예제 #1
    def setUp(self):
        config = """
builder: ('simulator.cluster', 'ClusterBuilder')
servers: ['Ampere']

builder: ('system.configurator', 'ConfiguratorBuilder')
dependencies: ['Cluster', 'Predictor']
loopPeriod: 20
windowSize: 20
gamma: 1.0

builder: ('system.DVFSController', 'DVFSControllerBuilder')

idlePower: [66.3,70.5,72.7]
busyPower: [81.5,101.8,109.8]
peakPerformance: [170.0,309.9,346.8]
freqs: [1.0,1.8,2.0]
        cr = ConfigReader(None)
        sio = StringIO(config)
        cluster = ClusterBuilder().build(cr)
        self.configurator = ConfiguratorBuilder().build(cr, cluster, None)
예제 #2
def main():
    filename = '../tmp/config.txt'
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()

    maxPerf = getMaxPerformance(cluster.availableServers)    
    outline = readOutlineFile('../tmp/outline.txt')
    trace = generateTrace(outline, maxPerf, 20)
    if Gnuplot is not None:
        data = Data(trace, with_='l')
        g = Gnuplot()
        g('set ytics 0, 100')
        g('set xtics 0, 20')
        g('set grid')
    file = open('../tmp/trace_gen.txt','w')
    for value in trace:
        file.write('%f\n' % value)
예제 #3
def main():
    monitorFilename = '2011-06-07_11h44m46s/monitor.txt'
    data = file2data(27, monitorFilename, 0)

    configFilename = '2011-06-07_11h44m46s/wc98_1_freqs.txt'
    cReader = ConfigReader()
    cluster = cReader.readCluster()
    cluster.servers[Server.ON] = cluster.availableServers
    del cluster.servers[Server.OFF][:]
    pe = PowerEmulator(cluster)

    map = {'ampere': 12, 'coulomb': 15, 'hertz': 18, 'joule': 21, 'ohm': 24}

    FREQ = 0
    FCAP = 1
    UTIL = 2

    POWER = 2 - 1

    for i in range(len(data[0])):
        # take utilization and freqs
        for server in cluster:
            hostname = server.hostname
            server.processor.util = data[map[hostname] + UTIL][i] / 100.0
            server.processor.freq = data[map[hostname] + FREQ][i] * 1000000.0

        if i < len(data[0]) - 1:
            print data[POWER][i + 1], pe.calcPower()
예제 #4
def main():
    monitorFilename = '2011-06-07_11h44m46s/monitor.txt'
    data = file2data(27, monitorFilename, 0)
    configFilename = '2011-06-07_11h44m46s/wc98_1_freqs.txt'
    cReader = ConfigReader()
    cluster = cReader.readCluster()
    cluster.servers[Server.ON] = cluster.availableServers
    del cluster.servers[Server.OFF][:]
    pe = PowerEmulator(cluster)
    map = {'ampere': 12, 'coulomb': 15, 'hertz': 18, 'joule': 21, 'ohm': 24}
    FREQ = 0
    FCAP = 1
    UTIL = 2
    POWER = 2 - 1
    for i in range(len(data[0])):
        # take utilization and freqs        
        for server in cluster:
            hostname = server.hostname
            server.processor.util = data[map[hostname] + UTIL][i] / 100.0
            server.processor.freq = data[map[hostname] + FREQ][i] * 1000000.0    
        if i < len(data[0]) - 1:
            print data[POWER][i+1], pe.calcPower()
예제 #5
def main():
    filename = '../../tmp/nasa_3.txt'
    step = 20
    f = open(filename)
    lines = f.read()
    raw_data = [float(token) for token in lines.splitlines()]

    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    scale(raw_data, cluster.availableServers, maxUtil=1.0)

    data = []
    acc = 0
    for i in range(len(raw_data)):
        acc += raw_data[i]
        if (i + 1) % step == 0:
            data.append(float(acc) / step)
            acc = 0
    rest = len(raw_data) % step
    if rest > 0:
        data.append(float(acc) / rest)

    #print gridMethod2_h3(raw_data, window=step, step=0.05, Yalpha=0.8, method=MAPE)
    #print naive(data,MSE)
    print gridMethod2_h2(data, 0.05, MSE)
예제 #6
def main():
    filename = '../../tmp/wc98_1.txt'
    method = MSE
    precision = 0.05
    f = open(filename)
    lines = f.read()
    raw_data = [float(token) for token in lines.splitlines()]
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    for pred_step in range(1, 500):
        Take the averages at pred_step windows
        data = []
        acc = 0.0
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            acc += raw_data[i]
            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:
                data.append(acc / pred_step)
                acc = 0
        rest = len(raw_data) % pred_step
        if rest > 0:
            data.append(acc / rest)
        #take the optimized Holt parameters:
        pars = gridOpt(data, precision, method)
        holt = HoltFilter(alpha=pars[0], beta=pars[1])
        holt = AdaptableHoltFilter(alpha=1.0, beta=0.05, windowSize=10, optMethod=method)
        #apply Holt and Naive to the real data
        holtError = 0.0
        naiveError = 0.0
        acc = 0.0
        avg = 0.0
        pred = 0.0
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            if (i + 1) > pred_step: #don't count the first error
                naiveError += error(avg, raw_data[i], method)
                holtError += error(pred, raw_data[i], method)
            acc += raw_data[i]
            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:
                avg = acc / pred_step                
                pred = holt.apply(avg)
                acc = 0.0            
        holtError /= len(raw_data) - pred_step
        naiveError /= len(raw_data) - pred_step

