def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): cookies = self._get_cookies(record=serviceRecord) activities = [] exclusions = [] pageUri = self.OpenFitEndpoint + "/fitnessActivities.json" while True: logger.debug("Req against " + pageUri) res = requests.get(pageUri, cookies=cookies) res = res.json() for act in res["items"]: activity = UploadedActivity() activity.UploadedTo = [{"Connection": serviceRecord, "ActivityURI": act["uri"]}] if len(act["name"].strip()): activity.Name = act["name"] activity.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(act["start_time"]) if isinstance(activity.StartTime.tzinfo, tzutc): activity.TZ = pytz.utc # The dateutil tzutc doesn't have an _offset value. else: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset(activity.StartTime.tzinfo._offset.total_seconds() / 60) # Convert the dateutil lame timezones into pytz awesome timezones. activity.StartTime = activity.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=activity.TZ) activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=float(act["duration"])) # Sometimes activities get returned with a UTC timezone even when they are clearly not in UTC. if activity.TZ == pytz.utc: # So, we get the first location in the activity and calculate the TZ from that. try: firstLocation = self._downloadActivity(serviceRecord, activity, returnFirstLocation=True) except APIExcludeActivity: pass else: activity.CalculateTZ(firstLocation) activity.AdjustTZ() logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime)) activity.Distance = float(act["total_distance"]) types = [x.strip().lower() for x in act["type"].split(":")] types.reverse() # The incoming format is like "walking: hiking" and we want the most specific first activity.Type = None for type_key in types: if type_key in self._activityMappings: activity.Type = self._activityMappings[type_key] break if not activity.Type: exclusions.append(APIExcludeActivity("Unknown activity type %s" % act["type"], activityId=act["uri"])) continue activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity) if not exhaustive or "next" not in res or not len(res["next"]): break else: pageUri = res["next"] return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): # cookies = self._get_cookies(record=serviceRecord) page = 1 pageSz = 50 activities = [] exclusions = [] while True: logger.debug("Req with " + str({"start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz})) res = requests.get("", params={"start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz}, cookies=cookies) res = res.json()["results"] if "activities" not in res: break # No activities on this page - empty account. for act in res["activities"]: act = act["activity"] if "beginLatitude" not in act or "endLatitude" not in act or (act["beginLatitude"] is act["endLatitude"] and act["beginLongitude"] is act["endLongitude"]): exclusions.append(APIExcludeActivity("No points", activityId=act["activityId"])) continue if "sumDistance" not in act: exclusions.append(APIExcludeActivity("No distance", activityId=act["activityId"])) continue activity = UploadedActivity() try: activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(act["activityTimeZone"]["key"]) except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset(float(act["activityTimeZone"]["offset"]) * 60) logger.debug("Name " + act["activityName"]["value"] + ":") if len(act["activityName"]["value"].strip()) and act["activityName"]["value"] != "Untitled": activity.Name = act["activityName"]["value"] # beginTimestamp/endTimestamp is in UTC activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(act["beginTimestamp"]["millis"])/1000)) if "sumElapsedDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, round(float(act["sumElapsedDuration"]["value"]))) elif "sumDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(minutes=float(act["sumDuration"]["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[0]), seconds=float(act["sumDuration"]["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[1])) else: activity.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(act["endTimestamp"]["millis"])/1000)) logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime) + " on page " + str(page)) activity.AdjustTZ() # TODO: fix the distance stats to account for the fact that this incorrectly reported km instead of meters for the longest time. activity.Distance = float(act["sumDistance"]["value"]) * (1.60934 if act["sumDistance"]["uom"] == "mile" else 1) * 1000 # In meters... activity.Type = self._resolveActivityType(act["activityType"]["key"]) activity.CalculateUID() activity.UploadedTo = [{"Connection": serviceRecord, "ActivityID": act["activityId"]}] activities.append(activity) logger.debug("Finished page " + str(page) + " of " + str(res["search"]["totalPages"])) if not exhaustive or int(res["search"]["totalPages"]) == page: break else: page += 1 return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, svcRecord, exhaustive=False): activities = [] exclusions = [] before = earliestDate = None while True: if before is not None and before < 0: break # Caused by activities that "happened" before the epoch. We generally don't care about those activities... logger.debug("Req with before=" + str(before) + "/" + str(earliestDate)) self._globalRateLimit() resp = requests.get("" + str(svcRecord.ExternalID) + "/activities", headers=self._apiHeaders(svcRecord), params={"before": before}) if resp.status_code == 401: raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) earliestDate = None reqdata = resp.json() if not len(reqdata): break # No more activities to see for ride in reqdata: activity = UploadedActivity() activity.TZ = pytz.timezone( re.sub("^\([^\)]+\)\s*", "", ride["timezone"]) ) # Comes back as "(GMT -13:37) The Stuff/We Want"" activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.strptime(ride["start_date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")) logger.debug("\tActivity s/t %s: %s" % (activity.StartTime, ride["name"])) if not earliestDate or activity.StartTime < earliestDate: earliestDate = activity.StartTime before = calendar.timegm( activity.StartTime.astimezone(pytz.utc).timetuple()) activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, ride["elapsed_time"]) activity.ServiceData = { "ActivityID": ride["id"], "Manual": ride["manual"] } if ride["type"] not in self._reverseActivityTypeMappings: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("Unsupported activity type %s" % ride["type"], activity_id=ride["id"], user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Other))) logger.debug("\t\tUnknown activity") continue activity.Type = self._reverseActivityTypeMappings[ride["type"]] activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=ride["distance"]) if "max_speed" in ride or "average_speed" in ride: activity.Stats.Speed = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, avg=ride["average_speed"] if "average_speed" in ride else None, max=ride["max_speed"] if "max_speed" in ride else None) activity.