예제 #1
import tacoma as tc

L = tc.edge_lists()

L.N = 2
L.t = [0.,0.2,0.1]
L.tmax = 0.11
L.edges = [
            [ (0,1), (0,0), (1,0) ],
            [ (1,2) ],



C = tc.edge_changes()

C.N = 2
C.t0 = 0
C.t = [0.2,0.1]
C.tmax = 0.05
C.edges_initial = [
                    (5,4), (0,1), (0,1), 

C.edges_in = [ [(2,3), (0,0), (2,3)],[(1,0),(0,1)] ]
C.edges_out = [ [(0,0), (1,0), (1,0)],[(1,0),(0,1) ] ]

예제 #2
t0 = 0.0
tmax = 100.0
t = []
this_time = t0

# Generate a new random network
while this_time < tmax:
    G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(N, p)
    these_edges = list(G.edges())

    this_time += np.random.exponential(scale=1 / mean_tau)

# save to _tacoma-object
el = tc.edge_lists()

el.N = N
el.t = t
el.edges = edge_lists
el.tmax = tmax

print("Number of mistakes:", tc.verify(el))

from tacoma.drawing import edge_activity_plot
from bfmplot import pl

edge_activity_plot(el, fit=True)

예제 #3
    tmax = time[-1] + 20.0

# get a new `edge_lists` instance
el = tc.edge_lists()

el.N = N
el.tmax = tmax
el.edges = edges
el.t = time
el.time_unit = 's'
el.notes = """
    This data is binned.

    In this data, t0 = 0.0 corresponds to 8am on Jun 29th 2009 (UNIX time 1246255200).

    For more info, please visit http://www.sociopatterns.org/datasets/hypertext-2009-dynamic-contact-network/ .

    If you use this data, please cite

    L. Isella et al.,  What's in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks,
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 271, 166 (2011).
el.int_to_node = int_to_node

# verifying that this is a valid temporal network

# save this edge_lists instance
with open('ht09.taco', 'w') as f:
    tc.write_json_taco(el, f)
예제 #4
from tacoma.flockwork import flockwork_P

# Define structural properties
N = 100
k = 2.0
P = k / (k+1)

# The disconnection rate per node is set 
# to gamma = 1, so the total run time is 
# in units of 1/gamma = 1
t_run_total = 100

# In order to start with any initial state,
# pass an edge list to this function.
# If you don't, the function assumes
# you want to start with an equilibrium
# configuration and generates one.
fw = flockwork_P(N, P, t_run_total)

# verify that the Flockwork is in a proper
# format
import tacoma as tc
print("Number of rule violations in generated temporal network:", 
예제 #5
L.N = 3
L.t = [0.0,1.0,2.0]
L.tmax = 3.0
L.edges = [ 
              (1,2), (0,2)

print("errors in temporal network:", tc.verify(L))

P_k = tc.degree_distribution_from_edge_lists(L)
for k, P in enumerate(P_k):
    print(k, P)

P_k = tc.degree_distribution(L)
for k, P in enumerate(P_k):
    print(k, P)

print("===== edge_changes => edge_changes =====")

C = tc.edge_changes()

C.N = 3
C.edges_initial = [ (0,1) ]
예제 #6
def download_and_convert_sociopatterns_high_school_2013(
    """Download the SocioPatterns 'High school 2013 dynamic contact network' data,
    extract it and save it as taco. This data is actually binned in intervals
    of `[t-20s, t]`.

    url : :obj:`str`, optional
        The url from which the tsv-data should be retrieved
    filename : :obj:`str`, optional
        this is the path where the taco will be saved to. default : "~/.tacoma/hs13.taco"

    edge_lists : :mod:`edge_lists`
        The temporal network of the 'High school 2013 dynamic contact network'.


    If you use this data, please cite

    :: [HS13]
        R. Mastrandrea, J. Fournet, A. Barrat,
        Contact patterns in a high school: a comparison between data collected
        using wearable sensors, contact diaries and friendship surveys.
        PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136497 (2015)

    # get directory name for download

    directory, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)))

    # download
    wget.download(url, out=directory)

    # open gzipped file
    gzip_file = os.path.join(directory, 'High-School_data_2013.csv.gz')
    with gzip.open(gzip_file, mode='rt') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')

        # mappings of nodes to integers
        node_to_int = {}
        int_to_node = {}

        # get an initial t_old
        # (this is done to detect changes in the tsv
        t_old = None

        # list of edge lists
        edges = []

        # time points
        time = []

        count = 0
        for row in reader:

            if count == 0:
                t0 = int(row[0]) - 20

            # this is to account for the interval choice [t-20s, t]
            t = float(int(row[0]) - 20 - t0)

            # if the time changed, we save the new time and
            # prepare to save new edges
            if t_old != t:
                if (t_old is not None) and (t - t_old > 20):
                    time.append(t_old + 20)


            # get the edge
            i = int(row[1])
            j = int(row[2])

            # map the edge to integers
            if i not in node_to_int:
                this_int = len(node_to_int)
                node_to_int[i] = len(node_to_int)
                int_to_node[this_int] = str(i)

            if j not in node_to_int:
                this_int = len(node_to_int)
                node_to_int[j] = len(node_to_int)
                int_to_node[this_int] = str(j)

            # save the edge
            edges[-1].append(tuple(sorted([node_to_int[i], node_to_int[j]])))
            t_old = t

            count += 1

        N = len(node_to_int)
        tmax = time[-1] + 20.0

    # get a new `edge_lists` instance
    el = tc.edge_lists()

    el.N = N
    el.tmax = tmax
    el.edges = edges
    el.t = time
    el.time_unit = 's'
    el.notes = """
        This data is binned.

