def log(logtype, message): func = inspect.currentframe().f_back log_time = time.time() if logtype != "ERROR": stdout.write('[%s.%s %s, line:%03u]: %s\n' % (time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(log_time)), str(log_time % 1)[2:8], logtype, func.f_lineno, message)) else: stderr.write('[%s.%s %s, line:%03u]: %s\n' % (time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(log_time)), str(log_time % 1)[2:8], logtype, func.f_lineno, message))
def cal_lowrmsd_coverage( selection_fn, rmsd_col, pos_col, mer, rmsd_threshold ): with open( selection_fn, "r" ) as file: dict = {} covered_rsd_list = [] for line in file.readlines(): if "null" in line: continue if line.startswith("#"): continue if not line.strip(): continue ls = [ x.replace(",","") for x in line.split() ] try: pos = int( float( ls[pos_col-1] ) ) rmsd = float( ls[rmsd_col-1] ) dict[ pos ] = rmsd if rmsd <= rmsd_threshold: if args.coverage: covered_rsds = range( pos, pos+mer ) covered_rsd_list += covered_rsds else: covered_rsds = pos covered_rsd_list.append( covered_rsds ) except: stderr.write("WARNGING: can't split this line\n%s\n" % line ) continue covered_rsd_list = list( set( covered_rsd_list ) ) return covered_rsd_list, dict
def calculate_rating(self, n_list): # n_list : [item_index, distance] n = len(n_list) if self.r_method == 'uniform': r = sum([self.y[i[0]] for i in n_list]) / n #FIXME return r elif self.r_method == 'distance': total = [[(1/distance) * self.y[i], 1/distance] for i, distance in n_list] total_rating = 0 total_weight = 0 for rating, weight in total: total_rating += rating total_weight += weight try: res = total_rating / (total_weight * n) except RuntimeWarning: print total_weight, n return res else: stderr.write("Unrecognized method used to calculate rating\n") exit(1)
def _print_progress(self, iteration, n_iter, cost=None, time_interval=10): if self.print_progress > 0: s = '\rIteration: %d/%d' % (iteration, n_iter) if cost: s += ' | Cost %.2f' % cost if self.print_progress > 1: if not hasattr(self, 'ela_str_'): self.ela_str_ = '00:00:00' if not iteration % time_interval: ela_sec = time() - self._init_time self.ela_str_ = self._to_hhmmss(ela_sec) s += ' | Elapsed: %s' % self.ela_str_ if self.print_progress > 2: if not hasattr(self, 'eta_str_'): self.eta_str_ = '00:00:00' if not iteration % time_interval: eta_sec = ((ela_sec / float(iteration)) * n_iter - ela_sec) if eta_sec < 0.0: eta_sec = 0.0 self.eta_str_ = self._to_hhmmss(eta_sec) s += ' | ETA: %s' % self.eta_str_ stderr.write(s) stderr.flush()
def plotSequences(seq,filename): from sys import stderr, argv from os import popen from os.path import basename from re import sub; import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms stderr.write("Writing plot to %s\n" % (filename,)) dot = popen("dot -Tpng > %s" % (filename,), "w") dot.write("digraph G { \n rankdir=\"LR\" \n") class visitor(object): def __init__(self,seq,dot): self._dot = dot self._stack = [] self._seq = seq.label() self._dot.write( "%s [ shape=rect style=filled fillcolor=%s label=\"%s\" ]" % (self._seq,'orange',self._seq) + "\n" ) def seq(self, seq): self._stack.append(self._seq) self._seq = seq.label() def enter(self,v): if isinstance(v, cms.Sequence): self._dot.write( "%s [ shape=rect style=filled fillcolor=%s label=\"%s\" ]" % (v.label(),'orange',v.label()) + "\n" ) self.dep(v) self.seq(v) if isinstance(v, (cms.EDProducer, cms.EDFilter, cms.EDAnalyzer)): self._dot.write( "%s [ shape=rect style=filled fillcolor=%s label=\"%s\" ]" % (v.label(),'green',v.label()) + "\n" ) self.dep(v) def leave(self,v): if isinstance(v, cms.Sequence): self._seq = self._stack.pop() def dep(self,v): self._dot.write("%s -> %s" %(v.label(), self._seq) +"\n") seq.visit(visitor(seq,dot)) dot.write("}\n") dot.close()
def pairwise_similarity(self, nn, topk, alpha, threshold=0.1, method='cosine', process=1): nn = { key:set(nn[key]) for key in nn } # get unique elements in_alpha = 1 - alpha alpha_len = {} alpha_len[0] = { key:len(nn[key])**alpha for key in nn } alpha_len[1] = { key:len(nn[key])**in_alpha for key in nn } nlist = nn.keys() start = 0 step = len(nlist)/process results = [] sim = {} pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=process) for i in range(process):"Process %d start" % (i)) tlist = nlist[start:start+step] results.append( pool.apply_async( parallel_get_similarity, args=(nn, tlist, nlist, alpha_len, topk ) )) start += step pool.close() pool.join() for res in results: sim.update( res.get() ) stderr.write('\n') return sim
def _validate_schema(self, corpus): if self.schema_file is None: if self.options.schema is None: return True self.schema = Schema(self.options.schema) else: self.schema = Schema('<internal>', self.schema_file) print 'Schema validation:' ignore = set() if self.options.ignore is not None: f = open(self.options.ignore) for l in f: ignore.add(l.strip()) f.close() nerr = 0 nsil = 0 for msg in self.schema.check_corpus(corpus): nerr += 1 if msg in ignore: nsil += 1 else: stderr.write(msg + '\n') if nerr == 0: print ' ok' return True if self.options.ignore is not None: if nerr == nsil: print ' ', str(nerr),'errors (all silenced)' return True print ' ', str(nerr), 'errors (', str(nsil), 'silenced)' return False print ' ', str(nerr), 'errors' return False
def main(): parser = ArgumentParser(description='Mausoleum archival tool') operations = { 'scan': operation_scan, 'ls': operation_ls, 'index': operation_index, 'exhumation_prepare': operation_exhumation_prepare } parser.add_argument('operation', default='scan', choices=operations.keys()) parser.add_argument('--config', help='Config file', default='config.json') parser.add_argument('--deleted', help='Show deleted files (ls, exhumation_prepare)', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--verbose', help='Verbose logging', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--add-dir', help='Add directory', nargs='*', dest='add_dir') parser.add_argument('slabs', help='Slabs (index)', nargs='*') parser.add_argument('--validate', help='Validate segments (index)', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--updatedb', help='Update segments info in db (index)', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--appraise', help='Appraise segment compression (index)', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--domain', help='Domain (exhumation_prepare)', nargs='*') parser.add_argument('--dedup', help='Deduplication (exhumation_prepare)', choices=['newest', 'longest']) args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.INFO if args.verbose else logging.WARNING)) with open(args.config) as f: config = json.load(f) if args.add_dir: if len(args.add_dir) % 2: stderr.write('Bad --add-dir argument count\n') exit(1) config['directories'].update(chunk(args.add_dir)) operations[args.operation](config, args)
def main(args): napalm = {"name": "Napalm", "func": Napalm, "flag_set": args.napalm} mamont = {"name": "Mamont", "func": Mamont, "flag_set": args.mamont} filewatcher = {"name": "FileWatcher", "func": Filewatcher, "flag_set": args.filewatcher} filemare = {"name": "FileMare", "func": Filemare, "flag_set": args.filemare} custom_functions = [] for routine in (napalm, mamont, filewatcher, filemare): if(routine["flag_set"]): custom_functions.append(routine) # Process -fw, -fm, -ma, -na flags if they are set if(len(custom_functions) > 0): functions = custom_functions else: functions = (napalm, mamont, filewatcher, filemare) # Start the scraping process for function in functions: try: stderr.write("\t-=[ {0} ]=-\n".format(function["name"])) stderr.flush() function["func"](args).search() except(KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): continue stderr.write("\n") stderr.flush()
def queryEC2(e): stderr.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") print 'how are we gonna slice and dice?:\n' print ' 0) let me out, please' print ' 1) by instance name' print ' 2) by instance id' print ' 3) by instance tags' print ' 4) by instance values' print ' 5) by security groups' print '' m = raw_input('slice or dice?: ') print '' if m == '0': exit() elif m == '1': getEC2ByName() elif m == '2': getEC2ByID elif m == '3': getEC2ByTags() elif m == '4': getEC2ByValues() elif m == '5': getEC2BySGs() else: print '\nuhm, no. let\'s try this again.... ' queryEC2(e)
