예제 #1
def test_wild_str():
    # Check expressions containing Wild not causing infinite recursion
    w = Wild('x')
    assert str(w + 1) == 'x_ + 1'
    assert str(exp(2**w) + 5) == 'exp(2**x_) + 5'
    assert str(3 * w + 1) == '3*x_ + 1'
    assert str(1 / w + 1) == '1 + 1/x_'
    assert str(w**2 + 1) == 'x_**2 + 1'
    assert str(1 / (1 - w)) == '1/(1 - x_)'
예제 #2
def test_issue_4883():
    a = Wild('a')
    x = Symbol('x')

    e = [i**2 for i in (x - 2, 2 - x)]
    p = [i**2 for i in (x - a, a- x)]
    for eq in e:
        for pat in p:
            assert eq.match(pat) == {a: 2}
예제 #3
    def __new__(cls, f, limits, exprs):
        f = sympify(f)
        limits = sympify(limits)
        exprs = sympify(exprs)

        if not (type(exprs) == Tuple
                and len(exprs) == 3):  # exprs is not of form (a0, an, bn)
            # Converts the expression to fourier form
            c, e = exprs.as_coeff_add()
            rexpr = c + Add(*[TR10(i) for i in e])
            a0, exp_ls = rexpr.expand(trig=False,

            x = limits[0]
            L = abs(limits[2] - limits[1]) / 2

            a = Wild('a',
                         lambda k: k.is_Integer,
                         lambda k: k is not S.Zero,
            b = Wild('b', properties=[
                lambda k: x not in k.free_symbols,

            an = dict()
            bn = dict()

            # separates the coefficients of sin and cos terms in dictionaries an, and bn
            for p in exp_ls:
                t = p.match(b * cos(a * (pi / L) * x))
                q = p.match(b * sin(a * (pi / L) * x))
                if t:
                    an[t[a]] = t[b] + an.get(t[a], S.Zero)
                elif q:
                    bn[q[a]] = q[b] + bn.get(q[a], S.Zero)
                    a0 += p

            exprs = Tuple(a0, an, bn)

        return Expr.__new__(cls, f, limits, exprs)
예제 #4
    def find_limit(cls, f, x):
        """Basically identical to:

        return limit(f, x, 0, dir="+")

        but first trying some easy cases (like x**2) using heuristics, to avoid
        infinite recursion. This is only needed in the Order class and series
        expansion (that shouldn't rely on the Gruntz algorithm too much),
        that's why find_limit() is defined here.

        from sympy import limit, Wild, log

        if f.is_Pow:
            if f.args[0] == x:
                if f.args[1].is_Rational:
                    if f.args[1] > 0:
                        return S.Zero
                        return oo
                if f.args[1].is_number:
                    if f.args[1].evalf() > 0:
                        return S.Zero
                        return oo
        if f == x:
            return S.Zero
        p, q = Wild("p"), Wild("q")
        r = f.match(x**p * log(x)**q)
        if r:
            p, q = r[p], r[q]
            if q.is_number and p.is_number:
                if q > 0:
                    if p > 0:
                        return S.Zero
                        return -oo
                elif q < 0:
                    if p >= 0:
                        return S.Zero
                        return -oo

        return limit(f, x, 0, dir="+")
예제 #5
    def get_units_map(self):
        """Maps from string units to symbolic units"""
        d = dict()
        star = Wild('star')
        for k, v in list(self.signatures.items()):
            unit = get_unit(v['units'])
            d[k] = unit
            d[v['symbol']] = unit

        return d
예제 #6
    def _eval_imageset(self, f):
        from sympy import Wild
        expr = f.expr
        if len(f.variables) > 1:
        n = f.variables[0]

        a = Wild('a')
        b = Wild('b')

        match = expr.match(a * n + b)
        if match[a].is_negative:
            expr = -expr

        match = expr.match(a * n + b)
        if match[a] is S.One and match[b].is_integer:
            expr = expr - match[b]

