def setUpClass(cls): # Load data from a JSON file np.seterr(all='raise') fname = 'test_data/test_data.json'"Getting Data from file: {}".format(fname)) with open(fname, 'r') as json_file: calib_info = json.load(json_file) info = calib_info['info'] ant_pos = calib_info['ant_pos'] config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], ant_pos) flag_list = [] gains_json = calib_info['gains'] gains = np.asarray(gains_json['gain']) phase_offsets = np.asarray(gains_json['phase_offset']) config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], ant_pos) measurements = [] for d in calib_info['data']: vis_json, source_json = d cv, timestamp = api_imaging.vis_calibrated(vis_json, config, gains, phase_offsets, flag_list) src_list = elaz.from_json(source_json, 0.0) cls.disko = DiSkO.from_cal_vis(cv) cls.nside = 16 cls.sphere = HealpixSphere(cls.nside) = TelescopeOperator(cls.disko, cls.sphere)
def setUpClass(cls): # Load data from a JSON file fname = 'test_data/test_data.json'"Getting Data from file: {}".format(fname)) with open(fname, 'r') as json_file: calib_info = json.load(json_file) info = calib_info['info'] cls.ant_pos = np.array(calib_info['ant_pos']) config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], cls.ant_pos) flag_list = [] gains_json = calib_info['gains'] gains = np.asarray(gains_json['gain']) phase_offsets = np.asarray(gains_json['phase_offset']) #config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], cls.ant_pos) measurements = [] for d in calib_info['data']: vis_json, source_json = d cv, _timestamp = api_imaging.vis_calibrated( vis_json, config, gains, phase_offsets, flag_list) cls.disko = DiSkO.from_cal_vis(cv) cls.nside = 16 cls.sphere = HealpixSphere(cls.nside) res_deg = 4.0 cls.subsphere = HealpixSubSphere.from_resolution(resolution=res_deg * 60.0, theta=np.radians(0.0), phi=0.0, radius=np.radians(89)) cls.adaptive_sphere = AdaptiveMeshSphere.from_resolution( res_arcmin=20, res_arcmax=res_deg * 60, theta=np.radians(0.0), phi=0.0, radius=np.radians(10)) cls.gamma = cls.disko.make_gamma(cls.sphere) cls.subgamma = cls.disko.make_gamma(cls.subsphere)
def test_uv_equal(self): shutil.rmtree(TEST_MS, ignore_errors=True) ms_from_json(TEST_MS, self.json_data, pol2=False) u_arr, v_arr, w_arr, frequency, cv_vis, hdr, timestamp = disko.read_ms( TEST_MS, num_vis=276, res_arcmin=120)"U shape: {}".format(u_arr.shape)) info = self.json_data['info'] ant_pos = self.json_data['ant_pos'] config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], ant_pos) gains_json = self.json_data['gains'] gains = np.asarray(gains_json['gain']) phase_offsets = np.asarray(gains_json['phase_offset']) cal_vis, timestamp = api_imaging.vis_calibrated( self.json_data['data'][0][0], config, gains, phase_offsets, []) c = cal_vis.get_config() ant_p = np.asarray(c.get_antenna_positions()) # We need to get the vis array to be correct for the full set of u,v,w points (baselines), # including the -u,-v, -w points. baselines, u_arr2, v_arr2, w_arr2 = disko.get_all_uvw(ant_p) self.assertAlmostEqual(np.max(u_arr, axis=0), np.max(u_arr2, axis=0))"U2 shape {}".format(u_arr2.shape)) for i in range(u_arr.shape[0]): a = u_arr[i] b = u_arr2[i] self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b) a = v_arr[i] b = v_arr2[i] self.assertAlmostEqual(a, b)
def ms_from_json(ms_name, json_data, pol2): info = json_data['info'] ant_pos = json_data['ant_pos'] config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], ant_pos) gains = json_data['gains']['gain'] phases = json_data['gains']['phase_offset'] for d in json_data['data']: # TODO deal with multiple observations in the JSON file later. vis_json, source_json = d cal_vis, timestamp = api_imaging.vis_calibrated(vis_json, config, gains, phases, []) src_list = source_json if pol2: pol_feeds = [ 'RR', 'LL' ] else: pol_feeds = [ 'RR' ] vis_data, baselines = cal_vis.get_all_visibility() vis_array = np.array(vis_data, dtype=np.complex64) ms_create(ms_table_name=ms_name, info = info['info'], ant_pos = ant_pos, vis_array = vis_array, baselines=baselines, timestamps=timestamp, pol_feeds=pol_feeds, sources=src_list)
config = api_handler.get_config(api) mode = api.get('mode/current') if mode['mode'] != 'vis': print("ERROR: Telescope must be in visibility mode to allow imaging. Set via the web API") gains = api.get('calibration/gain') visibility_data = api.get('imaging/vis') ''' STEP 2: Apply Calibration to the visiblilties ''' print("Apply Calibration Data") cv, timestamp = api_imaging.vis_calibrated(visibility_data, config, gains['gain'], gains['phase_offset'], flag_list=[]) ''' STEP 3: Perform the imaging ''' print("Generate Dirty Image") n_bin = 2**9 # Image resolution cal_ift, cal_extent, n_fft, bin_width = api_imaging.image_from_calibrated_vis(cv, nw=n_bin/4, num_bin=n_bin) # Take the absolute value img = np.abs(cal_ift) # Scale it to multiples of the image standard deviation sd = np.std(img) scaled_image = img/sd
'info': info, 'ant_pos': ant_pos, 'gains': gains_json, 'data': [[vis_json, src_json]] } info = json_data['info'] ant_pos = json_data['ant_pos'] config = settings.from_api_json(info['info'], ant_pos) gains = json_data['gains']['gain'] phases = json_data['gains']['phase_offset'] for d in json_data[ 'data']: # TODO deal with multiple observations in the JSON file later. vis_json, source_json = d cv, timestamp = api_imaging.vis_calibrated(vis_json, config, gains, phases, []) src_list = source_json # FIXME. These appear to be weird polarization codes (or ID's). WHY oh WHY are they called corr? # We use RR antennas, so this should be either RR or I?. I'm using FITS code 1 for this 'I' corr_types = [[MS_STOKES_ENUMS['I']]] ms_create(, info=info['info'], ant_pos=ant_pos, cal_vis=cv, timestamps=timestamp, corr_types=corr_types, sources=src_list)