(rank0_):
    "Copied from Mathematica script"
    temp1 = Array([diff(rank0_, x) for x in xx])
    temp2 = Array([[
        diff(temp1[i], xx[k])
        - sum([Gamma[sigma, i, k] * temp1[sigma] for sigma in range(dim)]) for k in range(dim)
    ] for i in range(dim)])
    return simplify(sum([g_inv[k, k] * temp2[k, k] for k in range(dim)]))
예제 #7
        def __init__(self, deg, basis_type):
            deg = int(deg)
            if basis_type == 'L':  #1D Lagrange basis of degree deg
                z = Symbol('z')
                Xi = np.linspace(-1, 1, deg + 1)

                def lag_basis(k):
                    n = 1.
                    for i in range(len(Xi)):
                        if k != i:
                            n *= (z - Xi[i]) / (Xi[k] - Xi[i])
                    return n

                N = Array([simplify(lag_basis(m)) for m in range(deg + 1)])
                dfN = diff(N, z) + 1.e-25 * N
                self.Ns = lambdify(z, N, 'numpy')
                self.dN = lambdify(z, dfN, 'numpy')
                self.enrich = enrch
            elif basis_type == 'M':  #1D Legendre Polynomials (Fischer calls this spectral)
                z = Symbol('z')
                x = Symbol('x')

                def gen_legendre_basis(n):
                    if n == -2:
                        return (1 - 1 * z) / 2
                    elif n == -1:
                        return (1 + 1 * z) / 2
                        return ((2 * (n + 3) - 3) / 2.)**0.5 * integrate(
                            legendre((n + 1), x), (x, -1, z))

                N = Array([gen_legendre_basis(i - 2) for i in range(deg + 1)])
                N2 = N.tolist()
                N2[-1] = N[1]
                N2[1] = N[-1]
                N = Array(N2)
                dfN = diff(N, z) + 1.e-25 * N
                #            print(N)
                self.Ns = lambdify(z, N, 'numpy')
                self.dN = lambdify(z, dfN, 'numpy')
                self.enrich = enrch
            elif basis_type == 'G':  #1D GFEM Functions (degree denotes the total approximation space)
                z = Symbol('z')
                Xi = np.linspace(-1, 1, deg + 1)

                def lag_basis(k):
                    n = 1.
                    for i in range(len(Xi)):
                        if k != i:
                            n *= (z - Xi[i]) / (Xi[k] - Xi[i])
                    return n

                N = Array([simplify(lag_basis(m)) for m in range(deg + 1)])
                dfN = diff(N, z) + 1.e-25 * N
                self.Ns = lambdify(z, N, 'numpy')
                self.dN = lambdify(z, dfN, 'numpy')
                self.enrich = enrch  #Enrichment order corresponding to GFEM shape functions
                raise Exception('Element type not implemented yet')
예제 #8
def test_TransformationMatrix_inv_function(cart2sph_matrix):
    assert cart2sph_matrix._inv is None

    obj = cart2sph_matrix.inv()
    assert cart2sph_matrix._inv is not None

    obj = cart2sph_matrix.inv()

    cmp_array = Array([[cos(q), sin(q)], [-1 * p * sin(q), p * cos(q)]])
    zero_array = Array(np.zeros(shape=cmp_array.shape, dtype=int))

    assert simplify_sympy_array(cmp_array - obj) == zero_array
예제 #9
def test_array_expr_as_explicit_with_explicit_component_arrays():
    # Test if .as_explicit() works with explicit-component arrays
    # nested in array expressions:
    from sympy.abc import x, y, z, t
    A = Array([[x, y], [z, t]])
    assert ArrayTensorProduct(A, A).as_explicit() == tensorproduct(A, A)
    assert ArrayDiagonal(A, (0, 1)).as_explicit() == tensordiagonal(A, (0, 1))
    assert ArrayContraction(A, (0, 1)).as_explicit() == tensorcontraction(A, (0, 1))
    assert ArrayAdd(A, A).as_explicit() == A + A
    assert ArrayElementwiseApplyFunc(sin, A).as_explicit() == A.applyfunc(sin)
    assert PermuteDims(A, [1, 0]).as_explicit() == permutedims(A, [1, 0])
    assert Reshape(A, [4]).as_explicit() == A.reshape(4)
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, ref_el, degree):
        if degree < 1:
            raise Exception("Trimmed Serendipity_k edge elements only valid for k >= 1")