        return ImageSet(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
예제 #7
 def Function_derivatives(eq):
     Functions_extra = []
     for ifun, f in zip(range(len(fvec)), fvec):
         neq1rgs = len(f.args)
         ff = f.func
         w = [Wild('w{}'.format(i)) for i in range(neq1rgs)]
         for i in range(neq1rgs):
             replace_what = Derivative(ff(*w), w[i])
             eq = eq.replace(replace_what, fval[i + 1, ifun])
         eq = eq.replace(ff(*w), fval[0, ifun])
     return eq.doit()
예제 #8
def test_issue_13143():
    fx = f(x).diff(x)
    e = f(x) + fx + f(x)*fx
    # collect function before derivative
    assert collect(e, Wild('w')) == f(x)*(fx + 1) + fx
    e = f(x) + f(x)*fx + x*fx*f(x)
    assert collect(e, fx) == (x*f(x) + f(x))*fx + f(x)
    assert collect(e, f(x)) == (x*fx + fx + 1)*f(x)
    e = f(x) + fx + f(x)*fx
    assert collect(e, [f(x), fx]) == f(x)*(1 + fx) + fx
    assert collect(e, [fx, f(x)]) == fx*(1 + f(x)) + f(x)
예제 #9
def test_match_exclude():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    p = Wild("p")
    q = Wild("q")
    r = Wild("r")

    e = Rational(6)
    assert e.match(2 * p) == {p: 3}

    e = 3 / (4 * x + 5)
    assert e.match(3 / (p * x + q)) == {p: 4, q: 5}

    e = 3 / (4 * x + 5)
    assert e.match(p / (q * x + r)) == {p: 3, q: 4, r: 5}

    e = 2 / (x + 1)
    assert e.match(p / (q * x + r)) == {p: 2, q: 1, r: 1}

    e = 1 / (x + 1)
    assert e.match(p / (q * x + r)) == {p: 1, q: 1, r: 1}

    e = 4 * x + 5
    assert e.match(p * x + q) == {p: 4, q: 5}

    e = 4 * x + 5 * y + 6
    assert e.match(p * x + q * y + r) == {p: 4, q: 5, r: 6}

    a = Wild('a', exclude=[x])

    e = 3 * x
    assert e.match(p * x) == {p: 3}
    assert e.match(a * x) == {a: 3}

    e = 3 * x**2
    assert e.match(p * x) == {p: 3 * x}
    assert e.match(a * x) is None

    e = 3 * x + 3 + 6 / x
    assert e.match(p * x**2 + p * x + 2 * p) == {p: 3 / x}
    assert e.match(a * x**2 + a * x + 2 * a) is None
예제 #10
def _set_function(f, self):
    expr = f.expr
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr):

    n = f.variables[0]
    if expr == abs(n):
        return S.Naturals0

    # f(x) + c and f(-x) + c cover the same integers
    # so choose the form that has the fewest negatives
    c = f(0)
    fx = f(n) - c
    f_x = f(-n) - c
    neg_count = lambda e: sum(_coeff_isneg(_) for _ in Add.make_args(e))
    if neg_count(f_x) < neg_count(fx):
        expr = f_x + c

    a = Wild('a', exclude=[n])
    b = Wild('b', exclude=[n])
    match = expr.match(a * n + b)
    if match and match[a]:
        # canonical shift
        b = match[b]
        if abs(match[a]) == 1:
            nonint = []
            for bi in Add.make_args(b):
                if not bi.is_integer:
            b = Add(*nonint)
        if b.is_number and match[a].is_real:
            mod = b % match[a]
            reps = dict([(m, m.args[0]) for m in mod.atoms(Mod)
                         if not m.args[0].is_real])
            mod = mod.xreplace(reps)
            expr = match[a] * n + mod
            expr = match[a] * n + b

    if expr != f.expr:
        return ImageSet(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
예제 #11
def test_exclude():
    x, y, a = map(Symbol, 'xya')
    p = Wild('p', exclude=[1, x])
    q = Wild('q')
    r = Wild('r', exclude=[sin, y])

    assert sin(x).match(r) is None
    assert cos(y).match(r) is None

    e = 3 * x**2 + y * x + a
    assert e.match(p * x**2 + q * x + r) == {p: 3, q: y, r: a}

    e = x + 1
    assert e.match(x + p) is None
    assert e.match(p + 1) is None
    assert e.match(x + 1 + p) == {p: 0}