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds, value=ride["moving_time"] if "moving_time" in ride and ride["moving_time"] > 0 else None ) # They don't let you manually enter this, and I think it returns 0 for those activities. # Strava doesn't handle "timer time" to the best of my knowledge - although they say they do look at the FIT total_timer_time field, so...? if "average_watts" in ride: activity.Stats.Power = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Watts, avg=ride["average_watts"]) if "average_heartrate" in ride: activity.Stats.HR.update( ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=ride["average_heartrate"])) if "max_heartrate" in ride: activity.Stats.HR.update( ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, max=ride["max_heartrate"])) if "average_cadence" in ride: activity.Stats.Cadence.update( ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute, avg=ride["average_cadence"])) if "average_temp" in ride: activity.Stats.Temperature.update( ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.DegreesCelcius, avg=ride["average_temp"])) if "calories" in ride: activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, value=ride["calories"]) activity.Name = ride["name"] activity.Private = ride["private"] activity.Stationary = ride["manual"] activity.GPS = ("start_latlng" in ride) and (ride["start_latlng"] is not None) activity.AdjustTZ() activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity) if not exhaustive or not earliestDate: break return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): # # offset also supported page = 1 pageSz = 50 activities = [] exclusions = [] while True: logger.debug("Req with " + str({ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz })) # TODO: take advantage of their nice ETag support params = {"offset": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz} params = self._add_auth_params(params, record=serviceRecord) res = requests.get( "{}/trips.json".format( serviceRecord.ExternalID), params=params) res = res.json() total_pages = math.ceil(int(res["results_count"]) / pageSz) for act in res["results"]: if "first_lat" not in act or "last_lat" not in act: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("No points", activityId=act["activityId"], userException=UserException( UserExceptionType.Corrupt))) continue if "distance" not in act: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("No distance", activityId=act["activityId"], userException=UserException( UserExceptionType.Corrupt))) continue activity = UploadedActivity() activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(act["time_zone"]) logger.debug("Name " + act["name"] + ":") if len(act["name"].strip()): activity.Name = act["name"] activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.strptime(act["departed_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")) activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( seconds=self._duration_to_seconds(act["duration"])) logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime) + " on page " + str(page)) activity.AdjustTZ() activity.Distance = float( act["distance"]) # This value is already in meters... # Activity type is not implemented yet in RWGPS results; we will assume cycling, though perhaps "OTHER" wouuld be correct activity.Type = ActivityType.Cycling activity.CalculateUID() activity.UploadedTo = [{ "Connection": serviceRecord, "ActivityID": act["id"] }] activities.append(activity) logger.debug("Finished page {} of {}".format(page, total_pages)) if not exhaustive or total_pages == page or total_pages == 0: break else: page += 1 return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): # page = 1 pageSz = 100 activities = [] exclusions = [] while True: logger.debug("Req with " + str({ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz })) res = self._request_with_reauth( serviceRecord, lambda session: session.get( "", params={ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz })) try: res = res.json()["results"] except ValueError: res_txt = res.text # So it can capture in the log message raise APIException("Parse failure in GC list resp: %s - %s" % (res.status_code, res.text)) if "activities" not in res: break # No activities on this page - empty account. for act in res["activities"]: act = act["activity"] activity = UploadedActivity() # Don't really know why sumSampleCountTimestamp doesn't appear in swim activities - they're definitely timestamped... activity.Stationary = "sumSampleCountSpeed" not in act and "sumSampleCountTimestamp" not in act activity.GPS = "endLatitude" in act activity.Private = act["privacy"]["key"] == "private" try: activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(act["activityTimeZone"]["key"]) except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset( float(act["activityTimeZone"]["offset"]) * 60) logger.debug("Name " + act["activityName"]["value"] + ":") if len(act["activityName"]["value"].strip( )) and act["activityName"][ "value"] != "Untitled": # This doesn't work for internationalized accounts, oh well. activity.Name = act["activityName"]["value"] if len(act["activityDescription"]["value"].strip()): activity.Notes = act["activityDescription"]["value"] # beginTimestamp/endTimestamp is in UTC activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(act["beginTimestamp"]["millis"]) / 1000)) if "sumElapsedDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, round(float(act["sumElapsedDuration"]["value"]))) elif "sumDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( minutes=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[0]), seconds=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[1])) else: activity.