예제 #1
def setup_task():
    if not "host" in request.form:
        return redirect(url_for("choose_task", error="The 'host' parameter is required"))
    host = request.form["host"]
    if not host in bridge.get_host_names(ansible_config["inventory_path"]):
        return redirect(url_for("choose_task", error="Host '" + host + "' does not exist"))

    if not "playbook" in request.form:
        return redirect(url_for("choose_task", error="The 'playbook' parameter is required"))
    playbook_name = request.form["playbook"]
    for potential_schema in playbooks_schemas["playbooks"]:
        if playbook_name == potential_schema["name"]:
            playbook_schema = potential_schema
        return redirect(url_for("choose_task", error="Playbook '" + playbook_name + "' does not exist"))

    data = {"host": host, "playbook": playbook_schema}

    # TODO: this is the worst way of checking types in a template engine ever,
    #       there must be a better way
    data["is_string"] = lambda obj: type(obj) in [str, unicode]
    data["is_boolean"] = lambda obj: type(obj) == bool
    data["is_list"] = lambda obj: type(obj) == list
    data["is_dictionary"] = lambda obj: type(obj) == dict

    data["helpers"] = {}
    data["helpers"]["get_filetree_info"] = get_filetree_info
    data["helpers"]["get_remote_passwords"] = get_remote_passwords

    g.theme = website_config["theme"]  # makes theme accessible to templates
    return render_template("setup_task.html", **data)
예제 #2
def choose_task():
    data = {}

    if "error" in request.args:
        data["error"] = request.args["error"]

    data["hosts"] = sorted(bridge.get_host_names(ansible_config["inventory_path"]))
    data["playbooks"] = playbooks_schemas["playbooks"]
    g.theme = website_config["theme"]  # makes theme accessible to templates

    return render_template("choose_task.html", **data)
예제 #3
def fetch_filetree():
    # runs the get filetree task for each server
    server_codes = bridge.get_host_names(ansible_config["inventory_path"])
    event_generator = bridge.run_task(
        os.path.sep.join([ansible_config["ntdr_pas_path"], "playbooks", "library", "ntdr_get_filetree.py"]),
        {"path": ansible_config["remote_site_root"]},

    # reformats raw response into the form we want with meta data attached

    formatted = {}
    for event in iter(event_generator):
        entry = {"meta": {"status": event["event"]}}
        if entry["meta"]["status"] == "ok":
            entry["data"] = event["res"]["stat"]["files"]
            entry["data"] = {}

        if event["event"] != "complete":
            formatted[event["host"]] = entry

    return formatted
예제 #4
파일: app.py 프로젝트: RoboPython/neontower
def run_playbook():
    # check the id of the PlayBook schema is present
    if not 'name' in request.args:
        return jsonify(error='The \'name\' parameter is required'), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
    name = request.args['name']

    # find the PlayBook schema by the provided name
    playbook_schema = None
    for potential_schema in playbooks_schemas['playbooks']:
        if potential_schema['name'] == name:
            playbook_schema = potential_schema
        return jsonify(error='There is no PlayBook of the name \'' + name + '\''), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY

    # parse parameters to populate extra_vars
    extra_vars = {}
    for field in playbook_schema['fields']:
        if not field['name'] in request.args:
            return jsonify(error='Missing required parameter for PlayBook \'' + field['name'] + '\''), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
        value = request.args[field['name']]
        return_types = { 'string': str, 'boolean': bool, 'integer': int }
        return_type_caster = return_types[field['returnType']]
            casted = return_type_caster(value)
        except ValueError as e:
            return jsonify(error='\'' + value + '\' is not a valid \'' + field['returnType'] + '\''), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
        extra_vars[field['name']] = casted

    # add PlayBook's configurable variables
    for config_object in playbook_schema['configNodes']:
        extra_vars[config_object['argName']] = playbooks_config[config_object['node']]

    # add PlayBook's constants
    for constant_object in playbook_schema['constants']:
        extra_vars[constant_object['argName']] = config_object['value']

