예제 #1
    def test_model_dns_req(self):

        with self.getRamCore() as core:

            now = s_common.now()
            node = core.formTufoByProp('inet:dns:req',
                                       ('', 'VERTEX.link', 'A'), **{
                                           'seen:min': now,
                                           'seen:max': now
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:type'), 'a')
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:client'), 'tcp://')
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:client:ipv4'), 0x01020304)
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:fqdn'), 'vertex.link')
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:seen:min'), now)
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:seen:max'), now)

            newnow = s_common.now() + 100
            node = core.setTufoProps(
                node, **{
                    'seen:min': newnow,
                    'seen:max': newnow
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:seen:min'), now)
            self.eq(node[1].get('inet:dns:req:seen:max'), newnow)
예제 #2
    def save(self, items):
        Save a series of items to a sequence.

            items (tuple): The series of items to save into the sequence.

            The index of the first item
        rows = []
        indx = self.indx

        size = 0
        tick = s_common.now()

        for item in items:

            byts = s_msgpack.en(item)

            size += len(byts)

            lkey = s_common.int64en(indx)
            indx += 1

            rows.append((lkey, byts))

        self.slab.putmulti(rows, append=True, db=self.db)
        took = s_common.now() - tick

        origindx = self.indx
        self.indx = indx

        return {'indx': indx, 'size': size, 'count': len(items), 'time': tick, 'took': took, 'orig': origindx}
예제 #3
def convert_rstorm(_):
    import subprocess

    import synapse
    import synapse.common as s_common
    abssynf = os.path.abspath(synapse.__file__)
    synbd = os.path.split(abssynf)[0]  # Split off __init__
    synpd = os.path.split(synbd)[0]  # split off the synapse module directory
    env = {**os.environ, 'SYN_LOG_LEVEL': 'DEBUG'}

    cwd = os.getcwd()
    for fdir, dirs, fns in os.walk(cwd):
        for fn in fns:
            if fn.endswith('.rstorm'):

                oname = fn.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
                oname = oname + '.rst'
                sfile = os.path.join(fdir, fn)
                ofile = os.path.join(fdir, oname)

                tick = s_common.now()

                args = ['python', '-m', 'synapse.tools.rstorm', '--save', ofile, sfile]
                r = subprocess.run(args, cwd=synpd, env=env)
                assert r.returncode == 0, f'Failed to convert {sfile}'

                tock = s_common.now()
                took = (tock - tick) / 1000
                print(f'convert_rstorm: Rstorm {fn} execution took {took} seconds.')
예제 #4
파일: types.py 프로젝트: neelsenc/synapse
    def _normPyStr(self, valu):

        valu = valu.strip().lower()
        if valu == 'now':
            return self._normPyInt(s_common.now())

        # an unspecififed time in the future...
        if valu == '?':
            return self.futsize, {}

        # self contained relative time string

        # we need to be pretty sure this is meant for us, otherwise it might
        # just be a slightly messy time parse
        unitcheck = [u for u in s_time.timeunits.keys() if u in valu]
        if unitcheck and '-' in valu or '+' in valu:
            splitter = '+'
            if '-' in valu:
                splitter = '-'

            bgn, end = valu.split(splitter, 1)
            delt = s_time.delta(splitter + end)
            if bgn:
                bgn = self._normPyStr(bgn)[0]
                bgn = s_common.now()

            return self._normPyInt(delt + bgn)

        valu = s_time.parse(valu)
        return self._normPyInt(valu)
예제 #5
        async def runStorm():
            cancelled = False
            tick = s_common.now()
            count = 0

                # Always start with an init message.
                await chan.put(('init', {'tick': tick, 'text': text, 'task': synt.iden}))

                # Try text parsing. If this fails, we won't be able to get a storm
                # runtime in the snap, so catch and pass the `err` message
                await self.core.getStormQuery(text, mode=mode)

                shownode = (not show or 'node' in show)

                async with await self.snap(user=user) as snap:

                    if not show:

                        [snap.on(n, chan.put) for n in show]

                    if shownode:
                        async for pode in snap.iterStormPodes(text, opts=opts, user=user):
                            await chan.put(('node', pode))
                            count += 1

                        async for item in snap.storm(text, opts=opts, user=user):
                            count += 1

            except s_stormctrl.StormExit:

            except asyncio.CancelledError:
                logger.warning('Storm runtime cancelled.',
                               extra={'synapse': {'text': text, 'username': user.name, 'user': user.iden}})
                cancelled = True

            except Exception as e:
                logger.exception(f'Error during storm execution for {{ {text} }}',
                                 extra={'synapse': {'text': text, 'username': user.name, 'user': user.iden}})
                enfo = s_common.err(e)
                enfo[1].pop('esrc', None)
                enfo[1].pop('ename', None)
                await chan.put(('err', enfo))

                if not cancelled:
                    tock = s_common.now()
                    took = tock - tick
                    await chan.put(('fini', {'tock': tock, 'took': took, 'count': count}))
예제 #6
    def puts(self, items, seqn=None):
        Add the structured data from items to the CryoTank.

            items (list):  A list of objects to store in the CryoTank.
            seqn (iden, offs): An iden / offset pair to record.

            int: The ending offset of the items or seqn.
        itembyts = [s_msgpack.en(i) for i in items]

        tick = s_common.now()
        bytesize = sum([len(b) for b in itembyts])

        with self.lenv.begin(db=self.lenv_items, write=True) as xact:

            todo = []
            for byts in itembyts:
                todo.append((struct.pack('>Q', self.items_indx), byts))
                self.items_indx += 1

            retn = self.items_indx

            with xact.cursor() as curs:
                curs.putmulti(todo, append=True)

            took = s_common.now() - tick

            with xact.cursor(db=self.lenv_metrics) as curs:

                lkey = struct.pack('>Q', self.metrics_indx)
                self.metrics_indx += 1

                info = {
                    'time': tick,
                    'count': len(items),
                    'size': bytesize,
                    'took': took
                curs.put(lkey, s_msgpack.en(info), append=True)

            if seqn is not None:
                iden, offset = seqn
                nextoff = offset + len(items)
                self.offs.xset(xact, iden, nextoff)
                retn = nextoff


        return retn
예제 #7
    async def _initTestRunts(self):
        modl = self.core.model
        fnme = 'test:runt'
        form = modl.form(fnme)
        now = s_common.now()
        data = [
            (' BEEP ', {
                'tick': modl.type('time').norm('2001')[0],
                'lulz': 'beep.sys',
                '.created': now
            ('boop', {
                'tick': modl.type('time').norm('2010')[0],
                '.created': now
            ('blah', {
                'tick': modl.type('time').norm('2010')[0],
                'lulz': 'blah.sys'
            ('woah', {}),
        for pprop, propd in data:
            props = {}
            pnorm, _ = form.type.norm(pprop)

            for k, v in propd.items():
                prop = form.props.get(k)
                if prop:
                    norm, _ = prop.type.norm(v)
                    props[k] = norm