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(act["endTimestamp"]["millis"]) / 1000)) logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime) + " on page " + str(page)) activity.AdjustTZ() if "sumDistance" in act and float( act["sumDistance"]["value"]) != 0: activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( self._unitMap[act["sumDistance"]["uom"]], value=float(act["sumDistance"]["value"])) if "device" in act and act["device"]["key"] != "unknown": devId = DeviceIdentifier.FindMatchingIdentifierOfType( DeviceIdentifierType.GC, {"Key": act["device"]["key"]}) ver_split = act["device"]["key"].split(".") ver_maj = None ver_min = None if len(ver_split) == 4: # ver_maj = int(ver_split[0]) ver_min = int(ver_split[1]) activity.Device = Device(devId, verMaj=ver_maj, verMin=ver_min) activity.Type = self._resolveActivityType( act["activityType"]["key"]) activity.CalculateUID() activity.ServiceData = {"ActivityID": int(act["activityId"])} activities.append(activity) logger.debug("Finished page " + str(page) + " of " + str(res["search"]["totalPages"])) if not exhaustive or int(res["search"]["totalPages"]) == page: break else: page += 1 return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): headers = self._getAuthHeaders(serviceRecord) activities = [] exclusions = [] pageUri = self.OpenFitEndpoint + "/fitnessActivities.json" activity_tz_cache_raw = cachedb.sporttracks_meta_cache.find_one( {"ExternalID": serviceRecord.ExternalID}) activity_tz_cache_raw = activity_tz_cache_raw if activity_tz_cache_raw else { "Activities": [] } activity_tz_cache = dict([(x["ActivityURI"], x["TZ"]) for x in activity_tz_cache_raw["Activities"] ]) while True: logger.debug("Req against " + pageUri) res = requests.get(pageUri, headers=headers) try: res = res.json() except ValueError: raise APIException( "Could not decode activity list response %s %s" % (res.status_code, res.text)) for act in res["items"]: activity = UploadedActivity() activity.ServiceData = {"ActivityURI": act["uri"]} if len(act["name"].strip()): activity.Name = act["name"] # Longstanding bug causes it to return negative partial-hour timezones as "-2:-30" instead of "-2:30" fixed_start_time = re.sub(r":-(\d\d)", r":\1", act["start_time"]) activity.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(fixed_start_time) if isinstance(activity.StartTime.tzinfo, tzutc): activity.TZ = pytz.utc # The dateutil tzutc doesn't have an _offset value. else: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset( activity.StartTime.tzinfo.utcoffset( activity.StartTime).total_seconds() / 60 ) # Convert the dateutil lame timezones into pytz awesome timezones. activity.StartTime = activity.StartTime.replace( tzinfo=activity.TZ) activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( seconds=float(act["duration"])) activity.Stats.TimerTime = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds, value=float(act["duration"] )) # OpenFit says this excludes paused times. # Sometimes activities get returned with a UTC timezone even when they are clearly not in UTC. if activity.TZ == pytz.utc: if act["uri"] in activity_tz_cache: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset( activity_tz_cache[act["uri"]]) else: # So, we get the first location in the activity and calculate the TZ from that. try: firstLocation = self._downloadActivity( serviceRecord, activity, returnFirstLocation=True) except APIExcludeActivity: pass else: try: activity.CalculateTZ(firstLocation, recalculate=True) except: # We tried! pass else: activity.AdjustTZ() finally: activity_tz_cache[ act["uri"]] = activity.StartTime.utcoffset( ).total_seconds() / 60 logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime)) activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=float(act["total_distance"])) types = [x.strip().lower() for x in act["type"].split(":")] types.reverse( ) # The incoming format is like "walking: hiking" and we want the most specific first activity.Type = None for type_key in types: if type_key in self._activityMappings: activity.Type = self._activityMappings[type_key] break if not activity.Type: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("Unknown activity type %s" % act["type"], activity_id=act["uri"], user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Other))) continue activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity) if not exhaustive or "next" not in res or not len(res["next"]): break else: pageUri = res["next"] logger.debug("Writing back meta cache") cachedb.sporttracks_meta_cache.update( {"ExternalID": serviceRecord.ExternalID}, { "ExternalID": serviceRecord.ExternalID, "Activities": [{ "ActivityURI": k, "TZ": v } for k, v in activity_tz_cache.items()] }, upsert=True) return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, svcRecord, exhaustive=False): activities = [] exclusions = [] before = earliestDate = None # define low parameter # get Garmin info # WARNING : BE CAREFULL ABOUT DATE FILTER # date filter of this request will follow this process : # - fetching activity with uploaded date between upload_start_time & upload_end_time # - return matched activities # For example : # if you upload at 20-05-2019 an activity into Garmin with start date 01-01-2019 # and you use upload_start_time=20-05-2019 & upload_end_time=21-05-2019 # the 01-01-2019 will be return # So we download activities from upload date service_id = svcRecord._id user = db.users.find_one({ 'ConnectedServices': { '$elemMatch': { 'ID': service_id, 'Service': self.ID } } }) afterDateObj = - timedelta(days=1) afterDate = afterDateObj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") afterDate_tstmp = str(int(afterDateObj.timestamp())) date_now = now_tstmp = str(int(date_now.timestamp())) userID = svcRecord.ExternalID oauth_token = svcRecord.Authorization.get('OAuthToken') user_access_token = svcRecord.Authorization.get('AccessToken') user_access_token_secret = svcRecord.Authorization.get( 'AccessTokenSecret')"\t Download Garmin Health activities since : " + afterDate)"\t Building signin for activities summary") user_tokens = { 'access_token': user_access_token, 'access_token_secret': user_access_token_secret, 'oauth_token': oauth_token } payload = "" start_date = afterDateObj index_total = 0 while start_date < date_now: end_date = start_date + timedelta(seconds=86400) if end_date > date_now: end_date = date_now start_date_tmstmp = str(int(start_date.timestamp())) start_date_str = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_date_tmstmp = str(int(end_date.timestamp())) end_date_str = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") "\t Download Garmin Health activities from %s to %s " % (start_date_str, end_date_str)) signin_parameters = { 'upload_start_time': start_date_tmstmp, 'upload_end_time': end_date_tmstmp, } signin_info = self._request_signin('GET', self.URI_ACTIVITIES_SUMMARY, user_tokens, parameters=signin_parameters) resp = requests.request("GET", signin_info['path'], data=payload, headers=signin_info['header']) if