        print pred_step, naiveError, holtError
예제 #7
    def setUp(self):
        config = """
builder: ('simulator.cluster', 'ClusterBuilder')
servers: ['Ampere', 'Coulomb', 'Hertz', 'Joule', 'Ohm']

builder: ('system.configurator', 'ConfiguratorBuilder')
dependencies: ['Cluster', 'Predictor']
loopPeriod: 20
windowSize: 20
gamma: 1.0

builder: ('system.DVFSController', 'DVFSControllerBuilder')

hostname: ampere
idlePower: [66.3,70.5,72.7]
busyPower: [81.5,101.8,109.8]
peakPerformance: [170.0,309.9,346.8]
freqs: [1.0,1.8,2.0]

hostname: coulomb
idlePower: [67.4,70.9,72.4,73.8,75.2]
busyPower: [75.2,89.0,94.5,100.9,107.7]
peakPerformance: [84.0,152.5,168.6,184.5,199.8]
freqs: [1.0,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4]

hostname: hertz
idlePower: [63.9,67.2,68.7,69.9,71.6]
busyPower: [71.6,85.5,90.7,96.5,103.2]
peakPerformance: [82.8,151.3,167.6,183.8,198.5]
freqs: [1.0,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4]

hostname: joule
idlePower: [66.6,73.8,76.9,80.0]
busyPower: [74.7,95.7,103.1,110.6]
peakPerformance: [82.0,148.3,163.3,179.4]
freqs: [1.0,1.8,2.0,2.2]

hostname: ohm
idlePower: [65.8,68.5,70.6,72.3,74.3,76.9]
busyPower: [82.5,99.2,107.3,116.6,127.2,140.1]
peakPerformance: [164.8,301.5,337.9,370.9,404.4,439.5]
freqs: [1.0,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6]
        cr = ConfigReader(None)
        sio = StringIO(config)
        cluster = ClusterBuilder().build(cr)
        self.configurator = ConfiguratorBuilder().build(cr, cluster, None)
예제 #8
def main(argv):
    config = ConfigReader()
    cluster = config.readCluster()
    server = cluster._availableServers[0]

    controller = ContinuousController(server.processor)
    dz = DeadzoneController()
    dz.setDeadzone((QOS_TARGET - 0.03, QOS_TARGET + 0.03))

    lost_min = server.energyModel.peakPerf[0] / (1 - QOS_TARGET)

    time = int(argv[0])

    count = 0
    accLost, oldaccLost = 0.0, 0.0
    accReplied, oldaccReplied = 0.0, 0.0
    qos, qos_avg = 1.0, 1.0
    lost_avg = 0.0

    print '#1:Time 2:QoS 3:Lost 4:Frequency 5:QoS_Avg 6:Lost_Avg'

    while count < time:
        tmp = readFile(LOST_FILENAME)
        if len(tmp) > 0: accLost = int(tmp)
        tmp = readFile(REPLIED_FILENAME)
        if len(tmp) > 0: accReplied = int(tmp)

        if count > 0:
            lost = accLost - oldaccLost
            lost_avg = ALPHA * max(lost_min, lost) + (1 - ALPHA) * lost_avg

            replied = accReplied - oldaccReplied
            if replied > 0.0:
                qos = float(replied - lost) / replied

            qos_avg = ALPHA * qos + (1 - ALPHA) * qos_avg

            action = dz.action(qos_avg)
            if action != 0 and (count % ACTUATE == 0):
                target_replied = lost_avg / (1.0 - QOS_TARGET)
                freq = server.energyModel.getFreq(target_replied)

            print '%3d %1.3f %3.0f %1.3f %1.3f %3.0f' % (
                count, qos, lost, controller.getFreqCap() / 1000000.0, qos_avg,