    # work out the values to call tachyon with
    playbook_path = os.path.sep.join([ansible_config['ntdr_pas_path'], 'playbooks', playbook_schema['yaml']])
    inventory_path = ansible_config['inventory_path']

    # check that the provided server both exists and is valid
    if not 'host' in request.args:
        return jsonify(error='The \'host\' parameter is required'), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
    potential_hosts = bridge.get_host_names(ansible_config['inventory_path'])
    limit = request.args['host']
    if not limit in potential_hosts:
        return jsonify(error='The host \'' + limit + '\' is not known'), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY

    # check that the client accepts server-side-events
    if request.headers.get('accept') == 'text/event-stream':
        def events():
            # yield events as they arrive
            for event in bridge.run_playbook(playbook_path, inventory_path, [ limit ], extra_vars):
                yield 'data: ' + json.dumps(event) + '\n'
        # give Flask the event data generator
        return Response(events(), content_type='text/event-stream')
        # let the client know that we don't dig their Accept header
        return (
            jsonify(error="The response is not of content type text/event-stream and, hence, this must be rejected"),
예제 #5
def run_playbook():
    # check the id of the PlayBook schema is present
    if not "name" in request.args:
        return jsonify(error="The 'name' parameter is required"), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
    name = request.args["name"]

    # find the PlayBook schema by the provided name
    playbook_schema = None
    for potential_schema in playbooks_schemas["playbooks"]:
        if potential_schema["name"] == name:
            playbook_schema = potential_schema
        return jsonify(error="There is no PlayBook of the name '" + name + "'"), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY

    # parse parameters to populate extra_vars
    extra_vars = {}
    for field in playbook_schema["fields"]:
        if not field["name"] in request.args:
            return (
                jsonify(error="Missing required parameter for PlayBook '" + field["name"] + "'"),
        value = request.args[field["name"]]
        return_types = {"string": str, "boolean": bool, "integer": int}
        return_type_caster = return_types[field["return_type"]]
            casted = return_type_caster(value)
        except ValueError as e:
            return (
                jsonify(error="'" + value + "' is not a valid '" + field["return_type"] + "'"),
        extra_vars[field["name"]] = casted

    # add PlayBook's configurable variables
    for config_object in playbook_schema["config_nodes"]:
        extra_vars[config_object["arg_name"]] = playbooks_config[config_object["node"]]

    # add PlayBook's constants
    for constant_object in playbook_schema["constants"]:
        # if the constant is just a string add it to the extra vars as is.
        if type(constant_object["value"]) is str:
            extra_vars[constant_object["arg_name"]] = constant_object["value"]

        # if the constant is a dictionary it indicates that a helper function is going
        # to be used, therefore extra work is needed
        if type(constant_object["value"]) is dict:
            if not "host" in request.args:
                return jsonify(error="The 'host' parameter is required"), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
                extra_vars[constant_object["arg_name"]] = eval(
                    constant_object["value"]["helper_function"] + '("' + request.args["host"] + '")'

    # work out the values to call tachyon with
    playbook_path = os.path.sep.join([ansible_config["ntdr_pas_path"], "playbooks", playbook_schema["yaml"]])
    inventory_path = ansible_config["inventory_path"]

    # check that the provided server both exists and is valid
    if not "host" in request.args:
        return jsonify(error="The 'host' parameter is required"), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
    potential_hosts = bridge.get_host_names(ansible_config["inventory_path"])
    limit = request.args["host"]
    if not limit in potential_hosts:
        return jsonify(error="The host '" + limit + "' is not known"), HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY

    # check that the client accepts server_side_events
    if request.headers.get("accept") == "text/event-stream":

        def events():
            # yield events as they arrive
            for event in bridge.run_playbook(playbook_path, inventory_path, [limit], extra_vars):
                yield "data: " + json.dumps(event) + "\n\n"

        # give Flask the event data generator
        return Response(events(), content_type="text/event-stream")
        # let the client know that we don't dig their Accept header
        return (
            jsonify(error="The response is not of content type text/event-stream and, hence, this must be rejected"),