def tarjanSCC(F): #set stack size to needed lim srl(100000) F.L = {i: INF for i in F.AL1} F.N = {i: INF for i in F.AL1} F.STK = [] F.vis = set() F.SCC = [] = 0 for v in F.AL1: if F.N[v] == INF: F.tarjan_help(v)
#Set up environment import urllib import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl srl(500000) #Make sure to change which df you are reading each time a new chunk is run sdwis=pd.read_csv('df9.csv') #function takes an index from the dataframe of water treatment plants #uses that index to find the wid and link to page on violations #creats two dataframes of health violations and reporting violations def viodata(index): #creating the soup and gathering wid wid=sdwis.wid[index] url ='https:' + sdwis.links[index] page=urllib.urlopen(url).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(page, "html.parser") #goes into the page and finds the tables of health and reporting violations allhvio=[] allmrvio=[] for table in soup.findAll('table', {'class':'result2'}): count=0 for item in table.findAll('th'): count+=1 if count == 6: #checks if table is a health violation hvio=[wid] for item in table.findAll('td'): hvio.append(item.renderContents()) #builds a list of all data for that violation allhvio.append(hvio) #builds list of lists of all violations and their data
ekor = kepala for data in arr[1:]: = Simpul(data) ekor = return kepala def printll(kepala): while kepala: print(, end=' ') kepala = print() from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl srl(10000) arr = list(int(i) for i in input().strip().split(' ')) l = ll(arr[:-1]) r = reverse(l) printll(r) #Titik tengah LL """ Input 1 : 1 2 3 4 5 -1 Output 1 : 3 Input 2 : 1 2 3 4 -1 Output 2 :
def ll(arr): if arr == []: return None kepala = Simpul(arr[0]) ekor = kepala for data in arr[1:]: = Simpul(data) ekor = return kepala from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl srl(11000) arr = list(int(i) for i in input().strip().split(' ')) l = ll(arr[:-1]) panjangnya = cariPanjang(l) print(panjangnya) #Print ith Simpul """ Input 1 : 1 3 4 5 2 6 1 9 -1 3 Output 1 : 2
from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl srl(2 * 10**6) class Node: def __init__(self): self.cnt = 0 self.children = {} def parse(): N, K = input().strip().split() N, K = int(N), int(K) strings = [input().strip() for _ in range(N)] return N, K, strings def solve(N, K, strings): root = Node() for s in strings: curr = root for ch in s: if ch not in curr.children: curr.children[ch] = Node() curr = curr.children[ch] curr.cnt += 1 def dfs(root, depth=0): ans = 0 if root.children: for ch in root.children:
from fractions import gcd from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl from functools import wraps srl(10**6) CACHE = {} rhave, right, mod = None, None, 10**9 + 7 def cache(fn): @wraps(fn) def cached(have, nxt): key = (have, nxt) global CACHE if key not in CACHE: CACHE[key] = fn(*key) return CACHE[key] return cached @cache def rsolve(have, nxt): print "have: %s" % (have, ) print "nxt: %s" % (nxt, ) need = k / have if nxt == n: return 1 if need == 1 else 0 elif need == 1: return right[nxt] if nxt != n else 1
from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl input = stdin.readline from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappop, heappushpop from collections import defaultdict as dd, deque as dq, Counter as C from math import factorial as f, ceil, gcd, sqrt, log from bisect import bisect_left as bl, bisect_right as br from itertools import combinations as c, permutations as p from math import factorial as f, ceil, gcd, sqrt, log mi = lambda: map(int, input().split()) ii = lambda: int(input()) li = lambda: list(map(int, input().split())) mati = lambda r: [li() for _ in range(r)] lcm = lambda a, b: (a * b) // gcd(a, b) srl(10**4) MOD = 10**9 + 7 def dfs(arr, node, cnt): temp = 1 new = [] for x in arr[node]: if x != cnt: new.append(dfs(arr, x, node)) try: new.sort(reverse=True) except: pass for x in range(len(new)):
En el caso de muestra # 2, el Dr. Patel necesita elegir P = 3 platos: Puede elegir las 2 mejores placas de la primera pila (80 + 80 = 160). No puede recoger platos de la segunda pila. Puede elegir el plato superior de la tercera pila (20). En total, la suma de los valores de belleza es 180. Muy parecido al problema de Knapsack pero con algo de complejidad extra Este problema probablemente es el mas confuso de explicar """ #Establezco el limite de llamadas recursivas from sys import setrecursionlimit as srl srl(10**5) #Una solucion optima es usar Programacion dinamica, es decir dividir el problema en subproblemas mas pequeños #la funcion resolver necesita los valores n (la cantidad de pilas de platos), k (la cantidad de platos en cada pila), p (la cantidad de platos a tomar) y a (la lista de listas que contien todos los valores de los platos) def resolver(n, k, p, a): #Nuestro primer subproblema es resolver la suma de cada plato hasta i, ya que si el Dr.Patel decide tomar el cuarto plato debe de tomar los primeros 3 #es decir debemos de saber la suma de la belleza de cada plato hasta cada elemento i sumas = [] #por cada fila de platos en la lista de listas de los platos for fila in a: #una lista temporal para guardar la suma s = [0] #por cada plato en la fila for x in fila: