def doPremises(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): acc = self.sql.getRec("rtlprm", cols=["rtp_desc"], where=[("rtp_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtp_code", "=", w)], limit=1) if not acc: return "Invalid Premises" self.code = w col = ["rtc_payind", "rtc_start", "rtc_period"] whr = [("rtc_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtc_code", "=", self.code), ("rtc_status", "=", "C")] chk = self.sql.getRec("rtlcon", cols=col, where=whr, order="rtc_start desc") if not chk: self.end = 0 return freq, start, period = chk[0] if freq == "M": self.end = CCD(projectDate(start, period, "months"), "D1", 10) elif freq == "3": self.end = CCD(projectDate(start, period * 3, "months"), "D1", 10) elif freq == "6": self.end = CCD(projectDate(start, period * 6, "months"), "D1", 10) else: self.end = CCD(projectDate(start, period, "years"), "D1", 10)
def doStartDate(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.start = w if self.period in ("D", "E"): if self.getStart(self.start): return "Invalid Start Date" if self.period == "D": self.end = projectDate(self.start, 3) else: self.end = projectDate(self.start, 2) self.df.loadEntry(frt, pag, p+1, data=self.end) return "sk1"
def doExpiredContract(self): tit = ("Renew Rental Contract", ) r1s = (("Monthly", "M"), ("Quarterly", "3"), ("Bi-Annually", "6"), ("Annually", "A")) chdt = while True: chdt = projectDate(chdt, self.mths, typ="months") exdt = mthendDate(projectDate(chdt, self.mths - 1, typ="months")) if int(exdt / 100) > self.curdt: break self.fld = ((("T", 0, 0, 0), "OUA", 7, "Owner Code"), (("T", 0, 1, 0), "OUA", 7, "Premises Code"), (("T", 0, 2, 0), "ONA", 7, "Account Code"), (("T", 0, 3, 0), "ONA", 30, "Tenant Name"), (("T", 0, 4, 0), ("IRB", r1s), 0, "Payment Frequency", "", self.freq, "N", None, None, None, None), (("T", 0, 5, 0), "ID1", 10, "Start Date", "", chdt, "N", None, None, None, ("efld", )), (("T", 0, 6, 0), "IUI", 3, "Number of Periods", "", self.pers, "N", None, None, None, ("notzero", )), (("T", 0, 7, 0), "IUD", 12.2, "Rental Amount", "", self.amnt, "N", None, None, None, ("notzero", )), (("T", 0, 8, 0), "IUD", 12.2, "Deposit Amount", "", self.depo, "N", None, None, None, ("efld", )), (("T", 0, 9, 0), "IUD", 12.2, "Basic Water Amount", "", "", "N", None, None, None, ("efld", )), (("T", 0, 10, 0), "IUI", 1, "Type", "", "", "N", None, None, None, ("efld", )), (("T", 0, 11, 0), "IUD", 12.2, "Basic Exlectricity Amount", "", "", "N", None, None, None, ("efld", )), (("T", 0, 12, 0), "IUI", 1, "Type", "", "", "N", None, None, None, ("efld", ))) tnd = ((self.doExpireEnd, "y"), ) txt = (None, ) = TartanDialog(self.opts["mf"], tops=True, title=tit, eflds=self.fld, tend=tnd, txit=txt, focus=False) self.doLoadFocus(chdt)
def getStart(self, date=None): if self.period == "D": chk = 0 else: chk = 4 if date: year = int(date / 10000) month = int(date / 100) % 100 day = date % 100 if, month, day).weekday() != chk: return True else: date = projectDate(self.sysdtw, -1) dte = 99 while dte != chk: date = projectDate(date, 1) year = int(date / 10000) month = int(date / 100) % 100 day = date % 100 dte =, month, day).weekday() return date
def setVariables(self): self.gc = GetCtl(self.opts["mf"]) assctl = self.gc.getCtl("assctl", self.opts["conum"]) if not assctl: return self.rordp = assctl["cta_rordp"] tabs = ["assgrp", "assmst", "assdep", "asstrn"] self.sql = Sql(self.opts["mf"].dbm, tabs, prog=self.__class__.__name__) if self.sql.error: return self.dend = projectDate(self.opts["period"][1][0], -1) self.todat = 0 self.imports = False t = time.localtime() self.sysdtw = (t[0] * 10000) + (t[1] * 100) + t[2] return True
