예제 #1
def stream_start(url, kwargs):
    content = tangelo.server.analyze_url(url).content

    if content is None or content.type != Content.Service:
        tangelo.http_status(500, "Error Opening Streaming Service")
        return {"error": "could not open streaming service"}
        # Extract the path to the service and the list of positional
        # arguments.
        module_path = content.path
        pargs = content.pargs

        # Get the service module.
            service = modules.get(module_path)
            tangelo.http_status(501, "Error Importing Streaming Service")
            return tangelo.util.traceback_report(
                error="Could not import module %s" % (module_path))
            # Check for a "stream" function inside the module.
            if "stream" not in dir(service):
                tangelo.http_status(400, "Non-Streaming Service")
                return {
                    "The requested streaming service does not implement a 'stream()' function"
                # Call the stream function and capture its result.
                    stream = service.stream(*pargs, **kwargs)
                except Exception:
                    result = tangelo.util.traceback_report(
                        "Caught exception during streaming service execution",

                        "STREAM", "Could not execute service %s:\n%s" %
                        (tangelo.request_path(), "\n".join(

                                        "Streaming Service Raised Exception")
                    return result
                    # Generate a key corresponding to this object.
                    key = tangelo.util.generate_key(streams)

                    # Log the object in the streaming table.
                    streams[key] = stream

                    # Create an object describing the logging of the generator object.
                    return {"key": key}
예제 #2
    def invoke_service(self, module, *pargs, **kwargs):
        # TODO(choudhury): This method should attempt to load the named module,
        # then invoke it with the given arguments.  However, if the named
        # module is "config" or something similar, the method should instead
        # launch a special "config" app, which lists the available app modules,
        # along with docstrings or similar.  It should also allow the user to
        # add/delete search paths for other modules.

        # Save the system path (be sure to *make a copy* using the list()
        # function) - it will be modified before invoking the service, and must
        # be restored afterwards.
        origpath = list(sys.path)

        # By default, the result should be an object with error message in if
        # something goes wrong; if nothing goes wrong this will be replaced
        # with some other object.
        result = {}

        # Store the modpath in the thread-local storage (tangelo.paths() makes
        # use of this per-thread data, so this is the way to get the data
        # across the "module boundary" properly).
        modpath = os.path.dirname(module)
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulepath = modpath
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulename = module

        # Extend the system path with the module's home path.
        sys.path.insert(0, modpath)

            service = self.modules.get(module)
            tangelo.http_status(501, "Error Importing Service")
            result = {"error": "Could not import module %s" % (tangelo.request_path()),
                      "traceback": traceback.format_exc().split("\n")}
            # Try to run the service - either it's in a function called
            # "run()", or else it's in a REST API consisting of at least one of
            # "get()", "put()", "post()", or "delete()".
            # Collect the result in a variable - depending on its type, it will
            # be transformed in some way below (by default, to JSON, but may
            # also raise a cherrypy exception, log itself in a streaming table,
            # etc.).
                if 'run' in dir(service):
                    # Call the module's run() method, passing it the positional
                    # and keyword args that came into this method.
                    result = service.run(*pargs, **kwargs)
                    # Reaching here means it's a REST API.  Check for the
                    # requested method, ensure that it was marked as being part
                    # of the API, and call it; or give a 405 error.
                    method = cherrypy.request.method
                    restfunc = service.__dict__.get(method.lower())
                    if (restfunc is not None and hasattr(restfunc, "restful") and restfunc.restful):
                        result = restfunc(*pargs, **kwargs)
                        tangelo.http_status(405, "Method Not Allowed")
                        result = {"error": "Method '%s' is not allowed in this service" % (method)}
                stacktrace = traceback.format_exc()

                tangelo.log_warning("SERVICE", "Could not execute service %s:\n%s" % (tangelo.request_path(), stacktrace))

                tangelo.http_status(501, "Web Service Error")
                result = {"error": "Error executing service",
                          "module": tangelo.request_path(),
                          "traceback": stacktrace.split("\n")}

        # Restore the path to what it was originally.
        sys.path = origpath

        # If the result is not a string, attempt to convert it to one via JSON
        # serialization.  This allows services to return a Python object if they
        # wish, or to perform custom serialization (such as for MongoDB results,
        # etc.).
        if not isinstance(result, types.StringTypes):
                result = json.dumps(result)
            except TypeError as e:
                tangelo.http_status(400, "JSON Error")
                result = {"error": "JSON type error executing service",
                          "message": e.message}

        return result
예제 #3
    def invoke_service(self, module, *pargs, **kwargs):
        # TODO(choudhury): This method should attempt to load the named module,
        # then invoke it with the given arguments.  However, if the named
        # module is "config" or something similar, the method should instead
        # launch a special "config" app, which lists the available app modules,
        # along with docstrings or similar.  It should also allow the user to
        # add/delete search paths for other modules.

