# Plot / Interval / Stacked # Make a #stacked column #plot. #interval # --- from synth import FakeMultiCategoricalSeries from h2o_wave import site, data, ui page = site['/demo'] n = 10 k = 5 f = FakeMultiCategoricalSeries(groups=k) v = page.add( 'example', ui.plot_card(box='1 1 4 5', title='Intervals, stacked', data=data('country product price', n * k), plot=ui.plot([ ui.mark(type='interval', x='=product', y='=price', color='=country', stack='auto', y_min=0) ]))) v.data = [(g, t, x) for x in [f.next() for _ in range(n)] for g, t, x, dx in x] page.save()
# Plot / Interval / Stacked / Grouped / Transpose # Make a bar #plot with both #stacked and grouped bars. #interval # --- from synth import FakeMultiCategoricalSeries from h2o_wave import site, data, ui page = site['/demo'] n = 5 k = 5 f1 = FakeMultiCategoricalSeries(groups=k) f2 = FakeMultiCategoricalSeries(groups=k) v = page.add( 'example', ui.plot_card(box='1 1 4 5', title='Intervals, stacked and dodged', data=data('category country product price', n * k * 2), plot=ui.plot([ ui.mark(type='interval', x='=price', y='=product', color='=country', stack='auto', dodge='=category', x_min=0) ]))) data1 = [('A', g, t, x) for x in [f1.next() for _ in range(n)] for g, t, x, _ in x] data2 = [('B', g, t, x) for x in [f2.next() for _ in range(n)] for g, t, x, _ in x]