resp.status_code != 204 and resp.status_code != 200: "\t An error occured while downloading Garmin Health activities from %s to %s " % (start_date_str, end_date_str)) json_data = resp.json() if json_data: for item in json_data: index_total = index_total + 1 activity = UploadedActivity() activity_name = item['activityType'] if item['deviceName'] is not 'unknown': activity_name = activity_name + " - " + item[ 'deviceName'] # parse date start to get timezone and date activity.StartTime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp( item['startTimeInSeconds']) activity.TZ = pytz.utc logging.debug("\tActivity start s/t %s: %s" % (activity.StartTime, activity_name)) activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( seconds=item["durationInSeconds"]) activity.ServiceData = {"ActivityID": item["summaryId"]} if "manual" in item: activity.ServiceData['Manual'] = item["manual"] else: activity.ServiceData['Manual'] = False # check if activity type ID exists if item["activityType"] not in self._reverseActivityTypeMappings: # TODO : Uncomment it when test are done #exclusions.append( # APIExcludeActivity("Unsupported activity type %s" % item["activityType"], # activity_id=item["summaryId"], # user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Other)))"\t\tUnknown activity") continue activity.Type = self._reverseActivityTypeMappings[ item["activityType"]] activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=item["distanceInMeters"]) if "avgSpeedInMetersPerSecond" in item and "maxSpeedInMetersPerSecond" in item: activity.Stats.Speed = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, avg=item["avgSpeedInMetersPerSecond"], max=item["maxSpeedInMetersPerSecond"]) else: if "avgSpeedInMetersPerSecond" in item: activity.Stats.Speed = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, avg=item["avgSpeedInMetersPerSecond"]) if "maxSpeedInMetersPerSecond" in item: activity.Stats.Speed = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, max=item["maxSpeedInMetersPerSecond"]) # Todo: find Garmin data name # activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, # value=ftbt_activity["calories"]) # Todo: find Garmin data name # activity.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds, value=ride[ # "moving_time"] if "moving_time" in ride and ride[ # "moving_time"] > 0 else None) # They don't let you manually enter this, and I think it returns 0 for those activities. # Todo: find Garmin data name # if "average_watts" in ride: # activity.Stats.Power = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Watts, # avg=ride["average_watts"]) # Todo: find Garmin data # activity.GPS = ("start_latlng" in ride) and (ride["start_latlng"] is not None) if "averageHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute" in item and "maxHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute" in item: activity.Stats.HR.update( ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=item["averageHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute"], max=item["maxHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute"])) else: if "averageHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute" in item: activity.Stats.HR.update( ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=item[ "averageHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute"])) if "maxHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute" in item: activity.Stats.HR.update( ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, max=item["maxHeartRateInBeatsPerMinute"])) # Todo: find Garmin data name # if "average_cadence" in ride: # activity.Stats.Cadence.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute, # avg=ride["average_cadence"])) # Todo: find Garmin data name # if "average_temp" in ride: # activity.Stats.Temperature.update( # ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.DegreesCelcius, avg=ride["average_temp"])) # Todo: find Garmin data name if "calories" in item: activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, value=item["calories"]) activity.Name = activity_name activity.Private = False activity.Stationary = False activity.AdjustTZ() activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity)"\t\t Garmin Activity ID : " + str(item["summaryId"])) start_date = end_date"\t\t total Garmin activities downloaded : " + str(index_total)) return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, svcRecord, exhaustive=False): activities = [] exclusions = [] now = prev = now - timedelta(6 * 365 / 12) period = [] aperiod = "%s%02d-%s%02d" % (prev.year, prev.month, now.year, now.month) period.append(aperiod) if exhaustive: for _ in range(20): now = prev prev = now - timedelta(6 * 365 / 12) aperiod = "%s%02d-%s%02d" % (prev.year, prev.month, now.year, now.month) period.append(aperiod) for dateInterval in period: headers = self._getAuthHeaders(svcRecord) resp = requests.get(self.ApiEndpoint + "/users/" + str(svcRecord.ExternalID) + "/activities.xml?date=" + dateInterval, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 400: raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) if resp.status_code == 401: raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) if resp.status_code == 403: raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) root = xml.fromstring(resp.content)"\t\t nb activity : " + str(len(root.findall('.//ID')))) for ride in root.iter('ACTIVITY'): activity = UploadedActivity() activity.TZ = pytz.timezone("UTC") startdate = ride.find('.//STARTDATE').text + ride.find( './/TIMEZONE').text datebase = parse(startdate) activity.StartTime = datebase #pytz.utc.localize(datebase) activity.ServiceData = { "ActivityID": ride.find('ID').text, "Manual": ride.find('MANUAL').text }"\t\t DecathlonCoach Activity ID : " + ride.find('ID').text) if ride.find('SPORTID' ).text not in self._reverseActivityTypeMappings: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("Unsupported activity type %s" % ride.find('SPORTID').text, activity_id=ride.find('ID').text, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Other))) "\t\tDecathlonCoach Unknown activity, sport id " + ride.find('SPORTID').text + " is not mapped") continue activity.Type = self._reverseActivityTypeMappings[ride.find( 'SPORTID').text] for val in ride.iter('VALUE'): if val.get('id') == self._unitMap["duration"]: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, int(val.text)) if val.get('id') == self._unitMap["distance"]: activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, value=int(val.text)) if val.get('id') == self._unitMap["kcal"]: activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, value=int(val.text)) if val.get('id') == self._unitMap["speedaverage"]: meterperhour = int(val.text) meterpersecond = meterperhour / 3600 activity.Stats.Speed = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.MetersPerSecond, avg=meterpersecond, max=None) if ride.find('LIBELLE' ).text == "" or ride.find('LIBELLE').text is None: txtdate = startdate.split(' ') activity.Name = "Sport DecathlonCoach " + txtdate[0] else: activity.Name = ride.find('LIBELLE').text activity.Private = False activity.Stationary = ride.find('MANUAL').text activity.GPS = ride.find('ABOUT').find('TRACK').text activity.AdjustTZ() activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity) return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, svcRecord, exhaustive=False): activities = [] exclusions = [] before = earliestDate = None while True: logger.debug("Req with before=" + str(before) + "/" + str(earliestDate)) resp = requests.get("" + str(svcRecord.ExternalID) + "/activities", headers=self._apiHeaders(svcRecord), params={"before": before}) if resp.status_code == 401: raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) earliestDate = None reqdata = resp.json() if not len(reqdata): break # No more activities to see for ride in reqdata: activity = UploadedActivity() activity.TZ = pytz.timezone( re.sub("^\([^\)]+\)\s*", "", ride["timezone"]) ) # Comes back as "(GMT -13:37) The Stuff/We Want"" activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.strptime(ride["start_date"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")) logger.debug("\tActivity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime)) if not earliestDate or activity.StartTime < earliestDate: earliestDate = activity.StartTime before = calendar.timegm( activity.StartTime.astimezone(pytz.utc).timetuple()) if ride["start_latlng"] is None or ride[ "end_latlng"] is None or ride[ "distance"] is None or ride["distance"] == 0: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("No path", activityId=ride["id"])) logger.debug("\t\tNo pts") continue # stationary activity - no syncing for now activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, ride["elapsed_time"]) activity.UploadedTo = [{ "Connection": svcRecord, "ActivityID": ride["id"] }] actType = [ k for k, v in self._reverseActivityTypeMappings.items() if v == ride["type"] ] if not len(actType): exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("Unsupported activity type %s" % ride["type"], activityId=ride["id"])) logger.debug("\t\tUnknown activity") continue activity.Type = actType[0] activity.Distance = ride["distance"] activity.Name = ride["name"] activity.Private = ride["private"] activity.AdjustTZ() activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity) if not exhaustive or not earliestDate: break return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): def mapStatTriple(act, stats_obj, key, units): if "%s_max" % key in act and act["%s_max" % key]: stats_obj.update(ActivityStatistic(units, max=float(act["%s_max" % key]))) if "%s_min" % key in act and act["%s_min" % key]: stats_obj.update(ActivityStatistic(units, min=float(act["%s_min" % key]))) if "%s_avg" % key in act and act["%s_avg" % key]: stats_obj.update(ActivityStatistic(units, avg=float(act["%s_avg" % key]))) # # offset also supported activities = [] exclusions = [] # They don't actually support paging right now, for whatever reason params = self._add_auth_params({}, record=serviceRecord) res = requests.get("{}/trips.json".format(serviceRecord.ExternalID), params=params) res = res.json() # Apparently some API users are seeing this new result format - I'm not if type(res) is dict: res = res.get("results", []) if res == []: return [], [] # No activities for act in res: if "distance" not in act: exclusions.append(APIExcludeActivity("No distance", activity_id=act["id"], user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Corrupt))) continue if "duration" not in act or not act["duration"]: exclusions.append(APIExcludeActivity("No duration", activity_id=act["id"], user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Corrupt))) continue activity = UploadedActivity() logger.debug("Name " + act["name"] + ":") if len(act["name"].strip()): activity.Name = act["name"] if len(act["description"].strip()): activity.Notes = act["description"] activity.GPS = act["is_gps"] activity.Stationary = not activity.GPS # I think # 0 = public, 1 = private, 2 = friends activity.Private = act["visibility"] == 1 activity.StartTime = dateutil.parser.parse(act["departed_at"]) try: activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(act["time_zone"]) except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: # Sometimes the time_zone returned isn't quite what we'd like it # So, just pull the offset from the datetime if isinstance(activity.StartTime.tzinfo, tzutc): activity.TZ = pytz.utc # The dateutil tzutc doesn't have an _offset value. else: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset(activity.StartTime.tzinfo.utcoffset(activity.StartTime).total_seconds() / 60) activity.StartTime = activity.StartTime.replace(tzinfo=activity.TZ) # Overwrite dateutil's sillyness activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(seconds=self._duration_to_seconds(act["duration"])) logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime)) activity.AdjustTZ() activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, float(act["distance"])) mapStatTriple(act, activity.Stats.Power, "watts", ActivityStatisticUnit.Watts) mapStatTriple(act, activity.Stats.Speed, "speed", ActivityStatisticUnit.KilometersPerHour) mapStatTriple(act, activity.Stats.Cadence, "cad", ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute) mapStatTriple(act, activity.Stats.HR, "hr", ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute) if "elevation_gain" in act and act["elevation_gain"]: activity.Stats.Elevation.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, gain=float(act["elevation_gain"]))) if "elevation_loss" in act and act["elevation_loss"]: activity.Stats.Elevation.