        # Save the system path (be sure to *make a copy* using the list()
        # function) - it will be modified before invoking the service, and must
        # be restored afterwards.
        origpath = list(sys.path)

        # By default, the result should be an object with error message in if
        # something goes wrong; if nothing goes wrong this will be replaced
        # with some other object.
        result = {}

        # Store the modpath in the thread-local storage (tangelo.paths() makes
        # use of this per-thread data, so this is the way to get the data
        # across the "module boundary" properly).
        modpath = os.path.dirname(module)
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulepath = modpath
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulename = module

        # Extend the system path with the module's home path.
        sys.path.insert(0, modpath)

        # Import the module if not already imported previously (or if the
        # module to import, or its configuration file, has been updated since
        # the last import).
            stamp = self.modules.get(module)
            mtime = os.path.getmtime(module)

            config_file = module[:-2] + "json"
            config_mtime = None
            if os.path.exists(config_file):
                config_mtime = os.path.getmtime(config_file)

            if (stamp is None or mtime > stamp["mtime"] or
                (config_mtime is not None and config_mtime > stamp["mtime"])):
                if stamp is None:
                    tangelo.log("loading new module: " + module)
                    tangelo.log("reloading module: " + module)

                # Load any configuration the module might carry with it.
                if config_mtime is not None:
                        with open(config_file) as f:
                            config = json.loads(json_minify(f.read()))
                            if type(config) != dict:
                                msg = ("Service module configuration file " +
                                       "does not contain a key-value store " +
                                       "(i.e., a JSON Object)")
                                raise TypeError(msg)
                    except IOError:
                        tangelo.log("Could not open config file %s" %
                    except ValueError as e:
                        tangelo.log("Error reading config file %s: %s" %
                                    (config_file, e))
                    config = {}

                cherrypy.config["module-config"][module] = config

                # Remove .py to get the module name
                name = module[:-3]

                # Load the module.
                service = imp.load_source(name, module)
                self.modules[module] = {
                    "module": service,
                    "mtime": max(mtime, config_mtime)
                service = stamp["module"]
            bt = traceback.format_exc()

            tangelo.log("Error importing module %s" % (tangelo.request_path()),
            tangelo.log(bt, "SERVICE")

            result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode(
                "501 Error in Python Service", Tangelo.literal +
                "There was an error while " + "trying to import module " +
                "%s:<br><pre>%s</pre>" % (tangelo.request_path(), bt))
            # Try to run the service - either it's in a function called
            # "run()", or else it's in a REST API consisting of at least one of
            # "get()", "put()", "post()", or "delete()".
            # Collect the result in a variable - depending on its type, it will
            # be transformed in some way below (by default, to JSON, but may
            # also raise a cherrypy exception, log itself in a streaming table,
            # etc.).
                if 'run' in dir(service):
                    # Call the module's run() method, passing it the positional
                    # and keyword args that came into this method.
                    result = service.run(*pargs, **kwargs)
                    # Reaching here means it's a REST API.  Check for the
                    # requested method, ensure that it was marked as being part
                    # of the API, and call it; or give a 405 error.
                    method = cherrypy.request.method
                    restfunc = service.__dict__[method.lower()]
                    if (restfunc is not None and hasattr(restfunc, "restful")
                            and restfunc.restful):
                        result = restfunc(*pargs, **kwargs)
                        result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode(
                            405, "Method not allowed")
            except Exception as e:
                bt = traceback.format_exc()

                    "Caught exception while executing service %s" %
                    (tangelo.request_path()), "SERVICE")
                tangelo.log(bt, "SERVICE")

                result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode(
                    "501 Error in Python Service", Tangelo.literal +
                    "There was an error " + "executing service " +
                    "%s:<br><pre>%s</pre>" % (tangelo.request_path(), bt))

