예제 #1
def test_interval_symbolic_end_points():
    a = Symbol('a', real=True)

    assert Union(Interval(0, a), Interval(0, 3)).sup == Max(a, 3)
    assert Union(Interval(a, 0), Interval(-3, 0)).inf == Min(-3, a)

    assert Interval(0, a).contains(1) == LessThan(1, a)
예제 #2
    def define(self, **kwargs):
        FoldedComponent.define(self, **kwargs)

        self.add_parameter("s", 200, positive=True)
        self.add_parameter("l1", 300, positive=True)
        self.add_parameter("l2", 500, positive=True)
        s = self.get_parameter("s")
        l1 = self.get_parameter("l2")
        l2 = self.get_parameter("l1")
        self.add_constraint(LessThan(abs((l1 - l2) / 2), s))
예제 #3
파일: MyNot.py 프로젝트: samsarana/word2vec
 def eval(cls, arg):
     from sympy import (Equality, GreaterThan, LessThan, StrictGreaterThan,
                        StrictLessThan, Unequality)
     if isinstance(arg, Number) or arg in (True, False):
         return false if arg else true
     #if arg.is_Not:
     #return arg.args[0] # ONLY CHANGE
     # Simplify Relational objects.
     if isinstance(arg, Equality):
         return Unequality(*arg.args)
     if isinstance(arg, Unequality):
         return Equality(*arg.args)
     if isinstance(arg, StrictLessThan):
         return GreaterThan(*arg.args)
     if isinstance(arg, StrictGreaterThan):
         return LessThan(*arg.args)
     if isinstance(arg, LessThan):
         return StrictGreaterThan(*arg.args)
     if isinstance(arg, GreaterThan):
         return StrictLessThan(*arg.args)
예제 #4
def test_lt_gt():
    from sympy import sympify as S

    x, y = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y")

    assert (x >= y) == GreaterThan(x, y)
    assert (x >= 0) == GreaterThan(x, 0)
    assert (x <= y) == LessThan(x, y)
    assert (x <= 0) == LessThan(x, 0)

    assert (0 <= x) == GreaterThan(x, 0)
    assert (0 >= x) == LessThan(x, 0)
    assert (S(0) >= x) == GreaterThan(0, x)
    assert (S(0) <= x) == LessThan(0, x)

    assert (x > y) == StrictGreaterThan(x, y)
    assert (x > 0) == StrictGreaterThan(x, 0)
    assert (x < y) == StrictLessThan(x, y)
    assert (x < 0) == StrictLessThan(x, 0)

    assert (0 < x) == StrictGreaterThan(x, 0)
    assert (0 > x) == StrictLessThan(x, 0)
    assert (S(0) > x) == StrictGreaterThan(0, x)
    assert (S(0) < x) == StrictLessThan(0, x)

    e = x**2 + 4 * x + 1
    assert (e >= 0) == GreaterThan(e, 0)
    assert (0 <= e) == GreaterThan(e, 0)
    assert (e > 0) == StrictGreaterThan(e, 0)
    assert (0 < e) == StrictGreaterThan(e, 0)

    assert (e <= 0) == LessThan(e, 0)
    assert (0 >= e) == LessThan(e, 0)
    assert (e < 0) == StrictLessThan(e, 0)
    assert (0 > e) == StrictLessThan(e, 0)

    assert (S(0) >= e) == GreaterThan(0, e)
    assert (S(0) <= e) == LessThan(0, e)
    assert (S(0) < e) == StrictLessThan(0, e)
    assert (S(0) > e) == StrictGreaterThan(0, e)
예제 #5
def test_Idx_inequalities():
    i14 = Idx("i14", (1, 4))
    i79 = Idx("i79", (7, 9))
    i46 = Idx("i46", (4, 6))
    i35 = Idx("i35", (3, 5))

    assert i14 <= 5
    assert i14 < 5
    assert not (i14 >= 5)
    assert not (i14 > 5)

    assert 5 >= i14
    assert 5 > i14
    assert not (5 <= i14)
    assert not (5 < i14)

    assert LessThan(i14, 5)
    assert StrictLessThan(i14, 5)
    assert not GreaterThan(i14, 5)
    assert not StrictGreaterThan(i14, 5)