        oldaccReplied = accReplied
        oldaccLost = accLost

        count += 1
예제 #9
def main():    
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    configurator = ConfiguratorBuilder().build(c, cluster, None)
    servers = cluster.availableServers * 100000
    maxPerf = getMaxPerformance(servers)
    cProfile.runctx('configurator.getConfiguration(maxPerf, servers,  1.0)',globals=globals(),locals=locals())
예제 #10
파일: qosExp.py 프로젝트: gbottari/ESSenCe
def main(argv):
    config = ConfigReader()
    cluster = config.readCluster()
    server = cluster._availableServers[0]
    controller = ContinuousController(server.processor)
    dz = DeadzoneController()
    dz.setDeadzone((QOS_TARGET - 0.03, QOS_TARGET + 0.03))
    lost_min = server.energyModel.peakPerf[0] / (1 - QOS_TARGET)
    time = int(argv[0])
    count = 0
    accLost, oldaccLost = 0.0, 0.0
    accReplied, oldaccReplied = 0.0, 0.0
    qos, qos_avg = 1.0, 1.0
    lost_avg = 0.0
    print '#1:Time 2:QoS 3:Lost 4:Frequency 5:QoS_Avg 6:Lost_Avg'
    while count < time:
        tmp = readFile(LOST_FILENAME)
        if len(tmp) > 0: accLost = int(tmp)
        tmp = readFile(REPLIED_FILENAME)
        if len(tmp) > 0: accReplied = int(tmp)
        if count > 0:
            lost = accLost - oldaccLost
            lost_avg = ALPHA * max(lost_min, lost) + (1 - ALPHA) * lost_avg
            replied = accReplied - oldaccReplied
            if replied > 0.0:
                qos = float(replied - lost) / replied
            qos_avg = ALPHA * qos + (1 - ALPHA) * qos_avg
            action = dz.action(qos_avg)
            if action != 0 and (count % ACTUATE == 0):            
                target_replied = lost_avg / (1.0 - QOS_TARGET)            
                freq = server.energyModel.getFreq(target_replied)
            print '%3d %1.3f %3.0f %1.3f %1.3f %3.0f' % (count, qos, lost, controller.getFreqCap() / 1000000.0, qos_avg, lost_avg)
        oldaccReplied = accReplied
        oldaccLost = accLost
        count += 1  
예제 #11
def main():
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()

    configurator = ConfiguratorBuilder().build(c, cluster, None)

    servers = cluster.availableServers * 100000
    maxPerf = getMaxPerformance(servers)
    cProfile.runctx('configurator.getConfiguration(maxPerf, servers,  1.0)',
예제 #12
파일: main.py 프로젝트: gbottari/ESSenCe
def main():    
        with open(EXPS_PATH,'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if len(line) > 0 and line[0] not in ['#','\n']: # ignore blank lines (\n) and comments                    
                    config = ConfigReader(line.rstrip(' \n')) # remove the trailing spaces and '\n' on the line                
                    exp = BaseExperimentBuilder().build(config)
                    logging.info('Starting: %s' % exp)
                    if exp.getStatus() != Experiment.SUCCESS:
                    sleep(3) # delay between experiments
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logging.warning('User aborted...')
예제 #13
def main():    
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    configurator = ConfiguratorBuilder().build(c, cluster, None)
    tests = 1000
    maxMultiplier = 200
    step = 20
    for mult in xrange(1,maxMultiplier,step):
        servers = cluster.availableServers * mult
        maxPerf = getMaxPerformance(servers)
        ti = time.time()
        for i in xrange(tests):    
            configurator.getConfiguration(maxPerf, servers,  1.0)            
        tf = time.time()
        print len(servers), (tf-ti) * 1000.0 / tests 
예제 #14
def main():
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()

    configurator = ConfiguratorBuilder().build(c, cluster, None)

    tests = 1000
    maxMultiplier = 200
    step = 20

    for mult in xrange(1, maxMultiplier, step):
        servers = cluster.availableServers * mult
        maxPerf = getMaxPerformance(servers)

        ti = time.time()
        for i in xrange(tests):
            configurator.getConfiguration(maxPerf, servers, 1.0)
        tf = time.time()

        print len(servers), (tf - ti) * 1000.0 / tests
예제 #15
def main():    
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    print 'Frequency Pick Efficiency','*' * 10
    pickList = []
    for server in cluster:        
        dynPot = [busy - idle for busy, idle in zip(server.energyModel.busyPower,server.energyModel.idlePower)]
        deltaPerf = [server.energyModel.peakPerf[0]]
        deltaPerf += [server.energyModel.peakPerf[i+1] for i in range(len(server.energyModel.peakPerf)-1)]
        #deltaPerf = server.energyModel.peakPerf[:]
        eff = [deltaPerf[i] / dynPot[i] for i in range(len(dynPot))]
        pickList += [(server.hostname, eff[i], i) for i in range(len(eff))]        
        print server.hostname, eff
    pickList = sorted(pickList, key=lambda element: element[1], reverse=True)
    for element in pickList:
        print element
예제 #16
파일: main.py 프로젝트: gbottari/ESSenCe
def main():
        with open(EXPS_PATH, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if len(line) > 0 and line[0] not in [
                        '#', '\n'
                ]:  # ignore blank lines (\n) and comments
                    config = ConfigReader(
                        line.rstrip(' \n')
                    )  # remove the trailing spaces and '\n' on the line
                    exp = BaseExperimentBuilder().build(config)
                    logging.info('Starting: %s' % exp)
                    if exp.getStatus() != Experiment.SUCCESS:
                    sleep(3)  # delay between experiments
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        logging.warning('User aborted...')
예제 #17
def main():
    traceFilename = '../../tmp/wc98_1.txt'
    configFilename = '../../tmp/dynGamma.txt'
    cReader = ConfigReader()
    cluster = cReader.readCluster()
    predictor = cReader.readPredictor()
    lb = cReader.readLoadBalancer(cluster)
    cluster.loadBalancer = lb

    config = cluster._availableServers[:]
    bestConfig = config[:]
    predConfig = config[:]
    reactiveConfig = config[:]

    bestConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    bestConfigurator.gamma = 1.0  #do not change!!

    predConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, predictor)
    predConfigurator._gamma = 1.0

    reactiveConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    #reactiveConfigurator._gamma = 0.55

    step = predConfigurator.windowSize

    #reads the trace file
    data = file2data(1, traceFilename)[0]
    scale(data, cluster.availableServers)

    predCounter, reactiveCounter, bestCounter = 0, 0, 0  #configuration counter
    pred_upCounter, pred_downCounter = 0, 0
    best_upCounter, best_downCounter = 0, 0
    reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter = 0, 0
    bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
    reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
    predPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)

    avgs = []
    reactivePerfs = []
    predPerfs = []
    bestPerfs = []
    gammas = []
    for i in range(len(data) / step):
        avgData = 0.0
        for j in range(step):
            avgData += data[i * step + j]
        avgData /= step


        optimumConfig = None
        Will use the efficient list to create the optimumConfig
        optimumConfig = [bestConfigurator._efficientServerList[0]]
        k = 1
        while getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig) < avgData:
            k += 1
        Calculates the appropriate configuration, 'knowing' that avgData is true
        if i > 0:  #calculates false alarms
            tmp = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, bestConfig,
            if tmp != bestConfig:
                bestCounter += 1
                bestConfig = tmp
                bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
            Compares the chosen configuration with a least powerful one
            if avgData > bestPerf:
                best_downCounter += 1
            elif getMaxPerformance(bestConfig) > getMaxPerformance(
                best_upCounter += 1

            if avgData > reactivePerf:
                reactive_downCounter += 1
            elif getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig) > getMaxPerformance(
                reactive_upCounter += 1

            if avgData > predPerf:
                pred_downCounter += 1
            elif getMaxPerformance(predConfig) > getMaxPerformance(
                pred_upCounter += 1

            elif len(bestConfig) < len(predConfig):
                pred_upCounter += 1

        prediction = predictor.apply(avgData)
        #actuation = prediction
        actuation = max(prediction, avgData)

        tmp = predConfigurator.getConfiguration(actuation, predConfig,
        if set(tmp) != set(predConfig):
            predCounter += 1
            predConfig = tmp
            predPerf = getMaxPerformance(predConfig)

        if reactiveConfigurator.dynGamma:
            idealConfig = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(
                avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator.MAX_GAMMA)
            idealPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(idealConfig), 5)
            currPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig), 5)

            reactiveConfigurator._gamma = reactiveConfigurator.adjustGamma(
                currPerf - idealPerf)

        tmp = reactiveConfigurator.getConfiguration(
            avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator._gamma)
        if set(tmp) != set(reactiveConfig):
            reactiveCounter += 1
            reactiveConfig = tmp
            reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig)

    print 'Best       - False alarms: up = %d, down = %d' % (best_upCounter,
    print 'Predictive - False alarms: up = %d, down = %d' % (pred_upCounter,
    print 'Reactive   - False alarms: up = %d, down = %d' % (
        reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter)
    print 'Best Configs = %d, Predictive Configs = %d, Reactive Configs = %d' %\
          (bestCounter, predCounter, reactiveCounter)

    g = Gnuplot(debug=0)
    #g('set size 0.65,0.65')
    g('set encoding iso_8859_1')
    g('set terminal postscript eps enhanced monochrome')
    g('set output "carlos2.ps"')
    g('set key top left')
    g('set xlabel "Tempo (s)"')
    g('set xrange [0:%d]' % (len(data) / step))
    spacing = 15
    tics = ','.join([
        '"%d" %d' % (x * step * spacing, x * spacing)
        for x in range(1,
                       len(data) / (step * spacing) + 1)
    g('set xtics (%s)' % tics)
    g('set ylabel "Requisições"'.encode('iso_8859_1'))
    g('set grid')

    #plot incoming requests avg
    with_plot = 'steps'

    #plot configurations
    pi1 = Data(avgs, with_=with_plot, title='Carga')
    pi2 = Data(reactivePerfs, with_=with_plot, title='Reativo')
    pi_gamma = Data(gammas, with_=with_plot, title='Gamma')
    #pi3 = Data(predPerfs, with_=with_plot,title='Preditivo')
    #pi4 = Data(bestPerfs, with_=with_plot,title='Perfect')