            props.setdefault('.created', s_common.now())

            rows = [('*' + fnme, pnorm)]
            for k, v in props.items():
                rows.append((k, v))

            buid = s_common.buid((fnme, pnorm))
            self._runtsByBuid[buid] = rows

            # Allow for indirect lookup to a set of buids
            self._runtsByPropValu[(fnme, pnorm)].append(buid)
            for k, propvalu in props.items():
                prop = fnme + ':' + k
                if k.startswith('.'):
                    prop = fnme + k
                if modl.prop(prop).type.indx(propvalu):
                    # Can the secondary property be indexed for lift?
                    self._runtsByPropValu[(prop, propvalu)].append(buid)
예제 #8
파일: backup.py 프로젝트: freecamel/synapse
def backup(srcdir, dstdir, compact=True):
        compact (bool):  whether to optimize storage while copying to the destination
    tick = s_common.now()

    srcdir = s_common.reqdir(srcdir)
    dstdir = s_common.gendir(dstdir)

    logger.info(f'Starting backup of [{srcdir}]')
    logger.info(f'Destination dir: [{dstdir}]')

    for root, dnames, fnames in os.walk(srcdir, topdown=True):

        relpath = os.path.relpath(root, start=srcdir)

        for name in list(dnames):

            # Explicitly skip directory names of 'tmp' to avoid backing up temporary files
            if name == 'tmp':

            srcpath = s_common.genpath(root, name)
            dstpath = s_common.genpath(dstdir, relpath, name)

            if name.endswith('.lmdb'):
                backup_lmdb(srcpath, dstpath)

            logger.info(f'making dir:{dstpath}')

        for name in fnames:
            srcpath = s_common.genpath(root, name)
            # skip unix sockets etc...
            if not os.path.isfile(srcpath):

            dstpath = s_common.genpath(dstdir, relpath, name)
            logger.info(f'copying: {srcpath} -> {dstpath}')
            shutil.copy(srcpath, dstpath)

    tock = s_common.now()

    logger.info(f'Backup complete. Took [{tock-tick:.2f}] for [{srcdir}]')
예제 #9
파일: cortex.py 프로젝트: vivisect/synapse
 def openLogFd(self, opts):
     opath = self.locs.get('log:fp')
     if opath:
         self.printf('Must call --off to disable current file before starting a new file.')
     fmt = opts.format
     path = opts.path
     nodes_only = opts.nodes_only
     splice_only = opts.splices_only
     if not path:
         ts = s_time.repr(s_common.now(), True)
         fn = f'storm_{ts}.{fmt}'
         path = s_common.getSynPath('stormlogs', fn)
     self.printf(f'Starting logfile at [{path}]')
     q = queue.Queue()
     fd = s_common.genfile(path)
     # Seek to the end of the file. Allows a user to append to a file.
     fd.seek(0, 2)
     self.locs['log:fp'] = path
     self.locs['log:fd'] = fd
     self.locs['log:fmt'] = fmt
     self.locs['log:queue'] = q
     self.locs['log:thr'] = self.queueLoop()
     self.locs['log:nodesonly'] = nodes_only
     self.locs['log:splicesonly'] = splice_only
     self._cmd_cli.on('storm:mesg', self.onStormMesg)
예제 #10
파일: syn.py 프로젝트: mikemoritz/synapse
    async def _initTriggerRunts(self):
        now = s_common.now()
        typeform = self.model.form('syn:trigger')
        for iden, trig in await self.core.listTriggers():

            tnorm, _ = typeform.type.norm(iden)

            props = {'.created': now,
                     'doc': trig.doc,
                     'name': trig.name,
                     'vers': trig.ver,
                     'cond': trig.cond,
                     'storm': trig.storm,
                     'enabled': trig.enabled,
                     'user': self.core.getUserName(trig.useriden),

            if trig.tag is not None:
                props['tag'] = trig.tag
            if trig.form is not None:
                props['form'] = trig.form
            if trig.prop is not None:
                props['prop'] = trig.prop

            self._addRuntRows('syn:trigger', tnorm, props,
                              self._triggerRuntsByBuid, self._triggerRuntsByPropValu)
예제 #11
파일: project.py 프로젝트: enadjoe/synapse
    async def _setPriority(self, valu):

        self.proj.confirm(('project', 'ticket', 'set', 'priority'))

        strvalu = await tostr(valu)
        await self.node.set('priority', strvalu)
        await self.node.set('updated', s_common.now())
예제 #12
    def _revModl201706201837(self):
        Add :port and :ipv4 to inet:tcp4 and inet:udp4 nodes.
        tick = s_common.now()

        forms = ('inet:tcp4', 'inet:udp4')
        for form in forms:
            adds = []
            portprop = '{}:port'.format(form)
            ipv4prop = '{}:ipv4'.format(form)

            rows = self.core.getRowsByProp(form)
            for i, p, v, _ in rows:
                norm, subs = s_datamodel.tlib.getTypeNorm(form, v)

                port = subs.get('port')
                if port:
                    adds.append((i, portprop, port, tick))

                ipv4 = subs.get('ipv4')
                if ipv4:
                    adds.append((i, ipv4prop, ipv4, tick))

            if adds:
예제 #13
    async def test_syningest_remote(self):

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:

            guid = s_common.guid()
            seen = s_common.now()
            gestdef = self.getIngestDef(guid, seen)

            with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                # Test yaml support here
                gestfp = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'gest.yaml')
                s_common.yamlsave(gestdef, gestfp)
                argv = ['--cortex', core.getLocalUrl(),
                        '--modules', 'synapse.tests.utils.TestModule',

                outp = self.getTestOutp()
                cmdg = s_t_utils.CmdGenerator(['storm test:pivcomp -> *', EOFError()])
                with self.withCliPromptMockExtendOutp(outp):
                    with self.withTestCmdr(cmdg):
                        self.eq(await s_feed.main(argv, outp=outp), 0)
                self.true(outp.expect('test:str=haha', throw=False))
                self.true(outp.expect('test:pivtarg=hehe', throw=False))
예제 #14
 def openLogFd(self, opts):
     opath = self.locs.get('log:fp')
     if opath:
             'Must call --off to disable current file before starting a new file.'
     fmt = opts.format
     path = opts.path
     nodes_only = opts.nodes_only
     edits_only = opts.edits_only
     if not path:
         ts = s_time.repr(s_common.now(), True)
         fn = f'storm_{ts}.{fmt}'
         path = s_common.getSynPath('stormlogs', fn)
     self.printf(f'Starting logfile at [{path}]')
     q = queue.Queue()
     fd = s_common.genfile(path)
     # Seek to the end of the file. Allows a user to append to a file.
     fd.seek(0, 2)
     self.locs['log:fp'] = path
     self.locs['log:fd'] = fd
     self.locs['log:fmt'] = fmt
     self.locs['log:queue'] = q
     self.locs['log:thr'] = self.queueLoop()
     self.locs['log:nodesonly'] = nodes_only
     self.locs['log:editsonly'] = edits_only
     self._cmd_cli.on('storm:mesg', self.onStormMesg)
예제 #15
파일: macro.py 프로젝트: wesinator/synapse
    async def _funcMacroSet(self, name, storm):
        Add or modify an existing Storm Macro in the Cortex.

            name (str): Name of the Storm Macro to add or modify.

            storm (str): The Storm query to add to the macro.