        # Restore the path to what it was originally.
        sys.path = origpath

        # Check the type of the result to decide what result to finally return:
        # 1. If it is an HTTPStatusCode object, raise a cherrypy HTTPError
        # exception, which will cause the browser to do the right thing.
        # 2. TODO: If it's a Python generator object, log it with the Tangelo
        # streaming API.
        # 3. If it's a Python dictionary, convert it to JSON.
        # 4. If it's a string, don't do anything to it.
        # This allows the services to return a Python object if they wish, or
        # to perform custom serialization (such as for MongoDB results, etc.).
        if isinstance(result, tangelo.HTTPStatusCode):
            if result.msg:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(result.code, result.msg)
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(result.code)
        elif "next" in dir(result):
            if self.stream:
                return self.stream.add(result)
                return json.dumps({
                    "Streaming is not supported " +
                    "in this instance of Tangelo"
        elif not isinstance(result, types.StringTypes):
                result = json.dumps(result)
            except TypeError as e:
                msg = Tangelo.literal + "<p>A JSON type error occurred in service " + tangelo.request_path(
                ) + ":</p>"
                msg += "<p><pre>" + cgi.escape(e.message) + "</pre></p>"

                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("501 Error in Python Service", msg)

        return result
예제 #4
파일: stream.py 프로젝트: Kitware/tangelo
def stream_start(url, kwargs):
    content = tangelo.server.analyze_url(url).content

    if content is None or content.type != Content.Service:
        tangelo.http_status(500, "Error Opening Streaming Service")
        return {"error": "could not open streaming service"}
        # Extract the path to the service and the list of positional
        # arguments.
        module_path = content.path
        pargs = content.pargs

        # Get the service module.
            service = modules.get(module_path)
            tangelo.http_status(500, "Error Importing Streaming Service")

            error_code = tangelo.util.generate_error_code()

            tangelo.util.log_traceback("STREAM", error_code, "Could not import module %s" % (tangelo.request_path()))
            return tangelo.util.error_report(error_code)
            # Check for a "stream" function inside the module.
            if "stream" not in dir(service):
                tangelo.http_status(400, "Non-Streaming Service")
                return {"error": "The requested streaming service does not implement a 'stream()' function"}
                # Call the stream function and capture its result.
                    stream = service.stream(*pargs, **kwargs)
                except Exception:
                    tangelo.http_status(500, "Streaming Service Raised Exception")

                    error_code = tangelo.util.generate_error_code()

                    tangelo.util.log_traceback("STREAM", error_code, "Could not execute service %s" % (tangelo.request_path()))
                    return tangelo.util.error_report(error_code)
                    # Generate a key corresponding to this object.
                    key = tangelo.util.generate_key(streams)

                    # Log the object in the streaming table.
                    streams[key] = stream

                    # Create an object describing the logging of the generator object.
                    return {"key": key}
예제 #5
파일: server.py 프로젝트: mcanthony/tangelo
    def invoke_service(self, module, *pargs, **kwargs):

        # Save the system path (be sure to *make a copy* using the list()
        # function).  This will be restored to undo any modification of the path
        # done by the service.
        origpath = list(sys.path)

        # By default, the result should be an object with error message in if
        # something goes wrong; if nothing goes wrong this will be replaced
        # with some other object.
        result = {}

        # Store the modpath in the thread-local storage (tangelo.paths() makes
        # use of this per-thread data, so this is the way to get the data
        # across the "module boundary" properly).
        modpath = os.path.dirname(module)
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulepath = modpath
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulename = module

        # Change the current working directory to that of the service module,
        # saving the old one.  This is so that the service function executes as
        # though it were a Python program invoked normally, and Tangelo can
        # continue running later in whatever its original CWD was.
        save_cwd = os.getcwd()