def main(): DCT_H = 30 DCT_W = 40 a = 1 while a < len(argv): if argv[a] == '-h': DCT_H = int(argv[a+1]) i += 2 elif argv[a] == '-w': DCT_W = int(argv[a+1]) i += 2 else: stderr.write('Unknown option: %s\n' % argv[a]) return 1 for fname in stdin: fname=fname.strip() if len(fname) == 0: continue f = basename(fname)[:3] # frame us = basename(dirname(fname)).split('_') u, s = us[0], us[1] dct = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, GetDCT(fname)[:DCT_H,:DCT_W].tolist(), []) odir = 'data/features/video/%s/%s' % (u, s) if not exists(odir): system('mkdir -p %s' % odir) fdct = open('%s/%s.dct' % (odir, f), 'w') for i in dct: fdct.write('%f\n' % i) fdct.close() return 0
def establish_connection(hostname): ''' Prompt for the hostname to contact and the username and password, if necessary. ''' if not hostname: # Prompt for the hostname hostname = raw_input('Hostname: ') host_uri = "https://%s" % hostname # Run this script as root and this will use the # local UNIX socket. Otherwise, modify this line # to match the system you are connecting to if getuid() == 0 and hostname == 'localhost': c = connect(hostname) else: # Prompt for user and password user = raw_input('User: '******'t authenticate\n") exit(1) return c
def whichEC2Service(env): stderr.write("\x1b[2J\x1b[H") if env == 'None': import awstools as tool e = tool.whichEnvironment() # optimize these two lines: whichEC2Service(e) # whichEC2Service(tool.whichEnvironment()) else: print 'what kind of thing might you be thinking about?:\n' print ' 0) let me out, please' print ' 1) query existing vpcs' print ' 2) create a vpc' print ' 3) modify a vpc' print ' 4) delete a vpc' print '' m = raw_input('what\'s your pleasure?: ') print '' if m == '0': exit() elif m == '1': queryEC2(env) elif m == '2': createEC2(env) elif m == '3': modifyEC2(env) elif m == '4': deleteEC2(env) else: print '\nuhm, no. let\'s try this again.... ' whichEC2Service(env)
def __init__(self, message="", default_text='', modal=True): gtk.Dialog.__init__(self) self.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT) #self.set_title("Icon search") if modal: self.set_modal(True) self.set_border_width(5) self.set_size_request(400, 300) self.combobox=gtk.combo_box_new_text() self.combobox.set_size_request(200, 20) hbox=gtk.HBox(False,2) #format: actual icon, name, context self.model=gtk.ListStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) self.modelfilter=self.model.filter_new() self.modelfilter.set_visible_func(self.search_icons) self.iconview=gtk.IconView() self.iconview.set_model(self.modelfilter) self.iconview.set_pixbuf_column(0) self.iconview.set_text_column(1) self.iconview.set_selection_mode(gtk.SELECTION_SINGLE) self.iconview.set_item_width(72) self.iconview.set_size_request(200, 220) defaulttheme=gtk.icon_theme_get_default() self.combobox.connect('changed', self.category_changed) self.refine=gtk.Entry() self.refine.connect('changed', self.category_changed) self.refine.set_icon_from_stock(gtk.ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, gtk.STOCK_FIND) self.refine.set_size_request(200, 30) list2=[] for c in defaulttheme.list_contexts(): current=defaulttheme.list_icons(context=c) list2+=set(current) self.combobox.append_text(c) for i in current: try: self.model.append([defaulttheme.load_icon(i, 32, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN), i,c]) except GError as err: stderr.write('Error loading "%s": %s\n' % (i, err.args[0])) other=list(set(defaulttheme.list_icons())-(set(list2))) for i in other: self.model.append([defaulttheme.load_icon(i, 32, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN), i,"Other"]) self.combobox.prepend_text("Other") scrolled = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled.add(self.iconview) scrolled.props.hscrollbar_policy = gtk.POLICY_NEVER scrolled.props.vscrollbar_policy = gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC hbox.add(self.combobox) hbox.add(self.refine) self.vbox.add(hbox) self.vbox.add(scrolled) self.combobox.set_active(0) self.iconview.connect('selection-changed', self.get_icon_name) self.vbox.show_all()
def result(): global indent indent -= 1 if midline: stderr.write(" ") else: margin()
def find_all_hands(self): ## Make sure the table is dealt or errors will show up. #try: # self.match_settings['table'] #except: # return [7, self.bots['me']['pocket']] hands = [] ## Stderr full self variables stderr.write('full self: ' + str(vars(self)) + '\n') #hand = self.parse_cards(self.bots['me']['hand']) hand = self.bots['me']['pocket'] #table = self.match_settings['table'] table = Table(self.parse_cards(self.match_settings['table'])) #stderr.write('hand: ' + str(hand) + '\n') #stderr.write('hand2:' + str()) #stderr.write('table: ' + str(table) + '\n') for h in itertools.combinations(hand, 2): for t in itertools.combinations(table, 3): hands += [h + t] ranked_hands = [Ranker.rank_five_cards(hand) for hand in hands] #stderr.write(str(max(ranked_hands)) + '\n') return max(ranked_hands)
def debug(cls, message, newline=True): if cls.__debug: from sys import stderr mess = str(message) if newline: mess += "\n" stderr.write(mess)
def run_pism(opts): stderr.write("Testing: Test P verification of '-hydrology distributed'.\n") cmd = "%s %s/pismr -config_override -i -bootstrap -Mx %d -My %d -Mz 11 -Lz 4000 -hydrology distributed -report_mass_accounting -y 0.08333333333333 -max_dt 0.01 -no_mass -energy none -stress_balance ssa+sia -ssa_dirichlet_bc -o" % (opts.MPIEXEC, opts.PISM_PATH, opts.Mx, opts.Mx) stderr.write(cmd + "\n"), shell=True)
def dump(args): keys = get_keys() db = Database(args.data_dir) for line, app_id, offset in db.read_all(defaultdict(int)): decrypted = False for key in keys: cipher = CommandCipher(key) try: if args.time: time = CommandCipher.extract_time(line) stdout.write("{:.3f} ".format(time)) plaintext = cipher.decrypt(line, app_id, offset) stdout.write(plaintext) stdout.write("\n") decrypted = True except InvalidTag: pass if not decrypted and not args.force: stdout.write("\n") stderr.write("unable to decrypt command with any password!\n") stderr.write("use --force to ignore this problem\n") stderr.write("the offending command is in app_id {} at offset {}\n".format(app_id, offset)) stderr.write("its ciphertext reads:\n") stderr.write(line) exit(1)
def runopf(casedata=None, ppopt=None, fname='', solvedcase=''): """Runs an optimal power flow. @see: L{rundcopf}, L{runuopf} @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) """ ## default arguments if casedata is None: casedata = join(dirname(__file__), 'case9') ppopt = ppoption(ppopt) ##----- run the optimal power flow ----- r = opf(casedata, ppopt) ##----- output results ----- if fname: fd = None try: fd = open(fname, "a") except IOError as detail: stderr.write("Error opening %s: %s.\n" % (fname, detail)) finally: if fd is not None: printpf(r, fd, ppopt) fd.close() else: printpf(r, stdout, ppopt) ## save solved case if solvedcase: savecase(solvedcase, r) return r
def mapper(self, _, line): try: self.increment_counter('MrJob Counters','mapper',1) # Parse the line elements=line.split(',') station = elements[0] measure_type = elements[1] year = int(elements[2]) measurements = elements[3:] nomeas = 0 # AllNum=True for ss in measurements: if ss!="": try: ii=float(ss) nomeas+=1 except: AllNum=False #filter out the unwanted measurements and the header line if (measure_type == 'TMIN' or measure_type == 'TMAX' or measure_type=='PRCP') \ and station != 'station' and len(measurements)==365 and nomeas>=300 and AllNum: self.increment_counter('MrJob Counters','usefull lines',1) yield (station, [year,measure_type,nomeas]) except Exception, e: stderr.write('Error in line:\n'+line) stderr.write(e.message) self.increment_counter('MrJob Counters','mapper-error',1) yield (('error','mapper', str(e)), 1)
def residue( self, pos ): ''' return frag_idx of that pos ''' assert self._initialized if pos in self.positions(): return self.__dict[ pos ] else: stderr.write("ERROR: %s is not in this pose\n" % pos )