    assert i14 <= 4
    assert isinstance(i14 < 4, StrictLessThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 >= 4, GreaterThan)
    assert not (i14 > 4)

    assert isinstance(i14 <= 1, LessThan)
    assert not (i14 < 1)
    assert i14 >= 1
    assert isinstance(i14 > 1, StrictGreaterThan)

    assert not (i14 <= 0)
    assert not (i14 < 0)
    assert i14 >= 0
    assert i14 > 0

    from sympy.abc import x

    assert isinstance(i14 < x, StrictLessThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 > x, StrictGreaterThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 <= x, LessThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 >= x, GreaterThan)

    assert i14 < i79
    assert i14 <= i79
    assert not (i14 > i79)
    assert not (i14 >= i79)

    assert i14 <= i46
    assert isinstance(i14 < i46, StrictLessThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 >= i46, GreaterThan)
    assert not (i14 > i46)

    assert isinstance(i14 < i35, StrictLessThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 > i35, StrictGreaterThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 <= i35, LessThan)
    assert isinstance(i14 >= i35, GreaterThan)

    iNone1 = Idx("iNone1")
    iNone2 = Idx("iNone2")

    assert isinstance(iNone1 < iNone2, StrictLessThan)
    assert isinstance(iNone1 > iNone2, StrictGreaterThan)
    assert isinstance(iNone1 <= iNone2, LessThan)
    assert isinstance(iNone1 >= iNone2, GreaterThan)
예제 #6
class TestAllGood(object):
    # These latex strings should parse to the corresponding SymPy expression
    GOOD_PAIRS = [
        ("0", Rational(0)),
        ("1", Rational(1)),
        ("-3.14", Rational(-314, 100)),
        ("5-3", _Add(5, _Mul(-1, 3))),
        ("(-7.13)(1.5)", _Mul(Rational('-7.13'), Rational('1.5'))),
        ("\\left(-7.13\\right)\\left(1.5\\right)", _Mul(Rational('-7.13'), Rational('1.5'))),
        ("x", x),
        ("2x", 2 * x),
        ("x^2", x**2),
        ("x^{3 + 1}", x**_Add(3, 1)),
        ("x^{\\left\\{3 + 1\\right\\}}", x**_Add(3, 1)),
        ("-3y + 2x", _Add(_Mul(2, x), Mul(-1, 3, y, evaluate=False))),
        ("-c", -c),
        ("a \\cdot b", a * b),
        ("a / b", a / b),
        ("a \\div b", a / b),
        ("a + b", a + b),
        ("a + b - a", Add(a, b, _Mul(-1, a), evaluate=False)),
        ("a^2 + b^2 = c^2", Eq(a**2 + b**2, c**2)),
        ("a^2 + b^2 != 2c^2", Ne(a**2 + b**2, 2 * c**2)),
        ("a\\mod b", Mod(a, b)),
        ("\\sin \\theta", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin(\\theta)", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin\\left(\\theta\\right)", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin^{-1} a", asin(a)),
        ("\\sin a \\cos b", _Mul(sin(a), cos(b))),
        ("\\sin \\cos \\theta", sin(cos(theta))),
        ("\\sin(\\cos \\theta)", sin(cos(theta))),
        ("\\arcsin(a)", asin(a)),
        ("\\arccos(a)", acos(a)),
        ("\\arctan(a)", atan(a)),
        ("\\sinh(a)", sinh(a)),
        ("\\cosh(a)", cosh(a)),
        ("\\tanh(a)", tanh(a)),
        ("\\sinh^{-1}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\cosh^{-1}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\tanh^{-1}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\arcsinh(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\arccosh(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\arctanh(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\arsinh(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\arcosh(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\artanh(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arcsinh}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arccosh}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arctanh}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arsinh}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arcosh}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{artanh}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{gcd}(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{lcm}(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{gcd}(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{lcm}(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{floor}(a)", floor(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{ceil}(b)", ceiling(b)),
        ("\\cos^2(x)", cos(x)**2),
        ("\\cos(x)^2", cos(x)**2),
        ("\\gcd(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\lcm(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\gcd(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\lcm(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\floor(a)", floor(a)),
        ("\\ceil(b)", ceiling(b)),
        ("\\max(a, b)", Max(a, b)),
        ("\\min(a, b)", Min(a, b)),
        ("\\frac{a}{b}", a / b),
        ("\\frac{a + b}{c}", _Mul(a + b, _Pow(c, -1))),
        ("\\frac{7}{3}", Rational(7, 3)),
        ("(\\csc x)(\\sec y)", csc(x) * sec(y)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\rightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\Rightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\longrightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\Longrightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3^{+}} a", Limit(a, x, 3, dir='+')),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3^{-}} a", Limit(a, x, 3, dir='-')),
        ("\\infty", oo),
        ("\\infty\\%", oo),
        ("\\$\\infty", oo),
        ("-\\infty", -oo),
        ("-\\infty\\%", -oo),
        ("-\\$\\infty", -oo),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\frac{1}{x}", Limit(_Mul(1, _Pow(x, -1)), x, oo)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dx} x", Derivative(x, x)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dt} x", Derivative(x, t)),
        # ("f(x)", f(x)),
        # ("f(x, y)", f(x, y)),
        # ("f(x, y, z)", f(x, y, z)),
        # ("\\frac{d f(x)}{dx}", Derivative(f(x), x)),
        # ("\\frac{d\\theta(x)}{dx}", Derivative(theta(x), x)),