    print 'Done'
예제 #18
파일: probSub.py 프로젝트: gbottari/ESSenCe
def main():
    traceFilename = '../../tmp/nasa_3.txt'
    configFilename = '../../tmp/probSub.txt'
    cReader = ConfigReader()
    cluster = cReader.readCluster()
    lb = cReader.readLoadBalancer(cluster)
    cluster.loadBalancer = lb
    bestConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    bestConfigurator.gamma = 1.0 #do not change!!
    reactiveConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    step = bestConfigurator.windowSize
    #reads the trace file
    data = file2data(1, traceFilename)[0]
    scale(data, cluster.availableServers)
    gamma = 0.0
    while round(gamma,5) <= MAX_GAMMA:
        config = cluster._availableServers[:]
        bestConfig = config[:]
        reactiveConfig = config[:] 
        reactiveConfigurator._gamma = gamma        
        reactiveCounter, bestCounter = 0, 0 #configuration counter
        best_upCounter, best_downCounter = 0, 0
        reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter = 0, 0
        bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
        reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
        subestimated = 0.0
        for i in range(len(data) / step):
            avgData = 0.0
            for j in range(step):
                avgData += data[i * step + j]
            avgData /= step
            optimumConfig = None
            Will use the efficient list to create the optimumConfig
            optimumConfig = [bestConfigurator._efficientServerList[0]]
            k = 1
            while getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig) < avgData:
                k += 1        
            Calculates the appropriate configuration, 'knowing' that avgData is true
            if i > 0: #calculates false alarms                           
                tmp = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, bestConfig, bestConfigurator._gamma)
                if tmp != bestConfig:                
                    bestCounter += 1                
                    bestConfig = tmp                
                    bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
                Compares the chosen configuration with a least powerful one
                if avgData > bestPerf:                
                    best_downCounter += 1
                elif getMaxPerformance(bestConfig) > getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig):
                    best_upCounter += 1
                if avgData > reactivePerf:                
                    reactive_downCounter += 1                    
                elif getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig) > getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig):
                    reactive_upCounter += 1
                for j in range(step):
                    subestimated += max(data[i * step + j] - reactivePerf, 0)
            if reactiveConfigurator.dynGamma:
                idealConfig = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator.MAX_GAMMA)
                idealPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(idealConfig),5)
                currPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig),5)
                reactiveConfigurator._gamma = reactiveConfigurator.adjustGamma(currPerf - idealPerf)
            tmp = reactiveConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator._gamma)        
            if set(tmp) != set(reactiveConfig):
                reactiveCounter += 1
                reactiveConfig = tmp
                reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig)
        #print 'Gamma = %f' % gamma
        #print 'Best       - super = %d, sub = %d' % (best_upCounter, best_downCounter)
        #print 'Reactive   - super = %d, sub = %d' % (reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter)
        #print 'Best Configs = %d, Reactive Configs = %d' %\
        #     (bestCounter, reactiveCounter)
        print gamma, 1.0 - reactive_downCounter / (float(len(data) - step) / step), reactiveCounter
        gamma += GAMMA_INCREMENT
예제 #19
def main():   
    reader = ConfigReader('../tmp/config.txt')
    exp = reader.readExperiment()
    exp._perfRegulator.actuate = actuate
    print 'end!'
예제 #20
def main():
    traceFilename = '../../tmp/nasa_3.txt'
    configFilename = '../../tmp/probSub.txt'
    cReader = ConfigReader()
    cluster = cReader.readCluster()
    lb = cReader.readLoadBalancer(cluster)
    cluster.loadBalancer = lb

    bestConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    bestConfigurator.gamma = 1.0  #do not change!!

    reactiveConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())

    step = bestConfigurator.windowSize

    #reads the trace file
    data = file2data(1, traceFilename)[0]
    scale(data, cluster.availableServers)

    gamma = 0.0
    while round(gamma, 5) <= MAX_GAMMA:
        config = cluster._availableServers[:]
        bestConfig = config[:]
        reactiveConfig = config[:]
        reactiveConfigurator._gamma = gamma

        reactiveCounter, bestCounter = 0, 0  #configuration counter
        best_upCounter, best_downCounter = 0, 0
        reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter = 0, 0
        bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
        reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)

        subestimated = 0.0
        for i in range(len(data) / step):
            avgData = 0.0
            for j in range(step):
                avgData += data[i * step + j]
            avgData /= step

            optimumConfig = None
            Will use the efficient list to create the optimumConfig
            optimumConfig = [bestConfigurator._efficientServerList[0]]
            k = 1
            while getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig) < avgData:
                k += 1
            Calculates the appropriate configuration, 'knowing' that avgData is true
            if i > 0:  #calculates false alarms
                tmp = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(
                    avgData, bestConfig, bestConfigurator._gamma)
                if tmp != bestConfig:
                    bestCounter += 1
                    bestConfig = tmp
                    bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
                Compares the chosen configuration with a least powerful one
                if avgData > bestPerf:
                    best_downCounter += 1
                elif getMaxPerformance(bestConfig) > getMaxPerformance(
                    best_upCounter += 1

                if avgData > reactivePerf:
                    reactive_downCounter += 1
                elif getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig) > getMaxPerformance(
                    reactive_upCounter += 1

                for j in range(step):
                    subestimated += max(data[i * step + j] - reactivePerf, 0)

            if reactiveConfigurator.dynGamma:
                idealConfig = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(
                    avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator.MAX_GAMMA)
                idealPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(idealConfig), 5)
                currPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig), 5)

                reactiveConfigurator._gamma = reactiveConfigurator.adjustGamma(
                    currPerf - idealPerf)

            tmp = reactiveConfigurator.getConfiguration(
                avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator._gamma)
            if set(tmp) != set(reactiveConfig):
                reactiveCounter += 1
                reactiveConfig = tmp
                reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig)