            None: Returns None.
        name = await s_stormtypes.tostr(name)
        storm = await s_stormtypes.tostr(storm)

        # validation
        await self.runt.getStormQuery(storm)

        path = ('cortex', 'storm', 'macros', name)

        user = self.runt.user

        mdef = await self.runt.snap.core.getHiveKey(path)
        if mdef is not None:
            if mdef['user'] != user.iden and not user.isAdmin():
                mesg = 'Macro belongs to a different user'
                raise s_exc.AuthDeny(mesg=mesg)

        mdef = {
            'user': user.iden,
            'storm': storm,
            'edited': s_common.now(),

        await self.runt.snap.core.setHiveKey(path, mdef)
예제 #16
    async def _srcPullLyrSplices(self, lyriden):
        Open a proxy to the source layer and initiates splice reader.
        Intended to be run as a free-running task, and will poll for updates every poll_s.

            lyriden (str): Layer iden
        trycnt = 0
        q_cap = self.q_cap
        poll_s = self.poll_s
        turl = self._getLayerUrl(self.src, lyriden)
        while not self.isfini:
                trycnt += 1
                prx = await s_telepath.openurl(turl)
                trycnt = 0

                logger.info(f'Connected to source {lyriden}')
                islive = False

                while not prx.isfini:
                    queue = self._queues.get(lyriden)
                    startoffs = self.pull_offs.get(lyriden)

                    logger.debug(f'Pulling splices for layer {lyriden} starting from offset {startoffs}')
                    if islive:
                        self._pull_status[lyriden] = 'reading_at_live'
                        self._pull_status[lyriden] = 'reading_catchup'


                    self.pull_last_start[lyriden] = s_common.now()
                    nextoffs, islive = await self._srcIterLyrSplices(prx, startoffs, queue)

                    self.pull_offs.set(lyriden, nextoffs)

                    while not islive and len(queue.linklist) > q_cap:
                        await asyncio.sleep(1)

                    if queue.isfini:
                        logger.warning(f'Queue is finid; stopping {lyriden} src pull')
                        self._pull_status[lyriden] = 'queue_fini'

                    if islive:
                        if nextoffs == startoffs:
                            logger.debug(f'All splices from {lyriden} have been read')
                            self._pull_status[lyriden] = 'up_to_date'

                        await asyncio.sleep(poll_s)

            except asyncio.CancelledError:  # pragma: no cover
            except (ConnectionError, s_exc.IsFini):
                logger.exception(f'Source layer connection error cnt={trycnt}: {lyriden}')
                self._pull_status[lyriden] = 'connect_err'
                await asyncio.sleep(2 ** trycnt)
예제 #17
    def _revModl201711012123(self):
        now = s_common.now()
        forms = sorted(self.core.getTufoForms())
        nforms = len(forms)
        for n, form in enumerate(forms):
            adds = []
            logger.debug('Computing node:ndef rows for [{}]'.format(form))
            for i, p, v, t in self.core.store.getRowsByProp(form):
                # This is quicker than going through the norm process
                nv = s_common.guid((p, v))
                adds.append((i, 'node:ndef', nv, now))

            if adds:
                tot = len(adds)
                logger.debug('Adding {:,d} node:ndef rows for [{}]'.format(
                    tot, form))
                with self.core.getCoreXact() as xact:
                    i = 0
                    nt = 100000
                    for chunk in s_common.chunks(adds, nt):
                        i = i + len(chunk)
                            'Loading {:,d} [{}%] rows into transaction'.format(
                                i, int((i / tot) * 100)))
            logger.debug('Processed {:,d} [{}%] forms.'.format(
                n, int((n / nforms) * 100)))
        logger.debug('Finished adding node:ndef rows to the Cortex')
예제 #18
    async def __anit__(self, boss, task, name, user, info=None, root=None):

        await s_base.Base.__anit__(self)

        if info is None:
            info = {}

        self.boss = boss

        task._syn_task = self

        self.task = task  # the real task...
        self.iden = s_common.guid()
        self.tick = s_common.now()

        self.boss.tasks[self.iden] = self
        if root is not None:
            root.kids[self.iden] = self


        self.name = name
        self.user = user
        self.root = root
        self.info = info

        self.kids = {}

예제 #19
            def testmain():

                pconf = {'user': '******', 'passwd': 'root'}
                with self.getTestProxy(dmon, 'core', **pconf) as core:
                    # Setup user permissions
                    core.addAuthRule('creator', (True, ('node:add', )))
                    core.addAuthRule('creator', (True, ('prop:set', )))
                    core.addAuthRule('creator', (True, ('tag:add', )))
                    core.addUserRole('root', 'creator')

                host, port = dmon.addr
                curl = f'tcp://*****:*****@{host}:{port}/core'

                guid = s_common.guid()
                seen = s_common.now()
                gestdef = self.getIngestDef(guid, seen)

                with self.getTestDir() as dirn:

                    # Test yaml support here
                    gestfp = s_common.genpath(dirn, 'gest.yaml')
                    s_common.yamlsave(gestdef, gestfp)
                    argv = [
                        '--cortex', curl, '--debug', '--modules',
                        'synapse.tests.utils.TestModule', gestfp

                    outp = self.getTestOutp()
                    cmdg = s_t_utils.CmdGenerator(['storm pivcomp -> *'],
                    with mock.patch('synapse.lib.cli.get_input', cmdg):
                        self.eq(s_feed.main(argv, outp=outp), 0)
                    self.true(outp.expect('teststr=haha', throw=False))
                    self.true(outp.expect('pivtarg=hehe', throw=False))
예제 #20
    async def tryPasswd(self, passwd):

        if self.info.get('locked', False):
            return False

        if passwd is None:
            return False

        onepass = self.info.get('onepass')
        if onepass is not None:
            expires, salt, hashed = onepass
            if expires >= s_common.now():
                if s_common.guid((salt, passwd)) == hashed:
                    await self.auth.setUserInfo(self.iden, 'onepass', None)
                    return True
                await self.auth.setUserInfo(self.iden, 'onepass', None)

        shadow = self.info.get('passwd')
        if shadow is None:
            return False

        salt, hashed = shadow

        if s_common.guid((salt, passwd)) == hashed:
            return True

        return False
예제 #21
파일: modelrev.py 프로젝트: enadjoe/synapse
    async def revModel20210312(self, layers):

        ipv4type = self.core.model.type('inet:ipv4')
        ipv6type = self.core.model.type('inet:ipv6')

        for layr in layers:

            nodeedits = []
            meta = {
                'time': s_common.now(),
                'user': self.core.auth.rootuser.iden

            async def save():
                await layr.storNodeEdits(nodeedits, meta)

            async for buid, propvalu in layr.iterPropRows(
                    'inet:web:acct', 'signup:client:ipv6'):

                ipv6text = ipv6type.norm(ipv4type.repr(propvalu))[0]
                nodeedits.append((buid, 'inet:web:acct',
                                    ('signup:client:ipv6', ipv6text, propvalu,
                                     s_layer.STOR_TYPE_IPV6), ()), )), )

                if len(nodeedits) >= 1000:
                    await save()

            if nodeedits:
                await save()
예제 #22
파일: vault.py 프로젝트: rjammala/synapse
    def genCertTokn(rpub, **info):
        Generate a public key certificate token.

