def __init__(self): Client.__init__(self) HumanClient.humanClients.append(self) self.table = None self.ruleset = None self.beginQuestion = None self.tableList = TableList(self) Connection(self).login().addCallbacks( self.__loggedIn, self.__loginFailed)
def __init__(self): aiClass = self.__findAI([intelligence, altint], Options.AI) if not aiClass: raise Exception('intelligence %s is undefined' % Options.AI) Client.__init__(self, intelligence=aiClass) HumanClient.humanClients.append(self) self.table = None self.ruleset = None self.beginQuestion = None self.tableList = TableList(self) Connection(self).login().addCallbacks(self.__loggedIn, self.__loginFailed)
def showTableList(self, dummy=None): """allocate it if needed""" if not self.tableList: self.tableList = TableList(self) self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) self.tableList.activateWindow()
class HumanClient(Client): """a human client""" # pylint: disable=R0904 humanClients = [] def __init__(self): aiClass = self.__findAI([intelligence, altint], Options.AI) if not aiClass: raise Exception('intelligence %s is undefined' % Options.AI) Client.__init__(self, intelligence=aiClass) HumanClient.humanClients.append(self) self.table = None self.ruleset = None self.beginQuestion = None self.tableList = TableList(self) Connection(self).login().addCallbacks(self.__loggedIn, self.__loginFailed) @staticmethod def shutdownHumanClients(exception=None): """close connections to servers except maybe one""" clients = HumanClient.humanClients def done(): """return True if clients is cleaned""" return len(clients) == 0 or (exception and clients == [exception]) def disconnectedClient(dummyResult, client): """now the client is really disconnected from the server""" if client in clients: # HumanClient.serverDisconnects also removes it! clients.remove(client) if isinstance(exception, Failure): logException(exception) for client in clients[:]: if client.tableList: client.tableList.hide() if done(): return succeed(None) deferreds = [] for client in clients[:]: if client != exception and client.connection: deferreds.append(client.logout().addCallback(disconnectedClient, client)) return DeferredList(deferreds) def __loggedIn(self, connection): """callback after the server answered our login request""" self.connection = connection self.ruleset = connection.ruleset = connection.username voiceId = None if Preferences.uploadVoice: voice = Voice.locate( if voice: voiceId = voice.md5sum if Debug.sound and voiceId: logDebug('%s sends own voice %s to server' % (, voiceId)) maxGameId = Query('select max(id) from game').records[0][0] maxGameId = int(maxGameId) if maxGameId else 0 self.callServer('setClientProperties', Internal.dbIdent, voiceId, maxGameId, Internal.version).addCallbacks(self.__initTableList, self.__versionError) def __initTableList(self, dummy): """first load of the list. Process options like --demo, --table, --join""" self.showTableList() if SingleshotOptions.table: Internal.autoPlay = False self.__requestNewTableFromServer(SingleshotOptions.table).addCallback( self.__showTables).addErrback(self.tableError) if Debug.table: logDebug('%s: --table lets us open an new table %d' % (, SingleshotOptions.table)) SingleshotOptions.table = False elif SingleshotOptions.join: Internal.autoPlay = False self.callServer('joinTable', SingleshotOptions.join).addCallback( self.__showTables).addErrback(self.tableError) if Debug.table: logDebug('%s: --join lets us join table %s' % (, self._tableById(SingleshotOptions.join))) SingleshotOptions.join = False elif not and (Internal.autoPlay or (not self.tables and self.hasLocalServer())): self.__requestNewTableFromServer().addCallback(self.__newLocalTable).addErrback(self.tableError) else: self.__showTables() @staticmethod def __loginFailed(dummy): """as the name says""" Internal.field.startingGame = False @staticmethod def __findAI(modules, aiName): """list of all alternative AIs defined in""" for modul in modules: for key, value in modul.__dict__.items(): if key == 'AI' + aiName: return value def isRobotClient(self): """avoid using isinstance, it would import too much for kajonggserver""" return False @staticmethod def isHumanClient(): """avoid using isinstance, it would import too much for kajonggserver""" return True def isServerClient(self): """avoid using isinstance, it would import too much for kajonggserver""" return False def hasLocalServer(self): """True if we are talking to a Local Game Server""" return self.connection and self.connection.useSocket def __updateTableList(self): """if it exists""" if self.tableList: self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) def __showTables(self, dummy=None): """load and show tables. We may be used as a callback. In that case, clientTables is the id of a new table - which we do not need here""" self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) def showTableList(self, dummy=None): """allocate it if needed""" if not self.tableList: self.tableList = TableList(self) self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) self.tableList.activateWindow() def remote_tableRemoved(self, tableid, message, *args): """update table list""" Client.remote_tableRemoved(self, tableid, message, *args) self.