        #print 'Gamma = %f' % gamma
        #print 'Best       - super = %d, sub = %d' % (best_upCounter, best_downCounter)
        #print 'Reactive   - super = %d, sub = %d' % (reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter)
        #print 'Best Configs = %d, Reactive Configs = %d' %\
        #     (bestCounter, reactiveCounter)

        print gamma, 1.0 - reactive_downCounter / (float(len(data) - step) /
                                                   step), reactiveCounter
        gamma += GAMMA_INCREMENT
예제 #21
def main():
    traceFilename = '../../tmp/wc98_1.txt'
    configFilename = '../../tmp/dynGamma.txt'
    cReader = ConfigReader()
    cluster = cReader.readCluster()
    predictor = cReader.readPredictor()
    lb = cReader.readLoadBalancer(cluster)
    cluster.loadBalancer = lb
    config = cluster._availableServers[:]
    bestConfig = config[:]
    predConfig = config[:]
    reactiveConfig = config[:]    
    bestConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    bestConfigurator.gamma = 1.0 #do not change!!
    predConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, predictor)
    predConfigurator._gamma = 1.0
    reactiveConfigurator = cReader.readConfigurator(cluster, DummyFilter())
    #reactiveConfigurator._gamma = 0.55
    step = predConfigurator.windowSize
    #reads the trace file
    data = file2data(1, traceFilename)[0]
    scale(data, cluster.availableServers)

    predCounter, reactiveCounter, bestCounter = 0, 0, 0 #configuration counter
    pred_upCounter, pred_downCounter = 0, 0
    best_upCounter, best_downCounter = 0, 0
    reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter = 0, 0
    bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
    reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
    predPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
    avgs = []
    reactivePerfs = []
    predPerfs = []
    bestPerfs = []
    gammas = []
    for i in range(len(data) / step):
        avgData = 0.0
        for j in range(step):
            avgData += data[i * step + j]
        avgData /= step
        optimumConfig = None
        Will use the efficient list to create the optimumConfig
        optimumConfig = [bestConfigurator._efficientServerList[0]]
        k = 1
        while getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig) < avgData:
            k += 1           
        Calculates the appropriate configuration, 'knowing' that avgData is true
        if i > 0: #calculates false alarms                           
            tmp = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, bestConfig, bestConfigurator._gamma)
            if tmp != bestConfig:                
                bestCounter += 1                
                bestConfig = tmp                
                bestPerf = getMaxPerformance(bestConfig)
            Compares the chosen configuration with a least powerful one
            if avgData > bestPerf:                
                best_downCounter += 1
            elif getMaxPerformance(bestConfig) > getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig):
                best_upCounter += 1
            if avgData > reactivePerf:                
                reactive_downCounter += 1
            elif getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig) > getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig):
                reactive_upCounter += 1
            if avgData > predPerf:                
                pred_downCounter += 1
            elif getMaxPerformance(predConfig) > getMaxPerformance(optimumConfig):
                pred_upCounter += 1
            elif len(bestConfig) < len(predConfig):
                pred_upCounter += 1
        prediction = predictor.apply(avgData)
        #actuation = prediction
        actuation = max(prediction, avgData)
        tmp = predConfigurator.getConfiguration(actuation, predConfig, predConfigurator._gamma)
        if set(tmp) != set(predConfig):
            predCounter += 1
            predConfig = tmp
            predPerf = getMaxPerformance(predConfig)        