        In this data, t0 = 0.0 corresponds to UNIX time """ + str(t0) + """.

        For more info, please visit 
        http://www.sociopatterns.org/datasets/high-school-contact-and-friendship-networks/ .

        If you use this data, please cite

        R. Mastrandrea, J. Fournet, A. Barrat,
        Contact patterns in a high school: a comparison between data collected
        using wearable sensors, contact diaries and friendship surveys.
        PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136497 (2015)
    el.int_to_node = int_to_node

    # verifying that this is a valid temporal network

    # save this edge_lists instance
    with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)), 'w') as f:
        write_json_taco(el, f)

    # remove the downloaded gzipped file

    return el
예제 #7
def download_and_convert_sociopatterns_hypertext_2009(
    """Download the SocioPatterns 'Hypertext 2009 dynamic contact network' data,
    extract it and save it as taco. This data is actually binned in intervals
    of `[t-20s, t]`.

    url : :obj:`str`, optional
        The url from which the tsv-data should be retrieved
    filename : :obj:`str`, optional
        this is the path where the taco will be saved to. default : "~/.tacoma/ht09.taco"

    edge_lists : :mod:`edge_lists`
        The temporal network of the 'Hypertext 2009 dynamic contact network'.


    If you use this data, please cite

        L. Isella et al.,  What's in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks, 
        Journal of Theoretical Biology 271, 166 (2011).

    # get directory name for download
    directory, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)))

    # download
    wget.download(url, out=directory)

    # open gzipped file
    gzip_file = os.path.join(directory, 'ht09_contact_list.dat.gz')
    with gzip.open(gzip_file, mode='rt') as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')

        # mappings of nodes to integers
        node_to_int = {}
        int_to_node = {}

        # get an initial t_old
        # (this is done to detect changes in the tsv
        t_old = None

        # list of edge lists
        edges = []

        # time points
        time = []
        for row in reader:
            # this is to account for the interval choice [t-20s, t]
            t = float(int(row[0]) - 20)

            # if the time changed, we save the new time and
            # prepare to save new edges
            if t_old != t:
                if (t_old is not None) and (t - t_old > 20):
                    time.append(t_old + 20)


            # get the edge
            i = int(row[1])
            j = int(row[2])

            # map the edge to integers
            if i not in node_to_int:
                this_int = len(node_to_int)
                node_to_int[i] = len(node_to_int)
                int_to_node[this_int] = str(i)

            if j not in node_to_int:
                this_int = len(node_to_int)
                node_to_int[j] = len(node_to_int)
                int_to_node[this_int] = str(j)

            # save the edge
            edges[-1].append(tuple(sorted([node_to_int[i], node_to_int[j]])))
            t_old = t

        N = len(node_to_int)
        tmax = time[-1] + 20.0

    # get a new `edge_lists` instance
    el = tc.edge_lists()

    el.N = N
    el.tmax = tmax
    el.edges = edges
    el.t = time
    el.time_unit = 's'
    el.notes = """
        This data is binned.

        In this data, t0 = 0.0 corresponds to 8am on Jun 29th 2009 (UNIX time 1246255200).

        For more info, please visit http://www.sociopatterns.org/datasets/hypertext-2009-dynamic-contact-network/ .

        If you use this data, please cite

        L. Isella et al.,  What's in a crowd? Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks, 
        Journal of Theoretical Biology 271, 166 (2011).
    el.int_to_node = int_to_node

    # verifying that this is a valid temporal network

    # save this edge_lists instance
    with open(os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(filename)), 'w') as f:
        write_json_taco(el, f)

    # remove the downloaded gzipped file

    return el
예제 #8
import tacoma as tc

L = tc.edge_lists()

L.N = 2
L.t = [0.,0.2,0.1]
L.tmax = 0.11
L.edges = [
            [ (0,1), (0,0), (1,0) ],
            [ (1,2) ],

L.int_to_node = { 0: '1', 1: '1' }
print("number of errors =", tc.verify(L))


C = tc.edge_changes()

C.N = 3
C.t0 = 0
C.t = [0.2,0.1]
C.tmax = 0.05
C.edges_initial = [
                    (5,4), (0,1), (0,1), 

C.edges_in = [ [(2,3), (0,0), (2,3)],[(1,0),(0,1)] ]
C.edges_out = [ [(0,0), (1,0), (1,0)],[(1,0),(0,1) ] ]

C.int_to_node = { 0: '1', 1: '1' }