    e = cos(x) + 5 * sin(y)
    assert e.match(r) is None
    assert e.match(cos(y) + r) is None
    assert e.match(r + p * sin(q)) == {r: cos(x), p: 5, q: y}
예제 #12
파일: bessel.py 프로젝트: wuxi20/Pythonista
    def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
        arg = self.args[0]
        symbs = arg.atoms(Symbol)

        if len(symbs) == 1:
            z = symbs.pop()
            c = Wild("c", exclude=[z])
            d = Wild("d", exclude=[z])
            m = Wild("m", exclude=[z])
            n = Wild("n", exclude=[z])
            M = arg.match(c*(d*z**n)**m)
            if M is not None:
                m = M[m]
                # The transformation is given by
                # http://functions.wolfram.com/Bessel-TypeFunctions/AiryAi/16/01/01/0001/
                if (3*m).is_integer:
                    c = M[c]
                    d = M[d]
                    n = M[n]
                    pf = (d * z**n)**m / (d**m * z**(m*n))
                    newarg = c * d**m * z**(m*n)
                    return S.Half * ((pf + S.One)*airyai(newarg) - (pf - S.One)/sqrt(3)*airybi(newarg))
예제 #13
def test_match_deriv_bug1():
    n = Function("n")
    l = Function("l")

    x = Symbol("x")
    p = Wild("p")

    e = (diff(l(x), x) / x - diff(diff(n(x), x), x) / 2 -
         diff(n(x), x)**2 / 4 + diff(n(x), x) * diff(l(x), x) / 4)
    e = e.subs(n(x), -l(x)).doit()
    t = x * exp(-l(x))
    t2 = t.diff(x, x) / t
    assert e.match((p * t2).expand()) == {p: Rational(-1, 2)}
예제 #14
def test_match_deriv_bug1():
    n = Function('n')
    l = Function('l')

    x = Symbol('x')
    p = Wild('p')

    e = diff(l(x), x)/x - diff(diff(n(x), x), x)/2 - \
        diff(n(x), x)**2/4 + diff(n(x), x)*diff(l(x), x)/4
    e = e.subs(n(x), -l(x)).doit()
    t = x * exp(-l(x))
    t2 = t.diff(x, x) / t
    assert e.match((p * t2).expand()) == {p: Rational(-1, 2)}
예제 #15
    def definition(self):
        e, S = self.args

        from sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits import Exists

        condition_set = S.condition_set()
        if condition_set:
            condition = condition_set.condition
            if condition_set.variable != e:
                condition = condition._subs(condition_set.variable, e)
            return And(condition,
                       self.func(e, condition_set.base_set),

        image_set = S.image_set()
        if image_set is not None:
            expr, variables, base_set = image_set
            from sympy import Wild
            variables_ = Wild(variables.name, **variables.dtype.dict)
            assert variables_.shape == variables.shape
            e = e.subs_limits_with_epitome(expr)
            dic = e.match(expr.subs(variables, variables_))
            if dic:
                variables_ = dic[variables_]
                if variables.dtype != variables_.dtype:
                    assert len(variables.shape) == 1
                    variables_ = variables_[:variables.shape[-1]]
                return Contains(variables_, base_set, equivalent=self)

            if e._has(variables):
                _variables = base_set.element_symbol(e.free_symbols)
                assert _variables.dtype == variables.dtype
                expr = expr._subs(variables, _variables)
                variables = _variables
            assert not e._has(variables)
            return Exists(Equality(e, expr, evaluate=False),
                          (variables, base_set),

        if S.is_UNION:
            for v in S.variables:
                if self.lhs._has(v):
                    _v = v.generate_free_symbol(self.free_symbols,
                    S = S.limits_subs(v, _v)

            contains = Contains(self.lhs, S.function).simplify()
            contains.equivalent = None
            return Exists(contains, *S.limits, equivalent=self).simplify()

        return self
예제 #16
def replace_powers_with_gray_functions(expr, repl, up_to_exponent=4):
    """repls is a dictionary of the form:
    {exponent_of_the_power: sympy.Function("GRAY_FUNCTION")}.