def _load_links(self): """ Sorts supported and not supported links in two lists and returns them. """ try: # Process the arguments, either read links from file or directly # from the command line with the -u/--url flag. if self.args.file: with open(self.args.file) as file_: links = [url.decode("utf8").strip() for url in file_ if url.strip()] else: links = [url.decode("utf8").strip() for url in self.args.url if url.strip()] # Remove duplicates links = list(set(links)) except IOError: stderr.write("Couldn't open input file, are you sure the path is correct?\n") stderr.flush() exit(1) not_supported = [] supported = [] for link in links: parse = urlparse.urlparse(link) if(not parse.scheme): link = "http://{0}".format(link) if(self.is_supported(link) and parse.path): supported.append(link) else: not_supported.append(link) return supported, not_supported
def reducer(self, station, counts): try: if station[0] == 'error': yield(station,sum(data)) return self.increment_counter('MrJob Counters','reducer',1) dic_TMIN={} dic_TMAX={} dic_PRCP={} for vec in counts: if vec[1]=='TMIN': dic_TMIN[vec[0]]=vec[2] elif vec[1]=='TMAX': dic_TMAX[vec[0]]=vec[2] else: dic_PRCP[vec[0]]=vec[2] validyear=[] mean_MEAN=[] mean_PRCP=[] diff_MEAN=[] for key in dic_TMIN: if dic_TMAX.has_key(key) and dic_PRCP.has_key(key): validyear.append(key) mm=np.mean(np.array(dic_TMAX[key]))-np.mean(np.array(dic_TMIN[key])) #mean_MEAN.append(mm/2.0) #mean_PRCP.append(np.mean(np.array(dic_PRCP[key]))) diff_MEAN.append(mm) if len(validyear)>0: yield (station, np.mean(np.array(diff_MEAN))) #else: # yield (station, _) except Exception, e: #yield (('error','reducer', str(e)), 1) stderr.write('Error in reducer')
def doCombination(self): ## Contrary to Number-counting models, here each channel PDF already contains the nuisances ## So we just have to build the combined pdf if len(self.DC.bins) > 1 or not self.options.forceNonSimPdf: for (postfixIn,postfixOut) in [ ("","_s"), ("_bonly","_b") ]: simPdf = ROOT.RooSimultaneous("model"+postfixOut, "model"+postfixOut, self.out.binCat) if self.options.noOptimizePdf else ROOT.RooSimultaneousOpt("model"+postfixOut, "model"+postfixOut, self.out.binCat) for b in self.DC.bins: pdfi = self.out.pdf("pdf_bin%s%s" % (b,postfixIn)) simPdf.addPdf(pdfi, b) if len(self.DC.systs) and (not self.options.noOptimizePdf) and self.options.moreOptimizeSimPdf: simPdf.addExtraConstraints(self.out.nuisPdfs) if self.options.verbose: stderr.write("Importing combined pdf %s\n" % simPdf.GetName()); stderr.flush() self.out._import(simPdf) if self.options.noBOnly: break else: self.out._import(self.out.pdf("pdf_bin%s" % self.DC.bins[0]).clone("model_s"), ROOT.RooFit.Silence()) if not self.options.noBOnly: self.out._import(self.out.pdf("pdf_bin%s_bonly" % self.DC.bins[0]).clone("model_b"), ROOT.RooFit.Silence()) if self.options.fixpars: pars = self.out.pdf("model_s").getParameters(self.out.obs) iter = pars.createIterator() while True: arg = iter.Next() if arg == None: break; if arg.InheritsFrom("RooRealVar") and arg.GetName() != "r": arg.setConstant(True);
def featurize_and_uniq_triangles_stdin(self): tri_group = set() tri_group_head = None cnt = 0 for l in stdin: cnt += 1 if cnt % 10000 == 0: stderr.write('{0}\n'.format(cnt)) try: l_ = l.decode('utf8').strip().split('\t') this_tri = '\t'.join(l_[0:4]) if not tri_group_head: tri_group_head = this_tri tri_group.add(tuple(l_)) elif tri_group_head == this_tri: tri_group.add(tuple(l_)) else: if tri_group: feat, pair = self.featurize_group(tri_group) self.print_pair_with_features(pair, feat) tri_group = set() tri_group.add(tuple(l_)) tri_group_head = this_tri except: logging.exception('Exception at line: {0}'.format(l.strip())) feat, pair = self.featurize_group(tri_group) self.print_pair_with_features(pair, feat)
def grabber(): while(True): shuffle(BOARDS) for b in BOARDS: yield gen.Task(proc_board, b) stderr.write('Grabber went to sleep\n') yield gen.Task(IOLoop.instance().add_timeout, time.time() + 24 * 60 * 60)
def unpacktype(binstr, member, mtype): offset = member[1] size = member[2] fmt = '' if mtype == STR: fmt = str(size) + 's' elif mtype == INT: fmt = 'I' if size == 4 else 'Q' elif mtype == SHT: fmt = 'H' else: calling_fxn = sys._getframe(1) stderr.write("ERROR %s.%s tried to unpack the unknown type %d.\n" % ( callingclass(calling_fxn), calling_fxn.f_code.co_name, mtype)) return None if struct.calcsize(fmt) != len(binstr[offset:size + offset]): calling_fxn = sys._getframe(1) stderr.write("ERROR %s.%s tried to unpack '%s' (fmt size: %d) from %d bytes.\n" % ( callingclass(calling_fxn), calling_fxn.f_code.co_name, fmt, struct.calcsize(fmt), len(binstr[offset:size + offset]))) return None return struct.unpack(fmt, binstr[offset:size + offset])[0]
def test_ewens (kind, abd, test_failed): ''' test estimation of theta by max likelihood with ewens formula ''' t0 = time () test_ok=True print ' Testing Ewens algorithm with BCI %s dataset' % kind if kind == 'full': wanted_theta = 34.962 wanted_lnl = 318.849 time_max = 0.05 elif kind == 'short': wanted_theta = 33.302 wanted_lnl = 162.742 time_max = 0.05 abd.ewens_optimal_params() abd.set_current_model ('ewens') model = abd.get_model ('ewens') print ' -> Optimal value of theta: %.3f' % abd.theta if round (abd.theta, 3) != wanted_theta: stderr.write ('\n test failed in ewens test (theta should have been %s)\n' %\ wanted_theta) test_ok=False print ' -> likelihood of theta: %.3f' % model.lnL if round (model.lnL, 3) != wanted_lnl: stderr.write ('\n test failed in ewens test (theta should have been %s)\n' %\ wanted_lnl) test_ok=False print '\n Elapsed time (should be < %s): %s sec\n' % (time_max, time() - t0) if not test_ok: test_failed.append ('etienne optimization') return test_failed
def main(): """ main function """ all_members = get_all(pytadbit) get_all(pytadbit.utils, all_members) get_all(tad_cmo, all_members) get_all(mapper, all_members) get_all(restriction_enzymes, all_members) get_all(analyze, all_members) get_all(filter, all_members) modules = set([all_members[m]['son'].__module__ for m in all_members]) global LINKS LINKS = parse_doc_index() numclasses = nfunctions = 0 nummodules = len(modules) # title print '=======================================' print 'Summary of TADbit classes and functions' print '=======================================\n' # body print '' for module in sorted(modules): print print_doc(module, header=1) submodules = [m for m in all_members if all_members[m]['son'].__module__ == module] dadies = set([all_members[m]['dady'] for m in submodules if all_members[m]['dady'][0] in uppercase]) for member in sorted(submodules, key=lambda x:all_members[x]['son'].__name__[0] in uppercase): if all_members[member]['dady'] in dadies or member in dadies: continue if all_members[member]['son'].__name__[0] in uppercase: print print_doc(all_members[member]['son'], header=2, indent=3) numclasses += 1 else: nfunctions += 1 print print_doc(all_members[member]['son'], header=3, indent=3) for dady in sorted(dadies): numclasses += 1 print print_doc(all_members[dady]['son'], offset=9, header=2) for member in sorted(submodules): if all_members[member]['dady'] != dady: continue nfunctions += 1 print print_doc(all_members[member]['son'], header=3, indent=6) # footnotes print '' print '.. [#first] functions generating plots\n' print '.. [#second] functions writing text files\n' stderr.write('Reporting %s modules, %s classes and %s functions\n' %( nummodules, numclasses, nfunctions))
if not rawLine: break rawLine = rawLine.strip() if state == STATE_NONE: m =, rawLine) if m == None: continue className = state = STATE_METHOD_NAME elif state == STATE_METHOD_NAME: m =, rawLine) if m == None: stderr.write("error parsing. from '" + className + "' no method\n") state = STATE_NONE continue methodName = state = STATE_METHOD_TYPE elif state == STATE_METHOD_TYPE: m =, rawLine) if m == None: state = STATE_NONE continue methodType = stdout.write(className + "/ " + methodName + " [" + methodType + "]\n") state = STATE_NONE exit(0)
""" import os import sys from aqt import mw from sys import stderr __all__ = [] sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(, "vocabulary_builder")) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(, "vocabulary_builder", "libs")) if __name__ == "__main__": stderr.write( "VocbularyBuilder is an add-on for Anki.\n" "It is not intended to be run directly.\n" "To learn more or download Anki, visit <>.\n" ) exit(1) # n.b. Import is intentionally placed down here so that Python processes it # only if the module check above is not tripped. from . import vocabulary_builder # noqa, pylint:disable=wrong-import-position vocabulary_builder.addMenuItem()
