예제 #1
 def __init__(self, sqluri, standard_collections=False,
              use_quota=False, quota_size=0, pool_size=100,
              pool_recycle=3600, cache_servers=None,
              create_tables=False, shard=False, shardsize=100,
              memcached_json=False, **kw):
     self.sqlstorage = super(MemcachedSQLStorage, self)
     self.sqlstorage.__init__(sqluri, standard_collections,
                              use_quota, quota_size, pool_size,
                              pool_recycle, create_tables=create_tables,
                              shard=shard, shardsize=shardsize, **kw)
     if isinstance(cache_servers, str):
         cache_servers = [cache_servers]
     elif cache_servers is None:
         cache_servers = ['']
     extra_kw = {}
     if memcached_json:
         extra_kw['pickler'] = _JSONDumper
         extra_kw['unpickler'] = _JSONDumper
     self.cache = CacheManager(cache_servers, **extra_kw)
예제 #2
 def __init__(self,
     self.sqlstorage = super(MemcachedSQLStorage, self)
     if isinstance(cache_servers, str):
         cache_servers = [cache_servers]
     elif cache_servers is None:
         cache_servers = ['']
     if isinstance(mirrored_cache_servers, str):
         mirrored_cache_servers = [mirrored_cache_servers]
     extra_kw = {}
     if memcached_json:
         extra_kw['pickler'] = _JSONDumper
         extra_kw['unpickler'] = _JSONDumper
     if mirrored_cache_servers is None:
         self.cache = CacheManager(cache_servers, **extra_kw)
         self.cache = MirroredCacheManager(cache_servers,
예제 #3
class MemcachedSQLStorage(SQLStorage):
    """Uses Memcached when possible/useful, SQL otherwise.

    def __init__(self, sqluri, standard_collections=False,
                 use_quota=False, quota_size=0, pool_size=100,
                 pool_recycle=3600, cache_servers=None,
                 create_tables=False, shard=False, shardsize=100,
                 memcached_json=False, **kw):
        self.sqlstorage = super(MemcachedSQLStorage, self)
        self.sqlstorage.__init__(sqluri, standard_collections,
                                 use_quota, quota_size, pool_size,
                                 pool_recycle, create_tables=create_tables,
                                 shard=shard, shardsize=shardsize, **kw)
        if isinstance(cache_servers, str):
            cache_servers = [cache_servers]
        elif cache_servers is None:
            cache_servers = ['']
        extra_kw = {}
        if memcached_json:
            extra_kw['pickler'] = _JSONDumper
            extra_kw['unpickler'] = _JSONDumper
        self.cache = CacheManager(cache_servers, **extra_kw)

    def get_name(self):
        return 'memcached'

    # Cache management
    def _is_meta_global(self, collection_name, item_id):
        return collection_name == 'meta' and item_id == 'global'

    # Cached APIs
    def delete_storage(self, user_id):

    def delete_user(self, user_id):

    def item_exists(self, user_id, collection_name, item_id):
        """Returns a timestamp if an item exists."""
        def _item_exists():
            return self.sqlstorage.item_exists(user_id, collection_name,

        # returning cached values when possible
        if self._is_meta_global(collection_name, item_id):
            key = _key(user_id, 'meta', 'global')
            wbo = self.cache.get(key)
            if wbo is not None:
                return wbo['modified']
            # going sql..

        elif collection_name == 'tabs':
            return self.cache.tab_exists(user_id, item_id)

        return self.sqlstorage.item_exists(user_id, collection_name, item_id)

    def get_items(self, user_id, collection_name, fields=None, filters=None,
                  limit=None, offset=None, sort=None):
        """returns items from a collection

        "filter" is a dict used to add conditions to the db query.
        Its keys are the field names on which the condition operates.
        Its values are the values the field should have.
        It can be a single value, or a list. For the latter the in()
        operator is used. For single values, the operator has to be provided.
        # returning cached values when possible
        if collection_name == 'tabs':
            # tabs are not stored at all in SQL
            return self.cache.get_tabs(user_id, filters).values()

        return self.sqlstorage.get_items(user_id, collection_name,
                                         fields, filters, limit, offset, sort)

    def get_item(self, user_id, collection_name, item_id, fields=None):
        """Returns one item.

        If the item is meta/global, we want to get the cached one if present.
        def _get_item():
            return self.sqlstorage.get_item(user_id, collection_name,
                                            item_id, fields)

        # returning cached values when possible
        if self._is_meta_global(collection_name, item_id):
            key = _key(user_id, 'meta', 'global')
            return self.cache.get_set(key, _get_item)
        elif collection_name == 'tabs':
            # tabs are not stored at all in SQL
            return self.cache.get_tab(user_id, item_id)

        return _get_item()

    def _delete_cache(self, user_id):
        """Removes all cached data."""
        for key in ('size', 'meta:global', 'tabs'):
            self.cache.delete(_key(user_id, key))

    def _update_stamp(self, user_id, collection_name, storage_time):
        # update the stamps cache
        if storage_time is None:
            storage_time = round_time()
        stamps = self.get_collection_timestamps(user_id)
        stamps[collection_name] = storage_time
        self.cache.set(_key(user_id, 'stamps'), stamps)

    def _update_cache(self, user_id, collection_name, items, storage_time):
        # update the total size cache (bytes)
        total_size = sum([len(item.get('payload', '')) for item in items])
        self.cache.incr(_key(user_id, 'size'), total_size)