    GRAY_FUNCTIONS have to be defined in GRay! The definition can be added
    to the template of the output file.

    if (not isinstance(expr, Basic)):
        raise TypeError(
            "replace_powers_with_gray_functions can only handle sympy expressions!"

    # Instead of having pow(x,3), write x*x*x
    # create_expand_pow_optimization(N) performs this substitution
    # up to the power N
    expand_opt = create_expand_pow_optimization(up_to_exponent)

    expr = expand_opt(expr)

    # The previous substitution does not work when there are multiple
    # symbols involved, for example (a+b)**2
    # Having performed cse, these expressions should not be too bad

    a, b = Wild('a'), Wild('b')

    for e in repl.keys():
        expr = expr.replace((a + b)**e, lambda a, b: repl[e](a + b))
        expr = expr.replace((a + b)**-e, lambda a, b: 1 / repl[e](a + b))

    # For the square roots we also match single symbols
    # Square roots are identified by non-integer exponents
    sqrt_elems = [e for e in repl.keys() if type(e) is float]
    for e in sqrt_elems:
        expr = expr.replace(a**e, lambda a: repl[e](a))
        expr = expr.replace(a**-e, lambda a: 1 / repl[e](a))

    return expr
예제 #17
 def __inv_laplace(self, tf_terms):
     ''' custom inverse laplace '''
     _K = Wild("_K")
     _p = Wild("_p")
     _m = Wild("_m")
     t = Symbol('t', real=True)
     s = Symbol('s', real=True)  # Why does 's' symbol disappear
     y = 0
     basis_expr = []
     for e in tf_terms:
         fixproblem = False
         mdict = e.match(_K / (s + _p)**_m)
         for v in mdict.values():  # need this because of sympy.match bug
             if list(v.find(s)) != []:
                 fixproblem = True
         if fixproblem:
             mdict = e.match(_K / s)
             mdict[_p] = 0
             mdict[_m] = 1
         term = mdict[_K] * t**(mdict[_m] - 1) * exp(-mdict[_p] * t)
         y += term
     return y, basis_expr
예제 #18
def test_solve_linear():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    w = Wild('w')
    assert solve_linear(x, x) == (0, 1)
    assert solve_linear(x, y - 2*x) in [(x, y/3), (y, 3*x)]
    assert solve_linear(x, y - 2*x, exclude=[x]) ==(y, 3*x)
    assert solve_linear(3*x - y, 0) in [(x, y/3), (y, 3*x)]
    assert solve_linear(3*x - y, 0, [x]) == (x, y/3)
    assert solve_linear(3*x - y, 0, [y]) == (y, 3*x)
    assert solve_linear(x**2/y, 1) == (y, x**2)
    assert solve_linear(w, x) in [(w, x), (x, w)]
    assert solve_linear(cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2 + 2 + y) == \
           (y, -2 - cos(x)**2 - sin(x)**2)
    assert solve_linear(cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2 + 2 + y, x=[x]) == (0, 1)
예제 #19
def _check_varsh_sum_872_4(e):
    a = Wild('a')
    alpha = Wild('alpha')
    b = Wild('b')
    beta = Wild('beta')
    c = Wild('c')
    cp = Wild('cp')
    gamma = Wild('gamma')
    gammap = Wild('gammap')
    match1 = e.match(Sum(CG(a,alpha,b,beta,c,gamma)*CG(a,alpha,b,beta,cp,gammap),(alpha,-a,a),(beta,-b,b)))
    if match1 is not None and len(match1) == 8:
        return (KroneckerDelta(c,cp)*KroneckerDelta(gamma,gammap)).subs(match1)
    match2 = e.match(Sum(CG(a,alpha,b,beta,c,gamma)**2,(alpha,-a,a),(beta,-b,b)))
    if match2 is not None and len(match2) == 6:
        return 1
    return e
def test_gate():
    """Test a basic gate."""
    h = HadamardGate(1)
    assert h.min_qubits == 2
    assert h.nqubits == 1

    i0 = Wild('i0')
    i1 = Wild('i1')
    h0_w1 = HadamardGate(i0)
    h0_w2 = HadamardGate(i0)
    h1_w1 = HadamardGate(i1)

    assert h0_w1 == h0_w2
    assert h0_w1 != h1_w1
    assert h1_w1 != h0_w2

    cnot_10_w1 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_10_w2 = CNOT(i1, i0)
    cnot_01_w1 = CNOT(i0, i1)

    assert cnot_10_w1 == cnot_10_w2
    assert cnot_10_w1 != cnot_01_w1
    assert cnot_10_w2 != cnot_01_w1
예제 #21
def test_count():
    expr = (x + y + 2 + sin(3 * x))

    assert expr.count(lambda u: u.is_Integer) == 2
    assert expr.count(lambda u: u.is_Symbol) == 3

    assert expr.count(Integer) == 2
    assert expr.count(Symbol) == 3

    a = Wild('a')

    assert expr.count(sin) == 1
    assert expr.count(sin(a)) == 1
    assert expr.count(lambda u: type(u) is sin) == 1
예제 #22
def get_poly_conversion(shell_type):
    # conversion from normalised Cartesian to normalized pure
    assert shell_type < -1
    alpha = Symbol("alpha")
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    z = Symbol("z")
    xyz = (x,y,z)

    px = Wild("px")
    py = Wild("py")
    pz = Wild("pz")
    c = Wild("c")

    num_dof_in = get_shell_dof(-shell_type)
    num_dof_out = get_shell_dof(shell_type)
    lcs = numpy.zeros((num_dof_in, num_dof_out), dtype=object)

    for i_out, (poly, pure_wfn_norm) in enumerate(get_polys(shell_type, alpha, xyz)):
        poly = poly.expand()
        if isinstance(poly, C.Add):
            terms = poly.args
            terms = [poly]
        coeffs = {}
        for term in terms:
            d = term.evalf(20).match(c*x**px*y**py*z**pz)
            key = (int(d[px]), int(d[py]), int(d[pz]))
            coeffs[key] = d[c]
        for i_in, key in enumerate(iter_cartesian_powers(abs(shell_type))):
            cart_wfn_norm = get_cartesian_wfn_norm(alpha, key[0], key[1], key[2])
            norm_ratio = mypowsimp((cart_wfn_norm/pure_wfn_norm).evalf(20))
            lc = float(coeffs.get(key, 0)*norm_ratio)
            if abs(lc-int(lc)) < 1e-12:
                lc = int(lc)
            lcs[i_in,i_out] = lc
    return lcs
예제 #23
def test_issue_3883():
    from sympy.abc import gamma, mu, x

    f = (-gamma * (x - mu)**2 - log(gamma) + log(2 * pi)) / 2
    a, b, c = symbols("a b c", cls=Wild, exclude=(gamma, ))

    assert f.match(a * log(gamma) + b * gamma + c) == {
        a: Rational(-1, 2),
        b: -((x - mu)**2) / 2,
        c: log(2 * pi) / 2,
    assert f.expand().collect(gamma).match(a * log(gamma) + b * gamma + c) == {
        a: Rational(-1, 2),
        b: (-((x - mu)**2) / 2).expand(),
        c: (log(2 * pi) / 2).expand(),
    g1 = Wild("g1", exclude=[gamma])
    g2 = Wild("g2", exclude=[gamma])
    g3 = Wild("g3", exclude=[gamma])
    assert f.expand().match(g1 * log(gamma) + g2 * gamma + g3) == {
        g3: log(2) / 2 + log(pi) / 2,
        g1: Rational(-1, 2),
        g2: -(mu**2) / 2 + mu * x - x**2 / 2,
예제 #24
파일: bessel.py 프로젝트: wuxi20/Pythonista
    def _eval_expand_func(self, **hints):
        arg = self.args[0]
        symbs = arg.atoms(Symbol)

        if len(symbs) == 1:
            z = symbs.pop()
            c = Wild("c", exclude=[z])
            d = Wild("d", exclude=[z])
            m = Wild("m", exclude=[z])
            n = Wild("n", exclude=[z])
            M = arg.match(c*(d*z**n)**m)
            if M is not None:
                m = M[m]
                # The transformation is in principle
                # given by but note
                # that there is an error in this formule.
                # http://functions.wolfram.com/Bessel-TypeFunctions/AiryBiPrime/16/01/01/0001/
                if (3*m).is_integer:
                    c = M[c]
                    d = M[d]
                    n = M[n]
                    pf = (d**m * z**(n*m)) / (d * z**n)**m
                    newarg = c * d**m * z**(n*m)
                    return S.Half * (sqrt(3)*(pf - S.One)*airyaiprime(newarg) + (pf + S.One)*airybiprime(newarg))
예제 #25
파일: test_match.py 프로젝트: AALEKH/sympy
def test_match_wild_wild():
    p = Wild('p')
    q = Wild('q')
    r = Wild('r')

