예제 #1
    def _update_host_cpu_maps(self, host, compute_config):
        host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
        if host_cpus:
            # "Applicaton" CPUs on the platform are used for regular Openstack
            # VMs
            vm_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, function=constants.APPLICATION_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            vm_cpu_list = [c.cpu for c in vm_cpus]
            vm_cpu_fmt = "\"%s\"" % utils.format_range_set(vm_cpu_list)
            compute_config.update({'cpu_shared_set': vm_cpu_fmt})

            # "Application-isolated" CPUs are completely isolated from the host
            # process scheduler and are used on Openstack VMs that require
            # dedicated CPUs
            isol_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, function=constants.ISOLATED_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            isol_cpu_list = [c.cpu for c in isol_cpus]
            isol_cpu_fmt = "\"%s\"" % utils.format_range_set(isol_cpu_list)
            compute_config.update({'cpu_dedicated_set': isol_cpu_fmt})
예제 #2
    def _update_host_cpu_maps(self, host, default_config):
        host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
        if host_cpus:
            vm_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, function=constants.APPLICATION_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            vm_cpu_list = [c.cpu for c in vm_cpus]
            vm_cpu_fmt = "\"%s\"" % utils.format_range_set(vm_cpu_list)
            default_config.update({'vcpu_pin_set': vm_cpu_fmt})

            shared_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, function=constants.SHARED_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            shared_cpu_map = {c.numa_node: c.cpu for c in shared_cpus}
            shared_cpu_fmt = "\"%s\"" % ','.join(
                "%r:%r" % (node, cpu) for node, cpu in shared_cpu_map.items())
            default_config.update({'shared_pcpu_map': shared_cpu_fmt})
예제 #3
    def _get_host_k8s_cgroup_config(self, host):
        config = {}

        # determine set of all logical cpus and nodes
        host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
        host_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in host_cpus])
        host_nodeset = set([c.numa_node for c in host_cpus])

        # determine set of platform logical cpus and nodes
        platform_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
            host, function=constants.PLATFORM_FUNCTION, threads=True)
        platform_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in platform_cpus])
        platform_nodeset = set([c.numa_node for c in platform_cpus])

        # determine set of nonplatform logical cpus and nodes
        nonplatform_cpuset = host_cpuset - platform_cpuset
        nonplatform_nodeset = set()
        for c in host_cpus:
            if c.cpu not in platform_cpuset:

        if constants.WORKER in utils.get_personalities(host):
            if self.is_openstack_compute(host):
                k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset)
                k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(platform_nodeset)
                k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(nonplatform_cpuset)
                k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(nonplatform_nodeset)
            k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
            k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(host_nodeset)

        LOG.debug('host:%s, k8s_cpuset:%s, k8s_nodeset:%s', host.hostname,
                  k8s_cpuset, k8s_nodeset)

            "\"%s\"" % k8s_cpuset,
            "\"%s\"" % k8s_nodeset,

        return config
예제 #4
    def _get_host_k8s_cgroup_config(self, host):
        config = {}

        # determine set of all logical cpus and nodes
        host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
        host_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in host_cpus])
        host_nodeset = set([c.numa_node for c in host_cpus])

        # determine set of platform logical cpus and nodes
        platform_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
            host, function=constants.PLATFORM_FUNCTION, threads=True)
        platform_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in platform_cpus])
        platform_nodeset = set([c.numa_node for c in platform_cpus])

        vswitch_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
            host, function=constants.VSWITCH_FUNCTION, threads=True)
        vswitch_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in vswitch_cpus])

        # determine set of isolcpus logical cpus and nodes
        isol_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
            host, function=constants.ISOLATED_FUNCTION, threads=True)
        isol_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in isol_cpus])

        # determine reserved sets of logical cpus in a string range set format
        # to pass as options to kubelet
        k8s_platform_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset)
        k8s_all_reserved_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset
                                                         | vswitch_cpuset
                                                         | isol_cpuset)

        # determine platform reserved memory
        k8s_reserved_mem = 0
        host_memory = self.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(host.id)
        numa_memory = utils.get_numa_index_list(host_memory)
        for node, memory in numa_memory.items():
            reserved_mib = memory[0].platform_reserved_mib
            if reserved_mib is not None:
                k8s_reserved_mem += reserved_mib

        # determine set of nonplatform logical cpus
        # TODO(jgauld): Commented out for now, using host_cpuset instead.
        # nonplatform_cpuset = host_cpuset - platform_cpuset

        if constants.WORKER in utils.get_personalities(host):
            if self.is_openstack_compute(host):
                k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset)
                k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(platform_nodeset)
                # kubelet cpumanager is configured with static policy.
                # The resulting DefaultCPUSet excludes reserved cpus
                # based on topology, and that also happens to correspond
                # to the platform_cpuset. kubepods are allowed to
                # span all host numa nodes.
                # TODO(jgauld): Temporary workaround until we have a version
                # of kubelet that excludes reserved cpus from DefaultCPUSet.
                # The intent is to base k8s_cpuset on nonplatform_cpuset.
                # Commented out for now, using host_cpuset instead.
                # k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(nonplatform_cpuset)
                k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
                k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(host_nodeset)
            k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
            k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(host_nodeset)

