예제 #1
def main():
	""" Main statement for running this as a command line tool.
Command line options are:
-i inputFileName  : input file to parse for things due today
-o outputFileName  : output file to parse for things due today. 
If file exists it's appended to,if no file exsits it is created. If the output filename is stdout,
the output is written to the command line"""

	from optparse import OptionParser;

	importFilename = "test.taskpaper" #default read-from
	outputFilename = None
	tpBlob = None
	targetDatetime = datetime.now()
	dueTasks = None
	#Setup parser for cmd line values
	optParser = OptionParser()
	optParser.add_option("-i","--inputFilename",dest='inFilename',help="input file",type='string')
	optParser.add_option("-o","--outputFilename",dest='outFilename',help="output file",type='string')
	#:TODO: make this magic

	#do the a parse
	(option, arg) = optParser.parse_args();

	#Load the parsed values to local variables
	if(option.inFilename and option.inFilename != ""):
		importFilename = option.inFilename;
		debugprint('import filename')
	if(option.outFilename and option.outFilename != ""):
		outputFilename = option.outFilename;
		debugprint('write to file %s' %outputFilename)

	#load the tasks and get them
		tpBlob =  TaskFile(importFilename)
		if tpBlob :
			dueTasks = tpBlob.findDue(targetDatetime)

	#default to print-to-stdout
	if dueTasks and (not outputFilename):
		outputFilename == 'stdout'

	#print or write to file the output
	if(outputFilename == 'stdout'):
		for task in dueTasks:
			print str(task)
	elif (outputFilename):
		debugprint('writing to %s' %outputFilename)

		print "else\n"
		try :
			print "trying\n"
			#check for existance
			openOpts = 'w'
				debugprint('file %s exists. appending' %(outputFilename))				
				openOpts = 'a'
			debugprint('write to file %s with opts %s' %(outputFilename, openOpts))
			fh = open(outputFilename, openOpts)
				dateStr = targetDatetime.isoformat()
				fh.write("Due Today:\n")
				fh.write("\t(Autogenerated on %s)\n" %dateStr)
				for task in dueTasks:
					try :
					except IOError, e:
						stderr.write("File access Fail\n");
		except IOError, e:
			stderr.write("File access Fail\n");