def show_report(the_id, csv=False, showall=False): dbc.execute("SELECT * FROM runs where id = ?", (the_id, )) run_rows = dbc.fetchall() print(tabulate.tabulate(run_rows)) dbc.execute("SELECT * FROM timings WHERE run_id = {} " "ORDER BY batch, count, numrecs".format(the_id)) rows = dbc.fetchall() headers = ['id', 'batch', 'backend', 'numrecs', 'count', 'total_time', 'avg_time', 'mem_inc', 'load_inc', 'disk_inc', 'image', 'runid'] if csv: fmt = tabulate.simple_separated_format(",") else: fmt = 'simple' if not showall: print(tabulate.tabulate(rows, headers=headers, tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt='.3g')) return for row in rows: print("\n\n") print(tabulate.tabulate([row], headers=headers, tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt='.3g')) id = row[0] dbc.execute("SELECT * FROM recs WHERE timings_id = ?", (id,)) print("\n") print(tabulate.tabulate(dbc.fetchall(), headers=['cmd', 'dur', 'id'], floatfmt='.3g'))
def test_simple_separated_format(): "Regression: simple_separated_format() accepts any separator (issue #12)" from tabulate import simple_separated_format fmt = simple_separated_format("!") expected = 'spam!eggs' formatted = tabulate([["spam", "eggs"]], tablefmt=fmt) print("expected: %r\n\ngot: %r\n" % (expected, formatted)) assert_equal(expected, formatted)
def pretty_print(self): """ Give the string representation of the grid for HUMAN. Using ratio symbol as column separator. """ separator = simple_separated_format(NlgSymbols.ratio) s = tabulate(self, tablefmt=separator) return s + '\n'
def test_simple_separated_format_with_headers(): "Regression: simple_separated_format() on tables with headers (issue #15)" from tabulate import simple_separated_format expected = ' a| b\n 1| 2' formatted = tabulate([[1, 2]], headers=["a", "b"], tablefmt=simple_separated_format("|")) assert_equal(expected, formatted)
def test_unaligned_separated(): "Output: non-aligned data columns" expected = '\n'.join(['name|score', 'Alice|1', 'Bob|333']) fmt = simple_separated_format("|") result = tabulate([['Alice', 1], ['Bob', 333]], ["name", "score"], tablefmt=fmt, stralign=None, numalign=None) assert_equal(expected, result)
def test_unaligned_separated(): "Output: non-aligned data columns" expected = '\n'.join(['name|score', 'Alice|1', 'Bob|333']) fmt = simple_separated_format("|") result = tabulate([['Alice', 1],['Bob', 333]], ["name", "score"], tablefmt=fmt, stralign=None, numalign=None) assert_equal(expected, result)
def test_unaligned_separated(): "Output: non-aligned data columns" expected = "\n".join(["name|score", "Alice|1", "Bob|333"]) fmt = simple_separated_format("|") result = tabulate( [["Alice", 1], ["Bob", 333]], ["name", "score"], tablefmt=fmt, stralign=None, numalign=None, ) assert_equal(expected, result)
def details_price_textual(self) -> str: sd = self.details_price() si_volume = si_format(sd.volume, precision=2) si_cap = si_format(round_currency_scalar(sd.market_capitalization), precision=2) si_volume_f = float(si_volume[:-1]) si_cap_f = float(si_cap[:-1]) data = [{ conf.LOCAL['currency']: round_currency_scalar(sd.price), '24h H': round_currency_scalar(sd.price_24h_high), '24h L': round_currency_scalar(sd.price_24h_low), '52w H': round_currency_scalar(sd.price_52w_high), '52w L': round_currency_scalar(sd.price_52w_low), '% 1h': round_percent(sd.percent_change_1h), '% 24h': round_percent(sd.percent_change_24h), '% 7d': round_percent(sd.percent_change_7d), '% 30d': round_percent(sd.percent_change_30d), '% 52w': round_percent(sd.percent_change_52w), '% YTD': round_percent(sd.percent_change_ytd), 'Vol': si_volume_f, 'Cap': si_cap_f, # 'Recom': sd.recommendation }] # Creates pandas DataFrame by passing # Lists of dictionaries and row index. df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[self.symbol]) df_T = df.T table_fmt = simple_separated_format(': ') text = tabulate(df_T, tablefmt=table_fmt, colalign=('right', 'decimal')) text = text.replace(str(si_volume_f), si_volume) text = text.replace(str(si_cap_f), si_cap) text = ''.join((f' {self.symbol}\n', f'{text}\n', f'Recom: {sd.recommendation}')) return text