            service = self.modules.get(module)
            tangelo.http_status(501, "Error Importing Service")
            result = tangelo.util.traceback_report(error="Could not import module %s" % (tangelo.request_path()))
            # Try to run the service - either it's in a function called
            # "run()", or else it's in a REST API consisting of at least one of
            # "get()", "put()", "post()", or "delete()".
            # Collect the result in a variable - depending on its type, it will
            # be transformed in some way below (by default, to JSON, but may
            # also raise a cherrypy exception, log itself in a streaming table,
            # etc.).
                if "run" in dir(service):
                    # Call the module's run() method, passing it the positional
                    # and keyword args that came into this method.
                    result = service.run(*pargs, **kwargs)
                    # Reaching here means it's a REST API.  Check for the
                    # requested method, ensure that it was marked as being part
                    # of the API, and call it; or give a 405 error.
                    method = cherrypy.request.method
                    restfunc = service.__dict__.get(method.lower())
                    if (restfunc is not None and hasattr(restfunc, "restful") and restfunc.restful):
                        result = restfunc(*pargs, **kwargs)
                        tangelo.http_status(405, "Method Not Allowed")
                        result = {"error": "Method '%s' is not allowed in this service" % (method)}
                tangelo.http_status(501, "Web Service Error")
                result = tangelo.util.traceback_report(error="Error executing service", module=tangelo.request_path())

                tangelo.log_warning("SERVICE", "Could not execute service %s:\n%s" % (tangelo.request_path(), "\n".join(result["traceback"])))

        # Restore the path to what it was originally.
        sys.path = origpath

        # Restore the CWD to what it was before the service invocation.

        # If the result is not a string, attempt to convert it to one via JSON
        # serialization.  This allows services to return a Python object if they
        # wish, or to perform custom serialization (such as for MongoDB results,
        # etc.).
        if not isinstance(result, types.StringTypes):
                result = json.dumps(result)
            except TypeError as e:
                tangelo.http_status(400, "JSON Error")
                result = {"error": "JSON type error executing service",
                          "message": e.message}

        return result
예제 #6
    def invoke_service(self, module, *pargs, **kwargs):
        # TODO(choudhury): This method should attempt to load the named module,
        # then invoke it with the given arguments.  However, if the named
        # module is "config" or something similar, the method should instead
        # launch a special "config" app, which lists the available app modules,
        # along with docstrings or similar.  It should also allow the user to
        # add/delete search paths for other modules.

        # Save the system path (be sure to *make a copy* using the list()
        # function) - it will be modified before invoking the service, and must
        # be restored afterwards.
        origpath = list(sys.path)

        # By default, the result should be an object with error message in if
        # something goes wrong; if nothing goes wrong this will be replaced
        # with some other object.
        result = {}

        # Store the modpath in the thread-local storage (tangelo.paths() makes
        # use of this per-thread data, so this is the way to get the data
        # across the "module boundary" properly).
        modpath = os.path.dirname(module)
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulepath = modpath
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulename = module

        # Extend the system path with the module's home path.
        sys.path.insert(0, modpath)

        # Import the module if not already imported previously (or if the
        # module to import, or its configuration file, has been updated since
        # the last import).
            stamp = self.modules.get(module)
            mtime = os.path.getmtime(module)

            config_file = module[:-2] + "json"
            config_mtime = None
            if os.path.exists(config_file):
                config_mtime = os.path.getmtime(config_file)

            if (stamp is None or
                    mtime > stamp["mtime"] or
                    (config_mtime is not None and
                     config_mtime > stamp["mtime"])):
                if stamp is None:
                    tangelo.log("loading new module: " + module)
                    tangelo.log("reloading module: " + module)

                # Load any configuration the module might carry with it.
                if config_mtime is not None:
                        with open(config_file) as f:
                            config = json.loads(json_minify(f.read()))
                            if type(config) != dict:
                                msg = ("Service module configuration file " +
                                       "does not contain a key-value store " +
                                       "(i.e., a JSON Object)")
                                raise TypeError(msg)
                    except IOError:
                        tangelo.log("Could not open config file %s" %
                    except ValueError as e:
                        tangelo.log("Error reading config file %s: %s" %
                                    (config_file, e))
                    config = {}

                cherrypy.config["module-config"][module] = config

                # Remove .py to get the module name
                name = module[:-3]

                # Load the module.
                service = imp.load_source(name, module)
                self.modules[module] = {"module": service,
                                        "mtime": max(mtime, config_mtime)}
                service = stamp["module"]
            bt = traceback.format_exc()

            tangelo.log("Error importing module %s" % (tangelo.request_path()),
            tangelo.log(bt, "SERVICE")