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Meters, loss=float(act["elevation_loss"]))) # Activity type is not implemented yet in RWGPS results; we will assume cycling, though perhaps "OTHER" wouuld be correct activity.Type = ActivityType.Cycling activity.CalculateUID() activity.ServiceData = {"ActivityID": act["id"]} activities.append(activity) return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): # cookies = self._get_cookies(record=serviceRecord) page = 1 pageSz = 100 activities = [] exclusions = [] while True: logger.debug("Req with " + str({ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz })) self._rate_limit() res = requests.get( "", params={ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz }, cookies=cookies) res = res.json()["results"] if "activities" not in res: break # No activities on this page - empty account. for act in res["activities"]: act = act["activity"] if "sumDistance" not in act: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("No distance", activityId=act["activityId"], userException=UserException( UserExceptionType.Corrupt))) continue activity = UploadedActivity() if "sumSampleCountSpeed" not in act and "sumSampleCountTimestamp" not in act: # Don't really know why sumSampleCountTimestamp doesn't appear in swim activities - they're definitely timestamped... activity.Stationary = True else: activity.Stationary = False try: activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(act["activityTimeZone"]["key"]) except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset( float(act["activityTimeZone"]["offset"]) * 60) logger.debug("Name " + act["activityName"]["value"] + ":") if len(act["activityName"]["value"].strip( )) and act["activityName"][ "value"] != "Untitled": # This doesn't work for internationalized accounts, oh well. activity.Name = act["activityName"]["value"] if len(act["activityDescription"]["value"].strip()): activity.Notes = act["activityDescription"]["value"] # beginTimestamp/endTimestamp is in UTC activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(act["beginTimestamp"]["millis"]) / 1000)) if "sumElapsedDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, round(float(act["sumElapsedDuration"]["value"]))) elif "sumDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( minutes=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[0]), seconds=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[1])) else: activity.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(act["endTimestamp"]["millis"]) / 1000)) logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime) + " on page " + str(page)) activity.AdjustTZ() # TODO: fix the distance stats to account for the fact that this incorrectly reported km instead of meters for the longest time. activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( self._unitMap[act["sumDistance"]["uom"]], value=float(act["sumDistance"]["value"])) def mapStat(gcKey, statKey, type, useSourceUnits=False): nonlocal activity, act if gcKey in act: value = float(act[gcKey]["value"]) if math.isinf(value): return # GC returns the minimum speed as "-Infinity" instead of 0 some times :S activity.Stats.__dict__[statKey].update( ActivityStatistic(self._unitMap[act[gcKey]["uom"]], **({ type: value }))) if useSourceUnits: activity.Stats.__dict__[ statKey] = activity.Stats.__dict__[ statKey].asUnits( self._unitMap[act[gcKey]["uom"]]) if "sumMovingDuration" in act: activity.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Time, value=timedelta( seconds=float(act["sumMovingDuration"]["value"]))) if "sumDuration" in act: activity.Stats.TimerTime = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.Time, value=timedelta( minutes=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[0]), seconds=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[1]))) mapStat( "minSpeed", "Speed", "min", useSourceUnits=True ) # We need to suppress conversion here, so we can fix the pace-speed issue below mapStat("maxSpeed", "Speed", "max", useSourceUnits=True) mapStat("weightedMeanSpeed", "Speed", "avg", useSourceUnits=True) mapStat("minAirTemperature", "Temperature", "min") mapStat("maxAirTemperature", "Temperature", "max") mapStat("weightedMeanAirTemperature", "Temperature", "avg") mapStat("sumEnergy", "Energy", "value") mapStat("maxHeartRate", "HR", "max") mapStat("weightedMeanHeartRate", "HR", "avg") mapStat("maxRunCadence", "RunCadence", "max") mapStat("weightedMeanRunCadence", "RunCadence", "avg") mapStat("maxBikeCadence", "Cadence", "max") mapStat("weightedMeanBikeCadence", "Cadence", "avg") mapStat("minPower", "Power", "min") mapStat("maxPower", "Power", "max") mapStat("weightedMeanPower", "Power", "avg") mapStat("minElevation", "Elevation", "min") mapStat("maxElevation", "Elevation", "max") mapStat("gainElevation", "Elevation", "gain") mapStat("lossElevation", "Elevation", "loss") # In Garmin Land, max can be smaller than min for this field :S if activity.Stats.Power.Max is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min is not None and activity.Stats.Power.Min > activity.Stats.Power.Max: activity.Stats.Power.Min = None # To get it to match what the user sees in GC. if activity.Stats.RunCadence.Max is not None: activity.Stats.RunCadence.Max *= 2 if activity.Stats.RunCadence.Average is not None: activity.Stats.RunCadence.Average *= 2 # GC incorrectly reports pace measurements as kph/mph when they are in fact in min/km or min/mi if "minSpeed" in act: if ":" in act["minSpeed"][ "withUnitAbbr"] and activity.Stats.Speed.Min: activity.Stats.Speed.Min = 60 / activity.Stats.Speed.Min if "maxSpeed" in act: if ":" in act["maxSpeed"][ "withUnitAbbr"] and activity.Stats.Speed.Max: activity.Stats.Speed.Max = 60 / activity.Stats.Speed.Max if "weightedMeanSpeed" in act: if ":" in act["weightedMeanSpeed"][ "withUnitAbbr"] and activity.Stats.Speed.Average: activity.Stats.Speed.Average = 60 / activity.Stats.Speed.Average # Similarly, they do weird stuff with HR at times - %-of-max and zones # ...and we can't just fix these, so we have to calculate it after the fact (blegh) recalcHR = False if "maxHeartRate" in act: if "%" in act["maxHeartRate"]["withUnitAbbr"] or "z" in act[ "maxHeartRate"]["withUnitAbbr"]: activity.Stats.HR.Max = None recalcHR = True if "weightedMeanHeartRate" in act: if "%" in act["weightedMeanHeartRate"][ "withUnitAbbr"] or "z" in act[ "weightedMeanHeartRate"]["withUnitAbbr"]: activity.Stats.HR.Average = None recalcHR = True activity.Type = self._resolveActivityType( act["activityType"]["key"]) activity.CalculateUID() activity.ServiceData = { "ActivityID": act["activityId"], "RecalcHR": recalcHR } activities.append(activity) logger.debug("Finished page " + str(page) + " of " + str(res["search"]["totalPages"])) if not exhaustive or int(res["search"]["totalPages"]) == page: break else: page += 1 return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): activities = [] exclusions = [] earliestDate = None earliestFirstPageDate = None paged = False while True: before = "" if earliestDate is None else earliestDate.astimezone( pytz.utc).