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() # Headings and Mail subject self.cdes = "%-30s" % self.opts["conam"] start = self.getDate(self.start) end = self.getDate(projectDate(self.end, 1)) if self.period == "D": self.hdes = "Arrivals for Weekdays %s to %s" % (start, end) elif self.period == "E": self.hdes = "Arrivals for Weekend %s to %s" % (start, end) else: self.hdes = "Arrivals for Period %s to %s" % (start, end) self.fpdf = MyFpdf(name=self.__class__.__name__, head=80, auto=True) self.fpdf.header = self.pageHeading self.rtyp = "A" self.doArrival() if == "Y": self.rtyp = "H" self.hdes = self.hdes.replace("Arrivals", "Units") if self.fpdf.add_page() self.doHKeeping() if pdfnam = getModName(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], self.__class__.__name__, self.opts["conum"], ext="pdf") self.fpdf.output(pdfnam, "F") subj = "%s - %s" % (self.cdes, self.hdes) doPrinter(mf=self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], pdfnam=pdfnam, header=subj, repprt=self.df.repprt, fromad=self.fromad, repeml=self.df.repeml) if self.prtinv == "Y" and # Print Invoice PrintBookingInvoice(self.opts["mf"], self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"], "I",, tname=self.tname, repprt=self.df.repprt, repeml=self.df.repeml) # Print Statement callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "bk3070", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), args=[, self.df.repprt, self.df.repeml]) if "wait" not in self.opts: self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def setVariables(self): tabs = [ "ctlmst", "ctlvmf", "ctlvrf", "ctlvtf", "genmst", "gentrn", "rcaowm", "rcaowt", "rcaprm", "rcatnm", "rcacon", "rcatnt" ] self.sql = Sql(self.opts["mf"].dbm, tabs, prog=self.__class__.__name__) if self.sql.error: return gc = GetCtl(self.opts["mf"]) ctlmst = gc.getCtl("ctlmst", self.opts["conum"]) if not ctlmst: return self.taxdf = ctlmst["ctm_taxdf"] rcactl = gc.getCtl("rcactl", self.opts["conum"]) if not rcactl: return self.glint = rcactl["cte_glint"] self.ch1 = ((rcactl["cte_lme"] // 100) * 100) + 1 self.ch2 = projectDate(self.ch1, 2, typ="months") if self.glint == "Y": self.glbnk = rcactl["cte_glbnk"] ctlctl = gc.getCtl("ctlctl", self.opts["conum"]) if not ctlctl: return ctls = [ "rca_com", "rca_dep", "rca_fee", "rca_orx", "rca_own", "rca_tnt", "rca_trx", "vat_ctl" ] if gc.chkRec(self.opts["conum"], ctlctl, ctls): return self.rcacom = ctlctl["rca_com"] self.rcadep = ctlctl["rca_dep"] self.rcafee = ctlctl["rca_fee"] self.rcaorx = ctlctl["rca_orx"] self.rcaown = ctlctl["rca_own"] self.rcatnt = ctlctl["rca_tnt"] self.rcatrx = ctlctl["rca_trx"] self.convat = ctlctl["vat_ctl"] t = time.localtime() self.sysdtw = (t[0] * 10000) + (t[1] * 100) + t[2] self.batno = "R%04i%02i" % (t[0], t[1]) return True
def doHKeeping(self): recs = self.sql.getRec("bkmunm", cols=["bum_btyp", "bum_code", "bum_desc"], where=[("bum_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bum_room", "<>", 999)], order="bum_btyp, bum_code") for rec in recs: col = ["bkm_number", "bkm_btype", "bkm_group", "bkc_sname", "bkc_names", "bkm_arrive", "bkm_depart", "sum(brt_quant)"] state = ["C", "S"] if self.query == "Y": state.append("Q") bks = self.sql.getRec(tables=["bkmmst", "bkmrtt", "bkmcon"], cols=col, where=[("bkm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkm_state", "in", tuple(state)), ("brt_cono=bkm_cono",), ("brt_number=bkm_number",), ("brt_utype", "=", rec[0]), ("brt_ucode", "=", rec[1]), ("bkc_cono=bkm_cono",), ("bkc_ccode=bkm_ccode",)], order="bkm_arrive, bkc_sname") qty = "" arr = "" dep = "" amt = "" totq = 0 lines = [] hh = [8, 8, 8] for bk in bks: number = bk[0] btype = bk[1] if bk[2]: name = bk[2] elif bk[4]: name = "%s %s" % (bk[4].split()[0], bk[3]) else: name = bk[3] name = "%s\n(%s)" % (name.strip(), number) arrive = bk[5] depart = bk[6] if btype == "A": if depart <= self.start or arrive > self.end: continue elif depart < self.start or arrive > self.end: continue if arrive >= self.start: yr = int(arrive / 10000) mt = int(arrive / 100) % 100 dy = arrive % 100 dt =, mt, dy) arrive = dt.strftime("%a") else: arrive = "<--" if btype == "A": td = projectDate(depart, -1) else: td = depart if td <= self.end: yr = int(depart / 10000) mt = int(depart / 100) % 100 dy = depart % 100 dt =, mt, dy) depart = dt.strftime("%a") else: depart = "-->" rms = self.sql.getRec("bkmrtt", cols=["brt_uroom"], where=[ ("brt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("brt_number", "=", number), ("brt_utype", "=", rec[0]), ("brt_ucode", "=", rec[1])], order="brt_uroom") rm = False for r in rms: if not r[0]: continue if not rm: name = "%s - R%s" % (name, r[0]) rm = True else: name = "%s & R%s" % (name, r[0]) quant = bk[7] bal = self.sql.getRec("bkmtrn", cols=["sum(bkt_tramt)"], where=[("bkt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkt_number", "=", number)], limit=1) namq = len(wrap(name, break_long_words=False, width=25)) totq += namq hh[2] = namq * 8 qty = CCD(quant, "UI", 3).disp arr = CCD(arrive, "NA", 3).disp dep = CCD(depart, "NA", 3).disp amt = CCD(bal[0], "SD", 13.2).disp lines.append([name, qty, arr, dep, amt, copyList(hh)]) if not or self.fpdf.get_y() + (totq * 8) > 280: self.fpdf.add_page() untq = len(wrap(rec[2], break_long_words=False, width=25)) if not lines: hh[1] = hh[2] = 8.0 * untq self.y = self.fpdf.get_y() self.printLine(rec[2], "", "", "", "", "", hh) self.fpdf.set_y(self.y) self.printLine(None, "", "", "", "", "", hh) else: if untq > totq: hh[1] = hh[2] = (untq * 8.0) / totq elif totq > untq: hh[0] = (totq * 8.0) / untq else: hh[2] = totq * 8 self.y = self.fpdf.get_y() self.printLine(rec[2], "", "", "", "", "", hh) self.fpdf.set_y(self.y) for l in lines: self.printLine(None, l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5])
def doArrival(self): state = ["C", "S"] if self.query == "Y": state.append("Q") recs = self.sql.getRec("bkmmst", where=[("bkm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkm_state", "in", tuple(state))], order="bkm_ccode") = [] = [] last = 0 for rec in recs: number = rec[self.sql.bkmmst_col.index("bkm_number")] ccode = rec[self.sql.bkmmst_col.index("bkm_ccode")] btype = rec[self.sql.bkmmst_col.index("bkm_btype")] arrive = rec[self.sql.bkmmst_col.index("bkm_arrive")] depart = rec[self.sql.bkmmst_col.index("bkm_depart")] if btype == "A": if depart <= self.start or arrive > self.end: continue elif depart < self.start or arrive > self.end: continue if self.geninv == "Y": self.doRaiseInvoice(number, arrive) con = self.sql.getRec("bkmcon", where=[("bkc_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkc_ccode", "=", ccode)], limit=1) sname = con[self.sql.bkmcon_col.index("bkc_sname")].strip() names = con[self.sql.bkmcon_col.index("bkc_names")].strip() if names: name = "%s %s (%s)" % (names.split()[0], sname, number) else: name = "%s (%s)" % (sname, number) bal = self.sql.getRec("bkmtrn", cols=["sum(bkt_tramt)"], where=[("bkt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkt_number", "=", number)], limit=1) rtts = self.sql.getRec("bkmrtt", cols=["brt_udesc", "brt_uroom", "sum(brt_quant)"], where=[("brt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("brt_number", "=", number)], group="brt_utype, brt_ucode, brt_udesc, brt_uroom", order="brt_utype, brt_ucode, brt_uroom") if not rtts: continue units = [] unt = None for rtt in rtts: if rtt[1]: if not unt: unt = ["%s - R%s" % (rtt[0], rtt[1]), rtt[2]] else: unt = ["%s & R%s" % (unt[0], rtt[1]), rtt[2]] else: unt = (rtt[0], rtt[2]) units.append(unt) namq = len(wrap(name, break_long_words=False, width=25)) untq = 0 for unit in units: untq += len(wrap(unit[0], break_long_words=False, width=25)) if namq and untq > namq: hh = [(untq * 8.0) / namq, 8, untq * 8] elif untq and namq > untq: hh = [8, (namq * 8.0) / untq, namq * 8] elif namq: hh = [8, 8, namq * 8] else: hh = [8, 8, untq * 8] if not or self.fpdf.get_y() + hh[0] > 280: self.fpdf.add_page() oldnm = None for unit in units: if name == oldnm: name = "" else: oldnm = name if arrive >= self.start: yr = int(arrive / 10000) mt = int(arrive / 100) % 100 dy = arrive % 100 d =, mt, dy) arr = d.strftime("%a") else: arr = "<--" if btype == "A": td = projectDate(depart, -1) else: td = depart if td <= self.end: yr = int(depart / 10000) mt = int(depart / 100) % 100 dy = depart % 100 e =, mt, dy) dep = e.strftime("%a") else: dep = "-->" if last != number and bal[0]: amt = CCD(bal[0], "SD", 13.2).disp else: amt = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2).disp self.printLine(name, unit[0], unit[1], arr, dep, amt, hh) last = number self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase()
