class NetworkConnector: """Class to define an accessing to the around networks ability of tracking system. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.audition.Audition.listen_async` as the loop for asynchronous collecting audio data to the vision ability, named :func:`t_system.audition.Audition.listen_sync` for the synchronous collecting audio data to the vision ability and named :func:`t_system.audition.Audition.start_recording` as entry point from vision ability for starting recording processes. """ def __init__(self, args): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.accession.NetworkManager` class. Args: args: Command-line arguments. """ self.folder = dot_t_system_dir + "/network" if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder) self.table = DBFetcher(self.folder, "db", "login").fetch() self.wpa_supplicant = WpaSupplicant(args) self.wlan = args["wlan"] self.current_cells = [] self.current_available_networks = [] self.known_networks = [] set_local_ip_address(args["wlan"], args["static_ip"]) self.scan() self.set_available_networks() self.refresh_known_networks() def scan(self, wlan=None): """The high-level method to scan around for searching available networks. Args: wlan: wi-fi interface that will be used to create hotSpot. """ if wlan: self.wlan = wlan self.current_cells = list(Cell.all(self.wlan)) def set_available_networks(self): """The low-level method to setting available networks with their ssid and passwords. """ self.current_available_networks.clear() for cell in self.current_cells: network = {"ssid": cell.ssid} self.current_available_networks.append(network) def add_network(self, ssid, password): """The high-level method to set network parameter for reaching it. Args: ssid: The name of the surrounding access point. password: The password of the surrounding access point. """ admin_id = check_secret_root_entry(ssid, password) if admin_id: return True, admin_id status = False for network in self.current_available_networks: if ssid == network["ssid"]: self.db_upsert(ssid, password) self.refresh_known_networks() status = True return status, admin_id def delete_network(self, ssid): """The high-level method to set network parameter for reaching it. Args: ssid: The name of the surrounding access point. """ self.table.remove((Query().ssid == ssid)) @dispatch() def connect(self): """The high-level method to try to connect to one of the available networks using wpa_supplicant.conf file that is restarted by subprocess. """ result = False self.wpa_supplicant.restart_ws_service() time.sleep(5) if self.is_network_online(): print("Network connection established!") # result = True return result @dispatch(str, str) def connect(self, ssid, password): """The high-level method to try connect to one of available networks with using `wifi` library. Args: ssid (str): The name of the surrounding access point. password (str): The password of the surrounding access point. """ result = False for cell in self.current_cells: if cell.ssid == ssid: try: scheme = Scheme.for_cell(self.wlan, ssid, cell, password) scheme.activate() result = True except Exception as e: print(e) return result def try_creating_connection(self): """The high-level method to try connect to one of available networks. """ for network in self.known_networks: if self.connect(network["ssid"], network["password"]): return True return False def db_upsert(self, ssid, password, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the position to the database. Args: ssid: The name of the surrounding access point. password: The password of the surrounding access point. force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == ssid)): if force_insert: # self.already_exist = False self.table.update({'password': password, 'wlan': self.wlan}, Query().ssid == ssid) else: # self.already_exist = True return "Already Exist" else: self.table.insert({ 'wlan': self.wlan, 'ssid': ssid, 'password': password }) # insert the given data return "" def refresh_known_networks(self): """The low-level method to refreshing known networks from the database (and creating objects for them.) """ self.known_networks.clear() self.wpa_supplicant.create_wsc() for login in self.table.all(): network = {"ssid": login["ssid"], "password": login["password"], "wlan": login["wlan"]} self.known_networks.append(network) self.wpa_supplicant.add_network_to_wsc(login["ssid"], login["password"]) @staticmethod def is_network_online(): """The top-level method to check the internet access of the current network connection via sending request to Google. Returns: bool: status. """ url = '' timeout = 5 try: _ = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout) return True except requests.ConnectionError: # print("Internet connection could not be established.") pass return False
class StreamWebSite: """Class to define website that will used as live stream platform. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.online_stream.StreamWebSite.upsert_stream_key` as the new account adding point and existing account updating point. """ def __init__(self, name, url, server, to_be_used=False, stream_ids=None, active_stream_id=None, id=None): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.online_stream.OnlineStream` class. Args: name: Name of the WebSite. youtube, facebook etc. url: Website's page URL. server: Website's Live stream server RTMP URL. to_be_used (bool): To be used flag that specify usage status of website on live stream. stream_ids: hexadecimal stream keys of the website. active_stream_id: hexadecimal stream key that use in current stream of the website. id: Unique ID of the website. """ = id if not id: = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.stream_ids = stream_ids if not stream_ids: self.stream_ids = [] self.active_stream_id = active_stream_id if not active_stream_id: self.active_stream_id = {} = name self.url = url self.server = server self.to_be_used = to_be_used self.streaming_folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/streaming' self.keys_folder = f'{self.streaming_folder}/keys' self.parent_folder = f'{self.streaming_folder}/websites' self.folder = f'{self.parent_folder}/{}' self.key_file = f'{self.keys_folder}/{}.key' self.__check_folders() self.table = DBFetcher(self.streaming_folder, "db", "websites").fetch() self.__db_upsert() def set_usage_stat(self, to_be_used): """Method to set website as to be used or not to be used. Args: to_be_used (bool): To be used flag that specify usage status of website on live stream. """ self.to_be_used = to_be_used self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def activate_stream_key(self, account_name): """Method to set given stream key for using on the current live stream for the website. Args: account_name (str): Name of the website's account. """ for stream_id in self.stream_ids: if stream_id["is_active"]: stream_id["is_active"] = False break for stream_id in self.stream_ids: if stream_id["account_name"] == account_name: with open(self.key_file, "w+") as key_file: key_file.write(stream_id["key"]) key_file.close() stream_id["is_active"] = True self.active_stream_id = stream_id self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) return True return False def upsert_stream_key(self, account_name, key): """Method to insert(or update) new stream key and its account name. Args: account_name (str): Name of the website's account. key (str): Hexadecimal live stream key of the websites's account. """ is_update = False for stream_id in self.stream_ids: if account_name == stream_id["account_name"]: stream_id["key"] = key is_update = True break if not is_update: self.stream_ids.append({ "account_name": account_name, "key": key, "key_file": f'{self.folder}/{account_name}.key', "is_active": False }) self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) self.