        if reactiveConfigurator.dynGamma:
            idealConfig = bestConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator.MAX_GAMMA)
            idealPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(idealConfig),5)
            currPerf = round(getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig),5)
            reactiveConfigurator._gamma = reactiveConfigurator.adjustGamma(currPerf - idealPerf)
        tmp = reactiveConfigurator.getConfiguration(avgData, reactiveConfig, reactiveConfigurator._gamma)        
        if set(tmp) != set(reactiveConfig):
            reactiveCounter += 1
            reactiveConfig = tmp
            reactivePerf = getMaxPerformance(reactiveConfig)
    print 'Best       - False alarms: up = %d, down = %d' % (best_upCounter, best_downCounter)
    print 'Predictive - False alarms: up = %d, down = %d' % (pred_upCounter, pred_downCounter)
    print 'Reactive   - False alarms: up = %d, down = %d' % (reactive_upCounter, reactive_downCounter)
    print 'Best Configs = %d, Predictive Configs = %d, Reactive Configs = %d' %\
          (bestCounter, predCounter, reactiveCounter)
    g = Gnuplot(debug=0)
    #g('set size 0.65,0.65')
    g('set encoding iso_8859_1')
    g('set terminal postscript eps enhanced monochrome')    
    g('set output "carlos2.ps"')
    g('set key top left')
    g('set xlabel "Tempo (s)"')
    g('set xrange [0:%d]' % (len(data) / step))
    spacing = 15
    tics = ','.join(['"%d" %d' % (x * step * spacing, x * spacing) for x in range(1, len(data) / (step * spacing) + 1)])
    g('set xtics (%s)' % tics)
    g('set ylabel "Requisições"'.encode('iso_8859_1'))
    g('set grid')
    #plot incoming requests avg
    with_plot = 'steps'    
    #plot configurations
    pi1 = Data(avgs, with_=with_plot,title='Carga')
    pi2 = Data(reactivePerfs, with_=with_plot,title='Reativo')
    pi_gamma = Data(gammas, with_=with_plot,title='Gamma')
    #pi3 = Data(predPerfs, with_=with_plot,title='Preditivo')    
    #pi4 = Data(bestPerfs, with_=with_plot,title='Perfect')
    print 'Done'
예제 #22
def main():
    filename = '../../tmp/wc98_1.txt'
    method = MSE

    precision = 0.05

    f = open(filename)
    lines = f.read()
    raw_data = [float(token) for token in lines.splitlines()]

    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    scale(raw_data, cluster.availableServers, maxUtil=1.0)

    for pred_step in range(1, 500):
        Take the averages at pred_step windows
        data = []
        acc = 0.0
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            acc += raw_data[i]
            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:
                data.append(acc / pred_step)
                acc = 0
        rest = len(raw_data) % pred_step
        if rest > 0:
            data.append(acc / rest)

        #take the optimized Holt parameters:
        pars = gridOpt(data, precision, method)
        holt = HoltFilter(alpha=pars[0], beta=pars[1])
        holt = AdaptableHoltFilter(alpha=1.0,

        #apply Holt and Naive to the real data
        holtError = 0.0
        naiveError = 0.0
        acc = 0.0
        avg = 0.0
        pred = 0.0
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            if (i + 1) > pred_step:  #don't count the first error
                naiveError += error(avg, raw_data[i], method)
                holtError += error(pred, raw_data[i], method)

            acc += raw_data[i]
            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:
                avg = acc / pred_step
                pred = holt.apply(avg)
                acc = 0.0

        holtError /= len(raw_data) - pred_step
        naiveError /= len(raw_data) - pred_step

        print pred_step, naiveError, holtError
예제 #23
def main():
    filename = '../../tmp/nasa_3.txt'
    method = MAE
    pred_step = 10                 # applies predictions every given seconds
    precision = 0.05
    f = open(filename)
    lines = f.read()
    raw_data = [float(token) for token in lines.splitlines()]
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    data = []
    acc = 0.0
    for i in range(len(raw_data)):
        acc += raw_data[i]
        if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:
            data.append(acc / pred_step)
            acc = 0
    rest = len(raw_data) % pred_step
    if rest > 0:
        data.append(acc / rest)
    Calculate the optimum pars
    opt_pars = gridOpt(data, precision, method)
    Print header
    print "#trace: " + filename
    print "#pred_step: %d" % pred_step
    print "#precision: %f" % precision
    print '#error: %s' % errorsDict[method]
    print '#opt-alpha: %f, opt-beta: %f' % (opt_pars[0],opt_pars[1])
    print '#1-adapt_step #2-adapt_error #3-opt_error'
    Calculate the adaptive error
    for adapt_step in range(pred_step, 500):
        adapt_window_size = adapt_step # adapt parameters using a window of the given size
        opt_holt = HoltFilter(alpha=opt_pars[0],beta=opt_pars[0])
        opt_pred = 0.0
        opt_error = 0.0
        adapt_window = []
        Holt's initialization doesn't matter, because we'll consider
        the error only after the first adaption
        adapt_holt = HoltFilter()   
        adapt_pred = 0.0
        adapt_error = 0.0        
        acc = 0.0
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            acc += raw_data[i]
            if (i + 1) > adapt_step: # calculate error according to method, skipping the first window         
                adapt_error += error(adapt_pred, raw_data[i], method)
                opt_error += error(opt_pred, raw_data[i], method)
            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0: # got a data point
                adapt_window.append(acc / pred_step)
                if len(adapt_window) > adapt_window_size:
            if (i + 1) % adapt_step == 0: # do adaption
                adapt_pars = gridOpt(adapt_window, precision, MSE)
                adapt_holt.alpha = adapt_pars[0]
                adapt_holt.beta = adapt_pars[1] 
            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0: # do prediction after adaptation
                avg = acc / pred_step
                adapt_pred = adapt_holt.apply(avg)
                opt_pred = opt_holt.apply(avg)
                acc = 0.0

        print adapt_step, adapt_error / (len(raw_data) - adapt_step), opt_error / (len(raw_data) - adapt_step)
예제 #24
def main():
    filename = '../../tmp/nasa_3.txt'
    method = MAE
    pred_step = 10  # applies predictions every given seconds
    precision = 0.05

    f = open(filename)
    lines = f.read()
    raw_data = [float(token) for token in lines.splitlines()]