        flat_el = flatten_reference_cube(ref_el)
        dim = flat_el.get_spatial_dimension()
        if dim != 2:
            if dim != 3:
                raise Exception("Trimmed Serendipity_k edge elements only valid for dimensions 2 and 3")

        verts = flat_el.get_vertices()

        dx = ((verts[-1][0] - x)/(verts[-1][0] - verts[0][0]), (x - verts[0][0])/(verts[-1][0] - verts[0][0]))
        dy = ((verts[-1][1] - y)/(verts[-1][1] - verts[0][1]), (y - verts[0][1])/(verts[-1][1] - verts[0][1]))
        x_mid = 2*x-(verts[-1][0] + verts[0][0])
        y_mid = 2*y-(verts[-1][1] + verts[0][1])
            dz = ((verts[-1][2] - z)/(verts[-1][2] - verts[0][2]), (z - verts[0][2])/(verts[-1][2] - verts[0][2]))
            z_mid = 2*z-(verts[-1][2] + verts[0][2])
        except IndexError:
            dz = None
            z_mid = None

        if dim == 2:
            EL = e_lambda_1_2d_part_one(degree, dx, dy, x_mid, y_mid)
            EL = e_lambda_1_3d_trimmed(degree, dx, dy, dz, x_mid, y_mid, z_mid)
        if degree >= 2:
            if dim == 2:
                FL = trimmed_f_lambda_2d(degree, dx, dy, x_mid, y_mid)
                FL = f_lambda_1_3d_trimmed(degree, dx, dy, dz, x_mid, y_mid, z_mid)
            FL = ()
        if dim == 3:
            if degree >= 4:
                IL = I_lambda_1_3d(degree, dx, dy, dz, x_mid, y_mid, z_mid) + I_lambda_1_tilde_3d(degree, dx, dy,
                                                                                                  dz, x_mid,
                                                                                                  y_mid, z_mid)
                IL = ()

        Sminus_list = EL + FL
        if dim == 3:
            Sminus_list = Sminus_list + IL

        if dim == 2:
            self.basis = {(0, 0): Array(Sminus_list)}
            self.basis = {(0, 0, 0): Array(Sminus_list)}
        super(TrimmedSerendipityEdge, self).__init__(ref_el=ref_el, degree=degree, mapping="covariant piola")
예제 #11
 def Ejp(x, xalph, halph, enrich):
     z = Symbol('z')
     N = Array([((z - xalph) / halph)**n + 1.e-26 * (z - xalph) / halph
                for n in range(enrich + 1)
                ])  #shape consistency take E_o = 1
     dfN = lambdify(z, diff(N, z) + 1.e-26 * N, 'numpy')  #shape consistency
     return dfN(x)
예제 #12
    def __init__(self, ref_el, degree):
        if degree < 1:
            raise Exception("Trimmed serendipity face elements only valid for k >= 1")

        flat_el = flatten_reference_cube(ref_el)
        dim = flat_el.get_spatial_dimension()
        if dim != 2:
            raise Exception("Trimmed serendipity face elements only valid for dimensions 2")

        verts = flat_el.get_vertices()

        dx = ((verts[-1][0] - x)/(verts[-1][0] - verts[0][0]), (x - verts[0][0])/(verts[-1][0] - verts[0][0]))
        dy = ((verts[-1][1] - y)/(verts[-1][1] - verts[0][1]), (y - verts[0][1])/(verts[-1][1] - verts[0][1]))
        x_mid = 2*x-(verts[-1][0] + verts[0][0])
        y_mid = 2*y-(verts[-1][1] + verts[0][1])

        EL = e_lambda_1_2d_part_one(degree, dx, dy, x_mid, y_mid)
        if degree >= 2:
            FL = trimmed_f_lambda_2d(degree, dx, dy, x_mid, y_mid)
            FL = ()

        Sminus_list = EL + FL
        Sminus_list = [[-a[1], a[0]] for a in Sminus_list]
        self.basis = {(0, 0): Array(Sminus_list)}
        super(TrimmedSerendipityFace, self).__init__(ref_el=ref_el, degree=degree, mapping="contravariant piola")
예제 #13
 def Ej(x, xalph, halph, enrich):
     z = Symbol('z')
     N = Array([((z - xalph) / halph)**n + 1.e-26 * (z - xalph) / halph
                for n in range(enrich + 1)
                ])  #shape consistency take E_o = 1
     Nf = lambdify(z, N, 'numpy')
     return Nf(x)
예제 #14
def steepest_descent(f, alpha, max_iter, threshold, X0, *func_vars):
    """The steepest descent algorithm for numerically finding the minimum value of a function,
    based on the gradient of that function. It uses the gradient function (or the scalar derivative,
    if the function is single-valued) to determine the direction in which a function is decreasing most rapidly.
    Each successive iteration of the algorithm moves along this direction for a specified step size,
    and recomputes the gradient to determine the new direction to travel.