__set_key_files(account_name) return True def remove_stream_key(self, account_name): """Method to remove existing stream key and its account name. Args: account_name (str): Name of the website's account. """ for stream_id in self.stream_ids: if account_name == stream_id["account_name"]: self.stream_ids.remove( stream_id) # for removing object from list self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) os.remove(stream_id["key_file"]) return True return False def update_self(self, url, server): """Method to update website itself. """ if url: self.url = url if server: self.server = server self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def delete_self(self): """Method to delete website itself. """ self.table.remove((Query().id == def __db_upsert(self, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the record to the database. Args: force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == if force_insert: self.table.update( { 'id':, 'name':, 'url': self.url, 'server': self.server, 'to_be_used': self.to_be_used, 'stream_ids': self.stream_ids, 'active_stream_id': self.active_stream_id }, Query().id == else: return "Already Exist" else: self.table.insert({ 'id':, 'name':, 'url': self.url, 'server': self.server, 'to_be_used': self.to_be_used, 'stream_ids': self.stream_ids, 'active_stream_id': self.active_stream_id }) # insert the given data return "" def __set_key_files(self, account_name=None): """Method to crete `.key` files that keeps stream keys of the websites live stream entry. Args: account_name (str): Name of the website's account. """ result = False stream_ids = [] if account_name: for stream_id in self.stream_ids: if account_name == stream_id["account_name"]: stream_ids.append(stream_id) result = True break else: stream_ids = self.stream_ids for stream_id in stream_ids: result = True with open(stream_id["key_file"], "w+") as key_file: key_file.write(stream_id["key"]) key_file.close() return result def __check_folders(self): """Method to checking the necessary folders created before. If not created creates them. """ if not os.path.exists(self.parent_folder): os.mkdir(self.parent_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.keys_folder): os.mkdir(self.keys_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder)
class UpdateManager: """Class to define an update manager for managing updates and installation after updates. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.updation.UpdateManager.update`for provide update code and install necessary dependencies. """ def __init__(self, editable=False, verbose=False): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.updation.UpdateManager` class. Args: editable: Editable updation mode flag. For making updates as development. verbose: Verbosity flag about printing debug messages. """ self.editable = editable self.verbose = verbose # this argument will be added. self.table = DBFetcher(dot_t_system_dir, "db", "update").fetch() self.auto_update = None self.refresh_members() self.updater = Updater(self.verbose) self.installer = Installer(self.editable, self.verbose) def update(self): """Method to pulling updates from remote git repo, checking differences inside installation scripts and starting the installation if necessary. """ if self.is_update_available(): self.updater.update_self() self.installer.install() return True return False def is_update_auto(self): """Method to getting auto-update status from the database. """ return self.auto_update def is_update_available(self): """Method to getting availability of the update from remote software repository. """ return self.updater.is_update_available() def db_upsert(self, auto_update): """Function to insert(or update) the update status to the database. Args: auto_update (bool): Auto update flag of the UpdateManager Returns: str: Response. """ update = self.table.all() if update: self.table.update({'auto_update': auto_update}) else: self.table.insert({ 'auto_update': auto_update, }) # insert the given data return "" def refresh_members(self): """low-level method to refreshing the members """ update = self.table.all() if update: self.auto_update = update[0]["auto_update"] else: self.auto_update = False self.db_upsert(self.auto_update) def change_members(self, auto_update): """high-level method to changing members via given parameters. Args: auto_update (bool): Auto update flag of the UpdateManager Returns: str: Response. """ self.db_upsert(auto_update) self.refresh_members() def set_editability(self, editable): """Method to set editable member externally. Args: editable: Editable updation mode flag. For making updates as development. """ self.editable = editable def set_verbosity(self, verbose): """Method to set verbose member externally. Args: verbose: Verbosity flag about printing debug messages. """ self.verbose = verbose def listen_updates(self): """Method to controlling repo is up-to-date with updater object. (Deprecated) """ while True: if self.updater.is_update_available(): return True time.sleep(43200) # per 12 hours
class NetworkConnector: """Class to define an accessing to the around networks ability of tracking system. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.accession.NetworkConnector.connect` for the connecting with wpa_supplicant.conf or wifi.Scheme. """ def __init__(self, args): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.accession.NetworkConnector` class. Args: args: Command-line arguments. """ self.folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/network' if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder) self.login_table = DBFetcher(self.folder, "db", "login").fetch() self.status_table = DBFetcher(self.folder, "db", "status").fetch() self.activity = None self.__refresh_status() self.wpa_supplicant = WpaSupplicant(args) self.wlan = args["wlan"] self.interface_ec = 0 self.current_cells = [] self.current_available_networks = [] self.known_networks = [] if args["static_ip"]: set_local_ip_address(args["wlan"], args["static_ip"]) if self.activity: self.scan() self.__set_available_networks() self.