        ("|x|", _Abs(x)),
        ("\\left|x\\right|", _Abs(x)),
        ("||x||", _Abs(_Abs(x))),
        ("|x||y|", _Abs(x) * _Abs(y)),
        ("||x||y||", _Abs(_Abs(x) * _Abs(y))),
        ("\\lfloor x\\rfloor", floor(x)),
        ("\\lceil y\\rceil", ceiling(y)),
        ("\\pi^{|xy|}", pi**_Abs(x * y)),
        ("\\frac{\\pi}{3}", _Mul(pi, _Pow(3, -1))),
        ("\\sin{\\frac{\\pi}{2}}", sin(_Mul(pi, _Pow(2, -1)), evaluate=False)),
        ("a+bI", a + I * b),
        ("e^{I\\pi}", Integer(-1)),
        ("\\int x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int x d\\theta", Integral(x, theta)),
        ("\\int (x^2 - y)dx", Integral(x**2 - y, x)),
        ("\\int x + a dx", Integral(_Add(x, a), x)),
        ("\\int da", Integral(1, a)),
        ("\\int_0^7 dx", Integral(1, (x, 0, 7))),
        ("\\int_a^b x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int^b_a x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{a}^b x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int^{b}_a x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{a}^{b} x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{  }^{}x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int^{  }_{ }x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int^{b}_{a} x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        # ("\\int_{f(a)}^{f(b)} f(z) dz", Integral(f(z), (z, f(a), f(b)))),
        ("\\int (x+a)", Integral(_Add(x, a), x)),
        ("\\int a + b + c dx", Integral(Add(a, b, c, evaluate=False), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{dz}{z}", Integral(Pow(z, -1), z)),
        ("\\int \\frac{3 dz}{z}", Integral(3 * Pow(z, -1), z)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{x} dx", Integral(Pow(x, -1), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{a} + \\frac{1}{b} dx", Integral(_Add(_Pow(a, -1), Pow(b, -1)), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{3 \\cdot d\\theta}{\\theta}", Integral(3 * _Pow(theta, -1), theta)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{x} + 1 dx", Integral(_Add(_Pow(x, -1), 1), x)),
        ("x_0", Symbol('x_0', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("x_{1}", Symbol('x_1', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("x_a", Symbol('x_a', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("x_{b}", Symbol('x_b', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("h_\\theta", Symbol('h_{\\theta}', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("h_\\theta ", Symbol('h_{\\theta}', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("h_{\\theta}", Symbol('h_{\\theta}', real=True, positive=True)),
        # ("h_{\\theta}(x_0, x_1)", Symbol('h_{theta}', real=True)(Symbol('x_{0}', real=True), Symbol('x_{1}', real=True))),
        ("x!", _factorial(x)),
        ("100!", _factorial(100)),
        ("\\theta!", _factorial(theta)),
        ("(x + 1)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
        ("\\left(x + 1\\right)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
        ("(x!)!", _factorial(_factorial(x))),
        ("x!!!", _factorial(_factorial(_factorial(x)))),
        ("5!7!", _Mul(_factorial(5), _factorial(7))),
        ("\\sqrt{x}", sqrt(x)),
        ("\\sqrt{x + b}", sqrt(_Add(x, b))),
        ("\\sqrt[3]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), 3)),
        ("\\sqrt[y]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), y)),
        ("\\sqrt[\\theta]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), theta)),
        ("x < y", StrictLessThan(x, y)),
        ("x \\leq y", LessThan(x, y)),
        ("x > y", StrictGreaterThan(x, y)),
        ("x \\geq y", GreaterThan(x, y)),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{3} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^3 c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
        ("\\sum_{n = 0}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{n!}", Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
        ("\\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod^{c}_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod^c_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\ln x", _log(x, E)),
        ("\\ln xy", _log(x * y, E)),
        ("\\log x", _log(x, 10)),
        ("\\log xy", _log(x * y, 10)),
        # ("\\log_2 x", _log(x, 2)),
        ("\\log_{2} x", _log(x, 2)),
        # ("\\log_a x", _log(x, a)),
        ("\\log_{a} x", _log(x, a)),
        ("\\log_{11} x", _log(x, 11)),
        ("\\log_{a^2} x", _log(x, _Pow(a, 2))),
        ("[x]", x),
        ("[a + b]", _Add(a, b)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dx} [ \\tan x ]", Derivative(tan(x), x)),
        ("2\\overline{x}", 2 * Symbol('xbar', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("2\\overline{x}_n", 2 * Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("\\frac{x}{\\overline{x}_n}", x / Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("\\frac{\\sin(x)}{\\overline{x}_n}", sin(x) / Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("2\\bar{x}", 2 * Symbol('xbar', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("2\\bar{x}_n", 2 * Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("\\sin\\left(\\theta\\right) \\cdot4", sin(theta) * 4),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\theta\\right)", _log(theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(x-\\theta\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left(x-\\theta\\right)\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left[x-\\theta\\right]\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left\\{x-\\theta\\right\\}\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left|x-\\theta\\right|\\right)", _log(_Abs(x - theta), E)),
        ("\\frac{1}{2}xy(x+y)", Mul(Rational(1, 2), x, y, (x + y), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\frac{1}{2}\\theta(x+y)", Mul(Rational(1, 2), theta, (x + y), evaluate=False)),
        ("1-f(x)", 1 - f * x),