    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    scale(raw_data, cluster.availableServers, maxUtil=1.0)

    data = []
    acc = 0.0
    for i in range(len(raw_data)):
        acc += raw_data[i]
        if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:
            data.append(acc / pred_step)
            acc = 0
    rest = len(raw_data) % pred_step
    if rest > 0:
        data.append(acc / rest)
    Calculate the optimum pars
    opt_pars = gridOpt(data, precision, method)
    Print header
    print "#trace: " + filename
    print "#pred_step: %d" % pred_step
    print "#precision: %f" % precision
    print '#error: %s' % errorsDict[method]
    print '#opt-alpha: %f, opt-beta: %f' % (opt_pars[0], opt_pars[1])
    print '#1-adapt_step #2-adapt_error #3-opt_error'
    Calculate the adaptive error
    for adapt_step in range(pred_step, 500):
        adapt_window_size = adapt_step  # adapt parameters using a window of the given size
        opt_holt = HoltFilter(alpha=opt_pars[0], beta=opt_pars[0])
        opt_pred = 0.0
        opt_error = 0.0
        adapt_window = []
        Holt's initialization doesn't matter, because we'll consider
        the error only after the first adaption
        adapt_holt = HoltFilter()
        adapt_pred = 0.0
        adapt_error = 0.0
        acc = 0.0
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            acc += raw_data[i]

            if (
                    i + 1
            ) > adapt_step:  # calculate error according to method, skipping the first window
                adapt_error += error(adapt_pred, raw_data[i], method)
                opt_error += error(opt_pred, raw_data[i], method)

            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:  # got a data point
                adapt_window.append(acc / pred_step)
                if len(adapt_window) > adapt_window_size:

            if (i + 1) % adapt_step == 0:  # do adaption
                adapt_pars = gridOpt(adapt_window, precision, MSE)
                adapt_holt.alpha = adapt_pars[0]
                adapt_holt.beta = adapt_pars[1]

            if (i + 1) % pred_step == 0:  # do prediction after adaptation
                avg = acc / pred_step
                adapt_pred = adapt_holt.apply(avg)
                opt_pred = opt_holt.apply(avg)
                acc = 0.0

        print adapt_step, adapt_error / (
            len(raw_data) - adapt_step), opt_error / (len(raw_data) -
예제 #25
def main():
    filename = '../../tmp/nasa_3.txt'
    step = 20
    method = MSE
    f = open(filename)
    lines = f.read()
    raw_data = [float(token) for token in lines.splitlines()]
    c = ConfigReader()
    cluster = c.readCluster()
    scale(raw_data, cluster.availableServers, maxUtil=1.0)
    #holt1 = HoltFilter(alpha=0.50, beta=0.10) #jeito ruim
    holt2 = HoltFilter(alpha=0.65, beta=0.05) #com média
    # apply holt1
    pred = 0
    error1 = 0.0
    for i in range(len(raw_data)):
        if (i + 1) > step:        
            error1 += error(pred, raw_data[i], method)
        holt1.apply(raw_data[i]) # update holt
        if (i + 1) % step == 0:  # every 'step' apply holt
            pred = holt1.S + step * holt1.B
    error1 /= len(raw_data) - step
    # apply holt2
    acc = 0.0
    pred = 0
    error2 = 0.0
    for i in range(len(raw_data)):
        if (i + 1) > step:        
            error2 += error(pred, raw_data[i], method)
        acc += raw_data[i]
        if (i + 1) % step == 0: # every 'step' apply holt
            pred = holt2.apply(float(acc) / step)            
            acc = 0.0
    error2 /= len(raw_data) - step
    print '#step: %f' % step
    print '#error: %s' % errorsDict[method]
    #print '#holt1_error: %f' % error1
    print '#holt2_error: %f' % error2
    print '#1-alpha #2-error'
    alpha = 1.0
    dec = 0.01
    while alpha > 0.0:
        # apply holt3
        acc = 0
        pred = 0.0
        error3 = 0.0
        holt3_pars = gridMethod2_h3(raw_data, window=step, step=0.05, Yalpha=alpha, method=method)        
        holt3 = HoltFilter(alpha=holt3_pars[0], beta=holt3_pars[1]) #com exp avg
        #holt3 = HoltFilter(alpha=0.55, beta=0.05) #com exp avg
        Y = raw_data[0] # initialization of exponential average
        for i in range(len(raw_data)):
            Y = alpha * raw_data[i] + (1 - alpha) * Y # smooth the data
            if (i + 1) > step:        
                error3 += error(pred, raw_data[i], method)            
            if (i + 1) % step == 0: # every 'step' apply holt
                pred = holt3.apply(Y)
                acc = 0
        print alpha, error3 / (len(raw_data) - step)

        alpha -= dec