        LOG.debug('host:%s, k8s_cpuset:%s, k8s_nodeset:%s', host.hostname,
                  k8s_cpuset, k8s_nodeset)

        # determine cpu/topology mgr policies
        labels = self.dbapi.label_get_by_host(host.uuid)
        for label in labels:
            if label.label_key == constants.KUBE_TOPOLOGY_MANAGER_LABEL:
            elif label.label_key == constants.KUBE_CPU_MANAGER_LABEL:

            "\"%s\"" % k8s_cpuset,
            "\"%s\"" % k8s_nodeset,
            "\"%s\"" % k8s_platform_cpuset,
            "\"%s\"" % k8s_all_reserved_cpuset,

        return config
예제 #5
    def _get_host_cpu_config(self, host):
        config = {}
        if constants.WORKER in utils.get_personalities(host):
            host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
            if not host_cpus:
                return config

            platform_cpus_no_threads = self._get_platform_cpu_list(host)
            vswitch_cpus_no_threads = self._get_vswitch_cpu_list(host)

            platform_numa_cpus = utils.get_numa_index_list(platform_cpus_no_threads)
            vswitch_numa_cpus = utils.get_numa_index_list(vswitch_cpus_no_threads)

            # build a list of platform reserved cpus per numa node
            platform_cores = []
            for node, cpus in platform_numa_cpus.items():
                cpu_list = ','.join([str(c.cpu) for c in cpus])
                platform_node = "\"node%d:%s\"" % (node, cpu_list)

            # build a list of vswitch reserved cpu counts per numa node
            vswitch_cores = []
            for node, cpus in vswitch_numa_cpus.items():
                cpu_count = len(cpus)
                vswitch_node = "\"node%d:%d\"" % (node, cpu_count)

            reserved_platform_cores = "(%s)" % ' '.join(platform_cores)
            reserved_vswitch_cores = "(%s)" % ' '.join(vswitch_cores)

            # all logical cpus
            host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
            host_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in host_cpus])
            host_ranges = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
            n_cpus = len(host_cpuset)

            # platform logical cpus
            platform_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, function=constants.PLATFORM_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            platform_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in platform_cpus])
            platform_ranges = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset)

            # vswitch logical cpus
            vswitch_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, constants.VSWITCH_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            vswitch_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in vswitch_cpus])
            vswitch_ranges = utils.format_range_set(vswitch_cpuset)

            # non-platform logical cpus
            rcu_nocbs_cpuset = host_cpuset - platform_cpuset
            rcu_nocbs_ranges = utils.format_range_set(rcu_nocbs_cpuset)

            # non-vswitch logical cpus
            non_vswitch_cpuset = host_cpuset - vswitch_cpuset
            non_vswitch_ranges = utils.format_range_set(non_vswitch_cpuset)

            cpu_options = ""
            if constants.LOWLATENCY in host.subfunctions:
                        "\"%s\"" % vswitch_ranges,
                        "\"%s\"" % non_vswitch_ranges,
                vswitch_ranges = rcu_nocbs_ranges
                cpu_options += "nohz_full=%s " % vswitch_ranges

            cpu_options += "isolcpus=%s rcu_nocbs=%s kthread_cpus=%s " \
                "irqaffinity=%s" % (vswitch_ranges,
                    "\"%s\"" % host_ranges,
                    "\"%s\"" % platform_ranges,
                'platform::compute::grub::params::n_cpus': n_cpus,
                'platform::compute::grub::params::cpu_options': cpu_options,
        return config
예제 #6
 def _get_vcpu_pin_set(self, host):
     vm_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
         host, function=constants.APPLICATION_FUNCTION, threads=True)
     cpu_list = [c.cpu for c in vm_cpus]
     return "\"%s\"" % utils.format_range_set(cpu_list)
예제 #7
    def _get_host_k8s_cgroup_config(self, host):
        config = {}

        # determine set of all logical cpus and nodes
        host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
        host_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in host_cpus])
        host_nodeset = set([c.numa_node for c in host_cpus])

        # determine set of platform logical cpus and nodes
        platform_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
            host, function=constants.PLATFORM_FUNCTION, threads=True)
        platform_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in platform_cpus])
        platform_nodeset = set([c.numa_node for c in platform_cpus])