    assert p.match(q + r) in [ {q: p, r: 0}, {q: 0, r: p} ]
    assert p.match(q*r) in [ {q: p, r: 1}, {q: 1, r: p} ]

    p = Wild('p')
    q = Wild('q', exclude=[p])
    r = Wild('r')

    assert p.match(q + r) == {q: 0, r: p}
    assert p.match(q*r) == {q: 1, r: p}

    p = Wild('p')
    q = Wild('q', exclude=[p])
    r = Wild('r', exclude=[p])

    assert p.match(q + r) is None
    assert p.match(q*r) is None
예제 #26
def test_solve_linear():
    w = Wild('w')
    assert solve_linear(x, x) == (0, 1)
    assert solve_linear(x, y - 2*x) in [(x, y/3), (y, 3*x)]
    assert solve_linear(x, y - 2*x, exclude=[x]) ==(y, 3*x)
    assert solve_linear(3*x - y, 0) in [(x, y/3), (y, 3*x)]
    assert solve_linear(3*x - y, 0, [x]) == (x, y/3)
    assert solve_linear(3*x - y, 0, [y]) == (y, 3*x)
    assert solve_linear(x**2/y, 1) == (y, x**2)
    assert solve_linear(w, x) in [(w, x), (x, w)]
    assert solve_linear(cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2 + 2 + y) == \
           (y, -2 - cos(x)**2 - sin(x)**2)
    assert solve_linear(cos(x)**2 + sin(x)**2 + 2 + y, symbols=[x]) == (0, 1)
    assert solve_linear(Eq(x, 3)) == (x, 3)
    assert solve_linear(1/(1/x - 2)) == (0, 0)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: solve_linear(Eq(x, 3), 3))
예제 #27
    def simplify_int_limits(self, function):
        for i, domain in self.limits_dict.items():
            if not i.is_integer or i.shape or isinstance(domain, Boolean):

            i_expr = []
            patterns = []
            non_i_expr = set()
            from sympy import Wild
            _i = Wild('_i', **i.type.dict)
            for eq in function.args:
                if eq._has(i):
                    patterns.append(eq._subs(i, _i))

            matched_dic = {}
            for eq in non_i_expr:
                for pattern in patterns:
                    res = eq.match(pattern)
                    if not res:

                    t, *_ = res.values()
                    if t in matched_dic:
                        matched_dic[t] = {eq}

            new_set = set()
            for t, eqs in matched_dic.items():
                if len(eqs) != len(non_i_expr):
                non_i_expr -= eqs

            if not new_set:

            eqs = i_expr + [*non_i_expr]

            limits = self.limits_update(i, domain | new_set)

            function = function.func(*eqs)
            return function, limits
예제 #28
def exprMag(expr):
    Estimate the magnitude of an expression


    # Replace all sin, cos with 1
    any = Wild('a')  # Wildcard
    expr = expr.replace(sin(any), 1.0)
    expr = expr.replace(cos(any), 1.0)

    # Pick maximum values of x,y,z
    expr = expr.subs(x, 1.0)
    expr = expr.subs(y, 2. * pi)
    expr = expr.subs(z, 2. * pi)

    return expr.evalf()
예제 #29
def test_Wild_properties():
    # these tests only include Atoms
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    p = Symbol("p", positive=True)
    k = Symbol("k", integer=True)
    n = Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)

    given_patterns = [
        Rational(3, 2),

    integerp = lambda k: k.is_integer
    positivep = lambda k: k.is_positive
    symbolp = lambda k: k.is_Symbol
    realp = lambda k: k.is_extended_real