            rpub (s_ecc.PubKey):
            **info: Additional key/value data to be added to the certificate token.

            bytes: A msgpack encoded dictionary.
        tick = s_common.now()
        info['ecdsa:pubkey'] = rpub.dump()
        info['created'] = s_common.now()
        info.setdefault('expires', tick + (3 * s_const.year))
        return s_msgpack.en(info)
예제 #23
파일: task.py 프로젝트: vivisect/synapse
    async def __anit__(self, boss, task, name, user, info=None, root=None):

        await s_base.Base.__anit__(self)

        if info is None:
            info = {}

        self.boss = boss

        task._syn_task = self

        self.task = task                # the real task...
        self.iden = s_common.guid()
        self.tick = s_common.now()

        self.boss.tasks[self.iden] = self
        if root is not None:
            root.kids[self.iden] = self


        self.name = name
        self.user = user
        self.root = root
        self.info = info

        self.kids = {}

예제 #24
파일: project.py 프로젝트: enadjoe/synapse
    async def _setAssignee(self, valu):

        self.proj.confirm(('project', 'ticket', 'set', 'assignee'))

        strvalu = await tostr(valu, noneok=True)

        if strvalu is None:
            await self.node.pop('assignee')
            await self.node.set('updated', s_common.now())

        udef = await self.proj.runt.snap.core.getUserDefByName(strvalu)
        if udef is None:
            mesg = f'No user found by the name {strvalu}'
            raise s_exc.NoSuchUser(mesg=mesg)
        await self.node.set('assignee', udef['iden'])
        await self.node.set('updated', s_common.now())
예제 #25
파일: project.py 프로젝트: enadjoe/synapse
    async def _setSprint(self, valu):

        self.proj.confirm(('project', 'ticket', 'set', 'sprint'))

        strvalu = await tostr(valu, noneok=True)

        if strvalu is None:
            await self.node.pop('sprint')
            await self.node.set('updated', s_common.now())

        sprint = await self.proj._getProjSprint(strvalu)
        if sprint is None:
            mesg = f'No sprint found by that name/iden ({strvalu}).'
            raise s_exc.NoSuchName(mesg=mesg)

        await self.node.set('sprint', sprint.node.ndef[1])
        await self.node.set('updated', s_common.now())
예제 #26
def convert_ipynb(_):
    import synapse.common as s_common
    import nbconvert.nbconvertapp as nba
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    for fdir, dirs, fns in os.walk(cwd):
        if '.ipynb_checkpoints' in dirs:
        for fn in fns:
            if fn.endswith('.ipynb'):
                # if 'httpapi' not in fn:
                #     continue
                tick = s_common.now()
                fp = os.path.join(fdir, fn)
                args = ['--execute', '--template', './vertex.tpl', '--to', 'rst', fp]
                tock = s_common.now()
                took = (tock - tick) / 1000
                print(f'convert_ipynb: Notebook {fn} execution took {took} seconds.')
예제 #27
    async def runAxonTestBase(self, axon):

        tick = s_common.now()

        self.false(await axon.has(asdfhash))

        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(b'asdfasdf')
            self.eq(asdfretn, await fd.save())

        # do it again to test the short circuit
        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(b'asdfasdf')
            self.eq(asdfretn, await fd.save())

        bytz = []
        async for byts in axon.get(asdfhash):

        self.eq(b'asdfasdf', b''.join(bytz))

        self.true(await axon.has(asdfhash))
        self.false(await axon.has(bbufhash))

        self.eq((bbufhash, ), await axon.wants((bbufhash, asdfhash)))

        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(bbuf)
            await fd.save()

        self.true(await axon.has(asdfhash))
        self.true(await axon.has(bbufhash))

        self.eq((), await axon.wants((bbufhash, asdfhash)))

        items = [x async for x in axon.hashes(0)]
        self.eq(((0, (asdfhash, 8)), (1, (bbufhash, 33554437))), items)

        items = [x[1] async for x in axon.history(tick)]
        self.eq(((asdfhash, 8), (bbufhash, 33554437)), items)

        items = [x[1] async for x in axon.history(0, tock=1)]
        self.eq((), items)

        info = await axon.metrics()
        self.eq(33554445, info.get('size:bytes'))
        self.eq(2, info.get('file:count'))

        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(b'')
            self.eq(emptyretn, await fd.save())

        bytz = []
        async for byts in axon.get(emptyhash):

        self.eq(b'', b''.join(bytz))
예제 #28
파일: types.py 프로젝트: neelsenc/synapse
    def _normRelStr(self, valu, relto=None):
        valu = valu.strip().lower()
        # assumes the relative string starts with a - or +

        delt = s_time.delta(valu)
        if not relto:
            relto = s_common.now()

        return self.timetype._normPyInt(delt + relto)[0]
예제 #29
    async def runAxonTestBase(self, axon):

        tick = s_common.now()

        self.false(await axon.has(asdfhash))

        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(b'asdfasdf')
            self.eq(asdfretn, await fd.save())

        # do it again to test the short circuit
        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(b'asdfasdf')
            self.eq(asdfretn, await fd.save())

        bytz = []
        async for byts in axon.get(asdfhash):

        self.eq(b'asdfasdf', b''.join(bytz))

        self.true(await axon.has(asdfhash))
        self.false(await axon.has(bbufhash))

        self.eq((bbufhash,), await axon.wants((bbufhash, asdfhash)))