def test_simple_separated_format_with_headers(): "Regression: simple_separated_format() on tables with headers (issue #15)" from tabulate import simple_separated_format expected = ' a| b\n 1| 2' formatted = tabulate([[1,2]], headers=["a", "b"], tablefmt=simple_separated_format("|")) assert_equal(expected, formatted)
def _printiso(tsd, date_format=None, sep=',', float_format='%g', showindex="never", headers="keys", tablefmt="csv"): """Separate so can use in tests.""" sys.tracebacklimit = 1000 if isinstance(tsd, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): if isinstance(tsd, pd.Series): tsd = pd.DataFrame(tsd) if len(tsd.columns) == 0: tsd = pd.DataFrame(index=tsd.index) # Not perfectly true, but likely will use showindex for indices # that are not time stamps. if showindex is True: if not = 'UniqueID' else: if not = 'Datetime' print_index = True if tsd.index.is_all_dates is True: if is None: = 'Datetime' # Someone made the decision about the name # This is how I include time zone info by tacking on to the # elif 'datetime' not in = 'Datetime' else: # This might be overkill, but tstoolbox is for time-series. # Revisit if necessary. print_index = False if == 'UniqueID': print_index = False if showindex in ['always', 'default']: print_index = True elif isinstance(tsd, (int, float, tuple, tablefmt = None if tablefmt in ["csv", "tsv", "csv_nos", "tsv_nos"]: sep = { "csv": ",", "tsv": "\\t", "csv_nos": ",", "tsv_nos": "\\t" }[tablefmt] if isinstance(tsd, pd.DataFrame): try: tsd.to_csv(sys.stdout, float_format=float_format, date_format=date_format, sep=sep, index=print_index) return except IOError: return else: fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if fmt is None: print(str(list(tsd))[1:-1]) elif tablefmt in ['csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: print( tb(tsd, tablefmt=fmt, showindex=showindex, headers=headers).replace(' ', '')) else: print(tb(tsd, tablefmt=fmt, showindex=showindex, headers=headers))
def process(uci, hbn, pwbe, year, ofilename, modulus, tablefmt, float_format=".2f"): from hspfbintoolbox.hspfbintoolbox import extract if ofilename: sys.stdout = open(ofilename, "w") try: year = int(year) except TypeError: pass lcnames = dict(zip(range(modulus + 1, 1), zip(range(modulus + 1, 1)))) inverse_lcnames = dict( zip(range(modulus + 1, 1), zip(range(modulus + 1, 1)))) inverse_lc = {} lnds = {} if uci is not None: with open(uci) as fp: content = fp.readlines() if not os.path.exists(hbn): raise ValueError(f""" * * File {hbn} does not exist. * """) content = [i[:80] for i in content] content = [i.rstrip() for i in content] schematic_start = content.index("SCHEMATIC") schematic_end = content.index("END SCHEMATIC") schematic = content[schematic_start:schematic_end + 1] perlnd_start = content.index("PERLND") perlnd_end = content.index("END PERLND") perlnd = content[perlnd_start:perlnd_end + 1] pgeninfo_start = perlnd.index(" GEN-INFO") pgeninfo_end = perlnd.index(" END GEN-INFO") pgeninfo = perlnd[pgeninfo_start:pgeninfo_end + 1] masslink_start = content.index("MASS-LINK") masslink_end = content.index("END MASS-LINK") masslink = content[masslink_start:masslink_end + 1] lcnames = {} inverse_lcnames = {} inverse_lc = {} for line in pgeninfo[1:-1]: if "***" in line: continue if "" == line.strip(): continue try: _ = int(line[5:10]) continue except ValueError: pass lcnames.setdefault(line[10:30].strip(), []).append(int(line[:5])) inverse_lcnames[int(line[:5])] = line[10:30].strip() inverse_lc[int(line[:5]) % modulus] = line[10:30].strip() masslink = [i for i in masslink if "***" not in i] masslink = [i for i in masslink if len(i.strip()) > 0] masslink = " ".join(masslink) mlgroups = re.findall( r" MASS-LINK +?