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") params = { "authToken": serviceRecord.Authorization["AuthToken"], "maxResults": 45, "before": before } logger.debug("Req with " + str(params)) response = requests.get( "", params=params) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401 or response.status_code == 403: raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) raise APIException("Unable to retrieve activity list " + str(response)) data = response.json() if "error" in data and data["error"]["type"] == "AUTH_FAILED": raise APIException( "No authorization to retrieve activity list", block=True, user_exception=UserException( UserExceptionType.Authorization, intervention_required=True)) track_ids = [] this_page_activities = [] for act in data["data"]: startTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.strptime(act["start_time"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC")) if earliestDate is None or startTime < earliestDate: # probably redundant, I would assume it works out the TZes... earliestDate = startTime logger.debug("activity pre") if not act["has_points"]: logger.warning("\t no pts") exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("No points", activityId=act["id"])) continue # it'll break strava, which needs waypoints to find TZ. Meh if "tracking" in act and act["tracking"]: logger.warning("\t tracking") exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("In progress", activityId=act["id"], permanent=False)) continue # come back once they've completed the activity track_ids.append(act["id"]) activity = UploadedActivity() activity.StartTime = startTime activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, round(act["duration_sec"])) logger.debug("\tActivity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime)) if int(act["sport"]) in self._activityMappings: activity.Type = self._activityMappings[int(act["sport"])] activity.UploadedTo = [{ "Connection": serviceRecord, "ActivityID": act["id"] }] this_page_activities.append(activity) cached_track_tzs = cachedb.endomondo_activity_cache.find( {"TrackID": { "$in": track_ids }}) cached_track_tzs = dict([(x["TrackID"], x) for x in cached_track_tzs]) logger.debug("Have" + str(len(cached_track_tzs.keys())) + "/" + str(len(track_ids)) + " cached TZ records") for activity in this_page_activities: # attn service makers: why #(*%$ can't you all agree to use naive local time. So much simpler. cachedTrackData = None track_id = activity.UploadedTo[0]["ActivityID"] if track_id not in cached_track_tzs: logger.debug("\t Resolving TZ for %s" % activity.StartTime) cachedTrackData = self._downloadRawTrackRecord( serviceRecord, track_id) try: self._populateActivityFromTrackData( activity, cachedTrackData, minimumWaypoints=True) except APIExcludeActivity as e: e.ExternalActivityID = track_id"Encountered APIExcludeActivity %s" % str(e)) exclusions.append(e) continue if not activity.TZ:"Couldn't determine TZ") exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("Couldn't determine TZ", activityId=track_id)) continue cachedTrackRecord = { "Owner": serviceRecord.ExternalID, "TrackID": track_id, "TZ": pickle.dumps(activity.TZ), "StartTime": activity.StartTime } cachedb.endomondo_activity_cache.insert(cachedTrackRecord) else: activity.TZ = pickle.loads( cached_track_tzs[track_id]["TZ"]) activity.AdjustTZ() # Everything returned is in UTC activity.UploadedTo[0]["ActivityData"] = cachedTrackData activity.Waypoints = [] activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity) if not paged: earliestFirstPageDate = earliestDate if not exhaustive or ("more" in data and data["more"] is False): break else: paged = True return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, serviceRecord, exhaustive=False): # session = self._get_session(record=serviceRecord) page = 1 pageSz = 100 activities = [] exclusions = [] while True: logger.debug("Req with " + str({ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz })) self._rate_limit() retried_auth = False while True: res = session.get( "", params={ "start": (page - 1) * pageSz, "limit": pageSz }) # It's 10 PM and I have no clue why it's throwing these errors, maybe we just need to log in again? if res.status_code == 403 and not retried_auth: retried_auth = True session = self._get_session(serviceRecord, skip_cache=True) else: break try: res = res.json()["results"] except ValueError: res_txt = res.text # So it can capture in the log message raise APIException("Parse failure in GC list resp: %s" % res.status_code) if "activities" not in res: break # No activities on this page - empty account. for act in res["activities"]: act = act["activity"] if "sumDistance" not in act: exclusions.append( APIExcludeActivity("No distance", activityId=act["activityId"], userException=UserException( UserExceptionType.Corrupt))) continue activity = UploadedActivity() # Don't really know why sumSampleCountTimestamp doesn't appear in swim activities - they're definitely timestamped... activity.Stationary = "sumSampleCountSpeed" not in act and "sumSampleCountTimestamp" not in act activity.GPS = "endLatitude" in act activity.Private = act["privacy"]["key"] == "private" try: activity.TZ = pytz.timezone(act["activityTimeZone"]["key"]) except pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: activity.TZ = pytz.FixedOffset( float(act["activityTimeZone"]["offset"]) * 60) logger.debug("Name " + act["activityName"]["value"] + ":") if len(act["activityName"]["value"].strip( )) and act["activityName"][ "value"] != "Untitled": # This doesn't work for internationalized accounts, oh well. activity.Name = act["activityName"]["value"] if len(act["activityDescription"]["value"].strip()): activity.Notes = act["activityDescription"]["value"] # beginTimestamp/endTimestamp is in UTC activity.StartTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(act["beginTimestamp"]["millis"]) / 1000)) if "sumElapsedDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( 0, round(float(act["sumElapsedDuration"]["value"]))) elif "sumDuration" in act: activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta( minutes=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[0]), seconds=float(act["sumDuration"] ["minutesSeconds"].split(":")[1])) else: activity.EndTime = pytz.utc.localize( datetime.utcfromtimestamp( float(act["endTimestamp"]["millis"]) / 1000)) logger.debug("Activity s/t " + str(activity.StartTime) + " on page " + str(page)) activity.AdjustTZ() # TODO: fix the distance stats to account for the fact that this incorrectly reported km instead of meters for the longest time. activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic( self._unitMap[act["sumDistance"]["uom"]], value=float(act["sumDistance"]["value"])) activity.Type = self._resolveActivityType( act["activityType"]["key"]) activity.CalculateUID() activity.ServiceData = {"ActivityID": int(act["activityId"])} activities.append(activity) logger.debug("Finished page " + str(page) + " of " + str(res["search"]["totalPages"])) if not exhaustive or int(res["search"]["totalPages"]) == page: break else: page += 1 return activities, exclusions