__updateTableList() if message: if not in args or not message.endswith('has logged out'): logWarning(m18n(message, *args)) def __receiveTables(self, tables): """now we already know all rulesets for those tables""" Client.remote_newTables(self, tables) if not Internal.autoPlay: if self.hasLocalServer(): # when playing a local game, only show pending tables with # previously selected ruleset self.tables = list(x for x in self.tables if x.ruleset == self.ruleset) if len(self.tables): self.__updateTableList() def remote_newTables(self, tables): """update table list""" assert len(tables) def gotRulesets(result): """the server sent us the wanted ruleset definitions""" for ruleset in result: Ruleset.cached(ruleset).save(copy=True) # make it known to the cache and save in db return tables rulesetHashes = set(x[1] for x in tables) needRulesets = list(x for x in rulesetHashes if not Ruleset.hashIsKnown(x)) if needRulesets: self.callServer('needRulesets', needRulesets).addCallback(gotRulesets).addCallback(self.__receiveTables) else: self.__receiveTables(tables) @staticmethod def remote_needRuleset(ruleset): """server only knows hash, needs full definition""" result = Ruleset.cached(ruleset) assert result and result.hash == ruleset return result.toList() def tableChanged(self, table): """update table list""" oldTable, newTable = Client.tableChanged(self, table) if oldTable and oldTable == self.table: # this happens if a table has more than one human player and # one of them leaves the table. In that case, the other players # need this code. self.table = newTable if len(newTable.playerNames) == 3: # only tell about the first player leaving, because the # others will then automatically leave too for name in oldTable.playerNames: if name != and not newTable.isOnline(name): def sorried(dummy): """user ack""" game = if game: = None return game.close() if self.beginQuestion: self.beginQuestion.cancel() Sorry(m18n('Player %1 has left the table', name)).addCallback( sorried).addCallback(self.showTableList) break self.__updateTableList() def remote_chat(self, data): """others chat to me""" chatLine = ChatMessage(data) if logDebug('got chatLine: %s' % chatLine) table = self._tableById(chatLine.tableid) if not chatLine.isStatusMessage and not table.chatWindow: ChatWindow(table) if table.chatWindow: table.chatWindow.receiveLine(chatLine) def readyForGameStart(self, tableid, gameid, wantedGame, playerNames, shouldSave=True): """playerNames are in wind order ESWN""" def answered(result): """callback, called after the client player said yes or no""" self.beginQuestion = None if self.connection and result: # still connected and yes, we are Client.readyForGameStart(self, tableid, gameid, wantedGame, playerNames, shouldSave) return Message.OK else: return Message.NoGameStart def cancelled(dummy): """the user does not want to start now. Back to table list""" if Debug.table: logDebug('%s: Readyforgamestart returns Message.NoGameStart for table %s' % (, self._tableById(tableid))) self.table = None self.beginQuestion = None if self.tableList: self.__updateTableList() return Message.NoGameStart if sum(not x[1].startswith('Robot ') for x in playerNames) == 1: # we play against 3 robots and we already told the server to start: no need to ask again return Client.readyForGameStart(self, tableid, gameid, wantedGame, playerNames, shouldSave) assert not self.table assert self.tables self.table = self._tableById(tableid) if not self.table: raise pb.Error('client.readyForGameStart: tableid %d unknown' % tableid) msg = m18n("The game on table <numid>%1</numid> can begin. Are you ready to play now?", tableid) self.beginQuestion = QuestionYesNo(msg, modal=False, answered).addErrback(cancelled) return self.beginQuestion def readyForHandStart(self, playerNames, rotateWinds): """playerNames are in wind order ESWN. Never called for first hand.""" def answered(dummy=None): """called after the client player said yes, I am ready""" if self.connection: return Client.readyForHandStart(self, playerNames, rotateWinds) if not self.connection: # disconnected meanwhile return if Internal.field: # update the balances in the status bar: Internal.field.updateGUI() assert not return Information(m18n("Ready for next hand?"), modal=False).addCallback(answered) def ask(self, move, answers): """server sends move. We ask the user. answers is a list with possible answers, the default answer being the first in the list.""" if not Internal.field: return Client.ask(self, move, answers) self._computeSayable(move, answers) deferred = Deferred() deferred.addCallback(self.