def printReport(self, recs): p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, mxs=len(recs), esc=True) self.head = "%03u %-167s" % (self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]) self.fpdf = MyFpdf(name=self.__class__.__name__, head=self.head) self.pglin = 999 mst = self.sql.rcatnm_col con = self.sql.rcacon_col self.tots = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.cred = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for num, dat in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) if p.quit: break ownr = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_owner")], "NA", 7) code = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_code")], "NA", 7) acno = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_acno")], "NA", 7) cnum = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_cnum")], "UI", 3) freq = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_payind")], "UA", 1) strt = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_start")], "D1", 10) prds = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_period")], "UI", 3) stat = CCD(dat[con.index("rcc_status")], "UA", 1) if self.styp != "X": curdt = int( / 100) if self.months: yy = int(curdt / 100) mm = (curdt % 100) + self.months while mm > 12: yy += 1 mm -= 12 curdt = (yy * 100) + mm if == "M": mths = 1 * elif == "3": mths = 3 * elif == "6": mths = 6 * else: mths = 12 * exdt = projectDate(, mths - 1, typ="months") exdt = CCD(mthendDate(exdt), "D1", 10) if self.styp == "E" and int( / 100) > curdt: continue else: exdt = CCD(0, "d1", 10) acc = self.sql.getRec("rcatnm", where=[("rtn_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtn_owner", "=",, ("rtn_code", "=",, ("rtn_acno", "=",], limit=1) name = CCD(acc[mst.index("rtn_name")], "NA", 30) if self.cons == "Y": trn = self.sql.getRec("rcatnt", cols=["rtu_mtyp", "round(sum(rtu_tramt), 2)"], where=[("rtu_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtu_owner", "=",, ("rtu_code", "=",, ("rtu_acno", "=",, ("rtu_trdt", "<=",], group="rtu_mtyp") else: trn = self.sql.getRec("rcatnt", cols=["rtu_mtyp", "round(sum(rtu_tramt), 2)"], where=[("rtu_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtu_owner", "=",, ("rtu_code", "=",, ("rtu_acno", "=",, ("rtu_cnum", "=",, ("rtu_trdt", "<=",], group="rtu_mtyp") rtl = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2) dep = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2) fee = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2) sv1 = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2) sv2 = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2) rep = CCD(0, "SD", 13.2) if trn: for t in trn: if t[0] == 1: rtl = CCD(t[1], "SD", 13.2) elif t[0] == 2: dep = CCD(t[1], "SD", 13.2) elif t[0] == 3: fee = CCD(t[1], "SD", 13.2) elif t[0] == 4: sv1 = CCD(t[1], "SD", 13.2) elif t[0] == 5: sv2 = CCD(t[1], "SD", 13.2) elif t[0] == 6: rep = CCD(t[1], "SD", 13.2) srv = CCD(float(ASD( + ASD(, "SD", 13.2) bal = float(ASD( + ASD( + ASD( + \ ASD( bal = CCD(bal, "SD", 13.2) if self.pglin > self.fpdf.lpp: self.pageHeading() self.fpdf.drawText("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s "\ "%s %s %s" % (ownr.disp, code.disp, acno.disp, cnum.disp, name.disp, freq.disp, strt.disp, prds.disp, exdt.disp, stat.disp, dep.disp, rtl.disp, fee.disp, srv.disp, rep.disp, bal.disp)) self.tots[0] = float(ASD(self.tots[0]) + ASD( if < 0: self.cred[0] = float(ASD(self.cred[0]) + ASD( self.tots[1] = float(ASD(self.tots[1]) + ASD( if < 0: self.cred[1] = float(ASD(self.cred[1]) + ASD( self.tots[2] = float(ASD(self.tots[2]) + ASD( if < 0: self.cred[2] = float(ASD(self.cred[2]) + ASD( self.tots[3] = float(ASD(self.tots[3]) + ASD( if < 0: self.cred[3] = float(ASD(self.cred[3]) + ASD( self.tots[4] = float(ASD(self.tots[4]) + ASD( if < 0: self.cred[4] = float(ASD(self.cred[4]) + ASD( self.tots[5] = float(ASD(self.tots[5]) + ASD( if < 0: self.cred[5] = float(ASD(self.cred[5]) + ASD( self.pglin += 1 t = [] for x in range(6): t.append(CCD(self.tots[x], "SD", 13.2).disp) self.fpdf.underLine(txt=self.head) self.fpdf.drawText("%27s %-30s %29s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s "\ "%-13s %-13s" % ("", "Grand Totals", "", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])) t = [] for x in range(6): t.append(CCD(self.cred[x], "SD", 13.2).disp) self.fpdf.underLine(txt=self.head) self.fpdf.drawText("%27s %-30s %29s %-13s %-13s %-13s %-13s "\ "%-13s %-13s" % ("", "Credits", "", t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5])) p.closeProgress() if and not p.quit: pdfnam = getModName(self.opts["mf"].rcdic["wrkdir"], self.