    S = Wild("S", properties=[symbolp])
    R = Wild("R", properties=[realp])
    Y = Wild("Y", exclude=[x, p, k, n])
    P = Wild("P", properties=[positivep])
    K = Wild("K", properties=[integerp])
    N = Wild("N", properties=[positivep, integerp])

    given_wildcards = [S, R, Y, P, K, N]

    goodmatch = {
        S: (x, y, p, k, n),
        R: (p, k, -k, n, -n, -3, 3, pi, Rational(3, 2)),
        Y: (y, -3, 3, pi, Rational(3, 2), I),
        P: (p, n, 3, pi, Rational(3, 2)),
        K: (k, -k, n, -n, -3, 3),
        N: (n, 3),

    for A in given_wildcards:
        for pat in given_patterns:
            d = pat.match(A)
            if pat in goodmatch[A]:
                assert d[A] in goodmatch[A]
                assert d is None
예제 #30
def discriminant(polynome):
    u"Calcule le discriminant d'un polynôme du second degré."
    a = Wild('a')
    b = Wild('b')
    c = Wild('c')
    x = Wild('x')
    dico = polynome.match(a*x**2 + b*x + c)
    if dico is None:
        raise NotImplementedError
    a, b, c, x = dico[a], dico[b], dico[c], dico[x]
    if not x.is_Symbol or a.has(x) or b.has(x) or c.has(x):
        raise NotImplementedError
    return b**2 - 4*a*c
예제 #31
    def definition(self):
        e, S = self.args

        from sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits import ForAll

        image_set = S.image_set()
        if image_set is not None:
            expr, variables, base_set = image_set
            from sympy import Wild
            variables_ = Wild(variables.name, **variables.dtype.dict)

            e = e.subs_limits_with_epitome(expr)
            dic = e.match(expr.subs(variables, variables_))
            if dic:
                variables_ = dic[variables_]
                if variables.dtype != variables_.dtype:
                    assert len(variables.shape) == 1
                    variables_ = variables_[:variables.shape[-1]]
                return self.func(variables_, base_set, equivalent=self)

            if e.has(variables):
                _variables = base_set.element_symbol(e.free_symbols)
                assert _variables.dtype == variables.dtype
                expr = expr._subs(variables, _variables)
                variables = _variables
            assert not e.has(variables)
            return ForAll(Unequality(e, expr, evaluate=False),
                          (variables, base_set),

        condition_set = S.condition_set()
        if condition_set:
            return Or(
                ~condition_set.condition._subs(condition_set.variable, e),
                ~self.func(e, condition_set.base_set),

        if S.is_UNION:
            contains = self.func(self.lhs, S.function).simplify()
            contains.equivalent = None
            return ForAll(contains, *S.limits, equivalent=self).simplify()

        return self
예제 #32
def test_replace():
    f = log(sin(x)) + tan(sin(x**2))

    assert f.replace(sin, cos) == log(cos(x)) + tan(cos(x**2))
    assert f.replace(sin, lambda a: sin(2*a)) == log(sin(2*x)) + tan(sin(2*x**2))

    a = Wild('a')

    assert f.replace(sin(a), cos(a)) == log(cos(x)) + tan(cos(x**2))
    assert f.replace(sin(a), lambda a: sin(2*a)) == log(sin(2*x)) + tan(sin(2*x**2))

    g = 2*sin(x**3)

    assert g.replace(lambda expr: expr.is_Number, lambda expr: expr**2) == 4*sin(x**9)

    assert cos(x).replace(cos, sin, map=True) == (sin(x), {cos(x): sin(x)})
    assert sin(x).replace(cos, sin) == sin(x)

    assert (y*sin(x)).replace(sin, lambda expr: sin(expr)/y) == sin(x)
예제 #33
def canonique(polynome):
    u"Met un polynôme du second degré sous forme canonique."
    a = Wild('a')
    b = Wild('b')
    c = Wild('c')
    x = Wild('x')
    dico = polynome.match(a*x**2 + b*x + c)
    if dico is None:
        return polynome
    a, b, c, x = dico[a], dico[b], dico[c], dico[x]
    if not x.is_Symbol or a.has(x) or b.has(x) or c.has(x):
        return polynome
    alpha = -b/(2*a)
    beta = (4*a*c - b**2)/(4*a)
    return a*(x - alpha)**2 + beta