__askAnswered) deferred.addErrback(self.__answerError, move, answers) iAmActive = == field = Internal.field oldDialog = field.clientDialog if oldDialog and not oldDialog.answered: raise Exception('old dialog %s:%s is unanswered, new Dialog: %s/%s' % ( str(oldDialog.move), str([ for x in oldDialog.buttons]), str(move), str(answers))) if not oldDialog or not oldDialog.isVisible(): # always build a new dialog because if we change its layout before # reshowing it, sometimes the old buttons are still visible in which # case the next dialog will appear at a lower position than it should field.clientDialog = ClientDialog(self, field.centralWidget()) assert field.clientDialog.client is self field.clientDialog.askHuman(move, answers, deferred) return deferred def __selectChow(self, chows): """which possible chow do we want to expose? Since we might return a Deferred to be sent to the server, which contains Message.Chow plus selected Chow, we should return the same tuple here""" if return Message.Chow, self.intelligence.selectChow(chows) if len(chows) == 1: return Message.Chow, chows[0] if Preferences.propose: propose = self.intelligence.selectChow(chows) else: propose = None deferred = Deferred() selDlg = SelectChow(chows, propose, deferred) assert selDlg.exec_() return deferred def __selectKong(self, kongs): """which possible kong do we want to declare?""" if return Message.Kong, self.intelligence.selectKong(kongs) if len(kongs) == 1: return Message.Kong, kongs[0] deferred = Deferred() selDlg = SelectKong(kongs, deferred) assert selDlg.exec_() return deferred def __askAnswered(self, answer): """the user answered our question concerning move""" if not return Message.NoClaim myself = if answer in [Message.Discard, Message.OriginalCall]: # do not remove tile from hand here, the server will tell all players # including us that it has been discarded. Only then we will remove it. myself.handBoard.setEnabled(False) return answer, myself.handBoard.focusTile.element args = self.sayable[answer] assert args if answer == Message.Chow: return self.__selectChow(args) if answer == Message.Kong: return self.__selectKong(args) if args is True or args == []: # this does not specify any tiles, the server does not need this. Robot players # also return None in this case. return answer else: return answer, args def __answerError(self, answer, move, answers): """an error happened while determining the answer to server""" logException('%s %s %s %s' % ( if else 'NOGAME', answer, move, answers)) def remote_abort(self, tableid, message, *args): """the server aborted this game""" if self.table and self.table.tableid == tableid: # translate Robot to Roboter: if args = logWarning(m18n(message, *args)) if if if Internal.field: Internal.field.close() def remote_gameOver(self, tableid, message, *args): """the game is over""" def yes(dummy): """now that the user clicked the 'game over' prompt away, clean up""" if if Options.csv: gameWinner = max(, key=lambda x: x.balance) writer = csv.writer(open(Options.csv,'a'), delimiter=';') if Debug.process:'MEM:%s' % resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss) row = [Options.AI, str(, ','.join(] for player in sorted(, key=lambda x: row.append('utf-8')) row.append(player.balance) row.append(player.wonCount) row.append(1 if player == gameWinner else 0) writer.writerow(row) del writer if and Internal.field: Internal.field.close() else: assert self.table and self.table.tableid == tableid if Internal.field: # update the balances in the status bar: Internal.field.updateGUI() logInfo(m18n(message, *args), showDialog=True).addCallback(yes) def remote_serverDisconnects(self, result=None): """we logged out or or lost connection to the server. Remove visual traces depending on that connection.""" if Debug.connections and result: logDebug('server %s disconnects: %s' % (self.connection.url, result)) self.connection = None game = = None # avoid races: messages might still arrive if self.tableList: self.tableList.hide() self.tableList = None if self in HumanClient.humanClients: HumanClient.humanClients.remove(self) if self.beginQuestion: self.beginQuestion.cancel() field = Internal.field if field and game and == game: game.close() # TODO: maybe issue a Sorry first? def serverDisconnected(self, dummyReference): """perspective