def ready(self, server, bind): stderr.write("ircd v{0:s} ready! Listening on: {1:s}\n".format( __version__, "{0:s}:{1:d}".format(*bind)))
def dcopf_solver(om, ppopt, out_opt=None): """Solves a DC optimal power flow. Inputs are an OPF model object, a PYPOWER options dict and a dict containing fields (can be empty) for each of the desired optional output fields. Outputs are a C{results} dict, C{success} flag and C{raw} output dict. C{results} is a PYPOWER case dict (ppc) with the usual baseMVA, bus branch, gen, gencost fields, along with the following additional fields: - C{order} see 'help ext2int' for details of this field - C{x} final value of optimization variables (internal order) - C{f} final objective function value - C{mu} shadow prices on ... - C{var} - C{l} lower bounds on variables - C{u} upper bounds on variables - C{lin} - C{l} lower bounds on linear constraints - C{u} upper bounds on linear constraints - C{g} (optional) constraint values - C{dg} (optional) constraint 1st derivatives - C{df} (optional) obj fun 1st derivatives (not yet implemented) - C{d2f} (optional) obj fun 2nd derivatives (not yet implemented) C{success} is C{True} if solver converged successfully, C{False} otherwise. C{raw} is a raw output dict in form returned by MINOS - C{xr} final value of optimization variables - C{pimul} constraint multipliers - C{info} solver specific termination code - C{output} solver specific output information @see: L{opf}, L{qps_pypower} @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell) @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad Autonoma de Manizales) """ if out_opt is None: out_opt = {} ## options verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE'] alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG_DC'] if alg == 0: if have_fcn('cplex'): ## use CPLEX by default, if available alg = 500 elif have_fcn('mosek'): ## if not, then MOSEK, if available alg = 600 elif have_fcn('gurobi'): ## if not, then Gurobi, if available alg = 700 else: ## otherwise PIPS alg = 200 ## unpack data ppc = om.get_ppc() baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \ ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"], ppc["gencost"] cp = om.get_cost_params() N, H, Cw = cp["N"], cp["H"], cp["Cw"] fparm = array(c_[cp["dd"], cp["rh"], cp["kk"], cp["mm"]]) Bf = om.userdata('Bf') Pfinj = om.userdata('Pfinj') vv, ll, _, _ = om.get_idx() ## problem dimensions ipol = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL) ## polynomial costs ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR) ## piece-wise linear costs nb = bus.shape[0] ## number of buses nl = branch.shape[0] ## number of branches nw = N.shape[0] ## number of general cost vars, w ny = om.getN('var', 'y') ## number of piece-wise linear costs nxyz = om.getN('var') ## total number of control vars of all types ## linear constraints & variable bounds A, l, u = om.linear_constraints() x0, xmin, xmax = om.getv() ## set up objective function of the form: f = 1/2 * X'*HH*X + CC'*X ## where X = [x;y;z]. First set up as quadratic function of w, ## f = 1/2 * w'*HHw*w + CCw'*w, where w = diag(M) * (N*X - Rhat). We ## will be building on the (optionally present) user supplied parameters. ## piece-wise linear costs any_pwl = int(ny > 0) if any_pwl: # Sum of y vars. Npwl = sparse( (ones(ny), (zeros(ny), arange(vv["i1"]["y"], vv["iN"]["y"]))), (1, nxyz)) Hpwl = sparse((1, 1)) Cpwl = array([1]) fparm_pwl = array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]) else: Npwl = None #zeros((0, nxyz)) Hpwl = None #array([]) Cpwl = array([]) fparm_pwl = zeros((0, 4)) ## quadratic costs npol = len(ipol) if any(find(gencost[ipol, NCOST] > 3)): stderr.write('DC opf cannot handle polynomial costs with higher ' 'than quadratic order.\n') iqdr = find(gencost[ipol, NCOST] == 3) ilin = find(gencost[ipol, NCOST] == 2) polycf = zeros((npol, 3)) ## quadratic coeffs for Pg if len(iqdr) > 0: polycf[iqdr, :] = gencost[ipol[iqdr], COST:COST + 3] if npol: polycf[ilin, 1:3] = gencost[ipol[ilin], COST:COST + 2] polycf = dot(polycf, diag([baseMVA**2, baseMVA, 1])) ## convert to p.u. if npol: Npol = sparse((ones(npol), (arange(npol), vv["i1"]["Pg"] + ipol)), (npol, nxyz)) # Pg vars Hpol = sparse((2 * polycf[:, 0], (arange(npol), arange(npol))), (npol, npol)) else: Npol = None Hpol = None Cpol = polycf[:, 1] fparm_pol = ones((npol, 1)) * array([[1, 0, 0, 1]]) ## combine with user costs NN = vstack( [n for n in [Npwl, Npol, N] if n is not None and n.shape[0] > 0], "csr") # FIXME: Zero dimension sparse matrices. if (Hpwl is not None) and any_pwl and (npol + nw): Hpwl = hstack([Hpwl, sparse((any_pwl, npol + nw))]) if Hpol is not None: if any_pwl and npol: Hpol = hstack([sparse((npol, any_pwl)), Hpol]) if npol and nw: Hpol = hstack([Hpol, sparse((npol, nw))]) if (H is not None) and nw and (any_pwl + npol): H = hstack([sparse((nw, any_pwl + npol)), H]) HHw = vstack( [h for h in [Hpwl, Hpol, H] if h is not None and h.shape[0] > 0], "csr") CCw = r_[Cpwl, Cpol, Cw] ffparm = r_[fparm_pwl, fparm_pol, fparm] ## transform quadratic coefficients for w into coefficients for X nnw = any_pwl + npol + nw M = sparse((ffparm[:, 3], (list(range(nnw)), list(range(nnw))))) MR = M * ffparm[:, 1] HMR = HHw * MR MN = M * NN HH = MN.T * HHw * MN CC = MN.T * (CCw - HMR) C0 = 0.5 * dot(MR, HMR) + sum(polycf[:, 2]) # Constant term of cost. ## set up input for QP solver opt = {'alg': alg, 'verbose': verbose} if (alg == 200) or (alg == 250): ## try to select an interior initial point Varefs = bus[bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VA] * (pi / 180.0) lb, ub = xmin.copy(), xmax.copy() lb[xmin == -Inf] = -1e10 ## replace Inf with numerical proxies ub[xmax == Inf] = 1e10 x0 = (lb + ub) / 2 # angles set to first reference angle x0[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]] = Varefs[0] if ny > 0: ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR) # largest y-value in CCV data c = gencost.flatten('F')[sub2ind(gencost.shape, ipwl, NCOST + 2 * gencost[ipwl, NCOST])] x0[vv["i1"]["y"]:vv["iN"]["y"]] = max(c) + 0.1 * abs(max(c)) ## set up options feastol = ppopt['PDIPM_FEASTOL'] gradtol = ppopt['PDIPM_GRADTOL'] comptol = ppopt['PDIPM_COMPTOL'] costtol = ppopt['PDIPM_COSTTOL'] max_it = ppopt['PDIPM_MAX_IT'] max_red = ppopt['SCPDIPM_RED_IT'] if feastol == 0: feastol = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION'] ## = OPF_VIOLATION by default opt["pips_opt"] = { 'feastol': feastol, 'gradtol': gradtol, 'comptol': comptol, 'costtol': costtol, 'max_it': max_it, 'max_red': max_red, 'cost_mult': 1 } elif alg == 400: opt['ipopt_opt'] = ipopt_options([], ppopt) elif alg == 500: opt['cplex_opt'] = cplex_options([], ppopt) elif alg == 600: opt['mosek_opt'] = mosek_options([], ppopt) elif alg == 700: opt['grb_opt'] = gurobi_options([], ppopt) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised solver [%d]." % alg) ##----- run opf ----- x, f, info, output, lmbda = \ qps_pypower(HH, CC, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, x0, opt) success = (info == 1) ##----- calculate return values ----- if not any(isnan(x)): ## update solution data Va = x[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]] Pg = x[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] f = f + C0 ## update voltages & generator outputs bus[:, VA] = Va * 180 / pi gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA ## compute branch flows branch[:, [QF, QT]] = zeros((nl, 2)) branch[:, PF] = (Bf * Va + Pfinj) * baseMVA branch[:, PT] = -branch[:, PF] ## package up results mu_l = lmbda["mu_l"] mu_u = lmbda["mu_u"] muLB = lmbda["lower"] muUB = lmbda["upper"] ## update Lagrange multipliers il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10)) bus[:, [LAM_P, LAM_Q, MU_VMIN, MU_VMAX]] = zeros((nb, 4)) gen[:, [MU_PMIN, MU_PMAX, MU_QMIN, MU_QMAX]] = zeros((gen.shape[0], 4)) branch[:, [MU_SF, MU_ST]] = zeros((nl, 2)) bus[:, LAM_P] = (mu_u[ll["i1"]["Pmis"]:ll["iN"]["Pmis"]] - mu_l[ll["i1"]["Pmis"]:ll["iN"]["Pmis"]]) / baseMVA branch[il, MU_SF] = mu_u[ll["i1"]["Pf"]:ll["iN"]["Pf"]] / baseMVA branch[il, MU_ST] = mu_u[ll["i1"]["Pt"]:ll["iN"]["Pt"]] / baseMVA gen[:, MU_PMIN] = muLB[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] / baseMVA gen[:, MU_PMAX] = muUB[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] / baseMVA pimul = r_[mu_l - mu_u, -ones( (ny > 0)), ## dummy entry corresponding to linear cost row in A muLB - muUB] mu = {'var': {'l': muLB, 'u': muUB}, 'lin': {'l': mu_l, 'u': mu_u}} results = deepcopy(ppc) results["bus"], results["branch"], results["gen"], \ results["om"], results["x"], results["mu"], results["f"] = \ bus, branch, gen, om, x, mu, f raw = {'xr': x, 'pimul': pimul, 'info': info, 'output': output} return results, success, raw
