def track(self): self.set_lo(lo_amp, lo_freq) self.point() takespec.takeSpec(args)
def main(): """Records 1 minute of test data from the Leuschner dish. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Record test data from the dish.") parser.add_argument( "--home", action="store_true", default=False, help="run homing routine (warning, takes a few minutes)" ) parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", default=True, help="print verbose output") parser.add_argument("--lon", type=float, default=220, help="LO frequency.") args = parser.parse_args() # Set lat and long (for Leuschner from Google Maps), and date obs = ephem.Observer() = 37.919481 * np.pi / 180 obs.long = -122.153435 * np.pi / 180 # Compute number of spectra to record (integration time=1 min) length = 60 # integration time in seconds num_spec = length / 3 print "Observing galactic coordinates long=%s, lat=0" % (str(args.lon)) point_gal = ephem.Galactic(args.lon * np.pi / 180, 0) point_eq = ephem.Equatorial(point_gal) # Compute az alt point = ephem.FixedBody() point._ra = point_eq.ra point._dec = point_eq.dec # Create synthesizer interface s = dish_synth.Synth(verbose=args.verbose) s.set_freq(1272.4) # frequency in MHZ s.set_amp(10) # amplitude in dbM # Create dish interface d = dish.Dish(verbose=args.verbose) d.noise_off() if args.home: d.home() = point.compute(obs) print "RA: " + str(point.ra) print "DEC: " + str(point.dec) d.point(point.alt * 180 / np.pi, * 180 / np.pi) # Record spectra noise off takespec.takeSpec("test_" + str(args.lon) + "_0_noise_off", numSpec=num_spec) d.noise_on() # Record spectra noise on takespec.takeSpec("test_" + str(args.lon) + "_0_noise_on", numSpec=num_spec) # Record spectra with LO set 4MHz lower and noise off s.set_freq(1268.4) # frequency in MHZ d.noise_off() takespec.takeSpec("test_" + str(args.lon) + "_0_noise_off_low", numSpec=num_spec)
def main(): """Quick script to point telescope and stuff""" obs = cat.obs_leuschner() target = cat.make_lbdeg_obj(300, 60) # l, b = target.compute(obs) d = dish.Dish(verbose=True) # d.home() s = dish_synth.Synth(verbose=True) s.set_amp(10) s.set_freq(1270) # Usually 1270, just to match Vikram's LO freq print 'Alt, az of target: %s, %s' % (target.alt, canpnt = check_pnt(obs, target, d) print 'Can point? %s' % canpnt if canpnt: pnt_obj(obs, target, d) started = takespec.takeSpec('single_pnt_test', numSpec=60) ended = print 'Time elapsed: %s' % (ended - started)
except (ValueError): lst_now = rlab.getLST() # Local Sidereal Time if isup[0] - lst_now < .2 and isup[ 0] - lst_now > 0: # If point rises in 10 minutes print 'Waiting for point to rise' time.sleep(600) # Waiting 10 minutes else: condition2 = False print 'ValueError returned, moving to next point!' if not condition2: continue ## Finishing to check. If waited 10 min or ValueError returned, ## breaks code and move on to next point. Else, takes spectra (next). takespec.takeSpec('specON/bubbleON' + str(j) + ',' + str(i), numSpec=128) print print 'Spectra taken!' while True: # Retry for noise try: d.noise_on() break except: print 'Noise set failed... trying again' d.point(alt, az) takespec.takeSpec('noiseON/bubbleNOISE_ON' + str(j) + ',' + str(i), numSpec=32)
except (ValueError): lst_now = rlab.getLST() # Local Sidereal Time if isup[0] - lst_now < .2 and isup[0] - lst_now > 0: # If point rises in 10 minutes print 'Waiting for point to rise' time.sleep(600) # Waiting 10 minutes else: condition2 = False print 'ValueError returned, moving to next point!' if not condition2: continue ## Finishing to check. If waited 10 min or ValueError returned, ## breaks code and move on to next point. Else, takes spectra (next). takespec.takeSpec('specON/bubbleON' + str(j) + ','+ str(i), numSpec = 128) print print 'Spectra taken!' while True: # Retry for noise try: d.noise_on() break except: print 'Noise set failed... trying again' d.point(alt, az) takespec.takeSpec('noiseON/bubbleNOISE_ON' + str(j) + ',' + str(i), numSpec = 32) print print 'Noise taken!'