        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(bbuf)
            await fd.save()

        self.true(await axon.has(asdfhash))
        self.true(await axon.has(bbufhash))

        self.eq((), await axon.wants((bbufhash, asdfhash)))

        items = [x async for x in axon.hashes(0)]
        self.eq(((0, (asdfhash, 8)), (1, (bbufhash, 33554437))), items)

        items = [x[1] async for x in axon.history(tick)]
        self.eq(((asdfhash, 8), (bbufhash, 33554437)), items)

        items = [x[1] async for x in axon.history(0, tock=1)]
        self.eq((), items)

        info = await axon.metrics()
        self.eq(33554445, info.get('size:bytes'))
        self.eq(2, info.get('file:count'))

        async with await axon.upload() as fd:
            await fd.write(b'')
            self.eq(emptyretn, await fd.save())

        bytz = []
        async for byts in axon.get(emptyhash):

        self.eq(b'', b''.join(bytz))
예제 #30
파일: project.py 프로젝트: enadjoe/synapse
    async def _setStatus(self, valu):

        useriden = self.proj.runt.user.iden
        if useriden != self.node.get('assignee'):
            self.proj.confirm(('project', 'ticket', 'set', 'status'))

        strvalu = await tostr(valu)
        await self.node.set('status', strvalu)
        await self.node.set('updated', s_common.now())
예제 #31
파일: sqlite.py 프로젝트: dwinings/synapse
    def _setRowsByIdProp(self, iden, prop, valu):
        if s_compat.isint(valu):
            count = self.update(self._q_uprows_by_iden_prop_int, iden=iden, prop=prop, valu=valu)
            count = self.update(self._q_uprows_by_iden_prop_str, iden=iden, prop=prop, valu=valu)

        if count == 0:
            rows = [(iden, prop, valu, s_common.now()), ]
예제 #32
    def puts(self, items):
        Add the structured data from items to the CryoTank.

            items (list):  A list of objects to store in the CryoTank.

            int: The index that the item storage began at.
        itembyts = [s_msgpack.en(i) for i in items]

        tick = s_common.now()
        bytesize = sum([len(b) for b in itembyts])

        with self.lmdb.begin(db=self.lmdb_items, write=True) as xact:

            retn = self.items_indx

            todo = []
            for byts in itembyts:
                todo.append((struct.pack('>Q', self.items_indx), byts))
                self.items_indx += 1

            with xact.cursor() as curs:
                curs.putmulti(todo, append=True)

            took = s_common.now() - tick

            with xact.cursor(db=self.lmdb_metrics) as curs:

                lkey = struct.pack('>Q', self.metrics_indx)
                self.metrics_indx += 1

                info = {
                    'time': tick,
                    'count': len(items),
                    'size': bytesize,
                    'took': took
                curs.put(lkey, s_msgpack.en(info), append=True)

        return retn
예제 #33
    def forcecommit(self):
            This method may raise a MapFullError
        if not self.dirty:
            return False

        xactopslen = len(self.xactops)

        # ok... lets commit and re-open
        starttime = s_common.now()
        donetime = s_common.now()

        self.commitstats.append((starttime, xactopslen, donetime - starttime))

        return True
예제 #34
파일: backup.py 프로젝트: vivisect/synapse
def backup(srcdir, dstdir):

    tick = s_common.now()

    srcdir = s_common.reqdir(srcdir)
    dstdir = s_common.gendir(dstdir)

    logger.info(f'Starting backup of [{srcdir}]')
    logger.info(f'Destination dir: [{dstdir}]')

    for root, dnames, fnames in os.walk(srcdir, topdown=True):

        relpath = os.path.relpath(root, start=srcdir)

        for name in list(dnames):

            srcpath = s_common.genpath(root, name)
            dstpath = s_common.genpath(dstdir, relpath, name)

            if name.endswith('.lmdb'):
                backup_lmdb(srcpath, dstpath)

            logger.info(f'making dir:{dstpath}')

        for name in fnames:
            srcpath = s_common.genpath(root, name)
            # skip unix sockets etc...
            if not os.path.isfile(srcpath):

            dstpath = s_common.genpath(dstdir, relpath, name)
            logger.info(f'copying: {srcpath} -> {dstpath}')
            shutil.copy(srcpath, dstpath)

    tock = s_common.now()

    logger.info(f'Backup complete. Took [{tock-tick:.2f}] for [{srcdir}]')
예제 #35
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: vivisect/synapse
    async def _initTestRunts(self):
        modl = self.core.model
        fnme = 'test:runt'
        form = modl.form(fnme)
        now = s_common.now()
        data = [(' BEEP ', {'tick': modl.type('time').norm('2001')[0], 'lulz': 'beep.sys', '.created': now}),
                ('boop', {'tick': modl.type('time').norm('2010')[0], '.created': now}),
                ('blah', {'tick': modl.type('time').norm('2010')[0], 'lulz': 'blah.sys'}),
                ('woah', {}),
        for pprop, propd in data:
            props = {}
            pnorm, _ = form.type.norm(pprop)

            for k, v in propd.items():
                prop = form.props.get(k)
                if prop:
                    norm, _ = prop.type.norm(v)
                    props[k] = norm

            props.setdefault('.created', s_common.now())

            rows = [('*' + fnme, pnorm)]
            for k, v in props.items():
                rows.append((k, v))

            buid = s_common.buid((fnme, pnorm))
            self._runtsByBuid[buid] = rows

            # Allow for indirect lookup to a set of buids
            self._runtsByPropValu[(fnme, pnorm)].append(buid)
            for k, propvalu in props.items():
                prop = fnme + ':' + k
                if k.startswith('.'):
                    prop = fnme + k
                if modl.prop(prop).type.indx(propvalu):
                    # Can the secondary property be indexed for lift?
                    self._runtsByPropValu[(prop, propvalu)].append(buid)
예제 #36
파일: snap.py 프로젝트: vivisect/synapse
    async def stor(self, sops, splices=None):

        if not splices:
            await self.wlyr.stor(sops)

        now = s_common.now()
        user = self.user.iden

        wasnew, providen, provstack = self.core.provstor.commit()
        if wasnew:
            await self.fire('prov:new', time=now, user=user, prov=providen, provstack=provstack)

        for splice in splices:
            name, info = splice
            info.update(time=now, user=user, prov=providen)
            await self.fire(name, **info)

        await self.wlyr.stor(sops, splices=splices)
예제 #37
    async def test_ival(self):
        model = s_datamodel.Model()
        ival = model.types.get('ival')

        self.eq(b'', ival.indx(None))
        self.eq(('2016/01/01 00:00:00.000', '2017/01/01 00:00:00.000'), ival.repr(ival.norm(('2016', '2017'))[0]))

        self.gt(s_common.now(), ival._normRelStr('-1 min'))

        self.eq((0, 5356800000), ival.norm((0, '1970-03-04'))[0])
        self.eq((1451606400000, 1451606400001), ival.norm('2016')[0])
        self.eq((1451606400000, 1451606400001), ival.norm(1451606400000)[0])
        self.eq((1451606400000, 1451606400001), ival.norm('2016')[0])
        self.eq((1451606400000, 1483228800000), ival.norm(('2016', '  2017'))[0])
        self.eq((1451606400000, 1483228800000), ival.norm(('2016-01-01', '  2017'))[0])
        self.eq((1451606400000, 1483142400000), ival.norm(('2016', '+365 days'))[0])
        self.eq((1448150400000, 1451606400000), ival.norm(('2016', '-40 days'))[0])
        self.eq((1447891200000, 1451347200000), ival.norm(('2016-3days', '-40 days   '))[0])
        self.eq((1451347200000, 0x7fffffffffffffff), ival.norm(('2016-3days', '?'))[0])

        start = s_common.now() + s_time.oneday - 1
        end = ival.norm(('now', '+1day'))[0][1]
        self.lt(start, end)

        oldv = ival.norm(('2016', '2017'))[0]
        newv = ival.norm(('2015', '2018'))[0]
        self.eq((1420070400000, 1514764800000), ival.merge(oldv, newv))

        self.raises(s_exc.BadTypeValu, ival.norm, '?')
        self.raises(s_exc.BadTypeValu, ival.norm, ('', ''))
        self.raises(s_exc.BadTypeValu, ival.norm, ('2016-3days', '+77days', '-40days'))
        self.raises(s_exc.BadTypeValu, ival.norm, ('?', '-1 day'))