        f (function): function to minimize.
        alpha (float): learning rate.
        max_iter (int): the maximum number of iterations.
        threshold (float): whenever the computed "NEW POINT" [x1, x2, x3, ...] changes is
            less than threshold (sum of changes of all components), the function stops.
        X0 (array_like): an array like of initial point. For example if the function f is
            a two variable function, then initial point could be a tuple or list or array
            with length 2. e.g. X0 = [0, 0]
        *func_vars (sympy.Symbol): a list of function variables. the derivative of the function
            f will be computed with respect to these parameters.

        list: The history of X0, X1, X2, ..., xn. The first item is the initial point (X0)
            and the last one is the best point that minimizes the function f.

        >>> from sympy import symbols
        >>> def f1(x1, x2): return x1**2 + 25 * x2**2
        >>> x1, x2 = symbols('x1 x2')
        >>> alpha = 0.01
        >>> threshold = 0.001
        >>> X0 = [0.5, 0.5]
        >>> max_iter = 300
        >>> X = steepest_descent(f1, alpha, max_iter, threshold, X0, x1, x2)
        >>> print('First 5 points:\n', np.array(X[:5], dtype=np.float))
        First 5 points:
         [[0.5        0.5       ]
         [0.49       0.25      ]
         [0.4802     0.125     ]
         [0.470596   0.0625    ]
         [0.46118408 0.03125   ]]
        >>> print('Minimum point:\n', np.round(np.array(X[-1], dtype=np.float)))
        Minimum point:
         [0. 0.]
    grad = derive_by_array(f(*func_vars), func_vars)
    X0 = Array(
    )  # X0 should be an array to support subtraction (old_X - alpha * grad(f, old_X))
    X = [X0]  # list of history
    old_X = X0
    new_X = old_X - alpha * grad.xreplace(dict(zip(func_vars, old_X)))

    i = 1
    while np.sum(np.abs(new_X - old_X) > threshold) and i < max_iter:
        old_X = new_X
        new_X = old_X - alpha * grad.xreplace(dict(zip(func_vars, old_X)))
        i += 1

    return X
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, syms, exprs):
        from sympy import Array, oo
        if not isinstance(exprs, list) and not isinstance(exprs, Array):
            raise ValueError(
                "The ctor arg of GeometryMap -- exprs -- should be a list of sympy expressions."
        self._exprs = Array(exprs)

        # if not isinstance(syms, list):
        #     raise ValueError("The ctor arg of GeometryMap -- syms -- should be a list of sympy variables, or a list of (sympy.Symbol, inf, sup)")
        self._syms = []
        for sym in syms:
            if isinstance(sym, tuple):
                assert (len(sym) == 3)
                self._syms.append((sym, -oo, +oo))
예제 #16
    def __new__(cls, symbol, coords, matrix, **kwargs):
        Create a new Metric object.

        symbol : str
            Name of the tensor and the symbol to denote it by when printed.
        coords : iterable
            List of ~sympy.Symbol objects to denote the coordinates by which
            derivatives are taken with respect to.
        matrix : (list, tuple, ~sympy.Matrix, ~sympy.Array)
            Matrix representation of the tensor to be used in substitution.
            Can be of any type that is acceptable by ~sympy.Array.

        >>> from sympy import diag, symbols
        >>> from einsteinpy.symbolic.tensor import indices, expand_tensor
        >>> from einsteinpy.symbolic.metric import Metric
        >>> t, x, y, z = symbols('t x y z')
        >>> eta = Metric('eta', [t, x, y, z], diag(1, -1, -1, -1))
        >>> mu, nu = indices('mu nu', eta)
        >>> expr = eta(mu, nu) * eta(-mu, -nu)
        >>> expand_tensor(expr)

        array = Array(matrix)
        if array.rank() != 2 or array.shape[0] != array.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                "matrix must be square, received matrix of shape {}".format(
        obj = TensorIndexType.__new__(
            metric=cls._MetricId(symbol, False),
        obj = AbstractTensor.__new__(cls, obj, array)
        obj.metric = Tensor(obj.name, array, obj, covar=(-1, -1))
        obj.coords = tuple(coords)
        ReplacementManager[obj] = array
        return obj
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, ref_el, degree):
        if degree < 1:
            raise Exception("Trimmed serendipity face elements only valid for k >= 1")