from sys import exit, argv, stderr from os import system from numpy import squeeze, abs, diff try: from netCDF4 import Dataset as NC except: print "netCDF4 is not installed!" sys.exit(1) pism_path = argv[1] mpiexec = argv[2] stderr.write( "Testing: temperature continuity at ice-bed interface (polythermal case).\n" ) cmd = "%s %s/pismv -test F -y 10 -verbose 1 -o" % ( mpiexec, pism_path) stderr.write(cmd + '\n') e = system(cmd) if e != 0: exit(1) deltas = [] dts = [ 200, 100 ] # FIXME: this is fragile and the test fails if I add smaller dt like 50 here for dt in dts:
def printerr(self): stderr.write(f'{self}\n') exit(1)
for uu in range(3, len(res_split) - 1): if uu % 2 == 1: aa = aa + res_split[uu] + "\t" psMap[path] = aa else: psMap[path] = 0 return psMap from queryRR import queryRR runKeys = queryRR(options.firstRun, options.lastRun, options.groupName) prescaleTable = {} runs = runKeys.keys() runs.sort() stderr.write("Querying ConfDB for prescales for path %s...\n" % (path)) jsout = {} for run in runs: key = runKeys[run] if key not in prescaleTable: prescaleTable[key] = getPrescalesFromKey(key) psfactor = 1 if path in prescaleTable[key]: psfactor = prescaleTable[key][path] print("%s\t%s" % (run, psfactor)) jsout[run] = psfactor if options.jsonOut: stderr.write("Exporting to JSON file %s...\n" % (options.jsonOut)) import json jsonFile = open(options.jsonOut, "w") jsonFile.write(json.dumps(jsout))
def integrate(tfinal, ux, udiff, IC): grid = CartesianGrid([[0, 200]], 200) field = ScalarField(grid, IC) storage = MemoryStorage() eq = libraryPDE(ux, udiff) #define PDE with custom parameters return eq.solve(field, t_range=tfinal, dt=0.1, tracker=storage.tracker(0.1)).data # Process arguments if len(argv) != 2: stderr.write("Incorrect number of arguments\n".format(argv[0])) exit(1) datafile = str(argv[1]) # Read epsilon and parameters from stdin #stderr.write("Enter epsilon\n"); epsilon = float(stdin.readline()) ux, udiff, dummy1, dummy2 = [float(num) for num in stdin.readline().split()] # Run simulation I = np.zeros(200) #set the initial condition I[95:105] = 1.0 simulated50 = integrate(50, ux, udiff, I) simulated100 = integrate(50, ux, udiff, simulated50)
for line in inp: contents = line.split(' # ') featstr = contents[0].strip().split(' ')[2:] feats = {} for s in featstr: stuff = s.split(':') feats[int(stuff[0])] = float(stuff[1]) score = 0 for feat in feats: try: #score += weights[feat - 1] * feats[feat] score += weights[feat] * feats[feat] except IndexError: print(maxFeat, feat, file=stderr) if feat <= maxFeat: print(maxFeat, feat, file=stderr) exit(1) except KeyError: stderr.write("Weight not found for feature: " + str(feat) + '\n') if neg: score *= -1 info = ''.join(c for c in contents[1].strip() if c not in "[]',").replace('NALGN NULL', 'NALGN NONE').split(' ') stdout.buffer.write( bytes( str(score) + '\t' + '\t'.join([s for s in info if s != 'NULL']) + '\n', 'utf-8'))
def _test_result(test_type, name, state, result, expected): """Write out the results of the test""" correct_result = result == expected to_write = [ "**** Name: %s" % name, "**** Runner: %s" % test_type, "**** Execution: %s" % state ] if correct_result: to_write.append('**** Correct result: %s' % str(correct_result)) else: to_write.append('#### EXPECTED RESULT: %s' % str(expected)) to_write.append('#### OBSERVED RESULT: %s' % str(result)) stderr.write('\n'.join(to_write)) stderr.write('\n') if state == 'FAIL': stderr.write('#' * 80) stderr.write('\n') stderr.write(''.join(result)) stderr.write('#' * 80) stderr.write('\n') stderr.write('\n')
def optParse(): """ Parses command line options. Generally we're supporting all the command line options that supports in an analogous way to make it easy to switch back and forth. We additionally support a top-level namespace argument that is used to trim away excess path information. """ parser = OptionParser(prog=basename(argv[0])) parser.set_usage("%prog [options] filename") parser.add_option( "-a", "--autobrief", action="store_true", dest="autobrief", help= "parse the docstring for @brief description and other information") parser.add_option("-c", "--autocode", action="store_true", dest="autocode", help="parse the docstring for code samples") parser.add_option( "-n", "--ns", action="store", type="string", dest="topLevelNamespace", help="specify a top-level namespace that will be used to trim paths" ) parser.add_option( "-t", "--tablength", action="store", type="int", dest="tablength", default=4, help="specify a tab length in spaces; only needed if tabs are used" ) group = OptionGroup(parser, "Debug Options") group.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="enable debug output on stderr") parser.add_option_group(group) ## Parse options based on our definition. (options, filename) = parser.parse_args() # Just abort immediately if we are don't have an input file. if not filename: stderr.write("No filename given." + linesep) sysExit(-1) # Turn the full path filename into a full path module location. fullPathNamespace = filename[0].replace(sep, '.')[:-3] # Use any provided top-level namespace argument to trim off excess. realNamespace = fullPathNamespace if options.topLevelNamespace: namespaceStart = fullPathNamespace.find(options.topLevelNamespace) if namespaceStart >= 0: realNamespace = fullPathNamespace[namespaceStart:] options.fullPathNamespace = realNamespace return options, filename[0]
def log_msg(self, msg): if self.loglevel > 0: stderr.write(msg.encode('utf8') + '\n')
def error(msg): from sys import stderr, exit stderr.write("{0}\n".format(msg)) exit(1)
from fileinput import input from sys import exit, stderr from import DEFAULTS ignore = frozenset(["BROKER_INSIST", "CELERYD_POOL_PUTLOCKS"]) def find_undocumented_settings(directive=".. setting:: "): all = set(DEFAULTS.keys()) documented = set(line.strip()[len(directive):].strip() for line in input() if line.strip().startswith(directive)) return [setting for setting in all ^ documented if setting not in ignore] if __name__ == "__main__": sep = """\n * """ missing = find_undocumented_settings() if missing: stderr.write("Error: found undocumented settings:%s%s\n" % ( sep, sep.join(sorted(missing)))) exit(1) print("OK: Configuration reference complete :-)") exit(0)
def send(this): # Instance a object of Serial type xmodemSend = Serial(this.port) init = if init != NAK: stderr.write('\033[m1;31E:\033[m NAK not received!\n') return 1 print(f'{init}') # Quantity of packets to send print('Getting the quantity of packets to send...') qtyPkts = int((path.getsize(this.fileName) * 10) / MIN_LEN_PKT) print(f'Quantity of packets = {qtyPkts}\n') # Open the archive to send archive = open(this.fileName, 'rb') # Sending the packets count = 0 while count < qtyPkts: # Byte 1 print('Sending the SOH byte...') xmodemSend.write(SOH) print('SOH sended\n') print(f'Getting {MIN_LEN_PKT} bytes of the file to send') pkt = # Complementing the packet # with '#' print('Verify the length of packet...') while len(pkt) < MIN_LEN_PKT: #print('Complementing the packet with \'#\' character') pkt += bytes('#', 'ascii') # Number of packet pktNumber = count + 1 pktNumber = str(pktNumber) # Byte 2 and 3 print('Send the number of packet...') xmodemSend.write(pktNumber.encode()) ''' pktNumber = int(pktNumber) notPktNumber = ~pktNumber notPktNumber = str(notPktNumber) xmodemSend.write(notPktNumber.encode(2)) ''' print('Send the number of packet again...') xmodemSend.write(pktNumber.encode()) # Byte 4-131 print('Sending the packet nº {pktNumber}') xmodemSend.write(pkt) print(f'Packet nº {pktNumber} sended') # Getting checksum code print('Getting the checksum of packet...') chsumCode = this.getPacketChecksum(pkt) print(f'Checksum: {chsumCode}') chsumCode = str(chsumCode) + '\n' #chsumCode = str(chsumCode) # Send checksum code to RX print('Sending checksum to RX') #xmodemSend.write(chsumCode.encode()) xmodemSend.write(chsumCode.encode()) crc = # ACK or NAK print(f'Value returned: {crc}') while crc == NAK: xmodemSend.write(pkt) count += 1 if count == qtyPkts: print('Sending EOT to RX...') xmodemSend.write(EOT) archive.close() xmodemSend.close()