calls us back""" if self.connection and (Debug.traffic or Debug.connections): logDebug('perspective notifies disconnect: %s' % self.connection.url) self.remote_serverDisconnects() @staticmethod def __versionError(err): """log the twisted error""" logWarning(err.getErrorMessage()) Internal.field.abortGame() return err @staticmethod def __wantedGame(): """find out which game we want to start on the table""" result = if not result or result == '0': result = str(int(random.random() * 10**9)) = None return result def tableError(self, err): """log the twisted error""" if not self.connection: # lost connection to server if self.tableList: self.tableList.hide() self.tableList = None else: logWarning(err.getErrorMessage()) def __newLocalTable(self, newId): """we just got newId from the server""" return self.callServer('startGame', newId).addErrback(self.tableError) def __requestNewTableFromServer(self, tableid=None, ruleset=None): """as the name says""" if ruleset is None: ruleset = self.ruleset return self.callServer('newTable', ruleset.hash, Options.playOpen, Internal.autoPlay, self.__wantedGame(), tableid).addErrback(self.tableError) def newTable(self): """TableList uses me as a slot""" if Options.ruleset: ruleset = Options.ruleset elif self.hasLocalServer(): ruleset = self.ruleset else: selectDialog = SelectRuleset(self.connection.url) if not selectDialog.exec_(): return ruleset = selectDialog.cbRuleset.current deferred = self.__requestNewTableFromServer(ruleset=ruleset) if self.hasLocalServer(): deferred.addCallback(self.__newLocalTable) self.tableList.requestedNewTable = True def joinTable(self, table=None): """join a table""" if not isinstance(table, ClientTable): table = self.tableList.selectedTable() self.callServer('joinTable', table.tableid).addErrback(self.tableError) def logout(self, dummyResult=None): """clean visual traces and logout from server""" def loggedout(result, connection): """TODO: do we need this?""" connection.connector.disconnect() return result if self.connection: conn = self.connection self.connection = None return self.callServer('logout').addCallback(loggedout, conn) else: return succeed(None) def callServer(self, *args): """if we are online, call server""" if self.connection: if args[0] is None: args = args[1:] try: if Debug.traffic: if'callServer(%s)' % repr(args)) else: logDebug('callServer(%s)' % repr(args)) def callServerError(result): """if serverDisconnected has been called meanwhile, just ignore msg about connection lost in a non-clean fashion""" if self.connection: return result return self.connection.perspective.callRemote(*args).addErrback(callServerError) except pb.DeadReferenceError: logWarning(m18n('The connection to the server %1 broke, please try again later.', self.connection.url)) self.remote_serverDisconnects() return succeed(None) else: return succeed(None) def sendChat(self, chatLine): """send chat message to server""" return self.callServer('chat', chatLine.asList())
class HumanClient(Client): """a human client""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods humanClients = [] def __init__(self): Client.__init__(self) HumanClient.humanClients.append(self) self.table = None self.ruleset = None self.beginQuestion = None self.tableList = TableList(self) Connection(self).login().addCallbacks( self.__loggedIn, self.__loginFailed) @staticmethod def shutdownHumanClients(exception=None): """close connections to servers except maybe one""" clients = HumanClient.humanClients def done(): """return True if clients is cleaned""" return len(clients) == 0 or (exception and clients == [exception]) def disconnectedClient(dummyResult, client): """now the client is really disconnected from the server""" if client in clients: # HumanClient.serverDisconnects also removes it! clients.remove(client) if isinstance(exception, Failure): logException(exception) for client in clients[:]: if client.tableList: client.tableList.hide() if done(): return succeed(None) deferreds = [] for client in clients[:]: if client != exception and client.connection: deferreds.append( client.logout( ).addCallback( disconnectedClient, client)) return DeferredList(deferreds) def __loggedIn(self, connection): """callback after the server answered our login request""" self.connection = connection self.ruleset = connection.ruleset = connection.username voiceId = None if Internal.Preferences.uploadVoice: voice = Voice.locate( if voice: voiceId = voice.md5sum if Debug.sound and voiceId: logDebug( u'%s sends own voice %s to server' % (, voiceId)) maxGameId = Query('select max(id) from game').records[0][0] maxGameId = int(maxGameId) if maxGameId else 0 self.callServer('setClientProperties', Internal.db.identifier, voiceId, maxGameId, Internal.defaultPort).addCallbacks(self.