        flat_el = flatten_reference_cube(ref_el)
        dim = flat_el.get_spatial_dimension()
        if dim != 2:
            if dim != 3:
                raise Exception("Trimmed serendipity face elements only valid for dimensions 2 and 3")

        verts = flat_el.get_vertices()
        dx = ((verts[-1][0] - x)/(verts[-1][0] - verts[0][0]), (x - verts[0][0])/(verts[-1][0] - verts[0][0]))
        dy = ((verts[-1][1] - y)/(verts[-1][1] - verts[0][1]), (y - verts[0][1])/(verts[-1][1] - verts[0][1]))
        x_mid = 2*x-(verts[-1][0] + verts[0][0])
        y_mid = 2*y-(verts[-1][1] + verts[0][1])
            dz = ((verts[-1][2] - z)/(verts[-1][2] - verts[0][2]), (z - verts[0][2])/(verts[-1][2] - verts[0][2]))
            z_mid = 2*z-(verts[-1][2] + verts[0][2])
        except IndexError:
            dz = None
            z_mid = None

        if dim == 3:
            FL = f_lambda_2_3d(degree, dx, dy, dz, x_mid, y_mid, z_mid)
            if (degree > 1):
                IL = I_lambda_2_3d(degree, dx, dy, dz, x_mid, y_mid, z_mid)
                IL = ()
            Sminus_list = FL + IL
            self.basis = {(0, 0, 0): Array(Sminus_list)}
            super(TrimmedSerendipityDiv, self).__init__(ref_el=ref_el, degree=degree, mapping="contravariant piola")

            # Put all 2 dimensional stuff here.
            if degree < 1:
                raise Exception("Trimmed serendipity face elements only valid for k >= 1")

            EL = e_lambda_1_2d_part_one(degree, dx, dy, x_mid, y_mid)
            if degree >= 2:
                FL = trimmed_f_lambda_2d(degree, dx, dy, x_mid, y_mid)
                FL = ()
            Sminus_list = EL + FL
            Sminus_list = [[-a[1], a[0]] for a in Sminus_list]
            self.basis = {(0, 0): Array(Sminus_list)}
            super(TrimmedSerendipityDiv, self).__init__(ref_el=ref_el, degree=degree, mapping="contravariant piola")
예제 #18
def test_Tensor():
    x, y, z = symbols("x y z")
    test_list = [[[x, y], [y, sin(2 * z) - 2 * sin(z) * cos(z)]], [[z ** 2, x], [y, z]]]
    test_arr = Array(test_list)
    obj1 = Tensor(test_arr)
    obj2 = Tensor(test_list)
    assert obj1.tensor() == obj2.tensor()
    assert isinstance(obj1.tensor(), Array)
예제 #19
def test_Tensor():
    from sympy.tensor.tensor import tensorsymmetry

    (coords, metric) = _generate_simple()
    T = Tensor("T", coords, metric)
    assert isinstance(T, TensorHead)
    assert T.as_array() == Array(coords)
    assert T.covar == (1,)
    assert T.symmetry == tensorsymmetry([1])
예제 #20
 def test_create_from_matrix(self):
     """Test creation from a matrix"""
     cs = coords.toroidal_coords(dim=2)
     a, b = symbols('a b')
     matrix = Array([[a, 0], [0, b]])
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
     g = metric.Metric(matrix=matrix, coord_system=cs)
     assert isinstance(g, metric.Metric)
예제 #21
def test_array_negative_indices():
    for ArrayType in array_types:
        test_array = ArrayType([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]])
        assert test_array[:, -1] == Array([5, 10])
        assert test_array[:, -2] == Array([4, 9])
        assert test_array[:, -3] == Array([3, 8])
        assert test_array[:, -4] == Array([2, 7])
        assert test_array[:, -5] == Array([1, 6])
        assert test_array[:, 0] == Array([1, 6])
        assert test_array[:, 1] == Array([2, 7])
        assert test_array[:, 2] == Array([3, 8])
        assert test_array[:, 3] == Array([4, 9])
        assert test_array[:, 4] == Array([5, 10])

        raises(ValueError, lambda: test_array[:, -6])
        raises(ValueError, lambda: test_array[-3, :])