([0-9]+).*?LND [PI]WATER [PS][EU]RO.*? END MASS-LINK +?\1 ", masslink, ) for line in schematic[3:-1]: if "***" in line: continue if "" == line: continue words = line.split() if words[0] in ["PERLND", "IMPLND"] and words[5] in mlgroups: lnds[(words[0], int(words[1]))] = lnds.setdefault( (words[0], int(words[1])), 0.0) + float(words[2]) try: pdf = extract(hbn, "yearly", ",,,") except ValueError: raise ValueError( tsutils.error_wrapper(f""" The binary file "{hbn}" does not have consistent ending months between PERLND and IMPLND. This could be caused by the BYREND (Binary YeaR END) being set differently in the PERLND:BINARY-INFO and IMPLND:BINARY-INFO, or you could have the PRINT-INFO bug. To work around the PRINT-INFO bug, add a PERLND PRINT-INFO block, setting the PYREND here will actually work in the BINARY-INFO block. """)) if year is not None: pdf = pd.DataFrame(pdf.loc[f"{year}-01-01", :]).T pdf = pdf[[i for i in pdf.columns if "PERLND" in i or "IMPLND" in i]] mindex = [i.split("_") for i in pdf.columns] mindex = [(i[0], int(i[1]), i[2], int(i[1]) % modulus) for i in mindex] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mindex, names=["op", "number", "wbt", "lc"]) pdf.columns = mindex pdf = pdf.sort_index(axis="columns") mindex = pdf.columns aindex = [(i[0], i[1]) for i in pdf.columns] mindex = [( i[0], int(i[1]), i[2], int(i[1]) % modulus, float(lnds.setdefault(j, 0.0)), str(inverse_lcnames.setdefault(int(i[1]), "")), ) for i, j in zip(mindex, aindex)] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( mindex, names=["op", "number", "wbt", "lc", "area", "lcname"]) pdf.columns = mindex nsum = {} areas = {} namelist = {} setl = [i[1] for i in pwbe] setl = [item for sublist in setl for item in sublist] for lue in ["PERLND", "IMPLND"]: for wbterm in [i[0] for i in setl if i[0]]: for lc in list(range(1, modulus + 1)): try: subset = pdf.loc[:, (lue, slice(None), wbterm, lc, slice(None), slice(None))] except KeyError: continue _give_negative_warning(subset) if uci is None: if subset.empty is True: nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = 0.0 if (lue, lc) not in namelist: namelist[(lue, lc)] = "" else: nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = subset.mean(axis="columns").mean() namelist[(lue, lc)] = inverse_lc.setdefault(lc, lc) else: sareas = subset.columns.get_level_values("area") ssareas = sum(sareas) if (lue, lc) not in areas: areas[(lue, lc)] = ssareas if subset.empty is True or ssareas == 0: nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = 0.0 if (lue, lc) not in namelist: namelist[(lue, lc)] = "" else: fa = sareas / areas[(lue, lc)] nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = ((subset * fa).sum(axis="columns").mean()) namelist[(lue, lc)] = inverse_lc.setdefault(lc, lc) newnamelist = [] for key, value in sorted(namelist.items()): if key[0] != "PERLND": continue if key[1] == value: newnamelist.append(f"{key[1]}") else: newnamelist.append(f"{key[1]}-{value}") printlist = [] printlist.append([" "] + newnamelist + ["ALL"]) mapipratio = {} mapipratio["PERLND"] = 1.0 mapipratio["IMPLND"] = 1.0 if uci is not None: pareas = [] pnl = [] iareas = [] for nloper, nllc in namelist: if nloper == "PERLND": pnl.append((nloper, nllc)) pareas.append(areas[("PERLND", nllc)]) # If there is a PERLND there must be a IMPLND. for ploper, pllc in pnl: try: iareas.append(areas[("IMPLND", pllc)]) except KeyError: iareas.append(0.0) ipratio = np.array(iareas) / (np.array(pareas) + np.array(iareas)) ipratio = np.nan_to_num(ipratio) ipratio = np.pad(ipratio, (0, len(pareas) - len(iareas)), "constant") sumareas = sum(pareas) + sum(iareas) percent_areas = {} percent_areas["PERLND"] = np.array(pareas) / sumareas * 100 percent_areas["IMPLND"] = np.array(iareas) / sumareas * 100 percent_areas[ "COMBINED"] = percent_areas["PERLND"] + percent_areas["IMPLND"] printlist.append(["PERVIOUS"]) printlist.append(["AREA(acres)"] + [str(i) if i > 0 else "" for i in pareas] + [str(sum(pareas))]) printlist.append( ["AREA(%)"] + [str(i) if i > 0 else "" for i in percent_areas["PERLND"]] + [str(sum(percent_areas["PERLND"]))]) printlist.append([]) printlist.append(["IMPERVIOUS"]) printlist.append(["AREA(acres)"] + [str(i) if i > 0 else "" for i in iareas] + [str(sum(iareas))]) printlist.append( ["AREA(%)"] + [str(i) if i > 0 else "" for i in percent_areas["IMPLND"]] + [str(sum(percent_areas["IMPLND"]))]) printlist.append([]) mapipratio["PERLND"] = 1.0 - ipratio mapipratio["IMPLND"] = ipratio mapr = {} mapr["PERLND"] = 1.0 mapr["IMPLND"] = 1.0 for term, op in pwbe: if not term: printlist.append([]) continue test = [i[1] for i in op] if "IMPLND" in test and "PERLND" in test: maprat = mapipratio sumop = "COMBINED" else: maprat = mapr sumop = test[0] te = [0.0] for sterm, operation in op: try: tmp = np.array([ nsum[(*i, sterm)] for i in sorted(namelist) if i[0] == operation ]) if uci is not None: tmp = (np.pad(tmp, (0, len(pareas) - len(tmp)), "constant") * maprat[operation]) te = te + tmp except KeyError: pass if uci is None: te = ([term] + [str(i) if i > 0 else "" for i in te] + [str(sum(te) / len(te))]) else: nte = np.pad(te, (0, len(iareas) - len(te)), "constant") te = ([term] + [str(i) if i > 0 else "" for i in nte] + [str(sum(nte * percent_areas[sumop]) / 100)]) printlist.append(te) if tablefmt in ["csv", "tsv", "csv_nos", "tsv_nos"]: sep = { "csv": ",", "tsv": "\\t", "csv_nos": ",", "tsv_nos": "\\t" }[tablefmt] fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if tablefmt in ["csv_nos", "tsv_nos"]: print( re.sub(" *, *", ",", tabulate(printlist, tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=float_format))) else: print(tabulate(printlist, tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=float_format))
def parameters( uci, index_prefix="", index_delimiter="", modulus=20, tablefmt="csv_nos", float_format="g", ): """Develops a table of parameter values. Parameters ---------- ${uci} ${index_prefix} ${index_delimiter} ${modulus} ${tablefmt} ${float_format} """ blocklist = ["PWAT-PARM2", "PWAT-PARM3", "PWAT-PARM4"] # , 'PWAT-STATE1'] params = {} params["PWAT-PARM2"] = [ "FOREST", "LZSN", "INFILT", "LSUR", "SLSUR", "KVARY", "AGWRC", ] params["PWAT-PARM3"] = [ "PETMAX", "PETMIN", "INFEXP", "INFILD", "DEEPFR", "BASETP", "AGWETP", ] params["PWAT-PARM4"] = ["CEPSC", "UZSN", "NSUR", "INTFW", "IRC", "LZETP"] # params['PWAT-STATE1'] = ['CEPS', 'SURS', 'UZS', 'IFWS', 'LZS', 'AGWS', 'GWVS'] defaults = {} defaults["FOREST"] = 0.0 defaults["KVARY"] = 0.0 defaults["PETMAX"] = 40.0 defaults["PETMIN"] = 35.0 defaults["INFEXP"] = 2.0 defaults["INFILD"] = 2.0 defaults["DEEPFR"] = 0.0 defaults["BASETP"] = 0.0 defaults["AGWETP"] = 0.0 defaults["CEPSC"] = 0.0 defaults["NSUR"] = 0.1 defaults["LZETP"] = 0.0 # defaults['CEPS'] = 0.0 # defaults['SURS'] = 0.0 # defaults['UZS'] = 0.001 # defaults['IFWS'] = 0.0 # defaults['LZS'] = 0.001 # defaults['AGWS'] = 0.0 # defaults['GWVS'] = 0.0 with open(uci) as fp: content = fp.readlines() content = [i[:81].rstrip() for i in content if "***" not in i] content = [i.rstrip() for i in content if i] files_start = content.index("FILES") files_end = content.index("END FILES") files = content[files_start + 1:files_end] supfname = "" for line in files: words = line.split() if words[0] == "PESTSU": supfname = words[2] if supfname: ucipath = os.path.dirname(uci) with open(os.path.join(ucipath, supfname)) as sfp: supfname = sfp.readlines() supfname = [i.strip() for i in supfname if "***" not in i] supfname = [i.strip() for i in supfname if i] supfname = { key.split()[0]: [float(i) for i in value.split()] for key, value in zip(supfname[:-1:2], supfname[1::2]) } rngdata = [] order = [] for blk in blocklist: start = content.index(f" {blk}") end = content.index(f" END {blk}") block_lines = content[start + 1:end] order.extend(params[blk]) for line in block_lines: rngstrt = int(line[:5]) try: rngend = int(line[5:10]) + 1 except ValueError: rngend = rngstrt + 1 tilde = re.match("~([0-9][0-9]*)~", line[10:]) if tilde: tilde = tilde[0][1:-1] for rng in list(range(rngstrt, rngend)): for index, par in enumerate(params[blk]): if tilde: rngdata.append([ index_prefix + index_delimiter + str(rng), par, supfname[tilde][index], ]) else: start = (index + 1) * 10 rngdata.append([ index_prefix + index_delimiter + str(rng), par, float(line[start:start + 10]), ]) df = pd.DataFrame(rngdata) df.columns = ["lue", "term", "val"] df = df.pivot(index="lue", columns="term") df.columns = [i[1] for i in df.columns] df = df.loc[:, order] if index_prefix: spliton = index_prefix[-1] if index_delimiter: spliton = index_delimiter if index_prefix or index_delimiter: df = df.reindex(index=df.index.to_series().str.rsplit( spliton).str[-1].astype(int).sort_values().index) else: df.index = df.index.astype(int) df = df.sort_index() if tablefmt in ["csv", "tsv", "csv_nos", "tsv_nos"]: sep = { "csv": ",", "tsv": "\t", "csv_nos": ",", "tsv_nos": "\t" }[tablefmt] fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if tablefmt == "csv_nos": print( re.sub( " *, *", ",", tabulate(df, headers="keys", tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=float_format), )) elif tablefmt == "tsv_nos": print( re.sub( " *\t *", "\t", tabulate(df, headers="keys", tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=float_format), )) else: print(tabulate(df, headers="keys", tablefmt=fmt, floatfmt=float_format))
def mapping(hbn, year=None, ofilename='', tablefmt='csv_nos', index_prefix=''): """Develops a csv file appropriate for joining to a GIS layer. Parameters ---------- hbn : str This is the binary output file containing PERLND and IMPLND information. This should be the binary output file created by the `uci` file. year [optional, defaults to None] If None the water balance would cover the period of simulation. Otherwise the year for the water balance. ofilename [optional, defaults to ''] If empty string '', then prints to stdout, else prints to `ofilename`. tablefmt : str [optional, default is 'cvs_nos'] The table format. Can be one of 'csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos', 'plain', 'simple', 'github', 'grid', 'fancy_grid', 'pipe', 'orgtbl', 'jira', 'presto', 'psql', 'rst', 'mediawiki', 'moinmoin', 'youtrack', 'html', 'latex', 'latex_raw', 'latex_booktabs' and 'textile'. index_prefix : str [optional, default is ''] This is the string to prefix the land use element number. """ from hspfbintoolbox.hspfbintoolbox import extract if ofilename: sys.stdout = open(ofilename, 'w') try: pdf = extract(hbn, 'yearly', ',,,') except ValueError: raise ValueError(""" * * The binary file does not have consistent ending months between PERLND and * IMPLND. This could be caused by the BYREND (Binary YeaR END) being set * differently in the PERLND:BINARY-INFO and IMPLND:BINARY-INFO, or you could * have the PRINT-INFO bug. To work around the PRINT-INFO bug, add a PERLND * PRINT-INFO block, setting the PYREND here will actually work in the * BINARY-INFO block. * """) if year is not None: pdf = pd.DataFrame(pdf.ix['{0}-01-01'.format(year), :]).T pdf = pdf[[i for i in pdf.columns if 'PERLND' in i or 'IMPLND' in i]] mindex = [i.split('_') for i in pdf.columns] mindex = [(i[0][0], int(i[1]), i[2]) for i in mindex] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mindex, names=['op', 'number', 'wbt']) pdf.columns = mindex if < 0): warnings.warn(f'There is a negative value.') pdf = pdf.mean(axis='index').to_frame() mindex = [('_'.join([i[0], i[2]]), i[1]) for i in pdf.index] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mindex, names=['wbt', 'number']) pdf.index = mindex pdf = pdf.unstack('wbt') mindex = [i[1] for i in pdf.columns] pdf.columns = mindex = 'lue' if index_prefix: pdf.index = [index_prefix + str(i) for i in pdf.index] if tablefmt in ['csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: sep = { 'csv': ',', 'tsv': '\\t', 'csv_nos': ',', 'tsv_nos': '\\t' }[tablefmt] fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if tablefmt in ['csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: print( re.sub( ' *, *', ',', tabulate(pdf, tablefmt=fmt, headers='keys').replace('nan', ''))) else: print(tabulate(pdf, tablefmt=fmt, headers='keys').replace('nan', ''))
def process(uci, hbn, pwbe, year, ofilename, modulus, tablefmt): from hspfbintoolbox.hspfbintoolbox import extract if ofilename: sys.stdout = open(ofilename, 'w') try: year = int(year) except TypeError: pass lcnames = dict(zip(range(modulus + 1, 1), zip(range(modulus + 1, 1)))) inverse_lcnames = dict( zip(range(modulus + 1, 1), zip(range(modulus + 1, 1)))) inverse_lc = {} lnds = {} if uci is not None: with open(uci) as fp: content = fp.readlines() if not os.path.exists(hbn): raise ValueError(""" * * File {0} does not exist. * """.format(hbn)) content = [i[:80] for i in content] content = [i.rstrip() for i in content] schematic_start = content.index('SCHEMATIC') schematic_end = content.index('END SCHEMATIC') schematic = content[schematic_start:schematic_end + 1] perlnd_start = content.index('PERLND') perlnd_end = content.index('END PERLND') perlnd = content[perlnd_start:perlnd_end + 1] geninfo_start = perlnd.index(' GEN-INFO') geninfo_end = perlnd.index(' END GEN-INFO') geninfo = perlnd[geninfo_start:geninfo_end + 1] masslink_start = content.index('MASS-LINK') masslink_end = content.index('END MASS-LINK') masslink = content[masslink_start:masslink_end + 1] lcnames = {} inverse_lcnames = {} inverse_lc = {} for line in geninfo[1:-1]: if '***' in line: continue if '' == line.strip(): continue try: _ = int(line[5:10]) continue except ValueError: pass lcnames.setdefault(line[10:30].strip(), []).append(int(line[:5])) inverse_lcnames[int(line[:5])] = line[10:30].strip() inverse_lc[int(line[:5]) % modulus] = line[10:30].strip() masslink = [i for i in masslink if '***' not in i] masslink = [i for i in masslink if len(i.strip()) > 0] masslink = ' '.join(masslink) mlgroups = re.findall( r' MASS-LINK +?([0-9]+).*?LND [PI]WATER.*? END MASS-LINK +?\1 ', masslink) for line in schematic[3:-1]: if '***' in line: continue if '' == line: continue words = line.split() if words[0] in ['PERLND', 'IMPLND'] and words[5] in mlgroups: lnds[(words[0], int(words[1]))] = lnds.setdefault( (words[0], int(words[1])), 0.0) + float(words[2]) try: pdf = extract(hbn, 'yearly', ',,,') except ValueError: raise ValueError(""" * * The binary file does not have consistent ending months between PERLND and * IMPLND. This could be caused by the BYREND (Binary YeaR END) being set * differently in the PERLND:BINARY-INFO and IMPLND:BINARY-INFO, or you could * have the PRINT-INFO bug. To work around the PRINT-INFO bug, add a PERLND * PRINT-INFO block, setting the PYREND here will actually work in the * BINARY-INFO block. * """) if year is not None: pdf = pd.DataFrame(pdf.ix['{0}-01-01'.format(year), :]).T pdf = pdf[[i for i in pdf.columns if 'PERLND' in i or 'IMPLND' in i]] mindex = [i.split('_') for i in pdf.columns] mindex = [(i[0], int(i[1]), i[2], int(i[1]) % modulus) for i in mindex] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mindex, names=['op', 'number', 'wbt', 'lc']) pdf.columns = mindex pdf = pdf.sort_index(axis='columns') mindex = pdf.columns aindex = [(i[0], i[1]) for i in pdf.columns] mindex = [(i[0], int(i[1]), i[2], int(i[1]) % modulus, float(lnds.setdefault(j, 0.0)), str(inverse_lcnames.setdefault(int(i[1]), ''))) for i, j in zip(mindex, aindex)] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( mindex, names=['op', 'number', 'wbt', 'lc', 'area', 'lcname']) pdf.columns = mindex nsum = {} areas = {} namelist = {} setl = [i[1] for i in pwbe] setl = [item for sublist in setl for item in sublist] for lue in ['PERLND', 'IMPLND']: for wbterm in [i[0] for i in setl if i[0]]: for lc in list(range(1, 21)): try: subset = pdf.loc[:, (lue, slice(None), wbterm, lc, slice(None), slice(None))] except KeyError: continue if < 0): warnings.warn( f'There is a negative value for {lue}, {wbterm}, ' f'with land cover {lc}.') if uci is None: if subset.empty is True: nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = 0.0 if (lue, lc) not in namelist: namelist[(lue, lc)] = '' else: nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = subset.mean(axis='columns').mean() namelist[(lue, lc)] = inverse_lc.setdefault(lc, lc) else: sareas = subset.columns.get_level_values('area') ssareas = sum(sareas) if (lue, lc) not in areas: areas[(lue, lc)] = ssareas if subset.empty is True or ssareas == 0: nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = 0.0 if (lue, lc) not in namelist: namelist[(lue, lc)] = '' else: fa = sareas / areas[(lue, lc)] nsum[(lue, lc, wbterm)] = (subset * fa).sum(axis='columns').mean() namelist[(lue, lc)] = inverse_lc.setdefault(lc, lc) newnamelist = [] for key, value in sorted(namelist.items()): if key[0] != 'PERLND': continue if key[1] == value: newnamelist.append('{0}'.format(key[1])) else: newnamelist.append('{0}-{1}'.format(key[1], value)) printlist = [] printlist.append([' '] + newnamelist + ['ALL']) mapipratio = {} mapipratio['PERLND'] = 1.0 mapipratio['IMPLND'] = 1.0 if uci is not None: pareas = [areas[i] for i in sorted(areas) if i[0] == 'PERLND'] iareas = [areas[i] for i in sorted(areas) if i[0] == 'IMPLND'] ipratio = / ( + sumareas = sum(pareas) + sum(iareas) percent_areas = {} percent_areas['PERLND'] = / sumareas * 100 percent_areas['IMPLND'] = / sumareas * 100 percent_areas[ 'COMBINED'] = percent_areas['PERLND'] + percent_areas['IMPLND'] printlist.append(['PERVIOUS']) printlist.append(['AREA(acres)'] + [str(i) if i > 0 else '' for i in pareas] + [str(sum(pareas))]) printlist.append( ['AREA(%)'] + [str(i) if i > 0 else '' for i in percent_areas['PERLND']] + [str(sum(percent_areas['PERLND']))]) printlist.append([]) printlist.append(['IMPERVIOUS']) printlist.append(['AREA(acres)'] + [str(i) if i > 0 else '' for i in iareas] + [str(sum(iareas))]) printlist.append( ['AREA(%)'] + [str(i) if i > 0 else '' for i in percent_areas['IMPLND']] + [str(sum(percent_areas['IMPLND']))]) printlist.append([]) mapipratio['PERLND'] = 1.0 - ipratio mapipratio['IMPLND'] = ipratio mapr = {} mapr['PERLND'] = 1.0 mapr['IMPLND'] = 1.0 for term, op in pwbe: if not term: printlist.append([]) continue test = [i[1] for i in op] if 'IMPLND' in test and 'PERLND' in test: maprat = mapipratio sumop = 'COMBINED' else: maprat = mapr sumop = test[0] te = 0.0 for sterm, operation in op: te = te +[ nsum[(*i, sterm)] for i in sorted(namelist) if i[0] == operation ]) * maprat[operation] if uci is None: te = [term] + [str(i) if i > 0 else '' for i in te] + [str(sum(te) / len(te))] else: te = [term] + [str(i) if i > 0 else '' for i in te ] + [str(sum(te * percent_areas[sumop]) / 100)] printlist.append(te) if tablefmt in ['csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: sep = { 'csv': ',', 'tsv': '\\t', 'csv_nos': ',', 'tsv_nos': '\\t' }[tablefmt] fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if tablefmt in ['csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: print(re.sub(' *, *', ',', tabulate(printlist, tablefmt=fmt))) else: print(tabulate(printlist, tablefmt=fmt))