__refresh_known_networks() def scan(self, wlan=None): """Method to scan around for searching available networks. Args: wlan: wi-fi interface that will be used to create hotSpot. """ if wlan: self.wlan = wlan try: self.current_cells = list(Cell.all(self.wlan)) except exceptions.InterfaceError: if self.interface_ec < 1: logger.warning( f'InterfaceError for {self.interface_ec} times...') self.interface_ec += 1 restart_interface(self.wlan) self.scan() else: logger.error( exceptions.InterfaceError(f'Error can not resolved!')) self.current_cells = [] def __set_available_networks(self): """Method to setting available networks with their ssid and passwords. """ self.current_available_networks.clear() for cell in self.current_cells: network = {"ssid": cell.ssid} self.current_available_networks.append(network) def add_network(self, ssid, password): """Method to set network parameter for reaching it. Args: ssid: The name of the surrounding access point. password: The password of the surrounding access point. """ admin_id = check_secret_root_entry(ssid, password) if admin_id: return True, admin_id status = False for network in self.current_available_networks: if ssid == network["ssid"]: self.login_upsert(ssid, password) self.__refresh_known_networks() self.wpa_supplicant.add_network_to_wsc(ssid, password) self.__restart_networking_service() status = True break return status, admin_id def delete_network(self, ssid): """Method to set network parameter for reaching it. Args: ssid: The name of the surrounding access point. """ self.login_table.remove((Query().ssid == ssid)) self.wpa_supplicant.create_wsc() for login in self.login_table.all(): self.wpa_supplicant.add_network_to_wsc(login["ssid"], login["password"]) @dispatch() def connect(self): """Method to try to connect to one of the available networks using wpa_supplicant.conf file that is restarted by subprocess. """ if self.activity: if self.are_networks_accessible(): self.wpa_supplicant.restart_ws_service() time.sleep(5) if self.is_connected_to_network():"Connected to a network.") return True return False @dispatch(str, str) def connect(self, ssid, password): """Method to try connect to one of available networks with using `wifi` library. Args: ssid (str): The name of the surrounding access point. password (str): The password of the surrounding access point. """ result = False if self.activity: for cell in self.current_cells: if cell.ssid == ssid: try: scheme = Scheme.for_cell(self.wlan, ssid, cell, password) scheme.activate() result = True except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return result def try_creating_connection(self): """Method to try connect to one of available networks. """ if self.activity: for network in self.known_networks: if self.connect(network["ssid"], network["password"]): return True return False def login_upsert(self, ssid, password, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the connection info of new networks to the database. Args: ssid: The name of the surrounding access point. password: The password of the surrounding access point. force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == ssid)): if force_insert: # self.already_exist = False self.login_table.update( { 'password': password, 'wlan': self.wlan }, Query().ssid == ssid) else: # self.already_exist = True return "Already Exist" else: self.login_table.insert({ 'wlan': self.wlan, 'ssid': ssid, 'password': password }) # insert the given data return "" def status_upsert(self, activity, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the status of NetworkConnector to the database. Args: activity (bool): Activity flag of the NetworkConnector. If False, NetworkConnector not try connecting to surround networks. force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ status = self.status_table.all() if status: self.status_table.update({'activity': activity}) else: self.status_table.insert({ 'activity': activity, }) # insert the given data return "" def __refresh_known_networks(self): """Method to refresh known networks from the database (and creating objects for them.) """ self.known_networks.clear() for login in self.login_table.all(): network = { "ssid": login["ssid"], "password": login["password"], "wlan": login["wlan"] } self.known_networks.append(network) @staticmethod def __restart_networking_service(): """Method to to restart networking.service """ call("systemctl restart networking.service", shell=True) def __refresh_status(self): """Method to refresh status from the database. """ status = self.status_table.all() if status: self.activity = status[0]["activity"] else: self.activity = True self.status_upsert(self.activity) def change_status(self, activity): """high-level method to change status of NetworkConnector via given parameters. Args: activity (bool): Activity flag of the NetworkConnector. If False, NetworkConnector not try connecting to surround networks. Returns: str: Response. """ self.status_upsert(activity) self.__refresh_status() @staticmethod def is_network_online(): """The top-level method to check the internet access of the current network connection via sending request to Google. Returns: bool: status. """ url = '' timeout = 5 try: _ = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout) return True except requests.ConnectionError:"No internet access!") pass return False @staticmethod def is_connected_to_network(): """The top-level method to check network connection status using `hostname` command via subprocess. Returns: bool: status. """ wifi_ip = check_output(['hostname', '-I']) if wifi_ip: return True return False def are_networks_accessible(self): """The top-level method to check if T_System has the necessary information to connect to surrounding networks. Returns: bool: status. """ for known_network in self.known_networks: if known_network["ssid"] in self.current_available_networks: return True return False
class ArmModeler: """Class to define the D-H matrix modeler of T_System arm . This class provides necessary initiations and a function named :func:`t_system.motion.arm.ArmModeler.create` for the create D-H model of the given arm. """ def __init__(self): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.motion.arm.modelisation.ArmModeler` class. """ = None self.config_file = f'{T_SYSTEM_PATH}/motion/arm/config.json' self.db = DBFetcher(f'{T_SYSTEM_PATH}/motion/arm', "model").fetch() self.joint_count = 0 self.alpha = None self.a = None self.q = None self.d = None self.dh_params = {} self.tf_matrices = [] self.jacobian_matrix = None def create(self, arm_name): """Method to create D-H model of given arm. Args: arm_name (str): A robotic arm name in to the config.json file. """ try: with open(self.config_file) as conf_file: arm_configs = json.load(conf_file)[ arm_name] # config file returns the arms. except KeyError: raise Exception(f'{arm_name} is not exit in configuration file.') joint_configs = arm_configs["joints"] self.joint_count = len(joint_configs) self.__prepare_dh_params() self.__set_dh_params(joint_configs) self.