def DownloadActivityList(self, svcRecord, exhaustive=False): activities = [] exclusions = [] before = earliestDate = None # define low parameter limit = 20 offset = 0 sort = "desc" # get user Fitbit ID userID = svcRecord.ExternalID # get service Tapiriik ID service_id = svcRecord._id # get user "start sync from date" info # then prepare afterDate var (this var determine the date since we download activities) user = db.users.find_one({'ConnectedServices': {'$elemMatch': {'ID': service_id, 'Service': 'fitbit'}}}) afterDateObj = - timedelta(days=1) if user['Config']['sync_skip_before'] is not None: afterDateObj = user['Config']['sync_skip_before'] else: if exhaustive: afterDateObj = - timedelta(days=3650) # throw back to 10 years afterDate = afterDateObj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")"\t Download Fitbit activities since : " + afterDate) # prepare parameters to set in fitbit request uri uri_parameters = { 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset, 'sort': sort, 'afterDate': afterDate, 'token': svcRecord.Authorization.get('AccessToken') } # set base fitbit request uri activities_uri_origin = '' + userID + '/activities/list.json' # first execute offset = 0, # offset will be set to -1 if fitbit response don't give next pagination info # offset will be incremented by 1 if fitbit response give next pagination info index_total = 0 while offset > -1: # prepare uri parameters uri_parameters['offset'] = offset # build fitbit uri with new parameters activities_uri = activities_uri_origin + "?" + urlencode(uri_parameters) # execute fitbit request using "request with auth" function (it refreshes token if needed)"\t\t downloading offset : " + str(offset)) resp = self._requestWithAuth(lambda session: session.get( activities_uri, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + svcRecord.Authorization.get('AccessToken') }), svcRecord) # check if request has error if resp.status_code != 204 and resp.status_code != 200: raise APIException("Unable to find Fitbit activities") # get request data data = {} try: data = resp.json() except ValueError: raise APIException("Failed parsing fitbit list response %s - %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) # if request return activities infos if data['activities']: ftbt_activities = data['activities']"\t\t nb activity : " + str(len(ftbt_activities))) # for every activities in this request pagination # (Fitbit give 20 activities MAXIMUM, use limit parameter) for ftbt_activity in ftbt_activities: index_total = index_total +1 activity = UploadedActivity() #parse date start to get timezone and date parsedDate = ftbt_activity["startTime"][0:19] + ftbt_activity["startTime"][23:] activity.StartTime = datetime.strptime(parsedDate, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") activity.TZ = pytz.utc logger.debug("\tActivity s/t %s: %s" % (activity.StartTime, ftbt_activity["activityName"])) activity.EndTime = activity.StartTime + timedelta(0, (ftbt_activity["duration"]/1000)) activity.ServiceData = {"ActivityID": ftbt_activity["logId"], "Manual": ftbt_activity["logType"]} # check if activity type ID exists if ftbt_activity["activityTypeId"] not in self._reverseActivityTypeMappings: exclusions.append(APIExcludeActivity("Unsupported activity type %s" % ftbt_activity["activityTypeId"], activity_id=ftbt_activity["logId"], user_exception=UserException(UserExceptionType.Other)))"\t\tUnknown activity") continue activity.Type = self._reverseActivityTypeMappings[ftbt_activity["activityTypeId"]] activity.Stats.Distance = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilometers, value=ftbt_activity["distance"]) if "speed" in ftbt_activity: activity.Stats.Speed = ActivityStatistic( ActivityStatisticUnit.KilometersPerHour, avg=ftbt_activity["speed"], max=ftbt_activity["speed"] ) activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, value=ftbt_activity["calories"]) # Todo: find fitbit data name #activity.Stats.MovingTime = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Seconds, value=ride[ # "moving_time"] if "moving_time" in ride and ride[ # "moving_time"] > 0 else None) # They don't let you manually enter this, and I think it returns 0 for those activities. # Todo: find fitbit data name #if "average_watts" in ride: # activity.Stats.Power = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Watts, # avg=ride["average_watts"]) if "averageHeartRate" in ftbt_activity: activity.Stats.HR.update( ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, avg=ftbt_activity["averageHeartRate"])) # Todo: find fitbit data name #if "max_heartrate" in ride: # activity.Stats.HR.update( # ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.BeatsPerMinute, max=ride["max_heartrate"])) # Todo: find fitbit data name #if "average_cadence" in ride: # activity.Stats.Cadence.update(ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.RevolutionsPerMinute, # avg=ride["average_cadence"])) # Todo: find fitbit data name #if "average_temp" in ride: # activity.Stats.Temperature.update( # ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.DegreesCelcius, avg=ride["average_temp"])) if "calories" in ftbt_activity: activity.Stats.Energy = ActivityStatistic(ActivityStatisticUnit.Kilocalories, value=ftbt_activity["calories"]) activity.Name = ftbt_activity["activityName"] activity.Private = False if ftbt_activity['logType'] is 'manual': activity.Stationary = True else: activity.Stationary = False # Todo: find fitbit data #activity.GPS = ("start_latlng" in ride) and (ride["start_latlng"] is not None) activity.AdjustTZ() activity.CalculateUID() activities.append(activity)"\t\t Fitbit Activity ID : " + str(ftbt_activity["logId"])) if not exhaustive: break # get next info for while condition and prepare offset for next request if 'next' not in data['pagination'] or not data['pagination']['next']: next = None offset = -1 else: next = data['pagination']['next'] offset = offset + 1"\t\t total Fitbit activities downloaded : " + str(index_total)) return activities, exclusions