def mapping(hbn, year=None, ofilename="", tablefmt="csv_nos", index_prefix="", float_format="g"): """Develops a csv file appropriate for joining to a GIS layer. Parameters ---------- ${hbn} ${year} ${ofilename} ${tablefmt} ${index_prefix} [optional, defaults to ''] A string prepended to the PERLND code, which would allow being run on different models and collected into one dataset by creating a unique ID. ${float_format} """ from hspfbintoolbox.hspfbintoolbox import extract if ofilename: sys.stdout = open(ofilename, "w") try: pdf = extract(hbn, "yearly", ",,,") except ValueError: raise ValueError(""" * * The binary file does not have consistent ending months between PERLND and * IMPLND. This could be caused by the BYREND (Binary YeaR END) being set * differently in the PERLND:BINARY-INFO and IMPLND:BINARY-INFO, or you could * have the PRINT-INFO bug. To work around the PRINT-INFO bug, add a PERLND * PRINT-INFO block, setting the PYREND here will actually work in the * BINARY-INFO block. * """) if year is not None: pdf = pd.DataFrame(pdf.loc[f"{year}-01-01", :]).T pdf = pdf[[i for i in pdf.columns if "PERLND" in i or "IMPLND" in i]] mindex = [i.split("_") for i in pdf.columns] mindex = [(i[0][0], int(i[1]), i[2]) for i in mindex] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mindex, names=["op", "number", "wbt"]) pdf.columns = mindex _give_negative_warning(pdf) pdf = pdf.mean(axis="index").to_frame() mindex = [("_".join([i[0], i[2]]), i[1]) for i in pdf.index] mindex = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(mindex, names=["wbt", "number"]) pdf.index = mindex pdf = pdf.unstack("wbt") mindex = [i[1] for i in pdf.columns] pdf.columns = mindex = "lue" if index_prefix: pdf.index = [index_prefix + str(i) for i in pdf.index] if tablefmt in ["csv", "tsv", "csv_nos", "tsv_nos"]: sep = { "csv": ",", "tsv": "\\t", "csv_nos": ",", "tsv_nos": "\\t" }[tablefmt] fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if tablefmt in ["csv_nos", "tsv_nos"]: print( re.sub( " *, *", ",", tabulate(pdf, tablefmt=fmt, headers="keys", floatfmt=float_format).replace("nan", ""), )) else: print( tabulate(pdf, tablefmt=fmt, headers="keys", floatfmt=float_format).replace("nan", ""))
def _printiso( tsd, date_format=None, sep=',', float_format='%g', showindex='never', headers='keys', tablefmt='csv', ): """Separate so can use in tests.""" sys.tracebacklimit = 1000 if isinstance(tsd, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): if isinstance(tsd, pd.Series): tsd = pd.DataFrame(tsd) if tsd.columns.empty: tsd = pd.DataFrame(index=tsd.index) # Not perfectly true, but likely will use showindex for indices # that are not time stamps. if showindex is True: if not = 'UniqueID' else: if not = 'Datetime' print_index = True if tsd.index.is_all_dates is True: if not = 'Datetime' # Someone made the decision about the name # This is how I include time zone info by tacking on to the # elif 'datetime' not in = 'Datetime' else: # This might be overkill, but tstoolbox is for time-series. # Revisit if necessary. print_index = False if == 'UniqueID': print_index = False if showindex in ['always', 'default']: print_index = True elif isinstance(tsd, (int, float, tuple, tablefmt = None if tablefmt in ['csv', 'tsv', 'csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: sep = {'csv': ',', 'tsv': '\t', 'csv_nos': ',', 'tsv_nos': '\t'}[tablefmt] if isinstance(tsd, pd.DataFrame): try: tsd.to_csv(sys.stdout, float_format=float_format, date_format=date_format, sep=sep, index=print_index) return except IOError: return else: fmt = simple_separated_format(sep) else: fmt = tablefmt if fmt is None: print(str(list(tsd))[1:-1]) elif tablefmt in ['csv_nos', 'tsv_nos']: print(tb(tsd, tablefmt=fmt, showindex=showindex, headers=headers).replace(' ', '')) else: print(tb(tsd, tablefmt=fmt, showindex=showindex, headers=headers))