__calc_jacobian_matrix() self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def get(self, arm_name=None): """Method to create D-H model of given arm. Args: arm_name (str): A robotic arm name in to the config.json file. """ if arm_name: model = == arm_name)) if model: return { "alpha": loads(model[0]["alpha"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "a": loads(model[0]["a"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "q": loads(model[0]["q"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "d": loads(model[0]["d"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "dh_params": loads(model[0]["dh_params"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "transform_matrices": loads(model[0]["transform_matrices"].encode( "raw_unicode_escape")), "jacobian_matrix": loads(model[0]["jacobian_matrix"].encode( "raw_unicode_escape")) } return None else: arms = [] for model in self.db.all(): arms.append({ "alpha": loads(model[0]["alpha"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "a": loads(model[0]["a"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "q": loads(model[0]["q"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "d": loads(model[0]["d"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "dh_params": loads(model[0]["dh_params"].encode("raw_unicode_escape")), "transform_matrices": loads(model[0]["transform_matrices"].encode( "raw_unicode_escape")), "jacobian_matrix": loads(model[0]["jacobian_matrix"].encode( "raw_unicode_escape")) }) return arms def show(self, arm_name=None): """Method to show model by given name parameter. If there is no name, print all arms models to the screen. Args: arm_name (str): A robotic arm name in to the config.json file. """ if arm_name: model = self.get(arm_name) if model: for key, value in model.items(): print(f'{key}: \n{value}') return True logger.error(f'There is no model for arm {arm_name}') return False else: models = self.get() if models: for model in models: for key, value in model.items(): print(f'{key}: \n{value}') return True logger.error(f'There is no any created model.') return False def __prepare_dh_params(self): """Method to preparing D-H parameters of Arm. """ self.alpha = symbols('alpha0:' + str(self.joint_count)) self.a = symbols('a0:' + str(self.joint_count)) self.q = symbols('q1:' + str(self.joint_count + 1)) self.d = symbols('d1:' + str(self.joint_count + 1)) def __set_dh_params(self, joints): """Method to setting joint's D-H parameters. Args: joints (list): The arm's joints list for preparing parameters of Denavit-Hartenberg chart. """ self.dh_params = {} for i in range(len(joints)): self.dh_params[self.alpha[i]] = joints[i]["alpha"] self.dh_params[self.a[i]] = joints[i]["a"] if joints[i]["structure"] == "revolute": self.dh_params[self.q[i]] = self.q[i] self.dh_params[self.d[i]] = joints[i]["init_d"] elif joints[i]["structure"] == "prismatic": self.dh_params[self.q[i]] = joints[i]["init_q"] self.dh_params[self.d[i]] = self.d[i] elif joints[i]["structure"] == "constant": self.dh_params[self.q[i]] = joints[i]["init_q"] self.dh_params[self.d[i]] = joints[i]["init_d"] self.__set_transform_matrices() def show_dh_params(self): """Method to getting D-H parameters of joints of Arm as string message. """ print(f'DH Parameters are: {self.dh_params}') def __set_transform_matrices(self): """Method to setting D-H transform matrices. """ self.tf_matrices = [] transform_matrix = eye( 4) # creates a unit matrix via passing argument. for i in range(self.joint_count): transform_matrix = transform_matrix * self.__create_tf_matrix( self.alpha[i], self.a[i], self.d[i], self.q[i]).subs( self.dh_params) self.tf_matrices.append(transform_matrix) def show_transform_matrices(self): """Method to getting D-H parameters of joints of Arm as string message. """ print(f'Transform Matrices are: {self.tf_matrices}') @staticmethod def __create_tf_matrix(alpha, a, d, q): """Method to calculate transform matrix of Denavit-Hartenberg Method. Args: alpha: The twist angle. Axis angle between consecutive two axes. a: The limb length between consecutive two axis. d: link offset. The displacement along the same axis. q: The rotation theta angle about the joint axis. Returns: object: The Denavit-Hartenberg transform matrix object. """ tf_matrix = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0., a], [ sin(q) * cos(alpha), cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha) * d ], [ sin(q) * sin(alpha), cos(q) * sin(alpha), cos(alpha), cos(alpha) * d ], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) return tf_matrix def __calc_jacobian_matrix(self): """Method to calculate jacobian matrix of Arm's General Denavit-Hartenberg Transform Matrix. """ tf_matrix_first_to_last = self.tf_matrices[-1] self.jacobian_matrix = [ diff(tf_matrix_first_to_last[:3, -1], self.q[i]).reshape(1, 3) for i in range(len(self.q)) ] self.jacobian_matrix = Matrix( self.jacobian_matrix).T # .T returns the transpose of matrix. def __db_upsert(self, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the record to the database. Args: force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == if force_insert: self.db.update( { 'name':, 'alpha': dumps(self.alpha).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'a': dumps(self.a).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'q': dumps(self.q).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'd': dumps(self.d).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'dh_params': dumps(self.dh_params).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'transform_matrices': dumps(self.tf_matrices).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'jacobian_matrix': dumps( self.jacobian_matrix).decode("raw_unicode_escape") }, Query().name == else: return "Already Exist" else: self.db.insert({ 'name':, 'alpha': dumps(self.alpha).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'a': dumps(self.a).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'q': dumps(self.q).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'd': dumps(self.d).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'dh_params': dumps(self.dh_params).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'transform_matrices': dumps(self.tf_matrices).decode("raw_unicode_escape"), 'jacobian_matrix': dumps(self.jacobian_matrix).decode("raw_unicode_escape") }) # insert the given data return ""