            result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode("501 Error in Python Service",
                                            Tangelo.literal + "There was an error while " +
                                            "trying to import module " +
                                            "%s:<br><pre>%s</pre>" %
                                            (tangelo.request_path(), bt))
            # Try to run the service - either it's in a function called
            # "run()", or else it's in a REST API consisting of at least one of
            # "get()", "put()", "post()", or "delete()".
            # Collect the result in a variable - depending on its type, it will
            # be transformed in some way below (by default, to JSON, but may
            # also raise a cherrypy exception, log itself in a streaming table,
            # etc.).
                if 'run' in dir(service):
                    # Call the module's run() method, passing it the positional
                    # and keyword args that came into this method.
                    result = service.run(*pargs, **kwargs)
                    # Reaching here means it's a REST API.  Check for the
                    # requested method, ensure that it was marked as being part
                    # of the API, and call it; or give a 405 error.
                    method = cherrypy.request.method
                    restfunc = service.__dict__[method.lower()]
                    if (restfunc is not None and
                            hasattr(restfunc, "restful") and
                        result = restfunc(*pargs, **kwargs)
                        result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode(405,
                                                        "Method not allowed")
            except Exception as e:
                bt = traceback.format_exc()

                tangelo.log("Caught exception while executing service %s" %
                            (tangelo.request_path()), "SERVICE")
                tangelo.log(bt, "SERVICE")

                result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode("501 Error in Python Service",
                                                Tangelo.literal + "There was an error " +
                                                "executing service " +
                                                "%s:<br><pre>%s</pre>" %
                                                (tangelo.request_path(), bt))

        # Restore the path to what it was originally.
        sys.path = origpath

        # Check the type of the result to decide what result to finally return:
        # 1. If it is an HTTPStatusCode object, raise a cherrypy HTTPError
        # exception, which will cause the browser to do the right thing.
        # 2. TODO: If it's a Python generator object, log it with the Tangelo
        # streaming API.
        # 3. If it's a Python dictionary, convert it to JSON.
        # 4. If it's a string, don't do anything to it.
        # This allows the services to return a Python object if they wish, or
        # to perform custom serialization (such as for MongoDB results, etc.).
        if isinstance(result, tangelo.HTTPStatusCode):
            if result.msg:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(result.code, result.msg)
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(result.code)
        elif "next" in dir(result):
            if self.stream:
                return self.stream.add(result)
                return json.dumps({"error": "Streaming is not supported " +
                                            "in this instance of Tangelo"})
        elif not isinstance(result, types.StringTypes):
                result = json.dumps(result)
            except TypeError as e:
                msg = Tangelo.literal + "<p>A JSON type error occurred in service " + tangelo.request_path() + ":</p>"
                msg += "<p><pre>" + cgi.escape(e.message) + "</pre></p>"

                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("501 Error in Python Service", msg)

        return result
예제 #7
파일: server.py 프로젝트: hafen/tangelo
    def invoke_service(self, module, *pargs, **kwargs):
        # TODO(choudhury): This method should attempt to load the named module,
        # then invoke it with the given arguments.  However, if the named module
        # is "config" or something similar, the method should instead launch a
        # special "config" app, which lists the available app modules, along
        # with docstrings or similar.  It should also allow the user to
        # add/delete search paths for other modules.

        # Save the system path (be sure to *make a copy* using the list()
        # function) - it will be modified before invoking the service, and must
        # be restored afterwards.
        origpath = list(sys.path)

        # By default, the result should be a bare response that we will place an
        # error message in if something goes wrong; if nothing goes wrong this
        # will be replaced with some other object.
        result = tangelo.empty_response()

        # Store the modpath in the thread-local storage (tangelo.paths() makes
        # use of this per-thread data, so this is the way to get the data across
        # the "module boundary" properly).
        modpath = os.path.dirname(module)
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulepath = modpath
        cherrypy.thread_data.modulename = module

        # Extend the system path with the module's home path.
        sys.path.insert(0, modpath)

        # Import the module if not already imported previously (or if the module
        # to import, or its configuration file, has been updated since the last
        # import).
            stamp = self.modules.get(module)
            mtime = os.path.getmtime(module)

            config_file = module[:-2] + "json"
            config_mtime = None
            if os.path.exists(config_file):
                config_mtime = os.path.getmtime(config_file)

            if stamp is None or mtime > stamp["mtime"] or (config_mtime is not None and config_mtime > stamp["mtime"]):
                if stamp is None:
                    tangelo.log("loading new module: " + module)
                    tangelo.log("reloading module: " + module)