def Usage(): stderr.write( 'usage: translate -a input.ann -o output.ann old.txt new.txt\n') exit(1)
# mpiexec -np 2 python from mpi4py import MPI import theano from import send, recv, mpi_cmps from theano.gof.sched import sort_schedule_fn import numpy as np from sys import stdout, stderr, exit comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() if size != 2: stderr.write("mpiexec failed to create a world with two nodes.\n" "Closing with success message.") stdout.write("True") exit(0) shape = (2, 2) dtype = 'float32' scheduler = sort_schedule_fn(*mpi_cmps) mode = theano.Mode(optimizer=None, linker=theano.OpWiseCLinker(schedule=scheduler)) if rank == 0: x = theano.tensor.matrix('x', dtype=dtype) y = x + 1 send_request = send(y, 1, 11)
def debug_msg(self, msg): """ Write msg to the debug stream """ if self._debug_mode: stderr.write(msg) stderr.flush()
def log(msg, cr=True): stderr.write(msg) if cr: stderr.write('\n')
def error(self, *args, **kw): stderr.write("Error in argument string. Ensure that `--` is passed" " before QEMU and its arguments.\n") super(QArgumentParser, self).error(*args, **kw)
def log(message): from sys import stderr stderr.write("Info: %s\n" % message)
def real_main(): # Reading in the stage bamFile = argv[1] FASTA_file = argv[2] minReadSize = int( argv[3]) # Minimum read size to be considered for haplotyping minCOV = float(argv[4]) # Minimum coverage for accepting a read alignment vcf_FOFN = argv[5] # Setting the debug state debug = False #===================================================== # Initializing the inputs vcfFiles = [line[:-1] for line in open(vcf_FOFN)] bamFiles = [bamFile] #===================================================== # Initializing the outputs READ_VAR = '%s.read_to_variant.dat' % splitext(bamFile)[0] #===================================================== # Pulling the scaffold from the FASTA file stderr.write('INDEXING THE ASSEMBLY\n') indexFASTA = FASTAFile_dict(FASTA_file) #===================================================== # PULL HETEROZYGOUS SNP AND INDEL CALLS FROM VCF FILES AND ASSOCIATE READS WITH VARIANTS #---------------------------------------------------------- # Finding the best read alignment for each read stderr.write("----------------------------\n") stderr.write("FINDING BEST READ ALIGNMENTS\n") readSeqDict = { } # key:readBase value: Read sequence and associated cigar string bestHitDict = { } # key: scaffID value: List of alignment score, readBase, readStart, cigarString x = iterCounter(1000000) testDict = {True: None} for BAM_file in bamFiles: # Finding the bestHit for the read p = subprocess.Popen('samtools view %s | cut -f1,2,3,4,6,10' % BAM_file, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) tmpBestHitDict = {} for line in p.stdout: # Reading in a new line readBase, bitwiseFlag, scaffID, readStart, cigarString, readSeq = line.split( None) # Screening out the secondary alignments try: if (bin(int(bitwiseFlag))[::-1][8] == "1"): continue except IndexError: pass ##### readStart = int( readStart ) - 1 # This is shifted by 1 position because it is zero based nBases = len(readSeq) # Screen read size if (nBases < minReadSize): continue # Screening for read coverage COV = compute_COV(cigarString, nBases) if (COV < minCOV): continue x() # Storing the read sequence in a dictionary readSeqDict[readBase] = readSeq # Computing total matches totalMatch = compute_ApproximateMatch(cigarString) # Storing the read sequence in a dictionary try: pm, ps, pcs, pid = tmpBestHitDict[readBase] try: testDict[totalMatch > pm] tmpBestHitDict[readBase] = (totalMatch, readStart, cigarString, scaffID) except KeyError: pass ##### except KeyError: tmpBestHitDict[readBase] = (totalMatch, readStart, cigarString, scaffID) ##### ##### p.poll() # Translating the read information to scaffolds for readBase, tmpTuple in tmpBestHitDict.iteritems(): totalMatch, readStart, cigarString, scaffID = tmpTuple try: bestHitDict[scaffID].append( (totalMatch, readBase, readStart, cigarString)) except KeyError: bestHitDict[scaffID] = [(totalMatch, readBase, readStart, cigarString)] ##### ##### if (debug): break ##### del tmpBestHitDict #------------------------ # Reading in the VCF file stderr.write("-------------------------------------------\n") stderr.write("READING IN THE HET CALLS FROM THE VCF FILES\n") x = iterCounter(100000) hetDict = { } # Dictionary containing key:scaffID and value:(snpPos, ref, and alt bases) for vcfFile in vcfFiles: for line in open(vcfFile): # Screening the comment lines if line[0] == '#': continue # Parsing the VCF line try: currentSNP = vcfSplitter(line) x() except ValueError: print line assert False ##### # Shifting the current snp position snpPos = currentSNP.scaffPos - 1 # This is shifted by 1 position because it is zero based # This is the case where it is not 0/1, 1/1, or 1/2, but something entirely different if (not currentSNP.goodSNP): continue # Screening the depth ratio on the het if (currentSNP.isHet): if (currentSNP.is_1_2): # The case of a consensus error try: hetDict[currentSNP.scaffID].append( (snpPos, currentSNP.refBase, currentSNP.altBase_1)) except KeyError: hetDict[currentSNP.scaffID] = [ (snpPos, currentSNP.refBase, currentSNP.altBase_1) ] ##### hetDict[currentSNP.scaffID].append( (snpPos, currentSNP.refBase, currentSNP.altBase_2)) else: # The case of a true het try: hetDict[currentSNP.scaffID].append( (snpPos, currentSNP.refBase, currentSNP.altBase)) except KeyError: hetDict[currentSNP.scaffID] = [ (snpPos, currentSNP.refBase, currentSNP.altBase) ] ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #---------------------------------------------------------- # Associating variant calls with a readID stderr.write("----------------------------------\n") stderr.write("ASSOCIATE VARIANT CALLS WITH READS\n") read_to_variant_Dict = {} # key:readID value: List of indels readCIGAR_dict = {} # key:readID value: List of (cigarString, readStart) read_to_scaff_map = {} # key:readID value: scaffID x = iterCounter(1000000) for scaffID, tmpBestHitList in bestHitDict.iteritems(): #----------------- # Build the interval tree try: hetDict[scaffID].sort() except KeyError: continue ##### print scaffID indelList = [] for pos_n, ref_n, alt_n in hetDict[scaffID]: pos_m = pos_n + 1 indelList.append( IntervalClass(pos_n, pos_m, '%d;%s;%s' % (pos_n, ref_n, alt_n))) ##### tmpTree = IntervalTree(indelList) #----------------- # Pulling the scaffold sequence scaffSeq = str(indexFASTA[scaffID].seq) #----------------- # Looping over the best hits for the scaffold for totalMatch, readBase, readStart, cigarString in tmpBestHitList: # Associating reads with scaffolds read_to_scaff_map[readBase] = scaffID # Pulling the read sequence readSeq = readSeqDict[readBase] # Parsing the cigar string tmpClass = cigarClass(readBase, cigarString, readStart, readSeq, scaffSeq) # Finding the actual end of the read on the reference using the cigar string valList = [ item for item in tmpClass.read_to_ref.itervalues() if item != '-' ] try: readEnd = sorted(valList)[-1] except IndexError: print scaffID print readBase print readStart print valList print tmpClass.displayAlignment() print "You should not be here!!" assert False ##### # Storing the read cigar string readCIGAR_dict[readBase] = (cigarString, readStart, readEnd, scaffID) # Find all variants that are associated with this read tmpVars = tmpTree.find(readStart, readEnd) for item in tmpVars: indelID = item.label try: read_to_variant_Dict[readBase].append(indelID) except KeyError: read_to_variant_Dict[readBase] = [indelID] ##### ##### x() ##### ##### #---------------------------------- # Writing the information to a file print "-------------------------------------------------" print "WRITING THE READ TO VARIANT INFORMATION TO A FILE" oh = open(READ_VAR, 'w') x = iterCounter(1000000) for readBase, tmpList in read_to_variant_Dict.iteritems(): cigarString, readStart, readEnd, scaffID = readCIGAR_dict[readBase] readStart = int(readStart) readEnd = int(readEnd) readSeq = readSeqDict[readBase] oh.write(">%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" % (readBase, scaffID, readStart, readEnd, readSeq)) oh.write('<%s\t%s\n' % (readBase, cigarString)) for indelID in tmpList: oh.write('%s\t%s\n' % (readBase, indelID)) x() ##### ##### oh.close()