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:

            t = core.model.type('test:time')

            async with await core.snap() as snap:
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'a', {'tick': '2014', '.seen': ('2005', '2006')})
                await node.addTag('foo', valu=('2000', '2001'))

                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'b', {'tick': '2015', '.seen': ('8679', '9000')})
                await node.addTag('foo', valu=('2015', '2018'))

                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'c', {'tick': '2016', '.seen': ('now-5days', 'now-1day')})
                await node.addTag('bar', valu=('1970', '1990'))

                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'd', {'tick': 'now', '.seen': ('now-10days', '?')})
                await node.addTag('baz', valu='now')

                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'e', {'tick': 'now-3days', '.seen': ('now+1day', 'now+5days')})
                await node.addTag('biz', valu=('now-1day', 'now+1day'))

                # node whose primary prop is an ival
                node = await snap.addNode('test:ival', (0, 10), {'interval': ("now", "now+4days")})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:ival', (50, 100), {'interval': ("now-2days", "now+2days")})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:ival', ("1995", "1997"), {'interval': ("2010", "2011")})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:ival', ("now-2days", "now+4days"), {'interval': ("201006", "20100605")})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:ival', ("now+21days", "?"), {'interval': ("2000", "2001")})

                # tag of tags
                node = (await alist(snap.getNodesBy('syn:tag', 'foo')))[0]
                await node.addTag('v.p', valu=('2005', '2006'))

                node = (await alist(snap.getNodesBy('syn:tag', 'bar')))[0]
                await node.addTag('vert.proj', valu=('20110605', 'now'))

                node = (await alist(snap.getNodesBy('syn:tag', 'biz')))[0]
                await node.addTag('vertex.project', valu=('now-5days', 'now'))

            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadSyntax, core.eval('test:str :tick=(20150102, "-4 day")'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=(now, "-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=2015'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=(2015, "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=(20150102+1day, "-4 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=(20150102, "-4 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=(now, "-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=("now-1day", "?")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=("now+2days", "-3 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=("now", "now+3days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=("now-2days","now")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=("2011", "2014")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=("2014", "20140601")'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=(now, "-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=2015'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=(2015, "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=(20150102+1day, "-4 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=(20150102, "-4 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=(now, "-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=("now-1day", "?")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=("now+2days", "-3 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick@=("now", "now+3days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=("now-2days","now")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick@=("2011", "2014")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick@=("2014", "20140601")'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('.seen@=("2004", "2005")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('.seen@=("9000", "9001")'))

            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('.seen@=("now+6days", "?")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('.seen@=(now, "-4 days")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('.seen@=(8900, 9500)'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('.seen@=("2004", "20050201")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('.seen@=("now", "-3 days")'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival@=1970'))
            await self.agenlen(5, core.eval('test:ival@=(1970, "now+100days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival@="now"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival@=("now+1day", "now+6days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival@=("now-9days", "now-1day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival@=("now-3days", "now+3days")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival@=("1993", "1995")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival@=("1997", "1998")'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival:interval@="now+2days"'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("now-4days","now-3days")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("now+4days","now+6days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("now-3days","now-1days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("now+3days","now+6days")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:ival:interval@="now+1day"'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("20100602","20100603")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("now-10days","now+10days")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("1999", "2000")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival:interval@=("2001", "2002")'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@="now+2days"'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("now-4days","now-3days")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("now+4days","now+6days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("now-3days","now-1days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("now+3days","now+6days")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@="now+1day"'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("20100602","20100603")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("now-10days","now+10days")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("1999", "2000")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:ival +:interval@=("2001", "2002")'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('#foo@=("2013", "2015")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('#foo@=("2018", "2019")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#foo@=("1999", "2002")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#foo@="2015"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#foo@=("2010", "20150601")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('#foo@=("2000", "2017")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#bar@=("1985", "1995")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('#bar@="2000"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#baz@=("now","-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#baz@=("now-1day", "+1day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#biz@="now"'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('#foo +#foo@=("2013", "2015")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('#foo +#foo@=("2018", "2019")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#foo +#foo@=("1999", "2002")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#foo +#foo@="2015"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#foo +#foo@=("2010", "20150601")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('#foo +#foo@=("2000", "2017")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#bar +#bar@=("1985", "1995")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('#bar +#bar@="2000"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#baz +#baz@=("now","-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#baz +#baz@=("now-1day", "+1day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('#biz +#biz@="now"'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str#foo@=("2013", "2015")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str#foo@=("2018", "2019")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#foo@=("1999", "2002")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#foo@="2015"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#foo@=("2010", "20150601")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:str#foo@=("2000", "2017")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#bar@=("1985", "1995")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str#bar@="2000"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#baz@=("now","-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#baz@=("now-1day", "+1day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str#biz@="now"'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +#foo@=("2013", "2015")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +#foo@=("2018", "2019")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#foo@=("1999", "2002")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#foo@="2015"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#foo@=("2010", "20150601")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:str +#foo@=("2000", "2017")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#bar@=("1985", "1995")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +#bar@="2000"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#baz@=("now","-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#baz@=("now-1day", "+1day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +#biz@="now"'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('##v.p@=("2003", "2005")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('##v.p@=("2006", "2008")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('##vert.proj@="2016"'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('##vert.proj@=("2010", "2012")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('##vert.proj@=("2016", "now+6days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('##vert.proj@=("1995", "now+6 days")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('##vertex.project@=("now-9days", "now-3days")'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +:tick@=(2020, 2000)'))

            now = s_common.now()
            nodes = await alist(core.eval('[test:guid="*" .seen=("-1 day","?")]'))
            node = nodes[0]
            valu = node.get('.seen')
            self.eq(valu[1], ival.futsize)
            self.true(now - s_const.day <= valu[0] < now)