                # Load any configuration the module might carry with it.
                if config_mtime is not None:
                        with open(config_file) as f:
                            config = json.loads(json_minify(f.read()))
                            if type(config) != dict:
                                msg = "Service module configuration file does not contain a key-value store (i.e., a JSON Object)"
                                raise TypeError(msg)
                    except IOError:
                        tangelo.log("Could not open config file %s" % (config_file))
                    except ValueError as e:
                        tangelo.log("Error reading config file %s: %s" % (config_file, e))
                    config = {}

                cherrypy.config["module-config"][module] = config

                # Remove .py to get the module name
                name = module[:-3]

                # Load the module.
                service = imp.load_source(name, module)
                self.modules[module] = { "module": service,
                                         "mtime": max(mtime, config_mtime) }
                service = stamp["module"]
            bt = traceback.format_exc()

            tangelo.log("Error importing module %s" % (tangelo.request_path()), "SERVICE")
            tangelo.log(bt, "SERVICE")

            result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode("501 Error in Python Service", "There was an error while trying to import module %s:<br><pre>%s</pre>" % (tangelo.request_path(), bt))
            # Try to run the service - either it's in a function called "run()",
            # or else it's in a REST API consisting of at least one of "get()",
            # "put()", "post()", or "delete()".
            # Collect the result in a variable - depending on its type, it will be
            # transformed in some way below (by default, to JSON, but may also raise
            # a cherrypy exception, log itself in a streaming table, etc.).
                if 'run' in dir(service):
                    # Call the module's run() method, passing it the positional and
                    # keyword args that came into this method.
                    result = service.run(*pargs, **kwargs)
                    # Reaching here means it's a REST API.  Check for the
                    # requested method, ensure that it was marked as being part
                    # of the API, and call it; or give a 405 error.
                    method = cherrypy.request.method
                    restfunc = service.__dict__[method.lower()]
                    if restfunc is not None and hasattr(restfunc, "restful") and restfunc.restful:
                        result = restfunc(*pargs, **kwargs)
                        result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode(405, "Method not allowed")
            except Exception as e:
                bt = traceback.format_exc()

                tangelo.log("Caught exception while executing service %s" % (tangelo.request_path()), "SERVICE")
                tangelo.log(bt, "SERVICE")

                result = tangelo.HTTPStatusCode("501 Error in Python Service", "There was an error executing service %s:<br><pre>%s</pre>" % (tangelo.request_path(), bt))

        # Restore the path to what it was originally.
        sys.path = origpath

        # Check the type of the result to decide what result to finally return:
        # 1. If it is an HTTPStatusCode object, raise a cherrypy HTTPError
        # exception, which will cause the browser to do the right thing.
        # 2. TODO: If it's a Python generator object, log it with the Tangelo
        # streaming API.
        # 3. If it's a Python dictionary, convert it to JSON.
        # 4. If it's a string, don't do anything to it.
        # This allows the services to return a Python object if they wish, or to
        # perform custom serialization (such as for MongoDB results, etc.).
        if isinstance(result, tangelo.HTTPStatusCode):
            if result.msg:
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(result.code, result.msg)
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(result.code)
        elif "next" in dir(result):
            # Generate a key corresponding to this object, using 100 random
            # bytes from the system - ensure the random key is not already in
            # the table (even though it would be crazy to wind up with a
            # collision).
            # TODO(choudhury): replace this with a call to generate_key().
            # Move the comment above into the generate_key() function.
            key = md5.md5(os.urandom(100)).hexdigest()
            while key in self.streams:
                key = md5.md5(os.urandom(100)).hexdigest()

            # Log the object in the streaming table.
            self.streams[key] = result

            # Create an object describing the logging of the generator object.
            result = tangelo.empty_response()
            result["stream_key"] = key

            # Serialize it to JSON.
            result = json.dumps(result)
        elif not isinstance(result, types.StringTypes):
                result = json.dumps(result)
            except TypeError as e:
                t = e.message.split("<service.")[1].split()[0]
                msg = "Service %s returned an object of type %s that could not be serialized to JSON" % (tangelo.request_path(), t)

                tangelo.log("Error: %s" % (msg), "SERVICE")

                raise cherrypy.HTTPError("501 Error in Python Service", msg)

        return result