        assert test_array[-1, -1] == 10
예제 #22
def get_symbolic_empirical_distribution_function(t_array):
    Возвращает символьное представление эмпирической функции
    :param t_array: исходные измерения
    :return: эмпирическая функция распределения
    ar = Array(t_array)
    n = len(t_array)
    i, x_arg = symbols("i x", integer=True)
    return (summation(Heaviside(x_arg - ar[i]), (i, 0, n - 1)) / n, x_arg)
예제 #23
def compute_Gamma(g_deriv, gUP):
    """Return Christoffel symbols
    g_derivT = Array([(g_deriv[:, :, i]).transpose() for i in range(4)])

    gUgd = tensorproduct(gUP, g_deriv)
    gUgdT = tensorproduct(gUP, g_derivT)

    return 1 / 2 * (tensorcontraction(gUgd, (1, 3)) + tensorcontraction(
        gUgdT, (1, 3)) - tensorcontraction(gUgd, (1, 2)))
예제 #24
    def __init__(self,deg,basis_type):
        deg = int(deg)
        from sympy import Symbol,diff,Array,lambdify,legendre,integrate,simplify,permutedims
        if basis_type == 'L':                                                  #1D Lagrange basis of degree deg
            def lag_basis(k):
                n = 1.
                for i in range(len(Xi)):
                    if k != i:
                        n *= (z-Xi[i])/(Xi[k]-Xi[i])
                return n
            N = Array([simplify(lag_basis(m)) for m in range(deg+1)])            
            dfN = diff(N,z)+1.e-25*N
#            if deg==2.:     # denotes the number of nodes 
#                N=1/2*Array([1-z,1+z])
#                dfN=diff(N,z)
#                self.Ns=lambdify(z,N,'numpy')
#                self.dN=lambdify(z,dfN,'numpy')
#            elif deg==3.:
#                N=1/2*Array([z*(z-1),2*(1+z)*(1-z),z*(1+z)])
#                dfN=diff(N,z)
#                self.Ns=lambdify(z,N,'numpy')
#                self.dN=lambdify(z,dfN,'numpy')
#            elif deg==4.:                                                     #not implemented yet. the no. of nodes change. define a general geom.nNnodes (?)
#                N=1/2*Array([z*(z-1),2*(1+z)*(1-z),z*(1+z)])
#                dfN=diff(N,z)
#                self.Ns=lambdify(z,N,'numpy')
#                self.dN=lambdify(z,dfN,'numpy')
#            else:
#                raise Exception('Element type not implemented yet')
        elif basis_type == 'M':                                                #1D Legendre Polynomials (Fischer calls this spectral)
            z = Symbol('z')
            def gen_legendre_basis(n):
                if n==-2:
                    return  (1-1*z)/2
                elif n==-1:
                    return (1+1*z)/2
                    return ((2*(n+3)-3)/2.)**0.5*integrate(legendre((n+1),x),(x,-1,z))
            N=Array([gen_legendre_basis(i-2) for i in range(deg+1)])
#            print(N)
            N2 = N.tolist()
            N2[-1] = N[1]
            N2[1] = N[-1]
            #N[-1] = N[-1] - N[1]
#            print(N)
            raise Exception('Element type not implemented yet')
예제 #25
def test_Tensor_covariance_transform():
    (coords, t, r, th, ph, schw, g, mu, nu) = _generate_schwarzschild()
    E, p1, p2, p3 = symbols("E p_1:4", positive=True)
    p = Tensor("p", [E, p1, p2, p3], g)
    res = p.covariance_transform(-mu)
    expect = Array(
        [E * (1 - 1 / r), -p1 / (1 - 1 / r), -p2 * r ** 2, -p3 * r ** 2 * sin(th) ** 2]
    assert res[0].equals(expect[0])
    assert res[1].equals(expect[1])
    assert res[2].equals(expect[2])
    assert res[3].equals(expect[3])
예제 #26
class GeometryMap:
    """Base class for geometry map.
    def __init__(self, syms, exprs):
        from sympy import Array, oo
        if not isinstance(exprs, list) and not isinstance(exprs, Array):
            raise ValueError(
                "The ctor arg of GeometryMap -- exprs -- should be a list of sympy expressions."
        self._exprs = Array(exprs)

