from django.conf import settings from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.template import loader from django.http import HttpResponse from django.utils.translation import get_language import json from synnefo_branding.utils import render_to_string from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.template import RequestContext from synnefo.util.version import get_component_version from synnefo.ui import settings as uisettings SYNNEFO_JS_LIB_VERSION = get_component_version('app') # UI preferences settings TIMEOUT = getattr(settings, "TIMEOUT", 10000) UPDATE_INTERVAL = getattr(settings, "UI_UPDATE_INTERVAL", 5000) CHANGES_SINCE_ALIGNMENT = getattr(settings, "UI_CHANGES_SINCE_ALIGNMENT", 0) UPDATE_INTERVAL_INCREASE = getattr(settings, "UI_UPDATE_INTERVAL_INCREASE", 500) UPDATE_INTERVAL_INCREASE_AFTER_CALLS_COUNT = \ getattr(settings, "UI_UPDATE_INTERVAL_INCREASE_AFTER_CALLS_COUNT", 3) UPDATE_INTERVAL_FAST = getattr(settings, "UI_UPDATE_INTERVAL_FAST", 2500) UPDATE_INTERVAL_MAX = getattr(settings, "UI_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MAX", 10000) # predefined values settings VM_IMAGE_COMMON_METADATA = \ getattr(settings, "UI_VM_IMAGE_COMMON_METADATA", ["OS", "users"])
def execute(self): """ Given the command-line arguments, this figures out which subcommand is being run, creates a parser appropriate to that command, and runs it. """ # --settings-dir option # will remove it later to avoid django commands from raising errors option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--settings-dir', action='store', dest='settings_dir', default=None, help='Load *.conf files from directory as settings'),) # Preprocess options to extract --settings and --pythonpath. # These options could affect the commands that are available, so they # must be processed early. parser = LaxOptionParser(usage="%prog subcommand [options] [args]", version=get_component_version('webproject'), option_list=option_list) self.autocomplete() try: options, args = parser.parse_args(self.argv) handle_default_options(options) except: pass # Ignore any option errors at this point. # user provides custom settings dir # set it as environmental variable and remove it from self.argv if options.settings_dir: os.environ['SYNNEFO_SETTINGS_DIR'] = options.settings_dir for arg in self.argv: if arg.startswith('--settings-dir'): self.argv.remove(arg) try: subcommand = self.argv[1] except IndexError: subcommand = 'help' # Display help if no arguments were given. # Encode stdout. This check is required because of the way python # checks if something is tty: # if not subcommand in ['test'] and not 'shell' in subcommand: sys.stdout = EncodedStdOut(sys.stdout) if subcommand == 'help': if len(args) > 2: self.fetch_command(args[2]).print_help(self.prog_name, args[2]) else: parser.print_lax_help() sys.stdout.write(self.main_help_text() + '\n') sys.exit(1) # Special-cases: We want ' --version' and # ' --help' to work, for backwards compatibility. elif self.argv[1:] == ['--version']: # LaxOptionParser already takes care of printing the version. pass elif self.argv[1:] in (['--help'], ['-h']): parser.print_lax_help() sys.stdout.write(self.main_help_text() + '\n') else: self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv)
def execute(self): """ Given the command-line arguments, this figures out which subcommand is being run, creates a parser appropriate to that command, and runs it. """ # --settings-dir option # will remove it later to avoid django commands from raising errors option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option( '--settings-dir', action='store', dest='settings_dir', default=None, help='Load *.conf files from directory as settings'),) # Preprocess options to extract --settings and --pythonpath. # These options could affect the commands that are available, so they # must be processed early. parser = LaxOptionParser(usage="%prog subcommand [options] [args]", version=get_component_version('webproject'), option_list=option_list) self.autocomplete() try: options, args = parser.parse_args(self.argv) handle_default_options(options) except: pass # Ignore any option errors at this point. # user provides custom settings dir # set it as environmental variable and remove it from self.argv if options.settings_dir: os.environ['SYNNEFO_SETTINGS_DIR'] = options.settings_dir for arg in self.argv: if arg.startswith('--settings-dir'): self.argv.remove(arg) try: subcommand = self.argv[1] except IndexError: subcommand = 'help' # Display