class RSynchronizer: """Class to define a remote storage synchronization ability with some cloud platforms of T_System. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.r_sync.RSynchronizer.start_sync` for provide starting the folder synchronization with specified cloud storage services. """ def __init__(self): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.r_sync.RSynchronizer` class. """ self.folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/r_sync' self.__check_folders() self.services_table = DBFetcher(self.folder, "db", "services").fetch() self.status_table = DBFetcher(self.folder, "db", "status").fetch() = [] self.auto_sync = None self.__set_services() self.__refresh_status() if not self.__create_services() def start_sync(self, service_name=None, account_name=None): """Method to start synchronization of the recorded videos with specified remote storage. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service. account_name (str): Name of the one of service account. """ result = True if service_name and account_name: for service in if service_name == service.activate_account(account_name) service.sync() elif not (service_name or account_name): for service in if service.to_be_used: service.sync() else: logger.critical( f'`service_name` and `account_name` parameters have to be given together.' ) result = False return result def stop_sync(self): """Method to stop folder synchronization. """ pass def is_sync_auto(self): """Method to getting auto-sync status from the database. """ return self.auto_sync @staticmethod def is_sync_available(): """Method to check the synchronization's availability about networks connection. """ from t_system import network_connector return network_connector.is_network_online() def get_services(self, service_names=None): """Method to get existing service in given name. If service_names is None it returns all services. Args: service_names (list): Name list of the services. """ services = [] if service_names: for service_name in service_names: for service in if == service_name: services.append(service) return services return def set_service_usage_stat(self, service_name, to_be_used): """Method to set given usage status of service as to be used or not to be used. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service. to_be_used (bool): To be used flag that specify usage status of service on folder synchronization. """ for service in if service_name == service.set_usage_stat(to_be_used) return True return False def activate_service_account(self, service_name, account_name): """Method to set given access key for using on the current remote storage service. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service. account_name (str): Name of the one of service account. """ for service in if service_name == service.activate_account(account_name) return True return False def set_service_account(self, service_name, account): """Method to add or update personal account information to the given service_name's service. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service. account (dict): Identity information of websites stream. """ for service in if service_name == service.upsert_account(account["name"], account["key"]) return True return False def remove_service_account(self, service_name, account_name): """Method to remove personal account information to the given service_name's service. Args: service_name (str): Name of the service. account_name (str): Name of the one of service account. """ for service in if service_name == service.remove_account(account_name) return True return False def refresh_services(self): """Method to refresh existing websites on runtime alterations. """ self.__set_services() def show_services(self, service_names=None): """Method to show existing service in given name. If service_names is None it returns all services. Args: service_names (list): Name list of the services. """ from tabulate import tabulate services = [] for service in self.get_services(service_names): services.append([, service.to_be_used]) print(tabulate(services, headers=["Name", "Usage Status"])) def show_accounts(self, service_names=None): """Method to show existing accounts of service in given name. If service_names is None it returns all accounts. Args: service_names (list): Name list of the services. """ from tabulate import tabulate accounts = [] for service in self.get_services(service_names): service_name = for account in service.accounts: accounts.append( [service_name, account["name"], account["key"]]) service_name = "" print( tabulate(accounts, headers=["Service Name", "Account Name", "Key"])) def change_status(self, auto_sync): """high-level method to change status of NetworkConnector via given parameters. Args: auto_sync (bool): Auto synchronization flag of the RSynchronizer. If True, RSynchronizer try synchronizing the records with active storage services. Returns: str: Response. """ self.__status_upsert(auto_sync) self.__refresh_status() def __create_services(self): """Method to create remote synchronizer services if there is no services created yet. """ def __set_services(self): """Method to set existing remote synchronizer services. """ for service in self.services_table.all(): if service["name"] == "Dropbox": DropBox(service["info"]["to_be_used"], service["info"]["accounts"], service["info"]["active_account"])) def __status_upsert(self, auto_sync, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the status of NetworkConnector to the database. Args: auto_sync (bool): Auto synchronization flag of the RSynchronizer. If True, RSynchronizer try synchronizing the records with active storage services. force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ status = self.status_table.all() if status: self.status_table.update({'auto_sync': auto_sync}) else: self.status_table.insert({ 'auto_sync': auto_sync, }) # insert the given data return "" def __refresh_status(self): """Method to refresh status from the database. """ status = self.status_table.all() if status: self.auto_sync = status[0]["auto_sync"] else: self.auto_sync = True self.__status_upsert(self.auto_sync) def __check_folders(self): """Method to checking the necessary folders created before. If not created creates them. """ if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder)
class DropBox: """Class to define a file synchronizer to an Dropbox account. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.r_sync.DropBox.sync` to provide synchronizing recorded videos with the Dropbox account. """ def __init__(self, to_be_used=False, accounts=None, active_account=None): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.r_sync.DropBox` class. Args: to_be_used (bool): To be used flag that specify usage status of service on folder synchronization. accounts: DropBox account owner name and account API key list. active_account: hexadecimal stream key that use in current stream of the website. """ self.accounts = accounts if not accounts: self.accounts = [] self.active_account = active_account if not active_account: self.active_account = {} = "Dropbox" self.to_be_used = to_be_used self.dbx = None self.folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/r_sync' self.sync_sou_dir = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/records' self.sync_tar_dir = "Media-from-T_System" self.table = DBFetcher(self.folder, "db", "services").fetch() self.__db_upsert() def sync(self): """Method to synchronizing folder that keeps recorded videos with user's Dropbox account. """ if self.