예제 #1
async def submit():
    gang = await tsk.ctx().wait_for_workers(2)
    X = 3.1
    n = 10
    pr = tsk.task(lambda: tsk.task(lambda: X))
    for i in range(n):
        pr = pr.then(lambda x: x + 1)

    async def asum(x):
        return sum(x)

    pr = tsk.when_all([pr, tsk.task(lambda: X, to=gang[1])]).then(asum)
    print("answer is", await pr)
예제 #2
def fib(index):
    # If the problem is too small, just do it in serial...
    if index < 25:
        # async(f) tells taskloaf to run the parameterless function f
        # at some point in the future. The return value from async is a
        # future. You can think of a future as a box around a value that
        # will eventually be computed, but has not necessarily been computed
        # yet. Futures are eventually "filled" after the task has run.
        return tl.async(lambda: fib_serial(index));
        # "when_all" tells taskloaf to return a new future that will be filled
        # with the values from the futures that are passed as arguments
        # after all those futures have been filled.
        # "when_all" is short for "when all of these have been computed"
        return tl.when_all(
            fib(index - 1), fib(index - 2)
        # "future.then" tells taskloaf to run the provided function on the
        # values inside the future after it has been filled
        ).then(lambda x, y: x + y)
예제 #3
def fib(index):
    if index < 3:
        return tl.ready(1)
        return tl.when_all(fib(index - 1), fib(index - 2)).then(add)
예제 #4
async def submit(w):
    n = await tsk.task(w, lambda w: 10, to = 1)
    pr = tsk.when_all(
        [tsk.task(w, lambda w, i = i: i, to = i % 2) for i in range(n)]
    ).then(lambda w, x: sum(x))
    return (await pr)