        # update the stamps cache
        self._update_stamp(user_id, collection_name, storage_time)

        # update the meta/global cache or the tabs cache
        if self._is_meta_global(collection_name, items[0]['id']):
            item = items[0]
            item['username'] = user_id
            key = _key(user_id, 'meta', 'global')
            self.cache.set(key, item)
        elif collection_name == 'tabs':
            tabs = dict([(item['id'], item) for item in items])
            self.cache.set_tabs(user_id, tabs)

    def _update_item(self, item, when):
        if 'payload' in item:
            item['modified'] = when

    def set_item(self, user_id, collection_name, item_id, storage_time=None,
        """Adds or update an item"""
        values['id'] = item_id
        if storage_time is None:
            storage_time = round_time()

        self._update_item(values, storage_time)
        self._update_cache(user_id, collection_name, [values], storage_time)

        if collection_name == 'tabs':
            # return now : we don't store tabs in sql
            return storage_time

        return self.sqlstorage.set_item(user_id, collection_name, item_id,
                                        storage_time=storage_time, **values)

    def set_items(self, user_id, collection_name, items, storage_time=None):
        """Adds or update a batch of items.

        Returns a list of success or failures.
        if storage_time is None:
            storage_time = round_time()

        for item in items:
            self._update_item(item, storage_time)

        self._update_cache(user_id, collection_name, items, storage_time)
        if collection_name == 'tabs':
            # return now : we don't store tabs in sql
            return len(items)

        return self.sqlstorage.set_items(user_id, collection_name, items,

    def delete_item(self, user_id, collection_name, item_id,
        """Deletes an item"""
        # delete the cached size - will be recalculated
        self.cache.delete(_key(user_id, 'size'))

        # update the meta/global cache or the tabs cache
        if self._is_meta_global(collection_name, item_id):
            key = _key(user_id, 'meta', 'global')
        elif collection_name == 'tabs':
            # tabs are not stored at all in SQL
            if self.cache.delete_tab(user_id, item_id):
                self._update_stamp(user_id, 'tabs', storage_time)
                return True
            return False

        res = self.sqlstorage.delete_item(user_id, collection_name, item_id)
        if res:
            self._update_stamp(user_id, collection_name, storage_time)
        return res

    def delete_items(self, user_id, collection_name, item_ids=None,
                     filters=None, limit=None, offset=None, sort=None,
        """Deletes items. All items are removed unless item_ids is provided"""
        # delete the cached size
        self.cache.delete(_key(user_id, 'size'))

        # remove the cached values
        if (collection_name == 'meta' and (item_ids is None
            or 'global' in item_ids)):
            key = _key(user_id, 'meta', 'global')
        elif collection_name == 'tabs':
            # tabs are not stored at all in SQL
            if self.cache.delete_tabs(user_id, filters):
                self._update_stamp(user_id, 'tabs', storage_time)
                return True
            return False

        res = self.sqlstorage.delete_items(user_id, collection_name,
                                           item_ids, filters,
                                           limit, offset, sort)
        if res:
            self._update_stamp(user_id, collection_name, storage_time)
        return res

    def _set_cached_size(self, user_id, size):
        key = _key(user_id, 'size')
        # if this fail it's not a big deal
            # we store the size in bytes in memcached
            self.cache.set(key, size * _KB)
        except BackendError:
            logger.error('Could not write to memcached')

    def _get_cached_size(self, user_id):
            size = self.cache.get(_key(user_id, 'size'))
            if size != 0 and size is not None:
                size = size / _KB
        except BackendError:
            size = None
        return size

    def get_total_size(self, user_id, recalculate=False):
        """Returns the total size in KB of a user storage"""
        def _get_set_size():
            # returns in KB
            size = self.sqlstorage.get_total_size(user_id)

            # adding the tabs
            size += self.cache.get_tabs_size(user_id)

            # update the cache
            self.cache.set_total(user_id, size)
            return size

        if recalculate:
            return _get_set_size()

        size = self.cache.get_total(user_id)
        if not size:    # memcached server seems down or needs a reset
            return _get_set_size()

        return  size

    def get_collection_sizes(self, user_id):
        """Returns the total size in KB for each collection of a user storage.
        # these sizes are not cached
        sizes = self.sqlstorage.get_collection_sizes(user_id)
        sizes['tabs'] = self.cache.get_tabs_size(user_id)

        # we can update the size while we're there, in case it's empty
        self.cache.set_total(user_id, sum(sizes.values()))
        return sizes

    def get_collection_timestamps(self, user_id):
        """Returns a cached version of the stamps when possible"""
        stamps = self.cache.get(_key(user_id, 'stamps'))

        # not cached yet or memcached is down
        if stamps is None:
            stamps = super(MemcachedSQLStorage,

            # adding the tabs stamp
            tabs_stamps = self.cache.get_tabs_timestamp(user_id)
            if tabs_stamps is not None:
                stamps['tabs'] = tabs_stamps

            # caching it
            self.cache.set(_key(user_id, 'stamps'), stamps)

        return stamps

    def get_collection_max_timestamp(self, user_id, collection_name):
        # let's get them all, so they get cached
        stamps = self.get_collection_timestamps(user_id)
        if collection_name == 'tabs' and 'tabs' not in stamps:
            return None
        return stamps[collection_name]