__initTableList, self.__versionError) def __initTableList(self, dummy): """first load of the list. Process options like --demo, --table, --join""" self.showTableList() if SingleshotOptions.table: Internal.autoPlay = False self.__requestNewTableFromServer(SingleshotOptions.table).addCallback( self.__showTables).addErrback(self.tableError) if Debug.table: logDebug( u'%s: --table lets us open an new table %d' % (, SingleshotOptions.table)) SingleshotOptions.table = False elif SingleshotOptions.join: Internal.autoPlay = False self.callServer('joinTable', SingleshotOptions.join).addCallback( self.__showTables).addErrback(self.tableError) if Debug.table: logDebug( u'%s: --join lets us join table %s' % (, self._tableById(SingleshotOptions.join))) SingleshotOptions.join = False elif not and (Internal.autoPlay or (not self.tables and self.hasLocalServer())): self.__requestNewTableFromServer().addCallback( self.__newLocalTable).addErrback(self.tableError) else: self.__showTables() @staticmethod def __loginFailed(dummy): """as the name says""" if Internal.scene: Internal.scene.startingGame = False def isRobotClient(self): """avoid using isinstance, it would import too much for kajonggserver""" return False @staticmethod def isHumanClient(): """avoid using isinstance, it would import too much for kajonggserver""" return True def isServerClient(self): """avoid using isinstance, it would import too much for kajonggserver""" return False def hasLocalServer(self): """True if we are talking to a Local Game Server""" return self.connection and self.connection.url.isLocalHost def __updateTableList(self): """if it exists""" if self.tableList: self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) def __showTables(self, dummy=None): """load and show tables. We may be used as a callback. In that case, clientTables is the id of a new table - which we do not need here""" self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) def showTableList(self, dummy=None): """allocate it if needed""" if not self.tableList: self.tableList = TableList(self) self.tableList.loadTables(self.tables) self.tableList.activateWindow() def remote_tableRemoved(self, tableid, message, *args): """update table list""" Client.remote_tableRemoved(self, tableid, message, *args) self.__updateTableList() if message: if not in args or not message.endswith('has logged out'): logWarning(m18n(message, *args)) def __receiveTables(self, tables): """now we already know all rulesets for those tables""" Client.remote_newTables(self, tables) if not Internal.autoPlay: if self.hasLocalServer(): # when playing a local game, only show pending tables with # previously selected ruleset self.tables = list( x for x in self.tables if x.ruleset == self.ruleset) if len(self.tables): self.__updateTableList() def remote_newTables(self, tables): """update table list""" assert len(tables) def gotRulesets(result): """the server sent us the wanted ruleset definitions""" for ruleset in result: Ruleset.cached(ruleset).save() # make it known to the cache and save in db return tables rulesetHashes = set(x[1] for x in tables) needRulesets = list( x for x in rulesetHashes if not Ruleset.hashIsKnown(x)) if needRulesets: self.callServer( 'needRulesets', needRulesets).addCallback( gotRulesets).addCallback( self.__receiveTables) else: self.__receiveTables(tables) @staticmethod def remote_needRuleset(ruleset): """server only knows hash, needs full definition""" result = Ruleset.cached(ruleset) assert result and result.hash == ruleset return result.toList() def tableChanged(self, table): """update table list""" oldTable, newTable = Client.tableChanged(self, table) if oldTable and oldTable == self.table: # this happens if a table has more than one human player and # one of them leaves the table. In that case, the other players # need this code. self.table = newTable if len(newTable.playerNames) == 3: # only tell about the first player leaving, because the # others will then automatically leave too for name in oldTable.playerNames: if name != and not newTable.isOnline(name): def sorried(dummy): """user ack""" game = if game: = None return game.close() if self.beginQuestion: self.beginQuestion.cancel() Sorry(m18n('Player %1 has left the table', name)).addCallback( sorried).addCallback(self.showTableList) break self.