__prepare_sync(): for dn, dirs, files in os.walk(self.sync_sou_dir): sub_folder = dn[len(self.sync_sou_dir):].strip(os.path.sep) listing = self.list_folder(self.sync_tar_dir, sub_folder)'Descending into {sub_folder}...') # First do all the files. for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(dn, file) if isinstance(file, bytes): file = file.decode('utf-8') n_name = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', file) if file.startswith('.'):'Skipping dot file: {file}') elif file.startswith('@') or file.endswith('~'):'Skipping temporary file: {file}') elif file.endswith('.pyc') or file.endswith('.pyo'):'Skipping generated file: {file}') elif file.endswith('.json'):'Skipping database file: {file}') elif n_name in listing: md = listing[n_name] mtime = os.path.getmtime(file_path) mtime_dt = datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime(mtime)[:6]) size = os.path.getsize(file_path) if isinstance( md, dropbox.files.FileMetadata ) and mtime_dt == md.client_modified and size == md.size: f' {file} is already synced [stats match]') else: file, f'{file} exists with different stats, downloading' ) res =, sub_folder, file) with open(file_path) as f: data = if res == data: f'{file} is already synced [content match]' ) else: f'{file} has changed since last sync') self.upload(file_path, self.sync_tar_dir, sub_folder, file, overwrite=True) else: self.upload(file_path, self.sync_tar_dir, sub_folder, file) # Then choose which subdirectories to traverse. keep = [] for directory in dirs: if directory.startswith('.'):'Skipping dot directory: {directory}') elif directory.startswith('@') or directory.endswith('~'): f'Skipping temporary directory: {directory}') elif directory == '__pycache__': f'Skipping generated directory: {directory}') else:'Keeping directory: {directory}') keep.append(directory) dirs[:] = keep def __prepare_sync(self): """Method to prepare DropBoxer to folder synchronization. """ if self.activate_account: self.dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(self.active_account["key"]) return True return False def list_folder(self, folder, sub_folder): """Method to list a folder. Args: folder (str): Top-folder that contains synchronized items. sub_folder (str): Sub-folder that belongs to top-folder. Returns: a dict mapping unicode filenames to FileMetadata|FolderMetadata entries. """ path = '/%s/%s' % (folder, sub_folder.replace(os.path.sep, '/')) while '//' in path: path = path.replace('//', '/') path = path.rstrip('/') try: res = self.dbx.files_list_folder(path) except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as err: logger.error( f'Folder listing failed for {path} -- assumed empty: {err}') return {} else: rv = {} for entry in res.entries: rv[] = entry return rv def download(self, folder, sub_folder, file_name): """Method to download a file from Dropbox account. Args: folder (str): Top-folder that contains synchronized items. sub_folder (str): Sub-folder that belongs to top-folder. file_name (str): The name of the file that will be uploaded. Returns: The bytes of the file, or None if it doesn't exist. """ path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (folder, sub_folder.replace(os.path.sep, '/'), file_name) while '//' in path: path = path.replace('//', '/') try: md, res = self.dbx.files_download(path) except dropbox.exceptions.HttpError as err: print('*** HTTP error', err) return None data = res.content'{len(data)} bytes; md: {md}') return data def upload(self, file_path, folder, sub_folder, file_name, overwrite=False): """Method to upload a file to Dropbox account. Args: file_path (str): The path of the file that will be uploaded. folder (str): Top-folder that contains synchronized items. sub_folder (str): Sub-folder that belongs to top-folder. file_name (str): The name of the file that will be uploaded. overwrite (bool): The overwriting flag of file that will be uploaded. Returns: The request response, or None in case of error. """ path = '/%s/%s/%s' % (folder, sub_folder.replace(os.path.sep, '/'), file_name) while '//' in path: path = path.replace('//', '/') mode = (dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite if overwrite else dropbox.files.WriteMode.add) mtime = os.path.getmtime(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: data = try: res = self.dbx.files_upload( data, path, mode, client_modified=datetime.datetime(*time.gmtime(mtime)[:6]), mute=True) except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as err: logger.error(f'API error {err}') return None'uploaded as {"utf8")}') return res def set_usage_stat(self, to_be_used): """Method to set website as to be used or not to be used. Args: to_be_used (bool): To be used flag that specify usage status of service on folder synchronization. """ self.to_be_used = to_be_used self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def activate_account(self, account_name): """Method to set given API key of given account for using on the current folder synchronization. Args: account_name (str): Name of the Dropbox account. """ for account in self.accounts: if account["is_active"]: account["is_active"] = False break for account in self.accounts: if account["name"] == account_name: account["is_active"] = True self.active_account = account self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) return True return False def upsert_account(self, name, key): """Method to insert(or update) new API key and its account name for reaching the Dropbox. Args: name (str): Name of the Dropbox account. key (str): API key of Dropbox account. """ is_update = False for account in self.accounts: if name == account["name"]: account["key"] = key is_update = True break if not is_update: self.accounts.append({ "name": name, "key": key, "is_active": False }) self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) return True def remove_account(self, name): """Method to remove existing stream key and its account name. Args: name (str): Name of the Dropbox account. """ for account in self.accounts: if name == account["name"]: self.accounts.remove(account) # for removing object from list self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) return True return False def delete_self(self): """Method to delete website itself. """ self.table.remove((Query().name == def __db_upsert(self, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the record to the database. Args: force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == if force_insert: self.table.update( { 'info': { 'to_be_used': self.to_be_used, 'accounts': self.accounts, 'active_account': self.active_account } }, Query().name == else: return "Already Exist" else: self.table.insert({ 'name':, 'info': { 'to_be_used': self.to_be_used, 'accounts': self.accounts, 'active_account': self.active_account } }) # insert the given data return ""