            # Sad Paths
            q = '[test:str=newp .seen=(2018/03/31,2018/03/30)]'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu, core.eval(q))
            q = '[test:str=newp .seen=("+-1 day","+-1 day")]'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu, core.eval(q))
            q = '[test:str=newp  .seen=("?","?")]'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu, core.eval(q))
            q = '[test:str=newp  .seen=(2018/03/31,2018/03/31)]'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu, core.eval(q))
            q = '[test:str=newp .seen=(2008, 2019, 2000)]'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu, core.eval(q))
            q = '[test:str=newp .seen=("?","-1 day")]'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu, core.eval(q))
            # *range= not supported for ival
            q = 'test:str +:.seen*range=((20090601, 20090701), (20110905, 20110906,))'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr, core.eval(q))
            q = 'test:str.seen*range=((20090601, 20090701), (20110905, 20110906,))'
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.NoSuchCmpr, core.eval(q))
예제 #38
파일: snap.py 프로젝트: vivisect/synapse
    async def _addNodeFnibOps(self, fnib, editatom, props=None):
        Add a node via (form, norm, info, buid) and add ops to editatom
        form, norm, info, buid = fnib

        if form.isrunt:
            raise s_exc.IsRuntForm(mesg='Cannot make runt nodes.',
                                   form=form.full, prop=norm)

        if props is None:
            props = {}
        # Check if this buid is already under construction
        node = editatom.getNodeBeingMade(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        # Check if this buid is already fully made
        node = await self.getNodeByBuid(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        # Another editatom might have created in another task during the above call, so check again
        node = editatom.getNodeBeingMade(buid)
        if node is not None:
            return node

        if props is None:
            props = {}

        # lets build a node...
        node = s_node.Node(self, None)

        node.buid = buid
        node.form = form
        node.ndef = (form.name, norm)

        sops = form.getSetOps(buid, norm)


        # update props with any subs from form value
        subs = info.get('subs')
        if subs is not None:
            for name, valu in subs.items():
                if form.prop(name) is not None:
                    props[name] = valu

        # update props with any defvals we are missing
        for name, valu in form.defvals.items():
            props.setdefault(name, valu)

        # set all the properties with init=True
        for name, valu in props.items():
            await node._setops(name, valu, editatom, init=True)

        # set our global properties
        tick = s_common.now()
        await node._setops('.created', tick, editatom, init=True)

        return None
예제 #39
    async def test_it_forms_hostexec(self):
        # forms related to the host execution model
        async with self.getTestCore() as core:
            async with await core.snap() as snap:
                exe = 'sha256:' + 'a' * 64
                port = 80
                tick = s_common.now()
                host = s_common.guid()
                proc = s_common.guid()
                mutex = 'giggleXX_X0'
                pipe = 'pipe\\mynamedpipe'
                user = '******'
                pid = 20
                key = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Foo\\Bar'
                ipv4 = 0x01020304
                ipv6 = '::1'

                addr4 = f'tcp://{port}'
                addr6 = f'udp://[::1]:{port}'
                url = 'http://www.google.com/sekrit.html'
                raw_path = r'c:\Windows\System32\rar.exe'
                norm_path = r'c:/windows/system32/rar.exe'
                src_proc = s_common.guid()
                src_path = r'c:/temp/ping.exe'
                cmd0 = 'rar a -r yourfiles.rar *.txt'
                fpath = 'c:/temp/yourfiles.rar'
                fbyts = 'sha256:' + 'b' * 64
                pprops = {
                    'exe': exe,
                    'pid': pid,
                    'cmd': cmd0,
                    'host': host,
                    'time': tick,
                    'user': user,
                    'path': raw_path,
                    'src:exe': src_path,
                    'src:proc': src_proc,
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:proc', proc, pprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], proc)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('pid'), pid)
                self.eq(node.get('cmd'), cmd0)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('user'), user)
                self.eq(node.get('path'), norm_path)
                self.eq(node.get('src:exe'), src_path)
                self.eq(node.get('src:proc'), src_proc)

                m0 = s_common.guid()
                mprops = {
                    'exe': exe,
                    'proc': proc,
                    'name': mutex,
                    'host': host,
                    'time': tick,
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:mutex', m0, mprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], m0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('name'), mutex)

                p0 = s_common.guid()
                pipeprops = {
                    'exe': exe,
                    'proc': proc,
                    'name': pipe,
                    'host': host,
                    'time': tick,
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:pipe', p0, pipeprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], p0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('name'), pipe)

                u0 = s_common.guid()
                uprops = {
                    'proc': proc,
                    'host': host,
                    'exe': exe,
                    'time': tick,
                    'url': url,
                    'client': addr4,
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:url', u0, uprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], u0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('url'), url)
                self.eq(node.get('client'), addr4)
                self.eq(node.get('client:ipv4'), ipv4)
                self.eq(node.get('client:port'), port)

                u1 = s_common.guid()
                uprops['client'] = addr6
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:url', u1, uprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], u1)
                self.eq(node.get('client'), addr6)
                self.eq(node.get('client:ipv6'), ipv6)
                self.eq(node.get('client:port'), port)

                b0 = s_common.guid()
                bprops = {
                    'proc': proc,
                    'host': host,
                    'exe': exe,
                    'time': tick,
                    'server': addr4
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:bind', b0, bprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], b0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('server'), addr4)
                self.eq(node.get('server:ipv4'), ipv4)
                self.eq(node.get('server:port'), port)

                b1 = s_common.guid()
                bprops['server'] = addr6
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:bind', b1, bprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], b1)
                self.eq(node.get('server'), addr6)
                self.eq(node.get('server:ipv6'), ipv6)
                self.eq(node.get('server:port'), port)

                faprops = {
                    'exe': exe,
                    'host': host,
                    'proc': proc,
                    'file': fbyts,
                    'time': tick,
                    'path': fpath,
                fa0 = s_common.guid()
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:file:add', fa0, faprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], fa0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('file'), fbyts)
                self.eq(node.get('path'), fpath)
                self.eq(node.get('path:dir'), 'c:/temp')
                self.eq(node.get('path:base'), 'yourfiles.rar')
                self.eq(node.get('path:ext'), 'rar')

                fr0 = s_common.guid()
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:file:read', fr0, faprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], fr0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('file'), fbyts)
                self.eq(node.get('path'), fpath)
                self.eq(node.get('path:dir'), 'c:/temp')
                self.eq(node.get('path:base'), 'yourfiles.rar')
                self.eq(node.get('path:ext'), 'rar')

                fw0 = s_common.guid()
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:file:write', fw0, faprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], fw0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('file'), fbyts)
                self.eq(node.get('path'), fpath)
                self.eq(node.get('path:dir'), 'c:/temp')
                self.eq(node.get('path:base'), 'yourfiles.rar')
                self.eq(node.get('path:ext'), 'rar')

                fd0 = s_common.guid()
                node = await snap.addNode('it:exec:file:del', fd0, faprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], fd0)
                self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('file'), fbyts)
                self.eq(node.get('path'), fpath)
                self.eq(node.get('path:dir'), 'c:/temp')
                self.eq(node.get('path:base'), 'yourfiles.rar')
                self.eq(node.get('path:ext'), 'rar')

                file0 = s_common.guid()
                fsprops = {
                    'host': host,
                    'path': fpath,
                    'file': fbyts,
                    'ctime': tick,
                    'mtime': tick + 1,
                    'atime': tick + 2,
                    'user': user,
                    'group': 'domainadmin'
                node = await snap.addNode('it:fs:file', file0, fsprops)
                self.eq(node.ndef[1], file0)
                self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                self.eq(node.get('user'), user)
                self.eq(node.get('group'), 'domainadmin')
                self.eq(node.get('file'), fbyts)
                self.eq(node.get('ctime'), tick)
                self.eq(node.get('mtime'), tick + 1)
                self.eq(node.get('atime'), tick + 2)
                self.eq(node.get('path'), fpath)
                self.eq(node.get('path:dir'), 'c:/temp')
                self.eq(node.get('path:base'), 'yourfiles.rar')
                self.eq(node.get('path:ext'), 'rar')