        ("\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("\\begin{matrix}x&x^2\\\\\\sqrt{x}&x\\end{matrix}", Matrix([[x, x**2], [_Pow(x, S.Half), x]])),
        ("\\begin{matrix}\\sqrt{x}\\\\\\sin(\\theta)\\end{matrix}", Matrix([_Pow(x, S.Half), sin(theta)])),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{pmatrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("\\begin{bmatrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{bmatrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),

        # scientific notation
        ("2.5\\times 10^2", Rational(250)),
        ("1,500\\times 10^{-1}", Rational(150)),

        # e notation
        ("2.5E2", Rational(250)),
        ("1,500E-1", Rational(150)),

        # multiplication without cmd
        ("2x2y", Mul(2, x, 2, y, evaluate=False)),
        ("2x2", Mul(2, x, 2, evaluate=False)),
        ("x2", x * 2),

        # lin alg processing
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1\\\\3\\end{matrix} - \\begin{matrix}-1\\\\2\\end{matrix}", MatAdd(MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1], [3]]), evaluate=False), MatMul(-1, Matrix([[-1], [2]]), evaluate=False), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&0\\\\0&1\\end{matrix}*\\begin{matrix}3\\\\-2\\end{matrix}", MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([3, -2]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\frac{1}{9}\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", MatMul(Rational(1, 9), theta, Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix};\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\1\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1]), Matrix([1, 1, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),
        ("\\left{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}\\right}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),
        ("{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),