class Record: """Class to define records of t_systems vision. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.recordation.Record.__db_upsert` for saving records to the database safely. """ def __init__(self, d_m_y, h_m_s, scope, record_formats, id=None, name=None, length=None): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.recordation.Record` class. Args: d_m_y (str): Date that is day_mount_year format. h_m_s (str): Date that is hour_minute_second format. scope (str): The working type during recording. record_formats (dict): Formats of the records for video, audio and merged. id (str): The id of the record. name (str): The name of the record. length (str): The length of the record as m:s. """ = id if not id: = str(uuid.uuid1()) = name if not name: = h_m_s = d_m_y # table name at the same time self.time = h_m_s self.scope = scope self.record_formats = record_formats self.length = length self.records_folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/records' self.parent_folder = f'{self.records_folder}/{}' self.folder = f'{self.parent_folder}/{self.time}' self.video_file = f'{self.folder}/{self.time}.{self.record_formats["video"]}' self.audio_file = f'{self.folder}/{self.time}.{self.record_formats["audio"]}' self.merged_file = f'{self.folder}/{self.time}.{self.record_formats["merged"]}' self.db = DBFetcher(self.records_folder, "db").fetch() self.__check_folders() if length is None: self.length = self.__calc_length() self.__db_upsert() def __db_upsert(self, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the record to the database. Args: force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == if force_insert: # self.already_exist = False self.db.update( { 'id':, 'name':, 'time': self.time, 'date':, 'scope': self.scope, 'record_formats': self.record_formats, 'length': self.length }, Query().id == else: # self.already_exist = True return "Already Exist" else: self.db.insert({ 'id':, 'name':, 'time': self.time, 'date':, 'scope': self.scope, 'record_formats': self.record_formats, 'length': self.length }) # insert the given data return "" def update_name(self, name): """Method to updating self name via by given parameter. Args: name (str): The name of the record. """ = name self.__db_upsert(True) def remove_self(self): """Method to remove face itself. """ rmtree(self.folder) self.db.remove((Query().id == def __calc_length(self): """Method to calculating length of record with using OpenCV. """ if os.path.exists(self.merged_file): import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.merged_file) fps = cap.get( cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # OpenCV2 version 2 used "CV_CAP_PROP_FPS" frame_count = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) duration = frame_count / fps minutes = int(duration / 60) seconds = round(duration % 60) length = f'{minutes}:{seconds}' cap.release() return length return None def __check_folders(self): """Method to checking the necessary folders created before. If not created creates them. """ if not os.path.exists(self.parent_folder): os.mkdir(self.parent_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder)
class Administrator: """Class to define an administrator for managing admin authentication keys of tracking system. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.administration.Administrator.change_keys` for changing admin entry keys. """ def __init__(self): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.administration.Administrator` class. """ self.table = DBFetcher(dot_t_system_dir, "db", "admin").fetch() self.ssid_hash = None self.password_hash = None self.private_key = None self.get_keys() def change_keys(self, ssid, password): """The high-level method to change keys of secret entry point for root authorized. 2 key(ssid and password) authentication uses sha256 encryption. Args: ssid: Administration ssid. password: Administration ssid. """ ssid_hash = hashlib.sha256(ssid.encode()).hexdigest() password_hash = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest() public_key = hashlib.sha256((ssid + password).encode()).hexdigest() private_key = hashlib.sha256(public_key.encode()).hexdigest() self.db_upsert(ssid_hash, password_hash, private_key) def get_keys(self): """The low-level method to get keys of secret entry point from database. """ admin = self.table.all() if admin: admin = admin[ 0] # table.all() return a list. But there is just 1 admin. self.ssid_hash = admin["ssid"] self.password_hash = admin["password"] self.private_key = admin["private_key"] else: self.set_default_admin() def set_default_admin(self): """The low-level method to set keys of secret entry point for default root authorized. If not changed or added yet. """ self.ssid_hash = "da8cb7b1563da30fb970b2b0358c3fd43e688f89c681fedfb80d8a3777c20093" self.password_hash = "135e1d0dd3e842d0aa2c3144293f84337b0907e4491d47cb96a4b8fb9150157d" self.private_key = "453bc4f4eb1415d7a1ffff595cc98bf2b538af443d57e486e71b88c966934010" self.db_upsert(self.ssid_hash, self.password_hash, self.private_key) def db_upsert( self, ssid_hash, password_hash, private_key, ): """Function to insert(or update) the position to the database. Args: ssid_hash: Administration ssid key hash. password_hash: Administration password key hash. private_key: Administration private key. Returns: str: Response. """ admin = self.table.all() if admin: self.table.update({ 'ssid': ssid_hash, 'password': password_hash, 'private_key': private_key }) else: self.table.insert({ 'ssid': ssid_hash, 'password': password_hash, 'private_key': private_key }) # insert the given data return ""
class Identifier: """Class to define an identifier for creating and handling an idenditity to T_System. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.administration.Administrator.change_keys` for changing admin entry keys. """ def __init__(self): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.administration.Identifier` class. """ self.table = DBFetcher(dot_t_system_dir, "db", "identity").fetch() self.public_id = None self.private_id = None = None self.__get_keys() def show_keys(self): """Method to print identification keys to the console. """ print( f'public id is {self.public_id},\nprivate id is {self.private_id},\nname is {}' ) def change_keys(self, public_id=None, private_id=None, name=None): """Method to change keys of identity for unique identification of T_System. 2 key(id and name) identification. Args: public_id: Public id of the T_System itself. private_id: Private id of the T_System itself. name: Specified name of the T_System itself. """ if public_id is None and private_id is None and name is None: return False if public_id: self.public_id = public_id if private_id: self.private_id = private_id if name: = name self.__db_upsert(self.public_id, self.private_id, return True def __get_keys(self): """Method to get keys of identity from database. """ identity = self.table.all() if identity: identity = identity[ 0] # table.all() return a list. But there is just 1 identity. self.public_id = identity["public_id"] self.private_id = identity["private_id"] = identity["name"] else: self.__set_default_identity() def __set_default_identity(self): """Method to set keys of identity for default identity specification. If not changed or added yet. """ self.public_id = self.get_random_id(6) self.private_id = self.get_random_id(6) = f'T_System-{self.public_id}' self.__db_upsert(self.public_id, self.private_id, def __db_upsert(self, public_id, private_id, name): """Function to insert(or update) the position to the database. Args: public_id: Public id of the T_System itself. private_id: Private id of the T_System itself. name: Specified name of the T_System itself. Returns: str: Response. """ identity = self.table.all() if identity: self.table.update({ 'public_id': public_id, 'private_id': private_id, 'name': name }) else: self.table.insert({ 'public_id': public_id, 'private_id': private_id, 'name': name }) # insert the given data return "" def get_random_id(self, digit_number=6): """Method to set keys of identity for default identity specification. If not changed or added yet. Args: digit_number: number of T_System id digits. """ return ''.join( secrets.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for i in range(digit_number))