        # determine platform reserved number of logical cpus
        k8s_reserved_cpus = len(platform_cpuset)

        # determine platform reserved memory
        k8s_reserved_mem = 0
        host_memory = self.dbapi.imemory_get_by_ihost(host.id)
        numa_memory = utils.get_numa_index_list(host_memory)
        for node, memory in numa_memory.items():
            reserved_mib = memory[0].platform_reserved_mib
            if reserved_mib is not None:
                k8s_reserved_mem += reserved_mib

        # determine set of nonplatform logical cpus
        # TODO(jgauld): Commented out for now, using host_cpuset instead.
        # nonplatform_cpuset = host_cpuset - platform_cpuset

        if constants.WORKER in utils.get_personalities(host):
            if self.is_openstack_compute(host):
                k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset)
                k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(platform_nodeset)
                # kubelet cpumanager is configured with static policy.
                # The resulting DefaultCPUSet excludes reserved cpus
                # based on topology, and that also happens to correspond
                # to the platform_cpuset. kubepods are allowed to
                # span all host numa nodes.
                # TODO(jgauld): Temporary workaround until we have a version
                # of kubelet that excludes reserved cpus from DefaultCPUSet.
                # The intent is to base k8s_cpuset on nonplatform_cpuset.
                # Commented out for now, using host_cpuset instead.
                # k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(nonplatform_cpuset)
                k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
                k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(host_nodeset)
            k8s_cpuset = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
            k8s_nodeset = utils.format_range_set(host_nodeset)

        LOG.debug('host:%s, k8s_cpuset:%s, k8s_nodeset:%s', host.hostname,
                  k8s_cpuset, k8s_nodeset)

            "\"%s\"" % k8s_cpuset,
            "\"%s\"" % k8s_nodeset,

        return config
예제 #8
    def _get_host_cpu_config(self, host):
        config = {}
        if constants.WORKER in utils.get_personalities(host):
            host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
            if not host_cpus:
                return config

            platform_cpus_no_threads = self._get_platform_cpu_list(host)
            vswitch_cpus_no_threads = self._get_vswitch_cpu_list(host)

            platform_numa_cpus = utils.get_numa_index_list(
            vswitch_numa_cpus = utils.get_numa_index_list(

            # build a list of platform reserved cpus per numa node
            platform_cores = []
            for node, cpus in platform_numa_cpus.items():
                cpu_list = ','.join([str(c.cpu) for c in cpus])
                platform_node = "\"node%d:%s\"" % (node, cpu_list)

            # build a list of vswitch reserved cpu counts per numa node
            vswitch_cores = []
            for node, cpus in vswitch_numa_cpus.items():
                cpu_count = len(cpus)
                vswitch_node = "\"node%d:%d\"" % (node, cpu_count)

            reserved_platform_cores = "(%s)" % ' '.join(platform_cores)
            reserved_vswitch_cores = "(%s)" % ' '.join(vswitch_cores)

            # all logical cpus
            host_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host, threads=True)
            host_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in host_cpus])
            host_ranges = utils.format_range_set(host_cpuset)
            n_cpus = len(host_cpuset)

            # platform logical cpus
            platform_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, function=constants.PLATFORM_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            platform_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in platform_cpus])
            platform_ranges = utils.format_range_set(platform_cpuset)

            # vswitch logical cpus
            vswitch_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host,
            vswitch_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in vswitch_cpus])

            # non-platform logical cpus
            rcu_nocbs_cpuset = host_cpuset - platform_cpuset
            rcu_nocbs_ranges = utils.format_range_set(rcu_nocbs_cpuset)

            # isolated logical cpus
            app_isolated_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(
                host, constants.ISOLATED_FUNCTION, threads=True)
            app_isolated_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in app_isolated_cpus])

            # application cpus
            app_cpus = self._get_host_cpu_list(host,
            app_cpuset = set([c.cpu for c in app_cpus])
            app_ranges = utils.format_range_set(app_cpuset)

            cpu_options = ""
            cpu_ranges = {}
            if constants.LOWLATENCY in host.subfunctions:
                # set PM QoS latency that achieves C1 state for all cpus
                    "\"%s\"" % host_ranges,
                    "\"%s\"" % "",
                cpu_ranges.update({"nohz_full": rcu_nocbs_ranges})

            isolcpus_ranges = utils.format_range_set(

                "isolcpus": isolcpus_ranges,
                "rcu_nocbs": rcu_nocbs_ranges,
                "kthread_cpus": platform_ranges

            # Put IRQs on application cores if they are configured.
            # Note that PCI IRQs for platform interfaces are reaffined to
            # platform cores at runtime.
            if app_cpuset:
                cpu_ranges.update({"irqaffinity": app_ranges})
                cpu_ranges.update({"irqaffinity": platform_ranges})

            for key, value in cpu_ranges.items():
                if str(value).strip() != "":
                    cpu_options += "%s=%s " % (key, value)

                "\"%s\"" % host_ranges,
                "\"%s\"" % platform_ranges,
        return config