예제 #1
def csv_dataframe_to_checklist(
        checklist: pd.DataFrame, taxonomy: Taxonomy,
        local_translation_context: LocalTranslationContext, observer_name: str,
        xdates: List[str]) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]:
    # Use column names from eBird and let them be fixed by transform_checklist_details
    # These all have to be present for transform_checklist_details

    if set(checklist.columns) & {'CommonName', 'Total'} == set():
        return None

    cleaned_common_names = clean_common_names(checklist.CommonName, taxonomy,
    checklist.CommonName = cleaned_common_names

    # This will get switched back by transform_checklist_details
    checklist.rename(columns={'Total': 'howManyStr'}, inplace=True)
    xdtypes = {'CommonName': str, 'howManyStr': int}
    checklist = checklist.astype(dtype=xdtypes)

    checklist['speciesCode'] = [
        taxonomy.find_species6_ebird(cn) for cn in checklist.CommonName
    checklist['locId'] = 'L5551212'
    checklist['subId'] = 'S5551212'
    checklist['groupId'] = ''
    checklist['durationHrs'] = 0.5
    checklist['effortDistanceKm'] = 0.1
    checklist['effortDistanceEnteredUnit'] = 'mi'
    # 'obsDt' needs dates in this form '26 Dec 2020'
    obsdt = normalize_date_for_visits(xdates[0])
    checklist['obsDt'] = f'{obsdt} 12:01'

    checklist['userDisplayName'] = observer_name
    checklist['numObservers'] = 1
    checklist['comments'] = 'Generated'

    # Clean up
    checklist = transform_checklist_details(checklist, taxonomy)

    return checklist