                # FIXME - This test would be cleaner with stable guid generation
                rprops = {
                    'host': host,
                    'proc': proc,
                    'exe': exe,
                    'time': tick,
                    'reg': '*',
                forms = ('it:exec:reg:get',
                for form in forms:
                    rk0 = s_common.guid()
                    nprops = rprops.copy()
                    node = await snap.addNode(form, rk0, nprops)
                    self.eq(node.ndef[1], rk0)
                    self.eq(node.get('host'), host)
                    self.eq(node.get('proc'), proc)
                    self.eq(node.get('exe'), exe)
                    self.eq(node.get('time'), tick)
예제 #40
    async def test_time(self):

        model = s_datamodel.Model()
        ttime = model.types.get('time')

        self.gt(s_common.now(), ttime.norm('-1hour')[0])

        tminmax = ttime.clone({'min': True, 'max': True})
        # Merge testing with tminmax
        now = s_common.now()
        self.eq(now + 1, tminmax.merge(now, now + 1))
        self.eq(now, tminmax.merge(now + 1, now))

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:

            t = core.model.type('test:time')

            # explicitly test our "future/ongoing" value...
            future = 0x7fffffffffffffff
            self.eq(t.indx(future), b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff')
            self.eq(t.norm('?')[0], future)
            self.eq(t.norm(future)[0], future)
            self.eq(t.repr(future), '?')

            # Explicitly test our max time vs. future marker
            maxtime = 253402300799999  # 9999/12/31 23:59:59.999
            self.eq(t.norm(maxtime)[0], maxtime)
            self.eq(t.repr(maxtime), '9999/12/31 23:59:59.999')
            self.eq(t.norm('9999/12/31 23:59:59.999')[0], maxtime)
            self.raises(s_exc.BadTypeValu, t.norm, maxtime + 1)

            tick = t.norm('2014')[0]
            self.eq(t.repr(tick), '2014/01/01 00:00:00.000')

            tock = t.norm('2015')[0]

                        t.cmpr, '2015', '*range=', tick)

            async with await core.snap() as snap:
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'a', {'tick': '2014'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'b', {'tick': '2015'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'c', {'tick': '2016'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'd', {'tick': 'now'})

            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', '2014'))
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', ('2014', '2015'),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a', 'b'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', '201401*'))
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', ('-3000 days', 'now'),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', (tick, tock),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a', 'b'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', ('20131231', '+2 days'),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a'})
            nodes = await alist(core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(20131231, "+2 days")'))
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'a'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', ('-1 day', '+1 day'),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'d'})
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', ('-1 days', 'now', ),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'d'})
            # Equivalent lift
            nodes = await alist(core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', ('now', '-1 days'),
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'d'})
            # This is equivalent of the previous lift

            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'d'})
            # Sad path
            self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchFunc, t.indxByEq, ('', ''))
            self.raises(s_exc.NoSuchFunc, t.indxByEq, ('?', '-1 day'))

            self.true(t.cmpr('2015', '>=', '20140202'))
            self.true(t.cmpr('2015', '>=', '2015'))
            self.true(t.cmpr('2015', '>', '20140202'))
            self.false(t.cmpr('2015', '>', '2015'))

            self.true(t.cmpr('20150202', '<=', '2016'))
            self.true(t.cmpr('20150202', '<=', '2016'))
            self.true(t.cmpr('20150202', '<', '2016'))
            self.false(t.cmpr('2015', '<', '2015'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick=2015'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=($test, "+- 2day")',
                                            opts={'vars': {'test': '2015'}}))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(now, "-+ 1day")'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(2015, "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(20150102, "-3 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(20150201, "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(20150102, "+- 2day")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(2015, 2016)'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(2016, 2015)'))

            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2015, 2016)'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2016, 2015)'))

            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2015, "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(4, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2014, "now")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(20150201, "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(now, "+-1 day")'))
            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(now, "+1 day")'))

            # Sad path for *range=
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadTypeValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str:tick*range=("+- 1day", "now")'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadTypeValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str:tick*range=("-+ 1day", "now")'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadPropValu,
                                  core.eval('[test:guid="*" :tick="+-1 day"]'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadCmprValu,
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadCmprValu,
                                  core.getNodesBy('test:str:tick', tick, '*range='))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadCmprValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(2015)'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadCmprValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(2015, 2016, 2017)'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadTypeValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=("?", "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadTypeValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str +:tick*range=(2000, "?+1 day")'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadTypeValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str:tick*range=("?", "+1 day")'))
            await self.agenraises(s_exc.BadTypeValu,
                                  core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2000, "?+1 day")'))

            async with await core.snap() as snap:
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 't1', {'tick': '2018/12/02 23:59:59.000'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 't2', {'tick': '2018/12/03'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 't3', {'tick': '2018/12/03 00:00:01.000'})

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/01, "+24 hours")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/01, "+48 hours")'))

            await self.agenlen(0, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/02, "+23 hours")'))
            await self.agenlen(1, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/02, "+86399 seconds")'))
            await self.agenlen(2, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/02, "+24 hours")'))
            await self.agenlen(3, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/02, "+86401 seconds")'))
            await self.agenlen(3, core.eval('test:str:tick*range=(2018/12/02, "+25 hours")'))

        async with self.getTestCore() as core:

            async with await core.snap() as snap:
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'a', {'tick': '2014'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:int', node.get('tick') + 1)
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'b', {'tick': '2015'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:int', node.get('tick') + 1)
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'c', {'tick': '2016'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:int', node.get('tick') + 1)
                node = await snap.addNode('test:str', 'd', {'tick': 'now'})
                node = await snap.addNode('test:int', node.get('tick') + 1)

            q = 'test:int $end=$node.value() test:str:tick*range=(2015, $end) -test:int'
            nodes = await alist(core.eval(q))
            self.len(6, nodes)
            self.eq({node.ndef[1] for node in nodes}, {'b', 'c', 'd'})
예제 #41
 def add(self, item):
     tick = s_common.now()
     lkey = tick.to_bytes(8, 'big')
     self.slab.put(lkey, s_msgpack.en(item), dupdata=True, db=self.db)