        # us dollars
        ("\\$1,000.00", Rational(1000)),
        ("\\$543.21", Rational(54321, 100)),
        ("\\$0.009", Rational(9, 1000)),

        # percentages
        ("100\\%", Rational(1)),
        ("1.5\\%", Rational(15, 1000)),
        ("0.05\\%", Rational(5, 10000)),

        # empty set
        ("\\emptyset", S.EmptySet),

        # divide by zero
        ("\\frac{1}{0}", _Pow(0, -1)),
        ("1+\\frac{5}{0}", _Add(1, _Mul(5, _Pow(0, -1)))),

        # adjacent single char sub sup
        ("4^26^2", _Mul(_Pow(4, 2), _Pow(6, 2))),
        ("x_22^2", _Mul(Symbol('x_2', real=True, positive=True), _Pow(2, 2)))

    def test_good_pair(self, s, eq):
        assert_equal(s, eq)
예제 #7
 ("x_a", Symbol('x_{a}')), ("x_{b}", Symbol('x_{b}')),
 ("h_\\theta", Symbol('h_{theta}')),
 ("h_{\\theta}", Symbol('h_{theta}')),
 ("h_{\\theta}(x_0, x_1)",
  Function('h_{theta}')(Symbol('x_{0}'), Symbol('x_{1}'))),
 ("x!", _factorial(x)), ("100!", _factorial(100)),
 ("\\theta!", _factorial(theta)),
 ("(x + 1)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
 ("(x!)!", _factorial(_factorial(x))),
 ("x!!!", _factorial(_factorial(_factorial(x)))),
 ("5!7!", _Mul(_factorial(5), _factorial(7))),
 ("\\sqrt{x}", sqrt(x)), ("\\sqrt{x + b}", sqrt(_Add(x, b))),
 ("\\sqrt[3]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), 3)),
 ("\\sqrt[y]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), y)),
 ("\\sqrt[\\theta]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), theta)),
 ("x < y", StrictLessThan(x, y)), ("x \\leq y", LessThan(x, y)),
 ("x > y", StrictGreaterThan(x, y)),
 ("x \\geq y", GreaterThan(x, y)), ("\\mathit{x}", Symbol('x')),
 ("\\mathit{test}", Symbol('test')),
 ("\\mathit{TEST}", Symbol('TEST')),
 ("\\mathit{HELLO world}", Symbol('HELLO world')),
 ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{3} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum_{k = 1}^3 c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
 ("\\sum_{n = 0}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{n!}",
  Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
 ("\\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
 ("\\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
 ("\\prod^{c}_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
예제 #8
 ("h_{\\theta}(x_0, x_1)", Function('h_{theta}')(Symbol('x_{0}'),
 ("x!", _factorial(x)),
 ("100!", _factorial(100)),
 ("\\theta!", _factorial(theta)),
 ("(x + 1)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
 ("(x!)!", _factorial(_factorial(x))),
 ("x!!!", _factorial(_factorial(_factorial(x)))),
 ("5!7!", _Mul(_factorial(5), _factorial(7))),
 ("\\sqrt{x}", sqrt(x)),
 ("\\sqrt{x + b}", sqrt(_Add(x, b))),
 ("\\sqrt[3]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), 3)),
 ("\\sqrt[y]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), y)),
 ("\\sqrt[\\theta]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), theta)),
 ("x < y", StrictLessThan(x, y)),
 ("x \\leq y", LessThan(x, y)),
 ("x > y", StrictGreaterThan(x, y)),
 ("x \\geq y", GreaterThan(x, y)),
 ("\\mathit{x}", Symbol('x')),
 ("\\mathit{test}", Symbol('test')),
 ("\\mathit{TEST}", Symbol('TEST')),
 ("\\mathit{HELLO world}", Symbol('HELLO world')),
 ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{3} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum_{k = 1}^3 c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
 ("\\sum_{n = 0}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{n!}",
  Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
 ("\\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
 ("\\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
예제 #9
파일: cad.py 프로젝트: AlisaMaas/llvm-sage
class CAD:
    qf = qepcad_formula

    methods = {
        StrictLessThan: lt,
        LessThan: le,
        StrictGreaterThan: gt,
        GreaterThan: ge,
        Equality: eq,
        Unequality: ne

