def displayUser(user, assignment=None, brief=True, master=False): """ Displays the work of the given user. If the name of the assignment is specified, it displays only that assignment. Otherwise, displays an assignmentSubmissions view for every assignment for this user. In other words, shows all the work this user has submitted (or not). A brief assignmentSubmissions view is on by default for this function. """ #get assignment list if assignment: assignment = Assignment(assignment) assignments = [] else: assignments = tamarin.getAssignments() #print user table details = tamarin.getUserDetails(user) print('<div class="user">') print('<table class="user"><tr>') print('<td class="user"><b>' + user.lower() + '</b>') print(' <small>(' + str(details[2]) + ' ' + str(details[1]) + ')</small></td>') print('<td class="section">Section: ' + str(details[0]) + '</td>') print('</tr></table>') for assign in assignments: displayAssignmentSubmissions(user, assign, brief, master) print('</div>')
def displayGradeSheet(comma=False): """ Produces a grade sheet view for all users and assignments. Rows correspond to users, sorted by username. Rows contain the Tamarin adjusted scores for each assignment followed by the total adjusted score. By default, uses tabs as delimiters, with the user column padded to 14 characters to maintain a readable format even when faced with slightly longer usernames. If comma is True, just uses commas and no padding. Unverified grades (and any totals depending on them) are marked with an appended ?. Missing/unsubmitted grades are left blank. Submitted but ungraded submissions are ignored (so blank if no other submissions for that assignment). The total score is the sum of all numeric values, ignoring any OK, X, or ERR grades. If there are no numeric values, the total is ERR, X, or OK (in that order) if such a value is a component grade. Otherwise, the total is blank. If at least one score is tentative (unverified), the total is also tentative. """ users = tamarin.getUsers() delim = ',' if comma else '\t' # build data structure sheet = dict() for user in users: sheet[user] = {} # scores keyed by assignment name # now process each assignment assignments = tamarin.getAssignments() # already sorted for assign in assignments: subs = tamarin.getSubmissions(assignment=assign, submitted=False) # overwrite until last sub for each user, keyed by lower username submissions = {} for sub in subs: sub = os.path.basename(sub) usr = re.match(r"(\w+)" + assign, sub).group(1).lower() submissions[usr] = sub for user in users: if user in submissions: sub = GradedFile(submissions[user]) grd = sub.getAdjustedGrade() # add to total grade list: (grade, verified?) if 'Total' not in sheet[user]: sheet[user]['Total'] = [grd, True] elif isinstance(grd, float) or isinstance(grd, int): # grd is a number, so overwrite/adds to whatever is there if isinstance(sheet[user]['Total'][0], str): sheet[user]['Total'][0] = grd else: sheet[user]['Total'][0] += grd else: # grd is a string, so maybe replace any str or else ignore if isinstance(sheet[user]['Total'][0], str): if sheet[user]['Total'][0] == 'OK': sheet[user]['Total'][0] = grd elif sheet[user]['Total'][0] == 'X' and grd != 'OK': sheet[user]['Total'][0] = grd else: pass # grade is already ERR else: pass # grade is a number, so ignore this string grd grd = str(grd) if not sub.humanVerified: grd += '?' sheet[user]['Total'][1] = False sheet[user][assign] = grd else: sheet[user][assign] = '' # blank # print details # header print(',' if comma else '{:14}\t'.format(' '), end='') for assign in assignments: print(assign + delim, end='') print('Total') for user in users: print(user + ',' if comma else '{:14}\t'.format(user), end='') for assign in assignments: print(sheet[user][assign] + delim, end='') # print final total if 'Total' in sheet[user]: if isinstance(sheet[user]['Total'][0], float): sheet[user]['Total'][0] = round(sheet[user]['Total'][0], tamarin.GRADE_PRECISION) print(sheet[user]['Total'][0], end='') if not sheet[user]['Total'][1]: print('?', end='') print('')
def displayForm(): """ Displays the initial/default masterview form. Does not include header or footers. """ #get sorted user and assignment lists users = tamarin.getUsers() assignments = tamarin.getAssignments() print("""<h2>Masterview</h2> <div class="masterview"> <h3>Views</h3> """) print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '" method="get">') print('Assignment: <select name="assignment">') for a in assignments: print('<option>' + a + '</option>') print('</select>') print(""" <select name="brief"> <option value="1" selected>Brief</option> <option value="">Full</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="View"> </form> """) print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '" method="get">') print('User: <select name="user"><option></option>') for u in users: print('<option>' + u + '</option>') print('</select>') print('<select name="assignment">') print('<option value="">(All assignments)</option>') for a in assignments: print('<option>' + a + '</option>') print('</select>') print(""" <select name="brief"> <option value="1" selected>Brief</option> <option value="">Full</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="View"> </form> <h4>Grade sheet view</h4> """) print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '" method="get">') print(""" <p> Produces a tab-separated plain-text view of adjusted Tamarin scores for all users across all assignments. This can easily be copy-and-pasted into a spreadsheet program. <p> <input type="hidden" name="gradesheet" value="1"> <input type="checkbox" name="comma"> Use commas instead of tabs and suppress username-column padding. <p> <input type="submit" value="Generate" title="You may need to paste into a text editor first and then copy again from there before your spreadsheet will accept it correctly."> </p> </form> </div> <div class="masterview"> <h3>Tools</h3> <h4>Mark as human-verified</h4> """) print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '" method="get">') print('<p>Mark all graded files in:') print('<select name="verifyAll"><option></option>') for a in assignments: print('<option>' + a + '</option>') print('</select>') print('<input type="submit" value="Verify"></p>') print('</form>') print('<h4>Start grader</h4>') print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '"', end=' ') print('method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">') print("""<p> If the pipeline is OFF but submissions are still sitting in the grading queue, as shown by """) print('<a href="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '">status</a>,') print("""you can: <input type="hidden" name="startGrader" value="1"> <p> <input type="submit" value="Start Grader"> </p> </form> """) print('<h4>Strip timestamps from filenames</h4>') print('<form action="' + tamarin.CGI_URL + '" method="get">') print('<p>From assignment/directory: ') print('<select name="strip"><option>submitted</option>') for a in assignments: print('<option>' + a + '</option>') print('</select>') print(' (copying into ' + tamarin.STRIPPED_ROOT + ')') print('<p>Strip only files with names containing (blank for all):') print('<input type="text" name="only">') print('<p><input type="submit" value="Strip"></p>') print('</form>') print('</div>')