__updateTableList() def remote_chat(self, data): """others chat to me""" chatLine = ChatMessage(data) if logDebug(u'got chatLine: %s' % chatLine) table = self._tableById(chatLine.tableid) if not chatLine.isStatusMessage and not table.chatWindow: ChatWindow(table) if table.chatWindow: table.chatWindow.receiveLine(chatLine) def readyForGameStart( self, tableid, gameid, wantedGame, playerNames, shouldSave=True, gameClass=None): """playerNames are in wind order ESWN""" if gameClass is None: if Options.gui: gameClass = VisiblePlayingGame else: gameClass = PlayingGame def clientReady(): """macro""" return Client.readyForGameStart( self, tableid, gameid, wantedGame, playerNames, shouldSave, gameClass) def answered(result): """callback, called after the client player said yes or no""" self.beginQuestion = None if self.connection and result: # still connected and yes, we are return clientReady() else: return Message.NoGameStart def cancelled(dummy): """the user does not want to start now. Back to table list""" if Debug.table: logDebug(u'%s: Readyforgamestart returns Message.NoGameStart for table %s' % (, self._tableById(tableid))) self.table = None self.beginQuestion = None if self.tableList: self.__updateTableList() return Message.NoGameStart if sum(not x[1].startswith(u'Robot ') for x in playerNames) == 1: # we play against 3 robots and we already told the server to start: # no need to ask again return clientReady() assert not self.table assert self.tables self.table = self._tableById(tableid) if not self.table: raise pb.Error( 'client.readyForGameStart: tableid %d unknown' % tableid) msg = m18n( "The game on table <numid>%1</numid> can begin. Are you ready to play now?", tableid) self.beginQuestion = QuestionYesNo(msg, modal=False, answered).addErrback(cancelled) return self.beginQuestion def readyForHandStart(self, playerNames, rotateWinds): """playerNames are in wind order ESWN. Never called for first hand.""" def answered(dummy=None): """called after the client player said yes, I am ready""" if self.connection: return Client.readyForHandStart(self, playerNames, rotateWinds) if not self.connection: # disconnected meanwhile return if Options.gui: # update the balances in the status bar: Internal.mainWindow.updateGUI() assert not return Information(m18n("Ready for next hand?"), modal=usingKDE).addCallback(answered) def ask(self, move, answers): """server sends move. We ask the user. answers is a list with possible answers, the default answer being the first in the list.""" if not Options.gui: return Client.ask(self, move, answers), answers) deferred = Deferred() deferred.addCallback(self.__askAnswered) deferred.addErrback(self.__answerError, move, answers) iAmActive = == scene = Internal.scene oldDialog = scene.clientDialog if oldDialog and not oldDialog.answered: raise Exception('old dialog %s:%s is unanswered, new Dialog: %s/%s' % ( str(oldDialog.move), str([ for x in oldDialog.buttons]), str(move), str(answers))) if not oldDialog or not oldDialog.isVisible(): # always build a new dialog because if we change its layout before # reshowing it, sometimes the old buttons are still visible in which # case the next dialog will appear at a lower position than it # should scene.clientDialog = ClientDialog( self, scene.mainWindow.centralWidget()) assert scene.clientDialog.client is self scene.clientDialog.askHuman(move, answers, deferred) return deferred def __selectChow(self, chows): """which possible chow do we want to expose? Since we might return a Deferred to be sent to the server, which contains Message.Chow plus selected Chow, we should return the same tuple here""" intelligence = if return Message.Chow, intelligence.selectChow(chows) if len(chows) == 1: return Message.Chow, chows[0] if Internal.Preferences.propose: propose = intelligence.selectChow(chows) else: propose = None deferred = Deferred() selDlg = SelectChow(chows, propose, deferred) assert selDlg.exec_() return deferred def __selectKong(self, kongs): """which possible kong do we want to declare?""" if return Message.Kong, if len(kongs) == 1: return Message.Kong, kongs[0] deferred = Deferred() selDlg = SelectKong(kongs, deferred) assert selDlg.exec_() return deferred def __askAnswered(self, answer): """the user answered our question concerning move""" if not return Message.NoClaim myself = if answer in [Message.Discard, Message.OriginalCall]: # do not remove tile from hand here, the server will tell all players # including us that it has been discarded. Only then we will remove # it. myself.handBoard.setEnabled(False) return answer, myself.handBoard.focusTile.tile args =[answer] assert args if answer == Message.Chow: return self.__selectChow(args) if answer == Message.Kong: return self.