    complete_methods = {
        # a < b => a <= b + 1
        StrictLessThan: lambda l, r: LessThan(l + 1, r),
        # a <= b => a < b + 1
        LessThan: lambda l, r: StrictLessThan(l - 1, r),
        # a > b => a >= b + 1
        StrictGreaterThan: lambda l, r: GreaterThan(l + 1, r),
        # a >= b => a > b + 1
        GreaterThan: lambda l, r: StrictGreaterThan(l + 1, r)

    def complete_assumptions(formula):
        if isinstance(formula, And):
            return And(*map(CAD.complete_assumptions, formula.args))
        elif isinstance(formula, Or):
            return Or(*map(CAD.complete_assumptions, formula.args))
        elif isinstance(formula, Not):
            return Not(*map(CAD.complete_assumptions, formula.args))
        elif type(formula) in CAD.complete_methods:
            method = CAD.complete_methods.get(type(formula))
            return And(formula, method(*formula.args))
        return formula

    def to_sage(formula):
        if type(formula) in CAD.methods:
            args = map(lambda e: e._sage_(), formula.args)
            method = CAD.methods.get(type(formula))
            return method(*args)
        return formula._sage_()

    def to_qepcad(formula):
        if isinstance(formula, And):
            return CAD.qf.and_(*map(CAD.to_qepcad, formula.args))
        elif isinstance(formula, Or):
            return CAD.qf.or_(*map(CAD.to_qepcad, formula.args))
        elif isinstance(formula, Not):
            return CAD.qf.not_(CAD.to_qepcad(*formula.args))
        return CAD.qf.formula(CAD.to_sage(formula))

    def always(formula):
        f = CAD.qf.formula(CAD.to_sage(formula))
        return run_qepcad(f)

    def implies(assumptions, formula):
        if formula == True:
            return 'TRUE'
        elif formula == False:
            return 'FALSE'
        if assumptions == False:
            return CAD.always(formula)
        formula = CAD.to_sage(formula)
        assumptions = CAD.complete_assumptions(assumptions)
        assumptions_str = CAD.to_qepcad(assumptions)
        implication = CAD.qf.implies(assumptions_str, formula)
        return run_qepcad(implication)

    def is_true(result):
        return result == 'TRUE'

    def is_false(result):
        return result == 'FALSE'

    def is_unknown(result):
        return result == 'UNKNOWN'
예제 #10
 (r"(x + 1)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
 (r"(x!)!", _factorial(_factorial(x))),
 (r"x!!!", _factorial(_factorial(_factorial(x)))),
 (r"5!7!", _Mul(_factorial(5), _factorial(7))),
 (r"\sqrt{x}", sqrt(x)),
 (r"\sqrt{x + b}", sqrt(_Add(x, b))),
 (r"\sqrt[3]{\sin x}", root(sin(x), 3)),
 (r"\sqrt[y]{\sin x}", root(sin(x), y)),
 (r"\sqrt[\theta]{\sin x}", root(sin(x), theta)),
 (r"\sqrt{\frac{12}{6}}", _Sqrt(_Mul(12, _Pow(6, -1)))),
 (r"\overline{z}", _Conjugate(z)),
 (r"\overline{\overline{z}}", _Conjugate(_Conjugate(z))),
 (r"\overline{x + y}", _Conjugate(_Add(x, y))),
 (r"\overline{x} + \overline{y}", _Conjugate(x) + _Conjugate(y)),
 (r"x < y", StrictLessThan(x, y)),
 (r"x \leq y", LessThan(x, y)),
 (r"x > y", StrictGreaterThan(x, y)),
 (r"x \geq y", GreaterThan(x, y)),
 (r"\mathit{x}", Symbol('x')),
 (r"\mathit{test}", Symbol('test')),
 (r"\mathit{TEST}", Symbol('TEST')),
 (r"\mathit{HELLO world}", Symbol('HELLO world')),
 (r"\sum_{k = 1}^{3} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 (r"\sum_{k = 1}^3 c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 (r"\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 (r"\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
 (r"\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
 (r"\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n!}",
  Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
 (r"\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
 (r"\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),