class Shot: """Class to define shots of t_systems vision. This class provides necessary initiations and functions named :func:`t_system.recordation.Shot.__db_upsert` for saving shots to the database safely. """ def __init__(self, d_m_y, h_m_s, shot_format, id=None, name=None, size=None): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.recordation.Record` class. Args: d_m_y (str): Date that is day_mount_year format. h_m_s (str): Date that is hour_minute_second format. shot_format (str): Format of the shot. (jpg, png etc.) id (str): The id of the record. name (str): The name of the record. size (str): The length of the record as m:s. """ = id if not id: = str(uuid.uuid1()) = name if not name: = h_m_s = d_m_y # table name at the same time self.time = h_m_s self.shot_format = shot_format self.size = size self.records_folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/records' self.parent_folder = f'{self.records_folder}/{}' self.folder = f'{self.parent_folder}/{self.time}' self.shot_file = f'{self.folder}/{self.time}.{self.shot_format}' self.table = DBFetcher(self.records_folder, "db", "shots").fetch() self.__check_folders() if size is None: self.size = self.__calc_size() self.__db_upsert() def __db_upsert(self, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the record to the database. Args: force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == if force_insert: # self.already_exist = False self.table.update({'id':, 'name':, 'time': self.time, 'date':, 'shot_format': self.shot_format, 'size': self.size}, Query().id == else: # self.already_exist = True return "Already Exist" else: self.table.insert({ 'id':, 'name':, 'time': self.time, 'date':, 'shot_format': self.shot_format, 'size': self.size }) # insert the given data return "" def update_name(self, name): """Method to updating self name via by given parameter. Args: name (str): The name of the record. """ = name self.__db_upsert(True) def remove_self(self): """Method to remove face itself. """ rmtree(self.folder) self.table.remove((Query().id == def __calc_size(self): """Method to calculating length of record with using OpenCV. """ if os.path.exists(self.shot_file): return os.path.getsize(self.shot_file) / 1000 # in kB unit. return None def __check_folders(self): """Method to checking the necessary folders created before. If not created creates them. """ if not os.path.exists(self.parent_folder): os.mkdir(self.parent_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.mkdir(self.folder)
class Face: """Class to define a face that has dataset and encoding pickle file. This class provides necessary initiations and a function named :func:`t_system.face_encoding.Face.create_dataset_from_base_sf_photos` for the provide creating dataset images from the given photos list that is contains photos names and their bas64 encoded form. """ def __init__(self, name, id=None): """Initialization method of :class:`t_system.face_encoder.Face` class. Args: name (str): The name of the man who has face in dataset. id (str): The id of the face. """ = name = id = id if not id: = str(uuid.uuid1()) self.recognition_folder = f'{dot_t_system_dir}/recognition' self.dataset_folder = f'{self.recognition_folder}/dataset/{}' self.pickle_file = f'{self.recognition_folder}/encodings/{}_encoding.pickle' self.__check_folders() self.table = DBFetcher(self.recognition_folder, "db", "faces").fetch() self.image_names = [] self.refresh_image_names() self.__db_upsert() def copy_images_to(self, dest): """Method to copying image inside the dataset to the given destination folder. Args: dest (str): Destination folder to copying images those are inside the dataset. """ if not os.path.exists(dest): os.mkdir(dest) rmtree(dest) src_files = os.listdir(self.dataset_folder) for file_name in src_files: full_file_name = os.path.join(self.dataset_folder, file_name) if os.path.isfile(full_file_name): copy(full_file_name, dest) def __db_upsert(self, force_insert=False): """Function to insert(or update) the face to the database. Args: force_insert (bool): Force insert flag. Returns: str: Response. """ if == if force_insert: # self.already_exist = False self.table.update( { 'name':, 'image_names': self.image_names }, Query().id == else: # self.already_exist = True return "Already Exist" else: self.table.insert({ 'id':, 'name':, 'image_names': self.image_names }) # insert the given data return "" def refresh_image_names(self, use_db=False): """The top-level method to reload the image_names from given source flag. Args: use_db (bool): Refreshing source flag. False is for using directly by scanning dataset folder """ if use_db: face = ==[0] self.image_names = face["image_names"] else: self.image_names = [ f for f in listdir(self.dataset_folder) if isfile(join(self.dataset_folder, f)) ] def delete_images(self, image_names): """Method to deleting images via given image names. Args: image_names (list): The name list of the images those inside the dataset. """ for image_name in image_names: self.image_names.remove(image_name) os.remove(f'{self.dataset_folder}/{image_name}') self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def create_dataset_from_base_sf_photos(self, photos): """Method to creating image that will be dataset for recognizing person's face later from base64 encoded string photo data. Args: photos (list): The person's raw photo data list. Contains list of {"name": "photo_name", "base_sf": "Base64_encoded_data"}. Returns: str: dataset. """ for photo in photos: with open(f'{self.dataset_folder}/{photo["name"]}', "wb") as dataset_image: try: dataset_image.write(b64decode(photo["base_sf"])) except binascii.Error: raise Exception("no correct base64") self.refresh_image_names(use_db=True) self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def create_dataset_from_file_storage_object(self, photos): """Method to creating image that will be dataset for recognizing person's face later from FileStorage object that is coming from HTML input form element via Flask. Args: photos (list): The FileStorage object list. Returns: str: dataset. """ for photo in photos:'{self.dataset_folder}/{photo.filename}') self.refresh_image_names() self.__db_upsert(force_insert=True) def __check_folders(self): """The low-level method to checking the necessary folders created before. If not created creates them. """ if not os.path.exists(self.recognition_folder): os.mkdir(self.recognition_folder) if not os.path.exists(self.dataset_folder): os.mkdir(self.dataset_folder) def remove_self(self): """Method to remove face itself. """ rmtree(self.dataset_folder) os.remove(self.pickle_file) self.table.remove((Query().id ==