__class__.__name__, self.opts["conum"], ext="pdf") self.fpdf.output(pdfnam, "F") doPrinter(mf=self.opts["mf"], conum=self.opts["conum"], pdfnam=pdfnam, header=self.tit, repprt=self.df.repprt, fromad=self.fromad, repeml=self.df.repeml) self.closeProcess()
def doLeeway(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.leeway = w if self.leeway: self.pdatw = projectDate(self.pdatw, self.leeway)
def doCalendar(self): self.number = 0 self.ptyp = None self.newb = False udics = {} self.start = projectDate(self.sysdtw, -7) bkm = self.sql.getRec("bkmmst", cols=["max(bkm_depart)"], where=[("bkm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkm_state", "<>", "X")], limit=1) if not bkm or bkm[0] is None: days = 15 else: days = dateDiff(self.start, bkm[0], "days") + 1 if days < 15: days = 15 bkmunm = self.sql.getRec("bkmunm", where=[("bum_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bum_maxg", "<>", 999)], order="bum_btyp, bum_code") if not bkmunm: showError(self.opts["mf"].body, "Units", "No Units in the Database") self.quit = True return col = self.sql.bkmunm_col for num, unit in enumerate(bkmunm): t = unit[col.index("bum_btyp")] c = unit[col.index("bum_code")] d = unit[col.index("bum_desc")] m = unit[col.index("bum_maxg")] if t == "A" and c == "ALL": continue udics["%s-%s" % (t, c)] = [d, CCD(m, "UI", 3).disp] + [""] * days for x in range(num, 10): t = "X" c = x - num d = "" m = " " udics["%s-%s" % (t, c)] = [d, m] + [""] * days books = self.sql.getRec(tables="bkmmst", cols=[ "bkm_number", "bkm_btype", "bkm_arrive", "bkm_depart", "bkm_state" ], where=[("bkm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("bkm_depart", ">=", self.start), ("bkm_state", "<>", "X")]) for book in books: if book[2] < self.start: book[2] = self.start sday = dateDiff(self.start, book[2], "days") eday = dateDiff(self.start, book[3], "days") if book[1] == "O": eday += 1 bkmrtt = self.sql.getRec("bkmrtt", cols=["brt_utype", "brt_ucode"], where=[("brt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("brt_number", "=", book[0])]) units = [] for rtt in bkmrtt: units.append("%s-%s" % tuple(rtt)) if "A-ALL" in units: units.remove("A-ALL") for unit in udics: if unit[0] == "A": units.append(unit) for unit in units: if unit not in udics: continue for d in range(sday, eday): if book[4] == "Q": udics[unit][d + 2] = "Query|%s" % book[0] elif book[4] == "C": udics[unit][d + 2] = "Confirmed|%s" % book[0] elif book[4] == "S": udics[unit][d + 2] = "Settled|%s" % book[0] titl = ("%03i %s" % (self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), "Lodging and Function Bookings Calendar (bk1010)") labs = (("Code", 8), ("Description", 30), ("Qty", 4)) tags = [("blank", ("black", "white")), ("label", ("black", "lightgray")), ("query", (self.opts["mf"].rcdic["qfg"], self.opts["mf"].rcdic["qbg"])), ("confirm", (self.opts["mf"].rcdic["cfg"], self.opts["mf"].rcdic["cbg"])), ("settle", (self.opts["mf"].rcdic["sfg"], self.opts["mf"].rcdic["sbg"]))] cols = [[]] for x in range(days): d1 = CCD(projectDate(self.start, x), "D1", 10) d2 = time.strftime("%A", time.strptime(str(, "%Y%m%d")) txt = "%s\n%s" % ("{:^10}".format(d2), d1.disp) cols[0].append((txt, 10)) keys = list(udics.keys()) keys.sort() data = [] for row, key in enumerate(keys): cod = ("%s" % key, "label") des = ("%s" % udics[key][0], "label") qty = ("%-s" % udics[key][1], "label") lab = (cod, des, qty) col = [] lst = None tag = "" spn = 1 for c, d in enumerate(udics[key][2:]): if d == lst: spn += 1 continue if lst is not None: col.append((txt, tag, spn)) spn = 1 lst = d if not d: num = 0 txt = "\n" tag = "blank" else: sta, num = d.split("|") txt = "%s\n%s" % (num, sta) if sta == ("Query"): tag = "query" elif sta == ("Confirmed"): tag = "confirm" elif sta == ("Settled"): tag = "settle" if spn > 300: col.append((txt, tag, 300)) col.append((txt, tag, spn - 300)) else: col.append((txt, tag, spn)) data.append((lab, col)) butt = [("New Booking", self.doNew), ("Search Bookings", self.doSch), ("Deposits List", (self.doRep, "D")), ("Arrivals List", (self.doRep, "L")), ("Quit", self.doQuit)] cmds = [("<Double-1>", self.doBkm), ("<Button-3>", self.doEnq)] = ScrollGrid( **{ "mf": self.opts["mf"], "titl": titl, "chgt": 2, "tags": tags, "labs": labs, "cols": cols, "data": data, "butt": butt, "cmds": cmds, "font": (self.opts["mf"].rcdic["mft"], self.opts["mf"].rcdic["dfs"]), "wait": False, "minc": 14 }) self.opts["mf"].startLoop(deicon=False) if = None self.opts["mf"].setThemeFont() self.opts["mf"].window.deiconify() if not self.ptyp and not self.quit: callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "bk1020", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), user=self.opts["capnm"], args=self.number) elif self.ptyp == "D": callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "bk3010", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), args=True) elif self.ptyp == "L": callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "bk3030", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), user=self.opts["capnm"], args=True)
def doEnd(self): self.df.closeProcess() whr = [("rcc_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rtn_cono=rcc_cono", ), ("rtn_owner=rcc_owner", ), ("rtn_code=rcc_code", ), ("rtn_acno=rcc_acno", ), ("rcc_status", "<>", "X")] recs = self.sql.getRec( tables=["rcacon", "rcatnm"], cols=[ "rcc_cono", "rcc_owner", "rcc_code", "rcc_acno", "rcc_cnum", "rcc_payind", "rcc_start", "rcc_period", "rcc_rtlamt", "rcc_deposit", "rcc_wamt", "rcc_wtyp", "rcc_eamt", "rcc_etyp", "rtn_name" ], where=whr, ) if recs: for num, self.con in enumerate(recs): own = self.sql.getRec("rcaowm", cols=["rom_vatdf"], where=[("rom_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rom_acno", "=", self.con[1])], limit=1) if not own: showError( self.opts["mf"].body, "Missing Owner", "This Owner's Record (%s) Could Not Be Found!" % self.con[1]) continue self.vatdf = own[0] self.prm = self.sql.getRec("rcaprm", cols=["rcp_crate"], where=[ ("rcp_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("rcp_owner", "=", self.con[1]), ("rcp_code", "=", self.con[2]) ], limit=1) if not self.prm: showError( self.opts["mf"].body, "Missing Premises", "This Premises's Record (%s %s) Could Not Be Found!" % (self.con[1], self.con[2])) continue self.freq = self.con[5] self.strt = CCD(self.con[6], "D1", 10) self.pers = self.con[7] self.amnt = self.con[8] self.depo = self.con[9] self.wamt = self.con[10] self.wtyp = self.con[11] self.eamt = self.con[12] self.etyp = self.con[13] if self.freq == "M": self.mths = 1 * self.pers elif self.freq == "3": self.mths = 3 * self.pers elif self.freq == "6": self.mths = 6 * self.pers else: self.mths = 12 * self.pers exdt = projectDate(, self.mths - 1, typ="months") exdt = CCD(mthendDate(exdt), "D1", 10) if int( / 100) <= self.curdt: self.sql.updRec("rcacon", cols=["rcc_status"], data=["X"], where=[("rcc_cono", "=", self.con[0]), ("rcc_owner", "=", self.con[1]), ("rcc_code", "=", self.con[2]), ("rcc_acno", "=", self.con[3]), ("rcc_cnum", "=", self.con[4])]) ok = askQuestion(self.opts["mf"].body, "Expired Contract", "This contract has Expired, would you like to "\ "Renew it?\n\nOwner: %s\nPremises: %s\nAccount: %s\n"\ "Name: %s\nStart: %s\nEnd: %s" % (self.con[1], self.con[2], self.con[3], self.con[14], self.strt.disp, exdt.disp)) if ok == "no": continue self.doExpiredContract() self.doRaiseRental(num) self.doRaiseExtra(num) self.sql.updRec("rcactl", cols=["cte_lme"], data=[self.tme], where=[("cte_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])]) self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase(ask=True, mess="Do You Want To Save "\ "All Changes?\n\nPlease Note That Once The Changes Have Been "\ "Saved, There Is No Going Back Without Restoring From Backup!") self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()
