예제 #1
파일: planning.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/csh
def generate_model(ra0, dec0, pointing_params, repeats=1, cross_scan=False,
                       span_angles=False, band="red", map_header=None, npixels_per_sample=0):
    Generate a PACS projector.
    pointing1 = tm.pacs_create_scan(ra0, dec0, **pointing_params)
    # create obs object
    obs1 = tm.PacsSimulation(pointing1, band)
    if map_header is None:
        map_header = obs1.get_map_header()        
    # create projector
    projection1 = tm.Projection(obs1, header=map_header,
    P = lo.aslinearoperator(projection1)
    # cross scan
    if cross_scan:
        pointing_params["scan_angle"] += 90.
        pointing2 = tm.pacs_create_scan(ra0, dec0, **pointing_params)
        obs2 = tm.PacsSimulation(pointing2, band)
        projection2 = tm.Projection(obs2, header=map_header,
        P2 = lo.aslinearoperator(projection2)
        P = lo.concatenate((P, P2))
    # repeats
    if repeats > 1:
        P = lo.concatenate((P, ) * repeats)
    if span_angles:
        if cross_scan:
            raise ValueError("Span_angles and cross_scan are incompatible.")
        # equally spaced but exclude 0 and 90
        angles = np.linspace(0, 90, repeats + 2)[1:-1]
        for a in angles:
            pointing_params["scan_angle"] = a
            pointing2 = tm.pacs_create_scan(ra0, dec0, **pointing_params)
            obs2 = tm.PacsSimulation(pointing2, band)
            projection2 = tm.Projection(obs2, header=map_header,
            P2 = lo.aslinearoperator(projection2)
            P = lo.concatenate((P, P2))
    # noise
    N = generate_noise_filter(obs1, P, band)
    # covered area
    map_shape = map_header['NAXIS2'], map_header['NAXIS1']
    coverage = (P.T * np.ones(P.shape[0])).reshape(map_shape)
    seen = coverage != 0
    M = lo.decimate(coverage < 10)
    # global model
    H = N * P * M.T
    return H
예제 #2
import tamasis as tm
import csh  # my PACS inversion routines
import fitsarray as fa
import lo

# scan parameters
ra0, dec0 = 30., 30.
pointing_params = {
    'cam_angle': 0.,
    "scan_angle": 0.,
    "scan_nlegs": 1,
    "scan_length": 400.,
    "scan_speed": 60.0,
    "compression_factor": 1  # we will compress later
pointing = tm.pacs_create_scan(ra0, dec0, **pointing_params)
# create obs object
obs = tm.PacsSimulation(pointing, "red", policy_bad_detector="keep")
# we dont need 200 first and last frames
obs.pointing.removed[200:] = True
obs.pointing.removed[-201:] = True
# create projector
projection = tm.Projection(obs, npixels_per_sample=4)
P = lo.aslinearoperator(projection)
# simulate data
x0 = tm.gaussian(projection.shapein, 3)  # map with gaussian source
tod0 = projection(x0)  # data
n = np.random.randn(*tod0.shape)  # noise
nsr = 1e-2
tod = tod0 + nsr * n  # noisy data
y = tod.ravel()  # as 1d array
예제 #3
# python setup.py install

# define projection matrix
# ------------------------
# center of the map
ra0, dec0 = 30., 30.
# let us define a small scan with 1 leg for testing purposes :
pointing_params = {
pointing = tm.pacs_create_scan(ra0, dec0, **pointing_params)
# create obs object
obs = tm.PacsSimulation(pointing, "red", policy_bad_detector="keep")
# to define my compression matrix I need only 8 frames
# so I mask the others :
obs.pointing.removed[:] = True
obs.pointing.removed[201:209] = False
# create projector
projection = tm.Projection(obs)
P = lo.aslinearoperator(projection)

# define masking of coefficients
# ------------------------------
# number of coefficients to keep
factor = 8.
nk = P.shape[0] / factor