예제 #1
파일: model.py 프로젝트: HPCL/taucmdr
 def attr_eq(lhs, lhs_attr, lhs_value, rhs, rhs_attr, checked_value):
     lhs_name = lhs.name.lower()
     rhs_name = rhs.name.lower()
     raise IncompatibleRecordError(
         "%s = %s in %s is incompatible with %s = %s in %s" %
         (lhs_attr, lhs_value, lhs_name, rhs_attr, checked_value,
예제 #2
 def _merged_profile_compat(lhs, lhs_attr, lhs_value, rhs):
     if isinstance(rhs, Application):
         if not (rhs['mpi'] or rhs['shmem']):
             lhs_name = lhs.name.lower()
             rhs_name = rhs.name.lower()
             raise IncompatibleRecordError(
                 "%s = %s in %s requires either mpi = True or shmem = True in %s"
                 % (lhs_attr, lhs_value, lhs_name, rhs_name))
예제 #3
파일: model.py 프로젝트: HPCL/taucmdr
 def attr_ne(lhs, lhs_attr, lhs_value, rhs, rhs_attr, checked_value):
     lhs_name = lhs.name.lower()
     rhs_name = rhs.name.lower()
     rhs_value = rhs[rhs_attr]
     raise IncompatibleRecordError(
         "%s = %s in %s requires %s = %s in %s but it is %s" %
         (lhs_attr, lhs_value, lhs_name, rhs_attr, checked_value,
          rhs_name, rhs_value))
예제 #4
 def _ensure_instrumented(lhs, lhs_attr, lhs_value, rhs):
     if isinstance(rhs, Measurement):
         if rhs.get('source_inst') == 'never' and rhs.get(
                 'compiler_inst') == 'never':
             lhs_name = lhs.name.lower()
             rhs_name = rhs.name.lower()
             raise IncompatibleRecordError(
                 "%s = %s in %s requires source_inst and compiler_inst are not both 'never' in %s"
                 % (lhs_attr, lhs_value, lhs_name, rhs_name))
예제 #5
 def verify(self):
     """Checks all components of the experiment for mutual compatibility."""
     populated = self.populate()
     proj = populated['project']
     targ = populated['target']
     app = populated['application']
     meas = populated['measurement']
     for model in targ, app, meas:
         if proj.eid not in model['projects']:
             raise IncompatibleRecordError("%s '%s' is not a member of project configuration '%s'." %
                                           (model.name, model['name'], proj['name']))
     for lhs in [targ, app, meas]:
         for rhs in [targ, app, meas]:
예제 #6
파일: model.py 프로젝트: HPCL/taucmdr
 def attr_defined(lhs, lhs_attr, lhs_value, rhs, rhs_attr):
     lhs_name = lhs.name.lower()
     rhs_name = rhs.name.lower()
     raise IncompatibleRecordError(
         "%s = %s in %s requires %s be undefined in %s" %
         (lhs_attr, lhs_value, lhs_name, rhs_attr, rhs_name))