def doLeeway(self, frt, pag, r, c, p, i, w): self.lway = w self.validw = projectDate(self.cutoff, self.lway) f = CCD(self.validw, "D1", 10) self.repdate = f.disp
def doStatement(self, tdc, lm2): l2c = self.sql.lonmf2_col ltc = copyList(self.sql.lontrn_col) = lm2[l2c.index("lm2_loan")] for col in l2c: d = "%s_C00" % col if d in self.form.newdic: dat = lm2[l2c.index(col)] self.form.newdic[d][tdc.index("tpd_text")] = dat if self.pend == "Y": # Raise Pending Interest LoanInterest("L", self.opts["mf"].dbm, lm2, update="Y",, batch="Pending", curdt=self.curdt, capnm="") # Get Transactions whr = [("lnt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("lnt_acno", "=", self.acno), ("lnt_loan", "=",, ("lnt_curdt", "<=", self.eperw)] odr = "lnt_curdt, lnt_trdt, lnt_type, lnt_refno" if self.itot == "Y": w = whr[:] w.append(("lnt_type", "<>", 4)) trns = self.sql.getRec("lontrn", where=w, order=odr) if self.capb == "A": # Anniversary fcap = [lm2[l2c.index("lm2_start")], 0] if self.capf == "A": fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[0], 1, typ="years") else: fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[0], 6, typ="months") else: # Financial periods = self.sql.getRec( "ctlynd", cols=["cye_period", "cye_start", "cye_end"], where=[("cye_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])], order="cye_period") fcap = [periods[0][1], periods[0][2]] if self.capf == "B": # Bi-Annual fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[1], -6, typ="months") capdt = [copyList(fcap)] while fcap[1] < if self.capf == "A": fcap[0] = projectDate(fcap[0], 1, typ="years") fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[1], 1, typ="years") else: fcap[0] = projectDate(fcap[0], 6, typ="months") fcap[1] = projectDate(fcap[1], 6, typ="months") if fcap[1] <= capdt.append(copyList(fcap)) for capd in capdt: w = whr[:] w.append(("lnt_type", "=", 4)) w.append(("lnt_trdt", "between", capd[0], capd[1])) ints = self.sql.getRec("lontrn", where=w, order=odr) if not ints: continue ddes = "Dr Int %s to %s" cdes = "Cr Int %s to %s" dbal = 0 cbal = 0 for trn in ints: amt = trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] if amt < 0: cbal = float(ASD(cbal) + ASD(amt)) else: dbal = float(ASD(dbal) + ASD(amt)) if dbal: trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] = dbal trn[ltc.index("lnt_desc")] = ddes % (CCD( int(capd[0] / 100), "D2", 7).disp, CCD(int(capd[1] / 100), "D2", 7).disp) trns.append(copyList(trn)) if cbal: trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] = cbal trn[ltc.index("lnt_desc")] = cdes % (CCD( int(capd[0] / 100), "D2", 7).disp, CCD(int(capd[1] / 100), "D2", 7).disp) trns.append(copyList(trn)) trns = sorted(trns, key=itemgetter(5)) else: trns = self.sql.getRec("lontrn", where=whr, order=odr) if not trns: return self.bal = 0 self.tots = 0 if self.sperw: obal = 0 trans = copyList(trns) for trn in trans: tramt = trn[self.sql.lontrn_col.index("lnt_tramt")] if trn[self.sql.lontrn_col.index("lnt_curdt")] < self.sperw: obal = float(ASD(obal) + ASD(tramt)) trns.remove(trn) trn[ltc.index("lnt_type")] = 3 trn[ltc.index("lnt_trdt")] = (self.sperw * 100) + 1 trn[ltc.index("lnt_refno")] = "O/Bal" trn[ltc.index("lnt_batch")] = "" trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] = obal trn[ltc.index("lnt_desc")] = "Opening Balance" trn[ltc.index("lnt_batind")] = "" trns.insert(0, trn) trans = [] for trn in trns: tramt = trn[ltc.index("lnt_tramt")] self.tots = float(ASD(self.tots) + ASD(tramt)) if tramt < 0: trn.extend([0, tramt]) else: trn.extend([tramt, 0]) trans.append(trn) ltc.extend(["line_debit", "line_credit"]) if self.zeros == "N" and not self.tots: return self.doBody(ltc, trans, tdc) self.doTotal(tdc) self.doTail(tdc) if self.pend == "Y": self.opts["mf"].dbm.rollbackDbase() if self.df.repeml[1] == "Y" and not self.emadd: self.df.repeml[2] = self.emlto self.doPrint()