        # if not isinstance(syms, list):
        #     raise ValueError("The ctor arg of GeometryMap -- syms -- should be a list of sympy variables, or a list of (sympy.Symbol, inf, sup)")
        self._syms = []
        for sym in syms:
            if isinstance(sym, tuple):
                assert (len(sym) == 3)
                self._syms.append((sym, -oo, +oo))

    def exprs(self):
        return self._exprs

    def expr(self, i: int):
        return self._exprs[i]

    def subs(self, *arg):
        return GeometryMap(self, self._exprs.subs(*arg), self._syms)

    def syms(self):
        return [sym[0] for sym in self._syms]

    def sym(self, i: int):
        return self._syms[i][0]

    def sym_limits(self):
        return [sym[1:] for sym in self._syms]

    def sym_limit(self, i: int):
        return self._syms[i][1:]

    def jacobian(self):
        from sympy import Array
        return self.exprs.diff(Array(self.syms))

    def lambdified(self, *arg, **kwarg):
        from sympy import lambdify
        return lambdify(self.syms, self.exprs.tolist(), *arg, **kwarg)
예제 #27
def test_issue_18361():
    A = Array([sin(2 * x) - 2 * sin(x) * cos(x)])
    B = Array([sin(x)**2 + cos(x)**2, 0])
    C = Array([(x + x**2)/(x*sin(y)**2 + x*cos(y)**2), 2*sin(x)*cos(x)])
    assert simplify(A) == Array([0])
    assert simplify(B) == Array([1, 0])
    assert simplify(C) == Array([x + 1, sin(2*x)])
def competition_compare_PAF(n, Q, lamb_0=None, plot=False):
    Simulates the link across fitnesses for the PAF model and applies the ABS measure to the empirical
    and theoretical sequence
    :param n = the number of vertices
    :param Q = the fitness probability distribution
    :param lamb_0: if None, calculate it, otherwise use the given value
    # Create an instance of the PAF graph
    G, fitness = paf_graph(n, Q)

    # Compute lamb_0 based on Q => solve equation (if not given)
    if lamb_0 is None:
        Qs = Array(Q)
        l, j = symbols('l,j')
        eq = summation(j * Qs[j - 1] / (l - j), (j, 1, len(Q)))
        lamb_0 = max(np.abs(solve(eq - 1, l)))

    # For each fitness value, store the total degree
    degrees = list(dict(G.degree()).values())
    fit_link = {el: 0 for el in range(1, len(Q) + 1)}
    for i in range(len(degrees)):
        fit_link[fitness[i]] += degrees[i]

    # Make a list of the fitness values and the corresponding counts
    link_k = list(fit_link.keys())
    link_v = list(fit_link.values())
    link_k, link_v = zip(*sorted(zip(link_k, link_v)))  # sort ascending
    link_v = [l / n for l in link_v]  # scale by n

    # Compute the nu sequence
    nu = [lamb_0 * Q[j - 1] / (lamb_0 - j) for j in range(1, len(Q) + 1)]

    # Compute the sum of absolute differences
    abs_difference = np.abs(np.array(nu) - np.array(link_v))
    ABS = sum(abs_difference)

    # Make a bar plot if Plot=True
    if plot:
        plt.plot([i for i in range(1,
                                   len(Q) + 1)],
                 label='Nu sequence')
        plt.bar(link_k, link_v, label='Scaled link count')
        plt.title('Scaled link count per fitness value, n = %i, ABS = %5.4f' %
                  (n, ABS))
        plt.xlabel('Fitness value')
        plt.ylabel('Scaled link count')
    return ABS
def deg_compare_PAF_sim(n, Q, I):
    Qs = Array(Q)
    l, j = symbols('l,j')
    eq = summation(j * Qs[j - 1] / (l - j), (j, 1, len(Q)))
    lamb_0 = max(np.abs(solve(eq - 1, l)))

    abs_values = np.zeros(I)
    for i in range(I):
        abs_values[i] = deg_compare_PAF(n, Q, lamb_0, False)
    mean_abs = np.mean(abs_values)
    std_abs = np.std(abs_values)
    return mean_abs, std_abs
예제 #30
def test_TensorProduct_construction():
    assert TensorProduct(3, 4) == 12
    assert isinstance(TensorProduct(A, A), TensorProduct)

    expr = TensorProduct(TensorProduct(x, y), z)
    assert expr == x * y * z

    expr = TensorProduct(TensorProduct(A, B), C)
    assert expr == TensorProduct(A, B, C)

    expr = TensorProduct(Matrix.eye(2), [[0, -1], [1, 0]])
    assert expr == Array([[[[0, -1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]],
                          [[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, -1], [1, 0]]]])