__selectKong(args) if args is True or args == []: # this does not specify any tiles, the server does not need this. Robot players # also return None in this case. return answer else: return answer, args def __answerError(self, answer, move, answers): """an error happened while determining the answer to server""" logException( '%s %s %s %s' % ( if else 'NOGAME', answer, move, answers)) def remote_abort(self, tableid, message, *args): """the server aborted this game""" message = nativeString(message) args = nativeStringArgs(args) if self.table and self.table.tableid == tableid: # translate Robot to Roboter: if args = logWarning(m18n(message, *args)) if def remote_gameOver(self, tableid, message, *args): """the game is over""" def yes(dummy): """now that the user clicked the 'game over' prompt away, clean up""" if assert self.table and self.table.tableid == tableid if Internal.scene: # update the balances in the status bar: Internal.scene.mainWindow.updateGUI() Information(m18n(message, *args)).addCallback(yes) def remote_serverDisconnects(self, result=None): """we logged out or or lost connection to the server. Remove visual traces depending on that connection.""" if Debug.connections and result: logDebug( u'server %s disconnects: %s' % (self.connection.url, result)) self.connection = None game = = None # avoid races: messages might still arrive if self.tableList: self.tableList.hide() self.tableList = None if self in HumanClient.humanClients: HumanClient.humanClients.remove(self) if self.beginQuestion: self.beginQuestion.cancel() scene = Internal.scene if scene and game and == game: = None def serverDisconnected(self, dummyReference): """perspective calls us back""" if self.connection and (Debug.traffic or Debug.connections): logDebug( u'perspective notifies disconnect: %s' % self.connection.url) self.remote_serverDisconnects() @staticmethod def __versionError(err): """log the twisted error""" logWarning(err.getErrorMessage()) if = None return err @staticmethod def __wantedGame(): """find out which game we want to start on the table""" result = if not result or result == '0': result = str(int(random.random() * 10 ** 9)) = None return result def tableError(self, err): """log the twisted error""" if not self.connection: # lost connection to server if self.tableList: self.tableList.hide() self.tableList = None else: logWarning(err.getErrorMessage()) def __newLocalTable(self, newId): """we just got newId from the server""" return self.callServer('startGame', newId).addErrback(self.tableError) def __requestNewTableFromServer(self, tableid=None, ruleset=None): """as the name says""" if ruleset is None: ruleset = self.ruleset self.connection.ruleset = ruleset # side effect: saves ruleset as last used for server return self.callServer('newTable', ruleset.hash, Options.playOpen, Internal.autoPlay, self.__wantedGame(), tableid).addErrback(self.tableError) def newTable(self): """TableList uses me as a slot""" if Options.ruleset: ruleset = Options.ruleset elif self.hasLocalServer(): ruleset = self.ruleset else: selectDialog = SelectRuleset(self.connection.url) if not selectDialog.exec_(): return ruleset = selectDialog.cbRuleset.current deferred = self.__requestNewTableFromServer(ruleset=ruleset) if self.hasLocalServer(): deferred.addCallback(self.__newLocalTable) self.tableList.requestedNewTable = True def joinTable(self, table=None): """join a table""" if not isinstance(table, ClientTable): table = self.tableList.selectedTable() self.callServer('joinTable', table.tableid).addErrback(self.tableError) def logout(self, dummyResult=None): """clean visual traces and logout from server""" def loggedout(result, connection): """end the connection from client side""" connection.connector.disconnect() return result if self.connection: conn = self.connection self.connection = None return self.callServer('logout').addCallback(loggedout, conn) else: return succeed(None) def __logCallServer(self, *args): """for Debug.traffic""" debugArgs = list(args[:]) if Debug.neutral: if debugArgs[0] == 'ping': return if debugArgs[0] == 'setClientProperties': debugArgs[1] = 'DBID' debugArgs[3] = 'GAMEID' if debugArgs[4] >= 8300: debugArgs[4] -= 300 if'callServer(%s)' % repr(debugArgs)) else: logDebug(u'callServer(%s)' % repr(debugArgs)) def callServer(self, *args): """if we are online, call server""" if self.connection: if args[0] is None: args = args[1:] try: if Debug.traffic: self.__logCallServer(*args) def callServerError(result): """if serverDisconnected has been called meanwhile, just ignore msg about connection lost in a non-clean fashion""" if self.connection: return result return self.connection.perspective.callRemote(*args).addErrback(callServerError) except pb.DeadReferenceError: logWarning( m18n( 'The connection to the server %1 broke, please try again later.', self.connection.url)) self.remote_serverDisconnects() return succeed(None) else: return succeed(None) def sendChat(self, chatLine): """send chat message to server""" return self.callServer('chat', chatLine.asList())