def doEnder(self): self.df.closeProcess() recs = self.sql.getRec("memmst", cols=["mlm_memno"], where=[("mlm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlm_state", "=", "A")]) if self.ynd: p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="Checking Member Categories", mxs=len(recs)) for num, acc in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) self.memno = acc[0] data = doChkCatChg(self.opts["mf"], self.opts["conum"], self.memno, self.nxtdt) if data: if not data[3]: self.doRaiseCharge("B", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], skip=True) dte = int("%04i%02i%02i%02i%02i%02i" % \ time.localtime()[:-3]) self.sql.delRec("memcat", where=[("mlc_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlc_memno", "=", self.memno), ("mlc_type", "=", "B"), ("mlc_code", "=", data[0])]) self.sql.insRec( "chglog", data=[ "memcat", "D", "%03i%06i%1s%02i" % (self.opts["conum"], self.memno, "B", data[0]), "", dte, self.opts["capnm"], str(data[1]), str(data[2]), "", 0 ]) self.sql.insRec("memcat", data=[ self.opts["conum"], self.memno, "B", data[7], "", self.nxtdt, 0, 0 ]) self.sql.insRec( "chglog", data=[ "memcat", "N", "%03i%06i%1s%02i" % (self.opts["conum"], self.memno, "B", data[7]), "", dte, self.opts["capnm"], str(self.nxtdt), str(0), "", 0 ]) p.closeProgress() ok = askQuestion(self.opts["mf"].body, "Category Changes", "Would You Like to Display Category Changes?", default="yes") if ok == "yes": callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "ml3060", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), args=(projectDate(self.lme, 1), self.nxtdt)) ok = askQuestion( self.opts["mf"].body, "Continue", "Would You Like to Continue with the Month End?", default="yes") if ok == "no": self.opts["mf"].closeLoop() return p = ProgressBar(self.opts["mf"].body, typ="F", mxs=len(recs)) for num, acc in enumerate(recs): p.displayProgress(num) self.memno = acc[0] if self.penalty == "Y": amount = 0 join = "left outer join memage on mta_cono=mlt_cono and "\ "mta_memno=mlt_memno and mta_type=mlt_type and "\ "mta_refno=mlt_refno" cols = ["mlt_ctyp", "mlt_ccod", "sum(mlt_tramt)"] wher = [("mlt_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlt_memno", "=", self.memno), ("mlt_trdt", "<=", self.cutoff)] grps = "mlt_ctyp, mlt_ccod" ordr = "mlt_trdt" recs = self.sql.getRec("memtrn", join=join, cols=cols, where=wher, group=grps, order=ordr) for rec in recs: key = "%s%02i" % (rec[0], rec[1]) if key in self.pcodes: amt = round(rec[2] * self.pcodes[key] / 100.0, 2) if amt > 0: amount = float(ASD(amount) + ASD(amt)) if amount: self.doUpdateTables("", "", "Penalty on Overdue Amounts", self.penctl, self.tme, amount) cols = [ "mlc_type", "mlc_code", "mcc_desc", "mcc_freq", "mlc_start", "mlc_end", "mlc_last", "mcc_glac" ] wher = [("mlc_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"]), ("mlc_memno", "=", self.memno), ("mlc_start", ">", 0), ("mlc_start", "<=", self.nxtdt), ("mcc_cono=mlc_cono", ), ("mcc_type=mlc_type", ), ("mcc_code=mlc_code", ), ("mcc_freq", "<>", "N")] cats = self.sql.getRec(tables=["memcat", "memctc"], cols=cols, where=wher, order="mlc_type, mlc_code") for ctyp, code, desc, freq, start, end, last, glac in cats: if start > self.nxtdt: # Not yet Started continue if last and end and end < self.nxtdt: # Ended continue if last and freq == "O": # Once Off continue if not self.ynd and last and freq == "A" and \ last >= self.opts["period"][1][0] and \ last <= self.opts["period"][2][0]: # Out of Period continue self.doRaiseCharge(ctyp, code, start, end, last, freq, desc, glac) p.closeProgress() self.sql.updRec("memctl", cols=["mcm_lme"], data=[self.tme], where=[("mcm_cono", "=", self.opts["conum"])]) ok = askQuestion(self.opts["mf"].body, "Audit Trail", "Would You Like to Display an Audit Trail?", default="yes") if ok == "yes": callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "ml3020", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), args=("F", 0, self.nxtcd, 1, self.batch)) self.opts["mf"].dbm.commitDbase(ask=True, mess="Do You Want To Save All Entries?\n\nPlease Note That "\ "Once The Entries Have Been Saved, There Is No Going Back "\ "Without Restoring From Backup!") if self.ynd and self.opts["mf"].dbm.commit == "yes": callModule(self.opts["mf"], None, "msy010", coy=(self.opts["conum"], self.opts["conam"]), period=self.opts["period"], user=self.opts["capnm"], args="N") self.opts["mf"].closeLoop()