def data_taker(): #update date date = 'Apr_30' d = dish.Dish(verbose=True) s = dish_synth.Synth() obs = ephem.Observer() = 37.832*np.pi/180 obs.long = -122.2573*np.pi/180 #d.home() b_lat = np.loadtxt('gal_lat_b.gz') l_long = np.loadtxt('gal_long_l.gz') for i in range (0, len(l_long), 1): #update log name sys.stdout = open('obs_log_Apr_30_6_to_10pm.txt', 'a') b = b_lat[i] l = l_long[i] #lower LO frequency s.set_freq(1272.4) s.set_amp(10.0) try: az, alt= gal_to_eq(b_lat[i], l_long[i]) d.point(az, alt, validate=True) except ValueError: print 'invalid pointing, skipping point' continue #if pointing fails, will move on to the next pointing (go back to for loop) while True: try: d.point(az, alt) break except: print 'Pointing failed, trying again' while True: try: d.noise_off() break except: print "Turning noise off failed, trying again" = LST = obs.sidereal_time() takespec.takeSpec('spec_low_freq_noise_off_%s_%s_%s_%s.gz' % (b, l, LST, date), numSpec=120) print 'low freq noise off spectra done, b = %s, l = %s' % (b, l) while True: try: d.noise_on() break except: print "Turning noise on failed, trying again" = LST = obs.sidereal_time() takespec.takeSpec('spec_low_freq_noise_on_%s_%s_%s_%s.gz' % (b, l, LST, date), numSpec=40) print 'low freq noise on spectra done, b = %s, l = %s' % (b, l) #higher LO frequency s.set_freq(1268.4) s.set_amp(10.0) try: az, alt= gal_to_eq(b_lat[i], l_long[i]) d.point(az, alt,validate=True) except ValueError: print "invalid pointing, skipping point" continue while True: try: d.point(az, alt) break except: print "Pointing failed, trying again" while True: try: d.noise_off() break except: print "Turning noise off failed, trying again" = LST = obs.sidereal_time() takespec.takeSpec('spec_up_freq_noise_off_%s_%s_%s_%s.gz' % (b, l, LST, date), numSpec=120) print 'upper lo freq noise off spectra done, b = %s, l = %s' % (b, l) while True: try: d.noise_on() break except: print "Turning noise on failed, trying again" = LST = obs.sidereal_time() takespec.takeSpec('spec_up_freq_noise_on_%s_%s_%s_%s.gz' % (b, l, LST, date), numSpec=40) print 'upper lo freq noise on spectra done, b = %s, l = %s' % (b, l)
def record_pointing(d, s, l, b, point, file_name='raw/'+time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y_%H%M%S"), int_time=150, repoint_freq=30): """Records data from a point on the sky for a specified integration time. Spectra for an observation at two different LO frequencies and a separate 10 second observation with the noise diode on are saved in the specified files. Args: d (dish.Dish): an interface to the Leuschner dish s (dish_synth.Synth): an interface to the synthesizer used to set the LO frequency file_name (String, optional): file name prefix to save the data int_time (float, optional): integration time (in seconds). """ logger = logging.getLogger('leuschner') logger.debug('Recording data') status = 0 # lets us keep data from this pointing in unique directory, # since each time we point we will have different noise/background spectrums record_id = time.strftime("%m-%d-%Y_%H%M%S") # Compute number of spectra to record (integration time/3) num_spec = int(int_time*3) num_spec_noise = 5 * 3 = point.compute(OBS) d.point(np.rad2deg(point.alt), np.rad2deg( # Take measurement with noise diode off at the higher LO frequency (ON frequency) s.set_freq(LO_ON) s.set_amp(10.0) d.noise_off() try: takespec.takeSpec(file_name+'_ON', numSpec=num_spec) except IOError: logger.error('%s not saved or averaged.' % (file_name+'_ON')) status = -1 else: # Only want to average if the takespec was successful! averager.average(file_name+'_ON0.log', lo=LO_ON, l=l, b=b, record_id=record_id) # Take 10 second measurement with the noise diode on at the ON frequency d.noise_on() try: takespec.takeSpec(file_name+'_ON_noise', numSpec=num_spec_noise) except IOError: logger.error('%s not saved or averaged.' % (file_name+'_ON_noise')) status = -1 else: averager.average(file_name+'_ON_noise0.log', lo=LO_ON, l=l, b=b, record_id=record_id, noise=True) # repoint for the second half of the measurement = point.compute(OBS) d.point(np.rad2deg(point.alt), np.rad2deg( # Take 10 second measurement with the noise diode on at the OFF frequency s.set_freq(LO_OFF) s.set_amp(10.0) try: takespec.takeSpec(file_name+'_OFF_noise', numSpec=num_spec_noise) except IOError: logger.error('%s not saved or averaged.' % (file_name+'_OFF_noise')) status = -1 else: averager.average(file_name+'_OFF_noise0.log', lo=LO_OFF, l=l, b=b, record_id=record_id, noise=True) d.noise_off() # Take measurement with noise diode off at the lower LO frequency (OFF frequency) s.set_freq(LO_OFF) s.set_amp(10.0) d.noise_off() try: takespec.takeSpec(file_name+'_OFF', numSpec=num_spec) except IOError: logger.error('%s not saved or averaged.' % (file_name+'_OFF')) status = -1 else: averager.average(file_name+'_OFF0.log', lo=LO_OFF, l=l, b=b, record_id=record_id) logger.debug('Finished recording data')