예제 #1
def protocol(c, s, params):
    M = params['SETSIZE_C']
    N = params['SETSIZE_S']
    c.X = ModularVec(dim=M).input(src=driver, desc='X')
    s.Y = ModularVec(dim=N).input(src=driver, desc='Y')
    c.a = getPolyCoefficients()(c.X)
    c.ha = HomomorphicVec(val=c.a)
    s.ha <<= c.ha
    s.hbarY = HomomorphicVec(bitlen=1776, dim=N)

    for i in xrange(N):
        s.p = s.ha[M]

        for j in xrange(M - 1, -1, -1):
            s.p = s.p * s.Y[i] + s.ha[j]

        s.hbarY[i] = s.p * Modular().rand() + Homomorphic(val=s.Y[i])

    c.hbarY <<= s.hbarY
    c.barY = ModularVec(val=c.hbarY)

    for e in xrange(M):

        if c.X[e] in c.barY:
            c.output(c.X[e], dest=driver, desc='X%d' % e)
예제 #2
def protocol(c, s):
    M = 100   # size of client's set
    N = 100   # size of server's set

    c.X = ModularVec(dim=M).input(desc="X")
    s.Y = ModularVec(dim=N).input(desc="Y")

    # interpolate coeffs of poly with roots c.X
    c.a = getPolyCoefficients()(c.X)

    # encrypt and send coefficients to server
    c.ha   = HomomorphicVec(val=c.a)
    s.ha <<= c.ha

    # evaluate and rerandomize p(y_i) under enc
    s.hbarY = HomomorphicVec(dim=N)
    for i in xrange(N):   # 0, ..., N-1
        # eval poly using Horner scheme
        s.p = s.ha[M]
        for j in xrange(M-1,-1,-1):
            s.p = (s.p * s.Y[i]) + s.ha[j]
        s.hbarY[i] = s.p * Modular().rand() + \

    # send hbarY to client and decrypt
    c.hbarY <<= s.hbarY
    c.barY    = ModularVec(val=c.hbarY)

    # compute intersection of c.X and c.barY
    for e in c.X:
        if e in c.barY:
            c.output(e, desc="in output set")
예제 #3
def protocol(c, s, params):
    M = params["SETSIZE_C"]
    N = params["SETSIZE_S"]

    c.X = ModularVec(dim=M).input(src=driver, desc="X")
    s.Y = ModularVec(dim=N).input(src=driver, desc="Y")

    # interpolate coefficients of poly with roots c.X
    c.a = getPolyCoefficients()(c.X)

    # encrypt and send coefficients to server
    c.ha = HomomorphicVec(val=c.a)
    s.ha <<= c.ha

    # evaluate and rerandomize p(y_i) under enc
    s.hbarY = HomomorphicVec(bitlen=1776, dim=N)
    for i in xrange(N):  # 0, ..., N-1
        # evaluate poly p under enc using Horner scheme
        s.p = s.ha[M]
        for j in xrange(M - 1, -1, -1):
            s.p = (s.p * s.Y[i]) + s.ha[j]
        s.hbarY[i] = s.p * Modular().rand() \
                   + Homomorphic(val=s.Y[i])

    # send hbarY to client and decrypt
    c.hbarY <<= s.hbarY
    c.barY = ModularVec(val=c.hbarY)

    # compute intersection of c.X and c.barY
    for e in xrange(M):
        if c.X[e] in c.barY:
            c.output(c.X[e], dest=driver, desc="X%d" % e)
예제 #4
def protocol(c, s, params):
    c.X = ModularVec(dim=34, empty=True, signed=False,
                     bitlen=1776).input(src=driver, desc='X')
    c.a = getPolyCoefficients()(c.X)
    c.ha = HomomorphicVec(val=c.a, signed=False, bitlen=1776, dim=[35])
    conversions.PaillierVec_PaillierVec_send(c.ha, s.ha, 1776, [35], False)
    s.hbarY = HomomorphicVec(bitlen=1776, dim=20, signed=False, passive=True)
    conversions.PaillierVec_PaillierVec_receive(s.hbarY, c.hbarY, 1776, [20],
    c.barY = ModularVec(val=c.hbarY, signed=False, bitlen=1776, dim=[20])

    for e in xrange(34):

        if c.X[e] in c.barY:
            c.output(c.X[e], dest=driver, desc='X%d' % e)
예제 #5
 def test_polynomialInterpolation(self):
     numberOfRoots = 20
     roots = get_random(0, 2**1022 - 1, numberOfRoots)
     rootsM = [Modular(val=root) for root in roots]
     coeff = getPolyCoefficients(rootsM)
     # make sure, that we get the right number of coefficients
     self.assertEqual(len(coeff), numberOfRoots + 1)
     # if we evaluate the polynomial at the roots the results have to be 0
     for rootM in rootsM:
         self.assertEqual(evalPoly(coeff, rootM), Modular(val=0))
     # and if we chose other points than the roots, the evaluations mustn't be 0
     notRoots = get_random(0, 2**1022 - 1, numberOfRoots)
     notRoots = [notRoot for notRoot in notRoots if notRoot not in roots]
     for notRoot in notRoots:
         self.assertNotEqual(evalPoly(coeff, Modular(val=notRoot)),