help if no arguments were given. # Encode stdout. This check is required because of the way python # checks if something is tty: # if subcommand not in ['test'] and 'shell' not in subcommand: sys.stdout = EncodedStream(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = EncodedStream(sys.stderr) if subcommand == 'help': if len(args) > 2: self.fetch_command(args[2]).print_help(self.prog_name, args[2]) else: parser.print_lax_help() sys.stdout.write(self.main_help_text() + '\n') sys.exit(1) # Special-cases: We want ' --version' and # ' --help' to work, for backwards compatibility. elif self.argv[1:] == ['--version']: # LaxOptionParser already takes care of printing the version. pass elif self.argv[1:] in (['--help'], ['-h']): parser.print_lax_help() sys.stdout.write(self.main_help_text() + '\n') else: sub_command = self.fetch_command(subcommand) # NOTE: This is an ugly workaround to bypass the problem with # the required permissions for the named pipes that Pithos backend # is creating in order to communicate with XSEG. if subcommand == 'test' or\ subcommand.startswith('image-') or\ subcommand.startswith('snapshot-') or\ subcommand.startswith('file-'): # Set common umask for known commands os.umask(0o007) # Allow command to define a custom umask cmd_umask = getattr(sub_command, 'umask', None) if cmd_umask is not None: os.umask(cmd_umask) sub_command.run_from_argv(self.argv)
def cloudbar(request): """ Django context processor that applies all cloudbar settings in response context plus a ready to use pre rendered script html tag containing valid javascript code for cloudbar to display. To use it add ``synnefo.webproject.context_processors.cloudbar`` in your project's ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting`` (snf-webproject already does). Then in your base html template:: <html> .... <head> ... {% if CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE %} {{ CLOUDBAR_CODE }} {% endif %} </head> <body> .... </body> </html> """ BRANDING_CSS = getattr(branding_settings, 'FONTS_CSS_URLS', []) CB_ACTIVE = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE', True) CB_LOCATION = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_LOCATION') CB_VERSION = version.get_component_version("webproject") CB_COOKIE_NAME = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_COOKIE_NAME', 'okeanos_account') CB_SERVICES_URL = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_SERVICES_URL') CB_MENU_URL = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_MENU_URL') CB_HEIGHT = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_HEIGHT', '35') CB_BGCOLOR = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR', '#000000') CB_CODE = """ <script type="text/javascript"> var CLOUDBAR_VERSION = '%(version)s'; var CLOUDBAR_LOCATION = "%(location)s"; var CLOUDBAR_COOKIE_NAME = "%(cookie_name)s"; var GET_SERVICES_URL = "%(services_url)s"; var GET_MENU_URL = "%(menu_url)s"; var CLOUDBAR_HEIGHT = '%(height)s'; var CLOUDBAR_EXTRA_CSS = %(branding_css)s; $(document).ready(function(){ $.getScript(CLOUDBAR_LOCATION + 'cloudbar.js?' + CLOUDBAR_VERSION); }); </script> <style> body { border-top: %(height)spx solid %(bg_color)s; } body .cloudbar { height: %(height)spx; } </style> """ % {'location': CB_LOCATION, 'cookie_name': CB_COOKIE_NAME, 'services_url': CB_SERVICES_URL, 'menu_url': CB_MENU_URL, 'height': str(CB_HEIGHT), 'bg_color': CB_BGCOLOR, 'version': CB_VERSION, 'branding_css': json.dumps(BRANDING_CSS)} CB_CODE = mark_safe(CB_CODE) return { 'CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE': CB_ACTIVE, 'CLOUDBAR_LOCATION': CB_LOCATION, 'CLOUDBAR_COOKIE_NAME': CB_COOKIE_NAME, 'CLOUDBAR_SERVICES_URL': CB_SERVICES_URL, 'CLOUDBAR_MENU_URL': CB_MENU_URL, 'CLOUDBAR_CODE': CB_CODE }
# The service favicon FAVICON_URL = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_FAVICON_URL', IMAGE_MEDIA_URL+'favicon.ico') # Logo used in Dashboard pages (Astakos) DASHBOARD_LOGO_URL = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_DASHBOARD_LOGO_URL', IMAGE_MEDIA_URL+'dashboard_logo.png') # Logo used in Compute pages (Cyclades) COMPUTE_LOGO_URL = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_COMPUTE_LOGO_URL', IMAGE_MEDIA_URL+'compute_logo.png') # Logo used in Console page for VM (Cyclades) CONSOLE_LOGO_URL = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_CONSOLE_LOGO_URL', IMAGE_MEDIA_URL+'console_logo.png') # Logo used in Storage pages (Pithos) STORAGE_LOGO_URL = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_STORAGE_LOGO_URL', IMAGE_MEDIA_URL+'storage_logo.png') ## Copyright options ###################### # If True, Copyright message will appear at the footer of the Compute and # Dashboard UI SHOW_COPYRIGHT = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_SHOW_COPYRIGHT', False) copyright_period_default = '2011-%s' % ( copyright_message_default = 'Copyright (c) %s %s' % (copyright_period_default, COMPANY_NAME) # Defaults to Copyright (c) 2011-<current_year> GRNET. COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE = getattr(settings, 'BRANDING_COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE', copyright_message_default) SYNNEFO_VERSION = get_component_version('common')
def cloudbar(request): """ Django context processor that applies all cloudbar settings in response context plus a ready to use pre rendered script html tag containing valid javascript code for cloudbar to display. To use it add ``synnefo.webproject.context_processors.cloudbar`` in your project's ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting`` (snf-webproject already does). Then in your base html template:: <html> .... <head> ... {% if CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE %} {{ CLOUDBAR_CODE }} {% endif %} </head> <body> .... </body> </html> """ BRANDING_CSS = getattr(branding_settings, 'FONTS_CSS_URLS', []) CB_ACTIVE = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE', True) CB_LOCATION = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_LOCATION') CB_VERSION = version.get_component_version("webproject") CB_COOKIE_NAME = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_COOKIE_NAME', 'okeanos_account') CB_SERVICES_URL = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_SERVICES_URL') CB_MENU_URL = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_MENU_URL') CB_HEIGHT = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_HEIGHT', '35') CB_BGCOLOR = getattr(settings, 'CLOUDBAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR', '#000000') CB_CODE = """ <script type="text/javascript"> var CLOUDBAR_VERSION = '%(version)s'; var CLOUDBAR_LOCATION = "%(location)s"; var CLOUDBAR_COOKIE_NAME = "%(cookie_name)s"; var GET_SERVICES_URL = "%(services_url)s"; var GET_MENU_URL = "%(menu_url)s"; var CLOUDBAR_HEIGHT = '%(height)s'; var CLOUDBAR_EXTRA_CSS = %(branding_css)s; $(document).ready(function(){ $.getScript(CLOUDBAR_LOCATION + 'cloudbar.js?' + CLOUDBAR_VERSION); }); </script> <style> body { border-top: %(height)spx solid %(bg_color)s; } body .cloudbar { height: %(height)spx; } </style> """ % { 'location': CB_LOCATION, 'cookie_name': CB_COOKIE_NAME, 'services_url': CB_SERVICES_URL, 'menu_url': CB_MENU_URL, 'height': str(CB_HEIGHT), 'bg_color': CB_BGCOLOR, 'version': CB_VERSION, 'branding_css': json.dumps(BRANDING_CSS) } CB_CODE = mark_safe(CB_CODE) return { 'CLOUDBAR_ACTIVE': CB_ACTIVE, 'CLOUDBAR_LOCATION': CB_LOCATION, 'CLOUDBAR_COOKIE_NAME': CB_COOKIE_NAME, 'CLOUDBAR_SERVICES_URL': CB_SERVICES_URL, 'CLOUDBAR_MENU_URL': CB_MENU_URL, 'CLOUDBAR_CODE': CB_CODE }
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys import os import errno import grp import pwd from import ManagementUtility from django.core import management from synnefo.util.version import get_component_version from logging.config import dictConfig # monkey patch to show synnefo version instead of django version management.get_version = lambda: get_component_version('webproject') class SynnefoManagementUtility(ManagementUtility): def main_help_text(self): return ManagementUtility.main_help_text(self, commands_only=True) def configure_logging(): try: from synnefo.settings import SNF_MANAGE_LOGGING_SETUP dictConfig(SNF_MANAGE_LOGGING_SETUP) except ImportError: import logging logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger()
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. import sys import os import errno import grp import pwd from import ManagementUtility from django.core import management from synnefo.util.version import get_component_version from logging.config import dictConfig # monkey patch to show synnefo version instead of django version management.get_version = lambda: get_component_version('webproject') class SynnefoManagementUtility(ManagementUtility): def main_help_text(self): return ManagementUtility.main_help_text(self, commands_only=True) def configure_logging(): try: from synnefo.settings import SNF_MANAGE_LOGGING_SETUP dictConfig(SNF_MANAGE_LOGGING_SETUP) except ImportError: import logging logging.basicConfig()