def print_progress(): stderr.write(' content loss: %g\n' % content_loss.eval()) stderr.write(' style loss: %g\n' % style_loss.eval()) stderr.write(' tv loss: %g\n' % tv_loss.eval()) stderr.write(' total loss: %g\n' % loss.eval())
def log_error(message): from sys import stderr stderr.write("Error: %s\n" % message)
def CreateDemands ( M ): # Steps to create the demand distributions # 1. Use Demand keys to ensure that all demands in commodity_demand are used # # 2. Find any slices not set in DemandDefaultDistribution, and set them # based on the associated SegFrac slice. # # 3. Validate that the DemandDefaultDistribution sums to 1. # # 4. Find any per-demand DemandSpecificDistribution values not set, and set # set them from DemandDefaultDistribution. Note that this only sets a # distribution for an end-use demand if the user has *not* specified _any_ # anything for that end-use demand. Thus, it is up to the user to fully # specify the distribution, or not. No in-between. # # 5. Validate that the per-demand distributions sum to 1. # Step 0: some setup for a couple of reusable items # iget(2): 2 = magic number to specify the third column. Currently the # demand in the tuple (s, d, dem) DSD_dem_getter = iget(2) # Step 1 used_dems = set(dem for p, dem in M.Demand.sparse_iterkeys()) unused_dems = sorted(M.commodity_demand.difference( used_dems )) if unused_dems: for dem in unused_dems: msg = ("Warning: Demand '{}' is unused\n") SE.write( msg.format( dem ) ) # Step 2 DDD = M.DemandDefaultDistribution # Shorter, for us lazy programmer types unset_defaults = set(M.SegFrac.sparse_iterkeys()) unset_defaults.difference_update( DDD.sparse_iterkeys() ) if unset_defaults: # Some hackery because Pyomo thinks that this Param is constructed. # However, in our view, it is not yet, because we're specifically # targeting values that have not yet been constructed, that we know are # valid, and that we will need. DDD._constructed = False for tslice in unset_defaults: DDD[ tslice ] = M.SegFrac[ tslice ] DDD._constructed = True # Step 3 total = sum( i for i in DDD.itervalues() ) if abs(float(total) - 1.0) > 0.001: # We can't explicitly test for "!= 1.0" because of incremental rounding # errors associated with the specification of demand shares by time slice, # but we check to make sure it is within the specified tolerance. key_padding = max(map( get_str_padding, DDD.sparse_iterkeys() )) format = "%%-%ds = %%s" % key_padding # Works out to something like "%-25s = %s" items = sorted( DDD.items() ) items = '\n '.join( format % (str(k), v) for k, v in items ) msg = ('The values of the DemandDefaultDistribution parameter do not ' 'sum to 1. The DemandDefaultDistribution specifies how end-use ' 'demands are distributed among the time slices (i.e., time_season, ' 'time_of_day), so together, the data must total to 1. Current ' 'values:\n {}\n\tsum = {}') raise Exception( msg.format(items, total) ) # Step 4 DSD = M.DemandSpecificDistribution demands_specified = set(map( DSD_dem_getter, (i for i in DSD.sparse_iterkeys()) )) unset_demand_distributions = used_dems.difference( demands_specified ) unset_distributions = set( cross_product(M.time_season, M.time_of_day, unset_demand_distributions)) if unset_distributions: # Some hackery because Pyomo thinks that this Param is constructed. # However, in our view, it is not yet, because we're specifically # targeting values that have not yet been constructed, that we know are # valid, and that we will need. DSD._constructed = False for s, d, dem in unset_distributions: DSD[s, d, dem] = DDD[s, d] DSD._constructed = True # Step 5 for dem in used_dems: keys = (k for k in DSD.sparse_iterkeys() if DSD_dem_getter(k) == dem ) total = sum( DSD[ i ] for i in keys ) if abs(float(total) - 1.0) > 0.001: # We can't explicitly test for "!= 1.0" because of incremental rounding # errors associated with the specification of demand shares by time slice, # but we check to make sure it is within the specified tolerance. keys = [k for k in DSD.sparse_iterkeys() if DSD_dem_getter(k) == dem ] key_padding = max(map( get_str_padding, keys )) format = "%%-%ds = %%s" % key_padding # Works out to something like "%-25s = %s" items = sorted( (k, DSD[k]) for k in keys ) items = '\n '.join( format % (str(k), v) for k, v in items ) msg = ('The values of the DemandSpecificDistribution parameter do not ' 'sum to 1. The DemandSpecificDistribution specifies how end-use ' 'demands are distributed per time-slice (i.e., time_season, ' 'time_of_day). Within each end-use Demand, then, the distribution ' 'must total to 1.\n\n Demand-specific distribution in error: ' ' {}\n\n {}\n\tsum = {}') raise Exception( msg.format(dem, items, total) )
def stylize(network, initial, initial_noiseblend, content, styles, preserve_colors, iterations, content_weight, content_weight_blend, style_weight, style_layer_weight_exp, style_blend_weights, tv_weight, learning_rate, beta1, beta2, epsilon, pooling, print_iterations=None, checkpoint_iterations=None): """ Stylize images. This function yields tuples (iteration, image); `iteration` is None if this is the final image (the last iteration). Other tuples are yielded every `checkpoint_iterations` iterations. :rtype: iterator[tuple[int|None,image]] """ shape = (1, ) + content.shape style_shapes = [(1, ) + style.shape for style in styles] content_features = {} style_features = [{} for _ in styles] vgg_weights, vgg_mean_pixel = vgg.load_net(network) layer_weight = 1.0 style_layers_weights = {} for style_layer in STYLE_LAYERS: style_layers_weights[style_layer] = layer_weight layer_weight *= style_layer_weight_exp # normalize style layer weights layer_weights_sum = 0 for style_layer in STYLE_LAYERS: layer_weights_sum += style_layers_weights[style_layer] for style_layer in STYLE_LAYERS: style_layers_weights[style_layer] /= layer_weights_sum # compute content features in feedforward mode g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(), g.device('/cpu:0'), tf.Session() as sess: image = tf.placeholder('float', shape=shape) net = vgg.net_preloaded(vgg_weights, image, pooling) content_pre = np.array([vgg.preprocess(content, vgg_mean_pixel)]) for layer in CONTENT_LAYERS: content_features[layer] = net[layer].eval( feed_dict={image: content_pre}) # compute style features in feedforward mode for i in range(len(styles)): g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(), g.device('/cpu:0'), tf.Session() as sess: image = tf.placeholder('float', shape=style_shapes[i]) net = vgg.net_preloaded(vgg_weights, image, pooling) style_pre = np.array([vgg.preprocess(styles[i], vgg_mean_pixel)]) for layer in STYLE_LAYERS: features = net[layer].eval(feed_dict={image: style_pre}) features = np.reshape(features, (-1, features.shape[3])) gram = np.matmul(features.T, features) / features.size style_features[i][layer] = gram initial_content_noise_coeff = 1.0 - initial_noiseblend # make stylized image using backpropogation with tf.Graph().as_default(): if initial is None: noise = np.random.normal(size=shape, scale=np.std(content) * 0.1) initial = tf.random_normal(shape) * 0.256 else: initial = np.array([vgg.preprocess(initial, vgg_mean_pixel)]) initial = initial.astype('float32') noise = np.random.normal(size=shape, scale=np.std(content) * 0.1) initial = (initial) * initial_content_noise_coeff + ( tf.random_normal(shape) * 0.256) * (1.0 - initial_content_noise_coeff) image = tf.Variable(initial) net = vgg.net_preloaded(vgg_weights, image, pooling) # content loss content_layers_weights = {} content_layers_weights['relu4_2'] = content_weight_blend content_layers_weights['relu5_2'] = 1.0 - content_weight_blend content_loss = 0 content_losses = [] for content_layer in CONTENT_LAYERS: content_losses.append( content_layers_weights[content_layer] * content_weight * (2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(net[content_layer] - content_features[content_layer]) / content_features[content_layer].size)) content_loss += reduce(tf.add, content_losses) # style loss style_loss = 0 for i in range(len(styles)): style_losses = [] for style_layer in STYLE_LAYERS: layer = net[style_layer] _, height, width, number = map(lambda i: i.value, layer.get_shape()) size = height * width * number feats = tf.reshape(layer, (-1, number)) gram = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(feats), feats) / size style_gram = style_features[i][style_layer] style_losses.append(style_layers_weights[style_layer] * 2 * tf.nn.l2_loss(gram - style_gram) / style_gram.size) style_loss += style_weight * style_blend_weights[i] * reduce( tf.add, style_losses) # total variation denoising tv_y_size = _tensor_size(image[:, 1:, :, :]) tv_x_size = _tensor_size(image[:, :, 1:, :]) tv_loss = tv_weight * 2 * ( (tf.nn.l2_loss(image[:, 1:, :, :] - image[:, :shape[1] - 1, :, :]) / tv_y_size) + (tf.nn.l2_loss(image[:, :, 1:, :] - image[:, :, :shape[2] - 1, :]) / tv_x_size)) # overall loss loss = content_loss + style_loss + tv_loss # optimizer setup train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate, beta1, beta2, epsilon).minimize(loss) def print_progress(): stderr.write(' content loss: %g\n' % content_loss.eval()) stderr.write(' style loss: %g\n' % style_loss.eval()) stderr.write(' tv loss: %g\n' % tv_loss.eval()) stderr.write(' total loss: %g\n' % loss.eval()) # optimization best_loss = float('inf') best = None with tf.Session() as sess: stderr.write('Optimization started...\n') if (print_iterations and print_iterations != 0): print_progress() for i in range(iterations): stderr.write('Iteration %4d/%4d\n' % (i + 1, iterations)) last_step = (i == iterations - 1) if last_step or (print_iterations and i % print_iterations == 0): print_progress() if (checkpoint_iterations and i % checkpoint_iterations == 0) or last_step: this_loss = loss.eval() if this_loss < best_loss: best_loss = this_loss best = image.eval() img_out = vgg.unprocess(best.reshape(shape[1:]), vgg_mean_pixel) if preserve_colors and preserve_colors == True: original_image = np.clip(content, 0, 255) styled_image = np.clip(img_out, 0, 255) # Luminosity transfer steps: # 1. Convert stylized RGB->grayscale accoriding to Rec.601 luma (0.299, 0.587, 0.114) # 2. Convert stylized grayscale into YUV (YCbCr) # 3. Convert original image into YUV (YCbCr) # 4. Recombine (stylizedYUV.Y, originalYUV.U, originalYUV.V) # 5. Convert recombined image from YUV back to RGB # 1 styled_grayscale = rgb2gray(styled_image) styled_grayscale_rgb = gray2rgb(styled_grayscale) # 2 styled_grayscale_yuv = np.array( Image.fromarray( styled_grayscale_rgb.astype( np.uint8)).convert('YCbCr')) # 3 original_yuv = np.array( Image.fromarray(original_image.astype( np.uint8)).convert('YCbCr')) # 4 w, h, _ = original_image.shape combined_yuv = np.empty((w, h, 3), dtype=np.uint8) combined_yuv[..., 0] = styled_grayscale_yuv[..., 0] combined_yuv[..., 1] = original_yuv[..., 1] combined_yuv[..., 2] = original_yuv[..., 2] # 5 img_out = np.array( Image.fromarray(combined_yuv, 'YCbCr').convert('RGB')) yield ((None if last_step else i), img_out)
else: if time.time() - lastD[mname]['When'] > 3600: result = ["-", "-"] else: result = [lastD[mname]['Temperature'], lastD[mname]['Humidity']] result.extend(devList.MinMaxTH(station, mname)) return result # auto-test when executed directly if __name__ == "__main__": from sys import exit, stdout, stderr if not _CLIENT_ID or not _CLIENT_SECRET or not _USERNAME or not _PASSWORD: stderr.write( "Library source missing identification arguments to check (user/password/etc...)" ) exit(1) authorization = ClientAuth(scope="read_station read_camera access_camera" ) # Test authentication method try: devList = DeviceList(authorization) # Test DEVICELIST except NoDevice: if stdout.isatty(): print( " : warning, no weather station available for testing" ) else: devList.MinMaxTH() # Test GETMEASUR
def InitializeProcessParameters ( M ): l_first_period = min( M.time_future ) l_exist_indices = M.ExistingCapacity.sparse_keys() l_used_techs = set() for i, t, v, o in M.Efficiency.sparse_iterkeys(): l_process = (t, v) l_lifetime = value(M.LifetimeProcess[ l_process ]) if v in M.vintage_exist: if l_process not in l_exist_indices: msg = ('Warning: %s has a specified Efficiency, but does not ' 'have any existing install base (ExistingCapacity).\n') SE.write( msg % str(l_process) ) continue if 0 == M.ExistingCapacity[ l_process ]: msg = ('Notice: Unnecessary specification of ExistingCapacity ' '%s. If specifying a capacity of zero, you may simply ' 'omit the declaration.\n') SE.write( msg % str(l_process) ) continue if v + l_lifetime <= l_first_period: msg = ('\nWarning: %s specified as ExistingCapacity, but its ' 'LifetimeProcess parameter does not extend past the beginning ' 'of time_future. (i.e. useless parameter)' '\n\tLifetime: %s' '\n\tFirst period: %s\n') SE.write( msg % (l_process, l_lifetime, l_first_period) ) continue eindex = (i, t, v, o) if 0 == M.Efficiency[ eindex ]: msg = ('\nNotice: Unnecessary specification of Efficiency %s. If ' 'specifying an efficiency of zero, you may simply omit the ' 'declaration.\n') SE.write( msg % str(eindex) ) continue l_used_techs.add( t ) for p in M.time_optimize: # can't build a vintage before it's been invented if p < v: continue pindex = (p, t, v) if v in M.time_optimize: l_loan_life = value(M.LifetimeLoanProcess[ l_process ]) if v + l_loan_life >= p: M.helper_processLoans[ pindex ] = True # if tech is no longer "alive", don't include it if v + l_lifetime <= p: continue if pindex not in M.helper_processInputs: M.helper_processInputs[ pindex ] = set() M.helper_processOutputs[ pindex ] = set() if (p, t) not in M.helper_processVintages: M.helper_processVintages[p, t] = set() if (p, i) not in M.helper_commodityDStreamProcess: M.helper_commodityDStreamProcess[p, i] = set() if (p, o) not in M.helper_commodityUStreamProcess: M.helper_commodityUStreamProcess[p, o] = set() if (p, t, v, i) not in M.helper_ProcessOutputsByInput: M.helper_ProcessOutputsByInput[p, t, v, i] = set() if (p, t, v, o) not in M.helper_ProcessInputsByOutput: M.helper_ProcessInputsByOutput[p, t, v, o] = set() M.helper_processVintages[p, t].add( v ) M.helper_processInputs[ pindex ].add( i ) M.helper_processOutputs[pindex ].add( o ) M.helper_commodityDStreamProcess[p, i].add( (t, v) ) M.helper_commodityUStreamProcess[p, o].add( (t, v) ) M.helper_ProcessOutputsByInput[p, t, v, i].add( o ) M.helper_ProcessInputsByOutput[p, t, v, o].add( i ) l_unused_techs = M.tech_all - l_used_techs if l_unused_techs: msg = ("Notice: '{}' specified as technology, but it is not utilized in " 'the Efficiency parameter.\n') for i in sorted( l_unused_techs ): SE.write( msg.format( i )) M.helper_activeFlow_psditvo = set( (p, s, d, i, t, v, o) for p in M.time_optimize for t in M.tech_all for v in M.ProcessVintages( p, t ) for i in M.ProcessInputs( p, t, v ) for o in M.ProcessOutputsByInput( p, t, v, i ) for s in M.time_season for d in M.time_of_day ) M.helper_activeActivity_ptv = set( (p, t, v) for p in M.time_optimize for t in M.tech_all for v in M.ProcessVintages( p, t ) ) M.helper_activeCapacity_tv = set( (t, v) for p in M.time_optimize for t in M.tech_all for v in M.ProcessVintages( p, t ) ) M.helper_activeCapacityAvailable_pt = set( (p, t) for p in M.time_optimize for t in M.tech_all if M.ProcessVintages( p, t ) )
def eprint(s): stderr.write(s)
if args.canvas_column >= len(row): raise ValueError("Canvas gradebook column out-of-bounds: %s" % args.canvas_column) student = row[0].strip() ID = row[1].strip() sis_user_ID = row[2].strip() sis_login_ID = row[3].strip().split('@')[0] section = row[4].strip() assignment = row[args.canvas_column].strip() if student == 'Student' and ID == 'ID' and sis_user_ID == 'SIS User ID' and sis_login_ID == 'SIS Login ID' and section == 'Section': out_csv.writerow( [student, ID, sis_user_ID, sis_login_ID, section, assignment]) # write header elif 'Points Possible' in student or 'Student, Test' in student: # skip dummy rows pass else: if sis_login_ID in quiz_score: curr_score = quiz_score[sis_login_ID] elif sis_login_ID in canvas2ed and canvas2ed[sis_login_ID].split( '@')[0] in quiz_score: curr_score = quiz_score[canvas2ed[sis_login_ID].split('@')[0]] else: stderr.write("CANVAS STUDENT NOT FOUND IN ED: %s\n" % sis_login_ID) curr_score = 0 out_csv.writerow([ student, ID, sis_user_ID, sis_login_ID, section, str(curr_score) ]) args.output.close()